dr. kekyll |

Strength 2, Stamina 2, Agility 2, Dexterity 0, Fighting 2, Intellect 1, Awareness 0, Presence 2
Spatial Awareness:
Distance Sense: Senses 1, Ranged Touch Sense: Senses 1 [Sustained (+0)]
(2 points)
Perception Range Teleport Attack: Teleport 6 [Reduced Action* (+1), Perception Range (+2); Limited: must have two targets which must swap places (-1); Increased Mass (+3), Split (+1)]
Alt: Reaction Teleport: Teleport 6 [Reaction: imminent attack (+3); Limited: must swap places with an unattended object (-1); Increased Mass (+3), Split (+1)]
(29 points)"
Accurate Attack, All-out Attack, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 6, Improved Initiative 1, Languages 1, Power Attack, Takedown 1, Teamwork, Uncanny Dodge
Athletics 6 (+8), Close Combat: Unarmed 6 (+8), Deception (+2), Expertise: Criminal Justice 2 (+3), Insight (+0), Intimidation (+2), Investigation 2 (+3), Perception (+0), Persuasion 4 (+6), Stealth (+2)
Initiative +6
Dodge 4, Parry 4
Toughness 8 (Def Roll 6), Fortitude 6, Will 4
Power Points
Abilities 22 + Powers 31 + Advantages 15 + Skills 10 + Defenses 12 = Total 90
* technically, "Reduced Action" isn't a thing, but you can make a standard action into a reaction (+3/rank) and make a reaction into a move action (-2/rank) for a net cost of 1 point per rank

Rigel Kentaurus |

And since your unfamiliar with the system, I can give you some quick tips. You want your to hit and damage for an individual attack to add up to 12. Right now, you have a melee attack of 0 to hit and 1 damage and a ranged attack of 7 to hit and 3 damage. That’s not going to be threatening to really any adversary. You also want your defense pairs to add up to 12. The defense pairs are Dodge/Toughness, Parry/Toughness, and Fort/Will. Your defenses are absolute weak sauce. Insubstantial makes up for that some, but if an enemy comes at you with an energy or mental attack, you’re a sitting duck. I would drop the melee damage power, it’ll cost too much to make it useful. Instead, bring your ranged damage up to 5 for 4 points. Also increase some of your defenses. It’ll be...
Based on this, I updated PROTON to STA=3
I am going to try to rebuild some of the energy expulsion powers under Alternate Form into an array to create some point economy also.
Rigel Kentaurus |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I don't know how to fix it as I don't have the system book and wiki is confusing, I'll try to fix it but that'll be the best I can do on my end. I Guess she would be best immune to fire damage. I am better off infeel.trying to rewrite it once I am home from work.
BC - if you want to share/email .POR files or something, I am happy to help with your build. I can share mine with you as well.

Delightful |

Fixed Magick.
Strength -1, Stamina 0, Agility 2, Dexterity 2, Fighting 0, Intellect 3, Awareness 6, Presence 2
Languages 1, Ranged Attack 2, Ritualist
Expertise: Magic 8 (+11), Insight 2 (+8), Perception 2 (+8), Persuasion 4 (+6)
Magick: (20 pt. Array)
Myrddin’s Arcane Blast: Ranged Damage 8 • 16 points
- Slumbering Curse of Aillen: Ranged Affliction 8 (Resisted by Will; Fatigued, Exhausted and Asleep) • 1 point
- Invisible Hand of Hekate: Perception Move Object 5, Precise, Subtle • 1 point
- Panacea’s Healing Touch: Healing 4, Energizing, Restorative • 1 point
- Shimmering Mists of Avalon: Illusion 3 vs. All Senses, Area (15 Cubic Feet), Resistible by Will, Selective • 1 point
Witchsight: Senses 2 (Magical Awareness, Radius) • 2 points
Amulet of Warding: Protection 8, Sustained, Removable (-1 points) • 7 points
Cloak of Levitation: Flight 5 (60 MPH), Removable (-2 points) • 8 points
Transformation Sequence: Feature 1 (Transform into costume as a free action) • 1 point
Initiative +2
Unarmed +0 / Close Damage -1 (DC Toughness 14)
Myrddin’s Arcane Blast +4 / Ranged Damage 8 (DC Toughness 23)
Motivation—Learning: Gwen is a dedicated student of the arcane arts and wants to learn everything she can about her powers.
Motivation—Doing Good: Gwen is a nice girl despite her dabbling in the dark arts and wants to use her abilities to help the world the best she can.
Responsibility: Given her mom's history as a defender of the mundane and magical worlds, Gwen feels responsible to upholding that legacy.
Secret: No one can know that the bookish high school student Gwen Jones is in fact the magical spell-slinger Magick!
English (Native Language)
Dodge 4, Fortitude 4, Parry 4, Toughness 8, Will 8
Power Points: Abilities 28, Powers 38, Advantages 4, Skills 8, Defenses 12

Siphon_ |
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Added that last remaining skill point. Also, added an additional complication -- that of her parents and younger sister.
Siphon's parents are just the worst. Sonja and Martin Tepe are manipulative and greedy, having encouraged her to become a villainous mercenary in the first place and blowing through all her earnings by living an extravagant lifestyle. They're mired in the seedy criminal underbelly, having effectively been her "agent" in procuring jobs. Despite all their faults, Siphon still cares for them and remains susceptible to their emotional manipulation.
Siphon's younger sister Vanessa is fourteen and totally mundane. She had been shipped off to boarding school so her parents wouldn't have to deal with her, which thankfully shielded her from the criminal lifestyle the Tepes enjoyed. Siphon is very protective of her, and sees her innocence as something she lost a long time ago so she wants her to maintain it as long as possible.
Siphon - PL 6
Strength -1, Stamina 0, Agility 4, Dexterity 0, Fighting 1, Intellect 0, Awareness 2 Presence 0
Connected, Defensive Roll 6, Hide in Plain Sight
Acrobatics 2 (+6), Close Combat 5 (+6), Perception 5 (+7), Stealth 12 (+16)
Power Drain and Absorption
Mimic: Variable 6 (Linked; Limited: Touch Range)
Stuns: Affliction 6 (Linked; 1st degree: Dazed, Impaired, 2nd degree: Stunned, Disabled, 3rd degree: Incapacitated, Transformed, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 16; Extra Condition)
Thank you, SuperTumbler
Initiative +4
Grab, +1 (DC Spec 9)
Throw, +0 (DC 14)
Unarmed, +1 (DC 14)
Affliction 6, +6 (DC Fort 16)
Hunger (must drain to survive)
Reputation (former villain)
Relationship (parents and sister)
Native Language
Dodge 6, Parry 4, Fortitude 3, Toughness 6, Will 4
Power Points
Abilities 12 + Powers 48 + Advantages 8 + Skills 12 (24 ranks) + Defenses 10 = 90

Rigel Kentaurus |

Matt Adams 259 wrote:And since your unfamiliar with the system, I can give you some quick tips. You want your to hit and damage for an individual attack to add up to 12. Right now, you have a melee attack of 0 to hit and 1 damage and a ranged attack of 7 to hit and 3 damage. That’s not going to be threatening to really any adversary. You also want your defense pairs to add up to 12. The defense pairs are Dodge/Toughness, Parry/Toughness, and Fort/Will. Your defenses are absolute weak sauce. Insubstantial makes up for that some, but if an enemy comes at you with an energy or mental attack, you’re a sitting duck. I would drop the melee damage power, it’ll cost too much to make it useful. Instead, bring your ranged damage up to 5 for 4 points. Also increase some of your defenses. It’ll be...
Based on this, I updated PROTON to STA=3
I am going to try to rebuild some of the energy expulsion powers under Alternate Form into an array to create some point economy also.
BC & I worked on Emerald Kometa last night ... to the point that now Proton/Rigel is feeling shame and needs work also.
Emerald Kometa is righteous though; I'm sure BC will post later today.

dr. kekyll |

Tyler is a college senior majoring in criminal justice. He played football (both) throughout highschool and was backup quarterback for his college team. His dad is a guidance counselor and his mother is an artist. He has a sister about to graduate high school and a little brother in the seventh grade. He also has a fiancée, which will complicate things. He loves her, but he also has a strong sense of justice and feels obligated to step up. She was ready to graduate, get married, and settle down. He doesn't feel like becoming a hero should change any of that, but she doesn't want him to do something so dangerous.
Leaving this here for myself, but I might actually rethink the character completely. Feel free to comment on the crunch though. I will likely want to use that powerset eventually.

Rigel Kentaurus |

Tyler is a college senior majoring in criminal justice. He played football (both) throughout highschool and was backup quarterback for his college team. His dad is a guidance counselor and his mother is an artist. He has a sister about to graduate high school and a little brother in the seventh grade. He also has a fiancée, which will complicate things. He loves her, but he also has a strong sense of justice and feels obligated to step up. She was ready to graduate, get married, and settle down. He doesn't feel like becoming a hero should change any of that, but she doesn't want him to do something so dangerous.Leaving this here for myself, but I might actually rethink the character completely. Feel free to comment on the crunch though. I will likely want to use that powerset eventually.
The engaged high-school senior whose fiancee knows he is powered and thinks operating as a super is dangerous ... that part is pure genius. This is the guy whose cell phone rings when the party is trying to be stealthy. LOVE this.

Matt Adams 259 |

I’m going to set a hard deadline for crunch for the 15th. That should give people that want to remake some characters the chance. In the meantime, what are your preferred methods for maps? I don’t think superhero games need full battle maps because many characters tend to have ways of covering so much distance that accurately tracking movement or range by squares is superfluous.
Tyler Davidson-what were you trying to do with the Reduced Action thing? Were you trying to make teleport a move action? Because teleport is already a move action.

dr. kekyll |

Tyler Davidson-what were you trying to do with the Reduced Action thing? Were you trying to make teleport a move action? Because teleport is already a move action.
My understanding was that making it an "attack" forced it to be a standard action, but since it's literally only a repositioning trick, I figured doing it as a move wasn't broken.

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Thanks to Rigel, I have fixed up Emerald to a better standard.
Native Language: Ukrainian
-Language English
+7 (2) Expertise: Physics
+7 (2) Investigation
+7 (2) Technology
Alternate Form: Energy 48
-Standard Activation
--Blast Damage 5; Flight 6 (120 Mph); Immunity 10: Life Support; Insubstantial 3
Regeneration 3
Init: +2
Blast: +6/ Damage 5 (DC 20: Toughness)
Throw +4
-Disability (Crutches)
-Enemy (Dr. Michelle Gibbon: Former friend turned competitive rival and enemy)
-Motivation: Acceptance
-Power Loss (Can be overloaded, potentially either disorienting her or at worst creating a blast around her out of her control)
Dodge 6, Parry 2, Fort 4, Toughness 4, Will 5

Matt Adams 259 |

Matt Adams 259 wrote:Tyler Davidson-what were you trying to do with the Reduced Action thing? Were you trying to make teleport a move action? Because teleport is already a move action.My understanding was that making it an "attack" forced it to be a standard action, but since it's literally only a repositioning trick, I figured doing it as a move wasn't broken.
I see what you mean. Honestly, I'm hesitant to make a final decision because it seemed like you were withdrawing the character in favor of another one, and this is going to vary by table, but the rest of the sheet looks good for future reference.
Emerald Kometa looks good now.

Mage of the Wyrmkin |

In terms of maps, it depends. Much of the time you can get away with theatre of the mind especially when characters are far apart however many showdowns will happen in a reasonably confined space and this is when a map is invaluable. It helps to clarify questions about distance and space for powers and effects that span more than one square and allows for the effective use of tactics. In the end it will save the GM and players a lot of time and will make decisions seem less arbitrary. Maps add a lot of texture to the game as well so I am strongly in favour of their use.
Google slides is easy and very accessible and used extensively here. So my vote is to use that method for set battles or challenges.

Kazmanaught |

Alright, if this doesn't work I'm just making a bruiser type hero (The Mace of Clubs) and calling it a day. :)
Attempt 2: Montana Rose! Let me know what you think, or if you want me to tone anything back.
Strength 0 Stamina 0 Agiity 2[4] Dexterity 0 Fighting 0 Intellect 0 Awareness 5[10] Presence 5[10]
Dodge: 2+1=3[1]
Parry: 0
Toughness: 0 (9 but,requires move action to activate)
Fort: 0+4=4[4]
Will: 5+3=8[3]
Skills:Vehicles 0+12[6]Persuasion 5+10=15[5]
Advantages:Very Attractive: +5 circumstance bonus on deception and persuasion checks if the target would find Montana Rose attractive [2]
Powers:Stone Armor: Protection 9, Activation 1, Impervious 1/rank [9]
The Roiling Earth: Enviroment Impede movement 2 selective(3/rank)3[9]
Earthen Shaping Array:
*The Grasping Soil: Affliction 6, Cumulative, Area 2(Shapeable) (4/rank)[24] (Hindered, defenseless, Paralyzed)(DC 16 Will)
*True Terramorpher: Create 11, Permanent, innate, precise (2/rank+2flat)
*Shunt: Burrowing 12, ranged (doesn't have to be at end point) (2/rank)
*Launch!: Leaping 8, Affects others, area(burst) (3/rank)
Who is Montana Rose? The plucky new crimefighter with a heart of gold, and an oh so charming southern drawl? Well, it turns out that even she is unclear on the specifics.
Montana Rose is, in no particular order, upbeat, kind, optimistic, and fiercely driven to survive in this world. Her age is unknown, but assumed to be either in her late teens or early 20's.
About 6 years ago a superhero team was investigating a cult devoted to one of the numerous lower planes. When they broke into the cult's hideout, they found a young girl, tied to a table in the middle of a circle, being cut by cultists. Every time she screamed as a knife nicked her, a pillar of blue and orange crystals shot from the floor. Being superheros, the team freed the girl from her tormentors.
Alas! The girl had no memory! For although she could talk, and even had a pronounced southern accent, she couldn't even remember her name, let alone who her parents were. The cult was not particularly good about keeping records, and although missing reports were filled across the country, no one came to claim the girl. The team took to calling her Montana Rose, and took it upon themselves to take care of her, making sure that she was sheltered, fed, and sent to school.
Unfortunately, Montana had rather extensive powers over the earth itself, ranging from causing pits to form, to rather alarming looking crystals forming around the ankles of those around her. Worse yet, she had no control over their activation, only becoming prominent when upset. And as a lonely child who was put into a strange Middle School, it was no wonder that school was not really an option for her.
[Hero that cares, this should be hashed out if I am selected.] made an effort then, to train Montana in controlling her power. There was some concern that it could in fact be demonic in nature, and if left uncontrolled, could become very dangerous. It took many years, but Montana went from being a surly, uncontrollable teen, to a well adjusted young woman, who had her own job, rented her own apartment, and except for the occasional visit from [hero] was otherwise completely unremarkable. This is what she wanted, a nice, unremarkable life. Still, questions plagued her late at night, questions like, who am I really?
All of this changed when the Doomsday event occurred. Montana knew that without heroes, her life trajectory would have been very different. Distraught at the loss, but determined to help others as she was once helped herself, she took reduced hours on her job, moved to a smaller apartment, and began fighting crime. A smile on her face, and grief in her heart, the latest hero Montana Rose burst onto the scene!

Siphon_ |

I'm not super fond of maps when the game's mechanics don't call for precise tactics and positioning, but I still understand their value. I'm not all that familiar with the system, but I don't recall it relying too much on mechanics like AoOs and flanking. Is there a rule for how many "squares" on a map can those of us without movement powers move? Plus, maps don't represent 3-D combat very well and you usually have that in a superhero game.
As for me, my main tactic will be to use stealth to get close to an enemy and then take my new stolen powers out for a spin. I'm not sure if maps would be a help or a hindrance for that. I'm hopeful I won't spend too much of the fights chasing down my target, and instead can just jump out or ambush my target if they don't see me.

Brainiac |

The succubus's main tactic is to quickly close the distance to enemies by flying or just moving supernaturally fast, then rip them apart with strong close attacks. Fast healing and high Stamina should help keep her on her feet. She can also daze and fascinate enemies and inspire allies.
Still workshopping a good superhero name. Leaning toward Maxine the Demon Queen right now unless I can come up with something better. :D

dr. kekyll |

Is there a rule for how many "squares" on a map can those of us without movement powers move?
Yeah, according to the measurements chart, normal speed is 30 feet in 6 seconds.
I'm hopeful I won't spend too much of the fights chasing down my target, and instead can just jump out or ambush my target if they don't see me.
If there's any discreet object weighing 400* lbs. or less near them, I can help with that!
* this value may be subject to change.

Stalwart |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Still workshopping a good superhero name. Leaning toward Maxine the Demon Queen right now unless I can come up with something better. :D
Lady Lust? Demona/Daemona? Lillith? Devil Diva? Devilwing? Miss Sin?*
*If you go with that one, there must be a scene where you introduce yourself, and the listener says, "You're missing? No, you're right there."

Rigel Kentaurus |

Brainiac wrote:Still workshopping a good superhero name. Leaning toward Maxine the Demon Queen right now unless I can come up with something better. :DLady Lust? Demona/Daemona? Lillith? Devil Diva? Devilwing? Miss Sin?*
*If you go with that one, there must be a scene where you introduce yourself, and the listener says, "You're missing? No, you're right there."
"Is there somethin' missin'?"
"Miss Sin, nah, she has my number, we're good.
GM SuperTumbler |
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Since we are still tweaking:
Change log:
Lowered Presence and Raised Intellect to -2
Added Perception 8 Ranks
Added Languages: ASL and English (Understands English, can't speak it as a complication)
Added Power Attack
Removed Dim Mak and added a burst area version of Ki strike. This lets him attack enemies in a 30 foot burst, flipping around and punching and kicking. Basically a minion clearer.
Ninja Monkey - PL 6
Strength 0, Stamina 1, Agility 6, Dexterity 4, Fighting 8, Intellect -2, Awareness 3, Presence 0
Hide in Plain Sight, Languages 2, Power Attack
Acrobatics 5 (+11), Perception 8 (+11), Stealth 6 (+16)
Monkey Movement
Movement: Movement 3 (Safe Fall, Wall-crawling 2: full speed)
Wire-Fu: Leaping 3 (Leap 60 feet at 16 miles/hour; Check Required: DC 10 - Acrobatics)
Ninja Tricks
Chi Strike: Strength-based Burst Area Damage 2 (DC 17; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 12, Selective)
Chi Strike: Strength-based Damage 4 (DC 19; Multiattack)
Ninjas go where others cannot: Teleport 2 (120 feet in a move action, carrying 50 lbs.; Accurate, Subtle 2: undetectable; Check Required: DC 10 - stealth)
Shrinking: Shrinking 4 (-1 STR, -2 Intimidate, +4 Stealth, +2 active defenses, -1 size rank; Innate; Permanent)
Use Feet as Hands: Feature 1
Initiative +6
Chi Strike: Strength-based Burst Area Damage 2 (DC 17)
Chi Strike: Strength-based Damage 4, +8 (DC 19)
Grab, +8 (DC Spec 10)
Throw, +4 (DC 15)
Unarmed, +8 (DC 15)
ASL, English, Monkey
Dodge 8, Parry 10, Fortitude 6, Toughness 1, Will 5
Power Points
Abilities 42 + Powers 27 + Advantages 4 + Skills 10 (19 ranks) + Defenses 7 = 90

dr. kekyll |

So... I've been watching Legion and now I'm inspired by the Loudermilks to make a character that is two people that usually share a body.
Fraternal twins. But one has the power to absorb other people and things sort of like a bag of holding but accidentally absorbed his twin in the womb, and, because of when it happened, they became stuck that way. They can separate temporarily with effort. In order to figure out how to separate themselves again permanently, Bobby (generally goes by 'Finn' short for their last name Finnegan), the one who could absorb things, became a scientist and basically doesn't use his power while the other twin, Bobbie, is athletic and aggressive.

Delightful |

Magick is definitely kitted out to be a ranged operator who will be trying her best to stay away from the thick of it. She’ll be using most of her time flying out of range blasting or deliberating villains from afar using her Magic array. I got plans to boost her close damage capabilities but until then her main thing will be the aforementioned ranged utility and blasting.
Personality-wise she's a "legacy" hero trying her best to live up while being really new stuff to the superhero scene. Also kind of a wizard nerd with mahou shoujo vibes.

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Great. Would we prefer a tank or a controller? I have a few concepts:
Oros - a metallic magnetron able to liquefy and manipulate metal for powerful attacks and defenses.
Madhouse - considered by many to be a shared hallucination, this illusionist is impossible to pin down.
Anyman - a copycat who is never what he appears to be, this dynamic fighter can duplicate most other people's powers, but there's always something off about them...
The Speaker - gifted with a voice that can command reality, there is little that can stand in this person's way.

Candy Grrl |

Candy Grrl is built as a scrappy brick weirdo.
She can take bludgeoning damage, and choose between bolstering her protection or hitting hard through concentrating her "hard candy shell" upon her hands like confection cestus. Downside on both her armour and augmented attack is they crack and eventually fall off (Fades).
Her Elongation means she can engage and grapple foes perhaps too dangerous to take head on, hopefully holding them in place whilst blasty types do their thing.
@D-Kal: All those look cool and would be interesting to see the crunch builds. Concept wise I love the notion of a shared hallucination - genius.

Mage of the Wyrmkin |

I made a few minor tweaks to my character as well.
They include:
1) Intellect reduced from 5 to 4.
2) Dark vision reduced to low-light vision.
3) Luck reduced from rank 2 to rank 1.
4) Perception increased from Rank 7 to Rank 11 for a total bonus of +15.
5) Ultra-hearing added.
6) Added a new alternative effect for my character's Alchemical Concoctions array: "Alchemical Blade" - Damage Rank 8 (electricity), Accurate Rank 2 (+4 to hit),Split Rank 1, Reach Rank 1. (1 point)
I am just verifying that the split advantage can be added to a damage effect as it is a resistible effect in my mind.
Doctor Night - PL 6 (90 pp)
Strength 0, Stamina 8, Agility 4, Dexterity 0, Fighting 0, Intellect 4, Awareness 4, Presence 0
Eidetic Memory,Luck,Skill Mastery (Perception), Skill Mastery (Acrobatics).
Skills (Ranks)
Acrobatics - Rank 6 (+10), Perception - Rank 11 (+15),Technology - Rank 1(+5), Expertise(Magic)- Rank 1(+5), Expertise (Science) - Rank 1 (+5), Treatment- Rank 1(+5), Investigation - Rank 1(+5).
Unusual Anatomy:
"Natural Camouflage" - Concealment rank 3 (Normal Sight and Normal Hearing) (Blending Flaw -1 cost per rank) (3 points)
"Prodigious Leaper" - Leaping Rank 4 (4 points)
"Enhanced Senses" -
Hearing: Accurate Normal Hearing 2 Ranks (2 points), Extended Normal Hearing 1 Rank (1 point), Ultra-Hearing 1 Rank (1 point).
Danger Sense (Hearing) 1 Rank (1 point).
Vision: Extended Normal Vision 1 Rank (1 point), Low-Light Vision 1 Ranks (1 points).
Alchemical Concoctions: (12 pt Array)
- "Nauseating Stench Elixir" Affliction Rank 6, resisted by Fortitude. Conditions - Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated , Area (Burst, 30 feet)(12 Points)
- "Dragon Breath Potion" - Damage Rank 6 (Acid), Area (Line, 5 wide, 30 feet long). (1 point)
- "Webbing Spittle" - Affliction Rank 6, resisted by Dodge. Conditions - Vulnerable, Immobile, Paralysed, Area (Cone 60 feet) (1 point)
- "Marvellous Paints" - Create Rank 5,precise,subtle.(1 point)
- "Healing Draught" - Healing Rank 6 (1 point)
- "Alchemical Blade" - Damage Rank 8 (electricity), Accurate Rank 2 (+4 to hit),Split Rank 1, Reach Rank 1. (1 point)
Dodge: 4
Parry: 4 (4 points)
Fortitude: 8
Will: 4
Toughness: 8
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 150#
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Motivation: Curiosity,doing good.
Quirky Magic - Alchemy is not an exact science and sometimes it might go askew leading to an interesting situation.
Secret Identity - Graduate student (John Graves).
Responsibility - John wishes to help where he can and to put his new powers to good use.
Power Point Totals: Advantages 4 + Abilities 40 + Skills 11 + Defenses 4 + Powers 31 = 90 Points

dr. kekyll |

Strength 0, Stamina 0, Agility 0, Dexterity 2, Fighting 0, Intellect 10, Awareness 2, Presence 2
Summon Sibling:
Summon 6 [Heroic (+2); Concentration (-1), Tiring (-1); Quirk: Siblings Stuff* (-x)]
(12 points)
Touch Range Movement Attack: Movement 1 [Dimensional Travel 1; Attack (+0)]
(2 points)
Attractive 1, Assessment, Contacts, Eidetic Memory, Fascinate 1 (Persuasion), Improvised Tools, Inventor, Jack-of-All-Trades, Languages 5, Well-Informed
Acrobatics (+0), Athletics (+0), Deception (+2), Expertise: Metahuman Biology 6 (+16), Expertise: Intelligence (+10), Expertise: Presence (+2), Expertise: Dexterity (+2), Insight 8 (+10), Intimidation (+2), Investigation (+10), Perception 8 (+10), Persuasion 8 (+10), Sleight of Hand (+2), Stealth (+0), Technology (+10), Treatment (+10), Vehicles 2 (+4)
Initiative +0
Dodge 6, Parry 0
Toughness 0 (Def Roll 0), Fortitude 0, Will 10
Power Points
Abilities 32 + Powers 14 + Advantages 14 + Skills 16 + Defenses 14 = Total 90
* Siblings don't always get along and sometimes Billie won't come out, but I didn't expect this would happen often enough to count as the Resistible flaw, so let me know how many points you'd award for it and they'll go into defenses.
Strength 6, Stamina 6, Agility 2, Dexterity 0, Fighting 2, Intellect 0, Awareness 3, Presence 0
Super Human:
Regeneration 10 [Limited: only works while inside Bobby (-1)], Enhanced Strength 3 [Permanent], Enhanced Stamina 3 [Permanent], Enhanced Agility 1 [Permanent], Protection 6
(25 points)
Accurate Attack, All-out Attack, Fearless, Improved Critical 2, Improved Grab, Improved Initiative 2, Improved Trip, Interpose, Luck 3, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Precise Attack 4, Takedown 2, Ultimate Effort, Uncanny Dodge
Acrobatics 4 (+6), Athletics 6 (+12), Close Combat: Unarmed 4 (+6), Deception (+0), Insight 6 (+9), Intimidation (+0), Perception 6 (+9), Persuasion (+0), Stealth (+2)
Initiative +10
Dodge 2, Parry 2
Toughness 12 (Def Roll 0), Fortitude 10, Will 4
Power Points
Abilities 24 + Powers 25 + Advantages 23 + Skills 13 + Defenses 5 = Total 90
Personally, I'm torn between the twins here and exploring the effect heroing will have on Tyler's relationship. Anyone else's thoughts are appreciated.

Candy Grrl |

Have also tweaked Candy Grrl too.
Added the Activation Flaw (-1) to her Hard Candy Shell as I figured it should take at least a Move Action for her skin to harden.
With the now freed up Power Point I've given her Regeneration 2 (with the Source flaw - Sugar/Saccharine).
Also given her the Prejudice (Obvious Superhuman) Complication, as she has skin/hair/eye colouring of shimmer pink and pearlescent white.
Finishing up her background today - covering her escape from her father and status up to Doomsday hitting.

Regongar Stormborn |

Sorry to double post, but does the Montana stat block work better? Also, I'm a little confused by the motivations and complications bit, I couldn't find a lot of info on it on the SRD.
Well ... since you are like the best Amiri ever; do you want the pdf?
Core?Deluxe Hero Handbook?

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I had some trouble getting any of those concepts to feel right, so I just started playing around and ended up with something altogether different.
Presenting Bug Hunter, ordinary exterminator by day, supernatural exterminator by vaguely 9 PM weeknights (weekends available for extra charge).
Okay, so it's maybe not the glamorous hero stuff that those high-profile guys do, saving the world and things like that, but it's an important job and an honest living. Besides, bugs don't bother him at all. In fact, he likes bugs. A little too much maybe. Depending on who you ask.
But hey, living alone isn't so bad. There's TV, and takeout, and the garage below his bedroom fits his whole laboratory. The immigrant family renting out the main part of the house minds their own business well enough. Sometimes they seem angry, but he can't understand what the heck they're saying and they barely speak two words of English, so it usually doesn't come to much. They still pay rent, so whatever.
He's brave bordering on crazy, and loves to have a good time. Which is usually just fighting monster bugs and watching action movies. But he's pretty chill, open-minded, and likeable in his own way, once you get past that crusty exterior.
Strength 4* Stamina 2 Agility 1 Dexterity 2 Fighting 0 Intellect 0 Awareness 1 Presence -1
Toughness +7* (3), Dodge +5 (4), Parry +5 (5), Fortitude +7 (5), Will +5 (4)
Expertise (biology, limited: bugs) +8 (4), Perception +5 (4), Ranged Combat (throwing) +6 (4), Stealth +5 (4), Vehicles +4 (2)
Throwing Mastery 1, Fearless
Cell Phone (1), Gas Mask (1), Night Vision Goggles (1), 5 Daggers (2), 5 Dynamite (10), Truck (5)
Insect Arsenal (array, removable) 18
Hornet Darts (ranged damage 5, secondary effect, homing 2, improved critical 3) 1
Lightning Bugs (ranged affliction 6, dazed+vulernable > stunned+defenseless, secondary effect, homing 2) 1
Spiderweb Mines (ranged area burst affliction 6, impaired > disabled > paralyzed, triggered 1) 1
Scarab Armor (removable, subtle) 8
Protection 2* (impervious 6)
Flight 1 (wings)
Ant Might 6
Enhanced Strength 3*
Phasmid Molt 10
Healing 10 (limited to self)
Day Job - he has a business to run, and all that that entails.
Slovenly - He's kind of gross, even without the whole bug "thing".
Secret - his weird bug powers make no sense and he doesn't like to talk about it. Unless you really wanna know. Actually it's pretty cool. I hope you don't have a weak stomach. So anyway...
Nosy Neighbors - I mean they're not so bad, but they are just across the wall.
Limited Ammo - what, you think he's made of bugs? Sometimes he has to go home and restock. Or at least back to the truck.
PS - I love Montana's Launch power. That's hilarious.

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Swallowing proved difficult with his mouth suddenly dry, though from the chips or the news he didn't know. Nevertheless he choked it down and leaned in closer to catch every detail. "All of them? No, can't be all of them." His hands gripped the threadbare fabric on the arms of his chair as he tried in vain to scooch it closer to the TV.
"Man, that is nuts. Are you seeing this?" He asked, looking back over his shoulder at the terrarium in the back corner, dimly illuminating a stick bug idly waltzing along a larger, much more genuine stick. "Man, no more heroes." He picked up a corn chip from his lap and turned it around in his fingers, thinking hard. "Maybe I should update my website. Exterminations, and more!" He looked at Stickmaster for approval. None was forthcoming.
"They're gonna need some new heroes. Otherwise--" He stammered, putting his hands out and then tossing them up, making dramatic explosion sounds with his mouth. "I mean, I could charge extra for that kind of work too." Suddenly he stood up and brushed the crumbs from his black Death-talikka T with a sense of purpose. "I've got some gnarly stuff brewing in the garage. I think it's time we test it out."

Matt Adams 259 |

I invested heavily in vehicles for Montana Rose she probably is some sort of delivery driver for work. Added advantage of adding her to the team, she has her driver's license!
Where is her character sheet? I couldn't find it.
Dr. Kekyll-I'm fine with either character, just let me know which one you want to stick with.

Kazmanaught |

I'll repost it, I used spoilers for length.
Strength 0 Stamina 0 Agiity 2[4] Dexterity 0 Fighting 0 Intellect 0 Awareness 5[10] Presence 5[10]
Dodge: 2+1=3[1]
Parry: 0
Toughness: 0 (9 but,requires move action to activate)
Fort: 0+4=4[4]
Will: 5+3=8[3]
Skills:Vehicles 0+12[6]Persuasion 5+10=15[5]
Advantages:Very Attractive: +5 circumstance bonus on deception and persuasion checks if the target would find Montana Rose attractive [2]
Powers:Stone Armor: Protection 9, Activation 1, Impervious 1/rank [9]
The Roiling Earth: Enviroment Impede movement 2 selective(3/rank)3[9]
Earthen Shaping Array:
*The Grasping Soil: Affliction 6, Cumulative, Area 2(Shapeable) (4/rank)[24] (Hindered, defenseless, Paralyzed)(DC 16 Will)
*True Terramorpher: Create 11, Permanent, innate, precise (2/rank+2flat)
*Shunt: Burrowing 12, ranged (doesn't have to be at end point) (2/rank)
*Launch!: Leaping 8, Affects others, area(burst) (3/rank)
Who is Montana Rose? The plucky new crimefighter with a heart of gold, and an oh so charming southern drawl? Well, it turns out that even she is unclear on the specifics.
Montana Rose is, in no particular order, upbeat, kind, optimistic, and fiercely driven to survive in this world. Her age is unknown, but assumed to be either in her late teens or early 20's.
About 6 years ago a superhero team was investigating a cult devoted to one of the numerous lower planes. When they broke into the cult's hideout, they found a young girl, tied to a table in the middle of a circle, being cut by cultists. Every time she screamed as a knife nicked her, a pillar of blue and orange crystals shot from the floor. Being superheros, the team freed the girl from her tormentors.
Alas! The girl had no memory! For although she could talk, and even had a pronounced southern accent, she couldn't even remember her name, let alone who her parents were. The cult was not particularly good about keeping records, and although missing reports were filled across the country, no one came to claim the girl. The team took to calling her Montana Rose, and took it upon themselves to take care of her, making sure that she was sheltered, fed, and sent to school.
Unfortunately, Montana had rather extensive powers over the earth itself, ranging from causing pits to form, to rather alarming looking crystals forming around the ankles of those around her. Worse yet, she had no control over their activation, only becoming prominent when upset. And as a lonely child who was put into a strange Middle School, it was no wonder that school was not really an option for her.
[Hero that cares, this should be hashed out if I am selected.] made an effort then, to train Montana in controlling her power. There was some concern that it could in fact be demonic in nature, and if left uncontrolled, could become very dangerous. It took many years, but Montana went from being a surly, uncontrollable teen, to a well adjusted young woman, who had her own job, rented her own apartment, and except for the occasional visit from [hero] was otherwise completely unremarkable. This is what she wanted, a nice, unremarkable life. Still, questions plagued her late at night, questions like, who am I really?
All of this changed when the Doomsday event occurred. Montana knew that without heroes, her life trajectory would have been very different. Distraught at the loss, but determined to help others as she was once helped herself, she took reduced hours on her job, moved to a smaller apartment, and began fighting crime. A smile on her face, and grief in her heart, the latest hero Montana Rose burst onto the scene!