Dungeon Master S - 2e |
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Character Creation
The Adventure Begins

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I think I did this right. (Now I just need a name)
You start with a Level 9 permanent item (Cloak of Elvenkind)
You start with 2 Level 8 permanent items (+1 Resilient Fire Resistant Full Plate, +1 Striking Flaming Hand Crossbow)
You start with a Level 7 permanent item (Large +1 Striking Wounding Greatsword)
You start with 2 Level 6 permanent items (Ring of the Ram, Insistent Door Knocker)
You start with 350 Gold Pieces

Dungeon Master S - 2e |

Character Creation
Characters start at level 11.
Anything listed as [Uncommon] or [rare] requires permission first.
You start with a Level 10 permanent item
You start with 2 Level 9 permanent items
You start with a Level 8 permanent item
You start with 2 Level 7 permanent items
You start with 500 Gold Pieces

Crowley Blackguard |

You start with a Level 10 permanent item (Large +2 Striking Grievous Wounding Greatsword)
You start with 2 Level 9 permanent items (+1 Striking Flaming Hand Crossbow, Cloak of Elvenkind)
You start with a Level 8 permanent item (+1 Resilient Fire Resistant Full Plate)
You start with 2 Level 7 permanent items (Ring of the Ram, Insistent Door Knocker)
You start with 500 Gold Pieces
Boots of Elvenkind (145 GP)
Expanded Healer's Tools (50 GP)
Dust of Appearance x2 (100 GP)
Ghostbane Fulu Talisman (Greatsword) x2 (80 GP)
Climbing Bolt (15 GP)
Bolts (20) (0.20 GP)
Backpack (0.10 GP)
Grappling Hook (0.10 GP)
Moderate Acid Flask (10 GP)
Moderate Alchemist Fire (10 GP)
Lesser Ghost Charge x3 (9 GP)
Minor Healing Potion x3 (12 GP)

Crowley Blackguard |

Minor change to gold spent.
You start with 2 Level 9 permanent items (+1 Striking Flaming Hand Cannon, Cloak of Elvenkind)
You start with 500 Gold Pieces
Boots of Elvenkind (145 GP)
Healer's Tools (5 GP)
Dust of Appearance (50 GP)
Ghostbane Fulu Talisman (Greatsword) (40 GP)
Climbing Bolt (15 GP)
Bolts (20) (0.20 GP)
Backpack (0.10 GP)
Grappling Hook (0.10 GP)
Moderate Acid Flask (10 GP)
Moderate Alchemist Fire (10 GP)
Lesser Ghost Charge x2 (6 GP)
Minor Healing Potion x2 (8 GP)
Shifter Prosthesis (210 GP) - +1 Striking Flaming Hand Cannon is absorbed

Nakapan Changol |

Magic Items
10th +2 Handwraps of Striking/Frost/Shock
9th Knapsack of Halflingkind
Horn of Blasting
8th +1 Bracers of Armor
7th Cloak of Elvenkind
Ring of Resistance (fire)
rest of gear:
Boots of Elvenkind
Googles of Night
Talisman, dragonturtle scale, Ghostbane Fulu
Potion of Barkskin
2 Acid Flasks, moderate
2 Alchemists Fires, moderate
4 Antidote
4 Antiplague
2 Sunrods
1 Everlasting Torch
10 Shuriken, 1 dagger
Explorer's Clothing
Bedroll, tinderbox, 50'rope, soap, shaving kit, 12 candles, waterskin
Healer's Kit
Tea, tasty provisions
20 gold

Sadlark |

Sadlark is complete!
Profile should have everything; let me know if you have any questions.

Black Dhougal |

As is Black Dhougal.
Right now it's just linked to a pdf, but I will migrate the whole profile over shortly.

Unrak "Dreadful Bear" Redleaf |

would anyone object to Unrak claiming the Ring of Prot +2, please thank you?

Nakapan Changol |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I am headed out on vacation for the weekend and will return Tuesday. I should have WI-FI in the cabin but will be pretty sparse. I should still be able to post each day but if need to speed up then by all means BOT me.
Crowley dives down into his case, just dives right into it. Nobody knows what he is doing but he is up in two shakes and he is holding the biggest flaming hand cannon Ive ever seen…

Dungeon Master S - 2e |

Crowley Blackguard wrote:I am headed out on vacation for the weekend and will return Tuesday. I should have WI-FI in the cabin but will be pretty sparse. I should still be able to post each day but if need to speed up then by all means BOT me.Crowley dives down into his case, just dives right into it. Nobody knows what he is doing but he is up in two shakes and he is holding the biggest flaming hand cannon Ive ever seen…
One of my favorites!

Sadlark |

Chronicle for Doug:
Level 1
Grand Lodge