[ACG] [Gameday IX] Tyrant of the Harrow - EmpTyger (Inactive)

Game Master EmpTyger

Adventure Deck Number: 4

  • Quinn/Zalarian
  • Oloch/Gimry
  • Balazar/eddiephlash
  • Merisiel/WilderRedbeard

Reward powers:
When forced to reroll a die by The Rabbit Prince, you may choose any die you rolled instead of the highest.

You may not examine locations.
If you explored this turn, you may not explore again.
If you didn’t suffer this scourge on this turn, at the end of your turn, shuffle your hand into your deck and remove this scourge.

On your checks, subtract 1 from each die rolled.
At the end of your turn, you may bury a Divine boon to remove this scourge.

You cannot evade or move.
When your location is closed, remove this scourge.

On each check or step, you may play no more than 1 boon.
At the start of your move step, you may end your turn to remove this scourge.

When you encounter a monster, suffer 1d4-1 Mental damage that cannot be reduced.
When your location is closed, you may remove this scourge.

When you encounter a monster, discard a card and add 3 to your checks against it. If you cannot discard, the monster is evaded.
When you evade a monster, remove this scourge.
At the end of the scenario, gain 1 respect point.

At the start of your turn, each other local character must succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 5+# check or suffer this scourge.
At the end of your turn, succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 3+# check or bury the top card of your deck; if you succeed by 5 or more, remove this scourge.

After you reset, recharge a random card.
When you would heal any number of cards, you may remove this scourge instead.

At the start of your turn, discard the top card of your deck.
When you would heal any number of cards, you may remove this scourge instead.

The Theater
Blessing 1

Suit: Crowns

When this is the hour:
At the start of your turn, examine the top card of your location; you may encounter it.

To Acquire:
Charisma/Divine 4+#

On any check, discard to bless, and non-blessing Harrow boons may be freely played.
Discard to examine your location, then you may explore; if the hour is Harrow, recharge instead.

The Tangled Briar
Blessing 1

Suit: Shields

When this is the hour: When you close your location, instead of banishing its cards, shuffle them into a random other location.

To Acquire:
Constitution/Survival 4+#

On any check, discard to bless.
Discard to remove a scourge from a character or a location.
Discard to explore.

The Rabbit Prince
Blessing 1

Suit: Keys

When this is the hour: At the start of your combat check, you may recharge a card to draw the top card of your deck; if you do not play that card on this check, bury it.

To Acquire:
Dexterity/Melee 4+#

On any combat check, freely recharge to bless; reroll 1 die showing the highest value.
Discard to explore.

Summoned Story Banes:
Ashwing Gargoyle
Monster Story Bane 4


To Defeat:
Combat 23

Resistant to Melee. Vulnerable to Magic.
Before acting, if you have the Human trait, suffer the scourge Wounded.
If evaded or undefeated, reload this monster into its location.

Red Mantis Assassin
Monster Story Bane 3

Red Mantis

To Defeat:
Combat 10+##

Resistant to Attack and Fire.
Before acting, succeed at a Wisdom or Perception 4+# check or the difficulty to defeat is increased by 1d6.
If undefeated, suffer the scourge Wounded.

Party Tracker

Welcome! This is a discussion thread for my Gameday IX Tyrant of the Harrow table, to begin Tuesday, September 1.

Please don't hesitate to ask any questions at any time.
Hoping for a fun game for everyone!

Some pregame instructions:

Character Selection
This table will be run at Tier 4, for characters Tiers 3–5.
Please finalize your character choice as soon as possible. If you haven’t already, include a link to your deck handler in your profile, and set sharing so that anyone with the link can view.

Have you used this character before?
Yes, online: Provide a link to your current table. (Note that you’ll have to pause that other game once the Gameday IX event starts next week.)
Yes, offline: Register the character at the OrgPlayOnline database site. Provide a copy of your chronicle sheet. (I'll provide an email address via private message you can send to if necessary.)
No: Register the character at the OrgPlayOnline database site. If you haven't already, verify your deck ownership. Take a photo of something that indicates ownership (the box, the character card, a receipt, etc) which includes with your Paizo username. Send the photo to morkXII@orgplayonline.com and he'll add you to the verified users, so you'll be set for any future PbP games!

Tier Advancement
Decide whether or not you will be playing for tier advancement.
Tier advancement: Earn scenario and adventure rewards, upgrades, hero points, experience.
No tier advancement: Earn scenario and adventure rewards, upgrades. (No hero points, no experience.)

Party Communication
Some parties like to strategize via google hangouts or discord; some parties just use it to alert when someone’s turn is up. Others parties prefer to communicate entirely via the discussion tab. It’s up to you!
Using offsite chat is completely optional. If that is something you would be interested in, send me a Private Message. This is entirely voluntary, and the decision is anonymous. If anyone, for any reason, would rather not communicate offsite, it will not be set up.

Posting Expectations
What time zone are you in?
Please try to take your turn within 24 hours. Obviously, let real-life take priority, but out of courtesy to the other players, try to let us know if something does come up.
Use a posting style that works best for you, with as much or as little flavor as you feel comfortable with. It’s your game! The one thing that I would request is that you label your dice rolls with at least the difficulty and type of check.

Oloch Deck Handler

Oloch, Shield of Gorum is here to show you all the power of the One True God!

Oloch is Tier 4.4, and I don't plan to Tier up until after the second scenario of the Special when required (Would be 6th scenario at Tier 4) My upgrades have been a little, shall we say, lacking.
Oloch has been used exclusively online, but is not currently in any games.
I will be playing for Advancement
I prefer Hangouts, but I do have Discord and can use that for party communication.
I'm CST timezone

Male Human | My Deck Handler Investigator / Alchemy+Finesse+Occult (12789-1013)

Hello all. I will be bringing Quinn to this. Here are some more details as requested:

Character Selection
Deckhandler link is above

Have you used this character before?
I am currently playing him in a campaign about to wrap up. The link is here: [PACS] The Dragon's Demand [MorkXII]. I am expecting us to wrap up within the next 2 days.
The BR does not appear to use the acg site so it doesn't look there is a need to do anything regarding that.
Additionally, I ran this adventure during Paizocon...looking forward to coming at it as a player.

Tier Advancement
Quinn will be playing for tier advancement. I need to decide if I will start him at 3.3 or 4.0 going into the special.

Party Communication
PM sent via discord as requested

Posting Expectations
My time frame is Eastern and I find myself typically able to post during my evenings. I can sometimes post other times but not frequently.

Male Gnome Tier 3 Summoner Deck Handler

Greetings! Balazar here.

He's been through a weird set of adventures, including Cosmic Captive and We Be Heroes and Bloodthorne Manor all completed, so no overlap worries.

I'm currently at tier 3 with 2xp. I'll be playing for tier advancement, taking my third power feat and role after the first scenario here.

Don't have a preference between Hangouts and Discord as I use both. I do like at least a bit of strategy talk, but whether that happens on this channel or one of the others, I have no preference. Info sent via PM.

I'm in Central US time zone, and typically post in the evenings. Depending on work load, finding time throughout the day is sometimes possible.

Merisiel's Deck Handler

Hi, everyone! I will be playing Skull & Shackles version of Merisiel.
Currently Tier 4.1 and I am planning to play for tier advancement for this adventure.
I prefere Hangouts but I have no problem using Discord as well.
I am in EST time zone. I am currently on vacation but will be back and posting regularly on Aug 29.

We're almost there! I've posted the setup. There are some unusual rules regarding blessings in this scenario. In particular, note
that when you would discard a non-Harrow blessing for its power, bury it instead; when you would recharge it for its power, discard it instead.

When you're ready, please choose your starting locations and draw your opening hands.
Also, let me know if you would like a particular turn order, or we can go in timezone order or randomly.

WilderRedbeard: You'll need to register Merisiel at the acg.orgplayonline.com site. You should have an account (at least, I can see some other of your characters). Let me know if you have any issues.

Zalarian: I don’t think the CotCT7A reward is applicable here. While Tyrant of the Harrow does use the CotCT set, it is not part of the CotCT Adventure Path.
(Compare it to the wording of the CotCT Adv Path reward: “When any of your characters starts a scenario using the Curse of the Crimson Throne set” vs “When any of your characters starts a scenario using the Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path”)

Since no one seems to have a turn order preference, I've assigned randomly by timezone order. If necessary, we can adjust for next scenario.
Eastern Merisiel=1, Quinn=2: 1d2 ⇒ 1
Central Balazar=1, Oloch=2: 1d2 ⇒ 2
So turn order is: Merisiel, Quinn, Oloch, Balazar.

Male Human | My Deck Handler Investigator / Alchemy+Finesse+Occult (12789-1013)
EmpTyger wrote:

Zalarian: I don’t think the CotCT7A reward is applicable here. While Tyrant of the Harrow does use the CotCT set, it is not part of the CotCT Adventure Path.

(Compare it to the wording of the CotCT Adv Path reward: “When any of your characters starts a scenario using the Curse of the Crimson Throne set” vs “When any of your characters starts a scenario using the Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path”)

I thought the same thing but our BR Yewstance confirmed when we got it that it requires the set not the adv path. Will find and send.

Rewards are posted! Decide on your upgrades and feats.
And for Gameday IX scenarios, everyone also gets a d20 roll. 20 wins!

6-99A reward: 1d20 ⇒ 5

Oloch Deck Handler

I will bank hero point.

Weapon 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 532

If I don't get the weapon, I will take a Blessing 4. Might take the Blessing 4 anyways since they're hard to get. Need to sleep on it.

Boon Me: 1d20 ⇒ 13

Male Human | My Deck Handler Investigator / Alchemy+Finesse+Occult (12789-1013)

Quinn - 6-99A: The Theater
PbP Gameday IX boon roll: 1d20 ⇒ 1 Not Today


Scenario Reward
"Loot: The Theater
Adventure Card Society characters may choose a bonus deck upgrade."

Adventure Reward

Tier/XP 4.0>4.1
Spend Hero point for power feat (INT)
Hero Points (Prior + Gained - Used = Current)
1 + 1 - 1 = 1

Loot rolls
1st choice Item 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 902 Fate-Reader Lenses
2nd choice Item 4: 1d1 ⇒ 1 Bloodroot Poison

Deck Upgrades
Banished Cards: None
Holes Filled: None
Removed: If 1 upgrade gained then luckstone, if 2 then spider venom as well

Planned Loot for next scenario add The Marriage (CotCT-7A)

Male Gnome Tier 3 Summoner Deck Handler

Balazar will spend a hero point on Power feat. My third, so taking from Role card: Polymancer: When you would defeat a monster ([x] or another local character defeats a monster) and would banish it, you may add it to your hand instead.

3rd xp at tier 3. Tier up to 4.

I don't have anything better than a 2 in my deck, so I'm happy with basically anything. Will defer to the others at the table and pick from leftovers. If there's enough good stuff, I think I have a treasure hunter boon lying around somewhere.

Merisiel's Deck Handler

Scenario 6-99A Rewards:
Spend Hero Point on Power Feat: "[X] You automatically succeed at your Knowledge check."
Pass on the Loot Blessing.
Bonus Deck Upgrade.

Deck Upgrades:
Item 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 759 Magic Spyglass
Ally 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 196 Zealot
Weapon 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 627 Invigorating Kukri +1
Item 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 79 Bloodroot Poison
Blessing 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 339 Blessing of the Vaultmaster

Male Gnome Tier 3 Summoner Deck Handler

If everybody else gets their first choices, that leaves a Spell 3: Fire Shield (Replacing Create Pit) and Blessing 4->1: The Courtesan (replacing Norgorber).

Boon!: 1d20 ⇒ 11

I'm happy to play A again to get more upgrades.

A couple tables are still finishing up Scenario A.
If you like, we can replay the scenario in the meantime. Or we can wait until it's time for Scenario B.
What would you all prefer?

Male Human | My Deck Handler Investigator / Alchemy+Finesse+Occult (12789-1013)

Starting A again works for me

Merisiel's Deck Handler

I'm happy to play A again.

Forgot my boon roll:
6-99A Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 2

Looks like upgrades sort out to:

Merisiel: Item 4, Ally 4
Quinn: Item 3
Oloch: Weapon 4, Blessing 4
Balazar: Spell 3, Blessing 4

I'll have the replay scenario up later today. Unless anyone wants to adjust the turn order, we'll continue with Oloch starting.

Congratulations! I'll check to see how soon the next scenario will be starting. In the meantime, decide on upgrades and feats (if applicable), and roll your d20.

6-99B reward: 1d20 ⇒ 5

Male Human | My Deck Handler Investigator / Alchemy+Finesse+Occult (12789-1013)

Quinn - 6-99B: The Tangled Briar


Scenario Reward
"Loot: The Tangled Briar
Loot: The Rabbit Prince
Adventure Card Society characters may choose a bonus deck upgrade."

Adventure Reward

Random Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 10 Not Today

Tier/XP 4.0>4.1
Will spend hero point for Power Feat (When you defeat a barrier, you may heal a card)
Hero Points (Prior + Gained - Used = Current)
1 + 1 - 1 = 1

Loot rolls
1st choice Item 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 486 Bloodroot Poison
2nd choice Item 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 412 Dust of Revealing

Assuming I get 1 item (can always adjust)..will wait on outcome for 2nd one.
Deck Upgrades
Bloodroot Poison, possibly Dust of Revealing as well
Banished Cards: None
Holes Filled: None
Removed: spider venom, if get 2nd item then smoke bomb

Oloch Deck Handler

Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 15

Hero Point Gained, Hero Point Spent, so still at 5.

This was my 6th Scenario at T4, so I am forced to tier up to T5 after.

Blessing 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 654
Spell 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 412
Weapon 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 101

Male Gnome Tier 3 Summoner Deck Handler

1st Scenario at tier 4. Spend Hero Point on Power Feat: Hand size to 8.


Ally 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 992: Bound Shadow Demon
Spell 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 1: Blazing Servant
Spell 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 110: Summon Lesser Monster
Blessing 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 756: Nethys
Ally 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 854: Djinn

Would be interested in taking The Rabbit Prince.

Boon roll: 1d20 ⇒ 13

Merisiel's Deck Handler

Scenario 6-99B Rewards:
Spend Hero Point on Card Feat: Spell [X] 1
Interested in either loot blessing.

Deck Upgrades:
Blessing 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 463 Blessing of the Vaultmaster
Weapon 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 251 Shadowless Sword
Item 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 253Shadow Victim Ring

Add Charm Person (Spell 1 - Core version) to fill empty Spell slot.

So that would make ie:
Merisiel: Blessing 4, Weapon 3
Quinn: Item 4, Item 4
Oloch: Blessing 4, Spell 4
Balazar: Ally 4, Spell 3

Male Gnome Tier 3 Summoner Deck Handler

Shadow Demon replaces Magma Spirit. Summon Lesser Monster replaces Augury.

Decide on your upgrades and feats, and one last d20 roll.
I'll try to get your chronicle sheets together in the next couple days.

6-99C reward: 1d20 ⇒ 15

Oloch Deck Handler

Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 16

I'll grab an Armor 4 from the Box as one of my upgrades.

Spell 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 376

Spend Hero Point on Skill Feat: Strength

Merisiel's Deck Handler

Scenario 6-99C Reward:
Choose Weapon for the level 4 boon.
Adventure Card Society characters may choose a bonus deck upgrade.
Spend Hero Point on Skill Feat: Dexterity [X] +4
Tier up to Tier 5.

Adventure 6-99 Reward:
Each player may choose one of their Adventure Card Society characters. At the start of each scenario, after drawing starting hands, that character may discard a new Harrow blessing.
Each player may choose one of their Adventure Card Society characters and add the promo card The Real Rabbit Prince to that character's deck box.

Deck Upgrades:
Weapon 4: Sawtooth Sabre +2
Blessing 4: Blessing of the Midnight Lord (Blessing 3)

6-99C boon: 1d20 ⇒ 3

Male Human | My Deck Handler Investigator / Alchemy+Finesse+Occult (12789-1013)

Quinn - 6-99C: The Waxworks

PbP GameDay IX boon roll: 1d20 ⇒ 9 Not Today


Scenario Reward
Each character chooses a type of boon, then searches the vault for a level 4 boon of that type (Blackjack's Rapier Weapon 4)
Adventure Card Society characters may choose a bonus deck upgrade.

Adventure Reward
Each player may choose one of their Adventure Card Society characters. At the start of each scenario, after drawing starting hands, that character may discard a new Harrow blessing. (Assigning to 12789-1015 Reta)

Tier/XP 4.0>4.1
Will spend hero point for card feat (weapon) adding Human Bane Rapier (Weapon 2)
Hero Points (Prior + Gained - Used = Current)
1 + 1 - 1 = 1

Loot rolls
1st choice Ally 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 716 Cerulean Mastermind (Ally 3)

Will adjust if needed
Deck Upgrades
Humanbane Rapier (from card feat), Blackjack's Rapier (from reward), Cerulean Mastermind (Ally 3)
Banished Cards: None
Holes Filled: None
Removed: Humanbane Rapier, Spider

Male Gnome Tier 3 Summoner Deck Handler

Spend hero point on card feat: Allies to 4.

For upgrades, I'll take a Blessing 4 for Nethys and an Ally 3 for Bound Elemental. My Scenario Reward probably won't be needed, as there's several of each, but I will apply it to one of the above if needed, and if not somebody else can use it to grab something they want (weapons and armors are light on lvl 4s).

Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 4 bummer. I've seen none this con so far

I'm sitting at 2 xp at lvl 4 with Balazar. He's been one of my faves, and I hope to have another adventure to take him through in the future!

Thanks for the fun table!

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