Hannelia Venator |

Ok, this is what level 3 is getting me. Will update sheet soon.
HP: 7 (6 roll + 1 Con)
BAB: +1
Fort: +1
Feat: precise shot
Skills: 9 = +1 to acrobatics, bluff, diplomacy, disable device, escape artist, knowledge (engineering), linguistics (dwarven), perception, sense motive
Spells per day: +1 1st level
Spells known: +2 cantrips (1 is human FCB) - ghost sound, message, and +1 level 1 - ear-piercing scream
Trap sense: +1 to Ref and AC vs traps
Precise shot is a definite win (finally). Looks like I'm going to be spending all my money on a mithral shirt, which is a tidy +2 to AC. Saves still remain a bit of a weak spot. Continuing to max disable device, perception and sense motive, going with face skills this level, and adding escape artist, knowledge (engineering) and linguistics to my repertoire to remove the drawback penalty as much as anything else.
Open to advice/thoughts on anything, particularly spell options. Ear-piercing scream is a nice debuff if it goes off (plus a little damage) and does something different to my other spells. Otherwise tears to wine and expeditious retreat were my main options. Not sure if it's a waste to use my FCB on another cantrip but that does give me pretty much all of the cantrips I want (and I can't get any more) and boosts my versatility. My HP is good so I don't think I'm making myself too fragile by not putting it there. I am conscious that human FCB is so good I'll probably be adding spells more often than not but also in an ideal world I'm staying back and not getting hit.

Emma Blackford |

I always forget to check the discussion part of the board, lol. Usually I keep an eye on the discord and the gameplay part.

Constantine Fioritura |

It's easy to miss! I think that it's mostly helpful to keep us accountable on hit points and maintain a record. And sometimes I have something that I want to live apart from Discord.
Also, Hannelia, I will almost always encourage more spells known, even cantrips! And those are some of my favorite level one bard spells. Tears to Wine is one that just keeps getting better.
Deja Vu[/ur] is another fun one if you can figure out a good use. [url=https://aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Silent%20Image]Silent Image is another one that rewards creativity. I'd normally recommend Saving Finale, but you get so few rounds each day with your archetype, and it doesn't play so well with lingering performance. Vanish is also starting to come into its own at this level as a nice "oh crap!" button, but hopefully trouble doesn't visit you much on the back line.
I love the bard spell list.

Hannelia Venator |

That was my thought - improves your options and flexibility as a spontaneous caster so much. Given the pretty healthy HD allowance and the balance of the party leaning melee meaning I'll be at the back most of the time an extra hit point is less likely to be so critical anyway.
I wasn't familiar with deja vu but can see how it could be used creatively. (Also resisting the temptation to just write the same sentence again...)
How would saving finale even work in this instance given there's no situation where I would be starting a 'performance' that lasts for more than a single round? If it was ruled that while the effect still lasts while being under lingering performance then it would be worth picking up - chance to reroll a save for someone is definitely worth curtailing luck for a round or two. But seeing as lingering performance specifically says it continues after your performance ends, I certainly wouldn't rule it that way. Which is probably what you're saying about how it doesn't mesh!

GM Kubular |

It's me! I'm a cube!
How would saving finale even work in this instance given there's no situation where I would be starting a 'performance' that lasts for more than a single round? If it was ruled that while the effect still lasts while being under lingering performance then it would be worth picking up - chance to reroll a save for someone is definitely worth curtailing luck for a round or two. But seeing as lingering performance specifically says it continues after your performance ends, I certainly wouldn't rule it that way. Which is probably what you're saying about how it doesn't mesh!
I think your interpretation makes sense, and its what I understand from a rules lawery perspective. I want to allow it though, because I like seeing uncommon spells around. I actually don't think it would break anything. If anything, it makes a more interesting decision for the bard with lingering performance because you now have to sacrifice not only your active performance but up to two free rounds that you would have otherwise gotten.
Verdict: you can use Saving Finale with Lingering Performance unless someone else has an objection.

Constantine Fioritura |

Back you! Away, away!

GM Kubular |

Huzzah! The archeologist passes the luck on to an ally!
Why are you making an appearance? You're not the GM yet...
You should leave. Isn't there some other schmuck that needs torturing?
You're right. I'll be back in two levels, though!
Well, from what I can understand, since the archaeologist doesn't target any allies with her performance she can only affect herself with the spell.
Man I always forget that there are OOTS avatars on this forum. Feels like an age ago I used that forum for gaming.

Hannelia Venator |

Thanks. That's a neat way of making it work and balancing it somewhat for this particular set-up - still useful to have the reroll option but self only makes it less powerful than affecting anyone (within range).

Constantine Fioritura |

Okay, I switched a few things around on the Loot Sheet that I was intending to sell but hadn't declared because I was being a silly procrastinator person. I sold the potion of enlarge person, the masterwork chain shirt, the scrolls of alarm and mount, the masterwork sap, and the masterwork thieves' tools, bringing the total per person take from mission 3 to 1263 gp instead of 1192. Then I sold my armored coat to get another 25 gp. And with:
150 starting gp
6 gp left after all my initial purchases
+ 190 gp from mission one
+ 176.6 gp from mission two
- 270 gp from the masterwork transformation on my longsword
+ 1263 gp from mission three
+ 25 gp from the armored coat
- 118.75 gp from the CLW wand
- 1282.5 gp for the +1 breastplate
I am...10 gold, 6 silver, and 5 copper in debt. Can I ask someone to spot me while I go a-paupering? Constantine is happy to open a line of credit with the local bank. He's an adventurer, right? The only way he's not good for it is if he dies.
But if that means I can't buy my armor, I will cry and get over it, and then make another plan. Like getting a suit of chainmail for 50 gp less instead.

Constantine Fioritura |

Roger is a good man.

Constantine Fioritura |

Careful, there. You don't want to end up in Phlegethon with the usurers.
This guy is definitely going to be there.

GM Kubular |

I don' t have a funny usury quip. But Interest = Good?
Also in other news I'm going to drop a post, but go ahead an buy gear if you haven't already!

Emma Blackford |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Why is it always some kind of creature? Why can't it ever be a rabbit? Then again, knowing pathfinder, it'd probably be a bloodsucking rabbit...

GM Kubular |

Discord is crapping out on me at the moment. I put the knowledge spoiler at the bottom to prevent accidental spoilage, but it's connected to the stagnant ritual pool.
I positioned Roger within 15 ft. of the stirges in the most direct path to the door I could see. I positioned Hannelia by the pool, but I could be persuaded otherwise. Same for the rest of the party.
Secret door is labelled 'S'. For secret.

Constantine Fioritura |

Just so it doesn't get lost in Discord, I'm proposing that Constantine take on the Psychometabolic Corruption.
In particular, I think it'd be fun to play with the
You hear voices in your head.
Gift: You gain telepathy with a range of 10 feet + 10 feet per manifestation level that you have. You can use detect thoughts as a spell-like ability by spending 1 point of psychometabolic power.
Stain: Garbled thoughts ring in your ears. You take a –2 penalty on all concentration checks. At manifestation level 4th, the penalty changes to –4.
This is particularly fun because Psychic Spellcasting relies on:
Thought components represent mental constructs necessary for the spell’s function, such as picturing a wolf in vivid detail—down to the saliva dripping from its jaws—in order to cast beast shape to transform into a wolf. Thought components are so mentally demanding that they make interruptions and distractions extremely challenging. The DC for any concentration check for a spell with a thought component increases by 10. A psychic spellcaster casting a spell with a thought component can take a move action before beginning to cast the spell to center herself; she can then use the normal DC instead of the increased DC.
So in addition to carving a way out of my self-imposed sudden Oracle Tongues curse, it also provides:
1) More roleplaying shenanigans2) A reason for Constantine to disappear when GM Poly takes the reins in a couple more levels.
3) An actual, potentially debilitating penalty.

Hannelia Venator |

Argh I just lost my post. *growl*
Your rationale makes sense. My take is basically that as long it's fun and, on balance, the pros outweigh the cons, go for it. This is why we play, after all.
The roleplay opportunities are obvious and it's a great fit for Constantine as a character. The potential plot hooks and ideas that spring from it are also a boon - all (good!) GMs like it when players give them things to work with.
I think the potential pitfalls might be that it threatens to overshadow things (i.e. you as a player go 'too far', for want of a better phrase, and it stops being enjoyable to roleplay), or any mechanical penalties you acquire start to hinder your enjoyment of playing Constantine (e.g. losing a spell occasionally is something that happens and is part of the game and I'd argue adds to it; having a spell fizzle 50% of the time you try to cast could become tiring pretty fast). But there are in game ways to look at resolving these things should they develop anyway.

Emma Blackford |

I'll second the above - so long as it's fun for you and the RP is fun, I say go for it. But it can be easy to have something like that end up being more annoying than it's worth and/or a hindrance to the enjoyment of playing a character. Maybe talk with Kubular about having a way out should you need it?

Constantine Fioritura |

That's definitely why I wanted to bring it up. This is our story. Touching on a theme and having a hook is good, but if it gets exhausting for any of us at the table, then it's nice to be able to have an out, even if it's GM fiat resolution off-screen.
So if dien, Kubular, and hallowsinder are cool with it (and the two former seemed down in the Discord chat), I'll have the current scene (after comprehend languages ends) resolve with Constantine speaking to the group telepathically. He'll regain his ability to speak in Common before too long, too.

Hannelia Venator |

Sounds good to me and it’s clear you’ve thought about this from everyone’s perspective.
And I’m pretty sure *Hannelia* doesn’t want to do this after every combat! =P

Jolly Old Roger |

I will say I'm not super-fond of the oracles curse as a thing going forward, primarily because Constantine says cool stuff and I would want to be able to understand it, but if it's an occasional thing, you definitely created a dramatic scene!

Jolly Old Roger |

So, this is potentially my post.
I wanted to run it by you guys, because if you guys want to take reconnaissance and come up with a cunning plan, I don't want to be the guy who "just plays his character" and ruins that. However, if you're just roleplaying cautious characters and OOC are totally cool with blundering into the situation, I would post this.
Sadly for Hannelia, Roger was a different sort of man. When he heard "Connie", his body was tense, and a moment later he was in action.
If asked later to explain himself, he might come up with some fancy reasons, and perhaps his brain was fast enough to piece the following ideas together, but not in so many words. "Connie" implied she was a friend. And the voice was a "She". And the voice was in trouble. For all he knew, this was a girl, being chased and about to be eaten by a spider monster, and the only thing that would save the day was action, immediately.
And so Roger was charging up the stairs blade in hand, to make for the voice by immediate reckless measures.

Hannelia Venator |

Welcome! When you've got some background ideas and things let me know and we can start working on how to integrate you into the party. =)

stormraven |

So, the build parameters are pretty straight-forward, going old school with dice rolls or take 15 points if you roll miserable, basically. And follow-on HPs are roll the die twice and take the better result.
Player Questions:
* We can take 2 traits and a third trait with a drawback (if desired). And we can ignore regional requirements. Are campaign traits in play as well? Or is it everything but campaign traits?
* From Dien, I have the impression that I should probably be building a 4th level character. Is that correct? Or should I build to L3?
* How much cash should I start with? I haven’t done a forensic accounting of characters’ wealth but – from skimming the character sheets – it looks like the total would be below WBL. Also, it looks like the characters mostly have consumable magic items instead of permanent magic items… Any guidelines on what I should and shouldn’t buy would be grand.
GM Questions:
I’m happy to take shifts as GM. It looks like folks are running adventures that cover from 1 to 3 levels of progress. That’s fine with me. Couple of questions…
* Are bespoke homespun adventures acceptable?
* The tenor of the game so far has been pretty serious and dark. Is that the expectation going forward or can we change that up a bit – i.e. go with an adventure that is not particularly dark, moody, and/or horror-related?
OK, moment of truth… No whammies, no whammies…
stat: 4d6 - 3 ⇒ (4, 6, 3, 5) - 3 = 15
hat: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 4, 4, 4) - 1 = 12
gnat: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 6, 1, 2) - 1 = 12
brat: 4d6 - 4 ⇒ (5, 6, 5, 4) - 4 = 16
phat: 4d6 - 2 ⇒ (5, 5, 2, 6) - 2 = 16
ghat: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (5, 1, 4, 4) - 1 = 13
Christmas Crackers! O.o
Those are fine rolls! So... no glass-jaw on this sorcerer. Yowza.

Hannelia Venator |

And while I think about it, rollin' rollin' rollin'...
Level 4 hp: 2d8 ⇒ (2, 6) = 8
Will sort out the rest in due course.

GM Slowdrifter |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

A couple of things I'll put here for easier future look-up than getting lost on Discord.
When whoever has been GMing returns to the action, they can bring their PC up to WBL as they see fit, factoring in anything from the loot that is earmarked for them. In-game this is their reward for whatever it is their character has been off doing while the others have been adventuring.
The rest of the party who had been on that particular adventure just splits any gold from it between them and can sort out their own gear accordingly.
I think this keeps it easier to try and ensure suitable WBL for at least one person and aligns with Majara, Hawk coming in above level 1 at the right WBL.
* * * * *
Also: a little character reward. I like the idea of the odd additional reward as we go to reflect character growth and changes - who your character starts off as isn't set in stone for the entirety of your career. Nothing game-breaking but a little extra boon is always nice. Plus - spoiler alert - I love traits. And I think it's a nice bit of mutual backslapping for us doing a great job keeping this game going for a good length of time now, especially dien and Kubular for their GMing.
To that end everyone can pick up an additional trait for free when they're levelling up to level 4 (Hawk, just go ahead and add another one). Standard restrictions apply in that you can only have one from any given category. Campaign and regional traits can be reskinned to fit flavour-wise if necessary (I think that was what we said at character creation); campaign traits are usually a bit more powerful but hopefully not dramatically so. Please shout if any questions.
And a reminder that per dien's original post on the matter, if you want to swap out anything from your build as you go, you can with no penalty. If a feat or spell choice hasn't been working for you or you realise you want to go down a different route, it's no problem to fix it. We want to keep things fun and everybody happy with their character.

Majara Pricknettle |

YOU get a trait and YOU get a trait and YOUUUU get a trait
Yes, this is all great! And yeah, at level-ups there's a no-penalty feat/spell change if you need it, just because I hate feeling locked into stuff that I misunderstood when I picked it. That's separate from actual retraining-during-downtime option that is baked into the rule but costs gold-- how Roger is doing his hit point boosting, etc.
*off to browse 900 traits

Hannelia Venator |

Sheet update to follow but this is what I think level 4 nets me:
6 hp
+1 BAB
+1 Ref
+1 Will
+1 Dex
Rogue talent: combat trick (rapid shot)
Trait: historian (+1 to knowledge history and all bardic knowledge checks)
Skills: +2 diplomacy, +1 disable device, +1 to each of knowledge (arcana, religion, planes), +2 linguistics (abyssal, infernal), +1 perception, +1 sense motive
Bardic knowledge: +1 to all knowledges
Clever explorer: +1 to disable device and perception
Spells per day: +2 2nd level
Spells known: +2 2nd level (heroism, mirror image), +1 1st level (saving finale) from FCB
Rapid shot is just the next core feat I need for the ever-feat-hungry style that is archery. Actually need a higher BAB before I can pick up the next ones so probably will have a bit more choice the next couple of times.
Continuing to max diplomacy, sense motive, perception and disable device, with a nice added bonus from clever explorer. Picked up ranks in the last knowledges I don't have and with bardic knowledge and historian as trait (feels both very useful and very much in keeping with Hannelia's pursuit of knowledge in Saringallow's archives) we're cooking with gas even with minimal ranks in each of them. And two new languages both because we've lost our chief polyglot and they make sense from a character point of view in that Hannelia would want to converse with Constantine if he starts speaking in tongues again.
Second level spells! Heroism is handy for everyone but probably most useful in helping Roger and Emma to wreck things. Mirror image is just a classic defensive option. And using FCB to pick up a new spell because it's too good to pass up. Saving finale, per previous discussion fits the bill nicely.

GM Slowdrifter |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Again, just for the record, in Elidir you have a 75% chance of finding any magic item up to 8,000 gp. In Saringallow it's 75% chance to find anything magic up to 4,000 gp. And basically guaranteed to find anything non-magical up to those prices.