GM TK-421 Agents of Edgewatch

Game Master CtotheZ

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Agent Ken Mason | NG Kitsune Investigator 4 | HP 40 | AC 20 | Fort +8E Ref +11E Will +9E | 25ft Move | Perc +9(+2Init)/+11 search (Low-light) | Icons: ◆◇↺ |
◆ [dice=Devise a Stratagem]1d20[/dice] ◆ Strategic Strike, total result of X [dice=Piercing]1d6[/dice] [dice=Precision]1d6[/dice] [dice=Crit]1d10[/dice] [dice=Fatal]1d10[/dice]

Mason will look over the dwarf, pull out his rapier and try to figure out a plan of attack.

Devise a Stratagem: 1d20 ⇒ 5 ugh. nevermind. lol

Well, this got out of hand too quickly. We're going to have to work together better next time.

To the dwarf. "Look, is this what your team of adventurer's stands for? Drunken brawling with the city guard? Don't you want to make it big time and take a dragon's hoard? Ialtag was a bit excited. He hit you, you hit him back. Even Stevens and all that, but this fight needs to end now."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Male LN Gutsy Halfling Sorcerer/Bard 4 w/ Medic Dedication|HP 38/38|AC 18|Fort +6t|Ref +10e|Will +11e|Peception +11e|1st lvl 4/4 & 3/3|2nd lvl 4/4 & 3/3|Focus Spell 3/3|25ft Move|Icons: ◆◇↺

Roscoe is going to delay to see the reaction with what Mason said.

Female CG Vanara Monk/Barbarian 4 w/ Blessed One Dedication|HP 62/62|AC 21|Fort +10e|Ref +11e|Will +8e|Peception +8e (Low-Light)|35ft Move|Focus Spell: 2/2|Icons: ◆◇↺

Rocky will let go of the person grappled and wait for the response of the adventurers

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Ken makes another appeal for civility.

Roscoe and Rocky delay, with the monk releasing her captive.

Ialtag sleeps.

Ken's appeal seems to go in one ear and out the other of the dwarf as his eyes bulge out of his head and veins begin to pop out on his neck... but then Rocky releases the elf and the dwarf regains some of his composure.
"Alright..." says the dwarf a bit hesitantly. "We walk out, you don't follow us, and we go our separate ways... deal?"
The adventurers delay, waiting an answer.

Tracking Stuffs wrote:

Delaying, all the cool kids are doing it.
***Round 3***

Roscoe (Delay)
Rocky (Delay)

Ialtag (Unconscious)
Orange (-15 hp?, delay)
Red (-12 hp?, delay)
Green (-5 hp?, delay)

Round Break
Yellow (-11 hp?, delay)

Agent Ken Mason | NG Kitsune Investigator 4 | HP 40 | AC 20 | Fort +8E Ref +11E Will +9E | 25ft Move | Perc +9(+2Init)/+11 search (Low-light) | Icons: ◆◇↺ |
◆ [dice=Devise a Stratagem]1d20[/dice] ◆ Strategic Strike, total result of X [dice=Piercing]1d6[/dice] [dice=Precision]1d6[/dice] [dice=Crit]1d10[/dice] [dice=Fatal]1d10[/dice]

since everyone else seems on delay, i guess that means i'm up? if not, just hold this til it would apply. :)

"Very close. One minor detail. You folks did smash up the place a little bit and broke a few things. You should settle up with the owner and any fines, but after that, yeah, you can go. Free and clear."

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As long as noone makes any further hostile actions combat ends.

"Well I hate to break it to you super sleuth but you missed a MAJOR detail. The only thing that was smashed was your tiny friend who accosted Bolar without cause. All the spilled drinks have been paid for. So unless you want to keep fabricating charges out of whole cloth, step aside and we will depart." The elf counters, as she tries to resume her composure, smoothing the wrinkles in her robes and straightening her hair.

"Aye!" Bolar agrees, "What great crimes are we accused of, your Guardfulness?? What did we do? Not immediately follow your orders from on high? We got rights you know! If we're talking about holding people accountable I want to see your blood thirsty friend here brought up on charges for assaulting me! Or we walk. Your choice."

The halfling chimes in, " Yeah! My uncles a barrister and he knows the magistrate! You got nothing on us!"

Female CG Vanara Monk/Barbarian 4 w/ Blessed One Dedication|HP 62/62|AC 21|Fort +10e|Ref +11e|Will +8e|Peception +8e (Low-Light)|35ft Move|Focus Spell: 2/2|Icons: ◆◇↺

listen we were called here for a disturbance and as we are getting the initial statements the gentleman got hit in the face with a cup. We heard a burst of laugher from your table. Things then got headed and next thing is it's a brawl. Now I understand you all are grieving and I'm sorry to hear about your loss but this is no way for adventurers to be acting.
That being said there were crimes committed and we are overlooking those do to the events that occurred. Your uncle may be a barrister and know people and if you want to file a complaint with our superior you go right ahead. Now as long as your debt is paid just walk out and don't cause any more trouble.
As for your complaint with our aggressive response it will be addressed with our supervisor.
Now if you would please pay your bill if applicable and carry on.

Male LN Gutsy Halfling Sorcerer/Bard 4 w/ Medic Dedication|HP 38/38|AC 18|Fort +6t|Ref +10e|Will +11e|Peception +11e|1st lvl 4/4 & 3/3|2nd lvl 4/4 & 3/3|Focus Spell 3/3|25ft Move|Icons: ◆◇↺

I think the best person to ask is the owner of this establishment. To see if everything is paid and taken care of.. Roscoe will walk over to the bar to try to look for the owner. Hello is anyone here?

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"This one must have rocks in her ears!" say Bolar with a point towards Rocky. "Let me talk louder so you can hear me! We are all paid up!" he looks towards the owner who gives a confirming nod. "Oh you were called for a disturbance were you. And you singled us out and harassed us! I don't know nothing about a thrown cup so unless you can pull a witness out from betwixt your boulders, lassie, we will be leaving..."

"You still haven't told us of our alleged crimes. Face it. You made rash decisions and jumped to conclusions. Don't compound them by trying to imagine wrongs to justify your mistakes. Your badges don't raise you above the law." the elf adds.

"As much fun as it would be to watch you try and fail to make a love connection with the owner, pal, I think we're done here." the human says with a chuckle at Roscoe.

The owner, still standing in plain view behind the bar where she has been since your arrival, says, "I'm here. You know if you had come to talk to me before picking a fight, I could have probably saved you some trouble. I am the one that asked you here after all. All I want is for them to leave."

Male LN Gutsy Halfling Sorcerer/Bard 4 w/ Medic Dedication|HP 38/38|AC 18|Fort +6t|Ref +10e|Will +11e|Peception +11e|1st lvl 4/4 & 3/3|2nd lvl 4/4 & 3/3|Focus Spell 3/3|25ft Move|Icons: ◆◇↺

Roscoe will just nod at the group and then look at the bar owner, Sorry ma'am for the disturbance.

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The group of adventurers shambles out of the bar and out into the night.

As they leave the owner adds, "They aren't bad people. They're just having a bad day. Miriel, the wizard, lost her familiar in battle today. She's really broken up about it. Bolar, he didn't do so well in the dungeon either. I think he feels responsible to Runkles the Raven getting killed. Skebs, missed a trap. And Antaro, he's a priest of Cayden so getting hammered is just part of his religion. They're regulars, you see. And they'll be welcome back next time. On a good day, having them retell their tales of dering-do is a real crowd pleaser. Don't worry about the Hendrid Pratchett getting hit with a mug. He was in here looking down his nose at my establishment before you got here. He got what was coming to him." and she winks, hefting a mug in her arm as if she were preparing to throw it. "Now off ya go! I've got a mess to clean up." and she shoos you out.

Female CG Vanara Monk/Barbarian 4 w/ Blessed One Dedication|HP 62/62|AC 21|Fort +10e|Ref +11e|Will +8e|Peception +8e (Low-Light)|35ft Move|Focus Spell: 2/2|Icons: ◆◇↺

I have a feeling we have one hell of a ass chewing coming

Rocky will give a nod and walk out of the establishment

Male LN Gutsy Halfling Sorcerer/Bard 4 w/ Medic Dedication|HP 38/38|AC 18|Fort +6t|Ref +10e|Will +11e|Peception +11e|1st lvl 4/4 & 3/3|2nd lvl 4/4 & 3/3|Focus Spell 3/3|25ft Move|Icons: ◆◇↺

Yeah I am not looking forward to go talk to the Lieutenant.

Agent Ken Mason | NG Kitsune Investigator 4 | HP 40 | AC 20 | Fort +8E Ref +11E Will +9E | 25ft Move | Perc +9(+2Init)/+11 search (Low-light) | Icons: ◆◇↺ |
◆ [dice=Devise a Stratagem]1d20[/dice] ◆ Strategic Strike, total result of X [dice=Piercing]1d6[/dice] [dice=Precision]1d6[/dice] [dice=Crit]1d10[/dice] [dice=Fatal]1d10[/dice]

Mason shrugs. "It is what it is. He asked for us to get them to leave, they left."

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I'll assume someone picked up Ialtag and you all didn't just leave him snoring on the tavern floor ;)

After completing your shift you all head to your homes for a night's rest and return fresh for your shift the following morning. Sgt. Ollo intercepts you at the entryway. He glances over his shoulder at the door to the Lieutenant's Office which is closed. You can clearly hear stomping of heavy set boots and unintelligible yelling from behind the heavy wooden door.

"So... heard things didn't go so great last night. Still noone died and ya got da job done. Da LT had some notes he wanted me to share with ya on yer performance.

We could hire any tuffs off da street if all we wanted was someone to crack skulls. We send you lot out to answer calls for service. So, unless dere's immediate danger you should probably find da complaining witness and any other witnesses and find out exactly why you were called before you jump into action. Best to have as much information before wading into it.

See, folks don't like being bossed around so its best to have some reason dey could be arrested before ya actually start ordering dem around. We call dat leverage. And being rude to us ain't a crime, so you gotta just let dat slide off ya like water off a duck's back.

Also with hindsight being perfect, folks like to second guess our decisions after da fact and imagine how dey could of done better in our place. Puts us in a sticky jam. So let dem be rude while you be real polite like. Dat way when ya do have to crack a skull dey look like da jerk, not you.

But, and dis ones just from me, I been doing dis a long time and if you want to live long in dis job, here's some advice. Da less fights you have to get into da longer you'll live a healthy life." then he breaks into a large grin. "Enough of dat for now. Time for today's briefing."

Ollo gives you a roaming route that takes you all across the district, the better to familiarize tourselves with the various neighborhoods and beats. Despite the early hour, there are already two known issues positioned at opposite ends of the circuit: a heated confrontation between two rival shop owners #1 on the map and “some sort of domestic dispute” in a wizard’s workshop #2 on the map . The Seargent directs you to pick one and then work your way around the district on a patrol for any other issues on your way to the second call.

Slides updated. I just put you in the pink box to have you on the map. Pick to start at #1 or #2 to start at and I'll get you moved. Then we'll pick a direction of travel for your patrol and I'll move you around the map unless a combat occurs. Also Hero ponts awards to Roscoe and Ken from the previous encounter.

Hero Points Totals
Rosco 1
Ken 2
Rocky 1
Ialtag 1

male Nyktera Sprite rogue 1| speed 20 | perception +6 | HP 13/16 | ac 18 | fort +5, ref +9, will +6 | 1hero point

to Lt. I am sure that things will improve as we work together longer. well...where do we want to start? the domestic situation in a wizard's workshop sounds like it could be an explosive situation.

Agent Ken Mason | NG Kitsune Investigator 4 | HP 40 | AC 20 | Fort +8E Ref +11E Will +9E | 25ft Move | Perc +9(+2Init)/+11 search (Low-light) | Icons: ◆◇↺ |
◆ [dice=Devise a Stratagem]1d20[/dice] ◆ Strategic Strike, total result of X [dice=Piercing]1d6[/dice] [dice=Precision]1d6[/dice] [dice=Crit]1d10[/dice] [dice=Fatal]1d10[/dice]

wizard shop sounds fine by me

Male LN Gutsy Halfling Sorcerer/Bard 4 w/ Medic Dedication|HP 38/38|AC 18|Fort +6t|Ref +10e|Will +11e|Peception +11e|1st lvl 4/4 & 3/3|2nd lvl 4/4 & 3/3|Focus Spell 3/3|25ft Move|Icons: ◆◇↺

Yeah I agree the wizard shop could be bad depending on the situation. Mason you seem a bit better at talking to people than me, I kind of jumped to conclusions and got way ahead of myself. I will back you up but maybe you should take lead on the situations.

Roscoe looks at Athene on his shoulder, Might be good time for you to fly above us and keep an eye out for anything while we are on patrol.

Agent Ken Mason | NG Kitsune Investigator 4 | HP 40 | AC 20 | Fort +8E Ref +11E Will +9E | 25ft Move | Perc +9(+2Init)/+11 search (Low-light) | Icons: ◆◇↺ |
◆ [dice=Devise a Stratagem]1d20[/dice] ◆ Strategic Strike, total result of X [dice=Piercing]1d6[/dice] [dice=Precision]1d6[/dice] [dice=Crit]1d10[/dice] [dice=Fatal]1d10[/dice]

”Alright. Sarge said to talk things out first, as long as we keep that in mind, it should be fine. Besides, it’s just a normal patrol, right?”

Female CG Vanara Monk/Barbarian 4 w/ Blessed One Dedication|HP 62/62|AC 21|Fort +10e|Ref +11e|Will +8e|Peception +8e (Low-Light)|35ft Move|Focus Spell: 2/2|Icons: ◆◇↺

let's hit the beat boys! off to the wizard shop

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High-pitched shouts and the sound of breaking glass emerge from a narrow wooden building painted with mystic runes. A woman in a floppy, wide-brimmed hat stands outside the door, arms crossed and tapping her foot impatiently. She looks up to the sky in exasperation and snaps, “Finally! It took you long enough.”

Agent Ken Mason | NG Kitsune Investigator 4 | HP 40 | AC 20 | Fort +8E Ref +11E Will +9E | 25ft Move | Perc +9(+2Init)/+11 search (Low-light) | Icons: ◆◇↺ |
◆ [dice=Devise a Stratagem]1d20[/dice] ◆ Strategic Strike, total result of X [dice=Piercing]1d6[/dice] [dice=Precision]1d6[/dice] [dice=Crit]1d10[/dice] [dice=Fatal]1d10[/dice]

”Hello there. Were you the one that was needing assistance? How can we help?”

will start to Pursue a Lead while talking to her

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"Yes... sorry. This is all a bit stressful. There's some child in my shop. He's barricaded himself in there. He thinks I had something to do with his mentor disappearing. wait, Kemeneles is what he said. I haven't the foggiest idea how he thinks I had something to do with it... He might be experimenting with alchemicals if you catch my meaning."

Agent Ken Mason | NG Kitsune Investigator 4 | HP 40 | AC 20 | Fort +8E Ref +11E Will +9E | 25ft Move | Perc +9(+2Init)/+11 search (Low-light) | Icons: ◆◇↺ |
◆ [dice=Devise a Stratagem]1d20[/dice] ◆ Strategic Strike, total result of X [dice=Piercing]1d6[/dice] [dice=Precision]1d6[/dice] [dice=Crit]1d10[/dice] [dice=Fatal]1d10[/dice]

”Kermenales. Alright. Know anything about this kid? Ever seen em before?”

would also like to sense motive on the one I’m talking to. Perception would be +7 for this

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"I have no idea who he is or where he came from. Now that you say the name I do remember I knew a Kemeneles once decades ago when we were students at the Arcanamirium, but its been years since I knew anything about the man."

GM screen:
1d20 ⇒ 7

She seems frustrated by the situation bit sincere in her comments towards you.

Agent Ken Mason | NG Kitsune Investigator 4 | HP 40 | AC 20 | Fort +8E Ref +11E Will +9E | 25ft Move | Perc +9(+2Init)/+11 search (Low-light) | Icons: ◆◇↺ |
◆ [dice=Devise a Stratagem]1d20[/dice] ◆ Strategic Strike, total result of X [dice=Piercing]1d6[/dice] [dice=Precision]1d6[/dice] [dice=Crit]1d10[/dice] [dice=Fatal]1d10[/dice]

for pursue a lead, I should designate a subject. Hooligan at magic shop seems good enough for what we’ve got so far. If any perception of skill checks (typically mental based skills) would be relevant to the investigation of that subject, would gain a +1 circumstance bonus

attempt to recall knowledge on the Arcanarium. Would be +7T+1? for Arcana or Occultism, not sure if either would apply.

Male LN Gutsy Halfling Sorcerer/Bard 4 w/ Medic Dedication|HP 38/38|AC 18|Fort +6t|Ref +10e|Will +11e|Peception +11e|1st lvl 4/4 & 3/3|2nd lvl 4/4 & 3/3|Focus Spell 3/3|25ft Move|Icons: ◆◇↺

Shall we go in and talk to the child.

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Absolom Lore would be good. Or Society. I'll take Arcana and Occultism too. Its a pretty big fixture in Absolom. TBH I'm not sure what you'll learn from a roll that will be relevant to the current task or even the campaign. I'll give all of you that you know its a place where magic user go to learn and hone their crafts for free. It's not a big secret. If you want me to roll a recall knowledge for you I will... bit ill have to fabricate up so information for a good roll.

Agent Ken Mason | NG Kitsune Investigator 4 | HP 40 | AC 20 | Fort +8E Ref +11E Will +9E | 25ft Move | Perc +9(+2Init)/+11 search (Low-light) | Icons: ◆◇↺ |
◆ [dice=Devise a Stratagem]1d20[/dice] ◆ Strategic Strike, total result of X [dice=Piercing]1d6[/dice] [dice=Precision]1d6[/dice] [dice=Crit]1d10[/dice] [dice=Fatal]1d10[/dice]

I suppose more trying to learn a bit about Kemeneles really. So, society probably makes the most sense. +7T+1?

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GM Screen:
1d20 ⇒ 14

You don't recall anything about the name Kemeneles. Absolom is a big city, the Arcanamirium is a big school, and without any other context you find yourself at a loss.

male Nyktera Sprite rogue 1| speed 20 | perception +6 | HP 13/16 | ac 18 | fort +5, ref +9, will +6 | 1hero point

Ialtag spaces out while he tries to remember anything useful.Arcana: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Agent Ken Mason | NG Kitsune Investigator 4 | HP 40 | AC 20 | Fort +8E Ref +11E Will +9E | 25ft Move | Perc +9(+2Init)/+11 search (Low-light) | Icons: ◆◇↺ |
◆ [dice=Devise a Stratagem]1d20[/dice] ◆ Strategic Strike, total result of X [dice=Piercing]1d6[/dice] [dice=Precision]1d6[/dice] [dice=Crit]1d10[/dice] [dice=Fatal]1d10[/dice]

"Yep, seems we should see what the kid's deal is and maybe we can help."

Mason pauses for a moment as if thinking, then shakes his head and knocks on the door of the magic shop

Nah, I think we all learned something in the Tipsy Tengu, no sense bringing it up.

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Ialtag isn't able to recall anything of significance beyond the Arcanamirium being a school for magic craft located in Absolom.
For future reference Ialtag, recall knowledge is a secret roll in 2e. So if you want to roll a recall, you give me your bonus and I roll it behind the GM screen and share the results.

From behind the door you hear a voice, still cracking from puberty, "I told you I'm not opening this door until you admit what you did to my Master! I'll find the evidence in here! I know it!"

Male LN Gutsy Halfling Sorcerer/Bard 4 w/ Medic Dedication|HP 38/38|AC 18|Fort +6t|Ref +10e|Will +11e|Peception +11e|1st lvl 4/4 & 3/3|2nd lvl 4/4 & 3/3|Focus Spell 3/3|25ft Move|Icons: ◆◇↺

Hello there, we would love to hear what exactly you think that she did to your master. Maybe we can help you find out.

Agent Ken Mason | NG Kitsune Investigator 4 | HP 40 | AC 20 | Fort +8E Ref +11E Will +9E | 25ft Move | Perc +9(+2Init)/+11 search (Low-light) | Icons: ◆◇↺ |
◆ [dice=Devise a Stratagem]1d20[/dice] ◆ Strategic Strike, total result of X [dice=Piercing]1d6[/dice] [dice=Precision]1d6[/dice] [dice=Crit]1d10[/dice] [dice=Fatal]1d10[/dice]

”Indeed. We could certain try to help you out. Let’s talk and see what we can figure out.”

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 5 + 1 = 21

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"Who the heck are you and why should I care!?" again from the same pubescent voice behind the closed, locked, barricaded door, that provides a really big penalty to his visual perception checks.
Hint, hint. Who the hell are you guys? He doesn't have x-ray vision.

Male LN Gutsy Halfling Sorcerer/Bard 4 w/ Medic Dedication|HP 38/38|AC 18|Fort +6t|Ref +10e|Will +11e|Peception +11e|1st lvl 4/4 & 3/3|2nd lvl 4/4 & 3/3|Focus Spell 3/3|25ft Move|Icons: ◆◇↺

We are Absalom Town Guard, The Edgewatch. If you would please come out to talk so we can work through this.

I hope I got our official title right

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Agents of the Edgewatch Guard I think is the official title but I'm pretty sure that explains it well enough.

"Good!" you hear from inside the building as what sounds like a makeshift barricade is moved. "Arrest Marin Porphyry for kidnapping! And murder... probably." more moving of what sounds like furniture. "My Master, Kemeneles, went missing when we came to the city two weeks ago. I've been searching for him. I remember all the tales he would tell of his great nemesis, Marin Porphyry, and all the troubles she caused him at the Arcanamirium." sounds of locks coming undone. "She must have sensed our arrival and set a dastardly plan into action. I know I don't have any proof but I know it in my heart it must be her!" the door finally opens and you see a teenage human male before you, in robes. "I came her to find proof but she surprised me... so I locked myself in to give myself time to look for the proof I need. You've just got to help!"

Agent Ken Mason | NG Kitsune Investigator 4 | HP 40 | AC 20 | Fort +8E Ref +11E Will +9E | 25ft Move | Perc +9(+2Init)/+11 search (Low-light) | Icons: ◆◇↺ |
◆ [dice=Devise a Stratagem]1d20[/dice] ◆ Strategic Strike, total result of X [dice=Piercing]1d6[/dice] [dice=Precision]1d6[/dice] [dice=Crit]1d10[/dice] [dice=Fatal]1d10[/dice]

”So your master is missing. He mentioned a name, and you believe that the shop owner here is somehow connected to it? Just making sure I’ve got it all straight. What’s your name by the way? What exactly were you hoping to find in here and why not report this to the Edgewatch right away?”

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"My name is Eunice... and he didn't just mention a name. This lady" and he points to the owner of the shop " is his sworn enemy. She's evil. He told me many, many times of her terrible exploits and everything he had done to thwart her schemes. Revenge was her motivation. I didn't contact the Edgewatch because, just like right now, I knew you wouldn't believe me. So after he'd been missing long enough for me to get worried I tracked her down to find proof to bring it to you."

The shop owner chimes in, "I don't know what delusions of grandure Kemeneles told this kid, but I have no idea what he's talking about. I haven't even thought of the man for years. I had no idea he was in Absolom and had nothing to do with his disappearance."

Agent Ken Mason | NG Kitsune Investigator 4 | HP 40 | AC 20 | Fort +8E Ref +11E Will +9E | 25ft Move | Perc +9(+2Init)/+11 search (Low-light) | Icons: ◆◇↺ |
◆ [dice=Devise a Stratagem]1d20[/dice] ◆ Strategic Strike, total result of X [dice=Piercing]1d6[/dice] [dice=Precision]1d6[/dice] [dice=Crit]1d10[/dice] [dice=Fatal]1d10[/dice]

sense motive on the kid. +7 perception. Don’t imagine he’s making it up, but maybe.

”No one said we didn’t believe you. We’re just trying to gather up information so we can assist. If he’s missing, we can have folks keep an eye out. You said yourself you were looking for proof. Well, that’s how the Edgewatch works too. No reason we can’t work together, right?”

Mason pauses momentarily as he pulls out a quill and some paper.

”Now, you said you were coming into town. Where are you coming from? What were you heading to Absalom for?”

while the kid is talking, going to pursue a lead on the shop owner as well. Can maintain up to two leads at a time, and he said something that set off a flag on her

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GM screen:
1d20 ⇒ 19

The kids is obviously worked up but his motives seem sincere.

"I'm from Taldor. Thats where I met Kemeneles and became his apprentice. We traveled to Absolom for the Radiant Festival." the boy answers. "He went to secure lodging for us when we arrived and never returned. That was two weeks ago."

"Yeah ok help the kid find his mentor. But can you do this missing persons report from somewhere other than my busted up shop? Like the precinct. I don't want to press charges against the boy here. He's obviously got a head full of fanciful ideas. I don't have a lot of time before the Radiant Festival and I need to get this place in order. Time is money and I want to be ready for the tourists." the shop owner says expectantly.

Agent Ken Mason | NG Kitsune Investigator 4 | HP 40 | AC 20 | Fort +8E Ref +11E Will +9E | 25ft Move | Perc +9(+2Init)/+11 search (Low-light) | Icons: ◆◇↺ |
◆ [dice=Devise a Stratagem]1d20[/dice] ◆ Strategic Strike, total result of X [dice=Piercing]1d6[/dice] [dice=Precision]1d6[/dice] [dice=Crit]1d10[/dice] [dice=Fatal]1d10[/dice]

"Fair enough, let's continue this talk outside if you don't mind, I do have a few more questions."

assuming the kid is willing to move, we can talk a bit more nearby

"Alright, just a couple more. Do you know where Kemeneles was headed to the last time you saw him? You said he was heading to secure lodging, do you know where at? And last question from me, where have you been staying at, so we can contact you once we have some information?"

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Eunice follows you to a nearby location, albeit a bit reluctantly. "I don't know where he went. We split up. I stayed near the market to purchase supplies. He was going to look for lodging here in the Precipice Quarter. He never returned to our agreed upon meeting spot. I've been staying at The Golden Badger Inn. I promise to leave this work to the professionals from now on as long as you promise to look into it." Eunice tells you.

The shop owner enters, looks around, and with a heavy sigh begins casting spells. Objects begin mending themselves back into one piece and tidying themselves up as the door slowly shuts behind her.

Agent Ken Mason | NG Kitsune Investigator 4 | HP 40 | AC 20 | Fort +8E Ref +11E Will +9E | 25ft Move | Perc +9(+2Init)/+11 search (Low-light) | Icons: ◆◇↺ |
◆ [dice=Devise a Stratagem]1d20[/dice] ◆ Strategic Strike, total result of X [dice=Piercing]1d6[/dice] [dice=Precision]1d6[/dice] [dice=Crit]1d10[/dice] [dice=Fatal]1d10[/dice]

"We will certainly do what we can to locate him."

assuming he would give us a description and any other necessary info to identify the guy

To the others, "Looks like we're done here?"

AoE Slides

Alright. One call covered. The other is on the other side of the map. Do you want to take the east or west path to get there on your patrol?

Male LN Gutsy Halfling Sorcerer/Bard 4 w/ Medic Dedication|HP 38/38|AC 18|Fort +6t|Ref +10e|Will +11e|Peception +11e|1st lvl 4/4 & 3/3|2nd lvl 4/4 & 3/3|Focus Spell 3/3|25ft Move|Icons: ◆◇↺

I would say keep going to make a circle all the way around.

AoE Slides

That is the plan. The map is basically a big loop. You're supposed to head to the south west corner for the next call. You are in the north east corner. Which direction are we curving the circle. East or west?

AoE Slides

East it is per Discord chat.


Roscoe: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 5 + 1 = 24
Rocky: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 4 + 1 = 13
Ken: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 6 + 1 = 22
Ialtag: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Orange: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Red: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Green: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Yellow: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

Screams erupt from an excavation project on a nearby street. Workers flee, scattering their shovels and pickaxes as four skeletons in rusted armor clamber up from a hole in the pavement.
These guys don't look like they'll listen to reason ;)

Religion to ID

Tracking Stuffs & Things wrote:

*** Round 1 ***
Bold may act!



Slides Updated.

Male LN Gutsy Halfling Sorcerer/Bard 4 w/ Medic Dedication|HP 38/38|AC 18|Fort +6t|Ref +10e|Will +11e|Peception +11e|1st lvl 4/4 & 3/3|2nd lvl 4/4 & 3/3|Focus Spell 3/3|25ft Move|Icons: ◆◇↺

First Action would be to identify. +5 Religion

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