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Cool! I've heard a lot about these adventures but never played them in any game system. Realize im slightly late but ill try and get an application up today. Currently considering a monk/shaman who fights by way of hex strike. The flavor is hitting them so hard that they are either reeling (debuff hexes) or just knocking them out in one hit (slumber hex) :)

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Update on my end since the deadline is drawing closer and I entered a bit late, I will be converting an earlier character I had for a giantslayer campaign that died to be a submission.
One question: is there something I should be aware of for the state of the mistmountains and/or Trunau in Belkzen hold, where giantslayer takes place? The background concept is currently a half-orc who orginially escaped from an orc tribe to Trunau, only to see it fall to an alliance between orcs and giants, which forced her to further flee soutwest to Varisia - intent on taking revenge.
Does this work for this altered campaign setting? As if we're going to visit Trunau, it wouldn't work if it was already destroyed. Also, are we aware of an army of giants massing somewhere already or not?

Jack Daniels |

Update on my end since the deadline is drawing closer and I entered a bit late, I will be converting an earlier character I had for a giantslayer campaign that died to be a submission.
One question: is there something I should be aware of for the state of the mistmountains and/or Trunau in Belkzen hold, where giantslayer takes place? The background concept is currently a half-orc who orginially escaped from an orc tribe to Trunau, only to see it fall to an alliance between orcs and giants, which forced her to further flee soutwest to Varisia - intent on taking revenge.
Does this work for this altered campaign setting? As if we're going to visit Trunau, it wouldn't work if it was already destroyed. Also, are we aware of an army of giants massing somewhere already or not?
Your half-orc background would work in this setting. The game starts with the leaders of Sandpoint putting out a call to heroes as giants are on the move and gathering on the Storval Plateau.

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Trevor86 wrote:Your half-orc background would work in this setting. The game starts with the leaders of Sandpoint putting out a call to heroes as giants are on the move and gathering on the Storval Plateau.Update on my end since the deadline is drawing closer and I entered a bit late, I will be converting an earlier character I had for a giantslayer campaign that died to be a submission.
One question: is there something I should be aware of for the state of the mistmountains and/or Trunau in Belkzen hold, where giantslayer takes place? The background concept is currently a half-orc who orginially escaped from an orc tribe to Trunau, only to see it fall to an alliance between orcs and giants, which forced her to further flee soutwest to Varisia - intent on taking revenge.
Does this work for this altered campaign setting? As if we're going to visit Trunau, it wouldn't work if it was already destroyed. Also, are we aware of an army of giants massing somewhere already or not?
Thank you for answering! Doing the crunch now, the background is virtually done. Should be able to complete it before the 6PM EST tomorrow.

Avron de Marvern |

I had created Avron's background referencing a generic kingdom/set of nobles as the party's patron (this is based on a brief read of a summary of Against the Giants).
Reading more about the actual governance of Sandpoint and Magnimar: Should I revise to match how the party will actually be gathered? If so I'd adjust it so he serves and belongs to whichever of the leading families of Magnimar or vicinity is involved in the party's recruitment.

Death-Lok |

This looks fun. I present Pierre (human daring champion cavalier), a cocky bastard who is into adventuring for his personal glory and what better challenge than to humiliate some giants?! I will work on his backstory.
** spoiler omitted **...
I present Pierre's backstory as well as a pretty accurate pic from Pinterest. Thanks for considering him.
Pierre Chauffre’s origins began in the greatest city on the planet, in his estimation, remarkably known as the City at the Center of the World: Absalom. The Chauffre family was a noble one of minor repute, Pierre was not a strong child and was considered relatively weak. However, that did not stop him from pursuing his devotion of the sword. Many would say that Pierre was born with a sword in his hand, as his childhood was spent on many training lessons, to which the boy naturally adapted. He loved the footwork and grace of fighting, relying on his speed and agility rather than brute strength. When he was of age, he joined the knightly order of the Cockatrice and has spent the last 10 years of his life gallivanting the realm, earning personal glory for himself. Once a year he reports to his superiors in Absalom, but the rest of his time, he is on his own, operating independently. And unfortunately for him, Pierre is quite solitary because he does not last long in many adventuring groups. For some reason, despite his prowess in battle, his companions tend to not stand his braggadocios nature and arrogance. So, he has often been asked to leave their company. For Pierre, it is their loss, not his, as he is still alive in his chosen profession, while many of his former companions have perished. Pierre's only true connections/allies are in Absalom: His parents and sister (Persephone) and his mentor and trainer, LaSalle. Pierre finds himself presently traversing the Varisian lands, famous for their curvaceous gypsies, when he learned of the pending giant threat/invasion. He jumped on Francois, his noble and loyal mount, and rode off to Sandpoint, eager to show off his prowess and earn some gold and perhaps the eternal gratitude of some fair maidens in distress.
Pierre is quite a handsome fellow, standing 6’ tall with brown hair and green eyes. He keeps his hair and beard immaculately groomed. He has a reputation for being a ladies’ man due to his silver tongue. Typical of Taldans, Pierre considers the rest of the world to be backwater, not on par with his level of sophistication. In battle, however, his boastful nature is a terror to his opponents, who are known to fear him in battle.

Jack Daniels |

Updated Summary of Applicants to date:
Hanna - NG Female dwarf warpriest of Torag 10: complete
Kurd Tragh - CG Human Skirmisher Fighter: complete
Torgar Groundbreaker - NG Male Dwarf Invulnerable Rager 10: complete
Irlana Systrana - CG Female Halfling Serendipity Shaman 10: complete
Avron de Marvern - CG Male Human Witch (Vellemancer) 10: complete
Dolgrym Giantfoe - NG Male Dwarf Ranger Divine Tracker 10: complete
Sivi Wandersong - CG Female Gnome Bard 10: missing gear
Thorin Spellsplitter - LN Male Dwarf Battlehost Occultist 10: complete
Sir Pierre Chauffre - CG Male Human Daring Champion Cavalier 10: complete
PJP, I am willing to help tweak if I receive the background.
Trevor, you are good with time, the deadline is tomorrow at 6:00 PM EST.
Avron, I understood that it was generic, adaptable to any setting, when I read your background. Thanks!

Jack Daniels |

You are good, Sivi. Thanks!
Updated Summary of Applicants to date:
Hanna - NG Female dwarf warpriest of Torag 10: complete
Kurd Tragh - CG Human Skirmisher Fighter: complete
Torgar Groundbreaker - NG Male Dwarf Invulnerable Rager 10: complete
Irlana Systrana - CG Female Halfling Serendipity Shaman 10: complete
Avron de Marvern - CG Male Human Witch (Vellemancer) 10: complete
Dolgrym Giantfoe - NG Male Dwarf Ranger Divine Tracker 10: complete
Sivi Wandersong - CG Female Gnome Bard 10: complete
Thorin Spellsplitter - LN Male Dwarf Battlehost Occultist 10: complete
Sir Pierre Chauffre - CG Male Human Daring Champion Cavalier 10: complete

Aradesh Gorewolf |

All right, here's my (Trevor's) finished submission! Had a slight delay IRL. Still, though it might be last (?), I hope it's not least :) I believe the answers to all questions for the submission guidelines are in the background, appearance and personality blocks in the profile. Associated NPC's are in the background as well.
I intentionally left open any particularly noteworthy Giants she might have noticed during the attack on Trunau or were perhaps seen negotiating with her father. Any BBEG that is convenient to the plot could be used here so that she has even more of a reason to hate them ;)
If there are any questions I'm happy to answer them, if there is any time left for such.
Good luck in the selection process, everyone!

Jack Daniels |

Updated Summary of Applicants to date:
Hanna - NG Female dwarf warpriest of Torag 10: complete
Kurd Tragh - CG Human Skirmisher Fighter: complete
Torgar Groundbreaker - NG Male Dwarf Invulnerable Rager 10: complete
Irlana Systrana - CG Female Halfling Serendipity Shaman 10: complete
Avron de Marvern - CG Male Human Witch (Vellemancer) 10: complete
Dolgrym Giantfoe - NG Male Dwarf Ranger Divine Tracker 10: complete
Sivi Wandersong - CG Female Gnome Bard 10: complete
Thorin Spellsplitter - LN Male Dwarf Battlehost Occultist 10: complete
Sir Pierre Chauffre - CG Male Human Daring Champion Cavalier 10: complete
Aradesh Gorewolf: NG Female Unsworn Shaman 10 (Life/Lore spirit): complete
KiRen - ?(Guessing N) Male Halfling Goliath Druid 10: more or less complete - missing hps, Alignment, AC, gear
I assume this is all of the Applicants so I will run my calculations (lol) and come back later tonight with the selection.

Jack Daniels |

Okay, I am back - I hate keeping players awaiting their fate. I was set on taking four but convinced myself to take five on this journey. The following giant-hunters, please report to the OOC thread (Link):
Hanna - NG Female dwarf warpriest of Torag 10
Dolgrym Giantfoe - NG Male Dwarf Ranger Divine Tracker 10
Sivi Wandersong - CG Female Gnome Bard 10
Sir Pierre Chauffre - CG Male Human Daring Champion Cavalier 10
Aradesh Gorewolf: NG Female Half-Orc Unsworn Shaman 10 (Life/Lore spirit)
To the rest, thank you for taking the time to make complex 10th level characters and I will come back if I need replacements. Again my thanks and happy gaming!