
Hans Schäfer's page

127 posts. Alias of Grumbaki.


WS (35) BS (27) Str (35) T (40) Init (30) Ag (30) Dex (25) Int (40) WP (40) Fel (40)


Wounds (19/19) Fate (3) Fortune (3/3) Head, Legs (1) Body, Arms (3) Shield (1)



About Hans Schäfer

* Resistance Magic (Tests: All those to resist the associated Threat
Your strong constitution allows you to more readily survive a
specific threat. You may automatically pass the first Test to resist
the specified threat, such as Magic, Poison, Disease, Mutation,
every session. If SL is important, use your Toughness Bonus as SL
for the Test)
* Hardy
* Sturdy
* Suave
* Read/Write

5x Animal Care
5x Bribery
5x Charm
5x Consume Alcohol
5x Drive
5x Gamble
5x Gossip
5x Haggle
5x Cool
5x Melee (Basic)
3x Ranged (Bow)

Trappings: Cloak, Clothing, Sword, Dagger, Hat, Pouch, Sling Bag, Abacus, Sword, Mail Coat, Leather Jack, Leggings, Skullcap, Buckler (Shield 1, Defensive, Undamaging) Storm Lantern, Shortbow with 24 arrows, Fine (Fine Meticulously crafted to please the eye. This Quality is a sign of social status and can be taken multiple times. The higher the quality, the more impressive it seems)

* 3 gold
* 1 silver
* 0 brass

* 425 (still rebuilding bit by bit)

* 5x Ag (character creation)
* 5x Willpower (125xp)
* 5x Fellowship (125xp)
* 5x Animal Care, Bribery, Charm, Consume Alcohol, Drive, Gamble, Gossip, Haggle (character creation)
* 3x Melee (Basic), Cool, Ranged (Bow)
* Read/Write (character creation), Savvy (character creation)
* XP to switch to bodyguard: 100xp
* 2x Melee Basic (20xp)
* 2x Toughness (50xp)
- 5xp left