djpika's Untitled Campaign

Game Master djpika

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Since I've accumulated a lot of 3PP over the years without the opportunity to use it, I thought I'd run a PbP where class selection has to be from 3rd parties. To control the flood gates of material, I would limit class options to the source material. For example, if you make a luckbringer don't start adding feats from another 3rd party source.

I'm considering a few options:

  • Running a 5th level module to get a decent feel of the class
  • Running a 1st level module and getting a feel for how the class advances as well
  • As above, but with a 3pp adventure.

That's kind of vague. A focus on some 3rd party publisher, or a theme, or an idea of what module might inspire more ideas in response.

I'd be interested.

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Not really. The main premise is to run the classes. Depending on interest, that may be starting at level 1 or level 5. Folks might not want to try the classes at extremely low level, as mechanics won't really be in place yet... or requires a larger investment of time.

Level 1 I'd probably run Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands. Level 5, Carrion Hill.

Tentatively interested as well! Would like to see more of what's allowed, as 3pp is pretty heckin vast, and I would be a little wary if literally everything would be allowed.

Mebbe if you keep your prospective players to using just one particular 3pp class exclusively (nobody else can choose that class, once it's taken), that could offer a wide variety of 3pp classes in any particular party?

Old Spice Gentleman class. Yay or Nay?

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Today is a good day to... halp wrote:
Mebbe if you keep your prospective players to using just one particular 3pp class exclusively (nobody else can choose that class, once it's taken), that could offer a wide variety of 3pp classes in any particular party?

I'm not too worried about this. There's a ton of 3pp classes out there and the chance people double up, we'll address it on a case by case basis. The Yakuza would be more rewarding in pairs, or at least with more team work orientated builds.

Andostre wrote:
Old Spice Gentleman class. Yay or Nay?

Nay. It looks like the original 5E class isn't hosted anymore, let alone a Pathfinder version. Besides, this doesn't really fit into the type of games I run.

Interested as well

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Huh. I'd definitely be interested, and have no problems with folks widely utilising or doubling up on the plethora of classes available...

As I love low level starts, Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands would be great. Always wanted to see what Raging Swan Press did with it...

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Ok, that's the first indication with a push for 1st level. Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands is a sandbox style dungeon, so it'll provide plenty of opportunities for combat testing.

Does anyone else have a preference for level? If not I'll just run with this.

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