Adventures in the Grand Duchy of Karameikos (Inactive)

Game Master EltonJ

Sword and Sorcery adventures in the Grand Duchy.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Oy, Discussion thread here fellas!

Male Halfling (Lightfoot) Sorcerer -4 (HP:26/26)(AC 14/14t/12ff ; F+5, R+5,W+6 with +2 Bonus vs fear) /Temp -1 Wis Penalty

Well well well.. nice to be here :)

Init: +8; Perception: +1; Sense Motive: +1

Indeed. It is very nice to meet all of you.

It occurs to me that I need to put together stats for Borgov, her ghostly butler as well. Will get that done ASAP.

AC 18 / 12 / 16 || Fort +3 Ref +2 Will +6 || Perc +8 Init +8; Scimitar +2 (1d6+2); Sling +2 (1d4+2)


Glad to explore the world with you all

Hello all. Looking forward to gaming with you all.

Init: +1; Perception +7; Sense Motive +7

A noble and dignified human man materializes behind Lady Adria. After giving the assembled host a careful once over, he busies himself with pouring everybody some tea.


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Init: +8; Perception: +1; Sense Motive: +1

Sword and sorcery in the Grand Duchy is rather vague. I’m dying to know whether we’re chasing goblin hordes from the outskirts of Threshold, navigating courtly life in Specularum, guarding a merchant caravan importing pipe weed from the Five Shires...

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Yes, I was being vague. The first adventure deals with orcs.

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Init: +8; Perception: +1; Sense Motive: +1
EltonJ wrote:

Yes, I was being vague. The first adventure deals with orcs.

So navigating courtly life in Specularum it is...oh wait, you meant literal orcs.

Silver Crusade

Human novice 1 | HP 9/9 | AC 15 | F: 0; R: 3; W: 3 | Perc: 5 |

Greetings fellow adventurers

Init: +8; Perception: +1; Sense Motive: +1

I'm slightly confused on whether or not we've actually started the game. I saw folks making solitary introductory posts about coming into town, so I jumped on board.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Okay, I'll fix that.

Male Halfling (Lightfoot) Sorcerer -4 (HP:26/26)(AC 14/14t/12ff ; F+5, R+5,W+6 with +2 Bonus vs fear) /Temp -1 Wis Penalty
Lady Adria Atticus Naso wrote:
I'm slightly confused on whether or not we've actually started the game. I saw folks making solitary introductory posts about coming into town, so I jumped on board.

Thank you, I was confused as well :o

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Init: +8; Perception: +1; Sense Motive: +1

Are we together? Apart? In town? Camping? Has the game itself started? Sorry, but I’m really confused. Where is this fire? It feels like I’m missing a punch of GM posts or something.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

You are now together.

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