
Sulvanii's page

264 posts. Alias of BloodWolven.


HP: 135/135 | AC: 43 T: 26, FF: 35 | Fort: +14, Ref: +18, Will: +16 | CMB: +23, CMD: 36 | Init +8, Perception +19, Sense Motive +19 |


Acro +12, Bluff +25, Diplo +12, Fly +18, HandAni +8, Heal +6, Inti +21, Spellcraft +18, Stealth +13 |

About Sulvanii

How do I not have a profile yet.

This muscular giant has crimson skin, smoldering eyes, and small black horns. Smoke rises in curls from its flesh.

The efreet (singular efreeti) are genies from the Plane of Fire. An efreeti stands about 12 feet tall and weighs about 2,000 pounds.

EfreetiCR 8

XP 4,800
LN Large outsider (extraplanar, fire)/Scaled Fist Monk 1/ Wizard 9
Init +12; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect magic; Perception +19


AC 43, touch 26, flat-footed 35 (+4 mage armor, +4 shield, +8 Dex, +1 dodge, +9 natural, –1 size, +8 CHA)
hp 135 (10d10+80)
Fort +14, Ref +18, Will +16
Immune fire; Vulnerability cold

HP: 135/135 | AC: 43 T: 26, FF: 35 | Fort: +14, Ref: +18, Will: +16 | CMB: +23, CMD: 36 | Init +8, Perception +19, Sense Motive +19 |


Speed 20 ft., fly 40 ft. (perfect)
Melee 2 slams +20 (1d8+11 plus 1d6 fire)

[Dice=+2 keen adamantine falchion]1d20 +23[/dice]
[Dice=+2 keen adamantine falchion]1d20 +18[/dice]

Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks change size, heat (1d6 fire)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 11th)

Constant—detect magic
At Will—plane shift (willing targets to elemental planes, Astral Plane, or Material Plane only), produce flame, pyrotechnics (DC 20), scorching ray
3/day—invisibility, quickened scorching ray, wall of fire (DC 22)
1/day—grant up to 3 wishes (to non-genies only), gaseous form, permanent image (DC 24)

Final, base, wishes, magic item
Str 32, 23, +3, +6
Dex 26, 17, +3, +6
Con 26, 18, +2, +6
Int 20, 12, +2, +6
Wis 22, 14, +2, +6
Cha 26, 17, +3, +6

Base Atk +10; CMB +23; CMD 36
Feats Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Deceitful, Dodge, Improved InitiativeB, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (scorching ray)

Craft Feats: Craft Wondrous items, craft arms and armor, forge ring, craft rod, craft staff, scribe scroll, craft wand

Skills Bluff +25
Craft (any one) +18,
Disguise +16,
Fly +18,
Intimidate +21,
Perception +19,
Sense Motive +19,
Spellcraft +18,
Stealth +13
K (any) +15 (2 ranks each)

Acro +12, Bluff +25, Diplo +12, Fly +18, HandAni +8, Heal +6, Inti +21, Spellcraft +18, Stealth +13 |

Languages Auran, Aquan, Common, Ignan, Terran; telepathy 100 ft.
SQ change shape (humanoid or giant, alter self or giant form I)


Change Size (Sp)
Twice per day, an efreeti can magically change a creature’s size. This works just like an enlarge person or reduce person spell (the efreeti chooses when using the ability), except that the ability can work on the efreeti. A DC 18 Fortitude save negates the effect. The save DC is Charisma-based. This is the equivalent of a 2nd-level spell.

Heat (Ex)
An efreeti’s body deals 1d6 points of fire damage whenever it hits in melee, or in each round it grapples.

Bardic Knowledge (Ex)
A bard adds half his class level (minimum 1) to all Knowledge skill checks and may make all Knowledge skill checks untrained.

Vest of resist +3
Belt of mighty health +6
Crown of mental power +6
Eternal wand of mage armor, 5 charges
Eternal wand of shield, 5 charges
Ring of cold resist 20
Amulet of natural armor +1

These include your last 3 wishes, so you get a total of 6 for each month.

As you tell of your past his fire slowly comes back. He takes a few bites of cake and a sip of milk. "I am sorry for your losses. It sounds like they were good people. I dont know why such turmoil continues to fester in the world. I am glad that our kingdom has not seen anything like that. Bearik and I continue to try to help where we can so that doesn't have to happen to our citizens."

You now have Sulvanii as a 'Contact', once a month he would be willing to help you out, one way or another in a venture. Also he reveals some secrets about his wishes.

He shifts the content of the conversation, "On a lighter subject, next week my wish crafting should be different and more powerful. If your wishes are found to bless others including the citizens of our fair country, I will be able to grant a Seraphim Wish once a month."


Seraphim Wish 1/month
It needs at least 10 wishes a month to be powered up. Wishes for the betterment of the residents of the country.

Give all civilians regeneration 1 Acid.

For the last month they have been identifying if there is a difference with wishes if done by mere mortals and spreading the wealth accumulated by him. Passing a ring of sustenance to each for their support. Their needs are met. Given to the leaders of families with a high chance of being a noble and helping others.

Bearik and Sulvani have almost finished the rules and regulations contract. Of the only thing they are missing is a Seraphim Wish and all the Wardens' signatures.