A Descent In Emerald - DM Ramza's Emerald Spire

Game Master RamzaBeoulve

A ragtag group of disparate adventurers are assembled to brave the deadly Emerald Spire dungeon, located deep in the Echowood. Operating out of Fort Inevitable under the vice-like rule of the Hellknights, they must overcome their differences if they are to successfully conquer the Spire for glory, fortune, or personal motivation.

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Hello all!

As I mentioned in my Interest Check thread, I am currently running some IRL folks through Emerald Spire. Since I went to the trouble of designing some custom campaign traits for it, I figured why not get a little more mileage out of that and try running a PbP for the module.

I will be selecting four players. Recruitment will close on Monday, July 26th and I will announce selected players the next day.

To give you an idea of the “tone” I’m going for here, I kind of want it to feel like an old-school “blobber” dungeon crawl CRPG (like Wizardry, or Legend of Grimrock for a more recent example).

I’ll start things off with the good bits, since that’s the most exciting, but please read this post in full before submitting. I am extremely firm on the parameters I am laying out here.

Character Creation:

Point Buy: 15
Classes: Core, Base, Hybrid
Races: Core plus: Aasimar, Catfolk, Grippli, Ifrit, Oread, Ratfolk, Sylph, Tiefling, Undine
Alignment No Neutral Evil or Chaotic Evil.
Experience Track: Fast
Traits: Two. One must be selected from the custom Campaign Traits provided in this post. The other can be selected from any of the Basic, Race, Region, or Religion traits.
Background Skills: Yes.
Variant Multiclassing: Allowed.
Everything Else: Outside of any restrictions listed above, any 1st party material is fine. Archetypes, alternate race traits, alternate favored class bonuses, etc. Note that if an archetype adds elements from something that is restricted above, such as an archetype that adds elements specifically connected to Occult class rules, it is not allowed. Options that appear in Occult Adventures, etc. that do not specifically use Occult rules elements (for example, the Sensate archetype) are fine. No 3rd party material of any kind.

Campaign Traits:

You, the players, will be part of an expedition team organized by various authority figures and important persons in Fort Inevitable. There are eight traits to choose from, divided evenly among four categories. Each category represents who hired you through your connections to them. You must choose one campaign trait for each character you make. It is perfectly fine for two players/characters to select a trait from the same category, or even the exact same trait.

Hired By Paralictor Audra Drovust:
Audra Drovust is a Paralictor of the Hellknight Order of the Pike. As the highest ranking Hellknight in Fort Inevitable, she is it’s de-facto Lady Commander, and her authority within the Fort’s territories is absolute. (For a rough comparison to US military rank, a paralictor is equivalent to a colonel or perhaps even brigadier general). Audra Drovust is a tall, athletic, human woman of 45 years. She is a gifted engineer, and is the architect of Fort Inevitable and it’s defenses. She assumed the title of Lady Commander after the assassination of her predecessor, Paralictor Emos Varden - the founder of Fort Inevitable. The paralictor is concerned with the recent appearance of undead in the areas around the Emerald Spire particularly as they have been found all to be bearing the same brand - that of a crowned skull. You have some nature of professional connection to Drovust, and she personally secured your position on the expedition to the Spire.

Armiger: You are an initiate -known as an “armiger”- in the Hellknight Order of The Pike. You distinguished yourself early in your training in some fashion, and Parlictor Drovust has her eye on you. Your official standing within the Hellknights grants you a +3 bonus on any Diplomacy and Bluff check with other Hellknights. However, you must always respect rank, as well as bring to justice any subversive elements within Fort Inevitable you may discover.

Mercenary: You are a member of a well-regarded mercenary company that Drovust has had satisfactory dealings with in the past - perhaps even the locally based Salamander Company. You may not have the discipline of a Hellknight, but Drovust considers both your skill and professionalism acceptable. Being part of a successful mercenary company has paid well: you begin play with an additional 100gp as well as your choice of one of the following: a masterwork weapon, a masterwork suit of light or medium armor, or a trained warhorse.

Hired by High Mother Sarise Dremagne:

Sarise Dremagne is Fort Inevitable’s foremost religious leader. She is a cleric of Abadar, the Lawful Neutral deity of commerce, trade, and civilization. She holds the position of High Mother at the Temple of the Golden Key, the largest religious congregation in the Fort. A stern, matronly human woman of 60, Sarise dislikes the Hellknight’s support of slaverey and their worship of Asmodeus, but approves of their vigorous enforcement of the law within the Fort. She is the most influential non-Hellknight in town, and she and Audra Drovust avoid meddling in each other’s affairs. However, Sarise and Audra share concern of the recent sightings of branded undead around the Emerald Spire. You have some nature of personal or professional connection to the High Mother, and you were referred to her when she began looking for expedition candidates.

Friend In Faith: If you worship Abadar or an allied (Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, or Neutral) deity, you know the High Mother from working together on ecclesiastical projects. When she began searching for expedition candidates, she asked for you personally and offered a small up-front bonus out of respect for your professional relationship. You begin play with an extra 100gp. In addition, you receive a +1 bonus on all Knowledge (Religion) and Knowledge (Planes) skill checks and one of those skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.

Mercantile Connection: You are a member of a mercantile family or consortium that has a long, successful working relationship with the church of Abadar and you have a reputation as an effective problem solver. When the High Mother put the word out through her channels for skilled help, your name came up several times. As long as your relationship with the church of Abadar remains friendly, the church and its affiliates will buy treasure from you at 60% of total value, rather than 50%.

Hired by Abernard Royst:

Abernard Royst is one of Fort Inevitable’s most noteworthy residents. A white-haired male human wizard of 55, Abernard retired from adventuring some years ago to dedicate his life to studying and uncovering the mystery of the Emerald Spire’s true nature. Royst often takes on apprentices, and is in fact a much kinder and supportive teacher than his gruff exterior would indicate. While he’s not much for dungeon delving himself any longer, he always has a long list of tasks, items, or curiosities within the Spire that he needs completed, retrieved, or solved by eager adventurers. The old sage easily involved himself with the forming of the expedition to the Spire as the closest thing to a living expert on it. You have some sort of personal or professional connection to Royst, and he hand-selected you to represent his interests on the expedition.

Apprentice: If you are an arcane spellcaster (Bard, Sorcerer, Magus, Summoner, Wizard, or Witch), you are Abernard Royst’s current personal apprentice. While he is stern in his lessons, he is ultimately a warm, avuncular mentor invested in the success of his pupils. He does not relish sending you into danger, but thinks it important that someone he trusts implicitly join the expedition. Select any one 1st-level arcane spell your character knows: You cast that spell at +1 caster level. If the chosen spell is from the Transmutation school, you instead cast it at +2 caster level.

Favor For a Friend: A close relative or associate of yours is old friends with Abernard: perhaps even a member of his old adventuring party. When the old wizard sent out requests to friends to join the expedition in his interests, your relative’s adventuring days were long behind them. They owed Abernard a favor, however, and sent you - their capable pupil - in their stead. Abernard is appreciative, but deeply concerned for your safety on the expedition. You begin play with any three 1st-level arcane magic potions of your choice. Additionally, Abernard will brew you any 1st-level arcane magic potion of your choice once per week.

Hired by Iliara Starcloak:

Iliara Starcloak is a striking, dark-haried elven woman of 142. She is the leader of the Goldenfire Order, small mercenary band of combat-trained wizards based out of the nearby Thornkeep. She avoids visiting Fort Inevitable, and goes to even greater lengths to avoid ever dealing with Paralictor Drovust, but she has a bit of a crisis on her hands: two full wizards of the Order have failed to return from investigating the Emerald Spire and Starcloak fears the worst has befallen them. She has reluctantly cooperated with Drovust in recruiting for the expedition in the hopes that her friends yet live and can be rescued, or that at least their bodies and belongings can be returned to the Order.

Experienced Delver: Having already lost two members of the Goldenfire Order, Iliara Starcloak does not want to leave anything to chance. Reaching out to a fellow mercenary company that specializes in raiding dungeons, they sent you -a talented and promising recruit- to Fort Inevitable as both a favor to Starcloak and as your final test to be initiated as a full member of the company. You gain Disable Device as a class skill and can use Disable Device to disarm magical traps.

Goldenfire Initiate: Iliara Starcloak doesn’t want to risk any more of her small company in the Spire but you, a young initiate hungry to prove yourself, wouldn’t take “no” for an answer. Eventually she relented and allowed you to accompany her to the Fort as her nomination for the expedition. You have spent months training in the Goldenfire Order’s unique blend of martial skill and spellcasting prowess: you may ignore 5% of the arcane spell failure chance imposed by armor and shields.

A Note On Difficulty:

I am not, by any measure, a DM who enjoys or strives toward killing PCs. That said:

The Emerald Spire has a reputation as a bit of a meat grinder: it frequently makes use of environmental hazards and obstacles -something many players may not have much experience in dealing with, it is rather a bit stingy on treasure, and the town you’re provided as a home base -Fort Inevitable- is a Lawful Evil fort run by the Hellknights - an organization Judge Dredd might think could loosen up a bit. The law is harsh, judgement is swift, and adventurers are kept on a short leash - taxes on goods looted from the dungeon exist, and letters of warrant must be purchased in order to legally slay threats beyond mindless beasts.

In short: Don’t snub useful adventuring skills like swimming, acrobatics, or darkvision. Tough, self-sufficient classes like Monks, Barbarians, and Clerics are good choices. And lastly: I advise you to have at least the rough idea of a backup character at the ready, preferably one that serves a similar “role” in the party. The likelihood of one or two character deaths is fairly high. It would be a good idea to include a note about what your backup character would be (doesn’t need to be any more detailed then [class] that would do [role]).

I would like to stress that I am extremely preferential of a group that can work and cooperate well together. Dramatic tension is fine, but I want to avoid any combination of characterizations that could lead to severe party schisms and “party harmony” is going to be part of my selection process. So I will note that while I am perfectly fine with Lawful Evil characters and even provided a trait to help develop that, you are potentially limiting your application. If the rest of the characters that are looking good to me are a bunch of Chaotic Good merrymakers, I am unlikely to select a Hellknight to accompany them.

Lastly: I’m a bit of a luddite and was initially going to run this entirely “theater of the mind” as I did not have any particular desire to learn/obtain/run any of the various online play aids. I am rethinking that somewhat and may opt to include battle maps through a simple Google doc pdf.

Ok! Start revving up your character ideas. I tried to be extremely through here, but I’m sure there’s something I forgot so of course, please feel free to ask questions on any subject I haven’t covered here.

And thank you for your time and interest!

dotting 15 point buy huh? harsh stats. encourages SAD characters like full casters. i'll give thought to a class but i'll likely play either fighter or my grippli with hippo mount

As the first person to actually respond to this, 15 point buy's really low, but I suppose I can make it work... What's your rule involving Unchained? Just go with the original base class no matter what?

Archae wrote:
dotting 15 point buy huh? harsh stats. encourages SAD characters like full casters. i'll give thought to a class but i'll likely play either fighter or my grippli with hippo mount

I confess it's a little bit of an experiment on my part but...

1) It sort of fits in to what I'm going for with the blobber feel - I'm trying to encourage success more through what you can accomplish together than what each of you can accomplish on your own.

2) Many of the Campaign Traits I created are quite strong -for traits- and offer early-level advantages via consumables and better gear.

It will be a little hard mode, but I'm going for a degree that's fun and not so much that it's miserable.

Brolof wrote:
What's your rule involving Unchained? Just go with the original base class no matter what?

A-ha! I knew someone would catch something that slipped my mind: thank you very much!

For Barbarian, Monk, and Rogue you may elect to use either the Unchained version or original recipe. For Summoner, you must use the Unchained version.

Wish they didn't have such a short window for post editing here so I could add that to the original post, but oh well. Hopefully this is close enough to the top it won't be missed.

DM Ramza wrote:
Brolof wrote:
What's your rule involving Unchained? Just go with the original base class no matter what?

A-ha! I knew someone would catch something that slipped my mind: thank you very much!

For Barbarian, Monk, and Rogue you may elect to use either the Unchained version or original recipe. For Summoner, you must use the Unchained version.

Wish they didn't have such a short window for post editing here so I could add that to the original post, but oh well. Hopefully this is close enough to the top it won't be missed.

Well, that cuts out the idea of cheesing the lack of stats via Synthesist Summoner. :V

Tiefling Feral Hunter sounds fun.

Archae wrote:
grippli with hippo mount

First: this is extremely the kind of character that I like, haha.

Secondly, a note on Large-size mounts:

A vast majority of this module takes place inside a proper dungeon. I am not saying there are not any larger open spaces, but I am saying that there are far, far more tight spaces (10' wide hallways and the like). Large-size companions/mounts may present logistical or tactical difficulties in these situations.

This is not meant to discourage, rather it's to be transparent about what a significant class ability like an animal companion can be expected to encounter. Large size in a small space can sometimes be a huge advantage as well! A powerful front-liner with reach in a hallway can stonewall advancing enemies.

DM Ramza wrote:
Archae wrote:
grippli with hippo mount

First: this is extremely the kind of character that I like, haha.

Secondly, a note on Large-size mounts:

A vast majority of this module takes place inside a proper dungeon. I am not saying there are not any larger open spaces, but I am saying that there are far, far more tight spaces (10' wide hallways and the like). Large-size companions/mounts may present logistical or tactical difficulties in these situations.

This is not meant to discourage, rather it's to be transparent about what a significant class ability like an animal companion can be expected to encounter. Large size in a small space can sometimes be a huge advantage as well! A powerful front-liner with reach in a hallway can stonewall advancing enemies.

yeah, that's why i'm looking around. trying to see if there are any ways to bypass small corridors. this would also be the first time id get to play him. allowing grippli is very rare

hippos start as medium, so it wont be an immediate problem

Archae wrote:
DM Ramza wrote:
Archae wrote:
grippli with hippo mount

First: this is extremely the kind of character that I like, haha.

Secondly, a note on Large-size mounts:

A vast majority of this module takes place inside a proper dungeon. I am not saying there are not any larger open spaces, but I am saying that there are far, far more tight spaces (10' wide hallways and the like). Large-size companions/mounts may present logistical or tactical difficulties in these situations.

This is not meant to discourage, rather it's to be transparent about what a significant class ability like an animal companion can be expected to encounter. Large size in a small space can sometimes be a huge advantage as well! A powerful front-liner with reach in a hallway can stonewall advancing enemies.

yeah, that's why i'm looking around. trying to see if there are any ways to bypass small corridors. this would also be the first time id get to play him. allowing grippli is very rare

hippos start as medium, so it wont be an immediate problem

Narrow Frame's always an option. That's what most people use when trying to get a large creature through medium area's.

Brolof wrote:
Archae wrote:
DM Ramza wrote:
Archae wrote:
grippli with hippo mount

First: this is extremely the kind of character that I like, haha.

Secondly, a note on Large-size mounts:

A vast majority of this module takes place inside a proper dungeon. I am not saying there are not any larger open spaces, but I am saying that there are far, far more tight spaces (10' wide hallways and the like). Large-size companions/mounts may present logistical or tactical difficulties in these situations.

This is not meant to discourage, rather it's to be transparent about what a significant class ability like an animal companion can be expected to encounter. Large size in a small space can sometimes be a huge advantage as well! A powerful front-liner with reach in a hallway can stonewall advancing enemies.

yeah, that's why i'm looking around. trying to see if there are any ways to bypass small corridors. this would also be the first time id get to play him. allowing grippli is very rare

hippos start as medium, so it wont be an immediate problem

Narrow Frame's always an option. That's what most people use when trying to get a large creature through medium area's.

yeah, ive also seen the squeeze spell mentioned. So it is tempting me to try mounted mage. Or an alchemist that launches bombs from mount back

Archae wrote:
Brolof wrote:
Archae wrote:
DM Ramza wrote:
Archae wrote:
grippli with hippo mount

First: this is extremely the kind of character that I like, haha.

Secondly, a note on Large-size mounts:

A vast majority of this module takes place inside a proper dungeon. I am not saying there are not any larger open spaces, but I am saying that there are far, far more tight spaces (10' wide hallways and the like). Large-size companions/mounts may present logistical or tactical difficulties in these situations.

This is not meant to discourage, rather it's to be transparent about what a significant class ability like an animal companion can be expected to encounter. Large size in a small space can sometimes be a huge advantage as well! A powerful front-liner with reach in a hallway can stonewall advancing enemies.

yeah, that's why i'm looking around. trying to see if there are any ways to bypass small corridors. this would also be the first time id get to play him. allowing grippli is very rare

hippos start as medium, so it wont be an immediate problem

Narrow Frame's always an option. That's what most people use when trying to get a large creature through medium area's.
yeah, ive also seen the squeeze spell mentioned. So it is tempting me to try mounted mage. Or an alchemist that launches bombs from mount back

I'm personally suffering from an issue I always do. Inability to make a damn decision involving what to play. Might just stick with the Feral Hunter though...

not a bad choice. wild shape, summons and i like animal focus

Archae wrote:

allowing grippli is very rare

I was not aware of this! Is there a reason? Grippli are one of my all-time favorite PC race options. Love the lil' guys. Unless I was running something "strictly core" I couldn't imagine not allowing them as an option.

Archae wrote:
not a bad choice. wild shape, summons and i like animal focus

I've never actually touched Wildshape, and it doesn't seem super MAD. Plus, Hunter's got a fair bit of versatility that's useful in a complex dungeon like the Emerald Spire.

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DM Ramza wrote:
Archae wrote:

allowing grippli is very rare
I was not aware of this! Is there a reason? Grippli are one of my all-time favorite PC race options. Love the lil' guys. Unless I was running something "strictly core" I couldn't imagine not allowing them as an option.

Yeah, its mainly because they're one of the odd races so to speak. I love them too

Brolof wrote:
Archae wrote:
not a bad choice. wild shape, summons and i like animal focus
I've never actually touched Wildshape, and it doesn't seem super MAD. Plus, Hunter's got a fair bit of versatility that's useful in a complex dungeon like the Emerald Spire.

Wild shape is very very good, especially if you have a monk level and good wisdom. it gives versatility in both combat and out of combat

Archae wrote:
Brolof wrote:
Archae wrote:
not a bad choice. wild shape, summons and i like animal focus
I've never actually touched Wildshape, and it doesn't seem super MAD. Plus, Hunter's got a fair bit of versatility that's useful in a complex dungeon like the Emerald Spire.
Wild shape is very very good, especially if you have a monk level and good wisdom. it gives versatility in both combat and out of combat

Didn't even consider dipping into monk... Might have to do that down the line!

Oh, GM, Starting Gold?

An old-school, hard-mode dungeon crawl? Color me intrigued.

The first idea that springs to my mind is a ratfolk wizard with VMC alchemist and the disable device trait, although in a dungeon crawl it might be better to go with a witch for the resource management...

Question: What about guns? You didn't ban gunslingers in the class options section, so I'm guessing they're allowed, but what stage of gun availability are you using?

Then again, with these build rules I'm not surprised that nobody's chomping at the bit to build a melee character but I might try taking a stab at it, just for the challenge. A fighter gets enough feats that I could look at taking VMC barbarian to help pad my stats in tough fights, or maybe I could look at a more SAD build like something Dex based (or Cha based, if I could get away with a Desnan around all these hellknights)...

Question 2: Are the planetouched races allowed to choose from the specific/variant heritages, or can they only take the base stats?

I do like animal companions too though (especially in a low point buy). Maybe I should just continue the trend and see if we can do a whole party of pet classes, lol. That does muddy the water a little bit in terms of party roles though...

Question 3: Archae/Brolof- what roles are you planning to fill with your guys?

Brolof wrote:
Oh, GM, Starting Gold?

Ok, that one I'm actually embarrassed I missed.

Maximum starting gold for your class.

Giant Halfling wrote:

Question: What about guns? You didn't ban gunslingers in the class options section, so I'm guessing they're allowed, but what stage of gun availability are you using?

Gunslingers/firearms are very much allowed. I am going with Early Firearms availability. I will be making slight adjustments to the published loot/shop inventories from time to time in order to accommodate anyone who may select something with hyper-specific gear requirements like a Gunslinger, but don't expect it to be raining flintlocks.

Giant Halfling wrote:

Question 2: Are the planetouched races allowed to choose from the specific/variant heritages, or can they only take the base stats?

Apologies, I could have been more clear. Yes, any and all 1st party variant ancestries are available for the allowed races.

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Gave it some thought over the night. Im going to play to the strengths of the Grippli and do a wisdom based spell caster that sits atop a grand steed, the mighty Bubbles the wonder Hippo.

Probably some kind of control build with spellcasting, Bubbles being Tank

I’m going to reconfigure my prior submission (Devil Impostor Unchained Summoner) for this one. Probably get it done in a few days.

(He will take the disable device trait and be scouty-roguey, while melee utility will be provided by any summons).

druid confirmed, i found a spell that gets around the tight spaces thing. turns the companion into a mini statue for travel purposes.

nature fang archetype for more feats and to allow back up melee with rapier for a knightly theme with a focus on spell casting and dex and wisdom.

meanwwhile bubbles will focus on the bite damage and scent tracking

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Figure I’ll put down a dot! I’ve had some fun with Emerald Spire in PFS in the past but I’ve never gotten deeper than level 2 or 3.

Giant Halfling wrote:

An old-school, hard-mode dungeon crawl? Color me intrigued.

Question 3: Archae/Brolof- what roles are you planning to fill with your guys?

I was planning on going Feral Druid Hunter, to fill the secondary melee niche. Though I think I'll swap over to straight-up ranger on account of the lack of a solid straight martial.

For Anyone Wary of The 15 Point Buy:

I probably should have gone into more detail on this in the initial post: My goal is not to kill you.

Do I want the tension of character death being a very real threat? Yes.

Do I want you to have to rip up your sheet and start fresh the moment you hit -Con? No.

I suggested having a backup character idea ready because death probably will happen, and sometimes -even if there's some sort of revival option- you (the player) decide that that is where the character's story should end. Maybe it's because it played out as a really great story beat. Maybe it's because the character wasn't really working out the way you wanted it to and wanted to try something new.

So I am going to state here that I absolutely will be providing options to come back from the dead at even the earliest levels. Now, this does not mean you'll just get booped with a Res staff and on your feat again. Early resources for cheating death may be messy, short of ideal, or require a debt to be paid at a later date. But they will be available.

Not making this explicitly clear is 100% a failing on my part. I haven't done a lot of PbP, and I made the blunder of expecting strangers on the internet to be familiar with my approach to DMing (even on a game that's intended to be a little "hard mode").

I went with 15 point buy because I've played in a lot of games with standard arrays or low point buys, and I'm personally fond of characters that don't come out of the gate as muscle-rippling golden gods with few flaws. I think it makes for more interesting characters when strengths are paid for with weaknesses, etc.

Essentially, what I am trying to say is that the build parameters are there because I am trying to strike a certain tone and texture to the module. Not because I want you to fail.

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I'm still interested in this. The 15 point buy is no problem. While it is nice to have an 18 in a stat it is not mandatory and I have always preferred balanced builds. I can't stand to see "dump stats" at 7. If a racial adjustment drops you below 10 so be it, but for me 10 is the bottom. 15 points gives you 3 13s and 3 12s or 3 14s and 3 10s before any racial adjustments. that's enough to make about anything. Lower stats tend to make you think more outside the box or alternative ways to accomplish something rather than just beat it to death.

Thats my 2 cents.

trawets71 wrote:

I'm still interested in this. The 15 point buy is no problem. While it is nice to have an 18 in a stat it is not mandatory and I have always preferred balanced builds. I can't stand to see "dump stats" at 7. If a racial adjustment drops you below 10 so be it, but for me 10 is the bottom. 15 points gives you 3 13s and 3 12s or 3 14s and 3 10s before any racial adjustments. that's enough to make about anything. Lower stats tend to make you think more outside the box or alternative ways to accomplish something rather than just beat it to death.

Thats my 2 cents.

I don't mind characters who have low stats in a spot or two, as I think weaknesses (if adequately roleplayed and made relevant to challenges) make characters more interesting. But I am absolutely with you on exploring different methods of problem solving and having to rely more on teamwork and complementary capabilities.

Oh! Something else I neglected to mention in the initial post (Ugh. Should have done like, three more drafts before posting haha).

Crafting, both mundane and magical, is absolutely ok! The Spire isn't particularly generous with loot, and procuring resources and workspace in Fort Inevitable could make for some good between-delves roleplaying and challenges.



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Statblock and Backstory are both donezo! Gonna take her in a weird way if she ever reaches level 6.

I think I'm actually going to withdraw my interest. I've had an idea for a game I might want to run, so I'm going to give my attention to thinking about a recruitment instead of a character. Good luck all.

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i'll have my submission up by tomorrow

Giant Halfling wrote:
I think I'm actually going to withdraw my interest. I've had an idea for a game I might want to run, so I'm going to give my attention to thinking about a recruitment instead of a character. Good luck all.

Ah, that is a shame! I was looking forward to see what you would cook up. Glad you're feeling inspired to run something, though! That is always a good thing. I'm looking forward to seeing what it is. Good luck!

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I would like to join the team.

Here's Geoff, aspirant HellKnight ( LE, but I can get to LN if it would fit better). It's a first draft... I might multiclass in Bloodrager.

Backstory to come!

Geoff Raneker wrote:


I would like to join the team.

Here's Geoff, aspirant HellKnight ( LE, but I can get to LN if it would fit better). It's a first draft... I might multiclass in Bloodrager.

Backstory to come!

Welcome! Happy to have you throw your hat into the ring. Please let me know if you have any questions while taking care of Geoff's finishing touches.

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Still finishing up equipment and a stats sheet for Bubbles but the basics are here

Looks like we've got one complete submission, one mostly finished, and one a work in progress. And they all look so fun and interesting!

Liedae and Eko, I'll do a once-over audit on your character sheet when I have the chance - probably later today - and provide you with any necessary feedback.

Thanks for putting so much effort into these everyone!

Liberty's Edge

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Garen Williamson, War Priest of Ilmater for your consideration.

Garen Williamson wrote:
Garen Williamson, War Priest of Ilmater for your consideration.

Excellent, thank you! I feel like I do not see Warpriests often, so I appreciate you going that route.

One issue, and I apologize for not making this 100% directly stated: this is set on Golarion, not in the Forgotten Realms. As such you'll need to select a deity appropriate for the setting.

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OK, here is my revised unchained summoner.

The role he would take is rogue/scout, with his eidolon serving as adviser and skill helper, but disappearing during combat. He'll have some face abilities, but more as a secondary one as he will lack the skill points to focus on that as well.

His motivation to accept Iliara's invitation is basically infiltrating the Hellknight-held area, instinctively hating them due to their origins in Cheliax but knowing himself too weak to fight them directly.

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Howdy! I'm pretty new to the boards, but I thought I'd throw my hat into the ring. Here's the stats for my pretty generic Dwarven Fighter. Should be a decent frontline, and more interestingly, at 5th level, he should be a pretty excellent healer, able to heal 20hp of damage per person per day with use of the heal skill, and some additional emergency healing as well! He's pretty easy going for a dwarf, and although is still LG, I'm pretty flexible on that.


Gareth Ironbeard LG Dwarven Fighter 1
|BaB:1|HP:12|AC:17 T:10 FF:17|Fort:4 Ref:0 Will:3 (+2 vs magic)|Favored Class Fighter (Skill)
Str: 15 2
Dex: 10 0[b/]
Con: 12+2 [b]2

Int: 10 0
Wis: 14+2 3
Cha: 1-2 -1

Desert Dweller: Cold resist 1, Fire resist 1, treat the weather as 20 degrees more favorable.
Treasure Sense: Scent for precious metals
Shadow Hunter: Deal half damage to incoporeals with non magic weapons (Better at recovering from negative levels and ability damage from undead also)
Darkvision 60ft
Hatred (Bleh)
Slow and Steady

Ranks Stat Class Misc Total
Heal 1 3 Y 0 7
Knowledge Planes 1 0 N 0 1
Survival 1 3 Y 0 7
Profession Soldier 1 3 Y 0 7
Profession Baker 1 3 Y 0 7

Battlefield Surgeon: Heal is a class skill, can treat deadly wounds +1 time per person/day
Mercenary +100 Gold +masterwork weapon

1st: Power Attack
1st: Healer's hands

Masterwork Warhammer
Splint Mail
Healer's Kit
[spoiler=Backstory]Gareth is young for a dwarf, being less than 100 years old. Growing up to a father in exile, neither in the mountains or the caves that most dwarves do, but instead the deserts surrounding Osirion. Never quite picking up the dwarves knack for crafting nor possessing innate understanding of rocks, he has a keen nose for precious ores, something that helped endlessly when scavenging in the desert.
As time went on, it became clear to Gareth that his true skill set came from hitting things hard. His father is growing older as well, and although Gareth never found out exactly what he was exiled for, he still wishes to support him in his advancing years. He has been a soldier of fortune for about 25 years now, and sends money back when he can to his father.
Gareth's father instilled a healthy respect for Torag into his boy, and although Gareth himself was never a smith of any skill, he has recently taken up baking as a new hobby, and offers a prayer to The Father of Creation. More morbidly, over the past 25 years, Gareth has seen many compatriots fall to a variety of foes, including some spectral creatures that normal weaponry was unable to hit. He bought a book of obscure healing techniques from some vendor somewhere, and has been pouring most of his energy into perfecting what it teaches so that he can avoid losing anyone else.


Kazmanaught wrote:

Howdy! I'm pretty new to the boards, but I thought I'd throw my hat into the ring. Here's the stats for my pretty generic Dwarven Fighter. Should be a decent frontline, and more interestingly, at 5th level, he should be a pretty excellent healer, able to heal 20hp of damage per person per day with use of the heal skill, and some additional emergency healing as well! He's pretty easy going for a dwarf, and although is still LG, I'm pretty flexible on that.

** spoiler omitted **[/spoiler]...

Hello! Thanks for taking the time to give this a shot, And welcome to the boards! I like the look of Gareth, and battlefield medic angle is a cool twist on an otherwise classic dwarf fighter.

Recruitment will be open for a a while yet, so in the meantime if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

... We're getting a lot of melee fighters. Maybe I should submit something else instead...

Brolof wrote:
... We're getting a lot of melee fighters. Maybe I should submit something else instead...

which is odd, I expected more arcane casters

For a 15 point buy, I tend towards melee fighters. All they really need to be effective is power attack, so it really cuts down on the stress of being a level 1 wizard with no strength score to fall back on.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

fixed, now a warpriest of Sarenrae. And I was a goof, forgotten realms was mentioned on some board and I likely got my wires crossed.

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