Strange Aeons (PF 1) (Inactive)

Game Master EltonJ

A Cthulhu Mythos campaign. Adventure into the realms of madness and cosmic horror.

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In a distant land polluted by an alien menace from beyond the stars, a great cancer grows within the earth. As its tendrils reach out through the dreams of those who learn and study its existence, a sinister cult grows more active in preparing the way for a devastation that will destroy more than the minds of would-be heroes. Can the adventures reclaim lost memories in time to stop the advance of a cataclysmic contagion that could threaten all of Golarion? Can they resist the mind-shattering truths revealed by the Yellow Sign, and the monstrous force it symbolizes? The Strange Aeons Adventure Path pits the heroes against the cosmic horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos, with new monsters, mind-shattering terrors, and explorations far beyond the known lands of Golarion.
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This is an Adventure based on the Lovecraftian Mythos. I'm doing an interest check to see who would be interested. The first adventure has you with amnesia. Let me buy that next month or so, so we'd probably get started next month.

Amnesiac Dreams
Player Characters get 25 points to buy their stats with. You also get two traits. Choose wisely.

Books Allowed
I bought the Character Options bundle last March. You may choose your class from the following books:
* Pathfinder Roleplaying Game -- the core rulebook.
* Advanced Player's Guide
* Ultimate Combat -- no oriental classes, please. Samurai and ninja are out.
* Ultimate Magic
* Occult Adventures
* Advanced Class Guide
* Ultimate Intrigue

Plus, you may use any number of accessories to help make your character. Check with me first if I have that book. Please pick 1 class to start at first level, no gestalts.

Dotting in with interest, how much backstory do you want us to make, do you want a backstory that the characters can't remember or just the bits and pieces?

Very interested! I started this game years ago, but the DM bailed after a few months. It was really interesting, and I'd love to give it another go.

Interest dot.

I'm interested!

Dippity Doppity Dot!

Grand Lodge

Very interested. I was in a try at this once, but it didn't go very far. I am thinking I would like to bring an alchemist, sort of a Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde type.

I'd be interested to join as well.

Well, I was the one that requested, so you know I am interested :) hoping you decide to run it!

How many players are you looking for this game?

Scarab Sages

Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!

Tempted but I know the first few books too well having run this campaign. I'd suggest making sure folks are into the research rules (or handwaving them) and let it be known that there's lots of travel in the later books (some people will get invested in book 2's setting).

FangDragon wrote:
Tempted but I know the first few books too well having run this campaign. I'd suggest making sure folks are into the research rules (or handwaving them) and let it be known that there's lots of travel in the later books (some people will get invested in book 2's setting).

Of course, but I have to get the campaign first (and read all of it before running it).

Forgot races:
You may choose a core race or a featured race from the ARG. New races are not permitted. It's Golarion, after all.

Arjuna332 wrote:
How many players are you looking for this game?

Since I am running a Shadowrun game with 8 players, the upper limit I'll take is eight players. But five players is ideal. :)

EltonJ wrote:
Arjuna332 wrote:
How many players are you looking for this game?

Since I am running a Shadowrun game with 8 players, the upper limit I'll take is eight players. But five players is ideal. :)

Neat. Well, since this may be my first game, I think I'll go with a Human Oathbound Paladin Against Corruption. Been thinking about playing an Occultist, but my brain's too small for that at the moment.

Silver Crusade

Never tried this or any other PF1 AP before so very interested. I have character concept in mind (either rogue or bloodrager). Of the accessories I'm interested using at least Blood of fiends, melee tactics toolbox, heroes of the streets and Dirty Tactics Toolbox. Is additional traits feat ok?

Mustaparta wrote:
Never tried this or any other PF1 AP before so very interested. I have character concept in mind (either rogue or bloodrager). Of the accessories I'm interested using at least Blood of fiends, melee tactics toolbox, heroes of the streets and Dirty Tactics Toolbox. Is additional traits feat ok?

I think I have those. Where is the additional Traits feat located?

Do you have the Inner sea world guide, Birthplace of legend and harrow handbook? I'm thinking of a cartomancer witch eventually going into harrower trying to divine her past.

I have the inner sea world guide (and I'm expecting the hardcover), I don't have the harrow book, but I do have the Varisa, birthplace of legends book (just downloading it right now.)

dang, most of the character comes out of Harrow handbook so I think I'll have to rethink! thank you!

KeeperofRunes wrote:
dang, most of the character comes out of Harrow handbook so I think I'll have to rethink! thank you!

You're welcome.

Did one of you gift the first Strange Aeons book to me?

Thanks for whoever did it. I don't remember buying it yesterday, so somebody gave it to me as a gift.

Be sure to download the player's guide. anyone interested in session 0?

Very much interested Elton! Thanks for running it, man. Like I said on my request post, main reason is that this particular AP feels truly different from the other ones, I really like the atmosphere / Lovecraft thing, and I only had the opportunity to GM it before but never play. I’ll make any rules you want work, and as I offered, if you need any help with organization/etc. just let me know. Dying to finally be in the player seat for this one!

Lapyd wrote:
Very much interested Elton! Thanks for running it, man. Like I said on my request post, main reason is that this particular AP feels truly different from the other ones, I really like the atmosphere / Lovecraft thing, and I only had the opportunity to GM it before but never play. I’ll make any rules you want work, and as I offered, if you need any help with organization/etc. just let me know. Dying to finally be in the player seat for this one!

Well, I'll do my best to scare everyone, that's for sure.

Arjuna and I think alike, I was popping in to post I wanted to be a Human Oathbound Paladin Against Corruption, lol. But no worries! Instead, I'm thinking it might be time to give urban druid a spin, with the knowledge domain.

on rethinking I'm looking at an elven occultist! not fully set yet!

Definitly the campaign to play a Fractured mind in!

I would be in for session 0

Dotting for the moment.

Reading through Horror Adventures as well as In Search of Sanity.

I'd like to be in session 0 as well.

I could do a session 0. I think Strange Aeons would be an amazing AP to run a Beastmorph Alchemist moving into Master Chymist I've had brewing in the back of my mind. Works incredibly well with the forgotten past aspect of the AP.

If horror adventures is in the offing then I'm Definity thinking that a Haunt Collector Occultist would be grand!

Scarab Sages

I'm looking at maybe a Cult Hunter Investigator. The Cult Hunter archetype is from Horror Adventures. But a session 0 would be great!

Session 0 will happen in the discussion forum. I believe. Right now, I'd like everyone to read through the player's guide.

Sounds like you have a full group?

Maybe. I won't turn away character concepts from everyone whose interested.

Already downloaded and read player's guide. So, everyone's gonna be amnesiac?

EltonJ wrote:
Maybe. I won't turn away character concepts from everyone whose interested.

Well I’m interested and my concept would be a gunslinger into Eldritch archer magus (which is from heroes of the streets, so I don’t think you have it) eventually.

Actually, I have Heroes of the Streets.

Arjuna332 wrote:
Already downloaded and read player's guide. So, everyone's gonna be amnesiac?

Unfortunately, yes. Session 0 is going to go over that. It's also part of the horror. If you don't like horror RP, then you can back out. Everyone's going to be amnesiac.

Lesser Restoration can restore your memories, but you need access to a powerful cleric, or a divine scroll.

Eh, it's fine. Not like it's going to be like that for the rest of the game.

EltonJ wrote:
Actually, I have Heroes of the Streets.

Neat. Please let me know if there’s anything more you’d need from me. I don’t see character backgrounds/whatever listed yet.

I will say I’m a pretty big Lovecraft fan so this AP seems particularly exciting.

Scarab Sages

How much background should we be developing given the amnesia? Should we do nothing and wait? Write it but consider it off limits until it matters?

rdknight wrote:
How much background should we be developing given the amnesia? Should we do nothing and wait? Write it but consider it off limits until it matters?

Some of the questions you should consider for your background is simple. 1. What did you do before you became amnesiac? Who or what landed the blow to your head?

2. If you were in Ustalav's armies, did you see any action? How did Ustalav's wars affect you?

3. Were you a researcher (good for Alchemists)? Were you working on a breakthrough with your alchemy?

4. Did you have a rival in your earlier life? If you were married, was it a rocky marriage? Are you in a homosexual relationship that was going south?

5. Were you comfortable and had the blessings of wealth?

6. What is your religion? Did you worship one of Golarion's many gods? Or was like Wiccanism? Was your worship casual? Are you an atheist and did not believe in any god or religious movement? Are you more spiritual?

7. What are your dreams or aspirations?

8. A question for players: What are you looking for in this AP? Hack and Slash Combat? Intrigue? Roleplaying?

Hmm... I'll wait until session 0 to flesh my character out, but what I have in mind is an Oathbound Paladin Against Corruption who is a widower and his experience in the army makes him seem much older than he actually is, and the reason of him becoming an Oathbound Paladin in the first place may involve an encounter with something so horrible that may be one of the reasons why he becomes an amnesiac in the first place, while also explaining why he's a level 1 Paladin despite him serving the army before.

Reading the Player's Guide, it sounds like some specific things go on with our characters for a few years that we aren't supposed to know and get revealed over the first half of the AP.

Personally I kinda dig having a very vague bit of early memories and then being a blank slate for the GM to play with (or to come up with as we go collaboratively, don't wanna make too much work for you). More fun to have amnesia and actually not know stuff than to write up a whole thing and then pretend not to know it. Thoughts on that approach? I know you just got the book and probably haven't had time to read if there's a guide for that.

I am contemplating my (never used - forever gm here) CHA-heavy buil for this. In summary, a Desna-devoted lunar oracle.

For this particular game, the twist would be that while praying to Desna one night, something else answered. This entity then caused the character to go raving mad for a while, and that could be the initial trigger to end up in the asylum. Also loss of sight.


Another character I am toying with is a shaman. Mechanically, a support-heavy hexer. This would probably be a half-orc that ended up in the asylum after the old shaman in their tribe passed away, and competition for the post made sure my character wouldn't be in the picture.


You reckon you could work with one if those at the table?

Third option; I -LOVE- me a nice kineticist game. Super versatile mechanical frame that can be build into many, many flavours.

I will leave that as a backup thing, depending on what others bring to the table. No particular flavour in mind here, at least not for now, but I condiser it an option depending on what everybody else has.

Also, I'm not gonna lie, I did consider making a paladin for this game, mainly for the aura of courage, but it seems that is covered. Twice.

So yea. Let me know if I can expand on any of those, and I will get to it.

Scarab Sages

I'm readjusting my class ideas a little. For Investigator the Cult Hunter archetype is out, it forces me to assume more than I really can about what Strange Aeons is like. Antiquarian or maybe Empiricist instead.

I'm also looking at an Arcanist with the School Savant (Void) archetype.

@EltonJ: I tend to do backstories early and finalize mechanics once it's done. I've sent you an PM with a full backstory and an amnesia redacted version to see if I'm on the right track with things.

Yes, you are on the right track. You just need to make a note on how she lost her memories. Either a blow to the head or magically erased.

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