About Hawkren HargravesHawkren 'Hawk' Hargraves Male human (Varisian) Sorcerer 4 LN Medium humanoid (human) Init +3; Senses darkvision 10 ft., low-light vision; Perception +8 --------------------
HP 24 (4d6+4) Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +8 +2 on 1st save vs hexes, spells, SLAs, and Su abilities of fey, hags, and witches (hex nail) Resist Fire: 5 --------------------
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th; concentration +10)
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 4th; concentration +10)
1st (7/day)
0 (at will)
Bloodline Draconic — Gold
Bloodline Deets:
Class Skill: Perception
Bonus Spells: mage armor (3rd), Bonus Feats: Blind-Fight, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Quicken Spell, Skill Focus (Fly), Skill Focus (Knowledge [arcana]), Toughness. Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell with an energy descriptor that matches your draconic bloodline’s energy type, that spell deals +1 point of damage per die rolled. Claws (Su): Replaced with Blood Havoc Dragon Resistances (Ex): Resist Fire 5, +1 Natural Armor bonus (will be replaced with Blood Intensity later)
bloodline spell
BAB +2; CMB +3; CMD 16 Feats Eschew Materials, Spell Focus (evocation), Spell Specialization [Burning Arc], Varisian Tattoo Traits Abendego Spellpiercer, Affable, Magical Knack, Traveler of a Hundred Lands (DM Gift) Skills
Languages Common, Draconic, Varisian, Thassilonian Gear
+1 Paueliel quarterstaff
MW Backpack
Encumbrance: Light (41.3 lbs of 50 lbs) ; Medium [100 lbs] ; Heavy [150 lbs] SQ bloodline arcana (FIRE spells deal +1 DAM/die), draconic heritage, paranoid Special Abilities:
Blood Havoc (Sorcerer Bloodline Power [1st]) +1 DAM/die for Evocation or bloodline spells. Bloodline Arcana: Draconic (Ex) +1 DAM/die for [Fire] spells. Darkvision (10 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only). Draconic Heritage (Ex) Ignore Cha pre-reqs of Eldritch heritage chain of feats. Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less. Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail. Paranoid Aid Another DC 15 for attempts to help you. Spell Focus (Evocation) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC. Spell Specialization (Burning Arc) Pick one spell and cast it as if you were higher level (+2 CL). Varisian Tattoo (Evocation) Spells from chosen school gain +1 CL. Appearance:
5'10" 180lbs | 26 years old | Hair: Black | Eyes: Black (metallic) | Skin: Swarthy Hawkren is a Varisian man of medium build. His sharp black eyes shine out from a tan face framed by a goatee and laugh lines. His long black hair ranges from 'free-roaming' to 'nicely combed but loose' when he's on the prowl for female companionship. But most of the time, it is pulled back into a serviceable - if unkempt - ponytail to keep it out of his face. His clothes peg him as a traveler. His worn leather boots give way to worn brown breeches which terminate at his one dash of flair. Slung around his hips is rumpled purple sash which sits below a faded leather belt. His hands are covered by threadbare black fencing gloves with the fingertips removed and the edges hemmed. Hawkren's shirt is of common white cloth and sits below a loose grey woolen vest which is neatly held in place by a well-crafted bandolier that runs diagonally across his frame. Over one shoulder, rides a finely constructed leather backpack. His constant companion is a walking staff made of silver-barked wood. Peeking from beneath his shirt and gloves are hints of a series of tattoos that would mark him as a Varisian, if his general appearance didn’t. Backstory:
There was one fact that could be said of the Hargraves family: The dragon’s blood and the Varisian blood run true… but everything else is a bit of a mess. For generations, the Hargraves have been an unbroken line of ‘wizarding wanderers’. They had children more out of a sense of continuity, legacy, and “it’s the thing to do” than out of any great desire to be parents. Performing experiments, gathering arcane knowledge, and searching for ruins always came first and – often – last. Children were potholes in the middle of the path to enlightenment. Raising them was a detour on the journey. Hawkren (‘Hawk’) had little room to complain. Was it a bit of a lonely existence? Sure. But who else had a series of eldritch nannies (Trait: Magical Knack) when their parents were away for months? Who else got to ignore rules like when to eat, what to eat, should you eat, and bedtime? And when he got older and the dragon’s blood showed strongly in him (ART: Draconic Heritage) and his talents started to emerge (Draconic Bloodline) … who got to traipse around the wilds of Varisia having adventures and getting his own personal sorcerous bootcamp (Trait: Abendego Spellpiercer) overseen by his father? Don’t feel sorry for Hawk, pal, feel sorry for yourself. You missed out. In his late teens, Hawk left his parents' lukewarm embrace over a series of small events. One, it was just time. He needed to spread his wings (leathery not feathery) and set his own course in the world. And his parents’ experiments and projects just didn’t interest him any longer. Also, he wanted to experience ‘normal’ people as he was far more sociable and gregarious than his largely reclusive family members. (Trait: Affable) So he set out to discover the beauty of common humanity and share his sorcerous gifts in a place that sounded accepting, friendly, and inviting – Ustalav! After being chased out of one village to cries of “boil the tar!” and “kill the witch!”, Hawk began to realise that his parents had ill-prepared him for regular people. The village was safe and he had helped to end the troglodyte raids. How was he to know that swamp gasses were particularly flammable? He tried to apologize for what happened to the grain silo but the torches and pitchforks were already in motion. Hawk moved on and – more importantly – he learned from the misadventure. His next several village and town experiences were better – no flaming grain silos. But after he’d helped rid an area of pests, or bandits, or marauding hobgoblins, sooner or later, the villagers’ thanks would turn to distrust. He had powers they couldn’t understand and therefore couldn’t trust. A thunderstorm happened and a cow got hit by a lightning bolt. Was the strange spellslinger involved? Maybe he called the storm. Maybe he fried the cow. The line between adoring crowd and baying mob was perilously thin at times. Hawk got used to smelling that kind of trouble in the offing and left town before it came to a head. After one close shave, Hawk found shelter with a Varisian caravan and traveled with them for almost a year. He became one of the workers, not a sorcerer, and his life proved a lot easier. Lightning rods draw lightning… so the trick is to not look like a lightning rod. He even apprenticed with a tattooist in the caravan. (Craft: Tattoo, Prof: Tattooist, Feat: Varisian Tattoo) When he was ready to go it alone again, he left the caravan as a wandering tattoo artist – not a sorcerer. He was no longer an obvious lightning rod. Currently, Hawk is exploring the countries around Lake Encarthan, peddling his tattoos… and no other skills. He avoids trouble when he can. Despite his relatively neutral outlook on the world and dedication to his own set of rules, he is a sucker for good causes, innocents under threat, children, and stray animals. (LN with Good tendencies) He blames the vestiges of gold dragon blood in his veins for this moral streak. And when his moral streak wins, Hawk is quick to call on his sorcerous skills to solve problems. But once his secret is out, he starts counting the days until ‘grateful’ locals become hard-eyed. And then he packs up his tools and leaves… fast. Advancement Plans:
L05: uMonk 1 (Scaled Fist) – Dodge, UAS, etc. | Racial Heritage (Half-Elf) OR Versatile Spontaneity L06: Sorcer 5 – ‘resist energy’ L07: Sorcer 6 – 3rd spells | Empower Spell L08: uMonk 2 (Scaled Fist) – Dragon Style, Evasion| +1 INT L09: Sorcer 7 – ‘fly’; Feat replaced with Blood Piercing | Elemental Spell L10: Sorcer 8 – 4th spells L11: Sorcer 9 – ‘fear’; breath weapon | Selective Spell (earliest possible) L12: Sorcer 10 – 5th spells | +1 CHA L13: Sorcer 11 – ‘spell resistance’ | Persistent Spell L14: Sorcer 12 – 6th spells L15: Sorcer 13 – ‘form of dragon I’; Improved Initiative OR Quicken Spell | Spell Perfection (earliest possible) L16: Sorcer 14 – 7th spells | +1 CHA L17: Sorcer 15 – ‘form of dragon II’; wings | Ascendant Spell L18: Sorcer 16 – 8th spells L19: Sorcer 17 – ‘form of dragon III’ | Expanded Arcana L20: Sorcer 18 – 9th spells | STAT? Item Wish List:
MUST: Rod of Maximizing (54k – 121.5k) Rod of Quicken Spell (75.5k - 170k) Ioun Stone [Orange Prism] (30k) Mnemonic Vest (5k) Insightful Scroll Case (5k) + scrolls Ring of Freedom of Movement (40k) Robe of Arcane Heritage (16k) Spell Lattices (1k+) Ring of Spell Knowledge [I-IV] (1.5k – 24k) Ioun Stone [Vibrant Purple Prism] (36k) Ring of Invisibility (20k) Meridian Belt (1k) Language Equivalents:
Common = English
Varisian = Romanian (Română) Draconic = Hindi (हिंदी) Thassilonian = Malayalam (മലയാളം) Hawk's Notes to Self:
Take Spark... to burn away webs! |