[Non-PFS] [3PP Class Only] Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands (Inactive)

Game Master djpika

Character Order
Artfell Forest
Shadowed Keep
Shadowed Keep Overhead View

Maban & Bleja
Melor Keast
Beryan Teague
Jory Mayne

Shadowed Keep Ground Floor
Silver Bulette

Handout 1

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We are currently seeking 1-2 additional players to join a 3PP Class PF1 game of Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands. The original recruitment thread can be found here.

The party currently consists of:

Ninja, Kunoichi
Astral Deva

Characters are still level 1 and they've completed about 1/4th of the ruins.

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This link should be the old recruitment thread.

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A starting list of valid classes can be found in the Campaign Info.

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DM rel20 wrote:
A starting list of valid classes can be found in the Campaign Info.

"starting" list meaning that Wilder from DSP wasn't actually left out on purpose? or starting like, here's what we starting with

I am a huge fan of DSP Psionics, I would love to submit.
Post says 2 traits, doesn't say if drawbacks are allowed.

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No, DSP psionics weren't left out. The 3pp class list is rather large; I started throwing stuff out there that I was familiar with first. The discussion in the previous recruitment thread probably highlights some examples of what didn't make the cut and why.

No to the drawbacks. I'm trying to isolate the variables to the 3PP classes; the rest is largely standard PFS build rules.

A few party members mentioned wanting a ranged build, so a wilder would be a good candidate.

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Awesome, thank you! I will move forward then, should be able to have something in the actual morning (versus now)

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Dotting in. I like 3rd party stuff, particularly Spheres. I can think about some fun options.

Perhaps a Lingchi Warrior Armorist, as an "all range" fighter.

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Cable - (Nathan Grey)
Male Elan Wilder 1
NG Medium Humanoid (aberrant)


Init +1; Senses Alertness; Perception +5
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
HP 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +3; +0 bonus vs. spells of the transmutation school.
Speed 30 ft.
Ranged surge blast +1 ranged touch (1d6 force)
Wilder Powers Known (power points 7, ML 1st; concentration +5)
. . 1st—inertial armor
. . 0 (at will)—far hand
Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 18
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 12
Feats Access Psionic Talent, Psicrystal Affinity, Psionic Talent
Traits Merchant, Natural Flier
Skills Acrobatics +1 (+2 while flying), Appraise +5 (+6 when bargaining for the price of goods), Disguise +4 (+4 to appear as original race.), Fly +2, Intimidate +8, Linguistics +2, Perception +5, Sense Motive +5 (+6 when bargaining for the price of goods), Spellcraft +5, Use Magic Device +8
Languages Common, Elven, Sylvan
SQ active energy type, psychic enervation, resistance, share powers, smooth talker, strong blooded (half-elf), surge blast, surge bond, surge type (student's surge), telepathic link, wild surge
Other Gear psicrystal, 110 gp
Special Abilities
Active Energy Type (Electricity)
Access Psionic Talent Gain five talents.
Alertness (Ex) While psicrystal is within arm's reach, its owner gains the Alertness feat.
Psicrystal Affinity You have created a psicrystal
Psionic Talent Gain 2 or 1 extra power points.
Psychic Enervation 15% (Ex) Percentage chance to suffer a psychic enervation.
Resistance (Su) Spend 1 power point to gain +4 bonus to saves.
Share Powers (Su) Have any power you manifests on yourself also affect your psicrystal.
Smooth Talker An elan with this trait gains a +2 racial bonus to Charisma-based skill checks against non-mindless creatures.
Strong Blooded (Half-Elf) The elan can spend one power point as a swift action to gain a +2 bonus on Perception checks for one round.
Student's Surge A student wilder has received some formal training in psionics, but still uses raw emotions to empower her abilities.
Surge Blast (Su) Expend Psi-Focus, Standard & expending focus 30ft ranged touch attack of 1d6 force damage.
Surge Bond You gain a unique benefit depending on the type of surge selected.
Telepathic Link (Su) The owner has a telepathic link with his psicrystal out to a distance of up to 1 mile.
Wild Surge +1 (Su) You can gain a boost to your psychic power.

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@Evindyl - I see that you selected Elan as your race. I limited races to core races (in the original recruitment thread, so sorry if you missed it) - can you please change that accordingly? I'd like to hold new recruits to the same rules as the originals for fairness.


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Of course! I can just make him an actual Half-Elf

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These changes are okay, good in fact.
He lost several PP, but I swapped out a talent so now he can use Far Hand w/o spending PP, which is actually more in line with the flavor he should have.

Cable - (Nathan Grey)
Male Half-Elf Wilder 1 (Ultimate Psionics 75)
NG Medium Humanoid (elf, human)


Init +1; Senses alertness, low-light vision; Perception +7
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +3; +2 racial bonus vs. transmutation spells and spell-like effects
Speed 30 ft.
Ranged surge blast +1 ranged touch (1d6 force)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 1/day—lter self alter self (specific human, drow, or elf form)
Wilder Powers Known (power points 4, ML 1st; concentration +5)
. . 1st—inertial armor
. . 0 (at will)—far hand, telekinetic punch (DC 14)
Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 18
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 12
Feats Access Psionic Talent, Persuasive, Psicrystal Affinity, Psychic Sensitivity[OA]
Traits natural flier, psychokinetic talent
Skills Acrobatics +1 (+2 while flying), Appraise +2, Bluff +4 (+5 vs. humanoids), Diplomacy +6 (+7 vs. humanoids), Fly +2, Intimidate +10, Linguistics +2, Perception +7, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +5, Use Magic Device +8; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Common, Elven, Elven, Sylvan
SQ active energy type, automatic writing (linguistics), elf blood, gatefinder (perception), perfect[HA], powerful presence, prognostication (sense motive), psychic enervation, psychometry (appraise), read aura (perception), share powers, surge blast, surge bond, surge type (student's surge), telepathic link, wild surge
Other Gear psicrystal, 110 gp
Special Abilities
Active Energy Type (Electricity) Lets you set your psionic active energy type.
Access Psionic Talent Gain five talents.
Alertness (Ex) While a psicrystal is within arm's reach, its owner gains the Alertness feat.
Automatic Writing (Linguistics, 1/week) You can produce mysterious writing that pertains to the immediate future.
Elf Blood Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Gatefinder (Perception) DC 20 Perception to find soulgates whose alignment is compatable with your own.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Perfect +1 to bluff and diplomacy vs. humanoids and +2 vs. transmutation spells.
Powerful Presence +2 to Charisma for qualifying for feat pre-requisites.
Prognostication (Sense Motive, 1/day) You are skilled in means of folk divination.
Psicrystal Affinity You have created a psicrystal
Psychic Enervation 15% (Ex) Percentage chance to suffer a psychic enervation.
Psychometry (Appraise, 1/day) Read the psychic impressions left on objects or in places.
Read Aura (Perception, 1/day) Read the psychic impressions left on objects or in places.
Share Powers (Su) Have any power you manifests on yourself also affect your psicrystal.
Student's Surge A student wilder has received some formal training in psionics, but still uses raw emotions to empower her abilities.
Surge Blast (Su) Expend Psi-Focus,Standard & expending focus 30ft ranged touch attack of 1d6 force damage.
Surge Bond You gain a unique benefit depending on the type of surge selected.
Telepathic Link (Su) The owner has a telepathic link with his psicrystal out to a distance of up to 1 mile.
Wild Surge +1 (Su) You can gain a boost to your psychic power.

Welcome to the 3pp Shadowed Keep madness, Evindyl/Cable-Nathan Grey and Storm Dragon [Hail there, fellow DSP From the Deep, Table 2 party-member ;) ]; the party can always use some additional members to bolster our numbers plus DM rel20 gets some more further fresh data about how the newly added 3pp classes fare in the gameplay wilds with the rest of us. :)

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The team is on it's way back to Olfden?
I really will read all of the Gameplay, I promise ...

Hail there, Nathan. :)

I'm sure that DM rel20 will have some ideas percolating on how we could all eventually meet together.

Currently, everyone's still at the Keep Tower proper, still looting what's left of some local bandits there. The party's most likely going to head back to the nearby town of Swallowfeld- about a day away from the Keep itself.

The party's likely to return to Olfden, our starting town, once we find some Dwarven Maps of the Keep- which we all got hired for [plus some other adventuring competition, to boot!] to attain and procure by an interested map-buyer.

Also, as an fyi, three characters- the Astral Deva, Gearhead, and Kunoichi Ninja [plus an inactive character- the Direlock] have made themselves locals to Olfden in their character backgrounds. ;)

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Thank you!

Well I saw from the original post that there were like a bunch of background questions, so maybe I will work on those. Maybe I will be a local from Swallowfeld, as sleepy as it seems ...

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I'd have to recheck to verify details (Post by Post tends to inccur long time periods and often rechecking my notes haha). but Zupon is from fair far a way.

Fun xmen reference

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I'll try to get my character hammered out this evening, didn't expect to be accepted sight unseen lol.

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Scholar Zupon wrote:

I'd have to recheck to verify details (Post by Post tends to inccur long time periods and often rechecking my notes haha). but Zupon is from fair far a way.

Fun xmen reference


glad you liked that!

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loved me some Nathan Gray stories when he jumped from the age of apocalypse. and Cable is always fun.

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Nathan "Cable" Grey wrote:


The team is on it's way back to Olfden?
I really will read all of the Gameplay, I promise ...

This is a possibility, although I don't think the group formally agreed to taking the action quite yet. It would probably ease the introduction of new characters though.

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Storm Dragon wrote:
I'll try to get my character hammered out this evening, didn't expect to be accepted sight unseen lol.

To be fair, it was my intent to have the group review the applicants and come to a consensus. I try to be democratic in most things, so I'd like to hold the same here for final acceptance.

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Nathan "Cable" Grey wrote:

Thank you!

Well I saw from the original post that there were like a bunch of background questions, so maybe I will work on those. Maybe I will be a local from Swallowfeld, as sleepy as it seems ...

Swallowfeld is indeed sleepy and on the edge of civilization, a common theme for starting points for many old school adventures.

Here are some high level stats to put that in perspective:

Ruler Lord Kenver Locher (male human aristocrat/fighter)
Authority Figures: Beryan Teague, bailiff (female half‐elf
fighter); Kenan Dobell, village priest (male human cleric
); Melor Keast, reeve (male human expert); Sir Talek
Annear, Lord Warden (male human fighter) Government Overlord
Population 526 (490 humans, 12 dwarves, 8 halflings, 8 half‐
elves, 4 half‐orcs, 3 elves, 2 others)
Alignments LN, N, CN, NG, NE
Languages Common, Goblin
Corruption +0; Crime +0; Economy +1; Law +3; Lore +1; Society
Qualities Racially intolerant, strategic location
Danger 0; Disadvantages None
Fortifications: Kerensa’s Hold
Sites of Interest: Babbling Monolith, White Fall

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After looking at my options, I think I'll try to make a switch-hittery Prodigy, with Boxing and Destruction and all that jazz. I'm not 100% on the current party roles, mostly I don't know what an Astral Deva is (Akashic character?) so I want to be a character who's kind of flexible and can gap-fill stuff as needed.

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Astral Deva is a Monster Class from Dreamscarred Press.

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Vague roll descriptions~

our Astral Deva tends to be melee ranged, with some durability/cure SLA.

Our Ninja gal seems to be a bit skirmishy, I think melee and thrown a few times? but mostly I think I'd classify as "mobile"

our Gearhead seems to be mainly small AOEs I'm not sure what else that class can do.

Scholar has some healing (roll based so can also heal 0), some aoe and a weird debuff at range. I need to re-read a few rules though as I made a few build mistakes (as in a bad build not rules bad)

but yakno. Level 1 tends to be pretty straightforward. We're not terribly bound to Party Roles diagrams.

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gearhead has wizardlike things that are in some minor ways better but have lower dC's to save.

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@Evindyl - once you have the questions answered for background or some other form of background in place, I'll have the current group formally decide.

@Storm - same applies here, in addition to the crunch.

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Cool, cool.
Post here?

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Here is fine.

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GOAL: To build a set of intricate silver bracers with a central holding chamber use to contain a total of 6 cognizance crystals; 3 per bracer, imitating his holy symbol. A tribute to Yuelral, and a tribute to power. It would hold a reserve of DAYS of his kind of power ... or let him elevate his powers to extraordinary levels.

REPUTATION: Unlimited power gives you QUITE a reputation; certainly, it took a little more work than the kineticists taping into the planes, but being able to summon a dangerous power surge so frequently shocked & scared people.

FRIEND: Sharing both faith, and a fascination with crystals & gems, he became fast friends with the elven jeweler in Olfden It probably didn't hurt that his project would cost over a quarter of a million gold before it was completed.

HOME: His home in Swallowtown wasn't much to speak of, but it was a place. Have some wine, the smalls of elven cooking, these were sometimes enough.

ITEM: To know Evin was to know that his PSICRYSTAL, while an extension of his powers, was an extension of his very spirit. For the hardest tasks he attempted, he would withdraw it and focus on it as he worked.

ISSUES: Hardly a problem per se ... but he did have a 250,000+gp project he wanted to complete. Like building a cathedral on your wrists. Maybe money wasn't a problem, maybe time spent getting it wasn't either, but they were inconvenient obstacles to be sure.

SECRET: His grandmother told him his powers came from Castroval. Not the planet itself, but that he did, and that Elven culture embraced his "mental magic" there. He didn't know if it was the truth, but he felt she was telling him they weren't from Kyonin ...

COURAGE: To be as blessed as he was, meant serving others. It meant facing what they could not, to protect what they could not.
His Uncle Bencadyl once said, "With great power comes great responsibility" - he wanted to live up to that his entire life.

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Is there room in the game/starting setting for a semi-disgraced military commander who go reassigned to the boonies for disobeying an unethical order?

As per usual, my character idea has gone through several metamorphoses, but I've settled on general theme at least. I'm looking into playing around with Warleader Sphere stuff and being a force multiplier, though I haven't quite nailed down class yet (funnily enough; I have race, stats, and all Sphere abilities picked out, just not class which I'm wavering between Conscript, Garrison Sentinel, Braveheart Commander, or Master-at-arms Blacksmith).

Once I pick class crunch will be done, just need to make sure character idea is kosher.

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So are my answers not good enough?
Do we need a re-design?

I was thinking of making him an actual psion anyway ...


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and now I will just ask for approval ... he's a cooler build as a PSION
(and he gets Concussion Blast faster)

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Storm Dragon wrote:

Is there room in the game/starting setting for a semi-disgraced military commander who go reassigned to the boonies for disobeying an unethical order?

As per usual, my character idea has gone through several metamorphoses, but I've settled on general theme at least. I'm looking into playing around with Warleader Sphere stuff and being a force multiplier, though I haven't quite nailed down class yet (funnily enough; I have race, stats, and all Sphere abilities picked out, just not class which I'm wavering between Conscript, Garrison Sentinel, Braveheart Commander, or Master-at-arms Blacksmith).

Once I pick class crunch will be done, just need to make sure character idea is kosher.

Sure, any of the nations near Andoran would make sense. I'm not sure how much that will come into play, but it'll be a good reason for being in the area...

I've been playing the war master from Super Genius Games, and it's been quite enjoyable.

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Cool. I'll finalize stuff now I have the go ahead.

Nathan "Cable" Grey wrote:

and now I will just ask for approval ... he's a cooler build as a PSION

(and he gets Concussion Blast faster)

No worries, Nathan, whatever class or build you decide upon, it's always better to go with what you're more happier with. :)

BTW, your Uncle Bencadyl- more on the human side of your family or more on the elven side of your family? ;p

Storm Dragon wrote:
Cool. I'll finalize stuff now I have the go ahead.

Good to hear, Storm Dragon. :)

In answer to your earlier query on party roles, the Kunoichi Ninja isn't all that different from your standard official PF1e Rogue [Standard/Unchained] or Ninja; just has a few more options depending on the school choices taken. Did take some optional lockpicking/trap-disarming options as well though.

As an fyi, the Astral Deva [changed from a Clever Godling class] and the Scholar [changed from a Tinker class] classes ultimately got chosen since the party didn't have much in the way of healing as originally envisioned. Also, our currently inactive players had played a Direlock and Conscript [Shield throwing build] classes. :)

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Jajajajaja, human side, totally. He married Aunt Mayarawen for love ... of elven cooking, and honestly, there's nothing in the world that compares to Aunt May's vegetarian meatloaf ;)

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Hokay. Got stuff hammered out. This was surprisingly hard; options paralysis set in even after I had 90% of the details hammered out because there were a few really good options overall that got me where I wanted to go eventually...but I can always just multiclass later if Conscript gets a little boring.

Randall Harding

Mechanically, Randall is a Conscript with a focus on the Warleader and Gladiator Spheres. His aim is to buff allies, debuff enemies, and all in all make everyone else cooler.

In terms of story, Randall is a soldier in the Andoran military, who holds (or held) the rank of Sergeant.

He was reassigned to Olfden after refusing to follow what he felt was an immoral order; the detainment of a group of civilians for a trumped up charge; captured as Chelaxian spies due to a transparent attempt from a business rival with connections in government.

Randall had enough friends in high places to prevent being completely drummed out of the military (though may have been busted down to grunt at GM discretion) and was instead reassigned to the ass-end of nowhere, where it was hoped he would either stay long enough for everyone to forget about this debacle, or he'd heroically die in battle against werewolves or something. Not sure if you've changed anything about Olfden's basic deal there, but what I remember from the last campaign I played set there it has a bit of a werewolf problem.

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Just noticed the 15 minute background style questions to answer. I'll get things up in that format soon.

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Goal: Make himself important/distinguished enough that he can't be ignored any more. Climb the ranks and root out corruption.

Reputation: Already covered. "That guy who got sent here because he disobeyed orders" is probably all the locals know about the ordeal. Depending on how long he's been here, that might clash with their impression of him; he's friendly and often goes out of his way to help others, contrary to the slacker/shirker persona some might expect.

Friend: Ellis Lavarre joined the army at the same time as him, but on the officer track. It was his word that let Randall keep his commission even after his disgrace. Ellis is a noble scion, but a very down to earth sort. Focused on duty and responsibility above most else, but with a mischievous side left over from his decadent upbringing. Very good at beer pong.

Home: Randall grew up in Riverford, a bit up the road from Almas.

Signature Item: Randall wears a wide brimmed hat (Like Sherrif Caeller's here), and has fitted the shaft of his ranseur with a vivid green twine where the usual, plainer grips would be.

Problem: Other than he's stuck far from home, he suspects some of the men stationed in Olfden have surreptitious orders to off him if he gets "uppity" or tries to set the record straight.

Secret: Randall really likes Chelaxian opera, as Ellis introduced it to him a while back. An acceptable, if frowned on, like for the nobility, but likely to be seen as vague signs of traitorousness in an already disgraced commoner.

Reason to be Brave: Randall has a responsibility to uphold: to protect his country. To him, that includes first and foremost the people in it. They need role models to look up to, and an unwavering rock to lean on when things get tough. He aspires to be such.

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Storm Dragon wrote:

Goal: Make himself important/distinguished enough that he can't be ignored any more. Climb the ranks and root out corruption.

Reputation: Already covered. "That guy who got sent here because he disobeyed orders" is probably all the locals know about the ordeal. Depending on how long he's been here, that might clash with their impression of him; he's friendly and often goes out of his way to help others, contrary to the slacker/shirker persona some might expect.

Friend: Ellis Lavarre joined the army at the same time as him, but on the officer track. It was his word that let Randall keep his commission even after his disgrace. Ellis is a noble scion, but a very down to earth sort. Focused on duty and responsibility above most else, but with a mischievous side left over from his decadent upbringing. Very good at beer pong.

Home: Randall grew up in Riverford, a bit up the road from Almas.

Signature Item: Randall wears a wide brimmed hat (Like Sherrif Caeller's here), and has fitted the shaft of his ranseur with a vivid green twine where the usual, plainer grips would be.

Problem: Other than he's stuck far from home, he suspects some of the men stationed in Olfden have surreptitious orders to off him if he gets "uppity" or tries to set the record straight.

Secret: Randall really likes Chelaxian opera, as Ellis introduced it to him a while back. An acceptable, if frowned on, like for the nobility, but likely to be seen as vague signs of traitorousness in an already disgraced commoner.

Reason to be Brave: Randall has a responsibility to uphold: to protect his country. To him, that includes first and foremost the people in it. They need role models to look up to, and an unwavering rock to lean on when things get tough. He aspires to be such.

May I ask a technical question which isn't entirely about the character/submission? Like maybe there's somewhere I can read about this class or something ...

How does this person get to go adventuring with us? It seems as thought he has a 'job' like he's in the military and has to take orders from people. Maybe I'm not getting it, maybe it's like the National Guard or something.

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So as far as I know, the campaign is currently based in a single location. Meaning he could be part of a scouting branch, or assigned as an auxiliary to the Fangwatch for instance.

From there, things can develop if the campaign moves away from being relatively stationary.

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Storm Dragon wrote:

So as far as I know, the campaign is currently based in a single location. Meaning he could be part of a scouting branch, or assigned as an auxiliary to the Fangwatch for instance.

From there, things can develop if the campaign moves away from being relatively stationary.

No, that's exactly it, thanks. I just didn't get why he would be allowed to do stuff but if it's "part of the job" that actually totally makes sense.

Like if we deal with a threat to the area as a team, he would report it to superiors as something that was accomplished on his watch. Makes way more sense than what I thought, like that he was supposed to do something all day, but he ditches it and goes adventuring.

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Yeah, that was something I was already weighing, and one of the fingers on the scale to tip me away from playing a Garrison (which has a camp of followers and gains benefits for staying in one place).

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I think Cable will go out the the Keep and bust an Elle Woods intro:

"Hi! I'm Nathan Grey (you can call me Nate), and this is my psicrystal, Bruiser Grey. We're both Gemini Vegetarians ..."

Storm Dragon wrote:

Mechanically, Randall is a Conscript with a focus on the Warleader and Gladiator Spheres. His aim is to buff allies, debuff enemies, and all in all make everyone else cooler.

In terms of story, Randall is a soldier in the Andoran military, who holds (or held) the rank of Sergeant.

He was reassigned to Olfden after refusing to follow what he felt was an immoral order; the detainment of a group of civilians for a trumped up charge; captured as Chelaxian spies due to a transparent attempt from a business rival with connections in government.

Randall had enough friends in high places to prevent being completely drummed out of the military (though may have been busted down to grunt at GM discretion) and was instead reassigned to the ass-end of nowhere, where it was hoped he would either stay long enough for everyone to forget about this debacle, or he'd heroically die in battle against werewolves or something. Not sure if you've changed anything about Olfden's basic deal there, but what I remember from the last campaign I played set there it has a bit of a werewolf problem.

Good to see your 3pp Shadowkeep game submission being finished with the completion of Sgt. Randall Harding, Storm Dragon. :)

In terms of local backstory hooks via Olfden and us fellow players [old and current]:

1. Kurian, currently Inactive though, has a backstory about his father, an officer in Andoran's Diamond Knights, going missing under a cloud of unfavorable circumstances. Might be best to consult with his player via PM's if he'd be okay with your character getting involved.

2. Andru, currently Active, has some issues arising from past experience with Lycanthropes in his backstory. Being childhood friends with a fellow who joined the Diamond Regiment, Andru had recently returned to Olfden after a long sojourn in Almas.

3. Xephkiel, currently Active, is a known, newly-arrived, local Astral Deva Outsider that had been discovered near Olfden and was staying at there until this adventure.

4. Chigao, currently Active, is training under Master Naru Fisnaeth within Olfden, learning to disarm nearby Kobold traps. Master Fisnaeth may or may not have enemies of an unspecified nature out looking for him for some unspecified reason [haven't thought of anything yet in RL- may just leave it for DM rel20 to decide...].

5. Zupon, currently Active, is a distant traveler from a Monastery/Library/Abbey that had underwent an Undead attack and had newly arrived to Olfden.

6. Braggi, currently Inactive too, had also been a new arrival to Olfden after parting ways with his fellow Ulfen sea expedition under unfavorable circumstances. Also has contacts with a Sgt. in the Eagle Knights in Almas. Might also check with his player via PM's if it'll okay for your character to be involved.

7. Nathan, currently Active, is a local to the nearby town of Swallowfeld- where the party will be returning to soon. ;)

Nathan "Cable" Grey wrote:

I think Cable will go out the the Keep and bust an Elle Woods intro:

"Hi! I'm Nathan Grey (you can call me Nate), and this is my psicrystal, Bruiser Grey. We're both Gemini Vegetarians ..."

Hmm, we recently discovered Reithic, a Dwarven Merchant [or so he says], that had been kept prisoner there by the local bandits in the Keep but it might be doubtful if Nathan knew of him beforehand?

We also stayed in the Wolfshead Inn for a night before heading to the Keep- met the Proprietor and his Wife plus a mysterious Arcane Enchanter/Crafter there that night, Jory Mayne, due to Xephkiel's networking skills.

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Actually we could totally swap out the crytal merchant in my background for Reithic, if that makes sense to people. It's much much cooler to be connected to things.

It could also connect Nate to the party; and gratitude is a powerful motivator.

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On Sundays, Nate frequently goes to the Wolfshead and does his 1 man show, Psiunday Pfunday, where he juggles citrus with his powers. The Innkeep & his wife probably recommended the show to everyone because it's SO incredible ...

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Storm Dragon wrote:
Yeah, that was something I was already weighing, and one of the fingers on the scale to tip me away from playing a Garrison (which has a camp of followers and gains benefits for staying in one place).

Swallowfeld has a militia led by the bailiff, Beryan Teague.

Once a month, the village militia train for a half‐day under
Beryan Teague’s watchful eye. At full strength, the militia
comprises 100 members, but this figure includes both very
young and very old members who are even less useful in a fight
than normal, healthy farmers. Twelve hunters (who serve as
skirmishers and scouts) round out the force. These folk know
the surrounding territory well and provide the village advance
warning of marauders and other interlopers.

Swallowfeld is beholden to the Locher family.

If Randall joined the army, I suspect it's not a part of the local militia. It can be the Eagle Knights/militia under the Eagle Knights/similar Andoran group given the home town. Relocation to Swallowfeld could be a parallel role to the local militia to keep tabs for the knights? Or perhaps act in a supporting role to the militia? Or just appear to be washed up with the task of being the eyes and ears in a very sleepy town.

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Nathan "Cable" Grey wrote:

Actually we could totally swap out the crytal merchant in my background for Reithic, if that makes sense to people. It's much much cooler to be connected to things.

It could also connect Nate to the party; and gratitude is a powerful motivator.

This is fine; it could be that Reithic was late for the agreed upon delivery and thus you went in search of him. Or you're still waiting for him in Swallowfeld... the details of this we can decide on after the results are in on Randall.

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