![]() About Klaus StennesBasics:
Character Name: Klaus Stennes Character Race: Human/Ulfen Character Class: Storm Druid 6 / Feysworn 7 Alignment: LN Deity: Magdh Current Moderator:
Known Languages
Appearance: Klaus is strange looking for an Ulfen, with a dark complexion, average size and dark hair. When he appears in his true form (rarely) he is average size and weight. Stats:
Strength: 12 [2 points] Dexterity: 20 [2 points, Human +2, Level 4 & 8 +2, Belt +4] Constitution: 20 [2 points, Human +2, Level 4 & 8 +2, Belt +4] Intelligence: 20 [2 points, Human +2, Level 4 & 8 +2, Headband +4] Wisdom: 22 [5 points, Human +2, Level 4 & 8 +2, Headband +4] Charisma: 12 [2 points] ****15 point buy**** ------------------------------------------------------------ Hit Points: 133 (d8+5/level) Defense & Saves:
Armor Class: 22 (Armor: +3, Dex: +5, Ring: +2, Sight Beyond Time: +2) Flatfooted Armor Class : N/A Sight Beyond Time Touch Armor Class: 19 +1 Leather Armor Special Armor Class Notes: DR 10/cold iron
Special Save Notes: None, Resist Electricity 10
Initiative Modifier: +10 (DEX +5, Feat +4, Trait +1) Base Attack Bonus: +9 (Druid +4)(Feysworn +5) Melee Attack Bonus: +1 Ranged Attack Bonus: +5 Special Combat Notes: None
Quarterstaff with Spellstaff: Wind Walk
Storm Druid skill points earned: 54: 9/level (4 + Int(3) + Human(1) + Favored Class(1)) Feysworn skill points: 42: 6/level (2 + Int(3) + Human Bonus(1)) Druid's class skill: Climb(Str), Craft(Int), Fly(Dex), Handle Animal(Cha), Heal(Wis), Knowledge(geography)(nature)(Int), Perception(Wis), Profession(Wis), Ride(Dex), Spellcraft(Int), Survival(Wis), and Swim(Str) Feysworn class skills additional: Bluff(Cha), Intimidate(Cha), Knowledge(planes)(religion)(Int), Sense Motive(Wis) From Feats & Traits: Hermean Blood: Acrobatics and Stealth, Skills from Headband:(2) Knowledge(Arcana)(Dungeoneering): +22 (Int 5) 13 Ranks +4 for Magdh Obedience Skills:
Feats & Traits:
1st Level: Improved Initiative Human Bonus: Hermean Blood
3rd Level: Fey Obedience
5th Level: Natural Spell
7th Level: Wild Speech
9th Level: Shaping Focus
11th Level: Divine Interference
13th Level: Planar Wild Shape
Race: Human(Ulfen): Gruff Watcher
Race: Human:
+2 to One Ability Score: Human characters get a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature. Medium: Humans are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. Normal Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet. Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level. Skilled: Humans gain 1 additional skill rank at 1st level and 1 additional rank whenever they gain a level. Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common and their ethnic language. Humans whose ethnic language is Common (or Taldane, in the case of Chelaxians or Taldans) do not receive an additional ethnic language. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic). Class Abilities: Druid/Storm Druid:
Weapons: club, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, scimitar, scythe, sickle, shortspear, sling, and spear Armor: Light & Medium non-metalic armor and shield Nature Bond (Ex): A storm druid may not choose an animal companion. A storm druid must choose the Air or Weather domain, or the Cloud, Storm, or Wind subdomain.
Nature Sense (Ex): A druid gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks. Wild Empathy (Ex): A druid can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person (see Using Skills). The druid rolls 1d20 and adds her druid level and her Charisma modifier to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly.
Woodland Stride: Replaced by Windwalker.
Trackless Step: Replaced by Stormvoice.
Resist Nature's Lure: Replaced by Eyes of the Storm.
Venom Immunity: Replaced by Windlord.
Wild Shape (Su): At 4th level, a druid gains the ability to turn herself into any Small or Medium animal and back again once per day. Her options for new forms include all creatures with the animal type. This ability functions like the beast shape I spell, except as noted here. The effect lasts for 1 hour per druid level, or until she changes back. Changing form (to animal or back) is a standard action and doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. The form chosen must be that of an animal with which the druid is familiar.
A Thousand Faces: Replaced by Storm Lord.
Timeless Body (Ex): After attaining 15th level, a druid no longer takes ability score penalties for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any penalties she may have already incurred, however, remain in place. Bonuses still accrue, and the druid still dies of old age when her time is up. Air Domain/Wind Subdomain
Weather Domain/Seasons Subdomain
Class Abilities: Feysworn:
Requirements: Feat: Fey Obedience Languages: Aklo, First Speech, or Sylvan. Skills: Knowledge (planes) 5 ranks. Special: Must worship one of the Eldest. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A feysworn gains proficiency with all simple weapons and with her Eldest’s favored weapon. She gains no additional proficiency with armor or shields. Spells per Day or Spells Known: At the indicated levels, when a new feysworn level is gained, the character gains new spells per day as if she had also gained a level in a spellcasting class she belonged to before taking the prestige class. She doesn't gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained, except for additional spells per day, spells known (if she is a spontaneous spellcaster), and an increased effective level of spellcasting. If the character had levels in more than one spellcasting class before becoming a feysworn, she must choose to which class she adds the new level for the purposes of determining spells per day. Feymarked (Ex): Upon death, a feysworn is immediately resurrected and transported to a location on the First World sacred to the Eldest the feysworn worships (at the GM’s discretion, the feysworn may be reincarnated instead). From that point forward, the character is held in her living state only by the Eldest’s will. While the amount of service the Eldest demands in exchange varies, if at any point the Eldest becomes displeased enough to revoke this status, the feysworn is immediately and utterly destroyed, her soul energy permanently reabsorbed into the First World. Creatures slain in this manner cannot be resurrected short of deific intervention. Feysworn creatures are immune to any spell not capable of targeting fey (such as dominate person, charm person, hold person, and any other spells specifically targeting humanoids). This immunity can be voluntarily suspended as per the rules for spell resistance. Obedience (Ex): A feysworn must select one of the Eldest to worship; once this choice is made, it can’t easily be changed . In order to keep the abilities granted by this prestige class (including augmented spellcasting abilities), a feysworn must conduct a daily obedience to her chosen Eldest (see Chapter 2). Fey Boon: As a feysworn gains levels, she gains boons from her Eldest patron. The nature of the boons varies depending on the feysworn’s chosen Eldest. Each Eldest grants three boons, each more powerful than the last. At 3rd level, the feysworn gains the first boon. At 6th level, she gains the second boon, and at 9th level, she gains the third boon. Consult the Fey Obedience feat on page 17 and the Eldest descriptions in Chapter 2 for details on fey boons. When an Eldest grants a spell-like ability, the feysworn’s level for the spell-like ability is equal to her total character level. This ability allows a feysworn to access these boons earlier than normal; it does not grant additional uses of the boons once the character reaches the necessary Hit Dice to earn the boons normally.
Breacher (Ex): At 2nd level, a feysworn gains a constant and instinctive sense of the direction (though not distance) to the nearest breach between the First World and the Material Plane. Feyskinned (Ex): At 2nd level, a feysworn gains the ability to harden her skin, granting herself DR 10/cold iron for 1 minute per feysworn level each day. This duration need not be consecutive but must be used in 1-minute increments. At 7th level, this DR becomes constant. If the feysworn already has DR 10/cold iron or better, the damage reduction increases by 5. Summon Fey (Sp): At 4th level, a feysworn can use summon monster IV once per day to conjure 1 ekekeh (see page 60) or satyr, 1d3 nuglub gremlins (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 143), or 1d4+1 fauns (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 114). At 8th level, the feysworn also gains the ability to use summon monster VIII once per day to conjure 1 bogeyman (Bestiary 3 42), 1d3 nuckelavees (Bestiary 3 203), or 1d4+1 escorites (see page 61). At the GM’s discretion, specific Eldest may allow feysworn who worship them to summon other fey creatures of equal power with this ability. Alien Mind (Ex): At 5th level, for a number of rounds per day equal to her feysworn level, the feysworn gains a +4 sacred bonus to one mental ability score and on saving throws against mind-affecting effects. These rounds do not need to be used consecutively. Once selected, the mental ability score affected cannot be changed until the feysworn next performs her Eldest’s obedience. Activating or maintaining this ability is an immediate action. Plane Swap (Sp): At 5th level, the feysworn gains the ability to transport herself and up to one touched willing creature per feysworn level from the Material Plane to the First World or vice versa. This ability can be used once per day as a standard action, and functions as plane shift. Tear Reality (Sp): At 10th level, once per day as long as she is on the Material Plane or in the First World, the feysworn can rip the planar fabric to unleash terrible magical energies. The area of effect is always centered on her (though she may otherwise determine its shape or targets according to the spell’s description) and chosen at random from the following spell effects.
Equipment & Gear:
Traveler's Outfit +1 Leather Armor (1,000 GP)
Ring of Protection +1 (2K GP)
Pearl of Power Level 1 x3 (3,000 GP) Wand of Cure Light Wounds: 50 charges (1500 GP) x2
Ioun Torch (75 GP) Backpack - 2 GP - 2 lbs (Total: 10 lbs)
Pouch, Belt - 1 GP - 1/2 lbs
Total weight carried: 54.5 lbs
Carrying capacity: ->43 lbs / ->86 lbs Starting Gold: 108K GP
Remaining Money: Gold: 19, Silver: 4
Base Speed: 30 ft. Magic:
Spontaneous Domain Casting: A storm druid can channel stored spell energy into domain spells that she has not prepared ahead of time. She can “lose” a prepared spell in order to cast any domain spell of the same level or lower. - Domain Spells: 1st—Whispering Wind, 2nd—Wind Wall, 3rd—Gaseous Form, 4th—Air Walk, 5th—Control Winds, 6th—Wind Walk, 7th—Elemental Body IV (air only), 8th—Whirlwind, 9th—Winds of Vengeance - Domain Spells: 1st—Goodberry, 2nd—Fog Cloud, 3rd—Call Lightning, 4th—Blight, 5th—Ice Storm, 6th—Control Winds, 7th—Control Weather, 8th—Sunburst, 9th—Storm of Vengeance Cast as 12th level: 4/4/4/4/3/3/2
Save DC: 10 + Spell Level + WIS(6)
Character History:
So what do you say when people want to know you, and you don't really know yourself? I was the bastard son of.... No, that's not right. I wasn't a bastard, not at birth. My parents were happily married, until I was born. They were Jolath and Kryssall Stennes. Jolath was a good Ulfen man, a hunter and a very good one. He was large and strong as all good men should be. Kryssall, well she was a war trophy wife. But she was equal in their relationship as she had power from her goddess Shelyn that she could call on. Besides, she had the beauty of her goddess wrapped in a size of a human wife. I wonder sometimes where she actually came from. Was there Fey influence in her history? Anyway, twenty three years ago I was born to Jolath and Kryssall Stennes. Unlike a good Ulfen male I have dark hair, dark skin, and one brown eye. I also have a strange birthmark covering most of the left side of my face, starting small above my eye and expanding down to cover most of my lower face. It had a greenish outline making it look almost sickly. Jolath wanted to throw me to the wolves. I'm told that his fury knew no bounds when Kryssall defied him and clung to me. He stormed out of our home, and out of the village snarling like a wild thing. He took no supplies but the knife on his belt and was gone for several months. Kryssal tried to explain to the people of the village, but after one look at me she was shunned. When Jolath returned, months later, he again demanded that I be sacrificed to the gods of the north.... or that Kryssal leave his home with me. She gathered her things and me, and left him. She didn't go far. She knew of a cave almost within sight of the village. It was a hard life and there were several times that she had to leave me alone to hunt. I learned pretty quick how to defend myself from the rodents and things that lived in the cave with us. As I grew I learned to kill the smaller ones. She tried to teach me of her faith, but how does one believe and trust in a goddess of beauty when one looks like I do? But since my upbringing came from a woman of faith I guess it is no surprise that I learned my own path as one of faith. Fortunately when I got my calling my mother was willing to accept that it wasn't to her god, and she knew enough about other deities that she could teach me about mine. While Mother was teaching me of my patron she also explained why my birthmark was significant. As I had grown the mark had become more clear and the knot was clearly the holy symbol of Magdh. No hair grew from the mark making it very easy to see. With the mark, and how suspicious most villagers were, I would never be welcomed into a village like our home! About a year ago Jolath died. Some of the men of the village, the more honorable ones, approached Kryssall and suggested that she return to the village to live in his home again. I think they remembered her beauty as well as her value as a healer of Shelyn. I was accepted, grudgingly, because I was now a man and could contribute, even though I was no proper Ulfen man. I know I'll never be accepted by the men of the village, but it's time to see where my path will lead me. Several years later Klaus left his home village. Knowing that he wasn't wanted he planned to never return. He traveled all around the continent learning what he could about the world. He traveled with several different groups and fought a lot of creatures. Recently he was traveling alone, enjoying flying high in the shape of an eagle, when a huge crossbow bolt almost hit him. Flying down some to investigate he spotted a hill giant with a giant-sized crossbow, and two ogres. Keeping in air he cast several spells to contain and then kill them. He flew a spiral search above the area, confirming no other enemies, then landed to search the bodies for clues. Why would they attack a lone eagle? He found nothing of interest so he took to the air again. The next morning he performed his usual Obedience to Magdh, but when he cast the leaves the image he received was inspired. The leaves flipped and showed red and brown undersides, all leaned on each other in a clear image of a mountain. Klaus studied the image and determined that the red must be a hint at a volcano. He thought about the area where he'd been flying and remembered a mountain that looked like a volcano. He'd kept far away, but maybe Magdh was telling him to check it out. Not wanting to check out such a likely dangerous place alone he looks for signs of civilization and potential allies.