Anethra Katal |

Hello DM Ramza! I'm pleased to present Bess Tanner, a humble inn keeper's daughter who fled an arranged marriage to indulge her passion for high adventure.
She's a straight-up fighter, but I'm excited to play her 15 point buy, which has made her a hale, hearty warrior whose enthusiasm and directness often causes her to miss cues and make hasty decisions. Perhaps not the best mindset for the Emerald Spire, but hopefully the rest of the party will temper her zeal.
Background and description are in the stat block, I've gone with Favor for a Friend as her campaign trait, and hope to make the cut!

DM Ramza |

Hello DM Ramza! I'm pleased to present Bess Tanner, a humble inn keeper's daughter who fled an arranged marriage to indulge her passion for high adventure.
She's a straight-up fighter, but I'm excited to play her 15 point buy, which has made her a hale, hearty warrior whose enthusiasm and directness often causes her to miss cues and make hasty decisions. Perhaps not the best mindset for the Emerald Spire, but hopefully the rest of the party will temper her zeal.
Background and description are in the stat block, I've gone with Favor for a Friend as her campaign trait, and hope to make the cut!
Welcome! And thank you for putting in the effort to apply: it's greatly appreciated! I really dig the "everywoman" feel and the angle of trying to start fresh.
Three quick notes:
1) It looks to me like you under-spent your point buy (truly something I did not expect to see with 15 point builds!). You spent 17, but took -3 points in lowered stats, putting you at 14 points total.
2.) The Favor For a Friend trait specifies arcane magic potions (Abernard is the one making them, and he's a Wizard). So, no potions of CLW. You can however select very Fighter-friendly potions like Enlarge Person or Shield.
3.) You get maximum starting gold, so you've got a good bit more money to spend on your gear.

DM Ramza |

Hi, DM Ramza.
Here's a stat-block for your review, if you wish. I haven't got any background or appearance write up yet. She's a Goldenfire Initiate, that about all I know at the moment.
Thank you for putting in the effort to apply. And congrats on being our first full arcane casting submission, and only our second arcane caster overall!
Taking a look at your sheet, it looks like you're planning to go Arcane Archer? Neat! I remain overly fond of prestige classes, even if Pathfinder often treated them as a second or third thought.

DM Ramza |

Character submission round-up!
(Gonna categorize everyone buy old 2E class umbrellas for funsies)
Liedae Xia - LG Oni-Spawn Tiefling Ranger (Guide)
Geoff Raneker - LE Human Fighter
Gareth Ironblood - LG Dwarf Fighter
Bess Tanner - CG Human Fighter
Eko The Frog Knight - LN or NG Grippli Druid (Nature Fang)
Garen Williamson - LG Angelkin Aasimar Warpriest
Eltand Hillhold - CG Halfling Unchained Summoner (Devil Imposter)
Siglinde Arowynd - CG Emberkin Aasimar Wizard
We're also very frontliner-heavy, with what appears to be only one character pursuing a focus on ranged combat.
It was mentioned before, but I think it's safe to say the class demographics of the applications are a little surprising! Hardly any full casters, not a single Rogue-ish class of any kind, and no clerics! I thought for certain that with the low point buy I'd see an Ecclesitheurge.
None of these are even remotely complaints! I feel like I'm seeing a lot of creative builds and compelling characterizations.
The recruitment is still open for almost two weeks, mostly because my schedule isn't conducive to launching things earlier, so I hope to see more submissions - even if it means choosing between all these great characters gets even harder!

Brolof |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Character submission round-up!
(Gonna categorize everyone buy old 2E class umbrellas for funsies)
Liedae Xia - LG Oni-Spawn Tiefling Ranger (Guide)
Geoff Raneker - LE Human Fighter
Gareth Ironblood - LG Dwarf Fighter
Bess Tanner - CG Human FighterPriests:
Eko The Frog Knight - LN or NG Grippli Druid (Nature Fang)
Garen Williamson - LG Angelkin Aasimar WarpriestRogues:
Eltand Hillhold - CG Halfling Unchained Summoner (Devil Imposter)
Siglinde Arowynd - CG Emberkin Aasimar WizardWe're also very frontliner-heavy, with what appears to be only one character pursuing a focus on ranged combat.
It was mentioned before, but I think it's safe to say the class demographics of the applications are a little surprising! Hardly any full casters, not a single Rogue-ish class of any kind, and no clerics! I thought for certain that with the low point buy I'd see an Ecclesitheurge.
None of these are even remotely complaints! I feel like I'm seeing a lot of creative builds and compelling characterizations.
The recruitment is still open for almost two weeks, mostly because my schedule isn't conducive to launching things earlier, so I hope to see more submissions - even if it means choosing between all these great characters gets even harder!
I'd personally put Eltand into the "rogue" category as well. He's halfway in both, since his builds got the rogue skills covered while also being a summoner.

DM Ramza |

I'd personally put Eltand into the "rogue" category as well. He's halfway in both, since his builds got the rogue skills covered while also being a summoner.
Fair point! Little embarrassed I forgot that, given I included that trait for explicitly the reason of loosening restrictions on party comp.
So a revision: while we don't have a proper Trapfinding specialist (as per the Rogue class feature), we do have at least one submission fully able to deal with magical traps.

DM Ramza |

That was my intention at least. With the blobber style play, his eidolon can be a skill monkey for the whole group (the perception one won’t be the only Skilled evolution it gets), and as a 2/3 caster he won’t have too many useful spells except for summoning.
I wouldn't sell yourself that short. IIRC Summoner has a fairly nice suite of buff spells yeah?

Siglinde Arowynd |

Thank you for putting in the effort to apply. And congrats on being our first full arcane casting submission, and only our second arcane caster overall!
Taking a look at your sheet, it looks like you're planning to go Arcane Archer? Neat! I remain overly fond of prestige classes, even if Pathfinder often treated them as a second or third thought.
I wasn’t actually planning on Arcane Archer. Was thinking more along the lines of Eldritch Knight. The point blank shot feat was because I like ray spells, and wanted to fire them into combat if needed. Currently I thinking maybe a single dip into sensate fighter, or maybe just wizard all the way. I realized that Siglinde can actually wear padded armor, even without proficiency.
The prestige classes are a little lackluster.

Liedae Xia |

DM Ramza wrote:
Thank you for putting in the effort to apply. And congrats on being our first full arcane casting submission, and only our second arcane caster overall!
Taking a look at your sheet, it looks like you're planning to go Arcane Archer? Neat! I remain overly fond of prestige classes, even if Pathfinder often treated them as a second or third thought.
I wasn’t actually planning on Arcane Archer. Was thinking more along the lines of Eldritch Knight. The point blank shot feat was because I like ray spells, and wanted to fire them into combat if needed. Currently I thinking maybe a single dip into sensate fighter, or maybe just wizard all the way. I realized that Siglinde can actually wear padded armor, even without proficiency.
The prestige classes are a little lackluster.
Those two are kind of lackluster, yeah. I plan on going into Sentinel with Liedae later on though, and it seems like a pretty decent option. Maybe some other prestige class besides something from Core would give you the oomph you're looking for?

DM Ramza |

I wasn’t actually planning on Arcane Archer. Was thinking more along the lines of Eldritch Knight. The point blank shot feat was because I like ray spells, and wanted to fire them into combat if needed. Currently I thinking maybe a single dip into sensate fighter, or maybe just wizard all the way. I realized that Siglinde can actually wear padded armor, even without proficiency.The prestige classes are a little lackluster.
Ah-ha, fair! Eldritch Knight isn't very flashy, but the full BAB + nearly full spellcasting progression is nice in a boring meat and potatoes way. If you actually get them all the way to level 10, Spell Critical shenanigans can be pretty fun.
Either way, I like the character!

Archae |

Archae wrote:Eldritch knight got two exclusive Feats Btw Arcing weapon and Explosive weapon. both really work for it, id check them outI have never seen those feats before... Oh god, you could do the usual Magus thing, but use it with much higher level spells. Polar Ray anyone?
Yeah a few of the prestige classes got feat support and stuff, especially with favored prestige class feat and the like kind of fixing the spell level loss issue

DM Ramza |

Just wanted to provide a quick update for everyone on what to expect from the game.
I have decided to use combat maps for play. Understand that I barely know how to work a computer, so these will be extremely crude and done through Google slides with pdfs of the Emerald Spire maps and character portraits for tokens. We should really only need to use them for scouting and combat.
Ultimately I just decided it was best for a module so heavily focused around a dungeon delve.

BelacRLJ |
Just wanted to provide a quick update for everyone on what to expect from the game.
I have decided to use combat maps for play. Understand that I barely know how to work a computer, so these will be extremely crude and done through Google slides with pdfs of the Emerald Spire maps and character portraits for tokens. We should really only need to use them for scouting and combat.
Ultimately I just decided it was best for a module so heavily focused around a dungeon delve.
Very reasonable. Eltand is only slightly affected by battlefield positioning (would do a lot of Aid Another at 10-foot range with Long Arm), and scouting is mainly about DM descriptions anyhow.

DM Ramza |

Wanted to check if @Simeon and @trawets71 are still interested in submitting characters as both expressed interest.
My personal schedule means I won't be starting the game any sooner than listed, but as recruitment seems to have slowed I may make my selections earlier unless there's still interest from those who haven't submitted yet.
This isn't meant to nag anyone, just want to gauge whether the recruitment/submission phase has reached a natural end or not.

trawets71 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ok, I deceived to change things up a bit. I am going to submit a rogue who is going to go arcane trickster. I was wondering if I could still take goldenfire initiate. Here is the alias I will be using Silvash Aurerial.

DM Ramza |

Ok, I deceived to change things up a bit. I am going to submit a rogue who is going to go arcane trickster. I was wondering if I could still take goldenfire initiate. Here is the alias I will be using Silvash Aurerial.
You absolutely may! There's no prerequisites or anything for any of the campaign traits, and there's zero problem with any character being hired by the same NPC or even taking the exact same trait and it will not affect my selection process. :)
Thank you for your submission! Arcane Tricksters are fun!

DM Ramza |

I was thinking of submitting a cleric but I wouldn't be done until later in the week.
No worries. I was just rustling the bush, so to speak. It looks like we still have submissions incoming from those interested, so recruitment will be open until the date listed in my original post.
Thank you for your interest!

DM Ramza |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Just wanted to dip back in to remind everyone that recruitment will end this coming Monday, the 26th.
I know AGamer70 expressed interest in submitting a cleric, and Simeon posted general interest. Looking forward to those submissions.
I want to thank everyone so far for submitting some really great characters. We've got everything from well-executed classic character archetypes to the fun and offbeat. And crunch-wise some great, creative builds too!
This will be a tough selection process, but that's the best problem to have when running a PbP recruitment!

DM Ramza |

With Agamer70 dropping out I figured there was no reason for you to wait longer so I have completed Silvash with a bit of a background and the Goldenfire Initiate trait.
I talked to Simeon over PM and they still intend to submit a character soon. Once that submission is in I will start making my selections.
I’m excited to get this going!

DM Ramza |

Quick question, are we using the tieflin/aasimar abilities system?
Do you mean the % table you can take as an alternate racial feature instead of spell-like ability?
If that's the case then yes, though you do have to make a public percentile roll and randomly generate it. (Though you may re-roll if you get one that affects a class or racial ability you do not have or plan to acquire, such as the one that improves Fiendish Sorcery.)

Simeon |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Presenting Aekon Tabrisos, emberkin aasimar, planar scholar, and lover of lore!
Aekon Tabrisos
Peri-blooded aasimar (emberkin) bard (chronicler of worlds, sound striker) 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Angels 23, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 7, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 27, Planar Adventures 11)
CN Medium outsider (native)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +2
Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee gladius +0 (1d6/19-20)
Ranged light crossbow +2 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks bardic performance 13 rounds/day (countersong, distraction, fascinate [DC 13], inspire courage +1)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +3)
. . 1/day—pyrotechnics (DC 14)
Bard (Chronicler of Worlds, Sound Striker) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +4)
. . 1st (2/day)—cure light wounds, heightened awareness[ACG]
. . 0 (at will)—dancing lights, detect magic, mage hand, read magic
Str 11, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 17, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Extra Performance
Traits apprentice (heightened awareness), scholar of the great beyond
Skills Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (engineering) +8, Knowledge (history) +9, Knowledge (local) +8, Knowledge (nature) +8, Knowledge (planes) +11, Knowledge (religion) +8, Linguistics +7, Perception +4, Spellcraft +9; Racial Modifiers +2 Knowledge (planes), +2 Spellcraft
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Sylvan, Undercommon
SQ bardic knowledge +1, planar lore
Other Gear lamellar (leather) armor[UC], gladius[UC], light crossbow, masterwork backpack[APG], 20 gp
Special Abilities
Bardic Knowledge +1 (Ex) Add +1 to all knowledge skill checks.
Bardic Performance (standard action, 13 rounds/day) Your performances can create magical effects.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Energy Resistance, Acid (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Acid attacks.
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Planar Lore (3/day) (Ex) Can take 10 on Knowledge (planes) checks. Activate to take 20 as a standard action.
From the beginning, Aekon was different. He was tall and thin, with pale skin, white hair, and eyes that looked like a smoldering flame. He was quiet, preferring the company of books over people. It did little to ingratiate him with his foster siblings, and paired with the odd, spiralling birthmark on his shoulder he found himself isolated. He didn’t mind. His deepest passion was learning. All the time that his siblings and peers spent roughhousing and playing, he read. He began with simple texts on history and nature, his interests evolving into religion, magic, and planar lore.
He left his home as soon as he could to travel the Inner Sea, to study at the greatest libraries and archives of Avistan and Garund. The Grand Athenaeum of Egorian, Solku’s Archive of Eminent Tomes, and the archives of Azghaad’s Spire in Sothis. He learned. Learned all that he could. Through his research he deduced that his distinct appearance could be traced back to a peri, a celestial being descended from a fallen angel.
Nothing could escape his desire for knowledge. Like a moth to a flame, the Forae Logos called him. The greatest library in the Inner Sea, the crossroads of all the learning of Avistan, northern Garund and beyond.
Aekon spent days deep in the sub-levels of that vast library, only interacting with Djavin Vhrest, the Curator of Apocrypha. They struck up a friendship, shared interests providing the impetus. It was this partnership that led Aekon to his greatest revelation.
Djavin, as one of the greatest scholars of the Book of the Damned, introduced Aekon to his private collection on the subject. Upon first learning of Tabris, the High Chronicler of Heaven, the warrior-scholar dispatched to wander the planes and record all that existed, Aekon was entranced. All his life he knew that he was different, but in that moment he found a kindred spirit. Indeed, he felt that he had found an ancestor. Tabris was a fallen angel, and his celestial ancestor could be a descendant, perhaps even Tabris himself.
He thanked Djavin for his time and assistance, taking with him copies of the pertinent records on Tabris and the lower planes. His previous family name meant nothing to him. His foster family did their best to raise him but ultimately they gave him little. He gave it up, and took the name Tabrisos, meaning “of Tabris” in Celestial.
Since then, Aekon’s path has been unclear. At Djavrin’s recommendation, he struck out for Fort Inevitable, seeking the mentorship of a wizard named Abenard Royst. The Emerald Spire contained untold secrets, and some of them could prove fruitful for Aekon’s growing ambition to learn the secrets of reality and creation.
Aekon is tall, standing at nearly six feet and three inches. His skin is pale, and his hair is stark white. His eyes, however, look like smoldering embers in stark contrast to his mostly monochrome appearance. He wears leather lamellar armor, and a shortsword and crossbow sit at his hip, along with a well crafted backpack with adventuring gear and reference tomes.
Aekon is quiet and studious, taking time to think about most actions before acting. If studious attention to detail would be a detriment to his success, however, he is willing to act on instinct over reason. Tabris was devoted to success, after all, and he seeks to follow in the Chronicler’s footsteps, at least in part. Tabris’ exile from heaven, however, is something of a cautionary tale for him. The hypocrisy of the celestial hosts was obvious. Tabris did all that was asked of him and more. He did his task not just dutifully, but perfectly, bringing to light the ancient sins of the upper planes and the hidden righteous deeds of the lower ones. For it, he was exiled, just for speaking a truth that the celestial hosts disagreed with. The strictures of law and morality, then, are not for Aekon. Rather, he sees a need for total, unconditional freedom. One’s only obligation should be to the pursuit of knowledge and the protection of a person’s loved ones. Anything else, it seems, will ultimately lead to betrayal and hypocrisy. He rejects the ways of evil, but sees the idealism of goodlier folks as misplaced at best. Despite his complex and somewhat cosmic ideology, Aekon believes in doing his best for those he cares about. He is kind and merciful when possible, and wants all to live as best they can without harming another, whatever form that takes.

DM Ramza |

Presenting Aekon Tabrisos, emberkin aasimar, planar scholar, and lover of lore!
** spoiler omitted **...
Aekon is very cool! Thank you for putting in effort on a submission.
There's still a little time for new submissions, but given everyone who's expressed any interest has either submitted or withdrawn at this point I am going to begin my selection process in earnest - a job you fine lot have not made easy! (I'm talking like a hobbit... that's how you know I'm excited)
Recruitment announcement date remains the same. See you all on Monday!

![]() |

Think I'll dot this one up. Good crunchy challenge promised with just enough fluffy goodness to add flavor to the feast. I can dig that. We seem to be lacking in submissions for roguey and magey types and I have a strange penchant for wanting to play the rogue, not that I've had many chances, so perhaps I'll cook something up for that.

DM Ramza |

Bookkeeping question for DM: are you averse to using myth-weavers.com for character sheets? They're an easy link and take care of a lot of number management.
As long as it can accommodate the custom campaign traits, that should be fine. Please still include background and other fluff details in your alias profile.

![]() |
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As long as it can accommodate the custom campaign traits, that should be fine. Please still include background and other fluff details in your alias profile.
Can do, and thanks. I could easily just put the campaign trait in the alias, or even perhaps in the profile line of my posts if you like.
It's just nice that mythweavers visually a real character sheet; I got my start on tabletop games so it's just a mental connection that works for me.Already gravitating towards some kind of undine rogue; not sure if I want to lean into the swimming too hard because I have no clue what we'll face, but the unknown is just the nature of the beast, no?

DM Ramza |

Hello applicants!
Something has cropped up at the last minute that’s going to alter this recruitment somewhat.
I had already been considering upping the party to five players. I was recently contacted by the GM of a PbP I’m a player in saying they’d love a chance to play Emerald Spire if I get around to it, unaware that I’d already started up the recruitment many days ago.
In addition to being an exemplary GM and player, I owe them a debt of gratitude as they graciously gave me a second chance and invited me back into the PbP I had, to my embarrassment, abandoned without communication a few years ago when my life blew up and got a bit complicated.
So! I fully intend to guarantee them a fifth slot. I understand that this may rub some applicants the wrong way, though I hope you can understand my reasoning. At the risk of spoiling the surprise, I *do* have some custom content set outside the dungeon planned for this game and can assure you it will be enough to guarantee reaching the expected character level of 12 for the finale of the dungeon. I can also guarantee that I have taken steps to ensure this will not affect my selection process.
I am happy to hear any and all feedback and responses to this decisions, and once again would like to stress that I greatly appreciate the work and enthusiasm that all applicants have put in to this recruitment.