5E Adventure's in Midgard – South (Survivors of the Delightful Rose) (Inactive)

Game Master Tareth

You are sailing north aboard the Delightful Rose, an old but dependable merchant trader on its way up the Corsair Coast to Mhalmet. The journey so far has been pleasant and the crew friendly and professional. Now storm clouds brew to the east and the captain and crew all wear looks of worry and even outright fear upon their weather worn faces.

Total XP Per PC: 3000

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Opening up recruitment for a new 5E campaign set in the world of Midgard by Kobold Press.

Game Name: Adventure's in Midgard – South (Survivors of the Delightful Rose)

Party Size: 4-6.

Ruleset: Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition

Setting and Sources: Midgard from Kobold Press. The initial adventure begins off the Corsair Coast in the Southlands aboard the trade ship Delightful Rose. A world map can be found here.

Game Action Types: “Theater of the Mind” with no tactical maps. The adventure begins aboard ship but will quickly transfer to land. Simple survival will be an early theme to be followed by exploration and other possibilities depending on the actions of the party. Players can expect to encounter smaller villages or communities, ruins, wild tribes, and unknown mysteries. Terrain early on includes aquatic, jungle, and underground. There may be larger urban settings down the line, but probably not for some time. For an example of my general DM style you can check out my other Midgard PbP

Lethality: PC death is possible. Encounters may or may not be ‘balanced’ for party level and monsters may or may not be straight from the books. Running away is always an option, except when it isn’t.

Story Types: Generally a sandbox style campaign with emphasis on the characters actions, goals and growth within the story. The hope is to have a good story with the focus being on character and group development with fun and interesting combat highlights, puzzles, and NPC encounters. Choices will often have consequences. Finally, the group should be good or neutrally aligned, no evil PC's. (Chaotic alignments are fine.)

Experience and Rewards: We will be using experience points for leveling purposes. Magic items will be less frequent compared to a standard D&D game. When discovered, some magic items may potentially be more valuable, powerful, or dangerous.

Starting Level and Stat Generation: 1st Level, 27 point buy, no stat lower than 8, no stat higher than 18.

Common Initial PC Hook: Each PC finds themselves aboard the Delightful Rose, a trading carrack, as it sails up the Corsair Coast to its final port of call, the freewheeling and notorious trading city of Mhalmet.

Allowed Character Classes and Options: All from PHB, XGE, Midgard Heroes Handbook (MHH), and Deep Magic by Kobold Press (DMKP)

Allowed Races and Options: All regular PC races from PHB, XGE, and MHH – except Centaurs

Allowed Backgrounds: All from PHB, XGE, MHH, DMKP

Additional Character Background Details: Characters should have a rough background with at least one or two hooks to offer RP opportunities to either other party members or NPC's. These can expand on existing Ideals, Bonds and Flaws, or be something additional. A few simple bullets are fine. Whatever works to get your own creative energy flowing. Note that all of the PC’s have spent the past several weeks together aboard a small sailing vessel. All PC’s will know each other at least to that extent. Additional region and race information is on the Campaign tab.

PBP Posting Expectations: Please post at least once per day and let me know if life events will keep you from posting for a few days. I plan to do the same. I don’t have a set end point for this game. It will go as long as we have interest and all are enjoying the experience.

Recruitment Time Frame: Recruitment will be open until November 19, 2020. Selections will be made by me based on character concepts and RP potential or by random die roll.

I'm interested! I will post a concept over the weekend.

This sounds fantastic and I dig the vibe of your other Midlands game. I'm going to shoot for getting a PC together over the weekend as well. I'm not well versed with 5E (but I own the PHB) or the Midlands, but it seems like fey are a thing, and I have a Golarian-based Irrisen-born character concept that might port over well.

Dotting for interest....

Starting Gold: 5d4 ⇒ (2, 4, 1, 4, 4) = 15 150 gold + 5 (background) = 155
* Silver Warhammer (115 gold)
* Shield (10 gold)
* 30 gold left


Rilkus was once a member of the city watch of Zobeck. Working in the poorest quarters, he built a reputation as a watchman who could not be bribed and who would not look the other way. This served him ill when he and his partner attempted to bring down Clar Bloddicker, a gang leader who operated out of an abandoned steel mill. The dwarven watchman attempted to bring the man down with hammer and shield, but did not account for the gang leader's sorcerous abilities. The dwarf's body was quite literally blown apart and left to die.

But his story did not end there. The dwarf was taken to the temple of Rava, the Gear Goddess of Fate and Industry. The priests put the watchman back together, knowing him as a man who would serve the public trust; protect the innocent; and uphold the law. What followed was a rather unlikely series of events, which led to the eventual death of Bloddicker.

Once his murder had been avenged though, the dwarf found himself in a position that he had never contemplated before. His family had moved, believing him to be dead. An easy to understand belief given that his partner had returned to the precinct with only the pieces of the dwarf that she could carry. As far as anyone was concerned, Rilkus was dead and buried. It was a misconception that he could not bring himself to break. As such, he turned to the worship of Rava, deciding that he was, in essence, reborn due to the Goddess. Returning to the temple, it did not take him long to become a paladin, upon which he took up the new name 'Ironhand.'

The gearforged now finds himself on the Delightful Rose. He has left his homeland behind, seeking to put as much distance as possible between him and his old life, lest he cause more pain to himself and others. He knows not exactly where he is going, but he does know that his duty is clear in that he does the work of Rava.


Rilkus appears to be a six foot tall knight, encased in a suit of plate armor. It is upon looking closer that one can see the gears and machinery that turn beneath the metal plates which now serves as his skin.

Gearforged (Devotion) Paladin of Rava (former dwarf) submission, using Far Traveler background. Which seems to fit him well. Question for the GM: Can I trade proficiency in "any one musical instrument or gaming set" with proficiency smith tools?

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Dotting for Interest... definitely.

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Rilkus: Trading the smith's tools for musical instrument makes sense given the clockwork dwarf concept.

Fighting Chicken: Fey are a thing in Midgard (and the North game for sure), but there will definitely be a variety of creatures/enemies encountered in this campaign.

Also just to let those interested know, I'm posting in Gameplay just to provide some intro material and help set the initial mood. Plus it just seems like a fun way to fill time during the recruitment period.

Silver Crusade

dot, thinking paladin or sorcerer

A fun way indeed. Now I know for certain that all ills in the world are caused by butterflies showing off. :)

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Putting together a Female Minotaur PANTHEIST Priestess. Former Pirate who was taken in a raid by another pirate crew, but was so obstinate and such a troublemaker that they set her ashore on a deserted island where the current crew found her. Originally from Triolo in the Seven Cities, she has spent much of her life at sea, especially in the Southlands.

Silver Crusade

since someone beat me to the punch on paladin, I'll roll up a sorcerer.

I'm thinking draconic.

DM - Tareth wrote:
Fighting Chicken: Fey are a thing in Midgard (and the North game for sure), but there will definitely be a variety of creatures/enemies encountered in this campaign.

Thanks, DM! I looked through the information online about the Midguard setting last night, but nothing I found fit exactly with my character concept.

Is there a society that is run by evil mages in Midguard? Witches, warlocks, and priests would also probably do as a ruling class for this concept.

Mechanically, I'm looking at Fighter (Eldritch Knight) or Warlock (Pact Blade).

Silver Crusade

Okay! I think I've decided...

Dragonborn Sorcerer, draconic bloodline.

The idea is they are mixed, so their scales would be a different colors.

Primary (race dragon ancestry) will be Silver
Sorcerer origin will be gold, or red.

I plan to have his mostly silver scales shimmer with a golden or blood reddish hue.

@Fighting Chicken - there was of old Caelmarath in the North, that fell in the Great Mage Wars, and is now the region known as the Wasted West where giant lumbering anominations lurch across a blighted landscape. Ancient secrets and eldritch treasures abound. So while there is no extant ruling class it is a known place of magic power, and many of its refugees could be seen as “evil” or of tiefling extraction, which is often conflated with same.

The Dragon Empire has a high percentage of casters, though not trchnically evil or a magocracy.

There is the Magocracy of Allain on the border of the Wasted West, but I think those guys are “good”.

In the South there is Nuria-Natal which is not evil, more...troubled. And not exactly what you are looking for but definitely has a long tradition of divine and arcane magic.

There’s probably other options (Demon Mountain, places in the South I don’t know)...

Silver Crusade

Going to go for a noble background.

Is there a place I can find some info on potential dragonborn "nobility" (or any high status interchangeable)

Rorek55: Most likely candidate for a dragonborn noble would be within the Mharoti Empire. It is entirely run by dragons and scalykin.

Fighting Chicken: ObsessiveWolf's suggestions are all valid. If you're looking for something a bit more 'hidden cult' type, then the Emerald Order is a good one. There are quite active in Nuria as well.

There is also the jungle land of Kush and its capital city of Nangui, City of Sorcerors. It is currently led by a LE Lich.

The Dominion of the Wind Lords is full of djinn and their offspring.

Another cult that inhabits the southern jungles is the Cult of the White Ape that wishes to take over the south by unleashing an army of semi-intelligent apes and a mage killing scourge upon the land.

Hey there! Might as well dot in myself, I'm pretty new to 5e, all things considered, but I've got some experience making characters before. Currently thinking of a ratfolk fighter, either utilizing the swanky features of a nurian hook, or an archery build. I really need to catch a few hours of sleep now, but I'll get something up and running afterwards, or possibly beforehand if I can't sleep.

I'm working on a character idea that will use the Moon Druid mechanics.

Hey! Sorry in advance for the length of this, I just started writing, and it kept going. Also, I've never done anything with the Midgard setting before, so I did my best to do some research, but I'll be the first to admit that I don't know if this is right or not. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but the pack tactics feature of a ratfolk doesn't specifically say that it's melee attacks only. Therefor, I give you Dur Roundrat! Ratfolk fighter, archer. (Eventually probably an eldritch archer)

Loyalty to the bitter end.
That was the mantra of the Vestok family, and it was often repeated to Tok, whispered to him as he grew up in the darkness of the Vestok family warren, deep below the area near the Wormwood Mountain. Loyalty to the family, and to the masters of the mountain. Ratfolk are born in large numbers, and live less long than humans. It was therefor expected that Tok would make the most of his short life to bring honor to his family through service to the Master, and there was no greater honor than being chosen to receive the gift of a pact. The Vostok family had yet to provide a candidate selected to become a warlock for over a century. Tok pledged to himself that he would be the one to restore his family to greatness, and earn the favor of the master. He plunged himself into stengthening himself then, to better his soul, to offer himself and gain power and glory in return. Many rituals were performed in the dark of that place, and in the language of the pit promises were made. The mark of some of the scars can still be seen, even through his thick fur.
It wasn't until he was 14 that he saw a living soul not related to him in some way. He had heard that the servents of the Master of Sable mountain were terrible to behold, but words did not do them justice. He stood naked then, as he bared his soul, and hoped beyond hope that he would be chosen to become a vessel for the Master's power.
This was not to be. He was rejected immediately.

They say he went mad for a time then. Certainly his memories were hazy. He had sacrificed so much, and for what? The mantra of loyalty that he had chanted to himself for comfort during the long nights of subjecting himself to torment turned to ashes in his mouth. His family was not loyal to him, after all, when he failed, they left him to fend for himself in a pit until he could make himself useful. It was then that he realized that his entire life, his dreams of becoming a warlock of the Master, of bringing honor to his family, were false, instilled in him by a lifetime of brainwashing by those around him. There was no loyalty here.
He left that place then, stealing a horse and some basic equipment from the Master's stables, hoping to make a new life for himself. Perhaps he could find loyalty elsewhere? A new family, a new master to serve? His once disciplined mind was fractured; he was unable to focus on anything in particular.

Things had been said, back in the old labyrinthian halls of the Vostok family warren. Things sworn in preperation, and spoken in a tongue that gave them power. He became aware of the Master's presence at times, or perhaps the presense of one of his servants? He grew fearful then, thinking he would be tracked down and punished for leaving. But instead the presence only watched events of interest. As the rat moved further and further away from the mountain, his paranoia only grows, leading him to flee further south. Sometimes he thinks he can hear something following him, a Hunter in the Dark, but despite his kind's ability to see in darkness, he never saw a thing. Perhaps it is only his imagination?

Two years have passed, and there are two things that sooth the rat's fevered mind. The first is the practise of archery, something he never could do back in the tunnels. The second is the thought that he might find a new family out here, one that won't abandon him. But his fear of putting others in greater danger cause him to distance himself from others. In his heart of hearts he knows, that the Master still has a claim to his very soul. After all, all those years ago he pledged Loyalty to the bitter end.

Tok'al Torkin[rat name]
Dur Roundrat[Human name]

Guess which background! :P
Background 2:
Mountain's witness. I don't really care about the skills or the equipment, because he's bad at CHA, but the flavor just really spoke to me for some reason.

Silver Crusade

do the general ideas of each dragon color hold true?

Blue/green LE, like making deals, etc.
Red- CE, power, destruction
gold- LG, noble, slightly pretentious.


Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Here's Lilly's preliminary Character sheet. Background and modifications to follow.


LylRothic (Lilly)
Female Minotaur Cleric 1
Medium humanoid, chaotic good

Armor Class 16 (scale mail, shield)
Hit Points 10 (1d8+2)
Speed 30 ft.
STR 14 (+2), DEX 10 (+0), CON 14 (+2), INT 12 (+1), WIS 15 (+2), CHA 11 (+0)
Saving Throws Wis +4, Cha +2
Skills Arcana +3, History +3, Perception +4, Persuasion +2, Survival +4
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages Custom Language, Custom Language, Ancient Nurian, Common, Minotaur, Nurian

Charge (2/long rest). If you move at least 10 feet toward a target and hit it with a horn attack in the same turn, you deal an extra 1d6 piercing damage and you can shove the target as a bonus action. You can apply this extra damage once per turn. At 11th level, when you successfully shove a creature with Charge, you can push it 10 feet instead of 5. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Labyrinth Sense. You can retrace any path you have previously taken without a check.


Horns. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Hit: 1d6+2 piercing damage.

Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 1d6+2 bludgeoning damage.

Sling. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range 30 ft./120 ft., one target.
Hit: 1d4 bludgeoning damage.

Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Hit: 3 bludgeoning damage.

Equipment Mace, scale mail, shield, Sling, backpack, bedroll, clothes, common, dried cyclops eye with feathers from appreciative client, holy symbol (reliquary), mess kit, playing card set, pouch, rations (10), rope, hempen (50 feet), tinderbox, torch (10), waterskin

Captain Generica: For pack tactics you are correct, it applies to any attack not just melee.

Rorek55: I would say that generally dragon colors match their elemental powers. So red is fire, blue lightning, etc. As for alignment and personalities, Midgard dragons are a bit more diverse. For instance one of the founding dragons of the Empire is an undead LE gold dragon. The Queen of Courlandia in the north is a LN red dragon. Another imperial founder is a NE red dragon. Yet another a LG silver dragon. Dragons definitely don't have one interest or personality trait based on chromatic color. There are also a variety of other dragon types in Midgard including star, cave, void, boreal, light, etc. Thus don't expect every gold dragon to be LG working in your best interest or every red to be malevolently evil ready to eat you on sight.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Lots of reading to do to complete the character, but here are some bullet points and highlights. I'll expand upon them later.

* Lilly's Parents owned a barge which plied the waters around Triolo trading in silks, ribbons, and felt. They were prosperous, but it was never enough for the young Minotaur as her wonderlust was evident from a young age. She constantly harangued customers for tales of far off lands.

*Her mothers twin sister owned a far trader, and Lilly thrilled upon her every return, and constantly badgered her for tales of her journeys. The night of Lilly's first moon blood was also the night of her first vision. She saw a great storm, and her aunt fighting the wheel to stay afloat. She begged her aunt not to travel knowing somehow that this vision was more than a simple dream, but when her aunt couldn't be dissuaded, Lilly decided to "Stow Away", and do what she could to prevent this tragedy.

*The teenaged Lilly was discovered after a few days at sea due to the fact that she couldn't stay away from the portholes to see what wonders lay ahead. She was severely scolded by her aunt, who secretly saw much of herself in Lilly.

*True to her prediction, the storm came. She was somehow thrown overboard in the wake of the storm, and awoke cold, wet and bedraggled among the scattered debris of a shipwreck... alone... There seemed to be nobody else that survived. Lilly looked around the wreckage and found several things. A trunk with a set of scale mail, and a shield. A chest filled with painting materials and a bunch of books, and a broken spear. Fortunately the Island had plentiful resources, and she need only wait for another passing ship. A year passed...then another. Lilly out of boredom took the paint set, and upon each individual scale of the armor painted a representation of one of the tropical fish that thrived in the shallows of the tide pools... and named each one. She then took the shield, and beat it into the shape of a shark that she found washed up on the beach one day. She painted it as well. soon the paints ran out, and dried out, so she turned to the books. She couldn't read the language the books were written in, but somehow she and her logical minotaur mind were able to eventually learn to read them. Among them were two religious texts... The Reads of Eshu and The Tricksters Gospel. Not being particularly religious she read the books last out of boredom, but didn't think much of them. Finally, one day after finishing the last of the religious tomes she saw a sail on the horizon. Quickly she built a smudge fire, and was relieved when the ship turned. She was both relived and worried when the longboat full of ruffians came ashore and forcibly removed her to their boat. Just her luck... pirates. They left the island taking her beautiful armor, shield, and the books... which were probably worth something to anyone can read.

*The next four years were a combination of heaven and hell. It was terrible to serve as a slave on a pirate vessel left to the worst of chores and duties, but making friends with one of the shipmates kept it bearable. Nashta made sure that she had a porthole to look out of her when possible, and taught her much about the sea, and where they travelled. At the same time it was glorious to see new things and new people. Then she had another vision. A great tentacle smashing down upon the ship rending it into splinters. She spoke to Nashata who trusted her enough to tell Crimson Chuck about the danger ahead, but he laughed it off, and took Nashta's portion of Grog as punishment for his drunken musings.

*The giant octopus attacked that evening, and once again Lilly found herself alone on a deserted island. This one was not as friendly as the last, being only a rocky knoll in a storm tossed sea. Days turned into weeks, and Lilly began to waste away. With only rainwater salvaged from the nightly rain storms, and the occasional ambushed gull or clam to eat, she gave up hope...

*Another vision. This time of a Black man with white hair and beard. He carried a shepherds crock, and smoked a carved scrimshaw pipe. His voice came to her and she recognized him as the hero of the religious texts Eshu. He spoke to her gently, and she promised to devote her life to spreading his word... however short that life might be.

*The mate on the Delightful Rose was the first to spot the wreckage. A box floating upon the water. When it was opened there were several wine stained books in Ancient Nurian... which nobody on board could read. Then partially sunken in the waters of a small rocky island another box, with brightly painted scale armor, and a shield. Finally, a spear planted in a sandy spot, and pointing across the island... where Lilly was found parched and near death.

*So today she sails upon the Delightful Rose. Is it her final destination? Who knows for sure. Surely her visions will give here direction. If not she now had faith, and a god to lead her along the way. What adventure is next?

This looks interesting.

I have never ventured into Midguard before. It looks like a rather daunting amount of lore.

Silver Crusade

Cool, just wanted to get an idea if generic DnD dragon logic was in use. seems not so cool have em finished tonight

Where on that map is the Corsair Coast. I looked for awhile but can't find it.

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Gnomezrule: The Corsair Coast runs along the Easterern shore of the southern continent. It runs from Ishadia in the north down to the spice coast and free islands. Unfortunately, the online map cuts the south off.

As for lore, don't worry about it too much. No one will need to be a Midgard lore expert. We'll fill stuff in as needed as we go for the most part. Plus I always reserve the right to change things in order to make the game more interesting. ;)

Also to everyone. If you want to make a Paladin or gearforged or whatever, please do. Me making a character first shouldn’t stop anyone from making what they want.

I have seen a clockwork dwarf and a minotaur in submission.

Would tabaxi be out of line particularly in the south which looks to have some jungle to it?

Dreaming Warforged here with some updates.

N’dateh hails from Nuria Natal. She is rumoured to be the impossible child of one of the ‘returned’ kings. Her mother kept the secret as best she could, until she couldn’t. N’dateh has been on the run more or less ever since, not sure whether her birth is truly a miracle or just a political machination of her mother. Different factions are looking for her for their own reasons.

Human (variant) druid (Moon).

Still working on mechanics, background, and personality.

Here is my submission, the crunch isn't done, but the basics for his background are.

Any advice/direction lore wise would be appreciated, as I know very little of the setting.

Gnomezrule: Sorry, I'm going to stick with the race limitations as listed so no Tabaxi.

No worries I don't have any of the Midgard books so I wasn't sure.

Have a question about gearforged. Do they feel? As in, if you touch them, can they feel being touched?

I ask because I was thinking about what it would be like for a dwarf to become gearforged. Already he'd have to get used to being 6ft tall, and losing darkvision would be a constant reminder of him no longer belonging. And then there is the fact that he wouldn't sleep, eat, or drink (meaning that good dwarven ale would be a memory and forever out of reach). But would actually feeling things be gone as well?

More or less done. Let me know if you have questions or comments.

Is there anything else you want from me at the moment? I don't mind whipping up a sheet if that's required.

No worries.

Liberty's Edge

Dotting in with intrest!

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Rilkus: Hmmm...good question. Gearforged are only immune to disease and poison. No mention anywhere that I can find about the sense of touch or feeling. So I'd say gearforged do have a sense of touch and being touched, but it would probably be very different from what a body of flesh would feel.

Captain Generica: No full character sheet is needed yet. What you have should do for now.

Thanks for the suggestions, DM - Tareth and ObsessiveCompulsiveWolf! Old Caelmaraeth sounds perfect - too bad the mages had to go and mess it all up :)

Thankfully, I think that Kush will work for my concept as well. Hope to have something to you today!

Thanks for the answer. Should be fun to explore that.

Also, with 3 days to go...let's see who is currently on the ship.

(1) Rilkus Ironhand: Gearforged (former dwarf) Paladin of Rava
(2) LylRothic: Minotaur Cleric of Eshu
(3) N'Dateh: Human Moon-Druid
(4) Tiberius: Dragonborn Red Dragon Sorcerer
(5) Dur Roundrat: Ratfolk Fighter (archery)

Quite a spread on races and classes!

Silver Crusade

Now all we need is a bard so they can show us all up haha

Have an idea for a rogue or bard, just going over my options...

Grand Lodge

Looks like you have a lot of submissions... I might be interested in playing a skald bard (college of valor)... I would expect with a setting name like Midgard, there would be a fair amount of Norse feel.

Anyway, if you have space, I can make Hrothgar! ^_^

Are Bearfolk found in the MHH. I think they are.

I am thinking of a Bearfolk Path of the Zealot Barbarian.

Gnomezrule: Yep, bearfolk are in the MHH. If you need racial crunch, let me know.

Aeshuura: Go ahead and throw your hat in the ring. You've DMed enough AL games for me, I'm happy to return the favor. :)

Grand Lodge

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Cool beans, I was going to make Hrothgar, but the name is being used by someone else, so I am going with Bjorngardt. He is a human bard, intending to go College of Valor, built in the fashion of a skald or thereabouts. I intend to start with handaxes and graduate to a warhammer, and venerating Thor (or the corresponding Thunder God)...

It will be all about writing eddas about my fellow heroes!

Aeshuura wrote:

Cool beans, I was going to make Hrothgar, but the name is being used by someone else, so I am going with Bjorngardt. He is a human bard, intending to go College of Valor, built in the fashion of a skald or thereabouts. I intend to start with handaxes and graduate to a warhammer, and venerating Thor (or the corresponding Thunder God)...

It will be all about writing eddas about my fellow heroes!

I love eddas!

I once played a dwarven skald (all dwarf campaign...sadly the skald died, and then the party had a TPK and the campaign ended) whose schtick was carrying about a book of grudges while composing eddas about his companions and screaming of grudges against their people. But because I'm not talented enough, they were all taken and modified from the poetic edda

One of his sagas:

"He hewed with the brand!
Long since he went to Linnorn-Land for the slaying of the Worm,
There he won glory and the name of Wyrm-doom,
Since he pierced that serpent through, with the blade of inlaid steel.

He hewed with the brand!
Young he was, when east of Oere-sound he made good breakfast for the wolves,
While his steel sang on the high-crest of the icing-death,
Blood-stained the sea, the ravens waded through.

He hewed with the brand!
Ere a hundred years has passed o'er us, we who shake our axes,
At wave-mouth was the hero laid low,
Warriors died! The crimson death colored the sea and ravens feasted.

He hewed with the brand!
The war-god loved him when he was sent to the mighty halls,
Keen was the raven feathered arrow that we sent ere his passing,
Dirge was the music of sword on scale and cleft was shield.

He hewed with the brand!
Great was his courage when he faced Icasarcht, 'mid his winged steed, died.
No jarl more fearless was sent o'er the main;
His stout heart drove him, fearless, by the ice-devil's haunt.

He hewed with the brand!
The brand bit sore, the sword flew from its sheath,
Crimson the borders of our mood-shields when he died,
Loud roared the spears of his kin, as low law the drake.

He hewed with the brand!
His life was well-nigh o'er; sharp is the pang that the serpent gives.
For the snakes nest deep in the heart. No more may his children rest
Great wrath will fly for the undoing of doom.

He hewed with the brand!
Full gladly did he go! See the Glory fly to Magrim's halls!
High-seated among the heroes shall he quaff the yellow-mead."

Grand Lodge

Rilkus Ironhand wrote:
Aeshuura wrote:

Cool beans, I was going to make Hrothgar, but the name is being used by someone else, so I am going with Bjorngardt. He is a human bard, intending to go College of Valor, built in the fashion of a skald or thereabouts. I intend to start with handaxes and graduate to a warhammer, and venerating Thor (or the corresponding Thunder God)...

It will be all about writing eddas about my fellow heroes!

I love eddas!

I once played a dwarven skald (all dwarf campaign...sadly the skald died, and then the party had a TPK and the campaign ended) whose schtick was carrying about a book of grudges while composing eddas about his companions and screaming of grudges against their people. But because I'm not talented enough, they were all taken and modified from the poetic edda

** spoiler omitted **...

Very cool! I might change the name to Toki, after looking at Old Norse names. Much easier for us to remember. ^_^ I love playing battle bards... I think that thunderwave will be a big part of my arsenal... ^_^

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