mittean |
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I will be starting a PBP campaign hosted here on the Paizo boards.
I've been feeling it for a while and I think the time has come. So here we go:
I do NOT need you to stat your characters out, or create profiles.
I consider it rude to require you to do a lot of work and create a profile here on Paizo for a “chance”. If you are selected, then we will go through the process. If you HAVE a character already, that is great. What I want is a description of your character, and a memory or two that they have that defines them or motivates them. I don't need more than a paragraph on their background, especially if the memory is good.
If you guys want to role-play with each other, that is fine, I've seen it happen in some threads before. I would find a scene that gets you to Sylbaran in the Eldeen Reaches, to the west of Silver Lake, where we will be beginning the story. Several of you could roleplay out scenes of that nature where your stories overlap. However, you are in no way required to do that.
About the game
• Starting at 1st level
• Setting Eberron 998 YK
• System Pathfinder 1e w/ house rules
• Campaign Giantslayer
• Starting location The town of Sylbaran in the Eldeen Reaches. It lies just north of the border to Droaam, and just west of Silver Lake. This replaces 'Trunau' in my story.
• Submission deadline Today is January 20th. I will close submissions on January 30th, unless there is an abundance of need.
• I tend to run games that are more railroad than sandbox but have no problem with characters looking in the dark corners to see what is there.
• You will need to flee sometimes. I will usually hint at it pretty bluntly.
• I like political intrigue, which works well in Eberron but will likely feature much less in Giantslayer.
• I run an adult-themed game. There will be dark motifs, murder, racism, rape, torture, etc. I try to do it tastefully, and only when necessary for the story. If selected, I will ask every player what their lines in the sand are that they would prefer me not to cross.
About your character
• Acceptable Races Any core PF, as well as a warforged, shifter, Kalashtar, changeling, catfolk (I will likely khajit at you, sorry), orc, hobgoblin, goblin, tiefling, or aasimar. I would consider something else, but be aware I would have to really be sold. I am less of a fan of crazy races...like catfolk, ratfolk, tengu, etc. they don’t spark me as PCs as much, but I will still consider a submission from those races on the merits.:)
• Acceptable classes Anything Pathfinder including Occult and Unchained. The Artificer found here. I will also accept Dream-scarred Psionics and might consider Path of War, although I actually prefer Book of Nine Swords still.
• Acceptable books Any core PF 1e including Unchained and Occult, any Eberron 3.5e, as well as Dream-scarred. There is stuff in the Complete series from 3.5 I still like a lot, as well as the MIC and I'll consider anything 3.5, but reserve the right to reject it.
• I will also consider 3.5 prestige classes when we get there if I feel I can reasonably adapt the one you want to Pathfinder and Eberron.
• Eberron extras from Dragon magazine sources are totally fine.
• 25-point buy
• Dragonmarks are totally fine, as are aberrant marks.
• I’d prefer everyone to format their characters with a template I have. This makes it way easier for me to find what I need when looking something up, rather than having to find WHERE you put something.
• Zero problems with your character being LGTBQ+ in any capacity. I also have zero problems with your character being completely not okay with those things. All players are expected to be respectful of everyone else, however.
• I like a couple of character memories more than I like a backstory. In other words, don’t tell me your parents were killed...write a one or two-paragraph memory of them before they died. I can use that SO much more in-game.
Renny was born over 100 years ago in the southern regions of the blade deserts, in what is today Valenar. Their oasis was along a trade route and as a child, she found it fascinating to learn about the different peoples and cultures that passed through. For many years she stayed at her oasis and helped out with mundane everyday tasks such as sewing, construction and repair, and welcoming visitors. However, she grew increasingly restless and one day she joined with one of the caravans passing through the area, eager to see more of the world around her.
This is well written and fun.
However, an example of one of Renny's memory might be:
“As a child, I loved the deserts of Cyre. My home. It was warm and beautiful, my parents were loving, we had everything we needed. I just...I was fascinated when caravans came through, carrying so much exotic stuff...and even more exotic people."
"There was this woman...she was old. Probably only 55 in human years, so only a few years younger than me at the time, which fascinated me to no end...but I just remember her skin. It was so bronze, so sun-kissed. She shared a pomegranate with me. The first one I’d ever had. She must have been...Thranish? Brelish? Probably Thranish, she had this tone while speaking, like she knew what good was out there, and wanted to share her certainty with everyone who hadn’t asked. Ha. As a child, I thought that was so magical, like a fairy tale. She was so nice. Now it comes off as arrogant. Well-meaning, but...but I still think about her, and that pomegranate. And home."
"I jumped on a caravan the next summer. I was way too young to leave but I had to go find more hidden treasures like that woman and her magical fruit for myself. I had to go discover something. The deserts will always be my home, but this...apparently chasing down a rabid cult of the dragon below bent on making undead were-creatures...this is my old woman with her magical fruit. This is an adventure. I don’t think I could go back. Valenar may be a kingdom of my people, but Cyre was my home. Is my home.”
The memory gives me emotion. Opinions, inferences. It connects you to a moment of your characters' past that gives them personality. You see motivations in it, and when well-written, they can be quite deep. As a DM, I can look to write characters like the woman, or add pomegranates, or other treasures like that that are NOT a longsword +1 that your character might respond to much stronger now than had they written the first backstory. And they become moments you can role-play out with your party.
• Giantslayer in Eberron Players guide
The way the game will play
• I will do grouped Initiatives: Enemies, then players, so everyone can go once I post.
• I will roll your Initiatives, and most Knowledge and Perception checks. When you could know something about something, you will. When you could see something, I’ll tell you. If your character is being vigilant and checking “if they’re being followed” that is fine. That is your intention: to be vigilant and look. I’ll roll to tell you. This limits roll-fishing, and also speeds up some things; i.e. you won’t have to ASK what you know about the creature in front of you, I’ll tell anyone who made the rolls what they know as soon as you see it. I do this because PBP's are SLOW, and if we can just “step” into combat, rather than announce it, and a week later hit the surprise round, I think it will speed things up. I don’t want to take away control, but rather improve your experience.
• I will actually be building your characters in Herolab, and tracking everything at home as we play. Helps me to keep all of the conditions, etc. in line.
• All of this is intended to speed up the PBP, as slow posting can bog down a game.
• I also am not fond of huge multi-paragraph posts. I prefer smaller posts, more often, rather than a post responding to the last 15 posts. When I see a post addressing a character, and then addressing a separate character that already posted, it drags me out of the story and feels false. I recognize this won’t stop people, but I’d prefer you to come in with an understanding of my preferences.
• I use a slightly different Eberron map.
• Eberron is a civilized setting (in most places). There are laws, and you can get on the wrong side of those laws. This does NOT mean you cannot be evil or a thief. It does mean that assaulting a citizen or casting a spell in public that is prohibited can get you in trouble.
• Being evil does not mean mustache-twirling or killing innocents, robbing the party, and not being a "hero". Jaime Lannister was evil because he was willing to sacrifice others before he'd sacrifice himself. He was willing to break the law if he benefited. Once he started acting on behalf of others, even if it wouldn't benefit him was when he started an alignment shift. Selfishness runs on the evil spectrum...but a selfish hero is still a hero, for different motivations. (fame, fortune, power, etc. Or maybe they just like to kill, and "bad guys" is a target they don't go to prison for.)
• Laws of Sharn (Nothing on this website is mine. I just utilize the laws, but ignore everything else.)
• I will level you at certain story points.
• I have in the past asked questions regularly to help continually define your character. I will likely do so again, although less frequently. In the past, I gave bonus XP for this, as well as for posting, but since I am leveling at story points, that doesn't work as well. I have considered giving bonus XP that allows you to unlock your bonus Feats and Traits from Flaws and Drawbacks...sort of a lateral growth from leveling up. I'll let the group decide.
House rules
• Active Defense. I combine this with a custom set of rules I’ve made called Reactions. When you attack a goblin, that goblin rolls Active Defense rather than AC...so an attack of 14 isn’t against an AC of 16, it's against a 1d20+6. If you succeed, you hit. If you do not succeed, the goblin gets a reaction, which creates tactical problems and advantages.
• Conversely, if I attack you, you get a Defense roll. Unless everyone objects, I’ll actually roll these. Normally, I’d roll a goblins attack, compare it to your AC and tell you if I hit or not. In this case, I will roll the attack and your Defense, and tell you if I hit or not. If I did not, I will let you know what tactical advantage you’ve gained, and then you can describe it if you'd like.
• Hit points are a little different. You’ll have more. I use wound points as well.
• Hero points. These work like advantage.
• I do use Minions, Elites, and Bosses. Be aware, a boss can solo a party if you're not careful. Bigger creatures have more hp (note: we will be fighting giants.)
• You will sometimes need to retreat. I will usually give you an idea of the expectation. (Guys, this is a fight you will lose. You should get the gem, and run. Now.)
• I may use Active Spell-casting, Overclocked spells, Wild magic, Limited spell-casting if you lack your implement, Spell critical strikes and Spell fumbles. I will only worry about those when they come up if we have classes that utilize them.
• I use some Unchained rules, for poisons, background skills, and also I use Stamina rules for Fighters and Fighters alone.
• Max gold starting for your class. Dragons (PP), Sovereigns (GP), Shillings (SP), Coppers (CP).
• Elephant in the room feat taxes.
• Flaws, Traits, and Drawbacks will be used if wanted, but not required. One Trait must be a Campaign Trait. I have listed in the Player's Guide Campaign Traits that work well, but I will consider any. Up to two Flaws and two Drawbacks, approved by me.
• I might know a guy (You create a few NPCs to introduce to the campaign).
• Wizard-types are good at Meta-magic and item creation. Sorcerer-types are good at Counter-spelling and changing magical energy to suit their needs. Clerics cause miracles to happen, they don’t “cast spells” (mechanically it is the same, however). I do not think of them as casting magic. Psionics, magic, and miracles are all different and are less effective against the other types.
• Combat maneuvers, teamwork feats, and Metamagic are different and will be explained when they come up.
I mention these mostly without details because I do not want to debate the rules in the recruitment. That is not what this forum is for. There will be House Rules, I’ll make sure you know when and where as much as I can.:)
-What I’m looking for in your submissions-
1. Did you make me smile?
I love a truly visceral response. I want to see how reading your description makes me respond.
2. Did you compel me?
At the end of the description do I immediately want to know more?
3. Was I reading about Luke the farm-boy or was I reading about Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master in hiding?
Am I reading about someone who is a hero already, or a person ready to have their life interrupted, and get caught up in extraordinary circumstances?
I want the characters in this story to feel like Peter Parker before the spider, like Frodo before Bilbo's birthday, like Tony Stark before captivity. They are high school students, and hobbits, and yes billionaires...but not heroes. Vulnerable. But once destiny grabs them by the scruffs of their necks and shakes them like a chew toy, they become something more.
4. The quality of the writing
I want someone who can use their words in a compelling fashion, who knows how to use a comma, and is not afraid of doing it. Someone who can craft a beautiful description, but can also allow brevity to carry a moment. Someone who compliments their companions.
5. Did you give me a monster to slay?
This will take a little explaining. I am looking for stories that are compelling, but that also gave me...hints. Moments that I can play with, tug, and scratch at. Something that I could draw a vivid, colorful tattoo on their lives, and have it fit both their character concept and my story. Something I could use to push their character into places they fear, or scenarios they might be uncomfortable confronting. Driving emotions of guilt, greed, desire, anger. Secrets, misunderstandings, and prejudices. I want the greatest monster that you fight in the game to be yourself and your past.
6. Was your character breathing?
Does your character feel alive? Real. Vulnerable? Could I sense memories hanging untold on the page from your character, ready to fill out the corners of their life? This is a hard one to explain, but if you've ever read a story with a lead character you just can't identify with, who is forgettable, it's likely because they weren't breathing, living. They were archetypes, with names and looks and explosions...but not great characters.
7. Did I feel you would work well, and fight well, with others? And will you fit in the campaign?
I want to know that you can work well with others, both as a player and as a character, and that your character is the right fit for Giantslayer and for Eberron both.
8. What did your character need?
I need a need. Something that your character must have, will go out of their way to get, or achieve, or stop, and that has a clock on it. It does not have to be huge...and preferably it can run tangentially to the main story. (A Thasillonian scholar hell-bent on getting inside the plume in Sandpoint to prove that his father wasn’t insane. Or a thief who needs to earn 500 Sovereigns to pay off a certain corrupt judge in Magnimar before they arrest his little sister and impound their house.)
If you would like to see an example of my DMing style, I have a Rise of the Runelords AE campaign in Eberron I ran for a bit before I had to stop because of films I was working on that year. It got super busy, unfortunately (fortunately, really, but...). It can be found here.

Taimat |

I appreciate the plethora of information here! This sounds excellent.
Couple of quick questions while I mull characters over.
1. With the artificer on the table, will there be suitable time for crafting? How much will that be handwaved, etc?
2. You said maybe Path of War even though you prefer Book of Nine Swords - does that mean Book of Nine Swords is on the table, or would that also be a maybe?
3. With Dreamscarred Press Psionics on the table, would the Blue race be available in place of the Goblin? Likewise the Forgeborn standing in for a Warforged, or Duergar for a Dwarf?

mittean |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Crafting time will be there if needed. I'll work with the characters who craft. Mostly I am looking for the role-playing of it. But yeah, it's an option. I have never run Giantslayer, so we'll have to see as we go, lol.
I will consider characters from Path of War or Book of 9 swords.
Blues, psionic Duergar are acceptable. I haven't looked at forgeborn before...this is essentially their version of a psi-forged, yes?

Taimat |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Crafting time will be there if needed. I'll work with the characters who craft. Mostly I am looking for the role-playing of it. But yeah, it's an option. I have never run Giantslayer, so we'll have to see as we go, lol.
I will consider characters from Path of War or Book of 9 swords.
Blues, psionic Duergar are acceptable. I haven't looked at forgeborn before...this is essentially their version of a psi-forged, yes?
Awesome, thanks! And yeah, the Forgeborn is that to a T.
I'm torn between a few different ideas, so I'm gonna write some stuff out and see what really speaks to me.

Taimat |

Oop, another question! How commonplace are firearms? I know Eberron (and GMs!) are kind of mixed on them as a thing.
With it being set in 998 YK, I'm strongly considering a Warforged Artificer, because playing one a short time after their creation forges were destroyed feels like it's ripe with interesting roleplaying opportunities, and being one of the "last", trying to weave technology and magic together to sort of keep the spirit of their people alive feels ridiculously interesting (especially coupled with the fact that I can create a construct at level 4th which might be illegal).

mittean |

Very cool concept, Oxnard!
Diamondust, there is a player's guide linked in the first post. It has some info on Eberron in it. A little info on Sharn, the largest city in the world, and Sylbaran, where we will start.
There is also the Eberron wiki, which you could poke around in.

Engineer #3 |

"This unit has regained functionality. Last orders included deferment to Magewright Tara ir'Cannith and protection of same. Recent repairs detected, including catastrophic damage to limb and central support column. Query: where is Magewright Tara ir'Cannith. Follow-up query: where is this unit currently located?"
Greetings, GM!
I think I will revive Engineer #3, but switch them from being a Psion to a Soulknife, leaning towards the defense and punchy role and away from the psionic powers route.

mittean |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

It is not too hard. Eberron is a very interesting world to play in. It is pulpy, political, and sort of the opposite of Tolkien fantasy.
A great podcast summary is Total party thrill #33.
Alignments are much more gray in Eberron. Evil creatures are not automatically "evil". So good red dragons and evil angels can totally happen. It is high magic low power, which means lots of "magic technology" like ever-burning lamps are available, but high-level characters are rare. No Fistandantilus, no Bigby or Elminster, no Mordenkainen.
The themes are much more modern as well. Whereas J.R.R. Tolkien deals with existential evil, evil as an entity, Eberron deals with the evil of people. It deals with apathy, and cold war scenarios, with WMDs and terrorism. It deals with compromise and prophecy, but the prophecy can be interpreted and influenced, rather than it influencing the world. It deals in nuance and spies and can be much more of a Sherlock Holmes/Indiana Jones/James Bond campaign setting, rather than a taking the Hobbits to Isengard/#drownDrizztwiththebathwater/Shannara story.

Oxnard Kettlebeak |

Mane woke up sweating again. The dream was the same as it ever was, his beloved, his wife, his Ezmiralda beckoning to him, hand outstretched calling to him one moment, then screaming in terror the next. Every night the same dream. Every single night since THE night.
Eighteen months before, Ezmiralda had been with him. The sun beat down on Kennrun, had it not been for the siege it would almost be a nice day, but as it was the people of Kennrun were starving, as were the Ghul’Dar hobgoblin mercenaries and their human allies trapped with the civilians inside the city walls. The food had run out, two, maybe three days before. He wasn’t likely to starve to death today, but Mane Grizznar knew he would starve to death.
At least he and Ezmiralda would die together. Three summers they’d been married, and ten since he fell in love with the witch’s apprentice in the village of their birth. Three summers since they ran off together, taking only his fathers, now HIS sword, and her staff and spell book, and left to join the Gul’Dar.
Three years of fighting, marching, sitting in garrison, and well, soldiering together with her and their brothers in the band, and sometimes with the humans they worked with or for as well. And then three months of this damned siege . . .
Mane looked at the tiny morsel he had hidden in his hand, wrapped in a dirty handkerchief, a single shriveled crab apple. On an ordinary day it wouldn’t be something you would consider food, much less precious, but today it was all he could bring back to Ezmiralda.
They ate, Mane ensuring that Ezmiralda at more than he, and lay together that night, collapsing as the sun was still setting from exhaustion and lack of nourishment. When he awoke in the night, Ezmiralda was gone.
”To Arms! To Arms! To the gate!”
Man leapt up with a shot, a siege break? Tonight? Now? perhaps he would die in battle still then, rather than starve tomorrow or the next day. He pulled on his dented armor, grasped his father’s sword. Ezmiralda must already be at the line. . .? Confusion over the location of his mate clouded Mane’s mind. She’d left her spell book. Why would she leave her spell book? but her staff was gone.
Mane joined his unit, his wife still nowhere to be seen. Then the battle was upon him, the flurry of the blades flying, the Ghul’Dar pouring out the city gates and breaking the siege, battering back the enemy. Mane hacked away, warily working his way through the battle, careful not to die till he could find his love.
At the height of the battle, as the enemy began to fall away he thought he caught a glimpse of her across the field. Her black hair, blowing in the breeze beneath the full blood moon above, on her knees bowing before a gigantic figure in armor made of bones.
It was then that Mane understood—whoever, whatever, the giant in the bone armor was, Ezmiralda had gone to him, to it perhaps. She’d made a deal with some kind of devil, and her sacrifice had opened the path for their success.
Eighteen months later, and Mane still wept whenever he remembered that night. I will find her. She’s not slain. The Giant in Bones has her, and I will free her from his grasp. Mane poured over her spell book again, for the hundredth, the thousandth time. The symbols made no sense to him at first, the arcane necromantic writings of his wife, but now he could almost decipher them.
She left this for me. The power to find her, to free her—it’s here, in her spell book. I shall walk the Path of Bones till I can kill the Giant in Bones and reunite with my love again. I swear it on my soul, Ezmiralda.
Mane looked at the page, a set of hurried notes, not a spell like others. The name stared at him. Sylbaren. Sylbaren and Eldeen. This was the last that Ezmiralda wrote, and Mane did not know what he would find when he reached there, only that for some reason this meant something to his wife.
I've never been much. A soldier. A mercenary. Not very quick with the blade, or quick of wit, but for some reason she loved me.
Mane Grizznar turned his back on the past. On the village of his birth, on Darguun and the glories of the Ghul Dar which he shared only the smallest part in, having at least survived if he did not slay many foes. He turned his back on Kennrun, on the last place he'd seen his love alive and breathing rather than in his dreams, and he walked.
Onward then. To Eldeen and Sylbaren. To become something new, something else.
Mane is a hobgoblin Fighter, who will after 1st level go exclusively into Necromancer (Wizard Undead Lord).

mittean |

Submissions so far:
• Mane Grizznar male hobgoblin Fighter 1
• Engineer #3 male warforged Soulknife 1
• Catalyzer male warforged Alchemist (gun chemist) 1
• Thuurvi Muth-la-Zash female Shadow marcher half-orc Oracle (Spirit guide) 1
Interest so far:
• CaptainFord
• Diamondust - Ratfolk Vivisectionist concept
• Spazmodeus - Cooking up something crazy. Probably a short character.

CaptainFord |

Alrighty, I think I've got an idea of what is being asked. At the very least enough to make a submission. Not sure how many memories you wanted, but I thought I'd just make a few.
...hrm? My real dad? ...who cares? I sure as hell don't. If the asshat didn't care enough to stick around after I was born, why should I care where he is now? Couldn't be pissed to stick around and help my mom. Couldn't be bothered to explain why the hell I can spit fire. Far as I'm concerned, wherever he is, he can stay there. Not saying step-dad was much better. Evidently, I guess I wasn't technically his, so he and I never really... bonded, you could say. He was fine with mom and Ira... that's all I really wanted. I wanted them happy, you know? Meant I was doing a good job...
...probably could've done better..."
...I remember I was on the end of my shift when the call went out. 'Orcs at the gate!' and all that comes with it. I remember getting folks to the Longhouse... ahhhh... I was heading to the lower districts to help reinforce the portcullis... it was broken already when I got there. Just... just a swarm of the green bastards, ya know? Like big, angry, green ants just barreling through the damn gate. I remember... I remember seeing Ira running to me... she fell... one of them had lobbed a javelin, pierced right through he leg... and then I saw beyond her... I saw... mom's dress... I knew it was her. She had this... this big axe in her back. And one of those green @#$%s just trying to yank her coin pouch free...
And that pissed. Me. Off.
I don't remember much afterwards. Most of it is kinda of a blur of green skin... tusks... claws... fire. A lot of fire. The only other thing I recall from that night was standing at the doorway of the Longhouse. I had Ira in my arms. I was tired and sore... and hot. Not like the fun kind of hot, I mean, like I had been on fire. I remember pushing through the door and everyone just kinda stared at me... and I was still so pissed. I was trying so damn hard to show them that Ira needed help - she had a javelin through her leg, for the love of the gods! - and they just kept staring at me like I had reefclaws coming out of my ears! A#&$#$&s! Although... I guess I shouldn't be too angry with them. Apparently, I looked like an absolute wreck. Charred black, uniform a wreck, covered in blood - not all mine, apparently. The sentries said they didn't know what happened, but... clearly, I'd lost it. Evidently, I charged the first orc with my spear and ran him right through. Started throwing around fire at two others, broke the neck of another. I think there was more, but like I said, it's a bit of a blur. They said I was like some kind of wild animal. I didn't even know I could be that mad. Apparently, my howling and screaming and fire was enough to make the orcs pause for a moment before backup arrived... and then I just grabbed Ira and carried her back to the Longhouse. I don't remember it...
Rulk says I bit the head of one orc clean off. Take his accounts with a pile of salt. He swears there's a damn mermaid's ghost in the wells."
Went back to the house - or, what was left of it, place was a mess - to get some stuff for Ira. Found out from Ms. Palwish next door that that #%$&bird had up and booked it out of Sylbaran. Apparently, just came back, filled up a pack, and bolted. The jack-off even took some family savings! I knew I should've stabbed that bastard the day he met my mom. I think... I think that's when everything finally hit me. When it finally dawned on me that I was alone. All I had was Ira... all she had was me. I don't think I've ever felt inadequate. But holy hells, did I feel like it then. I shook it off - I had to, nobody else would step up to the plate, clearly - but... this time, I didn't even have mom to talk to. Not even to help me with Ira, you know? Just... just someone I could speak with...
...it's been about 2 years since then, I think. And here we are, still in Sylbaran. Ira's healed up, but gods... I hate to see her need that damn crutch. I've been thinking about packing us up, hitting the road for Droamm... or maybe Breland... hells, Aundair isn't sounding so bad. I just don't feel like I can stay in Sylbaran much longer... I don't think there's anything more for me here. I don't visit the Clamor much anymore, not that I have the time even if I wanted to. There aren't any priests or physicians who can help Ira walk again. And I feel like everyone walks on eggshells around me ever since that night. Like I could go nuts every time I cast a spell! Me!? And yet nobody gives a damn that we've got orcs walking around, never knowing when they could lose it!? Half or not, that's orc blood under that green skin, dammit! That's a bloodbath waiting to-! Ugh!
...I'm sorry. I shouldn't say that. I know that isn't right to think that. I just... can't help it. I feel like that night ruined the color green forever for me... and I can't show it. I can't break, or else I'll lose Ira. I can't falter. I just need to try harder. Make some more coin. Somehow. I need to be a man now. I won't fail again.
And as for that sorry excuse for a step-dad, I hope he got eaten by trolls."

Diamondust |

TL:DR - Inseparable Brothers hunting the Secret of Life while serving as spies for House Tharashk.
Unhappy Memory
"Well, we took the researcher's book." They were thieves. "He tried to keep his knowledge for himself so we had to stab him. It was self defense." They were cutthroats. "And then Warlord Vuzembi trapped us... we didn't know the researcher was his friend." They were criminals. "Luckily for us, that ugly troll Vuzembi was looking for a couple thieves to steal things for him. He called us rodents... Stupid smelly trolls." Though it wasn't for any desire to kill or gain personal wealth, all actions have consequences. "He let us keep the book and be his new researchers so that was nice. But he hurt us too. Threatened to cut off out tails if we disappointed him!" They sought only the understanding of secrets, revealing hidden and forbidden knowledge kept by others that they deserved to know. "So now he gives us jobs. If we succeed we keep our tails and get to experiment with the ones that disappoint him. Life is good." Fortune does favor the bold, the risk-takers. It is also fickle. As much as they were favored to continue breathing, they were also unfortunate. Becoming slaves to the will of a troll warlord, they were forced to steal things and spy. "We heard he was being paid by Tharashk. Whoever that is. Lose our tails if he found out we spied on him." The warlord was also employed by House Tharashk, tying even more undesirable strings to them. "They need spies. He sent us away but says he will be watching. He gives us gold when we make him happy. Not very often though. Trolls always have bad tempers."
Happy Memory
"This one struggles hold it down get me the serum stop the noise it makes make sure we aren't discovered it's much bigger than usual that's what she said what is inside it the blood coagulates quickly" Anyone else would struggle to keep up with who is speaking. Their voices overlap and talk over one another but the brothers always understand each other. "The Researcher's book says the Mystery of Life might never be uncovered. He is dead now so we will uncover it for him." They are alchemists who's true goal is to discover the magical secret of the dragon Eberron who created them and the other races and creatures of the world. "We learn secrets of anatomy and biology and magic from studying creatures from the inside. It is amazing to observe a heart pump blood." They have performed many experiments, vivisections and autopsies to understand the mysteries of life and try to acquire dragon shards to use in their endeavors, believing such will help unlock what they seek. "Eberron created it all so long ago. We want to study a dragon. Eberron's offspring must hide the greatest secrets. They know the prophecy and lots more."
The bigger they are, the more life magic was used to create them. The greatest secrets lie in the largest creatures. The final secret may be discovered inside a dragon, the offspring of the greatest creators. We seek a dragon's heart, to look inside the greatest of magical beasts. We will become greater than dragons when we discover the Truth.
The twin ratfolk brothers, Djik and Djun (pronounced with 'zh' sound), were born with their tails intertwined, holding to each other as if to life itself. Ever since birth they have been virtually inseparable, doing anything and everything together, keeping no secrets and almost never out of sight of each other except for when they argue or fight and refuse to acknowledge the other's existence for a while. Eventually they always forget about such things and resume their usual relationship.Their bond is almost psychic, finishing sentences, completing unspoken requests or fulfilling needs as if they were their own, such as passing an item the other wants or protecting the other from danger without a word. In truth, it was simply because they knew each other far too well than anything truly psychic.
They operate in the land of Droaam, trying to stay out of the way of the more dangerous monsters, but enjoying a life relative freedom they might not have in other lands where their kind is not well received. They avoid other ratfolk, sharing a dislike for their kin's - as they see them - cowardly ways. Hypocritically, they still hide in small holes and run from large monsters, but they also brave many dangers in their quests, sometimes bringing down a larger creature as they swarm over it. Recently they ventured from Graywall over the border of Droaam into the greener lands of the Eldeen Reaches. They have come to Sylbaran, sent as spies and also believing the secrets they personally seek will not be found solely in Droaam. They must now brave the dangers of the non-monstrous civilizations and their unfamiliar laws and keep their masters happy enough to leave their throats unslit. Perhaps others could help them understand and survive. They seek to prove themselves, but they are always wary.
Hopefully there is enough there, if you need more or have questions I will happily expand and elaborate.
I found a path of war class template, the Polymath that I would add to the Vivisectionist and Plague Bringer Alchemist. If you've played League of Legends, Twitch, the Plague Rat, lends some character influence.
I will focus on natural attacks - claws, bite(adopted) and tail blade, and look to obtain some way to pounce if possible. If I can play both twins in combat, fantastic (SO much stabbing), otherwise their working together will just be roleplay. I also see the brothers trying to get along in a non-monstrous society as quite interesting and challenging.
I like the idea of bonuses (traits/feats/etc.) and would choose the ratfolk racial feats and multiattack if possible and will have the Family Ties drawback. A tumor familiar (rat, ratling with improved familiar) will expand their family and they will perhaps train some giant rodents for mounts. i'll ask more about the house rules if I get chosen.

Taimat |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Catalyzer. That is a very cool name.
Really great write-up, Catalyzer. Confusion, longing. A sense of lack, of shallowness in living. The context cripples and builds its perspective at the same time. Thank you.
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. I actually wanted the name to be Catalyst (which was taken), but Catalyzer is also pretty cool.

Oxnard Kettlebeak |

Could also resolve twins as a variant version of the Leadership feat that gives only a cohort similar to the Squire Feat that gives a cohort at earlier levels.

mittean |

If I'm reading that Feat correctly, you wouldn't be able to do it until 4th level, and your "second" twin would always be 3 levels behind, as well as a different class altogether.
It also looks like Polymath is not compatible with the other archetypes (and I can't find it in my HeroLab either way, despite having Path of War. Grr) It requires the character to have poison resistance, which is lost with the plague bringer archetype.
I like the concept, but there is a lot going on here that would need DM fiat to make it work and would leave the character overly powerful by comparison to the party. I'm going to have to say no on this one as it is currently built. Sorry about that, Oxnard. But I'd love to see something else! You have good ideas that are fun.

Taimat |

I have a bit of a suggestion because I really like the idea. It would still require a degree of fiat, but a dip in Summoner would make a second "character" more balanced among other characters. I'd probably also suggest allowing a Boon Companion type feat (or an item ala a Monk's Robe) to help keep it relevant as we all gain levels, though. I'm not sure how well it would actually work, but it's a fun idea.

Axolotl |

ok, Thuurvi redone:
Thuurvi Muth-la-Zash
Female half-orc (Eldeen Reaches) oracle (spirit guide) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 106, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 42)
CG Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Init +2; Senses Perception +0
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee cestus +1 (1d4+1/19-20) or
. . dagger +1 (1d4+1/19-20)
Ranged sling +2 (1d4+1)
Oracle (Spirit Guide) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 1st (4/day)—bane (DC 15), bless, cure light wounds
. . 0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, ghost sound (DC 14), light, mage hand, spark[APG] (DC 14)
. . Mystery Outer rifts
Str 13, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 19
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Extra Revelation[APG]
Traits jungle diplomat, outcast, student of giantkind
Skills Diplomacy +9 (+10 vs. giants), Heal +6, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (local) +5 (+6 regarding giants), Knowledge (nature) +5, Lore (Cazhak Draal) +5, Perform (sing) +5, Sense Motive +5, Survival +5; Racial Modifiers +2 Intimidate
Languages Abyssal, Common, Giant, Orc
SQ cliffside charger, oracle's curse (haunted), orc blood, revelations (planar haze, unearthly terrain), smog sight[HA], umbral unmasking
Combat Gear healer's kit, sharpstone bullet (10), smoke pellet[APG] (2); Other Gear studded leather, cestus[APG], dagger, sling, sling bullets (10), 46 gp, 9 sp
Special Abilities
Cliffside Charger Cragkin are accustomed to traveling in the steep terrain of their mountain homes. When in mountain terrain, mountain half-orcs with this racial trait can move through natural difficult terrain at their normal speed; magically altered terrain affects
Haunted Retrieving stored gear is a Standard action or worse, dropped items land 10' away.
Orc Blood Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Planar Haze (Obscuring Mist, 1/day) (Su) As a swift action, fill an area with obscuring mist, except it originates at the center of your spell effect and cannot expand beyond the spell’s area.
Smog Sight Double sight range in dense fog and smoke, ignore conceal if foe in 5 ft.
Umbral Unmasking You cast no shadow (DC 15 Perception to notice)
Unearthly Terrain (1 rd, 7/day) (Su) As a standard action, turn one 20-foot square into difficult terrain for 1 rounds.
Description and Personality
Thuurvi stands between the ogre and the frightened byeshk miners, a striking, greyskinned beauty towering over the men, but still dwarfed by the giantkin. Her hair is a knot of red flame, and tattoos of…something—burning marshes? other realms?—cover her forearms, down into a ritual blackness like that of Mabar. ”Hail, Xen’drikku-shu lan,” she says with some formality. ”We saved a haunch of mutton for you,” she says more casually.
After some quiet negotiations, the hulking near-giant is on its way. She arches a vivid eyebrow at the chief, who scowls at the loss of victuals. ”Small price to pay for not having your men pulled apart,” she quips, and his workers gulp and nod. She grins and returns to her seat away from the fire, where the flickering light will not reveal the twisted forms that roil from her shadow.
One of the miners approaches her as she rummages through her pockets for rations. ”Y-you can stand up to an ogre? I thought he’d kill us all for sure,” he says. She shakes her head. ”Did you see his medallion? No? He’s part of a Droaamish expedition and they’re wayyyy out of their jurisdiction. Not just one ogre—there are probably five at a camp and a mage somewhere abouts as well. And yeah, one ogre could squash me as well. But the Daughters of Sora Kell don’t like publicity and they tend to obey laws. Tend to. Anyhow, we’re safe now. I’m gonna go look for some trout and henstooth fungus. Tell your boss to free up two men and we can forage for a better supper.” She stands up and stretches, her mocking shadow barely visible in the gloom of the rocks behind her.
In the Greenheart Megaliths
”Mother, you can’t--” Thuurvi’s tearful plea is silenced as a firm hand covers her mouth and chokes off her cries. The Watchers of the Wood stand in a circle with Thuurvi at the center, her shadow twisting, flickering into nothingness, then reappearing with horrid tentacles and pincers sprouting from her back and limbs. Her parents kneel before the Watchers, their Gatekeepers’ cloaks drawn back. The hierophant speaks, his words as stony as his face.
”It is decided. The child is tainted by the Demon Wastes. Rescuing her, even with noble intentions, is anathema to the Orders of Eldeen. Renounce her and keep your standing, or deposit her at the Draal Pass; this is our sentence.”
For a moment Thuurvi holds her breath. Perhaps they would take her to the Shadow Marches! Or to Darguun! But her parents stand, the decision already written on their faces, and she weeps anew, screaming her rage into the implacable human palm that muffles her.
Cazhaak Draal, Northside
Thuurvi blinks at her assignment, standing among the stone hobgoblin arms that serve as hangers for items in the warm nursery. Do what they ask, and keep your head down. Down! Look at the floor every time they talk to you!. She thinks back to her farewell from her adopted home a mere week earlier.
Auntie Znar folds Thuurvi into a great hug, and the scarred old cragkin matron smiles at the slender girl. ”I’m so proud of you. Today you are Muth-la-Zash, Voice of the Great Mother.” Thuurvi returns the embrace and waves as she joins the waiting envoy of cragkin.
She sighs. It’s easy enough, she thinks. Guard the door. Raise up magics if needed. No one here cares where her magics come from or look at her shadow oddly. And keep the clutch entertained. She looks down at the leathery eggs on the magically warmed black scoria. How to entertain eggs? She ponders, and then recalls an Orcish long-song. ”Sort of a lullaby, albeit with a lot of limb-chopping, but that’s appropriate for this room. Very well, children,” she says, and opens her heart and throat to sing for the developing medusae.
Storm’s Teeth, Byeshk Mountains
Nauvesh brings Andrangil to the cliff where Thuurvi stands looking at the the Spectre of the Brocken on the clouds below, biting her lip. ”Thuurv,” says the medusa softly, and Thuurvi remembers to look down as a reflex, seeing only medusa and storm giant feet. ”Oh for Devourer’s sake, I’m wearing a visor,” says Nauvesh, and heads back to the keep. Andrangil sits down next to the half-orc, still taller than her when seated.
”It looks larger on the clouds,” she says, her voice trying not to shudder.
”I think it’s growing.”
”Little Fire,” says Andrangil, his voice like quiet thunder. ”Everything looks larger when projected on the Brocken.” He sighs like wind in a thousand pines. ”But...I think you are right.” He sits in the great silent presence that only a storm giant can make. ”Quests. Paths. So many smallfolk think they lead ahead! They are often circular. Did you know that some of the greatest knowledge of how to control demonic forces lie with the Ashbound? And that Eldeen-side there are several Dhakaani ruins from which they draw much of their information?”
Thuurvi looks up at Andrangil and crosses her arms, fresh with healing tattoos, and speaks in Giant. ”The further I go from any damned druid or pinkskin, the better I feel. I liked it in the Crags, and I like it here. I feel safe.”
Andrangil nods, and replies in booming, perfect Giant. ”And you are. Those will help,” he says, indicating the still raw tattoos, ”But you are right. Humans would have you banish the taint on your soul entirely. Some in Droaam would let it consume you. Choose a different path. Go back. The Peaks will always be here for you.”
”This is the third...fourth...home I will have left,” says Thuurvi, in the speech of the humans of the Reaches. Her voice cracks. The giant nods. ”My home was Xen’drik. I can never return. But our homes are in our friends, our stories, our songs...our hearts. You need to heal your heart. Don’t let the Wastes claim it.”
”I don’t know…” says Thuurvi, but that isn’t really true. She knows. ”Maybe your path will be a circle someday as well, Andrangil.”
They sit watching the clouds until the sun sets entirely.

Engineer #3 |

Engineer #3 Mk.II
Gender Neutral Warforged Soulknife 1
LN Medium humanoid (living construct)
Init: +2; Senses: Perception +5
Speed: 30(40), Languages: Common, Goblin
AC 18 (+4 Armor, +2 Dex, +2 NA) Touch 12 FF 16
HP 13 (1d10+3)
Fort +2 Ref +4 Will +3
(+2 vs mind effecting & stunning effects)
(+2 vs disease, death effects, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigue, nausea, poison, sickened, stabilization, removing neg levels)
Immune: Sleep, Paralysis
Melee: Mindblade +6 (1d8+4 19-20/x2) [Bludgeoning]
Ranged: Thrown Mindblade +4 (1d8+4 19-20/x2) Range 15
BAB 1 CMB +5 CMD 17
Abilities: Str 18 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 12 Wis 13 Cha 6
SQ: Favored Class (Soulknife; HP), Construction Metabolism, Construct Mind, Construct Resistance, Natural Plating, Form Mind Blade, Shape Mind Blade, Throw Mind Blade
Power Points: 2
Feats: Wild TalentB, Weapon Focus (Mindblade)B, Speed of Thought
Skills: Acrobatics +6, Autohypnosis +4, Climb +8, Craft (Blacksmithing) +5, Perception +5
Combat Gear:
Equipment: leather lamellar armor, adventuring kit, blacksmith tools
Coin 175gp
Description Like most warforged, Engineer #3 stands taller than a common human, with dark grey, almost black metal plating. Their surface is generally burnished to a fine sheen, just shy of a mirror finish. While traveling, they typically wear a well-carved suit of leather lamellar, a stout backpack, belt pouch, and not much else. Over that, Engineer #3 drapes a dark green wool and leather cloak with a hood, mostly to keep the rain off but also to disguise their form a bit.
On closer inspection, one might note a slight discoloration at his bicep and right shoulder, as well as just above the left thigh. It looks as though someone with considerable skill and attention to detail repaired and reattached those limbs, previously severed, as well as performed extensive repairs on the warforged’s torso, neck, and head. The remaining damage appears cosmetic, the scars and dings of a worn and battle-tested war machine.
Backstory: Originally designed for a combat support role as well as executive protection for Cannith magewrights, the tides of battle and the Treaty of Thronehold saw Engineer #3 left adrift in Khorvaire. They attempted to learn more about the construction of the warforged and the secret of awakening such constructed creatures to sentience, but to no avail. Somewhere in the Eldeen reaches, they were found by agents of the Lord of Blades, who simply would not take “NO” for an answer. Refusal to join their cause resulted in Engineer #3’s eventual destruction and dismemberment. Somehow, someone found the remains of Engineer #3, as well as the pieces and parts of those warforged they destroyed in their fray, and brought them to Sylbaran. There, the esteemed blacksmith and tinker of the town managed to reassemble the warforged, where a spark of life stored deep in the core re-emerged.
Engineer #3 is different now, they know that, but just how and why still eludes the warforged’s thinking. For now, they have settled into a routine of work at Clamor, intending to pay back the blacksmith for her kind services in returning them to life.

Litejedi |

Heya, might as well throw a hat in. I play in a game with Axolotl, so would love join him! Eberron is my favorite setting, and I've been wanting to play in Giantslayer with a variant of this character for a while, so after re-working, I submit Thalmor Kundarak, failed scion of house Kundarak.
Thalmor was supposed to be a lot of things, and most specifically, he was supposed to be dragonmarked. Both parents were. The marriage was arranged. Everything was perfect, until it wasn't. The dragonmark didn't manifest when he came of age. And it kept not manifesting. His younger siblings (a brother and sister) were luckier, if you can believe it, and found prominent and important roles within the house, carrying the name d'Kundarak with pride.
Thalmor did as any stout, intrepid dwarf would not do. He left the Mror holds angrily, embittered by the hand he was dealt, he found a calling as a merchant and guard, set out to prove that he didn't need the mark to make something of himself. He would uncover secrets from ages past, unlock doors to places that were thought to be forever closed, and make as much money in the process as possible.
It was no coincidence then, that he began to practice the rituals of Kol Korran. Eventually, he manifested miracles here and there. If the dragonmark wouldn't come to him, he seemingly could draw other things. Minons, allies from Lamannia, The Twilight Forest, he could manifest with a prayer, and they were even stronger than most. They serve him, and he serve Kol Korran, ensuring trade deals are kept, and hunting down those who violate the agreements.
He comes now to Sylbaran to collect on one of those. A fellow who promised payment to the house and didn't follow through. For services rendered in full! Thalmor doesn't much care about making Kundarak richer, but it's the principle of the thing, he had struck the deal. Of course, his target couldn't expect him to be able to track him down, Sylbaran is in the godsforsaken woods, who would come here. Thalmor has, of course, to collect what's due.
Thalmor is a strong, generally taciturn dwarf of early adulthood who wears grey and black clothes. His hair is short and black, and his beard is medium-length, with silver wire binding it at the tip. His eyes are dark grey, and his skin is weathered, likely due to his frequent time outside. He uses a spear, and keeps a battleaxe at his side, carrying a heavy backpack full of different useful things.
Thalmor is taciturn like many dwarves, but his divine spark allows him to charm others sometimes. He also remains quicker on his feet than other dwarves, a trait which is useful when he has to keep up with the wagons on trading caravans. He's merciful to enemies, honorable in combat, and thoughtful and measured in his words when he speaks. He never breaks his word, but it is a word not easily given, as he knows the power of oaths.
He usually stands, arms folded, on the sidelines, until others need him to intercede. He doesn't care much for oathbreakers, but his skills nearly guarantee that enemies can't escape him. The only times he lets people get out of oaths is when his foe seems destitute, though he is loathe to bind others who are in that situation, as he doesn't want the moral conflict to get in the way of his job.
Thalmor Kundarak
Dwarf (- Custom -) inquisitor (monster tactician, oathkeeper) of Kol Korran 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Merchant's Manifest 30, Pathfinder Player Companion: Monster Summoner's Handbook 7, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 38)
LN Medium humanoid (dwarf)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7 (+9 to notice unusual stonework)
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +5; +2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities
Speed 30 ft.
Melee battleaxe +3 (1d8+3/×3) or
. . longspear +3 (1d8+4/×3)
Ranged light crossbow +2 (1d8/19-20)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with longspear)
Inquisitor (Monster Tactician, Oathkeeper) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +4)
. . 1st (2/day)—barbed chains[HA] (DC 15), heightened awareness[ACG]
. . 0 (at will)—acid splash, detect magic, guidance, oath of anonymity
. . Domain Travel (Trade[APG] subdomain)
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 15 (19 vs. bull rush, 19 vs. trip)
Feats Spell Focus (conjuration)
Traits artifact hunter, deep guardian
Skills Appraise +5 (+7 to assess nonmagical metals or gemstones), Bluff +3, Diplomacy +3, Intimidate +0, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5, Knowledge (engineering) +2, Knowledge (local) +2, Perception +7 (+9 to notice unusual stonework), Sense Motive +8, Spellcraft +5 (+6 to identify the properties of magic items), Use Magic Device +4; Racial Modifiers +2 Appraise to assess nonmagical metals or gemstones, silver-tongued haggler, +2 Perception to notice unusual stonework
Languages Common, Dwarven, Giant
SQ deep tradition, divine witness (-3, 1 week), finesse weapon attack attribute, stern gaze +1, summon monster I
Other Gear scale mail, heavy steel shield, battleaxe, crossbow bolts (20), light crossbow, longspear, bedroll, belt pouch, candle (10), flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), holy text (Kol Korran)[UE], manacles, masterwork backpack[APG], mess kit[UE], pot, soap, spell component pouch, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, wooden holy symbol of Kol Korran, 40 gp
Special Abilities
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Deep Tradition +1 on melee att and AC for AoO vs. drow, duergar, aberrations, giants, and orcs.
Divine Witness (-3, 1 week) (Su) Curse contract breaker with -3 to all d20 rolls for 1 week(s). Know location as discern location.
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute Finesse weapons use Strength on attack rolls.
Greed +2 to Appraise to determine price of nonmagic goods with precious metals or gemstones.
Inquisitor (Monster Tactician, Oathkeeper) Domain (Trade)
Silver-Tongued Haggler (+1, 6/day) (Su) +1 Bluff, Diplomacy, or Sense Motive
Spell Focus (Conjuration) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC.
Stern Gaze +1 (Ex) +1 to Sense Motive and Intimidate.
Stonecunning +2 +2 bonus to Perception vs. unusual stonework. Free check within 10 feet.
Summon Monster I (6/day) (Sp) Cast summon monster spells as a spell-like ability.
Thalmor is content to summon things, and then use them to fight his enemies, having given the creatures teamwork feats. He wants to smugly make himself and the house wealthy without relying on a dragonmark, which is why I chose the artifact hunter trait, but I might also choose Roll With It if someone else wanted that (so we didn't duplicate). He may, however, actually pick up something like the Heir of Siberis, or I may have him take a dragonmark feat eventually if I feel like he would have had a better attitude about things. He'd start as LN, but move towards LG over time if he were around people who weren't so bitter.
Will put up a vignette or two if I can at some point in the next few days.

Litejedi |

I did research on that very question. There are a number of houses in the Mror Holds, and it's clear that he wouldn't be one of those, since Kundarak is protective of their line.
But I also couldn't find any other surnames within the house.
I did find that scions of Kundarak are referred to as d'Kundarak. I believe the non-dragonmarked are just Kundarak.
Thalmor would certainly avoid advertising his last name, in general, as it is a sore spot that he's not a "d'Kundarak".
It is up to you how you'd want to run it; I don't have every sourcebook available so I may have missed something.

mittean |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Okay, so I just talked to Keith Baker, and he confirmed that the canon is a little inconsistent on this currently. He runs it as you were...Kundarak is the House, and he would not have the d' in front of it as he has no mark. There are lesser families inside the clans, and you would use the family name for people who know you, and the Clan name for the "general public". The example he gave was Elaydrin Vown d'Cannith...she goes by Eladrin d'Cannith, but that is not her full name.

Litejedi |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I’m guessing leaving it as it stands is a good choice, unless I can come up with some justification to make up another surname.
I hope he’s well! I played in a 1-shot at tacticon in Denver probably 12-15 years ago, and it was a blast. I also met his wife a few years ago at PAX east for Illimat. They were both very kind.

mittean |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

They're wonderful. He and I have been friends for quite a few years, and we've worked on developing some stuff together in the past (and present).
Yeah, having him be "Kundarak" as his last name is fine, but also, choose a smaller family name, so you'd be Thalmor Bubbleface (of House) Kundarak, or whatever.
Thanks, mate!

Axolotl |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Okay, so I just talked to Keith Baker, and he confirmed that the canon is a little inconsistent on this currently. He runs it as you were...Kundarak is the House, and he would not have the d' in front of it as he has no mark. There are lesser families inside the clans, and you would use the family name for people who know you, and the Clan name for the "general public". The example he gave was Elaydrin Vown d'Cannith...she goes by Eladrin d'Cannith, but that is not her full name.
You just talked with Keith Baker? :0
Is it true he can't making any more Eberron content? I am rather bummed he can't write more books, because he left a few characters hanging...And glad you liked the memories! I tried to tie in as many traits and things as I could.
And Litejedi, welcome! :)

Captain Generica |

Very interesting! I'll admit my Eberron knowledge is a little lacking, but everything sounds so cool that I just need to throw my hat into the ring.
One was very tall and thin, with flashing eyes that I could never figure out what color they were. She smiled at me, and called me her poppet, and offered me candies and sweets. Mother told me to refuse them before she had arrived, and so I did, although they smelled delightful.
The other wore a hooded robe, and said nothing. If the first sister was tall, she was a giant, but broad and powerfully built. I was curious to see what was below the hood of her robe, and peeked once as they rested in our cabin. I managed not to scream at what I saw, but sometimes in my dreams I see the empty eye sockets, gaping, and the sharp-toothed maw, tongue-less and scarred as if the muscle had been ripped from her mouth. She stirred then, and I fled back to my cot, and pretended to be asleep, although I did not sleep for many hours after that encounter.
Oh sweet foolishness! I learned much from my time outside the little hut, and although it was to be my saving, I still regret what came of it. The sisters were discussing the curse that had been placed upon Mother, although one spoke in a whisper that was painful to hear. They said that their powers were no longer powerful enough to slow the deterioration. That is when the topic of their debate brought them around to speaking of me, although they just called me the girl. It was then that I learned the reason for my birth.
I was to be used as a vessel, my soul to be shunted out and my Mother's to be ushered in, so that she could circumnavigate the curse of the flesh she was experiencing, and live again. Already the preliminary work had been done, spells set in motion. I knocked then, and their conversation stood still. The sisters stood then, and left to go fetch the final components for their spell. I realized then that I did not want to die.
I stoked the fire in the cabin. Bigger and brighter than any fire that I had made before, I worked at it. And then, at the height of it, I pushed mother into the flames. It was not hard, her once great strength had diminished to just a shadow of what she used to be by then. Using a poker, I bashed at her hands as she tried to escape. Soon, she stopped moving. It was then that I heard an unearthly shriek from the swamp, and I knew then that I must flee. And so I did, running through the dark.
I remember that night just as vividly as I remember the night I threw Mother into the fire. In fact, I was lost in deep thought about that night. I had told no one where I had come from, although many were curious. I had moved in with a young man, and he was a pleasant sort, and we were happy together.
"Stupid weak girl. Do you realize what you've done?"
Mother's voice rang within my head. I thought I was merely imagining it, but it spoke again.
"Did you think that you would be free of me that easily? My soul was already bound to yours, it was only the transfer that was incomplete. Soon my sisters will find you. Had you acted like a dutiful daughter, we would have let you die quickly. But now, we will hide you from your death, and make sure that it takes a long long time before it ever finds you." The voice was coming from inside my head. Panic seized me, and for a second, I found myself looking out of my own eyes as something else moved for me. The fire that consumed Mother consumed the home that I had built for myself, and it was then that I fled that place as well. I have not stopped in any location for long, I dare not. For if the sisters do not find me, Mother will.
Sorry for the length of everything, I know you said that you preferred shorter posts, but once I started writing, I just couldn't stop! Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I had fun writing!

Diamondust |

I imagined the Polymath could remove the Disease Resistance of the plague bringer. I guess I'll have to make them as some NPC's in one of the games I'm running. The swarming ability allowing 2 ratfolk to be in the same square and 'flank' was why I came up with the idea. It is pretty crazy but sometimes you gotta try things. Since it seems like too many hoops i'll see if I can come up with another more fitting character.