
Amadea's page

274 posts. Alias of LastNameOnEarth.

Full Name



Demon Spawn Tiefling Half-Marilith


Bloodrager Eldritch Godling


| HP 102/102 | AC 37 (T 24 FF 23 ) | CMD 31 AC 42 (T 24 FF 28)| F +18 | R +16 | W +14 | Init +4 | Per +19

Strength 38
Dexterity 19
Constitution 25
Intelligence 24
Wisdom 25
Charisma 27

About Amadea

Perception: +19
Initiative +4 (+4 Dex)
Hitpoints: 102/102 (10+6d10+49)
Move: 50ft
Spell Resistance: 18
DR: 5/Magic
DR: 1/-

Combat Stats:
AC: 38 FF: 24 Touch: 24 (+14 Str/Dex, +6 NA, ,+4 Shield, +4 Mage Armour)
CMB +21(+25 to Grapple) / CMD 29(33 vs. Grapple)
Fort +19 Ref +16 Will +14

Large Katanas Attack +24 (+24/24/24/24/19/19/19/19) (BAB+7, Str+14, Training+1, Arcane Strike+2)
2d6+17 (+14 Str, +1 Training, +2 Arcane Strike)
Supernatural Blade: Sonic Damage +24 3d6+17
Natural Weapons: Primary +23, Secondary +18
Bite d6+16, Claw d4+16, Tail d4+16+Grab

Raging Stats:
AC: 37 FF: 23 Touch: 22 (+16 Str/Dex, +6 NA, +4 Shield, +4 Mage Armour, -2 Bloodrage, -1 Large Size)
CMB +23(+27 to Grapple) / CMD 31(35 vs. Grapple)
Fort +21 Ref +18 Will +16

Raging Offense:
Huge Katanas Attack +25 (+25/25/25/25/20/20/20/20) (BAB+7, Str+16, Training+1, Arcane Strike+2, -1 sie)
3d6+19 (+16 Str, +1 Training, +2 Arcane Strike)
Supernatural Blade: Sonic Damage +25 4d6+19
Natural Weapons: Primary +24, Secondary +19
Bite d8+16, Claw d6+16, Tail d6+16+Grab


Acrobatics +8(1)
Appraise +11(1)
Climb +18(1)
Craft +16(5)
Diplomacy +26+3 if indifferent or better (7)* str
Fly +12 (5)
Handle Animal +12 (1)
Intimidate +22(5)* str
Kn: Arcana +11(1)
Kn: History +11(1)
Kn: Planes +11(1)
Kn: Religion +11(1)
Linguistics +11 (1)
Perception +14+2 (7)
Profession +11(1)
Ride +8 (1)
Spellcraft +17 (7)
Stealth +13 (5)
Survival +11 (1)
Swim +18 (1)
Use Magic Item +25 (5)* str

Bluff +8 (1)
Disable Device +10(1)
Sense Motive +11 (1)

Languages: Common, Abyssal, Elven, Dwarven, Goblin, Celestial,
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Katana, Arcane Strike, Combat Reflexes, Mad Magic, Emergent Divinity
Bonus Feats: Craft Wonderous Object, Extra Talent: Scion of the North Wind
Bloodrager Feats: Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Eschew Materials, Raging Vitality
Traits: Silent Hunter, Dangerously Curious, Community Minded

Racial Abilities:
Darkvision 60 ft
Skilled: +2 to Disable device and Perception
Prehensile Tail
Scaled Skin +1 Natural Armour
You have over-sized limbs, allowing you to use Large weapons without penalty.

Half Marilith:

Natural Armour: Improved by3
Defenses/Qualities: Gains darkvision 60 feet; immunity to poison; acid, cold, electricity, and fire resistance 10; DR 5/magic (if HD 11 or less) or 10/magic (if HD 12 or more); and SR equal to creature’s CR + 11 (maximum 35).
Melee: A half-fiend gains two claw attacks and a bite attack. Damage depends on its size. A half-marilith gains a tail slap attack. Damage depends on her size. This tail slap attack has the grab and constrict abilities (constriction damage equals the damage normally caused by the tail slap, but always applies the half-marilith’s full Strength bonus to damage caused). She also gains two additional arms, each of which can wield weapons with ease.
Smite Good (Su)
Once per day, as a swift action, the half-fiend can smite good as the smite evil ability of a paladin of the same level as the half-fiend’s Hit Dice, except affecting a good target. The smite persists until target is dead or the half-fiend rests.
Multiweapon Mastery (Ex)
A half-marilith never takes penalties to her attack roll when fighting with multiple weapons.
Spell-Like Abilities: A half-fiend with an Int or Wis score of 8 or higher has a cumulative number of spell-like abilities set by its HD. Unless otherwise noted, an ability is usable 1/day. CL equals the creature’s HD (or the CL of the base creature’s spell-like abilities, whichever is higher).
1 Darkness 3/day
2 Fly
3 Unholy Blight
4 Greater Magic Weapon 3/day

Bloodrage (Su)
The bloodrager’s source of internal power grants him the ability to bloodrage.

At 1st level, a bloodrager can bloodrage for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Constitution modifier. At each level after 1st, he can bloodrage for 2 additional rounds per day. Temporary increases to Constitution (such as those gained from bloodraging or spells like bear’s endurance) don’t increase the total number of rounds that a bloodrager can bloodrage per day. The total number of rounds of bloodrage per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these hours need not be consecutive.

A bloodrager can enter a bloodrage as a free action. While in a bloodrage, a bloodrager gains a +4 morale bonus to his Strength and Constitution, as well as a +2 morale bonus on Will saves. In addition, he takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase to Constitution grants the bloodrager 2 hit points per Hit Die, but these disappear when the bloodrage ends and are not lost first like temporary hit points. While bloodraging, a bloodrager cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.

A bloodrager can end his bloodrage as a free action. When the bloodrage ends, he’s fatigued for a number of rounds equal to twice the number of rounds spent in the bloodrage. A bloodrager cannot enter a new bloodrage while fatigued or exhausted, but can otherwise enter bloodrage multiple times during a single encounter or combat. If a bloodrager falls unconscious, his bloodrage immediately ends, placing him in peril of death.

Bloodrage counts as the barbarian’s rage class feature for the purpose of feat prerequisites, feat abilities, magic item abilities, and spell effects.

Blood Sanctuary (Su)
At 3rd level, due to the power of his blood, a bloodrager can stand confidently amid the effects of spells cast by himself or his allies. He gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells that he or an ally casts.

Feats and Abilities: Fast Movement, Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Eschew Materials

Bloodlines: Abyssal and Verdant
Verdant Growth (Su)
At 1st level, you gain fast healing 1 while bloodraging. Your fast healing increases by 1 at 4th level and every 3 levels thereafter, to a maximum of fast healing 6 at 19th level.
Demonic Bulk (Su)
At 4th level, when entering a bloodrage, you can choose to grow one size category larger than your base size (as enlarge person) even if you aren’t humanoid.

Eldritch Godling:
Lineage Traits:
Divine Portfolio I: The godling selects one oracle mystery. He gains one revelation from the mystery. He must meet all the revelation’s prerequisites. The godling treats his godling level as his oracle level for this revelation (including fulfilling the revelation’s prerequisites). The godling may choose to have any of the ability’s calculations that are normally based on Cha modifiers instead be based on any ability modifier of the godling’s choice. (Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed).

Nature’s Whispers (Ex): You have become so attuned to the whispers of the natural world, from the croaking of frogs to the groaning of great boulders, that your surroundings constantly keep you preternaturally aware of danger. You may add your Charisma modifier, instead of your Dexterity modifier, to your Armor Class and CMD. Any condition that would cause you to lose your Dexterity modifier to your Armor Class instead causes you to lose your Charisma modifier to your Armor Class.

Legendary Beauty I (Ex): Diplomacy and Perform skills are always class skills. The godling gains a bonus equal to half his class level to Diplomacy checks made to make a request of a creature that is at least indifferent toward him (see the Diplomacy skill).
Additionally, once per day he may make a Diplomacy check to make a request of a creature that is unfriendly or hostile toward him (though he does not gain the benefit of this trait on such checks, as the targets are not at least indifferent). Each time he uses this ability on a specific creature, it becomes immune to this ability until the godling gains a level.

Mystic Inheritance I: The godling selects one sorcerer bloodline or wizard arcane school. If the godling selects a bloodline, he gains the bloodline arcana and the bloodline power gained at 1st level. If he selects an arcane school, he gains one power the arcane school grants at 1st level. The godling treats his godling level as his sorcerer or wizard level (as appropriate) for these powers. The godling may choose to have any of the ability’s calculations that are normally based on Int or Cha modifiers instead be based on any ability modifier of the godling’s choice. (Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed).

Minor Acendancy:
Hex Lord (Su): You have developed a power similar to those granted witches by their supernatural patrons, but in your case the power is fueled by your own mote of divinity. Select one witch’s hex (not major hex or grand hex). You gain use of that hex, using your godling level as your witch level when determining the hex’s effects. You may base any calculations regarding the hex that are ordinarily based off of Intelligence or Charisma off of any ability score of your choice instead (once made, this choice cannot be changed).

Ice plant Hex: This hex grants the witch and her familiar a +2 natural armor bonus and the constant effects of endure elements.

Scion of the North Wind (Ex): Your godling powers allow you to call upon the speed and constant might of the north wind. Your movement rate gains a +10 ft. bonus. Also, as a swift action you can move up to your movement rate. You may do this once per day, +1 additional time per day for every 5 levels you possess.

Talent for Mysticism (Su): Your godling magic has expanded into other magic powers. You gain a bonus scion talent (or greater scion talent if you are at least 10th level). The talent must be a spell-like or supernatural ability. (You cannot use this to gain a scion talent that is an extraordinary ability or has no listed type).

Force of Brawn (Su): Your deific heritage manifests in the form of amazing physical might, which allows you to accomplish things through sheer power of sinew rather than mental acuity or natural talent. This brawn also powers a barrier of divine defense which helps protect you from harm. You may add your Str mod, rather than any other ability scores, to your saving throws. (Replace your Con mod with your Str mod for Fort saves, your Dex mod with your Str mod for Ref saves, and your Wis mod with your Str mod for Will saves).
You may also use your Strength modifier rather than the normal ability modifier for three Dex– or Cha-based skills of your choice. Once these skills have been selected, the choice cannot be changed. Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Use Magic Divice.

Divine Weapon (Su): You have developed a supernatural weapon of pure immortal power. Summoning the weapon is a free action, and it is permanent until you dispel it (a swift action) or it leaves you hand (causing it to dissipate at the end of your turn). You may wield the weapon as any weapon with which you are proficient. It deals 4d6 base damage if used as a 2-handed weapon, 3d6 damage if used as a 1-handed, thrown, or ranged weapon, and 2d6 if used as a light weapon. The weapon deals energy damage of a type chosen when you select this talent (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). The appearance of the weapon reveals the energy type it does (a javelin that does electricity appears to be a lightning bolt, a sword that does fire damage appears to be a column of pure flame, and so on).

Bloodrager spells:

1 DC 19/6 Cheetah Sprint, Infernal Healing, Long Arm, Snow ball
2 DC 20/4 Ironskin, See Invisibility

Eldritch Godling Spells:

0 DC 24/- Detect Magic, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Spark
1 DC 25/9 Grease, Shadow Trap, Shield, True Strike
2 DC 26/9 Invisibility, Web
3 DC 27/9 Dispell Magic, Stinking Cloud

Page of Spell Knowledge:
1 Alarm, Burning Hands, Identify, Magic Missile, Vanish

At-Will Teleportation:
Range personal and touch
Target you and touched objects or other touched willing creatures
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none and Will negates (object); Spell Resistance no and yes (object)


This spell instantly transports you to a designated destination, which may be as distant as 100 miles per caster level. Interplanar travel is not possible. You can bring along objects as long as their weight doesn’t exceed your maximum load. You may also bring one additional willing Medium or smaller creature (carrying gear or objects up to its maximum load) or its equivalent per three caster levels. A Large creature counts as two Medium creatures, a Huge creature counts as four Medium creatures, and so forth. All creatures to be transported must be in contact with one another, and at least one of those creatures must be in contact with you. As with all spells where the range is personal and the target is you, you need not make a saving throw, nor is Spell Resistance applicable to you. Only objects held or in use (attended) by another person receive saving throws and Spell Resistance.

You must have some clear idea of the location and layout of the destination. The clearer your mental image, the more likely the teleportation works. Areas of strong physical or magical energy may make teleportation more hazardous or even impossible.

FamiliarityOn TargetOff TargetSimilar AreaMishapVery familiar01–9798–99100—Studied carefully01–9495–9798–99100Seen casually01–8889–9495–9899–100Viewed once01–7677–8889–9697–100False destination——81–9293–100!

Story Bonus Traits:
1 extra trait: Community Minded
2 - extra feat: Combat Reflexes
3 - extra +2 to an ability score: Strength
4 - gain a mount CR 3 or below: Pegasus
5 - gain a crafting feat: Craft Wonderous Object
6 - gain a wish: Six Arms
7 - gain a magical ring no more than 8,000 gp (You must write the description, abilities, and background of the ring in your crunch as well),
8 - gain a familiar or animal companion,
9 - gain a super power: At Will Teleportation
10 - gain another 'Special' from another class, it cannot be a Special above 5th level: Swashbuckler Weapon Training

Swashbuckler Weapon Training (Ex)

At 5th level, you gain a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with one-handed or light slashing melee weapons. While wielding such a weapon, you gain the benefit of the Improved Critical feat. These attack and damage bonuses increase by 1 for every 4 levels beyond 5th level (to a maximum of +4 at 17th level).


4 Masterwork Katanas (2 Silversheen, 1 Cold Iron, 1 Adamantine)

+2 Spell Storing Mithril Large Shield
Gorgon Belt
Spindle of Perfect Knowledge
Secure Paypack
Wayfinder Resonance Power from Spindle: +2 Wisdom
Ring of Sustenance
Brooch of Fiendish Blending (Brooch of Blending that alters and conceals the traits of a half-fiend; includes powers of a Plaugebringers mask, maker her Aligment appear as neutral) (5000 gp value)
Sleeves of Many Garments

Flint and Steel
Small folding shovel
50 ft of Silk Rope
Sword Oil

Wand of Cure Light Wounds: 50/50
Wand of Mage Armour: 50/50
3 vials of holy water


Gear Abilities:
Gorgon Belt:
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Slot belt; Price 23,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.


This belt grants its wearer a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, and the ability to ignore difficult terrain while charging or making an overrun, bull rush, or trample attempt. Furthermore, once per day on command, its wearer can spew a 60-foot cone of poisonous green gas as a breath weapon. Any creature caught in the area of the gas can attempt a DC 18 saving throw to resist its effect, but if the creature fails the saving throw, it is paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. At the end of its turn, a creature petrified by this breath weapon can attempt a new save to end the paralysis effect. Treat the enhancement bonus to Strength as a temporary ability bonus for the first 24 hours the belt is worn.

Spindle of Perfect Knowledge (Minor Artifact)
Slot none; Aura strong transmutation; CL 20th; Weight —


The spindle of perfect knowledge is large, bright, and flawless marquise-cut diamond ioun stone the size of a halfling’s fist.

The gemstone would be a treasure in itself if it lacked magic, but it is also a powerful ioun stone. The spindle of perfect knowledge functions like a headband of mental superiority +4 and grants 5 ranks in two random Knowledge skills. The wearer can communicate and understand languages as if using comprehend languages, tongues, and telepathy with a range of 100 feet.


The spindle of perfect knowledge is destroyed if worn by a mindless creature for an entire year.

Spell Storing
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Aura strong evocation; CL 12th; Weight —; Price +1 Bonus


This armor allows a spellcaster to store a single touch spell of up to 3rd level in it. Anytime a creature hits the wearer with a melee attack or melee touch attack, the armor can cast the spell on that creature as a swift immediate action if the wearer desires. Once the spell has been cast from the armor, a spellcaster can cast any other targeted touch spell of up to 3rd level into it. The armor magically imparts to the wielder the name of the spell currently stored within it.

A randomly rolled suit of spell storing armor has a 50% chance to have a spell stored in it already. Spell storing armor emits a strong aura of the evocation school, plus the aura of the stored spell.


Ring of Sustenance 2500
Adamantine Sword 3000
2 Silversheen 1500
1 Cold Iron 200
Brooch 5000
Wands 1500
Mount 1000
Page of Spell Knowledge 3250 (5)
Sleeves of Many Garments

total: 18550

Amadea is stunningly beautiful dark skinned woman with long straight black hair and vibrantly green eyes. She has 6 arms, three on each side, and below the ribs her body becomes that of a snake for about three times the length of regular legs.
Height: Typically around 6 ft, but can adjust her height depending on how she coils her tail. She is about 12 ft long from head to tip of tail.
Weight: 250 lbs
Hair: Waist length black hair
Eyes: Green
Handedness: Omnidextrous
Clothing: She wears silks draped about her upper body, but is generally nude below the waist.


Malum Malus
Half-Fiendish Bicorn

CG Large magical beast
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +10
Aura magic circle against evil


AC 24, touch 16, flat-footed 19; (+5 Dex, +4 natural, +4 Armour, –1 size; +2 deflection vs. evil)
hp 40 (4d10+18)
Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +7; +2 resistance vs. Good
Immune charm, compulsion, poison


Speed 60 ft. Fly 120ft
Melee gore +10 (1d8+6), 2 claws +10 (1d8+6), Bite +10 d8+6
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks powerful charge (gore, 2d8+12)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 9th)

At will—detect good (as free action), light
3/day—inflict light wounds
1/day—inflict moderate wounds, greater teleport (within its badland territory), neutralize poison (DC 21)
3/day Darkness
1/day Desecrate


Str 22, Dex 21, Con 20, Int 13, Wis 23, Cha 26
Base Atk +4; CMB +9; CMD 24 (28 vs. trip)
Feats Multiattack, Weapon Focus (horn)
Skills Acrobatics +10, Perception +11, Stealth +10, Survival +8 (+11 in forests); Racial Modifiers +3 Survival in forests, +6 Stealth
Languages Common, Sylvan
SQ magical strike, wild empathy +17


Magic Circle against Evil (Su)

This ability continually duplicates the effect of the spell. The bicorn cannot suppress this ability.

Magical Strike (Ex)

A Bicorn’s gore attack is treated as a magic good weapon for the purposes of damage reduction.

Wild Empathy (Su)

This works like the druid’s wild empathy class feature, except the unicorn has a +6 racial bonus on the check. Unicorns with druid levels add this racial modifier to their wild empathy checks.

Chain shirt barding +4

Player Bio:
Anna Kawasaki was the daughter of a military household. As a result, her childhood consisted of constant moves and disrupted friendships. She got very good at making friends quickly, and fitting into new groups, but found each succession of relationships getting shallower and shallower, as the pain of breaking them off with each move became more and more predictable.

As she grew, she found her life moving more and more online, as she could always meet up with old friends virtually, and since the friendships and relationships she made there could be maintained and carried through no matter where she moved.

She finished high school, and carried on the family tradition, joining up and serving four years, which was extended a few times, and ended up being six and half. She trained as a helicopter pilot, and did mostly supply and deployment work, often with the really big birds, but we'll behind the front lines.

While in service, she met her future husband, a fellow officer, who worked as aide de camp to the base intelligence officer. A fellow gamer, they got to know each other on and offline, and eventually got married.

Soon after, her husband was promoted to an intelligence position himself, which required them to move overseas. No stranger to new environments, she adapted. However, when she left the service, in part to allow her to remain with him, she lost her security clearance. Slowly she began being unable to talk about more and more of what he actually did.

They moved a few more times, until eventually she was moved to a protective housing settlement for families of people in sensitive security positions. While she was used to a limited social life, the new restrictions made her offline life very hard to maintain. As her husband had to spend longer and longer stretches of time away, she became more and more engrossed in her online life.

She became attached to the guild a few years ago, meeting a few of the other core members, and helping them to found the guild. Since then, most of her free time has gone into helping to build it, develop the resources, and maintain the infrastructure.

The upcoming shutdown was a major personal blow, as she had withdrawn from most other games and online communities, feeling like she had found her niche with this one. She was at a bit of a crisis point, feeling like she didn't know what to do without the game. Even if she could maintain contact with other former players, and if she could find a new game, chances were slim that very many players would pick the same game, meaning her social circle was dissolving.

With this painful prospect in mind, she logged in on the night of the shutdown, in order to spend one last bit of time with the core remnant of the guild.

Old Paladin Character:
Initiative: +3
Perception: +11

Initiative +3 (+3 Dex)
Hitpoints: 55/
AC: 22(24 w/Shield) FF: 19 (21 w/sh) Touch: 13
CMB +7 / CMD 20
Fort +9 Ref +8 Will +5
Move: 30ft

+10 +1 Longbow 1d8+3 (19-20/x3) (+1 Attack and Damage within 30ft)
+8/8 Rapid Shot 1d8+3
+8 Deadly Aim 1d8+7
+6/+6 Deadly Rapid Shot 1d8+7

Agile Half Plate +6 AC Armour Check -4 (-1 to climb and jump)

Acrobatics +3
Appraise +0
Bluff +3
Climb +2
Diplomacy +8 (2 Rank)
Disguise +3
Escape Artist +3
Fly +3
Handle Animal +3
Heal -1
Intimidate +9 (1 Rank)
Knowledge: Nobility +0
Knowledge: Religion +4 (1 Rank)
Perception +11 (5 Rank) (+3 from gear)
Perform +3
Ride +7 (1 Rank)
Sense Motive -1
Stealth +3
Survival -1
Swim +2

Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Deadly Aim
Rapid Shot

Defender of the Society
Eyes and Ears of the Forest (+1 Perception class skill)

Racial Abilities:
Darkvision 60 ft
Intimidating (+2)
Orc Blood
Orc Ferocity: Once per day, when brought below 0 hit points but not killed, she can fight on for one more round as if disabled. At the end of her next turn, unless brought to above 0 hit points, she immediately falls unconscious and begins dying.
Weapon Familiarity: All weapons with "Orc" in the name.

Class Abilities
Aura of Good
Monstrous Diplomacy
Merciful Smite Evil 2/Day
Divine Grace (Add Cha Mod to all saves)
Lay on Hands 3d6 5/day
Aura of Courage
Divine Health
Mercy: Fatigued

Explorer's Outfit
MW Agile Breast Plate
Armoured Kilt
Heavy Darkwood Shield
Amulet Erastil (Natural Armour +1)
Bracers of Falcon's Aim (+3 Perception, +1 Range Attacks, Improved Critical on Bows)

+1 Composite Darkwood Bow (Str: +2)
MW Cold Iron Longsword (330 gp)
Silver Warhammer (102 gp)
Cold Iron Dagger (4 gp)
Brace of Throwing Knives (4) (4 gp)

Back Quiver: 24 Arrows
Side Quiver: 6 Arrows, 6 Blunt Arrows, 2 Flight, 6 Thistle (Bleed), 1 Grappling Arrow, 3 Whistling Arrow

Ioun Torch (75 gp)

Flint and Steel
Small folding shovel
50 ft of Silk Rope
Sword Oil

Wand of Cure Light Wounds: 50/50
3 vials of holy water
Potion of Cat's Grace
Potion of Protection from Evil
Potion of Bless Weapon
Potion of Shield of Faith

Heavy Warhorse
Military Saddle
Saddle Bags
Armoured Coat
Large Tent

GP: 53
SP: 15
CP: 5

Amadea is an unusual creature, and a conundrum; she is a beautiful half-orc. Growing up in a primarily human village, no one has ever known quite what to make of her. Here, orcs are almost always the enemy, vilified and reviled. She came about in was is likely the most common means for half-orcs; in her case Amadea's mother was taken in a raid and when her captors had finished their sport, she was let go with the dogs on her heels. Fierce in spirit and once a warrior herself, she made it back to Kassen alive, and survived the pregnancy that followed. The child, though clearly of orcish descent, with green skin and hair, emerald eyes, and pointed teeth, became her mother's world. As such, she was called Amadea, or beloved. Her mother never married, though whether by choice or necessity is a debatable question, and so she dedicated herself to raising her child.
No one in Kassen has ever known quite what to make of the green toned girl. That she was as fierce in spirit as her mother was evident from a very young age. Her beauty, despite her orcish heritage, or perhaps because of the exotic air it gave her, made the townspeople that much more uncertain of how to treat her. As a result, she has been neglected as a whole by the town at large, and often forgotten when not present.

As she saw those years where young people were to be chosen to perform the Lamp Lighting ceremony, she yearned to be selected one day, but feared that she would not. She desired more than anything to go, believing that being among the champions of the town would help her prove herself to them once and for all. Afraid she would be overlooked, either because of her age( at 15 she is still a girl by human standards) or because of her apparent lack of training, she approached Father Prasst to teach her. She knew that he was once a soldier, and somewhat like herself, not entirely given the credit he deserved for his skills. Under his tutelage, she has trained in secret the past few years to become a Paladin of Erastil.

However, her fears were realized this year when the names came out, but hers was not one of them. While it is possible that she might be selected next time, a few years from now, she has decided that she cannot wait. She has fastened on her mother's old armour, girded on her sword, and intends to make herself known, here and now.

Height: 5'4
Weight: 110 lbs
Hair: Waist length straight hair that is a dark green in colour.
Eyes: Emerald
Handedness: Right
Personality: Headstrong and outspoken, Amadea is nonetheless naive, idealistic, optimistic. She has a strong desire to prove herself, but very little in the way of real life experience.