GM Wolf |

Welcome to the campaign, you will meet the Wardens of Greenwatch! Though likely at the local bar rather than an official meeting that will happen later, in gameplay!
The Cindermage is likely verily drawn towards this flaming individual! You might think him an assimar with his eyes that flash with a flame every once in a while.

Sindri Cindermage |

If Sindri heard that an entire township went missing, he'd be very interested in going to investigate, due to his interest in people disappearing! (Also I noticed just now that the good elemental lords weren't freed from imprisonment until the year 4717, so I guess he's just an early adopter) Do you want RP in here? I'mma do it :)
Sindri approaches the assimar , hundreds of potential greetings already racing through his mind. He rubs his head, a habit that occurs when his headband is telling him what not to say at an alarming rate. Eventually, he hops up on a stool, dragging it over to be near this assimar.
"Hi! I'm Sindri! Sindri Cindermage, at your service! I had cards printed up, but I forgot them in Rostland, so you'll have to forgive me introducing myself so dramatically. Sindri Cindermage, self appointed savior of Ateria, and Linguaphile extraordinaire." The gnome pauses a second to catch his breath.
"Oh right! I'm investigating the situation in Varnhold. Can you tell me anything about it?"

Lykàn Delĩss |

An Insane rage simmers in the eyes of this newcomer who had slammed his way into the bar.
"Varnhold and my my prey has vanished. I'm seeking news of them. Also give me a drink barkeep."
He looks around and grabs a table and a chair. Plonking himself into the seat. He looks like he had being travelling around for quite a bit.
His half naked torso streaked with dirt and a great cloak over his shoulders along with his bow and Quarterstaff.
This is Lykàn Delissa, a rather well known
He leaves most folks around and even Brigands understand that not to draw this insane elf attention, one simply needs to not over kill the creatures of exploit the plains and forest beyond their needs. He won't stalk their bands or camps else to earn his ire means to always lookout for the soft swish of his arrows.
He has being known to help people though rarely and is seen often babbling to the local flora and fauna. His skill with his bow is pretty high but his close combat skills are nothing to be laughed at anyway despite his rather skinny body. He's said to be so in tune with nature that his nature based spells allows him to grow claws and an ursine head to bite his foes.
Other names for him includes, Beast Lord. Mad capper. Cursed Being, Insane Tree lover, Lord of the plains, Winter hunter and other non flattering names.

Sulvanii |

The aasimar looks at the gnome in amusement and says, "Oh how sad, why did you leave them behind Sindri? I am called Sulvanii in these parts! Varnhold to the East... we haven't had very many dealings with it directly. I think the same trading caravans go through it as us. I have heard we have not heard from them lately."

Lykàn Delĩss |

"Murderers." answers the elf.
"Found a pride of mountain lions riddled with arrows but known of them were killing blows. Poor things must have died in agony after a long time. They didn't even grant a mercy kill nor skinned it for its meat or hide. Even the little ones with it weren't spared. I got their scent and their looks. They and Varnhold though seemed to have disappeared."

Sindri Cindermage |

"See, I study magical phenomena, with a special interest in disappearing people! So this sounds like it could be right up my alley! Mostly I study different languages though! Did you know that orcish has 36 different words for axe?"
"Do you know anything about that loud elf over at the bar? He seems kind of... wild, but I'll probably need others if I want to go to Varnhold! The Stolen Lands can be pretty dangerous."

Roland Garess |

A young muscular warrior in his mid-20s, who had been quiet until the moment, rises from his seat and his drink, one dueling sword at his side and another on his back. "Varnhold disappeared? Are you sure?! What is your source? I thought those were just rumors." The warrior definitely has no poker face and the level of concern on his face is quite apparent.

Roland Garess |

A young muscular warrior in his mid-20s, who had been quiet until the moment, rises from his seat and his drink, one dueling sword at his side and another on his back. "Varnhold disappeared? Are you sure?! What is your source? I thought those were just rumors." The warrior definitely has no poker face and the level of concern on his face is quite apparent.
Clearer image of character in profile: URL link.

Sulvanii |

He is rather good with the bow and melee. He's said to be so in tune with nature that his nature based spells allows him to grow claws and an ursine head to bite his foes.
Other names for him includes, Beast Lord. Mad capper. Cursed Being, Insane Tree lover, Lord of the plains, Winter hunter and other non flattering names.'
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Sindri Cindermage |

Sindri jumps at hearing a voice in his head. He tries thinking something extra hard. You're telepathic? That's an amazing ability!
Not being particularly observant, he doesn't notice the bartender talking about them, instead looking at Sulvanli wide eyed, as well as admiringly.

Sulvanii |

"Lycan and you sir, should come join us. Tell us what you know Lycan and we will see how we can help each other." He says with a knowing look.

Lykàn Delĩss |

His sharp eyes instantly picks out the duo seated together and stalks over.Walk over but you know.... His eyes blazing at potential new leads.
"You know what happened in Varnhold?" he snarls his questions. Not the best way to start a friendly conversation but Lykàn is like a rabid wolf. Once he's gotten his prey he's unable to release it bearing extenuating circumstances.
"I seek out a group of nature's despoilers and will fill them with arrows the way they allowed a pride to die in agony."

Sulvanii |

"I don't know about your despoilers and would join you on that hunt should the trail get warm again. You said you had been to Varnhold and said "it seemed to have disappeared", what do you mean by that?" He asked with interest. Apparently he wasn't worried about the raging manic that was now practically in his face. His calm demeanor must mean something else. He didn't even wear any weapons.

Lykàn Delĩss |

Stepping back, the wild elf throws back his arms and begins gesturing wildly to indicate size and number of people.
"Varnhold is this big. Varnhold has no life. Nobody. No birds, no animals. It's as if they all up and vanished. I've seen no signs of struggle. No tracks. Even open cookfires with half cooked meals. They were delicious. I wanders throughout the outer parts of town and verified that their city is empty. Their valuables untouched, excellent ale that had to be finished or they'll go bad and their open doors now closed."
"I smelt nothing, seen nothing, felt nothing." The elf looks at the group.
"Varnhold is there and yet not there. So are the despoilers that I hunt."

Delilah le Fay |

A young woman enters the bar, looking around a little nervously, like she isn't sure she should be there. Her ears are slightly pointed, her blue eyes almost seem to glow, dark glossy hair flows over her slender frame to her waist with skin of a pale blue tinge (think widowmaker from overwatch). The deep greens of her traveling clothes are more suited to the forest than a town such as this.
She instantly notices Lykan, gesturing and describing. She had heard of him from another druid and recognised him now. The scent Iodren picked up that we followed here must have been him. She gathers herself and walks over to Lykan and those near him. "He speaks the truth. I recently went to visit my family in Varnhold. I found no one there. No tracks to follow. Something is wrong and something must be done." She hoped her works backing Lykan's eccentric speech would give credence to the incident.
Lykan may likely know of the Fey-touched Druid, Delilah, from other druids. But they haven't met.

Sindri Cindermage |

"Fascinating!" Sindri seems completely oblivious to the fact that Lykan is quite obviously deranged, and is instead taking careful notes of everything said. "And you said that they just vanished, with no sign of a struggle? I've seen an unexplained vanishing before, but never on this scale! This could be the solution that I need to crack this thing right open! Please, you must take me with you so that I can study this phenomenon more closely, and learn how to undo it!" The gnome springs up from his stool, and falls to his knees, overcome by extreme emotion.

Sulvanii |

"Then it sounds more serious than I thought. Urgency is likely a factor. I will make arrangements for you to tell the Wardens what you know, have seen, or might have to add to looking into this problem. I will see you at the castle." he states rather emotionless. Without any other questions he would get up and walk out the door of the bar.

Ichorius "Ike" Melfesh |

As Sulvanii makes for the door, someone else is already occupying it. Not for long, though. The moment he realizes he's in the way, the young man immediately hops to the side, nodding. "Ah! Sorry, just passing through." The remarkably clean-shaven young man carries a paper in his hand, heading up to the bar and glancing between Lyken, Delilah, and Sindri on the floor next to him. "Erm... sorry to bother, but, is this where they're recruiting for that expedition out to Varnhold? I was hoping to sign up. I was going out that way myself, but... I heard the whole town went quiet. And... I thought it would be safer with a group than going it alone."
From the look of his equipment, he certainly looks kitted out for the trip. A pair of heavy looking handles hang off his back, likely swords, but his cloak and armor look very... fresh. As if he'd just put on his boots and gear for the first time ever. He stands at attention, as if already being assessed for the job, before blinking and adding on. "Oh! Right, erm, sorry. My name is Ike... well, actually, it's Ichorius, but a lot of folks like 'Ike', so, I go by that too."

Lykàn Delĩss |

Lykàn glances at Delilah and nods. The only acknowledgement and relative sane thing he seems to have done.
One of us. his instincts tells him even though he has no idea who she is.
He points to Roland, Sulvanii, Delilah, and Sindri to Ike.
"All on hunt for missing Varnhold." he declares.
Looking at Sindri on his knees for some reason, the elf growls.
"Your knees have problems? Seen it in old animals that had lived a full life. They die pretty quickly to predators."

Roland Garess |

"You're in the right place, Ike. We're all here to find out what's happened to Varnhold." The human warrior walks over to the kneeling gnome and addresses him, "You may think this is all fun and games and wonder, but we're dealing with missing people's lives and their family's. So try to have a heart and a conscience, at least when you're around me, cuz I don't give a damn about the arcane erection you have on now - you respect these missing people! Got it?"

Sindri Cindermage |

"No, you see! My friend got vanished years ago, during the Rostland Vanishing! I'm trying to find out what's causing these vanishings so I can bring everyone back, or at least stop it from happening again! I have to believe these people can be saved. Of course I sympathize with the families, I've felt the same pain for a decade." The gnome rises, and although initially he sounded like he was trying to explain a misunderstanding, his ire seems to have been raised. "So don't you assume to know the reasons behind my motivations before you speak to me like that again, got it?" For a minute, you can see echos of the first world in the gnome's eyes, and echoes of the pain of having outlived many humans that he knew many times over. Then he blinks, and the look fades away.
"I'm sorry. Did you lose someone important to you too?"

Delilah le Fay |

"But why a whole town? Who would want to do that to so many people?" she asks, confused.

Lykàn Delĩss |

"Someone must have offended a greater power and thus brought disaster to the town." the elf grumbles.

Lykàn Delĩss |

Is that all of us then?

Layla Kheper |

Thanks for the invite! I’ll be catching up with my read here today to post something. Are we still using the discussion for ingame stuff or can we switch here to offgame? Mostly so we can fine tune the last details. Thanks!

Shadow_Fox |

"No, you see! My friend got vanished years ago, during the Rostland Vanishing! I'm trying to find out what's causing these vanishings so I can bring everyone back, or at least stop it from happening again! I have to believe these people can be saved. Of course I sympathize with the families, I've felt the same pain for a decade." The gnome rises, and although initially he sounded like he was trying to explain a misunderstanding, his ire seems to have been raised. "So don't you assume to know the reasons behind my motivations before you speak to me like that again, got it?" For a minute, you can see echos of the first world in the gnome's eyes, and echoes of the pain of having outlived many humans that he knew many times over. Then he blinks, and the look fades away.
"I'm sorry. Did you lose someone important to you too?"
Moved my response to Gameplay to leave this clear for OOC. Good stuff!

Layla Kheper |

Copying my post to Gameplay as well, like Shadow Fox!
@Ike: Love that you're trying to make that horrible archetype work! At least you were able to escape the first three levels, where you're basically just a good-for-nothing bucket of goo (like, you have no movement, can't see and can't speak, besides for a handful of hours per day! Lol). I leveled an oozemorph in a different game, and did it literally for the challenge of making something so busted work. Regardless: oozemorphs don't qualify for Shifter's Edge, unfortunately, as they replaced shifter's claw (I assume it's some exception you discussed with the GM?). Even if they had access to it, they wouldn't be able to use with any attacks, since they don't have the shifter's claws neither natural attacks augmented by them (again, maybe you discussed some exception). In any case, I'm happy to see you're trying it! I used the sewer troll for my alter self shape as I felt it was the most useful. I took that character far, so if you want to talk about it, just PM me! :)

Quince Medvyed |

Things are active here. Wow.
Welcome to the new folks.

St. John Smythe |

A man tired from the road but still looking immaculate walks up to the bar, "One good ale please!" he says to the barkeeper. He sits straight in his seat and looks over the bar. He twirls his mustache unconsciously as he does so. When the drink is brought he asks "Have you seen anyone from Varnhold? The clerics from the church of Adabar have had visions of it vanishing and have sent me to look into it."

Dinenen |

The elf? entering the bar seems relaxed, but he looks around the room to see who's there like most anyone else would. He finds himself a seat and orders an ale. Once it arrives, he drinks it slowly, not really trying to hide the fact that he's people watching as he does.

Dinenen |

The blue-haired elf looks to the barkeep. "Meeting at the castle? Special invitations, or can anyone join in?"

Lykàn Delĩss |

Yes very active.

Delilah le Fay |

Found an Image that is close enough to my description.

Lykàn Delĩss |

HP for a level 6 Character.
Shifter 1 10
Druid 1 1d8 ⇒ 1
Druid 2 1d8 ⇒ 8
Druid 3 1d8 ⇒ 7
Shifter 2 1d10 ⇒ 10
Druid 4 1d8 ⇒ 5
Con +2 so 2*6=12
total hp: 10 + 1 + 8 + 7 + 10 + 5 + 12 = 53

Ichorius "Ike" Melfesh |

@Layla: I had planned on using Shifter's Edge with the Morphic Weapons because, for some reason, I thought that it would apply logically to the ability that it replaces. But yeah, if need be, I can switch out for Power Attack or something else to take advantage of all that tasty Dex. I'm still hammering out pieces anyways. And yeah, low level Oozemorph has to be played like an entirely different beast. But I have played it where he's more of an infiltration type, slipping in disguised as bandits or kobolds and surprising folks from inside. I just love the concept too much to NOT try and make it work.

GM Wolf |

Loving the fact it's quite active here! Good rhythm to start. Of course I have been looking at everybody's background and sheet to find out what kind of group we have going on!
@Ike: how are you using Shifter's Edge, if you don't mind me asking?
@Roland: how did you get the exotic weapon proficiency for free?
@GM: Is the plan to split into two parties? If not, maybe we should rearrange some of the characters because of overlapping? As different as it can be, for example, my character has too much overlapping with Roland, and at some point this will likely stop being fun.
Roland you only need the exotic prof. if you are using DEX for attack/finesse. Right?
If someone feels like they need to rework their character because it is just like another character you may propose a change. It is up to the players if you want to seperate into two groups or stay as one. That will likely be determined once you get to Varnhold.

Layla Kheper |

@Ike: Yeah, it doesn't work with morphic weapons, neither with other stuff. It's really limited to the shifter's claws or natural attacks you replace the dice with the shifter's claws dice. Since it requires you to have shifter's claws, not only it wouldn't work with morphic weapons but also you wouldn't even be able to have the feat. However, honestly... The oozemorph is such a terrible archetype (though very fun!) that maybe the GM could afford us with an exception (otherwise, I'm sure you'll make it work with other stuff like Power Attack).
@GM: Exotic proficiency is also needed for some of the other stuff, like for example the Aldori Dueling Mastery feat, and the Aldori prestige class.
As for the group: I feel we have so many people around that we could do two parties, but it basically means two campaigns and twice the work for our poor GM! While I'd love this option much more (I prefer groups of 3-5 than larger), I will adapt to however our people prefer to do!
If we end up as a single group, though, I might (if allowed) change my concept to fill a different role just to avoid the overlap with Roland. Just waiting for the group thoughts before going any route :)

Lykàn Delĩss |

How many people do we have at present?
I could always wait to join since I'm in another GM Wolf's campaign. Just not so insane and aggressive as this char I'm playing.

Roland Garess |

I kind of liked the competitive nature of 2 aldori sword-wielders but I understand if that's not conducive. I didn't spend a feat on exotic WP since I did not think it was needed because of feat taxes. If it's needed, then I will change my feat selection.

Layla Kheper |

It seems the set of optional rules changed from the moment it was first announced. I'm using the most recent rules: the "World is Square" package for HeroLab. EWP is still very much a feat and not considered part of the "feat taxes" as exotic weapons are considerably better than regular martial weapons and below.

GM Wolf |

Layla, I know and would prefer groups of 3-5. Though as history has shown me time after time. We will lose at least 3 players in the next month bringing it down to 6 PCs.
My original Kingmaker campaign which this is that one, I split the players into two groups and after enough drops the other game flopped. Leaving this game with 3 players, I have recruited at least 3 times since then and we are left with only 1 original player!
Give it time!
Layla I would suggest you to keep with your character for now and we can adjust it down the road as needed. Honestly have fun that you have someone with the same skill set! If that is going to bother you, then change it.
Nice catch hustonj! Excellent rebuttal Layla!
I will look into this!

Sindri Cindermage |

I'm happy to do some revamping too, my first though was to run an arcane trickster building towards Kirin style, but then it started getting to be too much paperwork for not enough cool reward, and then I swapped over to the ever-cool(hot) phoenix sorcerer instead. I'm enjoying being rather happy-go-lucky for once instead of being all grim and serious, but I can revamp to whatever we need!