Jack Daniels |

Hello all, I am back on the boards for good after an almost 2-year hiatus. And I am feeling a bit nostalgic to run a modified PF1E version of the classic Against the Giants trilogy (mixed with some monsters from the Giantslayer AP and other sources) in Golarion. I hope that interests some of you, both old school and new school players. I am looking for 4-5 players who can post at least 1x day.
Character creation guidelines:
Point buy: 15 (let's get hardcore)
Level: 10th level
HPs: Max at 1st level and 1/2+1 per level
Races: Core and Featured (Core will be given preference)
Classes: Paizo only (no summoners)
Alignment: No evil (you have to stop the giants, not join or lead them!)
Background skills: Yes
Traits: 2, no drawback
Elephant in the Room: No
Gold: 62,000 gp (no more than 1/2 on one item)
Background: Give me a taste of the character:
Appearance What does your character look like? Do they have any remarkable features?
Personality & Motivation who is your character and what makes them tick? Do they have any interests or quirks? Why do they want to kill giants?
Allies & Associations who is your character connected to (friends, mentors, loved ones)? Are they a part of an organization or order? Married, single, kids?
Give me some hooks in your background that I can use.
I am excited to GM this! Hope there's some interest for this. Any questions, let me know.

Jack Daniels |

15 point buy? Hardcore indeed! Let's do this. Where in Golarion is this game set? Same place as Giantslayer?
I am glad to see the interest. The initial game will start out in Sandpoint in Varisia, with the hill giants' Steading located on the Storval Plateau. The game will be a mashup of ideas of giants and their allies from Against the Giants, Book 4 of Rise of the Runelords, Giantslayer AP, and other sources.

Jack Daniels |

Couple mechanics questions:
Would taking crafting feats be allowed/provide any benefit?
Do PCs have access to Ability Focus, Quicken Spell-Like Ability, and similar (thinking about hex enhancements here)?
1. Crafting feats would not benefit prior to the game.
2. Ability focus would work with a specific hex, but not Quicken SLA.
Jack Daniels |

Can a rhinoceros wear horseshoes? I'm planning a mounted character who rides a rhino, wanting to use Horseshoes of speed or possibly horseshoes of a zephyr. Rhinos are fairly closely related to horses, taxonomically, but they don't really have the same sort of hooves.
According to the Companion Animal Archive, only the following animals can wear horseshoes:
Antelope, aurochs, bison, boar, buffalo, elk, horse, llama, megafauna (megaloceros), moose, pony, ram

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I would like to submit Hanna, my dwarven warpriestess of Torag.
Female dwarf warpriest of Torag 10 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 60)
NG Medium humanoid (dwarf)
Init 0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5 (+7 to notice unusual stonework)
AC 25, touch 12, flat-footed 25 (+9 armor, +2 sacred, +4 shield)
hp 87 (10d8+34)
Fort 13, Ref 7, Will 15; +2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities
Defensive Abilities defensive training, sacred armor (+2, 10 minutes/day)
Speed 20 ft.
Melee dwarfbond hammer +13 (2d10+7 B/×3)
Special Attacks blessings 8/day (Good: battle companion, holy strike, Protection: aura of protection, increased defense), channel positive energy 6/day (DC 19, 3d6), fervor 9/day (3d6), sacred weapon (1d10, +2, 10 rounds/day)
Warpriest Spells Prepared (CL 10th; concentration +14)
. . 4th—neutralize poison, restoration
. . 3rd—create food and water, prayer, searing light, summon ancestral guardian
. . 2nd—hold person (DC 16), muffle sound[ACG] (DC 16), communal protection from evil[UC], sound burst (DC 16), spiritual weapon
. . 1st—bless, endure elements, forbid action[UM] (DC 15), protection from evil, sanctuary (DC 15), shield of faith
. . 0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, mending, purify food and drink (DC 14), read magic
Str 16, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 19, Cha 10
Base Atk +7; CMB 10; CMD 22 (26 vs. bull rush, 26 vs. trip)
Feats Blessed Hammer, Extra Channel, Greater Weapon Of The Chosen[ACG], Improved Weapon Of The Chosen[ACG], Toughness, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (warhammer), Weapon Of The Chosen[ACG], Weapon Specialization (warhammer)
Traits guardian of the forge, sacred touch
Skills Acrobatics -7 (-11 to jump), Appraise +0 (+2 to assess nonmagical metals or gemstones), Diplomacy +6, Heal +10, Knowledge (engineering) +7, Knowledge (history) +2, Knowledge (religion) +7, Perception +5 (+7 to notice unusual stonework), Sense Motive +9, Spellcraft +6, Survival +10 (+12 to track vs. humanoids of the Giant subtype); Racial Modifiers +2 Appraise to assess nonmagical metals or gemstones, +2 Perception to notice unusual stonework
Languages Common, Dwarven
SQ dwarf warpriest, giant hunter[ARG]
Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds; Other Gear forgefather's half-plate, +2 heavy steel shield, dwarfbond hammer[UE], bag of holding i, belt of giant strength +4, cloak of resistance +2, ring of sustenance, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), holy text (Torag)[UE], mess kit[UE], pot, soap, spell component pouch, trail rations (5), waterskin, wooden holy symbol of Torag, 3,022 gp
Special Abilities
Armor/Weapon Blessings (1/day) Add 1/3 to the number of times per day the warpriest can use blessings, but he can only use these additional uses on blessings that affect weapons or armor.
Blessed Hammer You can deliver touch spells as part of a melee attack with your warhammer.
Blessings (8/day) (Su) Pool of power used to activate Blessing abilities.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Defensive Training +4 Gain a dodge bonus to AC vs. monsters of the Giant subtype.
Fervor (3d6, 9/day) (Su) Standard action, touch channels positive/negative energy to heal or harm. Swift to cast spell on self.
Giant Hunter +1 to attack/+2 to tracking Gain a bonus to attack and tracking vs. Giants.
Greater Weapon of the Chosen When using deity's fav weapon to atk, roll 2 dice and use higher.
Greed +2 to Appraise to determine price of nonmagic goods with precious metals or gemstones.
Improved Weapon of the Chosen As swift act, deity's fav wep gains 1 align aspect of deity or cold iron and silver if neutral.
Sacred Armor +2 (10 minutes/day) (Su) As a swift action, grant armor enhancement bonus or certain powers. Use 1 fervor as free action to also activate Sacred weapon.
Sacred Weapon +2 (10 rounds/day) (Su) As a swift action, grant weapon enhancement bonus or certain powers.
Stonecunning +2 +2 bonus to Perception vs. unusual stonework. Free check within 10 feet.
Vital Strike Standard action: x2 weapon damage dice.
Warpriest Channel Positive Energy 3d6 (6/day, DC 19) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Weapon of the Chosen As swift act, deity's fav wep counts as magic for next attack, may reroll conceal miss chance once.

Linnea the Diviner |

I'm going with a gnomish bard. Still working on her, but she'll be a native of Whistledown wandering Varisia in search of adventure and material for new songs. Sivi fancies herself a heroine and protector of the weak, so if Sandpoint asks for help she'll eagerly answer the call. Plenty of illusion and enchantment spells to use against weak-willed giants! And Death From Below is a pretty great racial spell for a giant-hunting game.

BelacRLJ |
BelacRLJ wrote:Couple mechanics questions:
Would taking crafting feats be allowed/provide any benefit?
Do PCs have access to Ability Focus, Quicken Spell-Like Ability, and similar (thinking about hex enhancements here)?
1. Crafting feats would not benefit prior to the game.
2. Ability focus would work with a specific hex, but not Quicken SLA.
Thanks. Will there be time for crafting in game?
Build is coming together but is persistently feat-light.

Kazmanaught |

Howdy! Here's my alchemist submission! They're a bit of a melee monster, but I think most interesting about the build is how they are able to be a perfectly capable mundane healer, able to reliably achieve 40+ points of healing 2+ times per person per day. Hopefully you like it, and I'd love to work my backstory in with someone else if they're interested!
| HP:84 | BaB:7 | AC:19 T:11 FF:18 (+2 natural armor when mutagen) | Fort:11 Ref:9 Will:4 (At start of day drinks an extract of foil enchantment, +4 vs enchantments for 10 hours)| Favored Class bonus HPx10
Str: 14+1+2 =3
Dex: 12 =1
Con: 13+1+2 =3
Int: 14+2+2 =4
Wis: 10 =0
Cha: 10 =0
Race Features:
+2 Int
Focused Study: Gain Skill Focus at 1st, 8th, and 16th levels.
+1 Skillpoint per level
Skills: Ranks Stat Class Misc Total
Knowledge Plains 10 3 N 0 14
Heal 10 3 Y 6 28
Craft Alchemy 10 3 Y 16 33
Survival 10 0 Y 0 13
Perception 10 0 Y 0 13
Fly 10 1 Y -1 13
Spellcraft 10 3 Y 0 17
Acrobatics 3 1 N -1 3
Climb 3 2 N -1 5
Swim 2 2 N -1 4
Profession Surgeon 10 0 Y 0 13
Linguistics 10 3 N 0 14
Craft: Gourmet food 10 3 Y 0 17
Languages: Common, Giant, Dwarven, Elven, Orcish, Infernal, Abyssal, Celestial, Akklo, Sylvan, Terran, Ignin, Aquan, Necril
Class Features:
Sneak attack, +5d6
Mutagen: +4 to a physical stat, -2 to corrosponding mental, +2 natural armor, lasts for 10Xlvl/minutes
Throw anything for free
+lvl competance bonus to craft alchemy checks
Add deathwatch to spell book.
Can use knowledge nature as a heal check
Add anthropomorphic animal, awaken, baleful polymorph to formula book
Poison Use
Can add 3 effects from the Beast Shape II spell when taking a mutagen (Normal loadout: Pounce, Fly, Trip
2nd: Bleeding Strike: Sneak attacks do dice of bleed damage
4th: Feral Mutagen: Gain a d8 bite, and 2 d6 claw attacks when mutagen
6th: Infusion: Can give Extracts to others
8th: Preserve Organs: Fortification 25%
10th: Mummification: Immune to cold, non-lethal, sleep, paralysis
Precise Treatment: Use Int for heal, +1 to it
Battlefield Surgeon: Heal is a class skill, can treat deadly wounds 1 extra time/day/creature
1st: Arcane Strike
Human: Skill Focus Heal
3rd: Power Attack
5th: Flensing Strike
7th: Healing Hands
Human(8th): Skill Focus Craft Alchemy
9th: Skill unlock(Heal)
+2 amulet of mighty fists (16,000)
+2 (Str, Con) belt of physical might (10,000)
+2 Headband of intellect (Gourmet Crafting) (4,000)
+1 Cloak of resistance (1,000)
+1 Ring of Deflection (2,000)
+1 Spell Storing Mithral Breastplate (8,200)
Helm of the Mammoth Lord (8,500)
Healer's Satcher x2 (3,000)
Healer's Gloves (2,500)
Boline (10)
Cost to learn a 1st level extract (15)
Cost to learn 4 second level extracts (240)
Cost to learn 4 third level extracts (540)
Cost to learn 5 fourth level extracts (1200)
4,795 gp
Quarterstaff (0)
Sling (0)
Murder Table: Claw Claw Bite Gore[Tail slap]
Claw: +16(1d6+10[+5d6, and reduce natural armor by 5 if sneak attack]
Power Claw: +14(1d6+14)
Extract List:
1sts: 6/day (Usual Loadout: (Shield, Enlarge Person, Truestrike, Longarm
Enlarge Person
Crafter's Fortune
Tear's to wine
Polypurpose Panacea
Ant Haul
2nds: 5/day (Usual Loadout: Barkskin, ablative barrier, Cure Moderate)
Cure Moderate Wounds
Lesser Restoration
Resist Energy
See Invisibility
Ablataive barrier
3rds: 4/day (Usual Loadout: Displacement, channel vigor)
Channel Vigor
Arcane Sight
Protection from energy
Undead Anatomy
Resinous Skin
4ths: 2/day (Usual Loadout: Enchantment foil
Enchantment Foil
Freedom of Movement
Greater Invisibility
Greater False Life
Fully spelled out bonuses: +2 to str, +10ft of reach, +1 size category, +7 AC, DR 5/Slashing, convert 5 points to non lethal, 50% miss chance, +4 to saves vs enchantment
Banti is emaciated, and has a slightly bluish tone to his pallid complexion. When they move quickly, they wince slightly, as if the action hurts them. When in combat however, their body shifts and contorts to whatever configuration is needed.
Banti didn't always used to be like this. Initially, they started their life out as a medical researcher and healer. The phrase medical researcher tends to evoke images of malpractice, and human experimentation. Not so for Banti. They took the safety of their patients very seriously. However, they still needed subjects to test their new medical theories upon. So Banti indulged in an almost obscene amount of self-experimentation. The experiments had the end result of furthering his craft tremendously, but also left his body ravaged by the failures. In an effort to preserve his own life, Banti completed his magnum opus; slowing down his metabolism so far that he took on several aspects of a corpse. He doesn't recommend anyone undergo the process as it was incredibly unpleasant. Not only that, but his sense of taste was dulled to a level where even eating his favorite foods brought him no pleasure. Despite his new, strange body, he still tries to maintain some semblance of his previous existence, and still gets enjoyment from cooking for others and providing aid to the worthy.
From all of this it would sound like Banti would be a pacifist. Not so. As a combat medic, he has found that the best method of healing is preventative measures. He has never had any issue with utilizing his skills as both an accomplished alchemist and surgeon to inflict serious wounds against those who would hurt other without reason. While his bedside manner is a little rough around the edges, he is more than happy to try and engage his foes in debate before trying to engage them with whatever weaponry comes to hand. Recently, he has perfected a concoction that grants him several bestial qualities. The unpleasantry of the transformation as well as consuming other performance enhancing tinctures is something that he prefers to keep to himself. Perhaps his biggest fear is that one day he will lose himself entirely in a frenzy of strange potions, and become little more than a beast. He has already lost much of his humanity after all, his mind is the last thing he has left, never having time to settle down and start a family. This is one of his biggest regrets, but he recognizes he would have been a terrible partner and probably a worse father. Banti currently is seeking a worthy apprentice. He is a member of the pathfinder society, as he has found that their policy of sending members into dangerous situations to learn and possibly help align well with his goals. [I'd love to have a connection with some of the other PC's if selected.] He has made several enemies however. He is dismissive of casters other than wizards, for although he recognizes that they can create powerful effects, their lack of scientific discipline on average tends to bother him. Most wizards on a personal level disgust him, as armed with their arcane power, they still haven't figured out how to heal people yet. Despite his distaste for followers of good aligned deities scientific rigor, he appreciates the effort that goes into those who actually make an effort to help those in need. His older sister became a paladin of Shelyn, and he has nothing but respect for her, and her efforts against the darkness of the world.
While he has no reason to hate giants in particular, Banti cannot stand higher intellect creatures brutalizing those weaker than them for no reason other than to assert dominance. He has gone to volunteer his services as a healer, cook, linguist, and as a capable combatant, sending a copy of his research notes to his sister so that if he perishes in the field, his work will not end with him.

Grod the Cunning |

Ok, this is Ouachitonian's submission. I ended up going Barbarian 10 for the extra Rage Power and DR 2/-. But from here on out I'll be taking levels in Mammoth Rider. I figure an anti-giant campaign is the best chance I'll get to have a huge companion. (One day I'll trample a giant with an elephant-sized rhino in real life and the look on the DM's face will make the whole thing worth it.) He's mostly built to be mounted, but even if he isn't, he's still pretty capable of giving and taking pain. Or just carrying all the gear. If you need any of the background, personality, etc elaborated on, let me know.

Jack Daniels |

Thanks for the comments, so let me address them:
Linnea: Look forward to the gnome bard.
Torgan: Some questions: Loner? How about his appearance? Clan? Where are they? Where is he based out of? Besides finding daughter, any other motivations?
Beclac: Yes, there will be time for in-game crafting.
Kazmanaught: Apologies in advance but I am of the opinion that vivisectionist having sneak attack is broken - makes the class better than a rogue. You can keep just the beastmorph or change the concept.
Grod: The game starts in Varisia (Sandpoint) - how did your character get there from way up north? Did you get revenge on the frost giants or is that still unresolved?
AGM: Yes, the halfling shaman is acceptable.

Kazmanaught |

Fair enough! Let me try this again! Skirmisher Fighter should hopefully be more ok? Let me know what you think!
Kurd Tragh CG Human Skirmisher Fighter:
| HP:94 | BaB:10/5 | AC:29 T:18 FF:21 | Fort:10 Ref:9 Will:6(+3 vs charm and divination) | Init:+9
Str: 13 1
Dex: 14+2+1+1+2 5
Con: 14 2
Int: 10 0
Wis: 12 1
Cha: 10 0
Class Features:
Wilderness Training: Gain 4 skill points per level, Acrobatics and stealth are class skills
Only proficient with light armor and shields.
Counter-Interrogation Training: +3 to will saves vs Charm and Interrogation
Recon Training: +3 to reflex saves vs natural occurrences, or traps
Maneuverability Training: +2 dodge bonus to AC, +10ft bonus to landspeed
Weapon Training: Heavy Blades +2[4] to hit and damage with heavy blades
Advanced Weapon Training: Trained Imitative: Add weapon training bonus to imitative
Skills: Ranks Stat Class Misc Total
Knowledge Plains 10 0 N 0 10
Heal 10 1 Y 2 16
Stealth 10 4 Y 0 17
Survival 10 1 Y 0 14
Acrobatics 4 4 Y -2 10
Swim 3 1 Y -2 5
Climb 1 1 Y -2 3
Knowledge Engineering 10 0 Y 0 13
Craft Calligraphy 10 0 Y 0 13
Battlefield Surgeon: Treat Deadly wounds 1 extra time per person per day, heal is a class skill
Indomitable Faith: +1 to will saves
1st:Weapon Finesse
1st:Weapon Focus: Rapier
1st: Slashing Grace
3rd: Combat Expertise
4th: Butterfly Sting
5th: Skill Unlock Heal
6th: Power Attack
7th: Cut From the Air
8th: Smash From the Air
9th: Healer's Hands
10th: Combat Reflexes
Dueling Gloves (15,000)
Celestial Armor (22,400)
+1 Keen Scimitar (8,315)
Belt of Dex +2 (4,000)
+1 Spell storing Buckler (4,155)
+1 Cloak of resistance (1000)
+1 ring of deflection (2,000)
+1 Amulet of natural armor (2,000)
Vest of Surgery (3,000)
Murder Table:
Regular Slash: +21/16(1d6+10)
Power Slash: +18/13 (1d6+16)
11th: Spellcut(Spellcraft 1)
They say that followers of Desna can never be a paladin. They are too wild, too disorganized to ever follow a rigid code of ethics. Certainly it is true that Kurd has never been able to cast a spell, or felt his blade be directed by the goddess to strike true. Nevertheless, he believes himself to be a true paladin of Desna. And why shouldn't he? He is more than capable of fighting well, and through careful training, has even learned how to siphon off power from the positive energy plain to help cure those in need. Healer's Hands, it's been called, and that sounds enough like a Paladin to suit Kurd.
Kurd didn't always start out as a Desnite. He started his studies as a member of the church of Serenrae, adopted by the clergy at birth. Despite his skill with the scimitar, the dogma never really clicked for him, and he took a sabbatical from the church, to explore both the world, and himself. While he was out, he met a Varisian caravan, who he traveled with for a time. After listening to their tales, and finding that their style of life suited him much more than training to become yet another priest of the Dawnflower. And so, after 3 years when he finally returned back to the church he had grown up at, he told them that he had converted, and had to move on. Their reaction was much less intense than he had expected; apparently many of the priests had seen this coming, due to Kurd's impetuous nature, and desire to be free above all else.
Kurt has had many friends, and many lovers, none of them last particularly long. He has worked together with various adventuring groups in the past, always being a team player, and opening up the defenses of an enemy so that a more physically impressive ally may take the glory. It doesn't bother him, he sees himself as always being exactly where he is needed. Every few years, he visits his old temple, and catches up with the aging priests.
Kurd is tall, and strong, although not so strong that you would find him exceptional in the slightest for an adventurer. Where he truly shines is in his lithe movement, which has a hypnotic quality to it. Often light and breezy in conversation, he is fully capable of buckling down, and applying himself fully to the task at hand. For all intents and purposes, Kurt is a true paladin of Desna, and so when he found himself in Sandpoint with rumors of giantish activity threatening the local populace, he knew that Desna was smiling on him, for he had traveled to exactly where he needed to be.

Marcus Nocturnus |

Torgar is of the house of Dain. His father had a strange proclivity for a dwarf in that he liked open spaces. They moved away from the clan and settled near a small farming town where they took up the undwarf like profession of farming.
Torgar is of average height for a dwarf with auburn brown hair. He keeps his hair tied back and his beard neatly braided. His gray eyes are intense and he does not seem comfortable sitting still. Unless sleeping he wears high quality, unadorned breastplate armor with various weapons strapped and slung on his person.
Motivation: losing his family caused him to recreate himself. Now he looks to protect others from the fate that befell his family. He prefers to be proactive so he seeks out those who will take the fight to the giants.

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Ok...here is the background for Hanna. Hope it is OK and gives you some good adventure hooks!!
Background: Hanna was born in the dwarven sky citadel of Janderhoff in southeastern Varisia's Mindspin Mountains. Her parents, Kilan and Helga Ironhammer were priests of Torag in the great temple located deep in the twisting corridors of the city proper. Kilan died shortly after his daughter’s birth protecting the gateway to the Darklands. Her mother was wounded defending the same gate many years later and retired to a life of contemplation.
Hanna herself joined the church at an early age to follow in the steps of her father. She trained in both theology and warfare so she would be able to protect her people from the many dangers of the Darklands. As fate would have it, however, she was tasked with patrolling the caravan routes from the city to the surrounding lands. She spent many years fighting brigands, monsters and Giants while keeping the trade ways clear. In time she rose to the rank of Vicar-Captain.
Hanna finds herself in the small fishing village of Sandpoint looking for a thief. She has tracked the villain (or villains) to this sleepy town and hopes to capture the brigands and retrieve that which they stole. The item, a holy symbol of Torag that was being returned to the shrine in Korvosa, but it was hijacked and Hanna has followed the thieves to Magnimar, and from there to Sandpoint.
Appearance: Hanna is of average height and weight for a young dwarven lass. She has long honey blonde hair and deep cornflower-blue eyes. She keeps her hair in a thick braid which she coils up and uses as a cushion while wearing her helmet. If not in her armour, then she wears the clerical robes of her order. She does like dressing up on occasion, but seldom has the chance to do so.
Personality & Motivation: At 53, Hanna is quite young for the position she holds. Some think it is simply because of her connections within the Church, but the fact is that no one else wanted the job of watching overland trade routes. Hanna did not want it either, but her pride and sense of honour would not let her pass up the opportunity. She has a very strong sense of right and wrong, but not necessarily a ‘black and white’ outlook on life. She can be friendly and a good friend to those she likes and respects, but also an implacable enemy to those who have wronged her.
Allies & Associations: Hanna is a Vicar-Captain in the militant arm of the Church of Torag. She reveres all the gods, but those of her people are the dearest to her heart. She is also a Senior Road Warden for the city of Korvosa, as this is the destination of most of the caravans she guards. Finally, she is one of the Elders for Clan Ironhammer, taking her mothers place as she becomes more isolated and insular.

BelacRLJ |
I should have something this evening. I’m looking at a UMD build and so will have some questions about specific magic items if selected, which I’ll include in the alias.
Basic outline is a Vellemancer witch with the standard set of buff/debuff hexes, also planning to make heavy use of Goz mask and mist spells.

Sivi Wandersong |

Here's the fluff for Sivi Wandersong! I'm still working on the crunch (so much stuff to buy), but I figured I would post this and see if our GM has any feedback.
Their daughter, however, is a different story. Sivi was never as interested in making instruments as playing them, singing, and dancing. She loved to make music and compose songs since she was a little girl. Eventually her parents gave up on interesting her in the family business and sought out a bard to apprentice her to. They found Kaja Wandersong, a fellow gnome who visited Whistledown every so often but spent most of her time on the road. Sivi eagerly accepted Kaja's offer to teach her. Not only would she learn how to make music, she would get to see faraway places! Yay!
The duo wandered Varisia for years, making music and writing songs. Sivi wanted more, though. She wanted to actually participate in the derring-do that the songs described. Kaja wasn't so keen, but she did know how to fight when necessary, and taught her protege how to wield a crossbow to best advantage. Eventually Sivi decided to strike out on her own. Predictably, she immediately got into trouble. She did manage to extricate herself from the goblin camp with generous application of bardic magic, and after that she sought out other adventurers for backup. None of these adventuring groups have lasted more than a couple years, but this is Varisia. There are always more where they came from.
Over the last five years, Sivi has not only toured Varisia, but also some of the neighboring countries. The Lands of the Linnorm Kings, Lastwall, Nirmathas, even Nidal on one particularly foolhardy expedition. She always returns to Varisia, though. There's plenty to do there, and people who need help. Sivi loves to play the heroine and save the day. Only in concert with others, though. The gnome might enjoy danger a little too much, but she's learned better than to go it alone.
Lately there are rumors that the small town of Sandpoint is having trouble with giants. Sounds like a job for an intrepid gnomish bard! This isn't her first time in Sandpoint. Sivi has stopped in several times before, both with her mentor and alone. She's acquainted with the local priest, Father Zantus, and they enjoy discussing the finer points of Shelyn's worship. The bard has performed at the Sandpoint Theater five times, sometimes solo and sometimes as backup for a play. Between her performances and her distinctive rainbow hair, the more social townsfolk are familiar with her. Sivi loves the food at the Rusty Dragon and always stays there when she's in town.
The bard's weapon of choice is a light crossbow, appropriately sized, with a wide assortment of different bolts. She also carries a morningstar and dagger, but rarely uses them.
Sivi is a devout follower of Shelyn. Her religious observances are another way to keep the Bleaching at bay, and it's always interesting to see what works of art, music, or dance other Shelynites have created when she visits a new temple or shrine. She has yet to find love, though, which sometimes gets her down. It's hard to forge meaningful connections when you're constantly on the go, but she's too afraid to settle down in one place.
Kaja Wandersong, bard and mentor: An older gnome who taught Sivi the ways of the bard. Sivi adopted her name, both as tribute to her mentor and because she felt it suited her better than Dimblestring. This is pretty normal for a gnome, so nobody was upset. Due to an old injury Kaja is no longer able to travel, and despite the best efforts of her neighbors in Whistledown the Bleaching is starting to creep in.
Ameiko Kaijitsu, owner and proprietor of the Rusty Dragon in Sandpoint. She appreciates both Sivi's business- the gnome adores her food- and her endless supply of stories, songs, and good cheer. Ameiko is also a bard and the pair sometimes duet in the Dragon's common room if Ameiko isn't too busy.

Jack Daniels |

Today's update:
Hanna: Good background Daniel, although you never answered my question about Vital Strike (see above). :)
Irlana: Thanks for the background. Appearance is like the Alias photo or different?
Avron: Unless I missed something, is your sole motivation for stopping the giants the Crown Prince's Orders?
Sivi: Very fun read. Just need more clarity as to motivation: why she would be interested in risking her life to stopping giants? It's morally right? The adventure of it? She's protective of her homeland? Fame? Gold? Something else?
For those who have not suffered a tragedy at the hands of giants, I am trying to understand what motivates each one of your characters. Giants are some of the deadliest creatures in the world - 10' - 30' tall wielding large weapons accompanied by pets, subordinates, and who else knows what else. You're risking your life - why? If Varisia is not your homeland, couldn't you just move on to somewhere else? Just food for thought.
I realized I did not list a closing date for the recruitment. The closing date will be Tuesday, August 3rd at 6:00 PM EST.

Sivi Wandersong |

For Sivi, she loves A) danger and B) helping people. I feel like a lot of adventuring gnomes are adrenaline addicts, because excitement keeps the Bleaching away. Chasing danger actually is self-preservation for them in a sense. She gets her fix by finding opportunities to be the Big Damn Hero. Giants? Hell yes, let's go! Plus, she's visited Sandpoint enough that she likes the town and some of the people there.

Avron de Marvern |

Well, I am an officer of the realm, which there won’t be much left of if the giants have their way. And you’re right about the dangers, and adventurers are a flighty bunch, so someone has to make sure the ones we hired stay on task.
Plus, giants don’t go on the warpath like this without reason, and there is someone I know well who, if she’s actually alive, has connections to great power and good reason to hold a grudge. If she’s somehow behind this it’d be good to talk with her, and maybe find means other than violence to settle matters.

Klaus Stennes |

Yes on her appearance, very similar to the picture. I'll try to post an appearance block in her CS.
I was thinking about adding history to cover up to 10th level, but the last time I did that I ended up posting slightly over 20 pages of story online.... Needless to say, she's wandered Varisia fairly extensively and made friends in various places. But she always does her best to get back to her adopted family and friends to see that they're still safe. Not that they feel the same about her....

Thorin Spellsplitter |

Lvl 10? Well, this is the only chance I can think of to do a certain build.
Have most of the crunch in this profile. It's a Battlehost Occultist. Full BaB caster class, who can only cast a small selection of transmutation and abjuration spells, with associated powers. Will get the crunch and the background written soon.

Thorin Spellsplitter |

Janderhoff. It was Thorin's ancestral home. For many decades he toiled away there, as a smith. Years came and went by, with Thorin honing his craft. He was no warrior, though he forged many a weapon. He was no stalwart defender of the dwarven people, though many a hero did wear the armor that he made. And he was content with this. Because war was for others to fight. He did his part, and that was enough.
This was until one year, when he went from Janderhoff to Korvosa. A wealthy nobleman had commissioned a suit of armor, and it was his honor to fulfill the contract. On the way the caravan was raided by giants. It was the first time that Thorin had seen combat, and it was horrifying seeing the guards bravely fight and die where they stood, ripped apart and flattened by the oversized aggressors. Of course, Thorin did not die, for if he did then it would have been the end to his story. No, he was captured. He was taken back to their mountain stronghold and enslaved. To ensure that he did not escape, his left leg was ripped from his body. And so it was, that for nearly a year he was forced to toil away for his captors, until a warband from his home tracked down the villains and put them to justice.
While freed, Thorin was left broken and haunted by the experience. He shut himself away in his workshop and worked feverishly, ashamed at his own weakness and with a burning desire for vengeance within him. When he finally emerged, he did so to the surprise of all on his own two feet. It was declared a miracle! For how else could his leg have grown back?! And they all marveled at the blade that he carried. It was long. Far longer than what was normal for his people. And the metal seemed to shimmer and move on it's own accord, as if though the steel was liquid. Thorin explained that it was a blade, because it was made for but one task. To kill giants. Axes and hammers could be used as tools. But a sword? A sword had only one purpose. To kill. And it was the size that it was because his foes required the extra reach. It was an explanation that all accepted. For the blade was a wonderous work of craftsmanship, worthy of his reputation.
It was a miracle. Just not the one that his kinsmen thought. For his main purpose was the forging of a suit of armor, in which the holy runes of Dranngvit were etched. Runes of vengeance against the giants who had so gravely wronged him. Runes of power that filled him with the strength to bring holy wrath upon the enemies of his people! The armor was sturdy dwarven plate. But such was his anger, his shame, his *need* to make the giants pay, that the goddess of vengeance herself had blessed his work. While it was plate armor, it was blessed so that it felt like naught but regular clothing, it would clean itself...and it could change it's appearance. With the armor on, Thorin could take the appearance of a regular dwarf, wearing the clothes that he always wore, complete with steel toed boots and pants with the legs properly filled out. Little did any know that behind the façade he was just as crippled as he ever was. But with it? With it he could fight. With it he could kill. It was not long before he left Janderhoff once more. Not as a smith. But as a warrior of Dranngvit.
Thorin in his plate armor
As a smith and a former merchant, Thorin is polite of word and thoughtful of deed. He is the type of dwarf who carefully considers his words and seeks to not offend. But in his eyes burns an anger which is frightful to behold, and it is reserved for the ancient foes of his people: the giants. He exemplifies the saying "Speak softly, but carry a big sword."
* Belt of Con and Dex +2 (10k)
* Headband of Int +2 (4k)
* Mithril Plate Armor +2 Comfort and Glamered with Steelbone Frame (26,550)*
* Heavy Shield +2 (4170)
* Liquid Steel Nodachi +1 Giant Bane (9160)
* Amulet of Natural Armor +1 (2k)
* Ring of Protection +1 (2k)
* Ring of Sustenance (2500)
* Traveler's Any-Tool (250)
* Wayfinder with cracked Incandescent blue sphere Ioun Stone (700)
* Fighter's Kit with masterwork backpack (58)
* 693 gold
* Battlehost Occultists get their masterwork armor for free. By RAW it says nothing about materials. I figured that the fairest thing to do was to take the price of the mastework plate out of the cost. So 10,500 GP for mithril plate. 1650 is free from the class. So paid 8,850.
* For the armor cost as a whole, it's 8,850 for the armor, 5000 for comfort, 2700 for glamered, 6000 for steelbone frame. 4000 for +2. 26,550 as a final cost!
Gold: 62000 - 10000 - 4000 - 26550 - 4170 - 9130 - 2000 - 2000 - 2500 - 250 - 700 - 58 = 642
693 gold
Spent alot of gold on the armor. But at lvl 10, I figured that I could afford to do so. Thorin has plate armor, which can look like anything, feels like regular clothing, is always clean, and has no armor check penalty. Overall, it cost 22,200 gold! But...as an occultist he gets +4 enchantment bonus to strength and +3 resistance bonus to saves. So that saved him 32,000 gold. I figured that with such savings, I could afford to be fluffy. :)
* Thorin is full BaB and has spells so long as he wears his armor. Luckily, his armor is 0 ACP, can look like anything, cleans/repairs itself and feels like regular clothing. So this isn't that much of an issue.
* His main role is being in combat, power attacking the enemy and standing in front of the foe with AC 30.
* He has spells. They're mainly utility spells. To protect him and make him better in combat...and to allow him to handle invisible foes. His powers likewise follow that. I can offer a breakdown if it would be helpful, but it is all there in the profile.
* Overall? Full BaB Str18 Int18 dwarf who can fight enemy warriors and wizards alike.

Death-Lok |

This looks fun. I present Pierre (human daring champion cavalier), a cocky bastard who is into adventuring for his personal glory and what better challenge than to humiliate some giants?! I will work on his backstory.
Sir Pierre Chauffre
Male human (Taldan) cavalier (daring champion) 10)
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +9; Senses Perception +10
AC 29, touch 19, flat-footed 20 (+6 armor, +6 Dex, +3 dodge, +1 natural, +3 shield)
hp 94 (10d10+30)
Fort +11, Ref +12, Will +7 (+3 bonus vs. mind-affecting effects)
Defensive Abilities nimble +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 adamantine longsword +20/+15 (1d8+8/17-20+10 Precision)
Special Attacks banner +3, braggart, challenge 4/day (+10 damage, +3 dam while only you threaten), greater tactician 3/day (Outflank or Shake It Off, swift action, 8 rds), panache (3), precise strike, steal glory
Str 8, Dex 24, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +10; CMB +9; CMD 29
Feats Dazzling Display, Dodge, Improved Critical (longsword), Iron Will, Outflank, Shake It Off, Skill Focus (Intimidate), Skill Focus (Use Magic Device), Slashing Grace, Steadfast Personality, Weapon Focus (longsword)
Traits dangerously curious, sword scion
Skills Acrobatics +10, Bluff +16, Diplomacy +12, Intimidate +22, Knowledge (nobility) +10, Linguistics +1, Perception +10, Perform (dance) +15, Ride +11, Swim +3, Use Magic Device +19
Languages Common, Giant
SQ champion's finesse, dodging panache, order of the cockatrice, swashbuckler initiative
Combat Gear potion of fly, wand of shield (CL 5th, 30 charges); Other Gear +2 glamered mithral chain shirt, +2 mithral buckler, +1 adamantine longsword, amulet of natural armor +1, belt of incredible dexterity +4, cloak of resistance +2, headband of alluring charisma +4, ioun torch ioun stone, ioun torch ioun stone, ring of sustenance, belt pouch, masterwork backpack, soap, light horse (combat trained), bedroll, bit and bridle, feed (per day), hemp rope (50 ft.), riding saddle, saddlebags, waterskin
Special Abilities
Banner +3/+2 (60 ft.) (Ex) Allies within 60 ft. who can see your banner gain +3 save vs. fear & +2 to hit while charging.
Braggart (Ex) Demoralize as a standard action, +2 to hit demoralized targets.
Champion's Finesse At 1st level, a daring champion gains the benefits of the Weapon Finesse feat with light or one-handed piercing melee weapons, and he can use Charisma in place of Intelligence for the purpose of combat feats prerequisites.
Cockatrice's Challenge +10 (4/day) (Ex) +10 to damage target, -2 AC vs. others when used, +3 damage when you are the only one threatening the target.
Dazzling Display Intimidate check to demoralize can affect those within 30' who see you.
Deed: Dodging Panache +3 (Ex) As an imm action when attacked, use 1 panache to move 5 ft. and gain +3 to AC vs. attack.
Deed: Precise Strike +10 (Ex) While 1 panache, bonus to att/dam with light/one-hand piercing weapon.
Deed: Swashbuckler Initiative (Ex) While have Panache, free hand draws light or 1-hand pierce weapon as part of the init roll.
Greater Tactician (Outflank or Shake It Off, 8 rds, 3/day) (Ex) As a swift action, grant the use of one of your teamwork bonus feats to all allies within 30 ft.
Nimble +2 (Ex) +2 dodge bonus to AC.
Outflank Increase flank bonus by +2 if flanking ally has same feat. If you crit, ally gets an AoO.
Panache (Ex) Gain a pool of points that are spent to fuel deeds, regained on light/piercing crit/killing blow.
Shake It Off Gain +1 to all saving throws per adjacent ally
Slashing Grace (Longsword) Treat chosen weapon as 1-handed piercing weapon and can add Dex instead of Str to dam.
Steal Glory (Ex) You may make an AoO against a target who receives a critical hit.

Jack Daniels |

Summary of Applicants to date:
Hanna - NG Female dwarf warpriest of Torag 10: complete
Kurd Tragh - CG Human Skirmisher Fighter: complete
Torgar Groundbreaker - NG Male Dwarf Invulnerable Rager 10: complete
Irlana Systrana - CG Female Halfling Serendipity Shaman 10: complete
Avron de Marvern - CG Male Human Witch (Vellemancer) 10: complete
Dolgrym Giantfoe - NG Male Dwarf Ranger Divine Tracker 10: complete
Sivi Wandersong - CG Female Gnome Bard 10: missing gear
Thorin Spellsplitter - ? Male Dwarf Battlehost Occultist 10: missing alignment
Sir Pierre Chauffre - CG Male Human Daring Champion Cavalier 10: missing background
If I am missing anyone, please let me know.