Arlo Brighthammer |
Then with a thankful look
"But you had my back"
She then does something very out of character, she bends down and kisses him on the check. Straightening back up she says.
"Thank you Arlo'
Arlo stiffens, his face quickly becoming as red as an apple. "No problem", the dwarf mutters, turning around to join the others.
What are your names? What Master do you serve? Tell me more of your purpose so I can aid you. The substrate now channels thoughts and spirits in a confused and improper direction, focusing on death, it seems. With the Guardian bereft of its senses, it may be quite dangerous to approach the main substrate but this is what I believe must be done to heal this ancient site. I can aid you with information, advice or in crafting tools. I cannot leave this general area."
"I'm Arlo Brighthammer, and we work for people who don't want their names known, but seek to protect the stability of the universe", the dwarf looked down at the gnome-sized construct. "If we did away with the guardian, would you be able to move into the main..substrate, whatever that is?"
"Also, it appears one of your group is a construct such as myself and may have sustained damage. This is sad. My skills and this workshop would be at your disposal for this.
Arlo's eyes widened in surprise at his friend's diagnosis. The paladin looks to his construct friend on her thoughts.
GM Hansj |
Also, Anzarra notices that the workrooms that Lyra opened, including the one the creature emerged from seems to be in perfect repair or at least all of the odd shaping tools seem put in a place designed for such things, no dust was in the room before Lyra opened the door. A few of the tools in the rooms have a shape similar to those Master Pindaros' workshop and there's a table similar to but identical to the table in the open room.
The two rooms are close to identical but still distinct. Each apparently involved slightly different crafting. Each room has a chest of drawers with 10 thin drawers - you actually guess these contain raw materials for soul gem, from a slight sparkles on the outside and from how Pindaro organized his workshop. The room that Imchek emerged from has a whitish orange globe on top of the chest of drawers and Anzarra has a suspicious that this is Imcheck's "home". The small bits of glowing blue and purple light that have permeated the complex seem to stop the doors of these workrooms and it's easy guess that the mental effect of the complex might also stop at the doors of these rooms.
Anzarra |
So, the first task, I suggest, if you here for good, is heal this substratum. We don't need to retrieve the stolen substratum, though that would be nice. We just need tools, and the help of the guardian. Who is likely insane , due to the broken matrix... a riddle I think.... what shall we do? If you need substratum, this workshop could produce it... with materials and my aid. Perhaps a bargain if you could affect a repair...
This workshop seems in perfect repair, so what repair were you referring to... just healing the substratum? Is it possible to restore the guardian and bring him back from his madness? What materials are you referring to when you say we need materials in order to produce substratum?
Lady Lyra Anna Fitzroy |
. "Also, it appears one of your group is a construct such as myself and may have sustained damage. This is sad. My skills and this workshop would be at your disposal for this.
Lyra follows Arlo, and moves to the Gnome construct when this is said.
"That would be me then, and you can scan, interesting."
she takes a good look at him, Kn Eng she takes ten, 10+10+4=24
"Anzarra is right"
Paritosh Jumbal |
Paritosh responds as well, "well, it certainly isn't me calling you little, we are roughly of a size. I am Paritosh Jumbal, lately joined to this group, and for the same purposes the others have stated. I am no construct, although it appears that Lady Lyra has admitted it is she." Paritosh considers Lyra for a moment. "Anyways, I am not the best at fixing such things, they are beyond my ken, but I'm happy to stand aside and be a gopher, for any such works as needs to be done."
Moira Monday |
"I'm Moira. Thanks for hosting us, I'm check, and I'm sorry if I offended. Can you give us any advice for calming the guardian down, or is there anything you can do if we can bring the guardian to you? I take it they are down that corridor where the lights get thicker. Are the lights a manifestation of the substratum?"
Lady Lyra Anna Fitzroy |
She shows the gnome the gash on her side, and the blue blood seeping from it.
"Something did this but I have no memory of it"
GM Hansj |
The orange gnome/crafter-spirit acknowledges each character in turn, polite but somewhat stiff.
"Greetings Arlo, Paritosh, Moira ... Anzarra(?) and Lyra(?). If your masters are benevolent, that is sufficient. I was curious if I knew of them is all, really. The chance would be slight in any case...
The creature bows.
Addressing Lyra: Yes, I can scan the magical, psionic, psychic, electromagnetic, aetheric fields, which, of course, overlaps in a variety of places. I have scanning since you awakened me. I will let you know if I discover more. I scanned your psychic and electromagnetic fields and I sensed some damage. I am unfamiliar with constructs such as yourself but the workshop has a variety of materials that might be used for various repairs.
Moira and Anzarra: The psychic phenomena you may sense as lights are manifestation of the damaged substratum as is the condition of the Guardian, indeed it is something of a manifestation of the Guardian's state. It's density does increase as one moves closer to substratum, which is about 2000 feet from us here. The two workshop seems in perfect repair - two other workshops were looted by the raiders. If you can tell me more of the raiders, I might understand what occurred and what damage they inflicted but perhaps you do not know. I am assuming it was the raiders who indeed damaged the substratum. I am offering you my workshop on the condition that you to help make a repair to substratum"
Arlo and Paritosh, if your group wishes to use the workshop, every hand will be necessary. I suggest you not try to destroy the Guardian but some way to stun it might be useful.
Sense motive everyone, Lyra +3
Your knowledge together would show "he" is a magical construct, a spirit likely summoned from one of the planes of law and given form and a purpose, likely constrained by the spells which bind him but still intelligent and fairly benevolent. The guardian he refers to is likely a greater bound spirit, a part of the substrate itself. The substrate in turn is a network of material which once served to create the "goodbye chamber", an area where deceased souls were temporarily drawn to before they passed to the bone yard and beyond.
Lady Lyra Anna Fitzroy |
Sense Motive 1d20 + 1d6 + 8 + 3 ⇒ (1) + (1) + 8 + 3 = 13 Nope she must still be booting up her emations
"That's very impressive, I can only scan for a few things. As for my manufacturer. Nanotech swarm body with an AI core. Civilian model because I liked the humanoid body shape, Military models always look like thuggish beasts."
She says this as she heads to the workshop and peaches herself up.
From there she shouts over.
"Your form looks more robust, more mechanical than cybernetic, how where you made if you don't mind me asking."
As heal Craft mechanical 1d20 + 12 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 12 + 4 = 22
She looks at her handiwork, a line of tape over the gash on her side.
She comes back.
"So this guardian that's been disabled, where is it? I may be able to fix it"
GM Hansj |
Imchek seems somewhat flattered to asked about himself and smile awkwardly "Lyra, Marelion III prayed to Abadar's angel Serbatam that he might have an aid in his task of constructing a holy substrate to unite the people. Serbatam selected myself and another nameless spirit singing in the celestial chorus to come to this world Between Earth and Sky and aid Marelion. He named us Omchek and Imchek. Through spells of planar binding and other devices, we were made resident of this mortal plane, given something akin to moral bodies. We aided in the construction of the substrate for the "Goodbye Chamber" and it's Guardian, a labor which did not finish until the reign of Orwion II. I so miss Omchek and fear I never encounter him on this plane again. " Stops, somewhat upset for a second. Then continues.
"Oh, the Guardian is not disabled, he is active, too active, distressed, knowing he has been harmed but no able to know how. In our brief mind-to-mind interchange just now, he accused me of being responsible. Me!
He sighs,
"The Guardian is a embedded in the substrate in the circular GoodBye Chamber. He is a feature of matrix, circuit, substrate, whatever you call that great work. He could be disabled by the proper manipulations of the substrate, at which point we would think about healing him.
It would help if you could tell me of the other raiders, how they damaged the Guardian. Then we might understand how to undo the damage and the situation. This workshop might prove useful in the endeavor.
You said they came seeking "gems"? Pieces of substrate?
Lady Lyra Anna Fitzroy |
She just looks just as nonplussed as the Construct when they talk about how they were made. Spirits and "Goodbye Chamber", it all seems like a lot more of this 'magic'. She still just does not understand it. It's just not logical. Last time she had Anzarra to help her when she worked with designs related to magic. So again looks to Anzarra and the others for help.
"I hope you know what it's talking about? I'm lost"
Anzarra |
To Lyra
I'm not sure I know either. You've been here longer than I have. It seems to want to know what was done here by others, which I don't know. It wants us to heal the substrate/substratum, which seems to be able to be done through this workshop, in return for repairs. The one useful bit of information so far is that the guardian is in a circular chamber where he can be disabled, but "manipulations of the substrate" I don't understand. We're speaking past each other here. I didn't even understand clearly what these soul gems were before I came here, and now he wants to know what was done with them by someone else...
Knowledge Arcana: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17
She addresses Imchek
I have no idea what others have been doing with the "substrate." All I know is that these things we call soul gems seem to have magical properties that can hold an enchantment and power magical devices. With that rudimentary knowledge and my knowledge of magic in general, we've tried to design a device that can defeat a pervasive evil in this world. I would love to help you disable and heal this guardian you speak of, and I am sure that the help you can offer will be useful, but I have never been here before. I can't tell you anything of those who have visited previously, other than that this place is guarded by the Dark Traders, so I am convinced their work is evil.
Moira Monday |
"Near enough at least, I think. We need to get to that deep central chamber where the people said their goodbyes as the spirits lingered in the substrate, that's where we'll find our guardian. Although I don't think we have any way of knowing how it was damaged until we put eyes on it. And yes, Imcheck, it sounds like the gems are pieces of substrate, perhaps coalesced. Unless there's anything else we can do here right now, I think it's time to head into the Goodbye Chamber and see what we can do to help this guardian."
Lady Lyra Anna Fitzroy |
Lyra nods at Moira's suggestion.
GM Hansj |
The orange gnome, Imchek, looks uncomfortable, shifting from heel to heel as the characters discuss possibilities. Haltingly, he says: "Going into the Goodbye Chamber to perhaps heal the Guardian is an excellent idea and I approve of the approach and your bravery here. Just a tiny, idle thought I had, however. You can consider it or discard it as you will." now, speaking more quickly out of nervousness. "You might, for example, craft some devices here that could protect you from the mental power of the Guardian, which is quite great. Also, a device that might be used to stun the Guardian (Abadar help us). Also, consider taking this shaper, if the substrate is rough, you can use to the shaper-tool to smooth it and perhaps calm the Guardian that way. I could show you how to do all this, it is my purpose." Adds, in a higher, more nervous voice. "Mere ideas, not important, nothing that should constrain your plans"
GM Hansj |
Imcheck shows everyone the two workshops and describes their operations in somewhat obscure terms but he is very patient, waiting until at least one character gets a modest understanding, before going on.
The tools are complex and unwieldy, several actually requiring requiring two or three people to operate. They are similar to the tools of Master Pindaro's workshop but far, far more primitive and even illogical in their construction, some seem not designed for humanoids at all but for creatures of other sorts.
The shelves workshop have a small supply of blue crystal raw material (which Imcheck describes as substrate) as well as a supply of orachalcum and psychically active materials. These materials can be used to make four psychic shields and two "psychic stun" devices. There is also "crystal smoother" you can take which would be used to smooth breaks in the substrate (and hopefully healing the Guardian).
Assuming their willing, the characters get to work crafting these, taking several hours to do so (you can only guess but it's well past sunset at the end). Imcheck tries to act like a mere helper but he is in fact directing the characters obscure and intricate magical crafting they would not comprehend otherwise.
To determine the strength of shields, each character roll either [any craft] or [knowledge engineering]. I will take two high rolls. Two of the shields have "strength" of "highest roll -12", two of the shield have a strength of "second-highest roll -12". Any roll of 1, and one of the shields may fail unexpectedly. The rolls not taken count as "aid another attempts" for the craft. (at least four character must roll because each character's help is needed).
The strength of each shield can be added after the fact to any will save against crystal-based psychic attack - attack which you can certainly anticipate coming.
The stunning devices don't require any rolls but Imchek notes they might work only the equivalent of 2-3 rounds and the Guardian is ~ 1000 feet away. IE, you may not want to use it until you get close. Imchek notes that striking the substrate in the chamber with a club might also stun the Guardian - but avoid anything sharp, which could cause an explosive backlash and send the Guardian further into madness.
Also you could try talking to the Guardian but Imchek seems pessimistic.
Anzarra |
Listening to Imchek closely, Anzarra attempts to create the device that he describes. The tools were difficult to work with, but when she is done she thinks she has successfully crafted the item.
Knowledge Engineering to craft some Psychic Shields: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23
Paritosh Jumbal |
Paritosh, again, listens to every word, but when asked to participate, recognizes his own limitations and that he simply doesn't have the skills to aid in this endeavor. He pulls a lizard from his pocket and feeds it to Moonbeam.
Arlo Brighthammer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Arlo grunts, "My skillset leaning more toward weapon creation, not engineering, but I'll give it a try." The dwarf enters one of the workshops, getting himself acclimated with the strange tools, and begins to work.
Craft (weapons): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21
Lady Lyra Anna Fitzroy |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
knowledge engineering 1d20 + 14 + 1d6 ⇒ (10) + 14 + (2) = 26
She works with the others to make what is needed.
GM Hansj |
The five shields and two stunning devices lie complete in front of the characters. Three shield have strength 16 and two have strength 19. Imchek suggests the stunning devices be carried by those with the strongest wills (Moira and Arlo) and that the strongest shields should go to Paritosh and Anzarra. I'll assume this unless someone post otherwise. Each character takes their shield and implements and begin to move towards the blue lights. As the party moves, the deathly images from before appear and ...
... move away as the party approaches. The force of the shields seems exert a barrier pushing back the thoughts and images, holding them at bay 20' in front of the group. So the first 200-250 feet, progress seems simple, the blue light even seems to lose interest in the party and vanishes... however at approximately 250' feet, the group notices the semi-transparent figure of an older man, clearly from present day Ovium. He looks surprised and bewildered, not angry or afraid, saying "is this the afterlife". The figure doesn't approach the group and also seems repelled by the shields. The party continues further, so far unhindered but with more and more ghosts who seem the recently dead of Ovium. Now having gone 500 feet, you see a crowd of such figures - and now blue light appearing again behind the ghosts. Strange telepathic commands echo through the ether but seem not address to you. "They are responsible! They damaged me, it is they are who you must overcome..." (it is easy to understand this is the voice of Guardian, it is voice of someone normally wise and power but now mentally broken and twisted). The party is rushed by four of spirits and by the blue light, again forming itself into images of death, all trying to overcome the sanity of the party.
Everyone make a will save DC 20, 5 wisdom damage on fail (haunted by deathly thoughts). you can use the strength of the shields to add to your save but now you can see using the entire strength is a bad idea, since they also repel the spirits.
These incorporeal spirits but clearly weak - they could probably be dissipated with a single swipe but they're pathetic, sad, confused recently drowned sailors. The some of the blue light is heading down the tunnel towards your destination, maybe some part of the Guardian.
Four ghost are in front of you, other hanging back. I assume the party will keep moving - you can attempt to communicate with the guardian, you can use a stunning device (though it's early), try to deal with these spirits or something else.
Lady Lyra Anna Fitzroy |
Will save 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 7 + 2 = 28
As the spirits came on she worked to stop her personality from Shunting again. And pushed on helping the others.
Anzarra |
Will Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Anzarra attempts to move past the spirits as quickly as possible, not wanting to pause and fight unless absolutely necessary.
Moira Monday |
Will: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32
The spirits wash over Moira. She knows death well and has nothing to fear from it.
She calls out "Guardian! We come to you in peace. The substrate has been damaged, corrupted, and we wish to set it right. You can feel that it's wrong, it agitates you and these poor spirits. Let us in, and help us restore this place to peace."
Trusting to Fate, I'll use Triple Baron to roll thrice and take the middlest.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (4) + 15 = 19
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (18) + 15 = 33
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (13) + 15 = 28
28 it is.
Arlo Brighthammer |
Will DC 20: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28 Yeah!
"Ah, fu<k off, spirits! Tell me something I don't know", Arlo grumbled at the dead.
GM Hansj |
The group's powerful will seems to resonate through the hallway, perhaps reaching back even to the strange place of the dead that you are thinking of (ie, the substrate).
Moira's words echo across the chamber and voice of the Guardian answers, deep and resonant, yet with jumping occasionally to high, shrieking registers.
"I have done wrong keeping the dead of Ovium, who have none to meet them in the chamber, yet being broken, I must do wrong. But not all broken, I can undo this. " Some light door opens, seeming to attract the spirits.
"Being broken, I cannot know what it is to be whole, yet I seek wholeness. Being broken, I see also the world as broken, as my enemy. Yet I would become whole. "
"I do not understand those entities which took part of myself. My understanding was stolen with this.
"Being broken, I cannot trust but must trust. So I must create a test. A glowing ball, burning away all that is evil. If you pass through this, you may approach.
The party continues forward as the spirit fall away, drawn to the white placeless door. Now walking in silence and see ahead of them a slight glint of a wall of blue crystals - the "substrate". Then a glowing ball light appears and quickly engulfs them, this time can feel divine test occurring. (Will save 22, take 5 points of nonlethal damage for each point missed (shield strength can be used). Character will feel excruciating pain but actually won't be damaged at all, unless you actually have evil intentions. IE, at worst knocked unconscious. ). Once through, you will be directly in front of an obviously damaged area of the wall, your experience with Imcheck will come in handy for another knowledge engineering or craft check - best score of those roll, others count as assisting. If less than three make it through, -3 on the checks.
(You can still stun the Guardian things don't seem to be working out).
Arlo Brighthammer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Will Save DC 22: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
The orange ball of pain, envelops Arlo, taking 60 non-lethal damage. The dwarf paladin screams along with the untold others who died that day.
Lady Lyra Anna Fitzroy |
She walks and seeing the Spirits and Damage
Kn eng 1d20 + 14 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + 14 + (2) = 21
Studies it.
Then the words and test, she uses her AI core to try and show she means no harm Only like the others trying to help and mead things.
Spenind 2 Inspiration points +1d6 Will Save Vs 22 1d20 + 7 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (15) + 7 + 2 + (3) = 27 Did not need it to buy you have to spend before you know the outcome
Moira Monday |
Will: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (5) + 14 = 19
The light washes over Moira and burns at the weakness and foibles that lurk within her. She grits her teeth and moans in agony as the light cuts deep, but she accepts the pain. It scours over the things that make her human, fallible, and she lets it in. Life is pain, but it goes on.
15 non-lethal damage
She comes out the other side, sweating, breathing heavily, and looks around to gauge the damage.
She lends a healing hand to Arlo, then begins to study the damaged wall with Lyra.
Lay on Hands: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Engineering: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17
Arlo Brighthammer |
Arlo, bend over and dry-heaving, feels the touch of Lay of Hands, but it's not his. He looks back and see the sympathetic eyes of Moira. The dwarf would love to say something snarky, but the pain is still very raw as always. He give the human paladin a wearily nod of thanks, then sits on the floor gathering his strength.
Anzarra |
Will Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
She feels intense pain as her impurities are burned out of her. Every doubt and fear and worry crash through her mind at once, threatening to make her give up and despair, but when it is done, all that remains is the pure light of determination to do good, and although she is on her knees and crying with pain by the end, she has also never before felt such clarity of purpose.
Takes 40 NL damage
She reaches the obviously-damaged substrate and after resting a while, she starts to repair it as Imchek taught them.
Knowledge Engineering: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29
Paritosh Jumbal |
Will: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14 Fail
Paritosh takes 40 points of nonlethal damage.
I forgot to roll for Moonbeam earlier...
Will: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18 Fail
Moonbeam takes 5 points of WIS damage
Now this check for Moonbeam...
Will: 1d20 + 4 - 2 ⇒ (9) + 4 - 2 = 11
Moonbeam takes 55 points of damage. That will be 33 non lethal, and then 22 lethal.
As Moonbeam crashes to the ground, blood pouring from her all-too-sensitive ears, Paritosh lets out a cry, for his own pain, and for hers. His faithful companion had fallen by the wayside. He was unable to tell the extent of her injuries, but he was not going to let her sacrifice be in vain, nor was he going to let down his newfound companions. "Goodbye my faithful friend, the last link to my homeworld, I shall return for you, if I can." With the resolve of a gnome faced with his own demise, he hefts the shield and continues on.
GM Hansj |
With Lady Lyra and Anzarra smoothing the broken area of the wall, the Guardian speaks more softly (the healing will take a while to be fully done but the danger is past. Out of melee rounds), "Oh my, perhaps your true test lay in your willingness to endure what my broken side laid out for you. I am coming to myself, I think, I hope.". The previously dark, circular chamber slowly lights, a crystals themselves providing a soft, neutral light.
"I woke to a nightmare, several months ago. Agents unknown were drilled into the substrate, which I am a part of. I think they did this to steal the substrate and use it for their ends but they also used a method I suspect was intended to drive me mad. Hopefully, I am slowly regaining my sanity now."
The chamber somehow takes on a benevolent feeling, the air smells pleasant and fresh.
"Waking, I began the routine that I had followed in the older era, gathering the dead, having them wait for those who would say goodbye. But no one came and I became something of an intermediate hell for the dead. They are released but I know no where they go now. I am a strange anarchronism now. Once I was a part of shaping the united spirit of an entire community. Now, each of the living and the dead go their own way and I am uncertain what my purpose should be."
"Still, it is evident that whoever stole part of the substrate intended to use it's spirit unifying, spirit summon powers for ill. And this crystalline substrate, my essence, has absorbed the memories of many souls and could be used as a powerful shaping device for good or ill. This is the quandary I see. My only thought is that the stolen substrate should be returned, my essence made whole. But what are your ideas. Having proven yourselves, I believe you earned the right to offer suggestions and my wisdom tells me you came here with more ideas than just healing me, however well intentioned you might be. Indeed, it is appropriate you should be rewarded though I can only reward in a few areas."
"So, I am grateful, what do you seek? How would you solve the problems we face?"
Anzarra |
Does the original substrate need to be returned if we have the means to make it new and heal those wounds? We may not be able to track it all down, although of course if it is being used for evil it would be better to stop that. What if it is being used for good though?
Anzarra thinks about what to say, for if they destroy all of the substrate then, seemingly, a lot of the magic would be gone from this world and a great evil would be averted. But is that the best way to solve the problem?
She finally decides to trust the Guardian, hoping that it had truly been restored to sanity, and tries to describe the machine plans that they had found and how evil they were, and the revised plan that they had made to try to make the populace immune to manipulation but still able to have new experiences using the power of the substrate / soul gems.
She also explains about the Dark Traders and asks if there is anything that the Guardian can do to prevent itself and this facility from being used for evil.
Lady Lyra Anna Fitzroy |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Lyra put both hands on the Damaged area and the tiny things that were part of her went to work.
Make Whole 5d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 6, 1, 6) = 18 mend to the substrate area that is broken.
She lefts her hands of and reviews her handiwork.
After the Guardian speaks of things they need.
"You say this is a databank of experiences of the dead. Guardian, I need to know about magic and how it works. Can I access that knowledge here?"
GM Hansj |
The Guardian listens carefully to Anzarra and Lady Lyras questions, question their own questions about Traders and databanks and then says:
"When the head Priest Gowanthar shutdown this facility, I believe he expected it to be only for a short time. Moreover, I am thinking he may have had his own plans that involved gaining entry with me inactive. Such is how empires die. In any case, I and this chamber have lain dormant for at least a thousand years - estimating time is quite difficult. I am only just now orienting myself."
"Your fight against these inter-dimensional raiders seems noble and quite pressing. I will attempt to provide what aid I can. I am quite powerful but maybe only in a limited domain. I can provide you with certain substrate certainly or perhaps the remaining helper spirit - Imchek can manufacture it."
"If your 'Dark Traders' had a plan using substrate, then it stands to reason they or their agents were the raiders who attacked. The plan you describe is sadly possible and most devious. My essence over many hundreds of years has been devoting to the building of single, spiritual community, united by each person's awareness of their path from birth to death. Such unity no longer it possible. But the substrate could be used wisely to give people an idea of how to live wisely - or unwisely, with serious consequences. I will think on your plan and make suggestions"
"The substrate contains much but it is quite different from a 'databank' - memories cannot be pulled-up at a moments notice. Indeed, I believe I will need to think on a course of action for at least a couple of days. And then speak with you again. I believe I will be safe. Thinking back on the original encounter, I believe that once these raiders awakened, they were forced to feel from my confused efforts at defense. I concentrate now on now defense and planing, the substrate should be quite safe. My power is now awake. I believe I can get you the substrate you need and Imchek may get you some other small things if they would be useful. A few more questions if you wish. Then I will ask you to leave and then return after two days, I need to sort and scan. "
Paritosh Jumbal |
Paritosh somewhat tunes out the droning technical conversation as he kneels down by Moonbeam's body. Her breaths were very slow, very labored. He whispered in her ears, trying to comfort her as he attempted to assess her condition.
Heal: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
It's atypical, but I'll claim the +4 for "with your animal companion" on this check too!
Paritosh looks up with imploring eyes at Anzarra, "can you do something for her?"
Anzarra |
Anzarra looks down at the bat and says
I dare not use too much of my magical energy on her when we are also injured, and are uncertain about what we will yet face this day, but I will do what I can.
Cure Moderate: 2d8 + 7 ⇒ (8, 7) + 7 = 22
Nice roll. Dicebot must really like Moonbeam. :)
Paritosh Jumbal |
Nice! That will fix her right up! Completely heals her lethal damage, and leaves her with only 10 NL, which will heal by the hour!
Moonbeam begins to stir, having received the healing power of Anzarra's magicks. "Oh, thank you Anzarra," Paritosh says, "may I inquire as to which deity you follow, so that I may say a prayer of blessing on Moonbeam's behalf, in thanks for your willingness to assist?" As she comes awake, Moonbeam seems very unwilling to continue laying prone, despite Paritosh's directions, "to not overdo it so soon!" She nuzzles Paritosh a bit, and playfully pushes him with her wing back towards the saddle, clearly indicating her willingness to haul him around again, as if there was nothing wrong with her.
Lady Lyra Anna Fitzroy |
Lyra seems lost in thought with news this was not a data bank. Then when they get told they can have the items needed for her plan.
She bows to the Guardian.
"I think you for your aid"
GM Hansj |
The Guardian places strong guards on all of the entrances to the Soul Well, including the one you came through (with assurances that you may still knock and then enter). With the aid of the more mechanically inclined characters, Imchek produces a reasonable supply of substrate/crystal corresponding to the altered designs Anzarra and Lyra have for the machines. These can serve as a template for producing even more later should the machines catch on.
Imcheck might be able to produce some small extra item if the group needs it. Feel free to add any last minute comment or request here.
Working through the night and sleeping in the early morning, the party emerges from the complex about 10 am, ready to confront the Dark Traders if they are present but none show themselves. So you have enough time to hike back to the city of Ovium, arriving 2 pm, with Lord Peter Ghent's Costume Party at 5:00 pm, in his mansion to the South.
In the meantime, master Pindaro has received a sealed note from Lord Ghent to Lady Lyra. Opened, the note reads: "Lady Lyra, I hear of you and your comrades exploits from all quarters. I am excited to have you as my backer. My old backers, unfortunately are swarming around my mansion aiming entrance. Thus, to throw them off the scent, I am throwing a large costume party with much of Ovium society invited. Show up, well disguised - I too will be disguised. All you and your comrades need to do show a black rose at the hour of 9 in the main ballroom and I will meet you and we can sneak off to my study for discussions. Pardon the elaborate ruse, it is necessary ... or necessary enough that I thought I'd try it for fun. Also, show my seal to M. Sween and Co for credit for any of their first rate costumes. Available in all sizes."
Everyone choose costume, assuming you're going. Feel free to invent Ovium historical analogous to those on Earth, for example: "Hock Horlick, akin to Santa Clause" or choosing pure fantasies are fine too, etc.
Anzarra |
If you wish to pray to a deity, I am afraid it will have to be one of your own choosing Paritosh. I am not a cleric.
Anzarra will dress up like the witch from a popular fantasy story.
Arlo Brighthammer |
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Arlos's face grew more angry as Lyra read Lord Ghent's note aloud. "A costume party?!! What bull$#|+! That doesn't give us a lot of time to find a good disguise!"
After a few frantic hours, Arlo was able to find a costume that covered his appearance well.
Arlo 's costume will be one of those called The Night Creepers, strange gray beings that ride throughout the night sky in a circular craft. Essentially a gray alien, with a large bulbous head to hide his beard.