Quince Medvyed |

He also speaks in response to Kendryl's words, caution is evident in his words, "You should not speak so derivative of our proud mounts. Also they are much faster than most land base mounts, I believe 80 feet is their movement speed. Am I correct Quince?"
Great question. Quince likely knows an answer.
Well regular elk are probably to small to ride at medium speed 50 and CR 1. Giant Elk have a speed of 40 CR 2.
Megaloceros which are spoken about in the campaign are a speed of 50 and CR 4.
I don't know if these elk are special in that they were bred from Katrina's special Elk or if we are using one of the stat blocks.
The fluff reason outside of the heavy Erastil influence was that the Elk are more sure footed uneven terrain.
Their real speed is the Ethereal Jaunt feature that we have a few of.

Quince Medvyed |

I spoke with Kevros' player and he had a trip this last weekend and got sick again. He is still in our orbit.

Dinenen |

I know I checked, and the mounts I saw on Nethys are basically all 50' speed. Non-standard is going to be seen as unexpected, right?

GM Wolf |

So lets see the status of our players:
Active PCs: Quince, Dinenen, Lykan, Vesi, Kendryl, and Lamaar.
Inactive but should be joining us this weekend: Kevros
NPC and personal body guard to Quince: Jorne
With that let's get moving!
Also Quince's response as he knows but the player doesn't: This happens a lot in this campaign as we forget and remember things.
The elk that the Warden's have been using as mounts are:
Herd Animal, Elk (Megaloceros)
The massive and majestic elk stands fully the height of a human at its shoulder, and its antlers stretch over ten feet across.
Though with the special ability woven into them they also have:
Ethereal Jaunt 1/day CL 10
They are affected by a constant Haste spell. Giving them an 80 foot move speed let alone the other perks.
Katrina's mount is even more of a beast! ;)
Which she has been breeding with the normal Megaloceros in hopes of a stronger breed.

Dinenen |

Ah. Constant haste spell. Yeah, I can't keep up with that. Guess I need an elk, too, for the trip, then.

Vesi "Feyspeaker" Medvyed |

For next time we can look into upgrading the lizard.
Lizardbooties of Speed. +30 feet land speed. ;)

Quince Medvyed |

For next time we can look into upgrading the lizard.
Lizardbooties of Speed. +30 feet land speed. ;)
And Ethereal Jaunt.

Lykàn Delĩss |

The lizard can't ride an Elk?
Lykan you can tell Quince of the hexes you explored, you may pick how many you explored between 3 and 7. Let us know which ones.
Explored?: 1d3 ⇒ 3
Explored 4,5,6 then.
Quince Medvyed |

I have no problem with anyone exploring the hexes that includes the South Rostland Road. But let’s remember that the border to the Stolen Lands is that road. So they are controlled by Brevoy if I recall.

Quince Medvyed |

Well we explored them. LOL looks like roads and a village we knew was there (hard to miss since we started in Restov).

Vesi "Feyspeaker" Medvyed |

Did Vesi get a ring?

Quince Medvyed |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Great question. I was speaking with GM Wolf about this last night.
No you, Lamaar, and Kendryl don't have rings yet. We have used the Obelisk Portals a few time but it was more spoken about or happened when we were fast forwarding time. As such none of the players have gone through the process in character. Till now.
I know that from speaking with GM Wolf and random bits the NPC designers have spoken. That for those who don't have a ring there is basically an attendant who facilitates things. Not having played through it in character I don't know exactly what to expect or how the GM wants to describe it. I am sure he will say more.
At this point I would just say step up to the stone and try.

Lykàn Delĩss |

No idea which hexes are explored and which isn't.
Lykan would explore somewhere as long as it gets him out into the wilds.

Vesi "Feyspeaker" Medvyed |

I think Vesi will pass on the allegiance thing for now.

Quince Medvyed |

Jemanda Orlarshen, please give me a reference...
Task: A representative of Oppara’s Kitharodian Academy has come to the Stolen Lands seeking one of that institution’s professors, a man named Ervil Pendrod. It seems Ervil recently traveled to Varnhold, following up some obscure clue about ancient Iobaria, but he didn’t actually arrange for a leave of absence.
Completion: Find Ervil and convince him to return to his job in Oppara.
Reward: Jemanda will reward whoever finds the missing professor with a fully charged wand of find traps.
She is the one looking for the bard Penrod to take back to his college.

Lykàn Delĩss |

As part of a comedy, Lycan will be sporting random Lycanthrope characteristics. No addtional stats granted whatsoever just purely cosmetic and well because I'm still waiting for GM to give me a random Lycanthrope type due to a wish.

Quince Medvyed |

N22 was the first exploration hex we were going to reach on the trip. Once we got to the mountains we wanted to visit the site of Talon Peak its on the way to N22.
"Pack for a trip even though there are nights we might be able to get back here thanks to some magic my councilor has cooked up. I will let him explain that." He looks again at the map, "Crossing the mountains and up to Talon Peak should be about 4 days if we don't use the Ethereal Jaunt of Katrina's elk. Though honestly I want to see the land and what we can do with it. We have notes from the original Varnhold team but seeing with our own eyes even traveling through might do us some good. And there are folks in those lands it would do good for them to know we are there as well. Once we leave the peak we can head northwest toward the hills here around N22, in our experience hills like these might take a solid 2 days or so to explore and survey. Same with N16, and N9. The grasslands are a bit quicker bring that time down to a day or so to see N8, and N2. That's a solid 2 weeks work." He claps his hand eager for the saddle and the wild. "What do you think?"
Does this mean we found reason to not head to Talon Peak? (Like a farmer reporting a sink hole.)
Or did we visit the site and have a chance to take a look and it was an uneventful visit. But we passed it on the way here and would have to backtrack if we didn't go visit it.

Quince Medvyed |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I forgot that Talon Peak was on the agenda. Also I thought it was more north.
The group gets to the area of Talon peak to explore. 4d20 It takes at least two days to fully explore the area.
Cool. It is N31. It is one of the already explored by the Varnhold's team.
Dinenen wanted to see it as a sight for a future monastery.

Jorne Fyrestone Stavian |

As they ride towards Talon peak he asks, "Dinenen, what are your plans? Will you be working on the foundations, just want to check the area out, or will you be exploring with us?"

Quince Medvyed |

Oh ok, so no need to explore. Since we have posts for the sinkhole lets go with that in gameplay and we can post things for Talon's Peak here.
That works for me. Cool beans.

Quince Medvyed |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Kendryl's character sheet is 18 pages . . . that's the most Pathfinder thing ever.

Quince Medvyed |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

LOL, yes, and that is why part of what I am creating for him now is a new cultural aspect to the Dragon Empires: power beyond honor. Kendryl cannot have honor, he is fundamentally an outsider. So regardless of his parentage, regardless of the prestige he brings his family, regardless of any & all successes he achieves, he cannot have honor because he is the coalescence of so many outsider bloodlines. So yes, he is powerful, but his existence in Minkai amounts to largely exploitation as a chess piece to protect his family’s holdings; he chooses rather to be a scout/loremaster/diplomat in lands where at least he can be respected (and maybe find a husband).
Did you want to post some bullet points here, PM me, I can send you (or anyone) I suppose the link to edit the slide show. Most of the formatting heavy portion is the first page. Google Slides is pretty forgiving with fixing mistakes and just thinking about this made me make a back up.

Dinenen |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

As they ride towards Talon peak he asks, "Dinenen, what are your plans? Will you be working on the foundations, just want to check the area out, or will you be exploring with us?"
"Given that I have no building supplies with me, I was planning to take some measurements, see how the foundation was laid out, if it is still reasonably solid. I want to be able to talk to engineers about the condition of the site and what we need to do to get started making it a secure structure again. Find out what supplies we need, and which we will need first kind of thing. I had assumed I was supposed to be coming with on the exploration? It will take time to get the work on the tower properly started. I plan to be labor during the work, of course, as I don't know enough about engineering to plan the details of what to do, but there is time before that will begin."

Lykàn Delĩss |

Missed that wish... animal: 1d26
A... aardvark, ape, ...
Ah yes, Jemanda Orlarshen. She is back in Oppara.
lol aardvark?
Really wolf?
You'll make me this?
I'm not gonna be scaring anyone now.

Lykàn Delĩss |

Levitate plus Gust of wind and a lance equals a very painful charge.

Kevros Droverson |

My apologies, I will start posting regularly tomorrow. Developed some bad habits during my hiatus like watching TV every day. So I break my addiction tomorrow, or at least enough time to post.
I am currently working at 10 PM at night working on Computer Network Code Upgrades.

Kevros Droverson |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

You know it Quince! ... LOL
Quince nods, "Yes. Kevros has been growing soft with all of his administrative duties." Quince winks at Kevros and a number of folks laugh at the obvious jest. "It will be nice to have in the saddle again.

Lykàn Delĩss |

Now depending on how the wish was stated, can you repost it for me otherwise you might be a wereaardvark!
Gm's request for the post and the impending results.
The Wish
Since Lykan is close to nature and all, I was gonna say I wish to Wield the power of Nature's allies and smh I saw myself with the power of random Lycanthropy. One night a Ferocious bear. The other night a bunny. Has mean kick but still a bunny. lol
Gm Wolf's response
That would work Lykan, we would roll to see if you keep your mind: Will save DC 15 to 20. Then roll to see what kind of were creature you would become: 1d30: cheetah, jaguar, bunny, crocodile, chicken, bull, fox, wolf, lion, bear, boar, etc.
Looks good for both of you.
Where the will save was made in preparetion for impending earth pig shennigans.
While Quince and the others are still in Varnhold.
"In truth , your words do make sense and I can see that the people of Varnhold will need a steady hand until another can be found to lead them well. I shall accept this task for now and look to settling the people down to these lands."
While the rest are having Donuts.
Will Save 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22True to his word, the elf begins the arduous task of getting the people of Varnhold settled in. Knowing full well what his limits were, he appoints former ballifs and mayors to get the people moving while he works hand in hand with those who work the lands. The Farmers, the Hunters and their like.
Food was something they needed to secure first while all available skilled labor be put to task to restoring homes and facilities. Any priests or mages of sufficient level, he asks for them to aid in producing food and aid to those in need.
With his own hands he picks a site and builds a small shrine to Erecura. With that done, he feels something. A blessing given by her. A small trial perhaps but he relishes it. His own quest was done. His Hunt was finished. He could put to rest his regrets in not saving his Son after his killers had being brought to Justice. Perhaps one day like the lands that the flames had razed and were now blooming in recovery so will his own heart.
For now he turns and gazes upon Varnhold. This Protector of the Lands had a another duty. To see that Varnhold prosper and live with Nature in harmony.
He knew his own reputation, his skills and what he had seen. Time to apply it to these lands.
He could wait while the rest handled business back in Elkheart.

Quince Medvyed |

Camping this weekend.
Happy to use the cauldron of plenty to cook for them

Lykàn Delĩss |

Were Lion doesn't seem so bad.
Why do I have the urge to start singing something about being a king.....must resist...