GM_DBH's Shattered Star

Game Master DBH

Called together by the Pathfinder society our heroes will find themselves on a long and dangerous trail to unlock the secrets of the past.

Shattered Star Folder

Loot sheet



Kaer Maga

Therassic workshop

Black Keep

dining hall


The party <============ May act!


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Are you sure you want to do that?

Very busy day. No time to update sorry.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Question: You can use a Tome multiple times? I thought it was just a one-time thing.

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Male Human cavalier 10 |HP 111/111 | AC26/T13/FF25 | F+12/R+9/W+9 | CMB+16/ CMD27 |init+1 | Perc+15 | Challenge@+ 10: 0/4| Tactician@7rds. 2/2 | Haste 6/10 | CLW wand 44/50
GM_DBH wrote:
They are not going to give Elthras a break. :)

So sad :)

Grand Lodge

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F Cleric 9 (HC)/Bard 1. HP 75/75, AC 25 T 15 FF 21. Saves: F+11, R +13, W +16, +2 vs charm/illus. Att (+1 adam. Ud. bane rapier /w PA) +8/3, 1d8+6 P, 18-20/x2. CMB +10, CMD 22 init +4, Perc. +23. Wand: CLW 25/25, Bless 16/25, HA 47/50. Daily resources: BoL 3/9. IH 10/10. Channel 4d6 5/5, Inspire courage 16/23, Luck domain Reroll 1/1, horseshoe +3 save 1/1. Conditions: 25% fortification.
Javell DeLeon wrote:
Question: You can use a Tome multiple times? I thought it was just a one-time thing.

The +2 int tome our party found in the last dungeon is special in that it recharges once per month. So it is pretty awesome that way and eventually everyone will have a +2 inherent int bonus.

If no one objects i'll roll for it then, 1=uma, 2=elena, 3=axton with bharak using it previously and elathras passing per above.

1d3: 1d3 ⇒ 3

Grats Axton, you get +2 int.

It's 21 days until the next tome can be used.

@Uma/axton since you have gold left, knowing we are going to travel at least two weeks, do you want Elena to make you one or more woundrous items at half market price during that time? Depends on if you need any of course but it feels like a waste to not use crafting feats when able.

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Human Arcanist 10 ~ AC 20 (t 18, ff 18) | F+7, R+7, W+10 | Init +6/9, Per +1 | Arcane Reservoir: 13/13 | HP 62/62

Thanks for the +2 Int!

I'm shopped out for now, Elena. But thanks.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

I guess a +2 cloak of resistance will suffice.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Are you sure you want to do that?

Sorry for going silent. My Mother had to go into hospital yesterday for what looked like another TIA.

She checked herself in mainly as a precaution due to changes in her medication leaving her feeling weak on her right side.

Seems to just be a reaction to the changes and she's on her way home again.

I'll catch up tomorrow.

Male Human cavalier 10 |HP 111/111 | AC26/T13/FF25 | F+12/R+9/W+9 | CMB+16/ CMD27 |init+1 | Perc+15 | Challenge@+ 10: 0/4| Tactician@7rds. 2/2 | Haste 6/10 | CLW wand 44/50

Good to hear it wasn't another TIA, take care of your mom. We're not going anywhere.

Level (10) Wounds (0) HP (129) AC (27/15/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (26, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (16/25) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Just wanted to pop in, to second Elathras in that I'm glad to hear that it wasn't another TIA and that I wish you all well.

Are you sure you want to do that?

Bad news I'm afraid.

Thursday Mum had a massive stroke and is not expected to make it.

She's in hospital on oxygen and unresponsive.

I'll be there for her and there will be no updates for a while.

I'll let you know when posting will resume.

I lost my Father in 2021 the week before Christmas, now my Mother. This time of year seems to be cursed.

Level (10) Wounds (0) HP (129) AC (27/15/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (26, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (16/25) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

I'm so sorry to hear that. Not sure what to say, except take all the time you need, and that I can't even begin to comprehend what this is like.

Male Human cavalier 10 |HP 111/111 | AC26/T13/FF25 | F+12/R+9/W+9 | CMB+16/ CMD27 |init+1 | Perc+15 | Challenge@+ 10: 0/4| Tactician@7rds. 2/2 | Haste 6/10 | CLW wand 44/50

Wow, Like Bharak I don't have the words, but I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. There's no hurry but if you need to vent, we're here.

Grand Lodge

F Cleric 9 (HC)/Bard 1. HP 75/75, AC 25 T 15 FF 21. Saves: F+11, R +13, W +16, +2 vs charm/illus. Att (+1 adam. Ud. bane rapier /w PA) +8/3, 1d8+6 P, 18-20/x2. CMB +10, CMD 22 init +4, Perc. +23. Wand: CLW 25/25, Bless 16/25, HA 47/50. Daily resources: BoL 3/9. IH 10/10. Channel 4d6 5/5, Inspire courage 16/23, Luck domain Reroll 1/1, horseshoe +3 save 1/1. Conditions: 25% fortification.

God, I'm so sorry. I wish you and yours all the best DBH :(

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Truly, truly sorry to hear that, DBH. Truly sorry. Will keep you in prayer, buddy.

Are you sure you want to do that?

My Mother passed away quietly on Friday night.

We had the service and funeral today. A small one with just family.

Thanks for everyone's kinds words and wishes.

I'll look to get back into things on Monday.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human cavalier 10 |HP 111/111 | AC26/T13/FF25 | F+12/R+9/W+9 | CMB+16/ CMD27 |init+1 | Perc+15 | Challenge@+ 10: 0/4| Tactician@7rds. 2/2 | Haste 6/10 | CLW wand 44/50

I wish we had more than just words to console you. But this is the nature of this medium. Please, take all the time you need.

Grand Lodge

F Cleric 9 (HC)/Bard 1. HP 75/75, AC 25 T 15 FF 21. Saves: F+11, R +13, W +16, +2 vs charm/illus. Att (+1 adam. Ud. bane rapier /w PA) +8/3, 1d8+6 P, 18-20/x2. CMB +10, CMD 22 init +4, Perc. +23. Wand: CLW 25/25, Bless 16/25, HA 47/50. Daily resources: BoL 3/9. IH 10/10. Channel 4d6 5/5, Inspire courage 16/23, Luck domain Reroll 1/1, horseshoe +3 save 1/1. Conditions: 25% fortification.

I'm so sorry, DBH. My best wishes and condolances to you and yours in this troubled time.

Level (10) Wounds (0) HP (129) AC (27/15/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (26, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (16/25) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

My deepest condolences. I wish that I could offer more than that. Just to reiterate the above, please take all of the time you need. Should you want to take a break, or post, we will be here.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

And I echo the others, DBH. My deepest condolences to you and your family.

Grand Lodge

F Cleric 9 (HC)/Bard 1. HP 75/75, AC 25 T 15 FF 21. Saves: F+11, R +13, W +16, +2 vs charm/illus. Att (+1 adam. Ud. bane rapier /w PA) +8/3, 1d8+6 P, 18-20/x2. CMB +10, CMD 22 init +4, Perc. +23. Wand: CLW 25/25, Bless 16/25, HA 47/50. Daily resources: BoL 3/9. IH 10/10. Channel 4d6 5/5, Inspire courage 16/23, Luck domain Reroll 1/1, horseshoe +3 save 1/1. Conditions: 25% fortification.

Again, i am sorry for the loss and hope your family is doing well.

In regards to the new post (pardon if that is a tasteless segue, it feels a bit like it though unsure how else to do it), what sort of spell if any can counter the confusuion aura? Previously protectiom from evil was ruled to work, but it doesn't work against confusion per a later post. Would suppress charms and compulsions work as a spell vs confusion instead of protection from evil?

Are you sure you want to do that?

@Elena. Yes Supress charms and complusions will work.

Human Arcanist 10 ~ AC 20 (t 18, ff 18) | F+7, R+7, W+10 | Init +6/9, Per +1 | Arcane Reservoir: 13/13 | HP 62/62

Just chiming in that I'm here and ready to go. I don't have anything that would add to this conversation with our guides, however.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Are you sure you want to do that?

Looks like the pre-Christmas crunch has hit us all. Post when you can. It's going to be slow this week & next.

Everyone have a good Christmas and enjoy your new year!

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

You too, DBH! And a Merry Christmas to you all!

Level (10) Wounds (0) HP (129) AC (27/15/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (26, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (16/25) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Happy Holidays to everyone!

Grand Lodge

F Cleric 9 (HC)/Bard 1. HP 75/75, AC 25 T 15 FF 21. Saves: F+11, R +13, W +16, +2 vs charm/illus. Att (+1 adam. Ud. bane rapier /w PA) +8/3, 1d8+6 P, 18-20/x2. CMB +10, CMD 22 init +4, Perc. +23. Wand: CLW 25/25, Bless 16/25, HA 47/50. Daily resources: BoL 3/9. IH 10/10. Channel 4d6 5/5, Inspire courage 16/23, Luck domain Reroll 1/1, horseshoe +3 save 1/1. Conditions: 25% fortification.

Same, happy holidays!

Human Arcanist 10 ~ AC 20 (t 18, ff 18) | F+7, R+7, W+10 | Init +6/9, Per +1 | Arcane Reservoir: 13/13 | HP 62/62

Happy Holidays!

Male Human cavalier 10 |HP 111/111 | AC26/T13/FF25 | F+12/R+9/W+9 | CMB+16/ CMD27 |init+1 | Perc+15 | Challenge@+ 10: 0/4| Tactician@7rds. 2/2 | Haste 6/10 | CLW wand 44/50

Hmmmm feel like I'm bringing up the rear here, I hope everyone is getting to spend the holidays with someone they love.

Male Human cavalier 10 |HP 111/111 | AC26/T13/FF25 | F+12/R+9/W+9 | CMB+16/ CMD27 |init+1 | Perc+15 | Challenge@+ 10: 0/4| Tactician@7rds. 2/2 | Haste 6/10 | CLW wand 44/50

My posting may be slow for a couple of days, I still intend to check the boards a couple of times a day, but I'm not living at the computer. Don't wait for me to make the decisions and if we get in combat bot me if needed.

Both my wife and mom have come down with covid. My mom (86) was almost unresponsive so we called the squad, she's at the hospital. I'll end up being there a bit and taking care of my wife, thus not at the computer as much as usual and I hate posting on my phone.

Human Arcanist 10 ~ AC 20 (t 18, ff 18) | F+7, R+7, W+10 | Init +6/9, Per +1 | Arcane Reservoir: 13/13 | HP 62/62

Oh jeez, sorry to hear that. I'm glad you're taking care of them!

Are you sure you want to do that?

Take all the time you need for your family. Best wishes for you.

Grand Lodge

F Cleric 9 (HC)/Bard 1. HP 75/75, AC 25 T 15 FF 21. Saves: F+11, R +13, W +16, +2 vs charm/illus. Att (+1 adam. Ud. bane rapier /w PA) +8/3, 1d8+6 P, 18-20/x2. CMB +10, CMD 22 init +4, Perc. +23. Wand: CLW 25/25, Bless 16/25, HA 47/50. Daily resources: BoL 3/9. IH 10/10. Channel 4d6 5/5, Inspire courage 16/23, Luck domain Reroll 1/1, horseshoe +3 save 1/1. Conditions: 25% fortification.

@Axton if you want a handy haversack Elena can just craft one for you on the way. Costs 1000 g but you should have plenty.

Are you sure you want to do that?

A Handy haversack is a common item. I'll handwave it as you already have one. Just mark off a 1000gp to Elena.

Human Arcanist 10 ~ AC 20 (t 18, ff 18) | F+7, R+7, W+10 | Init +6/9, Per +1 | Arcane Reservoir: 13/13 | HP 62/62

Done, thanks to both of you.

Male Human cavalier 10 |HP 111/111 | AC26/T13/FF25 | F+12/R+9/W+9 | CMB+16/ CMD27 |init+1 | Perc+15 | Challenge@+ 10: 0/4| Tactician@7rds. 2/2 | Haste 6/10 | CLW wand 44/50

Sorry I haven't been posting more folks, my mom's been moved from the hopital to a nursing home and back to the hospital. I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off.

Does someone want to decide where we are headed to?

Are you sure you want to do that?

I hope things improve for your Mother Elathras. Take whatever time you need. Family always comes first.

Grand Lodge

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F Cleric 9 (HC)/Bard 1. HP 75/75, AC 25 T 15 FF 21. Saves: F+11, R +13, W +16, +2 vs charm/illus. Att (+1 adam. Ud. bane rapier /w PA) +8/3, 1d8+6 P, 18-20/x2. CMB +10, CMD 22 init +4, Perc. +23. Wand: CLW 25/25, Bless 16/25, HA 47/50. Daily resources: BoL 3/9. IH 10/10. Channel 4d6 5/5, Inspire courage 16/23, Luck domain Reroll 1/1, horseshoe +3 save 1/1. Conditions: 25% fortification.

Sorry to hear that Elathras, hope things improve soon.

To answer the other question I just went ans suggested the Hanging Manse for the golemworks sidequest of bringing back golem scrap, if that is somehow not feasable a nice play to stay is a good backup/gm suggestion.

Male Human cavalier 10 |HP 111/111 | AC26/T13/FF25 | F+12/R+9/W+9 | CMB+16/ CMD27 |init+1 | Perc+15 | Challenge@+ 10: 0/4| Tactician@7rds. 2/2 | Haste 6/10 | CLW wand 44/50
GM_DBH wrote:
I hope things improve for your Mother Elathras. Take whatever time you need. Family always comes first.

Thanks, I'm back and forth from the hospital, it looks like my mom will return to a step down facility to try and build back up her strength.

I have time to post usually. But it's the mental energy to make decisions (reading back posts or side quests or remembering what we decided earlier) that I'm having trouble with.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Human Arcanist 10 ~ AC 20 (t 18, ff 18) | F+7, R+7, W+10 | Init +6/9, Per +1 | Arcane Reservoir: 13/13 | HP 62/62

Sorry to hear about your troubles, Elathras. Hopefully things smooth out for you. I've been in a similar situation myself.


One idea I had for the severed hand once we decide where to... I guess we have to nail it to a wall or post or something? Anyway, Axton could turn someone invisible to do so. If the act of hammering the hand would break the invisibility, Axton could accompany the deliverer and then re-cast the spell once the hand is secured.

Are you sure you want to do that?

No update sorry. Hobbling on my badly swollen knee atm. Painkillers & flat on my back.

Male Human cavalier 10 |HP 111/111 | AC26/T13/FF25 | F+12/R+9/W+9 | CMB+16/ CMD27 |init+1 | Perc+15 | Challenge@+ 10: 0/4| Tactician@7rds. 2/2 | Haste 6/10 | CLW wand 44/50
GM_DBH wrote:
No update sorry. Hobbling on my badly swollen knee atm. Painkillers & flat on my back.

Dude, know that feeling, take all the time you need.

Level (10) Wounds (0) HP (129) AC (27/15/25, +2 Rage, +1 Outsiders/Aberrations) CMD (26, +4 rage) Saves (16/10/9, +4 Hardy, +2 Rage, +2 vs Transmutation) Initiative (+2) Rage (16/25) Favored Terrain: Mountain/Hills (+6) Underground (+4) Desert/Wastelands (+2) Acid Resistance (5) Fire Resistance (10)

Indeed, take all the time you need. Hope that you feel better soon.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Human Arcanist 10 ~ AC 20 (t 18, ff 18) | F+7, R+7, W+10 | Init +6/9, Per +1 | Arcane Reservoir: 13/13 | HP 62/62
Elathras Narcinal wrote:
Raising an eyebrow at the term 'gentleman-at-arms' Elathras makes a mental note to remind his friend that he is now a Hellknight of the Order of the Pike. Pausing he realizes the Troll may not want to 'treat' with a member of such an order and assumes Axton had thought of that before he made the introductions. Nodding and smiling as the creature looks his way, he decides instead to thank Axton for being so smart.

Ha ha, if you were to ask Axton, he chose "elevated" because he thinks you're rising above (what he thinks of as) the stereotypical Hellknight. Akin to rising out of Hell, also.

Human Arcanist 10 ~ AC 20 (t 18, ff 18) | F+7, R+7, W+10 | Init +6/9, Per +1 | Arcane Reservoir: 13/13 | HP 62/62
Umazura Fallensong wrote:
Umazura steps out from behind the others. "And I am easily forgotten. But those who know me call me Umazura. Or simply Uma." She nods in greeting, grinning wryly.

Oops, sorry Umazara!

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Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Lol! Heck, it's all good to me. I thought it was pretty funny. Plus, with my terrible posting habits, it was quite fitting. :P

Grand Lodge

F Cleric 9 (HC)/Bard 1. HP 75/75, AC 25 T 15 FF 21. Saves: F+11, R +13, W +16, +2 vs charm/illus. Att (+1 adam. Ud. bane rapier /w PA) +8/3, 1d8+6 P, 18-20/x2. CMB +10, CMD 22 init +4, Perc. +23. Wand: CLW 25/25, Bless 16/25, HA 47/50. Daily resources: BoL 3/9. IH 10/10. Channel 4d6 5/5, Inspire courage 16/23, Luck domain Reroll 1/1, horseshoe +3 save 1/1. Conditions: 25% fortification.

So, does taking the stairway require that climb check...?

Are you sure you want to do that?
Elena Neidhardt wrote:
So, does taking the stairway require that climb check...?

No. It's just a stairway, you can run up it no problem. :)

Male Human cavalier 10 |HP 111/111 | AC26/T13/FF25 | F+12/R+9/W+9 | CMB+16/ CMD27 |init+1 | Perc+15 | Challenge@+ 10: 0/4| Tactician@7rds. 2/2 | Haste 6/10 | CLW wand 44/50

I knew I was missing something, There are stairs!

Human Arcanist 10 ~ AC 20 (t 18, ff 18) | F+7, R+7, W+10 | Init +6/9, Per +1 | Arcane Reservoir: 13/13 | HP 62/62

Why use possibly trapped stairs when you can fly?!

Grand Lodge

F Cleric 9 (HC)/Bard 1. HP 75/75, AC 25 T 15 FF 21. Saves: F+11, R +13, W +16, +2 vs charm/illus. Att (+1 adam. Ud. bane rapier /w PA) +8/3, 1d8+6 P, 18-20/x2. CMB +10, CMD 22 init +4, Perc. +23. Wand: CLW 25/25, Bless 16/25, HA 47/50. Daily resources: BoL 3/9. IH 10/10. Channel 4d6 5/5, Inspire courage 16/23, Luck domain Reroll 1/1, horseshoe +3 save 1/1. Conditions: 25% fortification.

I mean, are we really going to use valuable wand charges on an issue we can probably either percept or smash through very easily :P

I get it though. Shiny toys. Must use!

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