A Silly game of Wrath of the Righteous (Inactive)

Game Master Michael_Hopkins

Tactical Maps

City of Kenebras


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Male | Speed 30ft/20ft | 1st: 3/3 | Active Conditions: None | HP12/12 | AC 17 (19 with shield) T 12 FF 15 (17 with shield) | F +4 R +4 W +1 (+5 vs Charm compulsion) | Perc 3 | Ini 2 | Skald 6

I see an unmoving large spider of unknown type, 40 feet east of my current position. I could send one of my dancing lighs to it but that may trigger it. Beerfiend reports matter of factly.

He does mount his Scizore, in anticipation of combat, before questioningly eyeing his mutagen, as if considering his options.

| HP 11/11 | AC 19 | F +2 R +5 W +1| Perc +0 |Init: +9 | Sorcerer Spells 1st: 5/5 | Oracle Spells 1st: 4/5| Effects: Mage Armor

Uhhhhhh... I guess I wish I brought my crossbow. Zeno draws his dagger and tries in vain to peer through the darkness. Is there anyway around it, or perhaps in the opposite direction Zero asks trying to be optimistic.

Male | Speed 30ft/20ft | 1st: 3/3 | Active Conditions: None | HP12/12 | AC 17 (19 with shield) T 12 FF 15 (17 with shield) | F +4 R +4 W +1 (+5 vs Charm compulsion) | Perc 3 | Ini 2 | Skald 6

Lets open a voley at it once we are done with first aid.
Beerfiend opines.

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (9 / 9) | Smite: 2 / 2 | Mythic Power: 5/5 |

"And we're now responsible for the people we're treating, yes even the one who is yelling."

LG M Dwarf Bard (Dwarven Scholar) 1 / Unchained Monk (Perfect Scholar) 1 / Gestalt 1 | HP 11/11 | AC16/T16/F13/CMD18 | F+3/R+4/W+5 | Init +2 | Perception +7 (Darkvision 60') | Sense Motive +3 | Speed 20' | Conditions/Effects: None |
Limited Daily Use:
Bard Lvl 1: 2/2 | Bardic Performance: 7/7 | Ki Pool: 1/1 | Stunning Fist: 1/1

"You have a strange opinion of responsibility, Arrius. Responsible for the one we're treating, certainly. Responsible for the one who is uninjured and able to walk away if he chooses? Very generous of you."

HP 12/12 (0 NL) | AC 16 (17 with shield) T 13 FF 14 (15 with shield) | F +5 R +5 W +5 (+4 vs disease) | Perc +5 | darkvision | Speed 30ft | 1st: 4/4 | Channel 4/4 | Resist 5 A/C/E | Active Conditions: None

"Let's argue responsibility later." he says in hopes that we can focus on the problem at hand. Does anybody know more about the spider?

knowledge planes: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20 I doubt it's history, and that's the only other knowledge we have.

N Male Half-Orc Beastmorph Dimensional Excavator Ectoplasm Master (Alchemist) 1 // Panoply Savant (Occultist) 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 18 Touch 11 Flat 17 CMB +4 CMD 15 | Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +4 | Speed 20 ft | Init +1; Per +0, SM +0 | Focus (Abjuration 3/3, Transmutation 3/3) | Extracts (Lv1 2/2), Spells (Lv1 2/2) | Bombs (4/4), Mutagen (1/1) | Active: None

What. The Hell. Was that?

The sudden horrendous events that marred the Opening Blessing run through Pakk's head as he lingers in the darkness somewhere below Kenabres. He was not so gifted in the darkness as some of his brethren, though he had no reason to be afraid of that. He just, well, couldn't see.

But he hears other voices murmuring in the darkness. Some sound familiar, even, though no one identifies themselves. "I wouldn't mind a light," he responds into the void to one of the unfamiliar voices. Surely even those with intact tapeta lucida would benefit from full color vision instead of the simple black and white afforded by their anatomy. And then a quartet of lights springs into existence. Pakk's eyes adjust quickly and he looks around. Anathiel and his stranger friend. That paladin who had asked him if he could brew up a balm that would strike harder against fiends—Constantine. Oh, that scholar Anthiol as well! And four more unfamiliar faces: a vaguely Kellid looking aasimar, an elf, and two more humans. An interesting bunch.

One of the unfamiliar men—the well-dressed one—identifies the lone woman in the group as Anevia, and the elf as Aravashnial. That last name sounds vaguely familiar, though Pakk can't place exactly why. And unfortunately it seems that this fancy man has a grudge. For his part, Anthiol identifies the man as someone named Horgus. Good dwarf.

Pakk takes a drink of the offered wine—anything to help calm his nerves right now—but his breath catches when Anthiol sees a huge spider beyond the current illumination. He looks over futilely in that direction, narrowing his eyes. Ugh, he'd have to work on something with his chemicals to make up for his lack of visual acuity. But that was…

That was if they survived this. How were the others so calm? They seemed collected, already at work here. Making splints, casting spells, hurling accusations. Wasn't Kenabres under attack? Shouldn't they address the obvious horror? Why wasn't anyone other than Anthiol talking about the fact that Terendelev was dead? And what of the other people that had been in the plaza with them? All of the—

Pakk rushes over to the mound of rubble and looks in horror at the tangled mass of limbs. He starts looking around for some sign—any sign—of someone that he recognizes. Maybe someone else still alive. Pemberton, poor Pemberton. He had a tattoo on his left forearm, some sort of Varisian piece. Pakk looks at all the arms to see if he can recognize anything. On the way, he helps the man known as Horgus to his feet. Sure, he seemed like a jerk, but he was asking for help.
"I'm Pakk," he says. "You all right?"

I'll work on some identification in a bit, but Pakk has other concerns at the moment.

LG M Dwarf Bard (Dwarven Scholar) 1 / Unchained Monk (Perfect Scholar) 1 / Gestalt 1 | HP 11/11 | AC16/T16/F13/CMD18 | F+3/R+4/W+5 | Init +2 | Perception +7 (Darkvision 60') | Sense Motive +3 | Speed 20' | Conditions/Effects: None |
Limited Daily Use:
Bard Lvl 1: 2/2 | Bardic Performance: 7/7 | Ki Pool: 1/1 | Stunning Fist: 1/1
Anathiel of the Broken Halo wrote:
I doubt it's history, and that's the only other knowledge we have.

Anthiol is a knowledge machine. Trained in all but 3 out of the gate. We have whatever's appropriate. I just don't know which it is. But, here, for simplicity:

Knowledge (whichever): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10 Engineering (-4), Geography (-4), Nobility (-4), and Dwarves/Dwarven Enemies (+2) are the current variances.

And THAT was entertainingly bad!

N Male Half-Orc Beastmorph Dimensional Excavator Ectoplasm Master (Alchemist) 1 // Panoply Savant (Occultist) 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 18 Touch 11 Flat 17 CMB +4 CMD 15 | Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +4 | Speed 20 ft | Init +1; Per +0, SM +0 | Focus (Abjuration 3/3, Transmutation 3/3) | Extracts (Lv1 2/2), Spells (Lv1 2/2) | Bombs (4/4), Mutagen (1/1) | Active: None

For when Pakk can see the spider.

Knowledge (arcana, engineering, nature, planes, religion), Tears to Wine: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 7 + 2 = 29

| HP 11/11 | AC 19 | F +2 R +5 W +1| Perc +0 |Init: +9 | Sorcerer Spells 1st: 5/5 | Oracle Spells 1st: 4/5| Effects: Mage Armor

Anticipating combat with an enemy he can not see, Zeno draws a scroll of mage armor and casts it.
I can cast guidance. Are there any takers?

@Pakk: "I see that a filthy half orc has decided that it wasn't a good day to die. Tell me, boy, what was your mother? That way I can pity you for being either a mistake, or a fool," he says while taking out a kerchief and wiping his face from the dust. "I should say I'm glad to be saved, but here we are, trapped underground, with who know what going on above."

The elf, upon hearing Horgus' voice, calls out but just enough for his voice not to carry too far. "I hear your voice, Horgus. Are you there? I can't see anything."

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (9 / 9) | Smite: 2 / 2 | Mythic Power: 5/5 |

Are the wounded NPCs stable enough for the PCs to leave them alone for a bit?

@Pakk When the lights illuminate the giant spider, you instantly recognize it as a Black Widow spider that seems to be faced away from the group, not moving.

Upon looking in the rubble at the various limbs, there do not seem to be any arms baring the tattoos of your business compatriot.

With the medical help of Arrius and Askold, a loud, wet pop is heard between them and Anevia as they set her leg in a splint. Together, they also fashion a makeshift crutch for the woman before helping her to her feet.

Arrius Voralius Constantine wrote:

Are the wounded NPCs stable enough for the PCs to leave them alone for a bit?

They are stable for now from the looks of things.

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (9 / 9) | Smite: 2 / 2 | Mythic Power: 5/5 |

"Then it's time to see if this spider is a threat to us or not and then to finding a way out of...wherever we are."

Drawing his nodachi, Constantine joins the other strangers-now-compatriots in approaching the large arachnid.

Pakk Holstad wrote:

For when Pakk can see the spider.

[dice=Knowledge (arcana, engineering, nature, planes, religion), Tears to Wine]1d20+7+2

You can ask four questions about the Black Widow.

N Male Half-Orc Beastmorph Dimensional Excavator Ectoplasm Master (Alchemist) 1 // Panoply Savant (Occultist) 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 18 Touch 11 Flat 17 CMB +4 CMD 15 | Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +4 | Speed 20 ft | Init +1; Per +0, SM +0 | Focus (Abjuration 3/3, Transmutation 3/3) | Extracts (Lv1 2/2), Spells (Lv1 2/2) | Bombs (4/4), Mutagen (1/1) | Active: None

Pakk withdraws his hand from Horgus and glares at him instead of helping him up. What a right bastard. He wouldn't countenance answering such a rude question. "You can help yourself up."

Still horrified at the sheer amount of death, but glad for the moment to at least not have confirmation of Pemberton's death, Pakk turns his attention to the spider. "It's a giant black widow," he announces to the group, having studied their venom at the University. Thankfully nothing worse--deadly, but not like a bebilith or some other abyssal horror. He draws a cold iron scimitar with his left hand and straps a buckler to his right arm. They had belonged, he was told when he purchased them, to a Sarenite paladin who had died during the last campaign. Pakk has been studying the martial implements, assessing the lingering traces of abyssal energy on them while also ensuring that they were at least sufficiently restored. It wouldn't do to have a decent sword cracked with no good cutting edge, or a sundered shield.

What sorts of categories do you do for your knowledge checks? In the meantime, I request: special attacks, special defenses, special abilities, and special senses.

As he walks forward, he explains what he knows to the others.

Male | Speed 30ft/20ft | 1st: 3/3 | Active Conditions: None | HP12/12 | AC 17 (19 with shield) T 12 FF 15 (17 with shield) | F +4 R +4 W +1 (+5 vs Charm compulsion) | Perc 3 | Ini 2 | Skald 6

Interesting, why does it not attack us? Is it even alive? Askold asks as he, Scizzore covering his right and clawed gauntlet in his left, advanced alongside Pakk.

LG M Dwarf Bard (Dwarven Scholar) 1 / Unchained Monk (Perfect Scholar) 1 / Gestalt 1 | HP 11/11 | AC16/T16/F13/CMD18 | F+3/R+4/W+5 | Init +2 | Perception +7 (Darkvision 60') | Sense Motive +3 | Speed 20' | Conditions/Effects: None |
Limited Daily Use:
Bard Lvl 1: 2/2 | Bardic Performance: 7/7 | Ki Pool: 1/1 | Stunning Fist: 1/1

"Good news. The general rule is the larger the beast, the weaker the poison. General rule."

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (9 / 9) | Smite: 2 / 2 | Mythic Power: 5/5 |
Askold "Beerfiend" Magnusson wrote:
Interesting, why does it not attack us? Is it even alive? Askold asks as he, Scizzore covering his right and clawed gauntlet in his left, advanced alongside Pakk.

"It hasn't moved yet so I wonder if it was in the wrong place at the wrong time and was one of the recipients of all of this."

Constantine gestures to the massive piles of debris, rubble, and buildings that fell into the chasm.
"I'd like to conserve our arrows and bolts; we don't know when or where we'll be able to resupply. We'll know soon enough if the spider is a threat."
Constantine joins Pakk and Askold in a skirmish line to approach the black widow.

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (9 / 9) | Smite: 2 / 2 | Mythic Power: 5/5 |
DM CrazyComic wrote:
Pakk Holstad wrote:

For when Pakk can see the spider.

[dice=Knowledge (arcana, engineering, nature, planes, religion), Tears to Wine]1d20+7+2

You can ask four questions about the Black Widow.

So what happens if he asks five questions? Does he get kicked in the onions?

LG M Dwarf Bard (Dwarven Scholar) 1 / Unchained Monk (Perfect Scholar) 1 / Gestalt 1 | HP 11/11 | AC16/T16/F13/CMD18 | F+3/R+4/W+5 | Init +2 | Perception +7 (Darkvision 60') | Sense Motive +3 | Speed 20' | Conditions/Effects: None |
Limited Daily Use:
Bard Lvl 1: 2/2 | Bardic Performance: 7/7 | Ki Pool: 1/1 | Stunning Fist: 1/1
Arrius Voralius Constantine wrote:
DM CrazyComic wrote:
Pakk Holstad wrote:

For when Pakk can see the spider.

[dice=Knowledge (arcana, engineering, nature, planes, religion), Tears to Wine]1d20+7+2

You can ask four questions about the Black Widow.

So what happens if he asks five questions? Does he get kicked in the onions?

Yarbles. The word is Yarbles, not onions.

@Pakk: The Black Widow has a poison that can stagger its prey as well as weaken their constitution. The creature is immune to mind-affecting spells, and abilities. The silk that the giant insect is extremely strong and quite sticky, so it can hold larger prey. It has been known that the Black Widow can see in darkness and feel the minor tremors in the ground as so it can stalk in even magical darkness.

As for a fifth questions, there will be itching powder placed in undergarments, and nothing shall be placed in a convenient spot.

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (9 / 9) | Smite: 2 / 2 | Mythic Power: 5/5 |
DM CrazyComic wrote:

As for a fifth questions, there will be itching powder placed in undergarments, and nothing shall be placed in a convenient spot.


N Male Half-Orc Beastmorph Dimensional Excavator Ectoplasm Master (Alchemist) 1 // Panoply Savant (Occultist) 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 18 Touch 11 Flat 17 CMB +4 CMD 15 | Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +4 | Speed 20 ft | Init +1; Per +0, SM +0 | Focus (Abjuration 3/3, Transmutation 3/3) | Extracts (Lv1 2/2), Spells (Lv1 2/2) | Bombs (4/4), Mutagen (1/1) | Active: None

Both Pakk and Poly would like to avoid kicks and itching powder in the onions/yarbles, thank you very much.

"Right," the alchemist replies. "It might already be dead. But there's no sense in taking a chance. Even if it's facing away from us, it might still feel us moving." Pakk realizes that he doesn't know much about the actual capabilities of most of the people around him, but he says what he does know. "Like many spiders, they are venomous so try to avoid its bite. Its silk is particularly strong so try not to get entangled. And if any of you are enchanters or illusionists or such, don't bother trying to affect its mind."

Pakk is reasonably knowledgeable, but he's no tactician. He had dabbled with a dueling fraternity (go Tangeletti) enough to get reasonably comfortable with holding a sword but had been a bit too inexperienced to take part in that silly ritual at Fifthstones Hill. Half-orcs already faced enough prejudice, so he didn't need to bring down more pain by adding a scar to his face. His only real experience at combat was in heavily padded armor with a blunted blade and clear rules of engagement. He couldn't figure out the first thing about attacking a spider. In light of that, his advice feels silly.

Don't get hit. Brilliant analysis, dummy.

GM, do you want us to advance our tokens out of the orange box? Should we roll for initiative, or do you want to roll for all of us?

Male | Speed 30ft/20ft | 1st: 3/3 | Active Conditions: None | HP12/12 | AC 17 (19 with shield) T 12 FF 15 (17 with shield) | F +4 R +4 W +1 (+5 vs Charm compulsion) | Perc 3 | Ini 2 | Skald 6

Beerfiend falls silent, and positions himself on a chargeline, Scizzore at the read.

HP 12/12 (0 NL) | AC 16 (17 with shield) T 13 FF 14 (15 with shield) | F +5 R +5 W +5 (+4 vs disease) | Perc +5 | darkvision | Speed 30ft | 1st: 4/4 | Channel 4/4 | Resist 5 A/C/E | Active Conditions: None

Anathiel moves forward, and a bit away from the group. He doesn't want to harm it, but he won't let people die to this. He prepares to unleash his cures at it if it threatens them.

As the group edges their way closer to the enormous spider, the creature remains eerily still. Arrius, Askold, and Pakk notice a slight draft from further past the still creature, and with it the putrid stench of decay that invades their sense of smell. With the smell and the lack of movement from the creature, it could be safe to say that it has been dead for a few weeks in this chamber.

GM Rolls:
Perception Arrius: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (17) - 1 = 16
Perception Askold: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Perception Pakk: 1d20 ⇒ 13

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (9 / 9) | Smite: 2 / 2 | Mythic Power: 5/5 |

Arrius scans the area for anything else.

Perception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1


Arrius Voralius Constantine wrote:

Arrius scans the area for anything else.



Unfortunately, the smell offends your senses and a cloud of dust obscures your vision as you look about.

Male | Speed 30ft/20ft | 1st: 3/3 | Active Conditions: None | HP12/12 | AC 17 (19 with shield) T 12 FF 15 (17 with shield) | F +4 R +4 W +1 (+5 vs Charm compulsion) | Perc 3 | Ini 2 | Skald 6

Careful, could be undead, could be things inside it, could be a great way to catch goatfaces-rot-crotch by getting close. This is a warzone, assumptions get you killed. Askold states matter of factly, as he wraps parts of his cold weather clothing around his nostrils and mouth.

goatfaces-rot-crotch Kn. Local or Heal DC 8:

Kellid term for Demon plague, common affliction in the Worldwound.

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (9 / 9) | Smite: 2 / 2 | Mythic Power: 5/5 |

Sorry, I forgot to move my token. I've advanced him where he made his epic Perception check fail.

N Male Half-Orc Beastmorph Dimensional Excavator Ectoplasm Master (Alchemist) 1 // Panoply Savant (Occultist) 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 18 Touch 11 Flat 17 CMB +4 CMD 15 | Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +4 | Speed 20 ft | Init +1; Per +0, SM +0 | Focus (Abjuration 3/3, Transmutation 3/3) | Extracts (Lv1 2/2), Spells (Lv1 2/2) | Bombs (4/4), Mutagen (1/1) | Active: None

Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

"Ew," Pakk says to Askold as he moves up with Constantine. "Well, I think it's just dead," he says, poking it with his scimitar. "It could be playing possum, of course."

Didn't get an answer to my questions from last week, so I just moved Pakk ahead.

Sorry Pakk, it looks like my post had been eaten and I didn't notice. Exploring at a reasonable pace outside the now defunct orange box is fine. I usually just have those put in for starting areas before exploration.

Upon getting closer, Arrius finds that the carcass of the large creature isn't moving, and had obvious holes, ripped through the creature.

Nature or Medicine DC 10:
It looks like some thing, or things ate their way out of the Black Widow.

| HP 11/11 | AC 19 | F +2 R +5 W +1| Perc +0 |Init: +9 | Sorcerer Spells 1st: 5/5 | Oracle Spells 1st: 4/5| Effects: Mage Armor

Is it dead? That's a bit of good luck at least. Zeno lets out a long breath, relieved.
Now does anyone see a way out of this cavern, the longer we stay down here the less I like out chances...

N Male Half-Orc Beastmorph Dimensional Excavator Ectoplasm Master (Alchemist) 1 // Panoply Savant (Occultist) 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 18 Touch 11 Flat 17 CMB +4 CMD 15 | Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +4 | Speed 20 ft | Init +1; Per +0, SM +0 | Focus (Abjuration 3/3, Transmutation 3/3) | Extracts (Lv1 2/2), Spells (Lv1 2/2) | Bombs (4/4), Mutagen (1/1) | Active: None

No problem; I figured I'd ask again to be sure.

"There's a draft beyond," Pakk says. "We may need to go out rather than up."

Medicine is a 2E skill, so I assume that you mean Heal or Knowledge (nature).

Knowledge (nature) DC 10: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

"But before then, we may have other company. Something ate its way out of the spider."

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 16

He looks around, listening as much as he looks, for some sign of whatever may have chewed through a giant black widow.

| HP 11/11 | AC 19 | F +2 R +5 W +1| Perc +0 |Init: +9 | Sorcerer Spells 1st: 5/5 | Oracle Spells 1st: 4/5| Effects: Mage Armor

I hate spiders. We should start moving away from here soonest, but someone who has better vision than me should probably lead the way.

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (9 / 9) | Smite: 2 / 2 | Mythic Power: 5/5 |

Constantine also checks the black widow spider and comes to the same conclusion as Pakk.

"Since we can't climb up the way we fell in, I agree with Pakk again. We will need to follow this draft, see where it follows, and hope we find some other way out of...wherever we are...and back to Kenabres."

How ambulatory are the wounded? I'm guessing the blind elf is going to need the most assistance but Anevia and her crutch, how far/fast can she move?

Male | Speed 30ft/20ft | 1st: 3/3 | Active Conditions: None | HP12/12 | AC 17 (19 with shield) T 12 FF 15 (17 with shield) | F +4 R +4 W +1 (+5 vs Charm compulsion) | Perc 3 | Ini 2 | Skald 6

Mrs. Anevia, Mr. Arashnival, Mr. Gwerm, I am a front line combatant, as such you do not, in your current states, want to be next to me or rely on my for locomotion if and when violence happens. I can supply you with dancing lights for visual aid though. Mr. Zeno, perhaps you can assist Mr. Arashnival? Beerfiend speaks, his suddenly highly professional mode of communication quite at odds with how he spoke earlier.

It seems something at its way out of the carcass, meaning more of that something could still be inside, or whatever ate its way out is here and we dont see it. Stay on your guard everyone.
He continues in the same vein.

We should indeed follow alongside the draft. Acting is better then getting acted upon.

HP 12/12 (0 NL) | AC 16 (17 with shield) T 13 FF 14 (15 with shield) | F +5 R +5 W +5 (+4 vs disease) | Perc +5 | darkvision | Speed 30ft | 1st: 4/4 | Channel 4/4 | Resist 5 A/C/E | Active Conditions: None

"I can provide a shoulder to help somebody.", he says, looking down and a bit unsure of himself. "I usually defend at range."

Pakk and Zeno would know that he's nervous about having to reveal his curse if there's trouble. But he also wouldn't leave anybody down here to face monsters alone in the dark.

N Male Half-Orc Beastmorph Dimensional Excavator Ectoplasm Master (Alchemist) 1 // Panoply Savant (Occultist) 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 18 Touch 11 Flat 17 CMB +4 CMD 15 | Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +4 | Speed 20 ft | Init +1; Per +0, SM +0 | Focus (Abjuration 3/3, Transmutation 3/3) | Extracts (Lv1 2/2), Spells (Lv1 2/2) | Bombs (4/4), Mutagen (1/1) | Active: None

"Please do keep the lights up." Pakk says. "With one blind and at least four without enhanced vision, we'll need it."

Pakk moves back to the blind elf. "You're Aravashnial, right? I'm Pakk Holstad." He studies his scarred, burned face. It seemed odd to see an elf, often regarded by some as beautiful, in such dire straits. "I'll help you out. Just put your hand on my shoulder and I'll guide you along. I'll tell you when there's uneven ground and all that. Sound good?"

He looks momentarily beyond the elf, back towards the wall of rubble and bodies. Such death...

LG M Dwarf Bard (Dwarven Scholar) 1 / Unchained Monk (Perfect Scholar) 1 / Gestalt 1 | HP 11/11 | AC16/T16/F13/CMD18 | F+3/R+4/W+5 | Init +2 | Perception +7 (Darkvision 60') | Sense Motive +3 | Speed 20' | Conditions/Effects: None |
Limited Daily Use:
Bard Lvl 1: 2/2 | Bardic Performance: 7/7 | Ki Pool: 1/1 | Stunning Fist: 1/1

"Well, I could hel . . .." Anthiol realizes that those who both need and deserve help already have it, so he cuts his statement short. He looks a Gwerm, nods, and indicates the fat man should walk in front of him.

@Pakk: Aravashnial reaches out and takes the half orc's assistance before speaking up, "I, am glad that at least one of those who survived has some sense to help those in need. I was too close to Khorramzadeh, and his whip before the fall."

Small bits of dust and rubble fall from the ceiling, yet the echoes of the thunderous combat seem to be getting quieter from above. Past the giant carcass of the spider, are multiple drag marks leading into two passages exiting the main chamber. The northern passage seems to ascend further into the caverns while the southern passage seems to descend.

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (9 / 9) | Smite: 2 / 2 | Mythic Power: 5/5 |
DM CrazyComic wrote:
Small bits of dust and rubble fall from the ceiling, yet the echoes of the thunderous combat seem to be getting quieter from above. Past the giant carcass of the spider, are multiple drag marks leading into two passages exiting the main chamber. The northern passage seems to ascend further into the caverns while the southern passage seems to descend.

Constantine looks at the ceiling briefly, wondering how goes the battle. Back to matters at hand:

"The northern passage since it seems to ascend? Perhaps it would put us on a path to the surface. Can anyone tell what these drag marks are or were? Or anything else of note?"

He doesn't have survival and a -1 Perception so he's not an ideal choice as a scout. ;)

Male | Speed 30ft/20ft | 1st: 3/3 | Active Conditions: None | HP12/12 | AC 17 (19 with shield) T 12 FF 15 (17 with shield) | F +4 R +4 W +1 (+5 vs Charm compulsion) | Perc 3 | Ini 2 | Skald 6

I agree to pursue the northern passage. Beerfiend states.

I can scout, but I am not particularly stealthy, and I cannot move too far away from the light sources I am providing. He continues

Kn. Nature: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 1 Bardic kn. +2 tears to wine

I am unable to authoritatively assess the drag marks.

He moves ahead towards the northern passage attempting to be stealthy and
Stealth: 1d20 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (5) + 2 - 4 = 3 not being very good at that.
perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15 +2 from tears to wine
His sight is pretty decent though.

| HP 11/11 | AC 19 | F +2 R +5 W +1| Perc +0 |Init: +9 | Sorcerer Spells 1st: 5/5 | Oracle Spells 1st: 4/5| Effects: Mage Armor

Zeno turns to Anathiel "Every time I come to this damn city it tries to kill me. This isn't how I had hoped our reunion would go but I guess you take what you can get."

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (9 / 9) | Smite: 2 / 2 | Mythic Power: 5/5 |

@Beerfiend: You might want to move your token so you can trigger the encounter indicate to the GM which path you're taking. Since Beerfiend's Stealth is likely to suffer due to needing a light source, Constantine will stick close to him in case Beerfiend finds/makes trouble.

N Male Half-Orc Beastmorph Dimensional Excavator Ectoplasm Master (Alchemist) 1 // Panoply Savant (Occultist) 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 18 Touch 11 Flat 17 CMB +4 CMD 15 | Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +4 | Speed 20 ft | Init +1; Per +0, SM +0 | Focus (Abjuration 3/3, Transmutation 3/3) | Extracts (Lv1 2/2), Spells (Lv1 2/2) | Bombs (4/4), Mutagen (1/1) | Active: None

Pakk listens to Aravashnial's brief tale and looks with some small measure of pity. He knows that elves and orcs have traditionally been enemies, and he is already feeling shy after Horgus was so needlessly cruel earlier. Would this elf have the same prejudices? He couldn't see Pakk after all--didn't know that he possessed orc blood. Would it change his reaction if he knew? Had he already figured it out from listening to the earlier exchange with the noble bastard?

Pakk sighs, deciding that some measure of honesty was better for now. "I'm sorry about your eyes. Maybe when we get out of here, we can restore your vision. And until then," he reaches into his satchel and pulls out a few strips of clean cloth, "We can at least keep those wounds from getting infected. I'm going to move your hands so that you can feel this cloth, and then if you'll allow me to wrap the wounds, I'll do so."

Assuming that the elf consents, Pakk places the strips of cloth in his hands and allows him to feel them, and then starts wrapping them around his head. "My mother is a medic in town," he says, his voice slightly elevated so that Horgus can hear as well. "Her name is Uzru. She taught me the basics of dressing a wound, having learned it in the tribe that brought her up...in Belkzen." He finishes wrapping the cloth around and pauses. "If you'd rather someone else guide you, I'd understand. But I promise to take good care of you. I'll only leave your side if I can defend you better from further away than right up close."

Diplomacy to make an impression, Aravashnial: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Then he turns to the others. "North sounds good. Lead the way."

LG M Dwarf Bard (Dwarven Scholar) 1 / Unchained Monk (Perfect Scholar) 1 / Gestalt 1 | HP 11/11 | AC16/T16/F13/CMD18 | F+3/R+4/W+5 | Init +2 | Perception +7 (Darkvision 60') | Sense Motive +3 | Speed 20' | Conditions/Effects: None |
Limited Daily Use:
Bard Lvl 1: 2/2 | Bardic Performance: 7/7 | Ki Pool: 1/1 | Stunning Fist: 1/1

"North it is then. Come on, Gwerm, keep moving. My short legs give me an excuse for not keeping up. Yours are longer. Let's go."

Knowledge (nature) w/ Tears to Wine: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 7 + 2 = 19

No idea if that helps ID the drag marks or not.

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