Eberron Giantslayer (Inactive)

Game Master mittean

The Battle of Bloodmarch Hill
Mysteries in Sylbaran

In the town of Sylbaran an out-of-the-way settlement surrounded by the brutal monsters of the country of Droaam to the south and the undead-infested forests of the Gloaming to the north, the heroes must investigate a mysterious attack on a diplomatic envoy. Can they uncover the truth before Sylbaran comes under attack by forces working against it, and will they stop a dangerous plot—and discover that the situation is worse than anyone realizes. For even the fearsome raid is just a distraction allowing a menacing force to recover the relics of an ancient giant hero from a tomb long forgotten beneath the town.

This is my telling of the Giantslayer Adventure Path by Paizo, set in the Eberron Campaign Setting, created by Keith Baker. I hope you enjoy it.

Here is a write-up of the adventures so far

Music for the flight over Silver Lake
Music for the airship boarding
Map of the Colossus of Stormhome

51 to 100 of 120 << first < prev | 1 | 2 | 3 | next > last >>

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@Diamonddust, your concept reminds me of a kobold chiruregeon/vivisectionist I had made once. He was like the Medic from TF2 - reeeeally wanted to be a doctor, but his bedside manner was about as developed as a brick's.

@Captain Generica - Can't speak for the GM, but from once Captain to another, I quite liked the read.

Captain Generica for memories I have no problem with some length. My "preference" in role-playing posts is that they feel a bit more like a natural conversation. I DO recognize that a lot of people when posting don't want to respond with shorter posts...but no worries about the memory length at all.

Heading to bed. I'll read through those tomorrow. Great stuff, everyone. I appreciate everyone who's putting in some great writing and ideas! Thank you.

Captain Generica that is some creepy s#!t right there, lol. Good job!

I am working on a new idea which I should have a writeup for in a day or so. Maximillian Llywelyn of House Gollanda, a Dragonmarked (Mark of Hospitality) Halfling. The basics I am working on is that he is a fledgling businessman (since the treaty opened up more trade and opportunities), seeking new ventures to invest in on behalf of a bank he now works for as well as furthering the influence of his House, his previous experience of being near the war and being able to handle himself is why he is sent to potentially hazardous locations. His personal hobby is magical items and artifacts (artifact hunter trait).

This will be a support focused character. You said you are considering Path of War classes, I would like to try the Rajah class to buff and protect the party. It is also a high charisma class being very useful in social situations.

Submissions so far:

• Mane Grizznar male hobgoblin Fighter 1
• Engineer #3 male warforged Soulknife 1
• Catalyzer male warforged Alchemist (gun chemist) 1
• Thuurvi Muth-la-Zash female Shadow marcher half-orc Oracle (Spirit guide) 1
• Ford Bennett male (I believe) human? Eldritch scrapper Red draconic bloodline Sorcerer 1
• Thalmor Kundarak male dwarf inquisitor (monster tactician, oathkeeper) of Kol Korran 1
• Unnamed hagbound witch changing or hag-haunted spiritualist changeling (Why not both? lol)

Interest so far:
• Diamondust - coming up with something new
• Spazmodeus - Cooking up something crazy. Probably a short character.

Thalmor Silverhelm Kundarak

Vingette #1 - The Crevasse:

Eberron 950 YK - Below the Vaults, Korunda Gate

Thalmor sat on the edge of the crevasse, throwing rocks. Like many kids, he would throw a rock and then count until it lands, trying to figure out how deep the pit was. With each toss, the rock would fall, fall, fall, until a faint "tink, tink, tink" was heard. He would count, "one, two, three, four, five, six, sev-" at which point he nodded to himself, grabbing another rock.

The road to this place was short, and well guarded, but he was little, and he had learned secret ways. His parents had said the bottom of the crevasse was the ceiling of another cavern - the cavern of the city of his ancestors - long warded against intrusion, and now a shadow of it's former glory. The name of the city was forgotten, as the daelkyr had taken over most of it. Expeditions were send down from time to time when Kundarak could spare people, and most returned, but reclaiming just this city was a monumental task. People trained for years to get the chance to fight.

Thalmor wanted to go, desperately. He felt a calling to the bones of Eberron. The stories of twisted monsters and sightless beasts thrilled him. But it would never happen, he was important, they said. His parent's firstborn, a scion, they said. He had work to do on the bank. His rebellion, (as far as it could be said that a dwarf ever really rebelled), was to sit here, and throw rocks. He ran through the mental process he would need to activate the mark, as he had been taught, closing his eyes. He wondered quietly where the mark would manifest - his father had an extensive mark on his chest, his mother's greater mark encircled her upper arm. He hoped it would be on his forearm, or even his face, the beautiful shape and color a sign of the fact that even if Thalmor wasn't to become a great adventurer, he would be known and respected, somehow.

But for now, he held onto a rock, feeling the weight in his hand, and tossed it, listening for the telltale "tink" that would end his count, as he shivered, and wondered about the creatures that lay below.

Vignette #2 - Silverhelm Family:

Eberron 962 YK - Korunda Gate - Enclave of Kundarak, Silverhelm Family

Dagnar and Meva sat in the parlor, speaking quietly to each other, and to what must be one of his distant cousins. Thalmor sat in his room, his back to the door, straining to listen. His younger siblings were playing quietly with each other, a game they had invented with monsters and princesses. Thalmor strained to hear what was being spoken about, but the thick stone made it hard to hear more than snippets.

His cousin, "... what are we... it is not like we can do anything... " Dagnar spoke up, barely comprehensible through the door, "...fault. Not ours either... the house for years?..." Meva was crying. Thalmor frowned, and pinches his beard, twisting the tip around his stout finger. He looked at his siblings and grimaced. They were younglings, still little, and their bright marks were manifest. It was apparent they would be strong and they could do anything in the house. They could become wardens, or could do an expedition, banking, they had the freedom - freedom which came as a result of the damned marks.

Distracted, he tried to listen again, but the conversation had dropped to a quieter volume. Thalmor pressed his ear to the crack and strained, and but could hear nothing else. He closed his eyes and scratched his arm, scratching, looking at the spot where he scratched and frowned. He scratched until the arm was bloody and his nail was broken, but the spot where his mark was supposed to show was just raw. Numb to the pain, he curled his knees to his face and rested his head on them, as unbidden tears dripped down the sides of his face and onto his lap.

His brother and sister glanced over at him, but their expressions were confused and standoffish, and Thalmor didn't even notice. His brother opened his mouth to say something, but was nudged by his sister, who mouthed something, suggestively, and his brother closed his mouth, dropping the issue. They returned to their game.

Vignette #3 - Lost:

Eberron 970 YK - Below the Ancient Gate, the ancient city

Thalmor was worried. He was bloodied. His friend was bloodied, and the others had not returned. Craglon was sleeping quietly as Thalmor stood near the exit, guarding him. The scouts were supposed to be back. They were all going to retreat back to the safe area of the city, but they weren't back yet.

Thalmor grimaced. He was a neonyte, and his job was to provide support and healing to the expedition. But something had gone wrong. The more nimble and stealthy members of their group had seen a lone daelkyr, smaller than the others, skulking on a street outside the outpost they had created. It didn't look especially powerful, and their axes were sharp, their hammers broad. They were headstrong, and they wished to take the fight to them, to prove themselves. Thalmor told them to avoid going out, their job was to stay here and document the passing for three days, but the others, beyond Craglon, wouldn't listen. Thalmor grudgingly agreed to help their foolish plan, formulated quickly. They waiting until the skuling thing was sniffing around at the door, and then pounced. But though the thing was stronger than it appeared, tentacled arms extending as if from nowhere to strike him and his companions, hurting them badly, the daelkyr itself was badly hurt in the process, and screaming incomprehensibly with an impossibly distended mouth, it scampered away into the darkness of the old city. Most of the same headstrong dwarves of his company took a look at Thalmor and Craglor and rushed after the thing. One, a shieldmaiden, Zerda, stayed behind with them to hold the outpost.

When a day passed, and the others did not return, Zerda shook her head. Craglon's wound had festered, he could not easily be moved, and there was little Thalmor could do to help. No other beasts had been seen, and Zerda announced, "well, I think the others are dead, I'm going back for help - if I'm not back soon -" She shook her head, and Thalmor knew what she meant.

And she wasn't. Thalmor waited another day. His supplies were low, and Craglon wasn't getting better. He grabbed the skinny dwarf, his friend, and carried him on his shoulders, one hand gripping the man's weak hands together around his armored neck, the other holding his battleaxe. When he believed it to be clear, he slipped out, and began to walk back to the safe zone. There was no sign of Zerda, the city was as deserted as it had been when they came. Shaken, he trudged nonetheless,

It had been a day. The scouts had not returned. Craglon had mapped the streets, and Thalmor didn't have a great head for it, but he walked anyway. The city was not - it did not look more recognizable. But Thalmor kept walking, and for a time, it felt as if there were eyes on him, more than he could count, the new residents of the city, inexplicably letting him passs on the street as they resided in their stolen homes, living... lives, if they could call them those, in gross facsimile to actual dwarves. The daelkyr were ultimately surreal in this way, there had been evidence of such things in their outpost they had taken. Inexplicably abandoned, it served as a refuge, but Thalmor wouldn't have been able to find it again if he himself had a map.

He trudged, and trudged more, through the inky blackness, until he saw down a side street, a glow. A familiar glow. Dwarves are comfortable in the dark, but they also like color, and do not hate light, as the daelkyr seem to (sometimes), and the safe zone was there. He turned down the street and sprinted. He felt a sticky tendril smack the back part of his heel, but he pulled away, his head down, trying not to think about what was or wasn't around him. He wasn't afraid - but he was despearate. Safety was assured, if he could get there. His training as a priest made him quicker than almost any dwarf, but he wasn't faster than the beasts below, as long as he didn't stop he might make it.

And he did. Bristling with weapons, the wall of the safe quarter loomed in front of him, and opened as he approached, the portcullis raising and quickly shutting behind. No creatures followed him, though, and when he looked back, the outer city was quiet. He sensed the eyes, though, watching, too many to count, or for one creature to have. Breathlessly, he set Craglon down, and others came to tend to them both, as he collapsed.


Of the others, they had disappeared. Thalmor frowned at the thought, and clenched his teeth as he had recovered. Craglon grew hale and hearty again, though he lost a few fingers that couldn't be salvaged, as they had been infected somehow, with a parasite. All the work that Thalmor had done to get to this point - his superiors would not send him back, no matter how much he protested. He would return to the surface. He scratched the scar on his forearm as he stewed bitterly, and made the long walk with Craglon back to Korunda Gate.

Vignette #4 - Friends of the Dragon Below:

Thalmor had few friends, but his priestly training, and his deep connection to the earth itself had allowed him, as he had aged, to make some, drawing them out of the earth itself. They only appeared for a short time, but whenever he was feeling particularly alone, he was draw them up and chat with them. The friends he conjured were always the same individuals, hale and hearty each time he drew them up, and though few could speak, but they listened quietly, allowing him the contact that he craved, even as he had pushed away many of those in Kundarak due to his persistent bitterness and anger.

They served a valuable purpose too. Few expected him to be able to grab such beasts from the ground, and such a feat had caught more than a few oathbreakers off guard as they thought they could outrun a typical dwarf. Without malice, Thalmor had found a calling with he and his odd-behaving-and-looking friends that he could conjure. A calling and a type of peace, or at least enough that he wouldn't poison Korunda any further. It was a convenient arrangement.

Vignette #5 - Oaths:

Thalmor stood and watched as the human signed the paperwork at Korada, his business plan, (though Thalmor thought it was his slick black hair, long goatee, and flattery towards dwarven customs) had impressed the bankers. As had his persistence. Kundarak had agreed to the loan. Sivin said he knew Eldeen well, and would work as an intermediary for Kundarak to build an enclave in Eldeen, a land rich in natural resources. Thalmor had rolled his eyes at this fellow, but wasn't in a place to argue. He bound the man to his word, and the deal was set. Sivin had taken Thalmor and some nature-friendly 'marked scions with him to the town of Sylbaran, and the job had been going well. So well that Thalmor, to his own disappointment, found himself heading back to Korunda.

It had turned out that someone did have a use for Thalmor, in the end. His distant cousin, Blaurath, heard of his speed in the deep. And knew that Thalmor's training as a priest of Kol Korran might be useful. He had conscripted this markless dwarf to aid in compelling oaths from all who would do business, mostly farther afield, a task which pleased Thalmor. He had grown bitter in his time in Korunda, and found himself secretly resenting the Kundarak dwarves, so much that he was almost always at more ease with those of the other ancestries of Khorvaire, especially gnomes and orcs, for whatever reason. His agreeability with the other races had led to frequently being shipped off to different corners of Khorvaire, for the dwarf could turn on the charm when he wanted to.

Thalmor knew that Sivin had betrayed the house. He knew that he had betrayed Kol Korran. He didn't know how, but the oath had been broken. He sent messages to the neophytes, the 'marked, and they were not returned. Sivin would have to be tracked down. And Thalmor was the only one who knew where he was, with any accuracy. He sent a message back to the Banking guild and Blaurath continuing along the lightning rail. Something had happened. He hopped off on the next stop, and quickly turned around, heading back to as close as he could get, a few days out Sylbaran and began to walk back. He had a limited window to find the betrayer - he hoped for his own reputation that he would be able to find the oathbreaker.

These are great, Litejedi. I love the moments with the stones. The family arguing. The hook in Sylbaran. Good scenes.

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Interesting, Diamondust. I've never played with a Rajah. Seems to be a bit of Bo9S, combined with veils...intriguing. Alright! And our first Dragonmarked!

Thanks, I figured there should be at least one dwarf for giantslayer. I tried to tie in a little bit of the striving Keith talked about here.

@mittean, Thank you very much! The lack of a name was intentional at the moment, I don't think she would have had one before leaving home. I'm currently leaning towards hag-haunted, although losing the ability to wear any armor is kinda rough. Still, we all must make sacrifices for the flavor!

Dotting in for interest. I've got a bare bones character concept worked out - a Valenar elf deserter who fled the Last War with his Cyran lover (and later wife) 30 years ago, to live a quieter life in Qbarra. His wife recently passed and he's traveled to Sylbaran to inform their daughter, who moved to the Eldeen Reaches for some as-yet unknown reason. The elf will be the reluctant hero type, having been perfectly content living a bucolic life with his beloved. Now he's a grieving grandfather (though spry, as he's 140 elf years old, still very young for his people) and forced to pick his violent skill set back up due to the circumstances of the AP.

Mechanically, this backstory can work with pretty much any class; I'm not yet sure what direction the character build will take.

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Welcome Fighting chicken.

Captain Generica are you leaning towards one or the other still? I dug the changeling witch turning into a hag haunted by her murdered hag mother, lol.

Also, as a note, changelings and hags are a Golarion thing, IIRC. Changelings in Eberron do not come from hags, they are their own unique race. However, I have zero issues with this being your individual story. :)

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Oops! That's totally on me then! Is there a Eberron changeling statblock that I should be looking at instead then? Glad that you're ok with it, but that's a major slip-up on my end.

I tend to not like to multiclass all that much, especially when it would be between classes that really don't like multiclassing all that much. (Both witch and spiritualist really lose out) I was kind of leaning towards being a hag haunted + haunted(just regularly I guess?) spiritualist, but I can go for the just internal voice instead of it having a tangible real world presence by being a hag-bound witch if that's what you prefer :)

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Changelings are in the Eberron 3.5 Guide--and you can get the Hero Lab Community Resource Pack, or whatever it's called, as a download. I can go look for the instructions. But yeah, changelings are more like descendants of doppelgängers in Eberron.

mittean wrote:
Also, as a note, changelings and hags are a Golarion thing, IIRC. Changelings in Eberron do not come from hags, they are their own unique race. However, I have zero issues with this being your individual story. :)
Captain Generica wrote:
Oops! That's totally on me then! Is there a Eberron changeling statblock that I should be looking at instead then? Glad that you're ok with it, but that's a major slip-up on my end.
Axolotl wrote:
Changelings are in the Eberron 3.5 Guide--and you can get the Hero Lab Community Resource Pack, or whatever it's called, as a download. I can go look for the instructions. But yeah, changelings are more like descendants of doppelgängers in Eberron.

Yep, them Eberron Changelings are more doppleganger-descended than the hag-descended of Golarion, in comparison; they got a fan-made PF version that can be found here, under the "Changelings" header. The Hero-Lab Classic should have them under the downloadable PF Community Resource updates, but only the 3.5 versions though.

That being said, mebbe to differentiate between the two, the Golarion versions could be referred to as some other appellation (something like Hag-born)? Hags also are big in all-monster founded Droam [sp?] and references to Sora Kell, the known named Hag founder/s[?], abound. ;)

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That's all correct Today is a good day to...halp. :)

Captain Generica I'm fine with that idea of a changeling. No need to differentiate, unless I'm not seeing something. Use the HeroLab stats for them, which I do believe is 3.5.

Okay, current submissions -

Four days in and I have 7 full submissions, with 3 concepts considering a submission, unless I miss my mark.

• Mane Grizznar male hobgoblin Fighter 1
• Engineer #3 male warforged Soulknife 1
• Catalyzer male warforged Alchemist (gun chemist) 1
• Thuurvi Muth-la-Zash female Eldeen Reacher half-orc Oracle (Spirit guide) 1
• Ford Bennett male (I believe) human? Eldritch scrapper Red draconic bloodline Sorcerer 1
• Unnamed hagbound witch changing or hag-haunted spiritualist changeling (Why not both? lol)
• Thalmor Silverhelm Kundarak failed scion of House Kundarak Dwarf inquisitor (monster tactician, oathkeeper) of Kol Korran 1

Interest so far:
• Diamondust - Maximillian Llywelyn of House Gollanda, a Dragonmarked (Mark of Hospitality) Halfling Rajah concept
• Spazmodeus - Cooking up something crazy. Probably a short character.
• Fighting Chicken - Valenar elf deserter concept

1 person marked this as a favorite.

if you want Eberron in your HeroLab, here's how to do it--clicky on the PDF and follow directions. Gives you some other 3PP content as well. Thanks to ShadowChemosh who organized everything.

Community Packs Installation

On a different note, Litejedi is a great player in my ROW game. :)

It took me longer than I thought and rewriting a couple things to be properly happy with it. I now present Maximilian Florentine Llywelyn of House Ghallanda. Just Max is fine for informal situations. He is a Lawful Neutral Khorvaire Halfling, as opposed to the nomadic Telenta Halflings and has never seen the plains of his ancestors. The bank in his backstory is a creation based on one of the Martial Traditions, The Bank of the Sun which I gave a link for. I made it a halfling bank, if such a thing would make sense. It could be less exclusive too without really changing anything. His class is still Rajah, a very supporty class.


The interview with the Halfling Bank in Sharn
The bank executive, a greying man with plenty of authority in his posture leaned forward over the desk and looked at Maximilian. "Your references and experiences are in perfect order. I think you would be a viable, and with some more time and opportunities, very profitable addition to our ranks. But I want to get a better picture of you personally. Forget the numbers and the statistics. Who. Is. Maximilian. Tell me your struggles, what important, life-shaping things have happened to you." He sat back and listened.

Maximilian nodded with a short sigh. "Of course Mr. Hallender. It hasn't all been roses. The war was terrible. As they always are where the fighting is. I organised camp logistics and helped out wherever I could. I wasn't getting paid to fight or engage the enemy. I'm not a soldier. But sometimes you aren't given a choice. Early one morning, long before the sun was up, I was seeing to one unending task or another when there was a surprise attack from the enemy. They were hoping to catch us unprepared, asleep in our tents. Unfortunately, that was exactly the case for many of the soldiers in the camp."

"I have no idea how they got past our perimeter unseen. I'm sure I'll never know. Before I knew it there was shouting and screaming all throughout the camp. My tent and the command center were in the middle, protected from the first enemy soldiers. So I had some warning. But they were very organised and a strike force headed straight for us while the main enemy force sowed chaos among our ranks. I had dropped the supply orders that I had been writing and just barely picked up my sword and shield before an assassin entered my tent in the form of one of my assistants, whom I assume he killed just a moment before. He said," he stopped to think, making sure he remembered properly, "Sir, what do we do? the enemy is everywhere!" But I knew him for a fraud from his voice. A fact he instantly realised and tried to surprise me with a sudden attack. I am sure he was an assassin of the shadow network. After I managed to kill him I observed his dragonmark.

"I found my assistant dead outside and the camp in chaos. Not many of the officers were as lucky as I, General Toddlin among the dead. I found what ones I could, the assassins had killed who they easily could and fled into the shadows once some resistance could be formed and their advantage lost. We tried to organise the living and retreat but the enemy pursued and we lost over half of our forces. I didn't get any proper rest for weeks after that. I can still feel the assassin's blade at my throat." A hand unconsciously rose to touch the side of his neck.

The banker spoke up when Maximilian went silent. "A traumatic experience I'm sure. Indeed there were many victories and losses on all sides before it was over. Tell me something a little less negative." The executive sat back again.

Maximilian tilted his head, recalling a different event. "Before I was involved in the war I was traveling with some monster hunters many years ago, adventurers seeking all sorts of danger. We had camped inside some abandoned ruin and found an entrance to a crypt. I advised them against the danger, but they thought themselves invincible. There was a rumor of forgotten wealth and they thought it might have been buried there. I watched their camp like I was hired to do, kept their things clean and safe while they climbed down into the dark. I waited all day and they didn't return. Thinking all was lost I prepared to return to the nearest town and get some law enforcement to organize their things."

"I went to check the crypt entrance one more time and out stumbled their leader, clutching a golden amulet. Horace was the smartest of them, an investigator. He was the one who insisted the treasure was in this crypt. He was bleeding in several places and had some nasty bite marks. 'Must go back,' he said. He was right about the treasure, but ignored the danger. I tried to save him, but he had been infected and nothing I did could stop it. That night he turned into a ghoul, still clutching the magical amulet that he wouldn't let me examine. I did return with some law enforcement and they sealed the crypt again. I'll never forget that look in his eyes as his life drained away. But instead of that fool, it was the amulet that fascinated me. They all died for it and I didn't understand why."

"From then on, magic imbued objects have been somewhat of a study of mine. My House allowed me to study some minor ones that they weren't using. Did you know some blades can have their sharpness enhanced so that they will remove a head in one perfect swing? I have devoured libraries of books to learn all I could about the most fascinating and rare artifacts known. Ah but I have diverged a little from my story."

His Interviewer again spoke, "The bank is sometimes interested in acquiring items of rare power. Rest assured we will consider your experiences when we need someone to investigate something like that for us. But still. That was a good story for a tavern. Adventure. Treasure. Affected by the war, encountering magical objects, the things in these stories changed your life significantly. We have a little more time and you interest me Maximilian. Is there anything else that significantly affected your life that you can tell me?"

Maximilian smiled. There was one thing more significant to him than any other. "The most important thing that happened to me I didn't ask for nor could I possibly avoid. My path was chosen for me. What's more, whereas most Dragonmarks manifest during puberty, mine was imprinted on me while still in my mother's womb. A strange birthmark. Those are extremely rare and because of this my family rejoiced, believing I was destined for exceptional greatness, giving me my names with such in mind. Perhaps it is still to come, I don't know. The House watched my life closely and I have been a member of Ghallanda from the moment I was old enough, receiving training and schooling. It was a very privileged upbringing and I am very grateful for it. Though the standards of achievement were very high and with the added expectation of greatness, I don't think I ever progressed as quickly as some hoped. I wasn't even at the top of my class."

"I suspect the reason I was sent afield and was unable to rise within the House was because of this mediocrity. I hold no hard feelings because of this. I wish I could have been all they expected. I aim to surprise them one day. And I hope it shall be with the Bank's backing that I can find this greatness."

Hallender smiled, filing away in his head all that Maximilian had told. "I was just like you Maximilian. And now I am here." He spread his arms wide, gesturing at everything surrounding him. "Keep that ambition. Feed it. Use it. I know you will go far. And the Bank will be behind you."

Maximilian is exactly average in height for a halfling at 4ft. tall. He has inquisitive blue eyes that are always darting around, a one-sided smile due to a slight muscular defect and an unusually deep voice for a halfling. His Dragonmark is situated on the back of his right hand and takes up part of his forearm as well, usually visible unless wearing gloves or very long or showy sleeves. He makes jokes while relaxing just as often as he takes his duty seriously and tirelessly works towards his goals. He enjoys a life on the move, even during his involvement in the war never once considered going somewhere quiet and settling down. Above all, he is glad to be of help to those in need. His names together mean 'greatest prospering leader', a fact he knows is no accident by his parents and he does his best to live up to his name.

One of Maximilian's first ventures after filling out a veritable dragon load of paperwork with the Bank is to assess the west and find opportunities to take advantage of, for the bank's interest as well as the influence of his house.

Heh, you'd be hard pressed for my fellow to have much respect for a halfling bank. Kundarak has a strangehold on most banking in Khorvaire, due to the fact that their banks link the deposit boxes across the continent, and they never, ever let deposits get lost.

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Yeah, Kundarak is often about security...think FDIC insured, iirc. If they DO lose your money through a robbery, or sommit like that, you don't lose your money. But a "halfling" controlled bank is interesting. The issue of course is Ghallanda...they would not in any sense ever do anything with banking as part of the original Korth edicts (I believe) and re-affirmed in the Treaty of Thronehold.

So this fits well with the Rajah, I think, and might fit okay with halflings as a small sort of "we're opening our third location! We have ten employees!" type of bank, but wouldn't work with House Ghallanda. As a matter of fact, I believe House Ghallanda would try to SHUT IT DOWN, as they do not want to potentially lose their monopolies of hotels and restaurants.

I did enjoy the idea of recalling a memory through a job interview. Clever. I like that. An uncomfortable as *clown horn* interview, for sure, lol.

I see. I am quite new to Eberron so reading a lot of new stuff is the reason for holes in my story. Would it work better to be a Kundarak bank? Or that would cause problems? The Rajah being a 'leader' type of character could be leading anything. I just thought businessman rather than prince or king. Perhaps being part of the Hostelers guild would be more appropriate. I would change the marital tradition in that case.

Axolotl wrote:

if you want Eberron in your HeroLab, here's how to do it--clicky on the PDF and follow directions. Gives you some other 3PP content as well. Thanks to ShadowChemosh who organized everything.

Community Packs Installation

On a different note, Litejedi is a great player in my ROW game. :)

And Axolotl is an excellent GM :D.

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Diamondust, I would look up House Ghallandra and House Kundarak and read through them both. You just accidentally brushed up against some of the deeper lore in the game that isn't as well known...treaties and intergovernmental mega-corp charters and such from hundreds of years ago, lol.

Litejedi wrote:
Axolotl wrote:

if you want Eberron in your HeroLab, here's how to do it--clicky on the PDF and follow directions. Gives you some other 3PP content as well. Thanks to ShadowChemosh who organized everything.

Community Packs Installation

On a different note, Litejedi is a great player in my ROW game. :)

And Axolotl is an excellent GM :D.

If by excellent you mean "forgets rules and gets corrected by players on the regular," then yes, yes I am. ;) Although I really enjoy making maps out of thin air.

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I wonder if the word "Rajah" strike fear into the hearts of anyone, thanks to the Overlords of the Demon Wastes (also called "Rajahs", very very powerful rakhshasas)

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Yeah, I thought that was an odd coincidence.

Diamondust for context, if needed, rajahs are basically equivalent to demon lords in eberron. 20+ CR easily.

Also, to everyone here: What is the best method anyone has found in being able to "show" battle maps on here, with characters and potentially with the ability to move your own icons? I've not been in a game that had any that really worked and wanted to plumb everyone's collective experience to see what the best option is.

I run/play a lot it’s roll20, seems to work fine, but it’s a bit of work on the dm’s part and requires a subscription.

I think Google Slides works pretty well for meeting the needs you have outlined. I'm in a game being run by Diamondust here, and they use Imagr, which doesn't allow PCs to move their tokens, but it works fine as well (I just state my PC is moving 5' to the west, 10' to the south, etc.). (Also, Diamondust is an excellent GM, since we're handing out accolades :)

When I was running a game, I used a mixture of Slides for big set-piece and/or really technical combats, and used theater of the mind for everything else. It made my job a lot easier to rely on TotM for more minor combats, and in general, I think TotM works very well for PbP format. It does require rethinking some ways combat is presented, however.

I hoped to get a submission up today, but work is giving me a kicking. Hopefully tomorrow...

Thank you both, those are great ideas and suggestions. Good to know about Diamondust!.

I'm less of a fan of roll 20, unfortunately. Do they let you "keep a map open"...like that you could access whenever someone posts?

I own Fantasy grounds, as well as about 90% of the Paizo products on HeroLab. I also own D20Pro, but I'm not too familiar with it. Just trying to figure out the best way to accomplish this.

I look forward to your submission.

Roll20 is pretty good, It's what I use for my maps. I screenshot the current fight and upload to Imgur because i've had players in the past not able to use roll20 or unwilling to create an account and login regularly to move their token. So a quick link is easy for everyone to click and see what's happening.

Having read more about the Houses, I will change the bank idea to the Hosteler's guild and Maximilian will be a location scout. I cannot find if there is an inn or anything owned by the house in Sylbaran. If not that could be the reason he was sent there.

I personally go with Google Slides- lets you keep a decent amount of information and post a link to them to where players can move their own tokens.

I play in a game that uses Roll20; I personally make my maps in Google Slides and then include a link to the slide in question in my GM profile.

I’ll take a look at the Google slides thing. I’ve never used Google slides, but that might work. Screenshotting fantasy grounds to Imgur might work as well.

Great input!

Okay, looks like my Fantasy grounds license is the standard one, so I can host other standard players...but not free players. Drat. Unless players have that it becomes harder. But that ones nice as I can actually just “leave it open” so anyone can access it whenever.

I’ll take a look at Google slides tomorrow.

I sadly do not have Fantasy Grounds. Google slides might be the better shot, I'm afraid.

I use google slides exclusively....no messing with licensing or fees.

My crazy, short submission should be in tonight :)

Alright, I'll have to look into HOW to use google slides. I may still just upgrade my Fantasy Grounds, as that would allow all characters to have a separate line of sight and fog of war, as well as lighting conditions for what they see. If I upgrade mine, it allows everyone to use it for free.

Is there anyone who would oppose using it if it was free for you?

And I am super stoked for your character Spazmodeus. :)

I'm fine with using whatever!

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My Slides workflow:

1. Sign into Google Slides, create a new presentation for my game
2. Open PDF with map I want to use or image if it is available online
3. Use Microsoft Snip & Sketch tool to grab screenshot of map
4. Use S&S to copy map
5. Paste map into slides, resize as needed
6. I have a back slide with PC and monster tokens on them. I copy and paste them into starting locations on my map
7. Rinse and repeat on same presentation with a new slide for each combat.

I would not oppose fantasy grounds.

mittean wrote:

Alright, I'll have to look into HOW to use google slides. I may still just upgrade my Fantasy Grounds, as that would allow all characters to have a separate line of sight and fog of war, as well as lighting conditions for what they see. If I upgrade mine, it allows everyone to use it for free.

Is there anyone who would oppose using it if it was free for you?

And I am super stoked for your character Spazmodeus. :)

I don't mind anything as long as it's usable on mobile (preferred). Google slides on mobile AFAIK precludes moving characters. Of course, my opinion is demonstrably of less import if my character isn't chosen. :)

If you find any of these are frustrating, I have a paid account in Roll20 with a number of pre-purchased images, as well. As a paid user, I can extend DM rights to any other user, and allow them to use all the functionality (including old/new dynamic lighting).

Thankyou for the offer, Litejedi. I appreciate that.

And that work flow is super helpful, Fighting chicken. Thank you!

Well, I'll sort it out.

Alright, four days left!
• Mane Grizznar male hobgoblin Fighter 1
• Engineer #3 male warforged Soulknife 1
• Catalyzer male warforged Alchemist (gun chemist) 1
• Thuurvi Muth-la-Zash female Eldeen Reacher half-orc Oracle (Spirit guide) 1
• Ford Bennett male (I believe) human? Eldritch scrapper Red draconic bloodline Sorcerer 1
• Unnamed hagbound witch changing or hag-haunted spiritualist changeling (Why not both? lol)
• Thalmor Silverhelm Kundarak failed scion of House Kundarak Dwarf inquisitor (monster tactician, oathkeeper) of Kol Korran 1
• Maximillian Llywelyn of House Gollanda, a Dragonmarked (Mark of Hospitality) Halfling Rajah

Interest so far:
• Spazmodeus -
• Fighting Chicken - Valenar elf deserter concept

Slight preference towards google slides, for some reason roll20 bricks my laptop, but I can make anything work if I need to!

I'm ok with learning Fantasy Grounds. Mittean, are you sort of looking for the usual arcane/divine/skilled/fighty group, or does that matter?

Ah, yes, I should've specified that. My character is human.

Obviously, my preference is Google Slides since I kinda don't have my spending money on hand at the moment. But, if my entry isn't picked, that kinda renders that preference moot, doesn't it? :P

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I'm not too chuffed about the balance. I don't need people playing roles to try to fit, no.

If I did use Fantasy Grounds, it would just be the map and lighting aspect...no dice or "combat rules" or anything.

If I did use Fantasy Grounds, I would be paying for it for the upgrade. So it would be free for any players.

A human! good. I figured.

The time seems to be coming to a close. Still hoping for more dwarves and gnomes!

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Haha. Right?

Yes, we are nearing the closing. The thread has slowed down a little, which is fine. I expect one or two more. Interest in Eberron, house rules and giantslayer is always a bit less for each of those than other potential pbp's...all three together? Lol.

Saturday night at midnight MST I will close the recruitment.

I have spent the last couple of days researching the best way to do maps. I sorted out google slides. Not my favorite (can't seem to lock certain things, no "real" line of site or darkness, no individualized views), but it seems fairly straightforward.

Looking at Fantasy Grounds, I can upgrade. This would give everyone free access to it. It would limit visuals (darkness difference for elves and humans, line of sight, etc.), but wouldn't limit movements (neither does google slides) so it would be an honor system to not go peeking. But I would need to leave my computer on all the time to provide "access". I don't mind that, I just hate it, lol. My computer is one of those bloody circus lights rigs. Big, bright, spinning lights, color-changing...yeah.

So I have a couple of options, and may actually try both. I'll likely start with Google Slides, and do some more testing of Fantasy Grounds to get the process sorted out, and figure out what kinks are in the way. (Not to kink shame).

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