Age of Ashes (PF2)

Game Master Blaydsong

Part 1: Hellknight Hill
Chapter 2: The Ruined Citadel
Starting Date: Wealday, 31st of Erastus, 4719 AR
Current Game Date: Sunday, 4th of Arodus, 4719 AR

Age of Ashes Player's Guide
Breachill Town Map
NPCs and other stuff (Slides)
Roll20 Maps

Symbols: Action ◆ Free Action ◇ Reaction ↺

Common Actions (Basic & Specialty Basic)
Exploration Mode

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Discuss the game here, and other OOC subjects.

Go ahead and introduce yourselves here. Once I have an opening post written up in the Gameplay thread, we'll be going full bore.

I'm going to re-post my house rules here for easy access. Let me know if you have any questions/concerns/ideas about the game or how to run it. I'm always open to suggestions.

House Rules:
I will most likely be updating this as we go, as this is my first foray into GMing PF2 in a Pbp format, but for the time being, here are some things to keep in mind as we play:

- I would like people to include their Exploration Mode activity in their tagline stats. This allows me to be able to keep these things in mind, at a glance. This is because Exploration Mode probably takes up at least 50% of game time, if not more. For those that are still new to PF2, Exploration Mode activities can be found in the CRB pgs. 496-497.

- PF2 makes much more use of the concept of Secret rolls when regarding activities that players take part in. This can mean, in certain cases, that as players you won't roll as many checks. Hopefully, this will help to promote more thought into roleplaying, rather than mechanics. This also means that, sometimes, information that I provide you based on a Secret roll, may sometimes be incorrect or misleading. I hope that people can keep themselves from peaking at any hidden GM rolls that I make, and I will try to keep them labelled well enough to make it obvious.
Overall, what I'm trying to say is, when making your posts, focus on the RP and use OCC text as needed to further explain your intentions. I will make any rolls that are necessary and let you know the outcome. If you feel the need to add a roll to your post, I don't want to outright discourage it, but I may ignore it and make one myself, depending on the type of roll it is. Otherwise, I will request for you to make any other rolls, as needed.

- Due to the continuous nature of Pbp, it's impossible to receive new Hero Points from sessions, and the current rate of achievement may be too slow, so here's what I suggest: Once per combat, everyone has the ability to gain a HP when they Critically Succeed at a check or attack. My only caviat being that the RP description of the Crit must be epic to receive the point. HP will still be limited to a maximum of 3, but hopefully this will provide more options. Also, HP should be tracked in your stat line, as well.

- Spinning off of that, I am considering using the Critical Hit and Critical Fumble decks for PF2. Assuming that everyone is in agreement of this, there are some special rules for this.
1) Critical Hit cards will only happen on a natural roll of 20, and the final result must be a crit (which is almost always). The same for Cricital Fumble cards on a natural roll of 1.
2) Critical Hit cards can either be used immediately, or can be held onto for later use to counter Critical Fumble cards (I will probably also limit these to a maximum of 3). These can be used for your own benefit, or for that of a team mate.
3) If the player received a HP for a Critical Hit, they do not also receieve a Critical Hit card. Altenatively, you can choose to forgoe a HP to gain a card.

- When in combat, please include an OCC of your action usage. How you format it is up to you, and I'm certainly far more interested in your RP, but knowing how you are spending your actions will go a long way.

Also, I guess we should discuss people's thoughts about using the Crit/Fumble decks for the game, as I layed out above.

Male Jungle Catfolk Sorceror (Angelic) / 2 HP: 26/26, AC 16, F+7/R+6/W+5, Perc +3, Speed 25, Class DC 18, Default exploration actions - detect magic; Hero points - 0

Welcome everyone! And thank you Blaydsong for putting this together!

Futin will hopefully be putting back together anyone who finds they need it. Hopefully, he won't be needed as much as he expects;)

male Tiefling Investigator 2 | HP 19/20, THP, N/L | AC 18 | F +3, R +9, W +8 | rapier +7 (1d6) | Darkvision; Per +8 Exploration mode standard action: Search -or- Persue a lead as appropriate. | Lead: silver armored corpse | Wounded 1, Unconscious

Thank you for the acceptance, been looking forward to playing some 2ed.

N Male Elf (Ancient ) | Witch 2 | HP: 18/18 | AC: 18 | F: +4, R: +7, W: +8 | Perc: +6| Class DC: 18 | Spd 30 | Hero: 3/3 | Reactions: Phase Familiar| Conditions: | Explore Activity: Avoid Notice

Thanks for the acceptance, I’m super excited for this, Cicero can provide some melee support and casting.

Female Human (Skilled, Varisian) | Fighter 2 | HP: 21/32 | AC: 20 (22 w/ Raised Shld) | F: +8, R: +8, W: +4 | Perc: +6 | Class DC: 17 | Spd 25 | Hero: 1/3 | Crit Card: 1/3 | Reactions: AoO, Shld Blck | Conditions: | Explore Activity: Defend

Hello all, pleasure to game with the rest of you.

@GM - I would recommend adding this to the Campaign description at the top so we can copy/paste the as needed. It's worked for the other couple PF2E games I have been in.

Symbols: Action ◆ Free Action ◇ Reaction ↺

Talina Vandotanos wrote:

Hello all, pleasure to game with the rest of you.

@GM - I would recommend adding this to the Campaign description at the top so we can copy/paste the as needed. It's worked for the other couple PF2E games I have been in.

Symbols: Action ◆ Free Action ◇ Reaction ↺

Thank you for that!

I had seen that people were doing that recently, but wasn't sure how it was done.

Do you know if they have symbols for 2/3 actions?

Female Human (Skilled, Varisian) | Fighter 2 | HP: 21/32 | AC: 20 (22 w/ Raised Shld) | F: +8, R: +8, W: +4 | Perc: +6 | Class DC: 17 | Spd 25 | Hero: 1/3 | Crit Card: 1/3 | Reactions: AoO, Shld Blck | Conditions: | Explore Activity: Defend

Just use the ◆ more than once.


◆ Strike: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

◆◆ Sudden Charge

◆◆◆Magic Missile

Female Human (Skilled, Varisian) | Fighter 2 | HP: 21/32 | AC: 20 (22 w/ Raised Shld) | F: +8, R: +8, W: +4 | Perc: +6 | Class DC: 17 | Spd 25 | Hero: 1/3 | Crit Card: 1/3 | Reactions: AoO, Shld Blck | Conditions: | Explore Activity: Defend

@GM - Since we haven't started yet, I was wondering if I could swap out my Reactive Shield feat for a different Fighter feat? I plan on Taking the Bastion Archetype which will give me that feat for free.

Seems like a waste to already have it.

Talina Vandotanos wrote:

@GM - Since we haven't started yet, I was wondering if I could swap out my Reactive Shield feat for a different Fighter feat? I plan on Taking the Bastion Archetype which will give me that feat for free.

Seems like a waste to already have it.

I'm perfectly okay with that.

I will advise that, while it doesn't hurt to have a plan on how to build your characters, I would certainly not set anything in stone. There are some exclusive options that will eventually come up throughout the course of the game. Tying yourselves down too much may prevent you from taking part in those options. Also, I think that it makes character progression a bit more organic.

Also, just to let people know that I'm going to dive into a starting post ASAP (after work, some time), but it may take me a day or two to get it fully together. I tend to lay it on a bit thick for the opening scene, so it'll be a bit of a big one.

From what it sounds like, Cicero and Villar will be fairly new to town, while Talina and Futin have been settled in for long enough to be considered local. I'll leave it up to you two as to how you may be acquainted.

Anyone have thoughts on my ideas for Hero Points/Crit/Fumble?

Female Human (Skilled, Varisian) | Fighter 2 | HP: 21/32 | AC: 20 (22 w/ Raised Shld) | F: +8, R: +8, W: +4 | Perc: +6 | Class DC: 17 | Spd 25 | Hero: 1/3 | Crit Card: 1/3 | Reactions: AoO, Shld Blck | Conditions: | Explore Activity: Defend

Oh I know to keep my options open. It normally just wing it as the adventure goes. It's just that Bastion really goes with the whole "Frontline Defender" shtick I've got going. We'll see what happens though.

Actually, I don't think I'd have been there too long, perhaps a couple weeks. Remember, I'm searching for my fiance and my investigations have finally shown me that he went to the Citadel.

Ha ha, I just realized the Archetype I plan on taking is the same name as my fiance.

I'm okay with the Hero Points/Crit/Fumble

@Villar - I noticed you're going with the Interrogator Methodology. With my Quick Coerce, I can see you and I doing the whole Good Cop, Bad Cop routine. Lol

Talina Vandotanos wrote:
Actually, I don't think I'd have been there too long, perhaps a couple weeks. Remember, I'm searching for my fiance and my investigations have finally shown me that he went to the Citadel.

Hmm... I was under the assumption that you were there longer. Not sure where I got that from.

Ah well. One towney, then. :p

male Tiefling Investigator 2 | HP 19/20, THP, N/L | AC 18 | F +3, R +9, W +8 | rapier +7 (1d6) | Darkvision; Per +8 Exploration mode standard action: Search -or- Persue a lead as appropriate. | Lead: silver armored corpse | Wounded 1, Unconscious

Yeah, I usually am fairly organic in my builds too. You should see my 18th level cleric in a living campaign I play in. She's got skill points all over the place based on what she ran into and actually used.

I just have a general idea where I want to go and know what I need to take to make it happen. Fortunately I don't need alot for shadow danacer so it leaves a lot open other than a few skills I need to bump.

Just to check you can't bump a skill past T at level one can you? I know you can't generally bump something twice at one level but if, say one bump was from the heritage or background and one from a free or class bump does that work?

I don't recall what all Hero Points do but that seems like a workable solution. As for the Crit hit/fumble decks, not knowing anything about what is in them makes me a little hesitant but I'm willing to give them a shot.

Villar Shadowsun wrote:
Just to check you can't bump a skill past T at level one can you? I know you can't generally bump something twice at one level but if, say one bump was from the heritage or background and one from a free or class bump does that work?

That is correct. There are certain levels when you can start going beyond Trained (with some exception).

Look at the "Skill Increase" section of your character to find out the details.

For example:

You gain more skill increases than members of other classes. At 2nd level and every level thereafter, you gain a skill increase. You can use this increase to either become trained in one skill you're untrained in or to become an expert in one skill in which you're already trained.

At 7th level, you can use skill increases to become a master in a skill in which you're already an expert, and at 15th level, you can use them to become legendary in a skill in which you're already a master.

male Tiefling Investigator 2 | HP 19/20, THP, N/L | AC 18 | F +3, R +9, W +8 | rapier +7 (1d6) | Darkvision; Per +8 Exploration mode standard action: Search -or- Persue a lead as appropriate. | Lead: silver armored corpse | Wounded 1, Unconscious

Ha! Yes, that's what I needed to know. hadn't really looked much past 1st level yet other than a quick overview of the class.

I also remember no that usually things are worded for first level options that if it would bump a skill a second time it becomes a skill of your choice instead.

N Male Elf (Ancient ) | Witch 2 | HP: 18/18 | AC: 18 | F: +4, R: +7, W: +8 | Perc: +6| Class DC: 18 | Spd 30 | Hero: 3/3 | Reactions: Phase Familiar| Conditions: | Explore Activity: Avoid Notice

I'm really loving the backgrounds, Seems like an interesting group.

I'm happy to use crit/Fumble decks and hero points as you laid them out!

Female Human (Skilled, Varisian) | Fighter 2 | HP: 21/32 | AC: 20 (22 w/ Raised Shld) | F: +8, R: +8, W: +4 | Perc: +6 | Class DC: 17 | Spd 25 | Hero: 1/3 | Crit Card: 1/3 | Reactions: AoO, Shld Blck | Conditions: | Explore Activity: Defend

Well, I haven't heard from my fiance in over two months, maybe that's where you got it.

Talina Vandotanos wrote:
Well, I haven't heard from my fiance in over two months, maybe that's were you got it.

That could be. I think I was assuming that you were already in Breachill when he went missing.

Villar Shadowsun wrote:

Ha! Yes, that's what I needed to know. hadn't really looked much past 1st level yet other than a quick overview of the class.

I also remember no that usually things are worded for first level options that if it would bump a skill a second time it becomes a skill of your choice instead.

One thing I love about the system, is that everything is generally laid out in fairly plain english.

Female Human (Skilled, Varisian) | Fighter 2 | HP: 21/32 | AC: 20 (22 w/ Raised Shld) | F: +8, R: +8, W: +4 | Perc: +6 | Class DC: 17 | Spd 25 | Hero: 1/3 | Crit Card: 1/3 | Reactions: AoO, Shld Blck | Conditions: | Explore Activity: Defend

@GM - FYI, I swapped Reactive Shield for Sudden Charge.

Talina Vandotanos wrote:
@GM - FYI, I swapped Reactive Shield for Sudden Charge.

Supah! :)

Female Human (Skilled, Varisian) | Fighter 2 | HP: 21/32 | AC: 20 (22 w/ Raised Shld) | F: +8, R: +8, W: +4 | Perc: +6 | Class DC: 17 | Spd 25 | Hero: 1/3 | Crit Card: 1/3 | Reactions: AoO, Shld Blck | Conditions: | Explore Activity: Defend

@Futin - Where did you get that PDF?

Villar Shadowsun wrote:
I don't recall what all Hero Points do but that seems like a workable solution. As for the Crit hit/fumble decks, not knowing anything about what is in them makes me a little hesitant but I'm willing to give them a shot.

Missed this from earlier.

So Hero Points do 2 things:

Spending 1 Hero Point allows you to re-roll one d20 roll before you know the result (only one re-roll/fortune effect per original roll).
Spending all current Hero Points allows you to instantly stabilize when you are dying.

As for the cards, they do a variety of things. Sometimes the Crit cards will do triple, rather than double damage. Sometimes they will have alternate effects, but most of the time it will apply some kind of condition to the target. Fumbles will often be similar, though (that I have seen so far), they don't usually do damage to the person. Mostly just applying effects/conditions to the person that fumbles.

male Tiefling Investigator 2 | HP 19/20, THP, N/L | AC 18 | F +3, R +9, W +8 | rapier +7 (1d6) | Darkvision; Per +8 Exploration mode standard action: Search -or- Persue a lead as appropriate. | Lead: silver armored corpse | Wounded 1, Unconscious

Oh, those sound like fun! I usually dislike alot of the crit fumble effects as being far too punishing (oh your weapon breaks, or you lose a limb) but those sound much better.

Yeah, PBP makes the hero points hard to use properly. Not so much the session refill but the use before knowing result part could be problematic.

Actually, I find that they will work just fine.

Basically, you see the result of your roll (before I say what the result is) and you go.... "I don't like that roll. Let's use a Hero Point!"

Generally speaking, I would say that the best option would be to use a Strikethrough on the old roll, then just add a new one. If you waited to long to be able to edit your post, then just make sure to get a new one in before I post. ;)

The tough one is going to be reactions. I don't want to make assumptions on your behalf (unless you tell me to), so Reactions will probably have to be used after I make any actions against you.

male Tiefling Investigator 2 | HP 19/20, THP, N/L | AC 18 | F +3, R +9, W +8 | rapier +7 (1d6) | Darkvision; Per +8 Exploration mode standard action: Search -or- Persue a lead as appropriate. | Lead: silver armored corpse | Wounded 1, Unconscious

Ah, I thought it had to be decided before you even rolled the dice. That makes a difference then.

As for reactions, depending on how many possibilities there are a short order of priority table could be useful.

As an example a list from a Shelynite Priestess of mine with addoration:

Adoration Priority
As it will become irrelevant fairly fast the way I would handle it is this order of precedence.
1.) First attack from bbeg
2.) First attack from 2-handed weapon.
3.) First attack from 1-handed weapon if hp <1/4.
4.) Try not use more than 1/4 total uses in a given fight unless near death or bbeg fight.

Villar Shadowsun wrote:

Adoration Priority

As it will become irrelevant fairly fast the way I would handle it is this order of precedence.
1.) First attack from bbeg
2.) First attack from 2-handed weapon.
3.) First attack from 1-handed weapon if hp <1/4.
4.) Try not use more than 1/4 total uses in a given fight unless near death or bbeg fight.

I can see this being handy for some things, and early on probably won't be much of a problem. I can see at least 2 instances where this might not be the best idea:

1)Shields. If you're auto-blocking, you it won't be very long before your shield is destroyed. (Blocked damage beyond the Threshold is applied to both the person and the shield).

2) Multiple Reaction abilities. Most notably would be the fighter, who can either block or Attack of Opportunity. You only get 1 reaction per turn, so if you use one, then you can't use the other until after your next turn.

Male Jungle Catfolk Sorceror (Angelic) / 2 HP: 26/26, AC 16, F+7/R+6/W+5, Perc +3, Speed 25, Class DC 18, Default exploration actions - detect magic; Hero points - 0

@Talina - that's a Mythweavers sheet

I'm perfectly fine with the Hero point stuff, and I love the idea of funky crits! I haven't had a chance to really get into them in any games, and I'm excited for the probably amusing after-effects

male Tiefling Investigator 2 | HP 19/20, THP, N/L | AC 18 | F +3, R +9, W +8 | rapier +7 (1d6) | Darkvision; Per +8 Exploration mode standard action: Search -or- Persue a lead as appropriate. | Lead: silver armored corpse | Wounded 1, Unconscious

Oh I fully realize it doesn't work for everything but was simply meant to serve as an example.

Female Human (Skilled, Varisian) | Fighter 2 | HP: 21/32 | AC: 20 (22 w/ Raised Shld) | F: +8, R: +8, W: +4 | Perc: +6 | Class DC: 17 | Spd 25 | Hero: 1/3 | Crit Card: 1/3 | Reactions: AoO, Shld Blck | Conditions: | Explore Activity: Defend

@Futin - Does it auto-fill?

N Male Elf (Ancient ) | Witch 2 | HP: 18/18 | AC: 18 | F: +4, R: +7, W: +8 | Perc: +6| Class DC: 18 | Spd 30 | Hero: 3/3 | Reactions: Phase Familiar| Conditions: | Explore Activity: Avoid Notice

It does, Mythweavers is awesome. there's sheets for every system you've ever heard of and many you haven't that all autofill. I use them for all my characters but then shift over to Profiles

Female Human (Skilled, Varisian) | Fighter 2 | HP: 21/32 | AC: 20 (22 w/ Raised Shld) | F: +8, R: +8, W: +4 | Perc: +6 | Class DC: 17 | Spd 25 | Hero: 1/3 | Crit Card: 1/3 | Reactions: AoO, Shld Blck | Conditions: | Explore Activity: Defend

Hmmm, I might just convert over to them then. I found an auto-fill on Redit that works pretty well, sans a couple spots you need to fill manually.

@Cicero - I'm just having a closer look at some details that I didn't focus much on before. Just noticing that coin that you started with. Nice touch! :)

N Male Elf (Ancient ) | Witch 2 | HP: 18/18 | AC: 18 | F: +4, R: +7, W: +8 | Perc: +6| Class DC: 18 | Spd 30 | Hero: 3/3 | Reactions: Phase Familiar| Conditions: | Explore Activity: Avoid Notice

”fortune favors me, what can I say.”

Character question!

I already know about Cicero, but what/who do the others venerate? Do you worship a particular diety(s)? Do they have any particular philosophies that they follow? Do they consider themselves upper/middle/lower class?

Female Human (Skilled, Varisian) | Fighter 2 | HP: 21/32 | AC: 20 (22 w/ Raised Shld) | F: +8, R: +8, W: +4 | Perc: +6 | Class DC: 17 | Spd 25 | Hero: 1/3 | Crit Card: 1/3 | Reactions: AoO, Shld Blck | Conditions: | Explore Activity: Defend

"Luck favors the prepared."

- Edna, The Incredibles

Female Human (Skilled, Varisian) | Fighter 2 | HP: 21/32 | AC: 20 (22 w/ Raised Shld) | F: +8, R: +8, W: +4 | Perc: +6 | Class DC: 17 | Spd 25 | Hero: 1/3 | Crit Card: 1/3 | Reactions: AoO, Shld Blck | Conditions: | Explore Activity: Defend

Crescent Hold has always held Erastil in high esteem, even more so after the Goblinblood Wars and we rebuilt.

As the third child of a merchant, I would most likely be middle-ish class.

Male Jungle Catfolk Sorceror (Angelic) / 2 HP: 26/26, AC 16, F+7/R+6/W+5, Perc +3, Speed 25, Class DC 18, Default exploration actions - detect magic; Hero points - 0

My parents are basically starving artists whose pursuits barely eek out a living. Futin has very little, but shares the ideals of his parents so cares little for material wealth. Wealth is in the wonder of something new, a fine tale, or a hand of friendship.

He's not very pious, but aligns mostly with the faith of Milani. He thinks that's whom he has a bond with, and who supplies him with his angelic powers.

Talina Vandotanos wrote:

Crescent Hold has always held Erastil in high esteem, even more so after the Goblinblood Wars and we rebuilt.

As the third child of a merchant, I would most likely be middle-ish class.

Speaking of which, where is Crescent Hold located? I don't think it's an existing place on any Golarion maps, so I'm assuming that it's a minor, made-up location. :)

Female Human (Skilled, Varisian) | Fighter 2 | HP: 21/32 | AC: 20 (22 w/ Raised Shld) | F: +8, R: +8, W: +4 | Perc: +6 | Class DC: 17 | Spd 25 | Hero: 1/3 | Crit Card: 1/3 | Reactions: AoO, Shld Blck | Conditions: | Explore Activity: Defend

That is correct. A small village about three weeks travel from Breachill.

I tend to not have my characters from established cities unless I can get some good information on it to make sure they fit in there.

N Male Elf (Ancient ) | Witch 2 | HP: 18/18 | AC: 18 | F: +4, R: +7, W: +8 | Perc: +6| Class DC: 18 | Spd 30 | Hero: 3/3 | Reactions: Phase Familiar| Conditions: | Explore Activity: Avoid Notice

Just for completeness, I venerate grandmother spider though her worship is reasonably taboo in or near Cheliax so I keep it on the down low until I know I can trust someone. As a reasonably recently escaped slave I am lower class.

I didn't hear anything from Villar. Let me know when you can.

Currently working on the first post. Should hopefully have it up tomorrow, though depending on how much I can squeeze in during work, it might be Wednesday at the latest.

First post is up!

Not quite as substantial as I was originally thinking, but a good start none-the-less.

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions about anything. :)

Game on!

N Male Elf (Ancient ) | Witch 2 | HP: 18/18 | AC: 18 | F: +4, R: +7, W: +8 | Perc: +6| Class DC: 18 | Spd 30 | Hero: 3/3 | Reactions: Phase Familiar| Conditions: | Explore Activity: Avoid Notice

Where is everyone from Timezone wise? just figure it may help for the timing of things, don't wanna assume someone isn't active just cause they didn't reply at 2 AM.

I am UTC -05:00

Female Human (Skilled, Varisian) | Fighter 2 | HP: 21/32 | AC: 20 (22 w/ Raised Shld) | F: +8, R: +8, W: +4 | Perc: +6 | Class DC: 17 | Spd 25 | Hero: 1/3 | Crit Card: 1/3 | Reactions: AoO, Shld Blck | Conditions: | Explore Activity: Defend

UTC -08:00 for me.

N Male Elf (Ancient ) | Witch 2 | HP: 18/18 | AC: 18 | F: +4, R: +7, W: +8 | Perc: +6| Class DC: 18 | Spd 30 | Hero: 3/3 | Reactions: Phase Familiar| Conditions: | Explore Activity: Avoid Notice

Also, @Blaydsong is it alright if I retroactively purchase 9 more holy symbols of Grandmother Spider

male Tiefling Investigator 2 | HP 19/20, THP, N/L | AC 18 | F +3, R +9, W +8 | rapier +7 (1d6) | Darkvision; Per +8 Exploration mode standard action: Search -or- Persue a lead as appropriate. | Lead: silver armored corpse | Wounded 1, Unconscious

UTC -05:00 (Indiana EST)

I'm in UTC -07:00 (MST).

@Cicero - If you want to but that many holy symbols, I have absolutely no issue with it. :)

Once Villar and Talina are done with their interaction, I'll move things along to the Town Hall (no pressure to end early).

Cicero and Futin, if there is anything you want to do along the way, feel free to pipe up. Even if it's doing a bit of site seeing.

Male Jungle Catfolk Sorceror (Angelic) / 2 HP: 26/26, AC 16, F+7/R+6/W+5, Perc +3, Speed 25, Class DC 18, Default exploration actions - detect magic; Hero points - 0

EST - North Carolina

N Male Elf (Ancient ) | Witch 2 | HP: 18/18 | AC: 18 | F: +4, R: +7, W: +8 | Perc: +6| Class DC: 18 | Spd 30 | Hero: 3/3 | Reactions: Phase Familiar| Conditions: | Explore Activity: Avoid Notice

Part of Grandmother spider is that instead of having her own temples her faithful hide away her symbols or alters in other temples and I realized I didn’t have enough to do that. So I figured I’d see if I could grab more.

Hey Cicero. I just noticed that your familiar only has 2 abilities listed. I'm pretty sure that it starts with 3, since you are a witch.

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