Angels Fall: A Hells' Vengeance Campaign

Game Master bluedove

Hell's Vengeance Combat Map

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Human Male Citizen | HP: 37/37 | AC: 21 (14 Tch,17 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 18 | F: +4, R: +9, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +7, SM: +0, Darkvision 30ft | Speed 30ft | Active conditions:

With advance warning, moved to near the stalls, and got weapons ready

"A monstrosity!" Giuliano cries. "And where is the Glorious Reclamation in our time of need!? But don't worry, folks! We'll save you!" He tries to sound convincing, but the undead beast got him a bit jittery.

Undead!? Why the hell it has to be some skeletal beast... He knows his blade will be far from effective against those bones, and his intimidation tactics unlikely will fare better. For now he studies his opponent, and waits for his comrades to come flanking.

Surprise round move action: studied combat (+1atk/dmg)

LE Male Human Wizard| HP 22/22 | AC 16 ; T 12; F 14| Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +6| Init +2 | Perception +6

Sercrutio prepared his hands and mind for this. "Armis!" he shouts as he traces two symbols into the air. Dim red light symbols remain after he traces and then grow and encompass Sercrutio.

Male Tiefling Bloodrager 4 (Primalist, Steelblood)

When the devil's warning comes, Guillaume steps into a secluded alley to drop his disguise. That done, he steps back into the street and charges the creature, swinging his fire-wreathed morningstar.

Attack, Mastework Morningstar: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 8 + 2 = 19
Damage, Cold Iron B/P: 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17+Fire: 1d6 ⇒ 5

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Hell's Vengeance Map

You also know that like most undead composed of bone, the Centianima is most vulnerable to bludgeoning attacks, they are immune to cold and as Large creatures, they have a 10 ft reach and both heads can attack independently.
Nice roll!

Centianima - Bites Vendor for 9 damage, felling him
Sercrutio - casts Mage Armor
Fellzir - channels to harm undead 2d6 ⇒ (6, 3) = 9
Centianima Will Save vs Channel: 1d20 + 5 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 5 + 4 = 26 Takes 5 damage
Guillaume - attacks with morningstar for 22 damage
Charles - draws bow
Aurelius - casts Divine Favor
Giuliano - studies target

Guillaume, his tiefling nature fully revealed, steps out from the hedge and delivers a massive blow to the skeletal monstrosity. The creature makes a chittering noise like the grinding of hundreds of rodent teeth.

Hound Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
??? Initiative: 1d20 ⇒ 1

The Centianima bites at it's lone attacker with one head, clanging off the plate armor, while the other begins to retch. A swarm of spiders roil forth from the undead maw and crawl to cover Fellzir, Aurelius and Giuliano, biting and unnerving the trio by their thousands of creeping legs.

Centianima Bite vs G: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23 Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Spider Swarm Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 4
F Fort Save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
F Fort Save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

A Fort Save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
A Fort Save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

Gi Fort Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Gi Fort Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

Fellzir, Aurelius and Giuliano all take 4 damage from the spider swarm, all save vs the poison but Aurelius is Nauseated for 1 round. Creatures with the nauseated condition experience stomach distress. Nauseated creatures are unable to attack, cast spells, concentrate on spells, or do anything else requiring attention. The only action such a character can take is a single move action per turn.

Round 1
Centianima (-22 hp) - Bites vs G, misses, Vomits spider swarm
Spider Swarm - crawls over A and Gi biting for 4 damage and distracting both
(-4 hp)

➤Aurelius (-4 hp, Nauseated)
➤Giuliano (-4 hp)
Hound Archon

Party is up!

LE Male Human Wizard| HP 22/22 | AC 16 ; T 12; F 14| Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +6| Init +2 | Perception +6

Sercrutio levels his gaze at the creature and tosses the rope he had ready in his other hand as he again traces some symbols in the air and says forcefully, "Nodus!"

To hit vs touch: 1d20 + 4 - 2 ⇒ (12) + 4 - 2 = 14

He then back pedals several feet to get clear of it's reach even if it moved.

Cast Animated Rope (Ref save DC 17 or become entangled) and move back 15 ft

Male Human Ranger(Trapper) 1 / Wizard (Spirit Binder) 3 (HP 26/26) (AC 14/14/10) (CMD 18) (Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +3) (Init +10) (Perception +9)

"I will also note that, like most bone-based undead, it is most vulnerable to bludgeoning attacks, and is immune to cold-based ones."

Taking his own advice, he then starts firing blunt arrows at it.

+1 Mighty [+2] Darkwood Composite Longbow, PBS, RS: 1d20 + 7 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (13) + 7 + 1 - 2 = 19, for 1d8 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 3 + 1 = 9 Magical Bludgeoning damage.
+1 Mighty [+2] Darkwood Composite Longbow, PBS, RS: 1d20 + 7 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (6) + 7 + 1 - 2 = 12, for 1d8 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 3 + 1 = 10 Magical Bludgeoning damage.

Charles' lizard companion then stalks forward, and tries to bite the beast!

Bite: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26, for 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 Piercing/Slashing/Bludgeoning damage.
Crit Confirmation: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25, for 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 *ADDITIONAL* Piercing/Slashing/Bludgeoning damage.

Human Male Citizen | HP: 37/37 | AC: 21 (14 Tch,17 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 18 | F: +4, R: +9, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +7, SM: +0, Darkvision 30ft | Speed 30ft | Active conditions:

First bones, and then spiders. This is not Giuliano's day, not at all.

To escape the swarm of spiders, he dashes through the market stalls and circles to the other side of the bony beast. Drawing aoo, I believe

There, he strikes with his short blade. Whether he is frustrated about the situation, or just otherwise managed to gather fury - but this time he manages to get a lot of strength to his blow. And while the blade isn't the best tool for this job, it strikes hard.

+1 Short sword, studied target: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 8 + 1 = 29
damage, studied target: 1d6 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 2 + 1 = 8
crit confirm: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 8 + 1 = 28
extra damage: 1d6 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 2 + 1 = 9

Also, if there's spider-free squares in the opposite corner of Giuliano, flanking would be great.

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Hell's Vengeance Map

C Reflex: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

The Centianima narrowly shakes off the entangling ropes but as Charles and Giuliano converge upon it, it quickly falls to pieces, showering the area with tiny bone fragments as the construct loses cohesion.

The spider swarm is still very much active, however.

We can assume Fellzir and Aurelius step free of the swarm so others can act on it. They and Guillaume are still up!

LE Male Human Wizard| HP 22/22 | AC 16 ; T 12; F 14| Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +6| Init +2 | Perception +6

Sercrutio's eyes dart to the swarm threatening his new allies. He then closes his eyes for a few seconds before opening them and staring off in thought. His hand slowly traces symbols into the air.

(Begin casting Sonic Scream using the Spell Study ability from his Spell Sage archetype. Unfortunately, this will take 3 full rounds to cast.)

Male Human Cleric 4, 35 hp, +2 Init, Saves: 6/2/6, Domains: Trickery & Evil, AC 18, FF16, T 12, Spells 4-0, 5-1st, 4-2nd, Bluff8, Dip7,Heal7,Perc3,Sense7,Stlth6,Spell7, Geo&Hist5, Craft10

Fellzir steps out of the swarm and tries to return the favor with an Alchemist's Fire.

AF: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 241d6 ⇒ 3 in a square where no teammates will be splashed.

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Hell's Vengeance Map

Fellzir's alchemist's fire burns away nearly half of the swarm of spiders. The Hound Archon finally moves in to assess the situation but has no means to act on the milling mass of diminutive creatures.

A door opens with the jingle of a bell to a nearby shop that bears the name Healthy Heart Alchemicals. A rather portly looking gentleman steps out, shaking a glass vial in his hand.

"Ho there, stand clear!" He calls out and then hurls the vial into the swarm. Where it impacts, there is an explosion of far greater proportions than a mere alchemist's fire.
Fire Bomb Damage: 3d6 + 3 ⇒ (4, 4, 4) + 3 = 15

End of Combat!
When the smoke clears nothing remains of the swarm but a few blackened spiders, curled in on themselves in death and a substantial amount of ash. The Hound Archon moves to the side of the poor merchant that fell to the Centianima's bite and lays a clawed hand on him, infusing him with some divine healing.

The portly Alchemist motions to his shop. "Bring him inside and I'll set him to rights." He instructs the Archon, who dutifully scoops up the injured man and carries him inside. The Alchemist eyes the carnage with a shake of his head, then he ambles over and offers his hand to each of you in turn. "My thanks to you, travelers. My name is Linton Demeer. You must be some hardy folks indeed to have dealt with such a monstrosity so quickly. I shudder to imagine what such a thing could have inflicted on the town unchecked. Please, come inside. I can see about those spider bites and I would be pleased to offer you a discount on my wares as a show of gratitude." His eye roves over the deserted market square in apparent disappointment. "It's not as if I'm likely to have any other business today."

Male Human Cleric 4, 35 hp, +2 Init, Saves: 6/2/6, Domains: Trickery & Evil, AC 18, FF16, T 12, Spells 4-0, 5-1st, 4-2nd, Bluff8, Dip7,Heal7,Perc3,Sense7,Stlth6,Spell7, Geo&Hist5, Craft10

"A great pleasure to meet you, brave alchemist. We are happy to save the town when THE SO-CALLED 'ARCHON' CAN DO NOTHING BUT LICK HIS PAWS."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

LE Male Human Wizard| HP 22/22 | AC 16 ; T 12; F 14| Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +6| Init +2 | Perception +6

Sercrutio narrows his eyes at Fellzir's words in thought. A couple moments later his expression completely changes to simply happy and pleasant.

"Now, now. That seems a little unfair, friend. The archon did pick up the injured and tote him inside. Though..," he draws out thoughtfully, "it did nothing against neither the bone monstrosity nor the dangerous swarm of insects..." He trails off again, letting his words just hang.

Diplomacy aid: 1d20 + 4 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 4 + 5 = 16

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Hell's Vengeance Map

Demeer barks a surprised laugh at Fellzir's words. His eyes flicker about, as if looking for who might overhear. "Well, as your friend says, don't judge him too harshly. The canine mind can only grasp so much." He says with a wink and a shrug.

The hound archon pauses as he sweeps an eye over your party. His gaze lingers over the tiefling bloodrager a moment and you feel a tingle of that menacing aura before he exits and resumes his patrol. "Besides, swarms can prove quite a challenge when you're used to swinging around a greatsword. You must be well read to know how to deal with them. I like a man who knows the value of alchemical weapons, for obvious reasons." The alchemist chuckles.

Despite his bulk, Linton Demeer is quite nimble as he moves through narrow aisles to check on his patient, pulling out a high quality leather bag containing what look to be a chirurgeon's tools. He gives the stirring merchant a draught of strong brandy and sets to work cleaning and bandaging, even stitching a few wounds with a quick and deft hand.
Heal: 10 + 24 + 2 = 36

"How long are you fellows planning to be in Kantaria?" He asks conversationally as he works. "Did you just come in for Market Day?"

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

My abilities are indeed of exceedingly little use against swarms, I can heal, to an extent, but only while combat is ongoing.

Aurelius nods

My thanks your aid Sir Alchemist, I am a sellsword, and from my experience, alchemists tend to pay reasonable rewards for well... rare specimen parts frequently procured during sellsword activities. I do have a Hags head for example.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18

Male Tiefling Bloodrager 4 (Primalist, Steelblood)

Guillaume meets the Archon's gaze. He's known that look his entire life. No matter how good he was as a boy, someone in Iomedae's church always wanted to blame him. Even when he was training to be a paladin, he always caught these looks. He wasn't about to blink now. As the door swings closed behind the archon, he mumbles under his breath.


LE Male Human Wizard| HP 22/22 | AC 16 ; T 12; F 14| Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +6| Init +2 | Perception +6

"Actually," Sercrutio responds with a chuckle, "we all recently came into business relationships with Madame Viorica. For different reasons, of course. But, pretty much all due to her looking to expand her operations at the inn. As this was Market day, she suggested we take the opportunity. It would appear that it was a good thing we did."

Bluff: 1d20 + 0 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 0 + 5 = 23

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Hell's Vengeance Map
Aurelius Flavius wrote:
My thanks your aid Sir Alchemist, I am a sellsword, and from my experience, alchemists tend to pay reasonable rewards for well... rare specimen parts frequently procured during sellsword activities. I do have a Hags head for example.

"Really?" Demeer says in a tone of surprise. He gives his patient a pat on the shoulder as he finishes with his treatment and the fellow settles back on the cot to rest.

The alchemist examines Aurelius' trophy.
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

"A hag, indeed. I've read something in passing about the hair being useful... Have to do some research. You understand parts like this need preservation to remain viable, yes? Something to think about for next time. As it stands, I can give you 100 gold." He offers.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
"Ah! Loredana Viorica, yes. She did say something about engaging some new staff. Well then, I'm sure we'll be seeing more of each other soon. Take care!" He says in farewell, "Don't forget Healthy Heart Alchemicals when you have need."

As you exit you find a few of the market sellers have returned to their stalls, picking up the remains of their wares as the marketing day seems to be at an end. You receive several excellent offers of foodstuffs for very little coin as they make a last attempt to move their perishable goods before packing up. Judging by the hushed conversations as you pass, you have succeeded in causing just the sort of spectacle you set out to achieve.

And dinner at the Little Uskwood will be passable, for once.

As you return, you find the Inn's other few guests taking their evening meal in the common room. They look up interestedly from their grey bowls of fish chowder at the savory smelling parcels of meat-pies and other such market fare you were able to bring back for a pittance. You suspect a little neighborly generosity might pay off with the trio of men.

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

You have yourself a Hags Head good Sir. In terms of preservation of such trophies, how would one typically go about and do that? Is there like, gear and a quick consise guide for such things? I mostly did combat in build up enviroments, not much of a wilderness expert.

Aurelius strikes up a conversation as he pockets the money.

Male Human Ranger(Trapper) 1 / Wizard (Spirit Binder) 3 (HP 26/26) (AC 14/14/10) (CMD 18) (Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +3) (Init +10) (Perception +9)

--At The Inn--

Charles gestures to the trio.

"We had a spot of good fortune today, and paying it forward is never a bad idea. Would you care to share a meal with us, and pay us back be sharing news?"

There is no such thing as a free meal, but if they happen to think there is, I won't complain...

Human Male Citizen | HP: 37/37 | AC: 21 (14 Tch,17 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 18 | F: +4, R: +9, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +7, SM: +0, Darkvision 30ft | Speed 30ft | Active conditions:

At the alchemist's
"Well actually, master Demeer - I wonder if you practice alchemical treating of weapons? I am looking for something... more blunt to arm myself with. And might as well silver such a weapon - who knows what dangers lurk about. Today it's undead on a market day, tomorrow... Best be prepared.." Giuliano explains, and browses the store.

Planning to buy a light mace, alchemical silvered if available. While at it, a cold iron dagger would be welcome also

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Hell's Vengeance Map

♥♥♥-Healthy Heart Alchemicals-♥♥♥
Linton Demeer nods, rummaging among some shelves to retrieve a Pamphlet on Preparation, which he hands to Aurelius. "It requires some skill and possibly some magic, if you can't reach a buyer in a timely fashion. But harvesting trophies can be quite lucrative. And if you'll be hunting monstrosities anyway, it's a shrewd practice." He adds with an affable smile.

Turning to Giuliano, he says, "Lucky you asked today. Such weapons are in short supply since we lost our Blacksmith. But I think I still have a few. And of course there is always weapon blanch and oils to enhance what you already own."
You can assume he has what you need, and will give you a 10% discount on the purchase.

ᨒ↟𖥧-Little Uskwood Inn-ᨒ↟𖥧
The Nidalese man recieves Charles' offer gratefully, introducing himself as Nicolae. "Happy to reimburse you the cost," He offers, "Madame Viorica runs a fine Inn, but the quality of the meals has suffered due to this Reclamation business. It's put me in quite a pickle barrel. Came to procure legally purchased halfling slaves and now they're running about free! I can't even reclaim the price of their purchase. My masters won't accept that I couldn't return with neither the money nor the property." He shakes his head sadly at his predicament.

LE Male Human Wizard| HP 22/22 | AC 16 ; T 12; F 14| Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +6| Init +2 | Perception +6

♥♥♥-Healthy Heart Alchemicals-♥♥♥
Sercrutio listens intently to the conversation with the alchemist. Lost the blacksmith? How very interesting! Having an opportunity to monopolize a market can not be missed! With one or two more economic pillars dominated, overtaking this town could be simple and quick. I will share my brilliance with Madame Viorica later.

ᨒ↟-Little Uskwood Inn-ᨒ↟
Sercrutio goes in search of Madame Viorica to present his ideas and refine the implementation.

"Madame Viorica, I heard today that a blacksmith is missing from this area. If you know of a suitable candidate to learn, I could probably figure out the basics to teach. I thought about enlisting one of our team, but there is no guarantee that we would not be needed elsewhere. With your business and a blacksmith, we could begin an influential takeover by controlling everyday needs."

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Hell's Vengeance Map
Sercrutio Leroung wrote:

ᨒ↟-Little Uskwood Inn-ᨒ↟

Sercrutio goes in search of Madame Viorica to present his ideas and refine the implementation.

"Madame Viorica, I heard today that a blacksmith is missing from this area. If you know of a suitable candidate to learn, I could probably figure out the basics to teach. I thought about enlisting one of our team, but there is no guarantee that we would not be needed elsewhere. With your business and a blacksmith, we could begin an influential takeover by controlling everyday needs."

You find Madame Viorica in the kitchen, brewing tea. Loredana is thoughtful at your suggestion, idly dunking the tea strainer in the cup. "An interesting idea... it certainly has merit. The blacksmith is not missing, however. He is quite dead. Tychus Groat was one of the few casualties from the Reclamation's 'nearly' bloodless coup. I fear I don't know of anyone to fill the role at the moment, but I will think on it. No one local, I suspect... the townsfolk are avoiding the area like the plague. When time permits, you might look in on the smithy. It has stood abandoned since Groat was killed. Probably nothing worrisome besides small-minded superstition. But one never knows..." She trails off with a slight shrug and picks up the tin of tea briefly off the counter before setting it back down and sitting at the table with her cup of tea.

"Would you like a cup?" She offers.

GM Rolls:
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

Sense Motive DC 19:
Loredana is sincere in what she expresses, but you get the sense that there is more to the subject that she does not share. Her flippant attitude toward superstition seems forced. And you're pretty sure you noticed a hesitant flicker of her eye toward the storage cupboard before she sat down.

Charles mentioned overhearing this rumor here.

LE Male Human Wizard| HP 22/22 | AC 16 ; T 12; F 14| Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +6| Init +2 | Perception +6

ᨒ↟-Little Uskwood Inn-ᨒ↟

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Sercrutio takes her words at face value, but remembers Charles mentioning Groat's name.

"Yes, please," he says absently to the offer of tea. "I do believe one of my compatriots heard a rumor that Groat has been haunting the smithy in some way. That may very well be why the townsfolk are avoiding it," he concludes, clearly proud of his deduction.

Emboldened, he continues, "On the previous note, Madame Viorica, I am able to teach folks basics in a wide number of crafts to the aforementioned end. If you know of a valuable niche and a potential candidate, we could begin the market takeover from multiple fronts. My wide knowledge base is incredibly useful to this end."

Male Human Ranger(Trapper) 1 / Wizard (Spirit Binder) 3 (HP 26/26) (AC 14/14/10) (CMD 18) (Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +3) (Init +10) (Perception +9)

---At The Inn---

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16.

Charles nods.

"The rumors about the smithy had already attracted our attention. Looking into them seems like a wise (and potentially profitable) idea."

Human Male Citizen | HP: 37/37 | AC: 21 (14 Tch,17 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 18 | F: +4, R: +9, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +7, SM: +0, Darkvision 30ft | Speed 30ft | Active conditions:

Sense motive: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (9) + 0 = 9

"Sounds like a bloodless coup, all right... Damn those rebels!" Giuliano twists his face in disgust. "But the smithy sounds worth investigating, we could use the gear if there's any left."

He joins the conversation with Nicolae. "Disgusting, isn't it - them halflings running around free." he says, sitting down. "Of course, someone could procure you some slaves in the cover of night. But that would come with a premium price and then there's the trouble of moving the cargo out of town."

He sighs.

"I'm afraid your only chance of getting what is legally yours (or your masters), is the change or government."

Male Human Cleric 4, 35 hp, +2 Init, Saves: 6/2/6, Domains: Trickery & Evil, AC 18, FF16, T 12, Spells 4-0, 5-1st, 4-2nd, Bluff8, Dip7,Heal7,Perc3,Sense7,Stlth6,Spell7, Geo&Hist5, Craft10
Giuliano Gracchus wrote:

"I'm afraid your only chance of getting what is legally yours (or your masters), is the change or government."

Fellzir sits down quietly, listening to Giuliano, then puts on his most conspiratorial expression. Curse all of them indeed. He pushes more of the good food toward the slavetrader. Please, have more. I'm not hungry after the spider bites. occurs to me that we could help you with your plight. If we were to offer the halflings a home and jobs polishing gems, they would certainly pile into a wagon and be led out of town. They must not have jobs or good homes here. G! Can you turn into a halfling?

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Hell's Vengeance Map
Giuliano Gracchus wrote:

He joins the conversation with Nicolae. "Disgusting, isn't it - them halflings running around free." he says, sitting down. "Of course, someone could procure you some slaves in the cover of night. But that would come with a premium price and then there's the trouble of moving the cargo out of town."

He sighs.
"I'm afraid your only chance of getting what is legally yours (or your masters), is the change or government."

Nicolae nods in agreement. ”Sadly, that is the conclusion I reached as well. And so we wait. I had thought the House of Thrune would have put an end to this nonsense by now, but I suppose they have their hands full with the army descending on Senara.” He shrugs.

Fellzir the Mysterious wrote:
Fellzir sits down quietly, listening to Giuliano, then puts on his most conspiratorial expression. Curse all of them indeed. He pushes more of the good food toward the slavetrader. Please, have more. I'm not hungry after the spider bites. occurs to me that we could help you with your plight. If we were to offer the halflings a home and jobs polishing gems, they would certainly pile into a wagon and be led out of town.

Nicolae gives a rueful smile, ”That is an idea we considered. My fine guards and I are not without our own skills in procurement. Alas, I foolishly trusted that the law would be on my side in the matter and pursued the avenues of acquiring either our due property or a full refund. Only to be stymied at every turn. And now the pair has been warned against us. We’ll never draw near enough to them now to have a chance.” He shrugs and takes another appreciative bite of the meat pie he was working on.

His face takes on a thoughtful expression as he chews and swallows. ”I do have an odd sort of artifact I could offer up to anyone who might be able to help me out. Not much market for cursed items, you see. But it could still prove quite useful to anyone with an understanding of its effects”
Nicolae is offering a Discord Bottle as a reward for helping him acquire the pair of halfling twins he is expected to deliver back to Nidal. I’ll save the further details for later if/when you decide to take him up on his offer.

About that time there is a knock on the outer door and Madame Viorica goes to check and soon returns with an invitation on fine parchment adorned with a seal in red and gold wax. She motions for you to join her in the privacy of the kitchen before she reveals its contents. ”Well, your marketing day must have been quite eventful indeed. The governor desires to meet you and has invited us all to Brunch at the Narikopolus Manor tomorrow. Get your beauty sleep, gentleman. Tomorrow you will meet the Glorious Ruling Council of Kantaria!” She says with a sparkle of excitement in her grey eyes.

GM Rolls:
1d100 ⇒ 10

Loredana's morning knock sounds almost chipper for the dour woman. No breakfast besides the dry toast and passable coffee. She advises Guillaume to appear as himself today, given that was how he faced the Centianima. And offers her input on which individuals you might wish to interact with primarily based on your skill sets and interests.

LE Male Human Wizard| HP 22/22 | AC 16 ; T 12; F 14| Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +6| Init +2 | Perception +6

Sercrutio's reaction to the news of the invitation is grumpiness with a mutter of " much for keeping our heads down at first.."

In the morning he is less of a storm cloud. He does not know why Viorica is unusually chipper and doesn't enjoy it. Though, he says nothing.

Male Human Ranger(Trapper) 1 / Wizard (Spirit Binder) 3 (HP 26/26) (AC 14/14/10) (CMD 18) (Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +3) (Init +10) (Perception +9)

Charles wakes early, and makes sure that his new clothes and costume jewelry are in immaculate condition.

This is a battle like any other; the field of combat is just a little different to the ones that I am used to.

When Loredana comes to inform him that it is time to go, he nods, a serious expression on his face.

"I will do my best to acquit myself well."

A sparkle then enters his eyes.

"If things go well enough, we might even be able to give a certain cleric an untold degree of anguish for his 'unrequited love'..."

Just before arriving at the manor, Charles will cast several spells, and drink a few concoctions.

Male Tiefling Bloodrager 4 (Primalist, Steelblood)

Guillaume nods, though he adjusts his Sleeves of Many Garments to appear appropriately presentable

Human Male Citizen | HP: 37/37 | AC: 21 (14 Tch,17 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 18 | F: +4, R: +9, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +7, SM: +0, Darkvision 30ft | Speed 30ft | Active conditions:

Giuliano gives an understanding smile to Nicolae. "Well, I happen to know someone, who could... acquire these twins for you. Just let me know the details of these halfings if you're truly interested."


Next morning, Giuliano wakes up early and grooms himself presentable.
"Good morning, Loredana! You seem to be in a cheerful mood this morning," he notes, giving a charming smile to their hostess.

In the common room, he wishes good mornings to his companions. Although towards Sercrutio it's more of a mumble and a nod - the look on the man's eyes says he best not spoken to until he had some coffee.

Giuliano helps himself a big cup of coffee before sitting down. "So, the Glorious Ruling Council of Kantaria, eh? Who are we expected to meet, besides the governor?"

Male Human Cleric 4, 35 hp, +2 Init, Saves: 6/2/6, Domains: Trickery & Evil, AC 18, FF16, T 12, Spells 4-0, 5-1st, 4-2nd, Bluff8, Dip7,Heal7,Perc3,Sense7,Stlth6,Spell7, Geo&Hist5, Craft10

Fellzir wakes early, conspiracies swirling in his mind. He decides to look as fancy as possible and even buys a new outfit if there is time.

Do we know which way this governor leans? I assume he was put in place by the reclamation?

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

So, who other then me needs a misdirection for the audience?

Aurelius asks

I got one to spare

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Hell's Vengeance Map
Giuliano Gracchus wrote:
Giuliano gives an understanding smile to Nicolae. "Well, I happen to know someone, who could... acquire these twins for you. Just let me know the details of these halfings if you're truly interested."

Nicolae is very pleased by your answer. "I shall assemble the information for you then, so that you may pass it along at your convenience." He says, raising his glass to all in appreciation, his fellows mirror the gesture.

ᨒ↟-Morning, Little Uskwood Inn-ᨒ↟

Charles Beecroft wrote:

A sparkle then enters his eyes.

"If things go well enough, we might even be able to give a certain cleric an untold degree of anguish for his 'unrequited love'..."

Mouth agape, Loredana gives a cry of mock outrage. "What a lot of twaddle! Hmph!" Though a touch of color in her pale cheeks seems to give away the lie. That wasn't your rumor. Cheeky! =P

"Yes, Governor Oppian Nevilindor commands the Reclamation forces still here in Kantaria. Faydreth Zaine and Jalila Hadjara hold positions within the organization as well. Linton Demeer and Jana Holdus are local business owners like myself. They are all Reclamation sympathizers, or at least intend to appear so while they are in power. 'Keeping your head down' in this environment means not revealing yourselves as opposition. Keep it light. Establish some common ground from which to work from. Stick to your cover story, as they will likely ask. Everyone ready then? Let's go." And she leads the way to Narikopolous Manor.

Easily Kantaria’s most impressive building after Valor’s Fastness, the holy fortress dedicated to Iomedae, Narikopolus Manor has been the seat of the Narikopolus family, rulers of Kantaria and archdukes of Menador, for hundreds of years. Thrune’s declaration of martial law drew the Narikopolus family back to Egorian (a fact that contributed to the timing of the Glorious Reclamation’s occupation of Kantaria), leaving the Glorious Reclamation to claim the empty manor.

A thick hedge surrounds the Narikopolus Manor. The manor house’s exterior doors are strong, heavy wood while the interior doors are simple, made of lighter woods from the surrounding Barrowood. You approach the front entrance on the south side of the manor. Loredana gives your names to the attendant and you are soon ushered inside. The ceilings within the manor are high, giving a spacious, airy feeling. The building is richly furnished; paintings and wooden cabinets filled with display pieces line the walls, and the rooms and corridors feature similarly decorative furnishings. Small torches and hanging chandeliers provide light in the halls and public rooms.

You are led through the foyer, into a grand hallway lined with bookshelves and finally turn a corner into an informal, but lavish breakfast room. Wide glass windows in the northern wall fill the room with sunshine. Elegantly carved chairs encircle the wide wooden table in the center of the room. The table is laden with all manner of breakfast delicacies from indulgent pastries to rich egg dishes as well as a selection of breakfast meats, including smoked herring, served cold. There is also cut fruit for those who enjoy lighter fare as well as coffee and tea with full service. You are invited to serve yourselves and be comfortable.

Sporting a well-kept beard and pristine red-and-white Iomedaean robes, Faydreth Zaine peers appraisingly through silver spectacles.

Jalila Hadjara is lean and muscular, and clearly not Chelaxian by birth, but her defining physical trait is the tattooed text adorning her skin. Painstakingly transcribed verses from the Acts of Iomedae cover the flesh exposed by her garb.

Dressed in a low-cut leather jerkin, Jana Holdus smirks with her every action. A woman of considerable charm, she winks her green eyes at raconteurs, enthusiastically applauding every tale.

Linton Demeer’s characteristic features are his unkempt black hair and his generous paunch. The alchemist has a penchant for fidgeting with small objects or alchemical reagents.

Loredana Viorica has a pale complexion and well kept black hair that she keeps neatly pinned up. Other than the occasional quirked eyebrow, her gray eyes betray little emotion.

A well-built man with short, neatly cut hair, Oppian Nevilindor is garbed in a gleaming breastplate displaying the symbol of Iomedae. Oppian always has a warm smile on his face, but has a habit of keeping one hand on his sheathed sword.

”And here they are! The heroes of the marketplace. I do hope you’ll forgive me for singing your praises. The whole town was abuzz over how well you acquitted yourselves against that monster. The Governor was most interested to meet you all. Especially when I told him you were all employed by our own Miss Viorica.” Linton says with enthusiasm upon your entrance.

Loredana gives a slight smile at the mention of her name. ”You will recall, Governor, that you requested I employ more staff… in light of the recent upheaval.” She adds with a flutter of dark lashes.

”Indeed, I did.” Oppian Nevilindor nods. ”It is good you have found such capable defenders. And with such fortuitous timing for us. It’s impressive how well-connected you are.” He compliments her with a smile. ”So please, tell us something about yourselves while we enjoy this meal.” He invites as you all settle in.

”Yes, tell us about your adventures!” Jana pipes up, ”And don’t leave out the juicy bits!” She adds with a giggle.

”I’d like to hear more about the creature.” Faydreth asks, ”I don’t suppose one of you could provide a reasonable sketch? If not, perhaps a detailed description would suffice.”

”I heard that you struck a powerful blow.” Jalila, the tattooed monk says directly to Guillaume. ”What methods do you favor for keeping fighting fit?”

Alright! That took longer to get ready than I expected. Let's start with a Sense Motive check vs your mark to identify skills that will help you influence them. I'll also allow a Knowledge (Local) check if you have ranks in it. Finally, a Perception check can also sub in if the first two options don't pan out.

LE Male Human Wizard| HP 22/22 | AC 16 ; T 12; F 14| Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +6| Init +2 | Perception +6

Kn Local: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25 v Faydreth

Kn Religion: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29 knowledge about the centianima

"It was a centianima," Sercrutio says matter-of-factly between nibbles of little fruit pieces. "They are bones animated together with necromantic magic. The animated bones are gathered and placed together before animating. Whoever animated that centianima, meant to make it." He then begins sipping tea as if such knowledge were commonplace.

Male Tiefling Bloodrager 4 (Primalist, Steelblood)

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Guillaume shrugs. "I generally find bodyweight exercises sufficient. Besides, who wants to go to the trouble of transporting racks of weights every time one moves? if pushups, running, and the like starts to become too easy, adding reps, distance, or doing the whole routine in full armor raises the difficulty again."

Human Male Citizen | HP: 37/37 | AC: 21 (14 Tch,17 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 18 | F: +4, R: +9, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +7, SM: +0, Darkvision 30ft | Speed 30ft | Active conditions:

"Good to meet you again, master Demeer." Giuliano says with a courteus bow. "I hope you didn't exaggerate our prowess. I am merely a dabbler in the fighting arts, practicing fencing on my free time," he adds with a smirk.

So we are to choose one of the councilors for the SM/kn. local/perception roll? I suppose we can exchange this information between ourselves to choose the best match for influencing later?

Kn. local: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19 vs. Linton

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

before: Aurelius casts misdirection on him, targetting his bed, he knows pings as the alignment of the bed for most things

sense motive vs Jana: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

Aurelius begins to look at Jana and says

The very abridged version is I killed a Hag. Apparently said Hag was a properly authentificated soul trader, so according to her infernal mabullshitties gouverment, I am now a murderer and assassin for hire.

He pauses

I mean, seriously, I wear about as much armor as friend Guillaume, which makes me roughly a stealthy as a Rhinoceros falling down a stairway. This makes the whole assassin thing a bit of a nonstarter.

Male Human Ranger(Trapper) 1 / Wizard (Spirit Binder) 3 (HP 26/26) (AC 14/14/10) (CMD 18) (Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +3) (Init +10) (Perception +9)

"'Twas simply a matter of being in the right place, at the right time."

Charles, deciding to play his designated role to the hilt, lays it on thick for Loredana, serving her food, and making sure her cup is never empty for long (regardless of what her beverage of choice is).

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5.
Perception: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 10 + 2 = 21.

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Hell's Vengeance Map

Sercrutio Leroung
Faydreth Zaine seems suitably impressed by Sercrutio's description. "I see. Do you suppose the structuring of its undead form contributes to its abilities? Or would such variance depend solely on the arcane ritual used to animate it?" He asks in follow up.

Sercrutio has heard enough to be certain that the half-elf's professional interests are his primary drive and discussions of arcane knowledge and the art of spellcraft will keep him engaged.

Guillaume Coeur-de-Lion
Guillaume does not see anything telling about the monk Jalila Hadjara. "True enough," She agrees, "though calisthenics do become terribly boring, day after day. Working with a skilled sparring partner is a much more entertaining way to push yourself."

Giuliano Gracchus
"No exaggeration needed! I always leave that to the goodwives of Kantaria." Linton Demeer says with an amiable chuckle. "I hope those weapons you purchased will serve you well in your dabbling."

Scuttlebutt implies, unsurprisingly, that the dedicated alchemist is apt to enjoy shop talk on the subject of his alchemical craft. But given his friendly and jovial nature, it does seem odd that the townsfolk describe Demeer as 'keeping to himself' much of the time. His work undoubtedly keeps him busy, but it does strike Giuliano as strange that he doesn't indulge in socialization more often.

Aurelius Flavius
”Abridged?! Why, that’s barely a teaser! What’s a girl gotta do to hear all the gory details?” Jana Holdus says, leaning forward to hang on his every word, which also just happens to display her ample, exposed cleavage.

Aurelius gets the distinct impression that Jana enjoys a good show and likely, she can put one on too. She’s also high spirited and enjoys a fun time. (Jana is a bard and appreciates the fine arts and performances of all kinds as well as general storytelling.)

Charles Beecroft
Loredana indulges the attention, pointing out particularly tasty looking portions and smiling warmly at Charles. She reaches up to idly correct the position of an errant hair ornament and Charles notices the pin end looks quite familiar. In fact, it resembles the angled tip of a particularly useful lock-pick.

Looking back on his experience with Loredana, he recalls some details with renewed clarity. Her slight frame and graceful, quiet steps, her quick fingers and how she never drops or fumbles a dish. He suspects that they must have some less than savory skill sets in common. *cough*Stealth*cough*Disable Device*cough*

Oppian Nevilindor’s eye lingers on Loredana quite often and with no one to converse with directly, he addresses her.
”Quite a show of employment, Madame Viorica. Are they all to serve as security? Surely there has been no trouble since last we met?” He asks with a note of concern.

”Well, nothing that I wanted to trouble you with. Just some skulking about. But no, while I expect all of these fellows would pitch in if some real danger breached the Little Uskwood, several of them have been hired on to consult.” Her grey eyes see, to prompt some of you to share your particular expertise.

Fellzir can just catch up to us with his checks when he can. All NPCs can be influenced with a Bluff check (to pretend to be friendly), Diplomacy (to be genuinely friendly) an Intimidate check (to frighten the NPC into submission), or a specific skill check revealed by your scrutiny. Intimidate checks likely need to be very subtle in this setting or otherwise reserved for a later date when you can catch your NPC on their own. Let’s try some influence checks and we’ll be ready to move on soon.

Male Human Ranger(Trapper) 1 / Wizard (Spirit Binder) 3 (HP 26/26) (AC 14/14/10) (CMD 18) (Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +3) (Init +10) (Perception +9)

With Loredana:

Picking up on a few things, Charles does his best capitalise upon his knowledge, quietly leaning in to whisper:

"That is a nice hair ornament you have there - both practical, and functional. I myself find that having the right tool at hand, regardless of the situation, tends to make a job go more smoothly. My belt buckle performs much the same service, as do one or two items I have worked into the lining of my clothes."

Disable Device: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 33.

Of course, the fact that a 'conspiratorial whisper' with Loredana will probably grate on Oppian's nerves is just an added bonus ;-)

With Everyone:

Charles inclines his head politely.

"A professional never reveals *all* of the tools at his disposal. However, I can say that whilst I am a decent archer, and would certainly help in the event of a home invasion, my real skill is in tightening security. Thanks to my magic, I have no need for sleep, and I can ensure the place is locked tighter than a steel drum."

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2

bluff its mostly half truth: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 33

Shall we start at the beginning? So, about 28 years + 9 months ago, an Alu-demon got really drunk and/or drugged up... Pretty sure it was an "and" not an or... She then decided to impersonate a spire devil the demons recently captured, probably because they read its true name in a toilet or something, and then thought it absolutely hilarious to do "I am a sire devil yesyes" impersonation Aurelius speaks with a fake somewhat too high male intonation

To some particularly inbred chelish very minor noble house, you know, the types that are so inept the Thrunies keep them around to automatically look competent in comparison? Which wished to alter its family web into a more tree like appearance. By useing a sire devil. Most cunning idea ever, especially since that Sire devil was actually an Alu-demon, or a half-Succubus, like, I would like to know whats the exact difference but I dont. Alas they didnt know that, although they could have, but you know, being good at actually identifying planar outsiders? Nah.

9 Months later, I happen, and there was much rejoicing because both I and my siblings are a lot more easy to distinguish from from a lemure then some other family members, comes with having chins, so great and cunning success yes?

Aurelius weaves a pretty hilarious and long tale, very loosely inspired by his actual background, finishing with

Look, I am university trained, and was actually decent at demonology, even got an extracurricular A+ once because I came up with "Nipplehands" as a slur for Glabrezu demons, and I barely managed to bugger off before some insane "researcher" got the funny idea to "objective measure" how annoyed a called Glabrezu would be at that term in comparison to more conventional insults. Like, the Kintargo university effing pioneered using Abrikandillu Demons as art critics, because the art they want to destroy the mostest must clearly be the bestest.

Male Tiefling Bloodrager 4 (Primalist, Steelblood)

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

"Yes, that's true. I misunderstood what you meant, slightly. Sparring is always helpful, especially when you can find an opponent whose style you aren't familiar with."

Human Male Citizen | HP: 37/37 | AC: 21 (14 Tch,17 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 18 | F: +4, R: +9, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +7, SM: +0, Darkvision 30ft | Speed 30ft | Active conditions:

To Linton

"I'm sure they do. Although at the same I hope there wouldn't be any need for such blunt instruments. Fencing is much more gentlemanly." Giuliano smiles, friendly. He sees no harm in buttering up this businessman.
"You, too, seem to be quite capable. Impressive way of handling those spiders. Wasn't a mere alchemist's fire you used there, was it?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

LE Male Human Wizard| HP 22/22 | AC 16 ; T 12; F 14| Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +6| Init +2 | Perception +6


Spellcraft: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26

"The pivotal aspect is the user. Magic, as I've found, seems to be foundationally shaped by the user's intent and/or power. The best analogy I've heard, is light and lens. Magic is shone light through a lens, which is the user. Users that approach magic studiously, tend to be able to adjust the position and shape of the lens for specific, desired conclusions. Whereas, innate users tend to just place set lenses..." Sercrutio continues a little longer about magic theory.


"Mr. Nevilindor, while many of us participated, some of us are not suited for combat. I, for example, used a spell that maneuvers rope," Sercrutio counters. "It was ineffective. My contributions to Madame Viorica are organizational and logistical. Are you drawing conclusions from one situation? That seems unwise, if it is not too rude to say so."

Male Human Cleric 4, 35 hp, +2 Init, Saves: 6/2/6, Domains: Trickery & Evil, AC 18, FF16, T 12, Spells 4-0, 5-1st, 4-2nd, Bluff8, Dip7,Heal7,Perc3,Sense7,Stlth6,Spell7, Geo&Hist5, Craft10

"That armor has a shine like none I have ever seen. Iomedae has clearly blessed you after some glorious victories no doubt."

Starting with a little buttering up and idle small talk.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Hell's Vengeance Map

Charles Beecroft
Loredana’s grey eyes light with surprise and a glint of mischief. She doesn’t giggle like the girlish Jana, but smiles impishly as she blows to cool the surface of a fresh cup of hot coffee. ”Indeed? Maybe you’ll show me how you put such alterations to use. Since you boast of no need for sleep.” She states almost challengingly, quirking an eyebrow at Charles before sipping delicately from the still steaming cup.
That’s a fully influenced Loredana Viorica.

Aurelius Flavius
Jana is completely enthralled by the story. Her large green eyes dreamy and amused. She giggles behind her hand at the interspersed jokes and flutters her eyelashes coquettishly at the handsome tiefling. Upon the conclusion of his tale she even applauds. ”I think I’ve heard that one before but you tell it masterfully! You simply must come by the Sweetest Drop. Drinks will be on the house so bring your friends!” She pronounces loudly, beaming at you all. Dropping her voice slightly with a sideways glance at Loredana, she confides with a wink. ”I’ve got an excellent cook and baker on staff too.”
That’s a fully influenced Jana Holdus as well.

Guillaume Coeur-de-Lion
Jalila nods her understanding. ”Perhaps you’ll have need of a sparring partner soon. If so, feel free to seek me out at Hardship’s Hearth.” She offers the invitation along with directions to the location, which lies a few miles outside of Kataria.
Jalila Hadjara is 50% influenced.

Giuliano Gracchus
Linton chuckles, waving the apparent praise of his skills away. ”Just a little alchemist’s trick. Some reagents are simply too unstable to combine unless you intend to use them immediately. Not something I can bottle up to sell, but still handy when the need arises. Always happy to discuss my wares, or maybe even mix something up special for you or your friends. You know where to find me!”
Linton Demeer is 33% influenced.

Sercrutio Leroung
Faydreth considers Sercrutio’s words, nodding his head slightly. ”As apt a metaphor as any I have heard.” He says with a slightly superior smirk at his correction of the term. ”You do seem to take your arcane research seriously. Few enough in town are so studiously inclined. If I should find myself in need of a second opinion, I may seek you out.”
Faydreth Zaine is 66% influenced.

Fellzir the Mysterious
Oppian’s gaze falls on Fellzir, seeming almost grateful for an excuse to look away from Charles and Loredana. ”Yes, Iomedae is very generous to her loyal servants. I was… quite humbled to receive it. In truth, I feel I am yet undeserving of such an honor. But I strive on so that one day, I may truly be worthy.” His humility is quite genuine and there even seems to be an air of regret about the Governor.
Oppian Nevilindor is 33% influenced.

”My apologies, good sir. I would not presume such assumptions. I merely wished to express my concern. Madame Viorica knows she may call upon me if ever she has need. But I am glad to know that the Little Uskwood is secure.” He seems to remember himself and makes a quick addendum. ”As I pray is true for all Kantaria and her citizens.”

And on that somber note, the brunch is concluded. There is some idle chatter as the party wraps up some well wishes and intentions to see each other again soon as you are guided to the door of Narikopolous Manor. It is barely past noon on this Fireday and you are again free to do as you please.

You have some time to investigate the Smithy or try to wrangle the Halfling Slaves if you like, though the Halflings require leaving town. Giuliano can manage his daily rumormongering at the Sweetest Drop tavern this evening.

Male Tiefling Bloodrager 4 (Primalist, Steelblood)

"I will, thank you." Guillaume says, as the conversation winds down.

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