GM Netherpongo |

Yeah, that probably works as a Motivation. Maybe 'help the weak' or just 'Justice'. I'd assume that Zarine's sense of justice wouldn't be defined by the laws of humans but it probably shouldn't be infinitely malleable. Not that I'm sure how to draw up a limiting factor.
I'm not enough of a Warhammer Fantasy lore buff to have a clear idea of how a typical Wood Elf would define justice. I can imagine it being a little more "law of the jungle"-y than your typical Reiklander but don't let that confine Zarine.
So with that Motivation, Zarine would have been eligible to recover a Resolve (not that she needed it) in at least most of the situations mentioned.

GM Netherpongo |

The basic concept for Downtime would be that when you arrive in Ubersreik, you find an office for the Greater Reik Trading Company, and they'd agree to arrange your shipping back to Grunberg, with a delay of a few weeks.
Would you guys like to do that, or press on back to Grunberg yourselves? Lutz isn't expecting you back yet.

![]() |
Probably the best thing to do as a GM is to start asking why Axel wants to do join the colleges of magic. Not being killed for being a Witch is certainly part of it, but it doesn't cover the skilled part of the Motivation. Is he looking for recognition? Money? Power? Just to prove himself? Maybe vengeance? What is the driving factor here? If we can get at a deeper part of Axel's driving force, we might find more situations in which it would come up. Or he could reconsider his Motivation altogether in light of the need for Resolve. Motivation and Ambitions don't have to be about the same thing.
You're a mind reader... I was thinking something similar, that I need to refine this.
Gimme a day.

GM Netherpongo |

Downtime Instructions (with special rules for this Downtime):
Step #1: choose whether to work with the Greater Reik Trading Company. If you do, choose one Career from the list below. This gives two potential benefits:
* during this Downtime, you can do Income Endeavours (see page 198) and Class Endeavours (see page 200) as though you were a member of the Career in question.
* it allows you to change into that Career from a different Class without spending the extra 100 XP needed to change Class. Effectively, this satisfies the GM permission component of the Alternative Changes in Career sidebar on page 49. If Axel wanted to change from Rogue/Witch (Hexer) into Burgher/Artisan (Apprentice Artisan), this would help. But he couldn't use it to change to Burgher/Investigator (Sleuth) at the same discount rate.
* it does not give you access to that Career for the purposes of purchasing Characteristics, Skills, Talents or anything else I may be forgetting
This may well not be useful to most of you, although I bet Axel would get mileage out of it for Income at the very least. It's not supposed to be a big thing—mostly flavor.
Artisan (using Trade (Carpenter))
Step #2: roll for Events – we just had a rough go of it with the Basilisk so I'll offer a special bonus here. You can roll twice on the Events table and choose which Event you'd prefer.
Step #3: decide what Endeavours you'd like to pursue during this Downtime. You each have three Endeavours, although Zarine will need to spend one on Elf Improvement. Don't actually perform any Endeavours yet, as you may need to strategize a bit as a group. Keep in mind that someone will need to earn some money during Downtime since Money to Burn is coming. The Changing Career Endeavour is banned (but you all get a bonus in its place, even if you wouldn't have used the Endeavour – see the experience section below). Using your Endeavours for Income/Training is obvious, but take a good look at the other available options as well to see if anything looks helpful.
Step #4 (more of a reminder): be sure to either spend your current funds or include in your plans above a way to keep the money through Money to Burn.
Time for some experience!
75 for participation
10 for recovering the Goshawk
25 for saving Madame Vadoma
25 for removing the ogham stones
10 for pursuing Rutger Reuter's murderer
50 because I'm banning the Changing Career Endeavour
total: 195 experience
Keep in mind that the Training Endeavour provides a way to access a Characteristic or Skill at normal rates (instead of double) outside of your normal Career progression if that is something you need. Unusual Learning does as well, but I do not recommend trying it.
Also, check over your Short Term Ambitions to see if anything was completed.
We aren't doing a Fortune refresh yet but we will after Downtime. Either I've lost count or this is our third refresh, so everyone will get a new Personal Short-Term Ambition slot (in addition to any uncompleted ones you might still have) and the party will also get a Short-Term Ambition slot.
If you haven't completed your Personal Ambitions (or didn't come up with any yet), no need to worry. Those Ambition slots won't go away!
You may want to start coming up with ideas for what those Ambitions should be now.
It's also hard as a pbp GM to track how often Short-Term Ambitions are being completed. Short-Term Ambitions are normally supposed to take 2-3 sessions to complete.
My solution is to change how Short-Term Ambitions work. When you finish a Short-Term Ambition normally, you get another one and can start on it right away. Instead, I'm pacing out how often you can get Short-Term Ambitions 'slots'. You can get new Ambitions even if your prior Ambition remains uncompleted, but you don't get a new Ambition when you complete an Ambition. New Short-Term Ambitions are gained every three Fortune refreshes or 'sessions'.
So you each started with one Short-Term Ambition 'slot' and you just gained another one.

Magda Kupferaugen |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

195 XP..
125 Xp for +5 Agi
25 X for +1 Will
40 Xp for Drive +4
aiming at Career change for Physician
Option 1: 1d100 ⇒ 80 Riots
Option 2: 1d100 ⇒ 6 Arcane auction
Neither look interesting for me...
Speaking with local Shallyan about the basilisk in the marsh, and see if they have books about antipoison and remedies I could consult (Academic research), willing to work for them for a week (doing a favor) in exchange
Making some money
Making some more money

Zarine Brightbow |

Option 1: 1d100 ⇒ 50 (Local Crop Failure)
Option 2: 1d100 ⇒ 25 (The Exciseman Cometh)
... well, that's a crappy choice, but I will choose Local Crop Failure, which seems to be the least awful for us
1--Elf Improvement
... she will also offer to bank the funds of anyone else in the group with her own, if they choose to do so.

GM Netherpongo |

Probably the most important thing to handle now is pre-Downtime purchases. That would at least tell us how much money you have left and whether that Banking Endeavour is worth pursuing.
And we need Event rolls from Axel. Bad events in particular can change which Endeavours people choose to use. In the other game, my Noble had trouble during a Downtime due to a riot in Altdorf.
This is very much one of the subsystems that is way easier to make work if a bunch of table talk is going on that is harder here.
In terms of getting another player, does anyone know somebody they think might be interested? I could send it to general recruitment but thought I should check first. I've already checked in with one person and they haven't said yes.
I'm considering giving them a small bonus for character creation if they come up with a fighter-y type. We could use something like that. Like preserving a bit of their character creation xp on the Career step.

Zarine Brightbow |

I'm not planning on buying anything really... I want to get a bow, and a rapier hopefully, but I don't have enough money for either, so unless I could do a down payment or something, I need to save up. Since I don't have the room for two banking endeavors it would have to be money that we leave there until we take time in game to withdraw it, or have another downtime, but it would theoretically earn interest.
I guess I could try selling my foil to buy a rapier, which if haggling worked out well might provide enough money to trade up, but actually worried that haggling would go poorly and I would be left with no weapon and not enough to replace it.
(I mean, for the storyline she likely wouldn't be doing anything so gauche as going to a weapon shop, since humans can't craft anything as well as elves, but rather when she is mingling among the other elves in the city she might engage in a duel or a friendly wager, a trade on her reputation or whatever to trade up or get an item someone else isn't currently using, etc. ... but just referring to game mechanics, it would be based on haggling rolls.)

Axel Rotendorf |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Axel is gonna try being a Stevedore...
I don't have the events table handy sooooo...
1d100 ⇒ 12 OR 1d100 ⇒ 19
I too want weapons and armour plus some tutoring in at least how to write my name (sooner or later I'll make the career jump so when I buy the talent it will seem organic.
Chalk off a silver shilling for me in basic literacy... I don't get a skill check but now I can sign my name (with possibly a spelling error or two). Weapons and armour will have to wait.
Edit: Looked it up. I'll take the blister on the foot... no doubt due to hard work on the docks.

Zarine Brightbow |

Is the literacy thing something that Zarine can teach him, or would he have to use an endeavor either way? Any room for that sort of character interaction in this game? If so, she could teach him just during daily travel or downtime. She thinks it is something everyone should know, so seems like something she would help with if she could.

GM Netherpongo |

To my knowledge there are only two tiers of literacy in the game: the Read/Write talent not having the same talent. Training with a party member doesn't have a mechanical function either.
In an RP sense it isn't a big stretch to say Axel is learning to spell his own name or something like that. Just as long as it isn't viewed as a mechanical step toward Read/Write (or a replacement for it after repeated +literacy gains). Axel is planning on changing to Wizard sooner or later anyway.
I'll look at putting something up in Recruiting to get a new player tomorrow.
For purchases, one other thing Zarine could consider is getting some amount of leather armor. If she wants it to be stylish she could try to buy some with the Fine quality, or just wear it when she isn't in town.
Even if the Armor Points on leather armor aren't high, they do an alright job of stopping critical hits. See Critical Deflection on page 299.

Zarine Brightbow |

I like the idea of her getting some armor at some point as well, but as she thinks about her recent failure, it isn't the armor that she is mulling on, but the lack of any way to do a ranged attack, which could have helped with the alligator as well. As a wood elf, I think she feels naked without a bow in a way, and so that is her top priority... getting armor is affordable, but would delay that other, more important (to her) goal.

Axel Rotendorf |

Axel is gonna try being a Stevedore...
I don't have the events table handy sooooo...
1d100 OR 1d100
I too want weapons and armour plus some tutoring in at least how to write my name (sooner or later I'll make the career jump so when I buy the talent it will seem organic.
Chalk off a silver shilling for me in basic literacy... I don't get a skill check but now I can sign my name (with possibly a spelling error or two). Weapons and armour will have to wait.
Edit: Looked it up. I'll take the blister on the foot... no doubt due to hard work on the docks.
It's been a tough transition to Stevedore... While he was hardy and used to abuse, he got an accelerated education in fighting. More than once he showed to work with a split lip or black eye as the older established stevedores made their displeasure on being foisted with this outsider known.
[spent 125xp to boost WS from 35 to 40. WS is a witch attribute]
He's got 135xp in hand... I'll probably sit on that for the moment then do a big buy to have enough advances across the board that I can then make the jump to Wizard... RP opportunity allowing.
Money wise?
A leather Jack costs 12 shillings.
He can afford that.
A hand weapon? Let's see HOW the events and money earning phase PLUS removal of costs of living lands me. A messer (is a single-edged sword with a knife-like hilt construction) wouldn't hurt. If nothing else, armour and a sword would project a bit more gravitas.
As it stands I've a got a bit of money (10s/68p) stashed after the armour purchase.
Minus the shilling for materials, etc to RP tick the literacy box, without ANY mechanical benefit, I'm at 9s/68p
That said, anything that you think I should look at?

Axel Rotendorf |

That's without me touching the party fund of 2 GC minus party costs to catch a ride home.
And it's 110xp remaining, not 135...
Again, happy to hear suggestions on xp or gold expenditures
My clothes are likely pretty ragged. Good for work on docks. Bad for future opportunities.
What's a new set of decent clothes gonna cost? 6 shillings it seems... let's see how the work rolls work out.

GM Netherpongo |

A third rank of Insticntive Diction, though costly, is something I'd consider at least. It is available in Wizard as well but is far, far away. I think he has two ranks in that already? More gets super expensive, but three may be worth it.
As for purchases, keep in mind that any APs you wear will penalize casting somewhat...not that you have been doing much of that. See Repelling the Winds on page 237. Armor may still be a good idea, and -1 AP isn't too bad of a penalty when you are stacking Instinctive Diction.
To the extent anyone can afford them, a healing draught or two never goes amiss.

Axel Rotendorf |

A third rank of Insticntive Diction, though costly, is something I'd consider at least. It is available in Wizard as well but is far, far away.
As for purchases, keep in mind that any APs you wear will penalize casting somewhat...not that you have been doing much of that.
To the extent anyone can afford them, a healing draught or two never goes amiss.
I agree on the 3rd rank of Diction but that's a 300xp investment.
Now that I have a possibile sympathetic ally in an elf, you might find me cutting loose a bit more often. If worse comes to worse I can pass the armour to an ally later

Axel Rotendorf |

Step 1 - Stevedore job / Income Endeavours
Step 2 - Event... Painful Blister on Foot.
Step 3 - Three Endeavours. TBA.
Likely choices but not a lock
Income - Check vs. Endurance
? - Likely some training
Banking... likely a stash

Zarine Brightbow |

If we're allowed, we could just have me do the banking (stash is okay if we need it again right away), and then you could do an additional endeavor. Or, if we are just going for money, then YOU could stash all of our money and I could do another income endeavor and share it with the party, since I would get more than you would.

GM Netherpongo |

Having just one person do Banking is a pretty good plan. You could do two to diversify against the risk of loss, but that seems extreme to me.
If you have Axel do Banking remember that no banker in their right mind would talk to him--he'd just be shoving it under a mattress in the Stevedore bunks.

Zarine Brightbow |

The risk is the same if we are doing the stash option, so I don't mind either way. Banker might get us some interest which is the positive side of that, but it wouldn't be immediately available either (maybe good in terms of saving?).
Please feel free to do a different endeavor if you want to. But if you are just going to do an income endeavor, it might make more sense for me to do it, from a party finance perspective.

Axel Rotendorf |

If you have Axel do Banking remember that no banker in their right mind would talk to him--he'd just be shoving it under a mattress in the Stevedore bunks.
LMAO... but also funny cause it's true.
I trust our resident coutier to stash on their own person... it's an option. Then I can try for two work periods... I really want to buy a damn hand weapon. Alternatively I may spend some xp in and pennies in quarterstaff training "because everyone knows you need a staff to be a wizard..." AND a staff costs me only 3/... far more avoidable.
So endeavour 1 and 2 = work.
3 = training for money to buy skill as a class skill xp rates.
Buy equipment
Hand over remaining funds.
Are we good to move forward with job rolls etc?

GM Netherpongo |

I'm not sure what you mean by 'stash it on their own person'. Short of a Banking Endeavour from someone in the party, you will lose all the money you had before Downtime that isn't spent first.
I think her suggestion was that Axel do the Banking so that Zarine could do more Income Endeavours and get a greater total income for the group.
I'm going a bit slow because we need to bring a new player in. That gives you guys plenty of time to finish coordinating Downtime though.

Axel Rotendorf |

I'm not sure what you mean by 'stash it on their own person'. Short of a Banking Endeavour from someone in the party, you will lose all the money you had before Downtime that isn't spent first.
I think her suggestion was that Axel do the Banking so that Zarine could do more Income Endeavours and get a greater total income for the group.
I'm going a bit slow because we need to bring a new player in. That gives you guys plenty of time to finish coordinating Downtime though.
Stashing: All characters may choose to stash their loot. This is a risky strategy, involving hiding it on your person, in your mattress, or burying it somewhere. Stashed money never accrues any interest. Players may withdraw money from a stash before the start of an adventure, without undertaking an Endeavour. Roll 1d100: if you roll 10 or lower, your stash has been found and you have lost all your money, otherwise you recieve your initial funds.
But yes, one of us does the banking endeavour.

GM Netherpongo |

Hi Grumbaki. The game really was going slow for a while, so it's hard to blame people for falling off a bit. If you'd like to come back I'm happy to have you. We just recruited someone else, but I'd be fine to have five players instead of four.
If you do want to come in, you can have the full 195 experience reward for the last story arc. He also gets 10/- for helping Rutger Reuter move cargo from the wreckage of the Trandafir. Since we'll be resolving the Axel/Magda/Zarine Downtime right now, Hans can have his own Downtime but will need to do it on his own. You can roll twice for Downtime and choose the better option.

GM Netherpongo |

Edelsmirge is coming in from Recruitment, so it's time for him to build a character. The campaign's initial rules for character creation had characters do 120 point buy on Characteristics (modified by race) rather than rolling 2d10 for each one. Note the limitations from the book's point buy method (can't be higher than 18 for instance). You get full XP for Attribute generation despite doing point buy because I'm enforcing it (+50).
The party also needs a combatant character. While I won't require that Edelsmirge join as that, I will give a minor bonus to encourage it. If they land in a combatant-like Career (not necessarily Warrior Class though that seems obvious), they can get the experience reward for one tier higher in the process of rolling/choosing their Career than what they actually used. So Step 1 and Step 2 would both grant 50 xp and Step 3 grants 25 xp.
When the campaign started, we settled on a theme of less-than-legal & river centric. We haven't been all that criminal, although that element is still there somewhat. Since we started, the campaign has turned into a treasure hunt. We've been off on a side objective recently and just finished If Looks Could Kill. I'm also working Something Knocking into the campaign, but aside from that the plot is homebrew.
The initial characters all had some sort of relation to a pedlar they knew by the name of Marven, from Marven's Magnificent Curios. After rescuing him from an incident involving snotlings, Marven (his real name is Hans Fermahn, but that doesn't sound snazzy like Marven) brought them in on a treasure hunting plan that he had been brewing for some time. The plan is being funded and principally run by the Greater Reik Trading Company, under one of their prominent employees, Lutz Fischbein.
The plan involves searching for a lost ship from a few hundred years ago, the Earl of Harwich. Marven/Hans Fermahn has a compass he believes can lead you to the wreckage of the ship if you can get close enough, and the party's first big task was to get some shipping records from Ubersreik, which they accomplished. They found the caretaker for the records dead and in the room with other zombies, which the party dispatched before they completed their search. The Greater Reik Trading Company is still working through the records gathered to look for any leads.
After completing an odd job, the party is in Ubersreik, on the way back from Grunberg. I'll have Edelsmirge's character join when you are ready to leave Ubersreik, and they can complete their own Downtime (watch for Money to Burn)!
Edelsmirge will start with 305 experience from post-character creation. That's 110 xp that both Hans and Zarine got when they entered the campaign plus 195 xp to match the reward we had right before Downtime. You can roll twice for your Downtime Event and choose the better option this time.

GM Netherpongo |

For Axel, Magda & Zarine - I was about to say 'go ahead and roll up Downtime' but it's possible that the new player/players could cause a city-wide Event that would influence things, so let's hold off a bit more.
As far as I see things, our current Events are:
Axel - Bolt from the Blue (Blister on the Foot)
Magda - Arcane Auction
Zarine - Local Crop Failure
So Axel will be starting the next adventure with a nasty blister he has been working on for at least a week (probably something Magda can help him with) and food prices will be double heading out of town.

Hans Schäfer |

Indeed I’d love to jump back in. Can retain Hans or roll up a more combat centric character (especially as I don’t think that I’ve done the merchant angle that well as Hans. Think I’d enjoy starting anew as I get back into the swing of things here, but the call is yours)

GM Netherpongo |

Hans (the character) was working well in the campaign I think. At any rate, if you did want to change career with him, you have enough to do so, probably.

GM Netherpongo |

For the new players, if we can get your Downtime Event rolls done that would help the rest of the party out.

Hans Schäfer |

So, I'm thinking about changing careers for Hans. With his backstory, he is a failed merchant. Pretty much everything that he has tried to do to make coin through the movement of goods has failed spectacularly. He has 225xp saved up, so he can make a career switch.
What he has going for him stat-wise is WS40, STR40 and T35. So he's a big guy who is pretty darn good with throwing fists. He is also INT40, so he's not an idiot by any means. I have a few ideas of how to go, but I really don't know what to go for.
(1) Priest of Ranald.
* When all legal methods of making coin have failed, why not turn to faith? Gives T bonuses, getting him up to T40 and WP bonuses, getting him up to WP40.
+ Spellcasting in the form of prayers is always useful to have.
+ His mercantile skills would play well for this switch. So his old career wouldn't feel like a waste.
- He would make less coin, as he'd go down to Brass 2! From Silver 2 that's a huge drop. + However, it would eventually go up to Gold 2.
- No combat abilities to note.
(2) Warrior Priest of Ranald
* Same as above. Just a more martial bent towards making money.
+ Spellcasting. Always useful.
+ Close combat abilities.
- He would make less coin. As above, he'd go down to Brass 2 from Silver 2. Only goes up to Silver 5. So he'd never make serious coin, but at least he would eventually make more than he does as a low tier merchant.
(3) Guard
* He's already a failed merchant. But he's part of the Trading Company. This is, in a sense, a fall from grace path, where he is not going to be in charge anymore of moving goods, but he is still employed. This time for his muscle rather than his brains.
+ Close combat abilities. WS, Str, T. Very useful things to have which fit his stats.
- He would make less coin, as he'd go down to Silver 1 from Silver 2. Not that big of a drop. Shows that he is still employed, but at a lower level.
At the moment I'm thinking about going warrior priest. It seems like it would offer the most to the group, and I've never used magic or prayers before. But before I burn all of my XP I'd like to get some feedback from the group.
And I suppose if he does go the religious route, then it would be possible to tie in his downtime to this.

GM Netherpongo |

Is the downtime role in the rules or a percentage? I can't seem to find what I am rolling
Downtime rules start on page 192.
In a pinch though, just roll 1d100 twice.

GM Netherpongo |

Hans, it probably isn't important but we had an NPC that was a faithful of Ranald before you joined. First as a Nun & then as a Priest (modifying the NPC to match the party's needs).
I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around a Ranald Warrior Priest, but it'll be fun to see your implementation if you go that way.

Hans Schäfer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Edit: While writing everything up, I looked more into Ranald. Warrior priest will not work, as the scriptures explicitly say no to violence. Did an entire writeup before I realized that. It...just doesn't work. Sad, but it is what it is. Thinking about where to go from here.

GM Netherpongo |

Edit: While writing everything up, I looked more into Ranald. Warrior priest will not work, as the scriptures explicitly say no to violence. Did an entire writeup before I realized that. It...just doesn't work. Sad, but it is what it is. Thinking about where to go from here.
It isn't in the Warrior class, but Watchman is a very solid Career along the same lines as Guard. It's also in the Burgher class with Merchant.
Not trying to direct you there, but in case it hadn't come up yet.

Zarine Brightbow |

Hans, storyline wise, maybe Zarine needs a bodyguard... she could hire you (technically) so you could be a guard for her, or whatever, which would relieve us of the burden of an NPC servant and having to "share" with someone that isn't playing... if you want to, of course. And that idea opens up other titles as well, if you are pursuing her interests... doesn't have to be a guard, but just an offer of employment, so you could jump up to something else if you wanted. You totally don't have to tie your future to her if you don't want to, but just thought I would mention it.

Hans Schäfer |

Hans, storyline wise, maybe Zarine needs a bodyguard... she could hire you (technically) so you could be a guard for her, or whatever, which would relieve us of the burden of an NPC servant and having to "share" with someone that isn't playing... if you want to, of course. And that idea opens up other titles as well, if you are pursuing her interests... doesn't have to be a guard, but just an offer of employment, so you could jump up to something else if you wanted. You totally don't have to tie your future to her if you don't want to, but just thought I would mention it.
Let's go with this. It sounds great. Hans has (for a human) decent Int, Fel and can read/write. And he's big enough to be a guard. Sounds like the sort of person that an elven noble would hire to handle the mundane matters within the Empire.
And Hans is down on his luck, with everything else having failed. Tying his fortunes to an elven noble sounds like just the sort of opportunity he'd jump at.

Zarine Brightbow |

Perfect. As long as the DM approves, let's run with it. :)

GM Netherpongo |

Lots to deal with,but this for now: neither of Alphonso's Event rolls will impact the entire party (yet). Except for Alphonso who has a pair of unenviable choices, go ahead & resolve any straightforward Endeavours.
If you have questions about your Endeavours or need GM interaction, let me know.
Try to give some roleplaying aspect to your efforts where you can! The GM can always use more fodder for the gristmill...

Alphonso Wolf |

Alphonso could spend 100 XP on his short term goal to become a knight but he is being thorough and getting all the skills and talents so I need 300 more XP to get there under a year. Other then that he speaks britonian as his major language and has just been sent to meet some knights where the players are near so as to earn that knighthood in a more active area then training behind castle walls. My character is ready otherwise. I just wanted two more talents: etiquette and roughrider.

GM Netherpongo |

Hans: I don't have any complaint if you want to switch to the Guard Career, but I want to confirm what you are doing. I was looking at your character sheet and it doesn't look like you completed Merchant (Trader) before you left the Career. That is something you can do, but it costs an additional 100 XP to leave a Career tier early.
Hans has played this system a bunch, but for now a review on what it means to complete a Career tier in case someone needs it (see page 48):
1. Merchant (Trader) has Agility, Willpower & Fellowship Characteristics. You'd need to have 5 advances in each of those. You'd start with 5 advances toward your career Characteristics just due to character creation.
2. Merchant (Trader)'s eight skills are Animal Care, Bribery, Charm, Consume Alcohol, Drive, Gamble, Gossip & Haggle. You'd need 5 advances in all eight of those skills.
3. Merchant (Trader) has four talents: Blather, Dealmaker, Read/Write & Suave. You would need at least one of those.
If you meet all of those conditions, you have completed Merchant (Trader) and can leave the Career without penalty.
The character sheet could be out of date or I'm just not understanding the notation, but I don't see all of those conditions being met. If that is the case and you still want to leave Merchant (Trader) now, it costs an additional 100 xp.
I'm willing to waive the fee for changing to another Class since you are justifying it in-character and it isn't silly.
So the Career change costs would be:
+100 xp to do it at all
+100 xp if you didn't finish Merchant (Trader) first
+100 xp to change class (waived)
The characteristics also look high, even if I consider talent bonuses and advances. How did you generate those? I'm guessing based on the 120 point buy, but you have an awful lot of 40s that would be hard to get with that method since it caps out at 18 +20 (human). Point buy has a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 18 before Species modifiers.
You asked about selling your cart in the Gameplay thread. I think that was impounded for Hans at the beginning of the game, and Lutz was going to see after it for you...I forget what his conditions were. We need to re-check what the party funds look like anyway.

Hans Schäfer |

Stat rolls are here…I can do a point buy if it was a mistake to roll.
And thank you for waiving that 100xp. I had misread the downtime rules and thought that with the endeavor it was just 100xp

GM Netherpongo |

I banned that Endeavour because (IMO) it creates bad incentives to save your xp for Downtime. If that's because someone wants to use Training I'm OK with it, but Downtime shouldn't be a way to save xp. I should have mentioned the ban when I told the new/returning players to do Downtime.
Because I took the Changing Career Endeavour away, I gave the whole party 50 xp more for Downtime though.
And yeah, please do the 120 point buy method. I kind of regret it now after I tried it in this campaign, but I should have everyone use the same method. You should have gotten 50 xp for the Characteristics rolling stage though so that might help things out. See here at the bottom of the first post for my original decision.

Hans Schäfer |

WS: 20+15=35
BS: 20+7=27
Str: 20+15=35 +5 (starting) = 40
T: 20+15=35 +5 (xp) = 40
Init: 20+5=25
Ag: 20+10=30
Dex: 20+5=25
Int: 20+15=35 +5 (savvy) = 40
WP: 20+18=38
Fel: 20+15=35 +5 (suave) = 40
120 point buy: 15 + 7 + 15 + 15 + 5 + 10 + 5 + 15 + 18 + 15 = 120
Original Rolls for talents:
68 (resistance mutation)
28 (Hardy)
83 (Sturdy)
Race (Savvy)
Class (Suave)
Amazingly enough stats are fairly similar. Won’t take long to take the modifications. Will check the rest when at a computer.
For selling the mule and cart to buy guard gear, how do you want to handle that?
Also never picked his dooming. So let’s say…stabbed in the back. It seems like a good way for him to go out. For with a mustache as glorious as his, it would be too distracting for any opponent to get in a good enough hit.