Enemy in Shadows - Warhammer Fantasy (Inactive)

Game Master Aubster

First published in 1986, Enemy in Shadows is an updated version of one of the most iconic campaigns in RPG history.

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Female Human Ranger Bounty Hunter (Thief-taker) | Wounds 18/18 | Fate 2/2 | Fortune 2/2 | Resilience 4/4 | Resolve 3/4 | Status: Brass 0 | WS 41 / BS 29 / Str 35 / T 45 / Ini 33 / Ag 28 / Dex 27 / Int 33 / Will 30 / Fel 26 | Movement 4 | Corruption = 1

Krizta accompanies the group to find the burden that the three men were carrying, silently praying to Sigmar to preserve the woman's life if he could, so they would have time to rescue her.

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Female Human Female Warrior Priest Wounds 15/15 Fate 5 Resilience 3 Fortune 5/5 WS 52 BS 36 ST 35 TG 45 INi 34 Ag31 DEX 33 Int31 Will 41 Fel 40

Adelaida walks into the darkened streets, her weapon near at hand, her face a mask of determination, looking like a grim avenger at Sigmar's service

Grim faced and solemn, the Thorns make their way to the canal following their lead. Just across the canal is a group of dilapidated buildings and according to your map the largest of structure is your goal. The barn, if indeed is what it is, stands at the northern edge of this group of buildings. Its rickety shape looks ready to collapse at any moment and the structure is and almost overgrown by foliage. By the time you've made your way through town and across the canal, it's almost the witching hour of the night and sunrise is a few short hours away.

Landolf Gersun von Ubersreik | Male Reiklander Noble| Wounds 13/13 | Fortune 6/8 | Fate 5/5 | Resolve/Resilience 2/2 | Armor: Head 1 / Body 3 / Arms 3 / Legs 1 | Corruption: 4

"Let's see if we can get close before they know we're here. If they do have this woman, she might be put in danger if we alert them early."

Landolf attemps to approach the barn stealthily. He doesn't draw his weapon yet.

Female Human Ranger Bounty Hunter (Thief-taker) | Wounds 18/18 | Fate 2/2 | Fortune 2/2 | Resilience 4/4 | Resolve 3/4 | Status: Brass 0 | WS 41 / BS 29 / Str 35 / T 45 / Ini 33 / Ag 28 / Dex 27 / Int 33 / Will 30 / Fel 26 | Movement 4 | Corruption = 1

Krizta hangs back, not wanting to risk ruining Landolf's chance at stealth, but remains ready to move forward should Landolf signal an approach.

Dwarven Knight [CAMPAIGN COMPLETE] Damage (0) Wounds (20) Fate (4) Fortune (2/3) Resilience (2) Resolve (2/2) Corruption (0) Head (2) Legs, Arms, Body (3) Move (3) WS: 60 (70 2handed) BS: 24 STR: 51 T: 50 (60 endurance) Init: 30 Ag: 25 Dex: 38 Int: 32 WP: 53 (63 cool) Fel: 21 (40 charm +10 dawi)

Rover (You are at home roaming the wild places. When using Stealth in a rural environment, bystanders do not get passive Perception Tests to detect you; they can only spot you if they are specifically on look-out, or watching for hidden spies.)

Stealth: 1d100 ⇒ 59

Valghaz likewise crept forward with Landolf, moving fairly stealthily all things considered. Years of moving quietly through tunnels avoiding goblins and Skaven had been a good teacher.

Landolf Gersun von Ubersreik | Male Reiklander Noble| Wounds 13/13 | Fortune 6/8 | Fate 5/5 | Resolve/Resilience 2/2 | Armor: Head 1 / Body 3 / Arms 3 / Legs 1 | Corruption: 4

Agility (Stealth) 40: 1d100 ⇒ 57

GM super secret roll:
1d100 ⇒ 17

As you quietly approach the barn the silence is suddenly shattered by the sound of a man's yelling voice. The voice comes from inside the barn. "Oi, time for chores boys!"

The barn door slides open a bit revealing a middle-aged man in dirty clothing (he's covered in straw). The man stands in the entranceway preventing you from seeing what else is happening in the barn.

"You lot are trespassing! Get off my land before I sic my dogs on you!"

Make an Average (+20) Intelligence Test. If your character is from the peasant class you have a +10 bonus

Successful Average (+20) Intelligence Test:
You spot the man's city clothes, his soft hands and note his urbane accent. It's obvious that this man is not farmer and that he's lying. You also realize that you hear no barking anywhere near you.

Failed Average (+20) Intelligence Test:
You think to yourself that maybe the man is a farmer, who knows?

Dwarven Knight [CAMPAIGN COMPLETE] Damage (0) Wounds (20) Fate (4) Fortune (2/3) Resilience (2) Resolve (2/2) Corruption (0) Head (2) Legs, Arms, Body (3) Move (3) WS: 60 (70 2handed) BS: 24 STR: 51 T: 50 (60 endurance) Init: 30 Ag: 25 Dex: 38 Int: 32 WP: 53 (63 cool) Fel: 21 (40 charm +10 dawi)

Int and peasant 32 + 20 + 10: 1d100 ⇒ 58
Intimidate 51: 1d100 ⇒ 2 SL5

”Says the man with city clothes and nay dogs.” Valghaz said. He raised his pick threateningly. ”Hands behind yer head and start talkin’, or I’ll put me pick through that city-boy face of yers and do a wee jig over yer corpse. Yer real name. Now.” The well-worn pick, large muscles and hard eyes made the threat all the more persuasive.

Female Human Ranger Bounty Hunter (Thief-taker) | Wounds 18/18 | Fate 2/2 | Fortune 2/2 | Resilience 4/4 | Resolve 3/4 | Status: Brass 0 | WS 41 / BS 29 / Str 35 / T 45 / Ini 33 / Ag 28 / Dex 27 / Int 33 / Will 30 / Fel 26 | Movement 4 | Corruption = 1

Krizta moves up as soon as they are discovered, and keeps walking towards the door, understanding from Valghaz that the man is lying and not wanting to give the people inside time to kill the kidnapped woman if she isn't dead already.

She watches for a chance to get inside, and if she sees one, she will run past the man into the barn, accepting whatever damage he might inflict on the way in.

Valghaz Ironhammer wrote:

dice=Int and peasant 32 + 20 + 10]1d100

dice=Intimidate 51]1d100 SL5

”Says the man with city clothes and nay dogs.” Valghaz said. He raised his pick threateningly. ”Hands behind yer head and start talkin’, or I’ll put me pick through that city-boy face of yers and do a wee jig over yer corpse. Yer real name. Now.” The well-worn pick, large muscles and hard eyes made the threat all the more persuasive.

With a squeal of fright that seems quite incongruous given the size of the man, he turns and runs for other end of the barn as fast as he can. He takes a serpentine route to make it difficult for any with a ranged weapon to get a good bead on him. While he runs he shouts , "GET THE PACKAGE OUT!"

Pre-combat situation...The man has disappeared into the barn. Valghaz can see the man running for the other end of the barn from his vantage. Everyone can hear the man yelling. Where are the rest of you in relation to Valghaz? What do you want to do?

A long time ago we had decided to have the GM roll the initiatives to speed things along and then completely forgot about it until I noticed the post while looking for something else. I will go ahead and roll for everyone. A few caveats: Adelaida and Valghaz go last because of their weapon's Slow Quality. Landolf can go whenever he wants in a round because of his weapon's Fast quality. So initiative only matters for the bad guys and Krizta and Ruprecht. As of now you don't know for certain how many people are in the barn, you only know about the one that's running for the back.

Initiative Test Bad Guys: 1d10 + 35 ⇒ (4) + 35 = 39
Initiative Test Krizta: 1d10 + 33 ⇒ (3) + 33 = 36
Initiative Test Ruprecht: 1d10 + 34 ⇒ (5) + 34 = 39

Initiative Order
Landolf (whenever he wants to go)
Bad guys
All of you in any order Technically it would go Ruprecht then Krizta then the slow weapon folks but there's no need for Valghaz and Adelaida to have to wait until R and K have gone so the four of you can proceed in whatever order you post.

Anticipating a question from Landolf...yes Landolf can make an attempt to catch up to fleeing man but it'll take using your action in Round 1 to sprint instead of attack

Landolf Gersun von Ubersreik | Male Reiklander Noble| Wounds 13/13 | Fortune 6/8 | Fate 5/5 | Resolve/Resilience 2/2 | Armor: Head 1 / Body 3 / Arms 3 / Legs 1 | Corruption: 4

Landolf dashes after the man, hoping to stop his flight.

Thought about yelling something to the rest of the group, but that's supposed to require Language (Battle Tongue) I think.

Is there any Test Landolf needs to make for this?

A human has a run speed of 16 yards in a Round. You can use your Action to sprint. This requires an Average (+20) Athletics Test, and the distance covered is in addition to your Move this round. You sprint your Run movement + SL in yards. The man you’re chasing is zig-zagging so he has to make a Challenging (+0) Athletics Test.

Running Man Test (35): 1d100 ⇒ 26 Running man has SL +1 so runs 17 yards. If Landolf can outrun him, he can grab the man long enough to stop him. If not then he can keep chasing in Round 2

Landolf Gersun von Ubersreik | Male Reiklander Noble| Wounds 13/13 | Fortune 6/8 | Fate 5/5 | Resolve/Resilience 2/2 | Armor: Head 1 / Body 3 / Arms 3 / Legs 1 | Corruption: 4

Agility (Athletics) 40 +20 to Sprint: 1d100 ⇒ 59

Female Human Ranger Bounty Hunter (Thief-taker) | Wounds 18/18 | Fate 2/2 | Fortune 2/2 | Resilience 4/4 | Resolve 3/4 | Status: Brass 0 | WS 41 / BS 29 / Str 35 / T 45 / Ini 33 / Ag 28 / Dex 27 / Int 33 / Will 30 / Fel 26 | Movement 4 | Corruption = 1

Krizta runs into the barn, wholly focused on finding the kidnapped woman.

Actions from there will depend on the situation, so waiting to do anything else depending on what she sees, but just in general her first goal is to get to the woman, secondary goal, guard the woman, which would include fighting the kidnappers if the woman is in danger (which I am guessing she is), but I wanted to clarify that she isn't fighting her way to the woman, but instead accepting damage to get to her, and THEN fighting, if that makes sense.

Darkest Doomed wrote:
[dice=Agility (Athletics) 40 +20 to Sprint]1d100

An SL +1 by a single point which matches the SL +1 the Running Man had.

Landolf sprints through the barn gaining on the man he's chasing but he does not get quite close enough to catch the man. Landolf sees that the man is running towards another door in the barn, one that faces away from the canal. The running man is no longer yelling as he's saving his breath for the run.

Krizta wrote:

Krizta runs into the barn, wholly focused on finding the kidnapped woman.

Actions from there will depend on the situation, so waiting to do anything else depending on what she sees, but just in general her first goal is to get to the woman, secondary goal, guard the woman, which would include fighting the kidnappers if the woman is in danger (which I am guessing she is), but I wanted to clarify that she isn't fighting her way to the woman, but instead accepting damage to get to her, and THEN fighting, if that makes sense.

As Krizta bursts into the barn she sees its general lay-out. The barn is about 100 feet long and 40 feet wide. There's a hayloft above the floor of the barn that runs the length of the building. The hayloft is about 10 feet off the ground floor and there are ladders near the door that Krizta came through, in the middle of the length of the barn and lastly near the back entrance of the building. There are two more men in the hayloft staring in stunned amazement at the scene playing out below them.

Dwarven Knight [CAMPAIGN COMPLETE] Damage (0) Wounds (20) Fate (4) Fortune (2/3) Resilience (2) Resolve (2/2) Corruption (0) Head (2) Legs, Arms, Body (3) Move (3) WS: 60 (70 2handed) BS: 24 STR: 51 T: 50 (60 endurance) Init: 30 Ag: 25 Dex: 38 Int: 32 WP: 53 (63 cool) Fel: 21 (40 charm +10 dawi)

”Right. The hard way.” Figuring that he wouldn’t be of much help in a foot race, Valghaz ran Krizta.

Female Human Ranger Bounty Hunter (Thief-taker) | Wounds 18/18 | Fate 2/2 | Fortune 2/2 | Resilience 4/4 | Resolve 3/4 | Status: Brass 0 | WS 41 / BS 29 / Str 35 / T 45 / Ini 33 / Ag 28 / Dex 27 / Int 33 / Will 30 / Fel 26 | Movement 4 | Corruption = 1

Krizta is annoyed that she can't see the woman yet, and that there are multiple exits so no way to make sure she is safe. She climbs up the closest ladder while the two other men are still acting stunned, remaining intent on finding the woman as quickly as possible.

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Female Human Female Warrior Priest Wounds 15/15 Fate 5 Resilience 3 Fortune 5/5 WS 52 BS 36 ST 35 TG 45 INi 34 Ag31 DEX 33 Int31 Will 41 Fel 40

Athletics+20 (61): 1d100 ⇒ 3 SL +6

Landolf sees someone passing him by, running, in armor, with a massive weapon in hands.

It takes him a full second to realise that was Adelaida.

Boatman (boatman) Wounds:6/14 Resolve:2/3 Fortune:3/3 WS:38 BS:35 S:33 T:40 Init:34 AG:30 DEX:31 Int: 30 WP:30 FEL:38

Athletics:30+20: 1d100 ⇒ 73

Ruprecht reaches back to bring his new crossbow to bear on the man, but he runs! Ruprecht attempts to follow, but finds himself impeded by the crossbow's strap, making him stumble in his pursuit!

Dwarven Knight [CAMPAIGN COMPLETE] Damage (0) Wounds (20) Fate (4) Fortune (2/3) Resilience (2) Resolve (2/2) Corruption (0) Head (2) Legs, Arms, Body (3) Move (3) WS: 60 (70 2handed) BS: 24 STR: 51 T: 50 (60 endurance) Init: 30 Ag: 25 Dex: 38 Int: 32 WP: 53 (63 cool) Fel: 21 (40 charm +10 dawi)

So currently we have Adelaida, Landolf and Ruprecht chasing the fleeing man, while Krizta and Valghaz are looking for the kidnapped girl. How close are the two groups to each other?

Valghaz Ironhammer wrote:
”Right. The hard way.” Figuring that he wouldn’t be of much help in a foot race, Valghaz ran Krizta.

Valghaz follows after the flagellant does his best to keep up with the long-legs.

Krizta wrote:
Krizta is annoyed that she can't see the woman yet, and that there are multiple exits so no way to make sure she is safe. She climbs up the closest ladder while the two other men are still acting stunned, remaining intent on finding the woman as quickly as possible.

This actually will occur in Round 2 but from a narrative point of view the Round doesn't really matter for this action

Following her instincts, Krizta clambers up the ladder and find herself in the hay-loft that runs the length of the building. The two men in the loft still stare in stunned surprise and confusion as they try to come fully awake (they had been sound asleep a few moments ago).

Along with the two men and some moldering piles of hay that have been left in the abandoned barn for who knows how long, Krizta also spots a women who is tightly bound to a wooden chair. The women is gagged and her eyes are open wide as she spots a chosen of Sigmar climb into the hayloft.

Adelaida Lehner wrote:

[dice=Athletics+20 (61)]1d100 SL +6

Landolf sees someone passing him by, running, in armor, with a massive weapon in hands.

It takes him a full second to realise that was Adelaida.

Landolf has to move aside as the much faster Adelaida sprints past him. She is able to grab ahold of the running man and spin him around to face his judgement. The desperate man draws a dagger and prepares to defend himself.

Ruprecht Scheinfelder wrote:


Ruprecht reaches back to bring his new crossbow to bear on the man, but he runs! Ruprecht attempts to follow, but finds himself impeded by the crossbow's strap, making him stumble in his pursuit!

Ruprecht has fallen several yards behind the man and is losing ground but then Adelaida sprints past him and manages to stop the man's flight. Ruprecht brings the crossbow up and is ready to shoot.

Valghaz Ironhammer wrote:
So currently we have Adelaida, Landolf and Ruprecht chasing the fleeing man, while Krizta and Valghaz are looking for the kidnapped girl. How close are the two groups to each other?

Adelaida and the fleeing man are more than half way to the other end of the barn and confront each other. Landolf is only a stride behind. Ruprecht is several yards further back. Krizta has climbed into the hayloft using the ladder closest to the door she came in. The two surprised men and their prisoner are 50 feet away (next to the ladder that's in the middle of the length of the barn). Valghaz is right behind Krizta.

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Dwarven Knight [CAMPAIGN COMPLETE] Damage (0) Wounds (20) Fate (4) Fortune (2/3) Resilience (2) Resolve (2/2) Corruption (0) Head (2) Legs, Arms, Body (3) Move (3) WS: 60 (70 2handed) BS: 24 STR: 51 T: 50 (60 endurance) Init: 30 Ag: 25 Dex: 38 Int: 32 WP: 53 (63 cool) Fel: 21 (40 charm +10 dawi)

Move 3 (dwarf) is 12 yards, or 36 feet for charging. Move 4 (human) is 16 yards, or 48 feet for charging. So neither Valghaz, or Kirzta, can make it into combat this round.

Valghaz moved forward, knowing that the men were too far away for him to get to them just yet. With pick in hands he yelled to them "Surrender now and ye'll live! Raise a weapon and we give nay promises."

Intimidate 51: 1d100 ⇒ 42 SL1

Female Human Ranger Bounty Hunter (Thief-taker) | Wounds 18/18 | Fate 2/2 | Fortune 2/2 | Resilience 4/4 | Resolve 3/4 | Status: Brass 0 | WS 41 / BS 29 / Str 35 / T 45 / Ini 33 / Ag 28 / Dex 27 / Int 33 / Will 30 / Fel 26 | Movement 4 | Corruption = 1

Krizta raises her flail and charges forward towards the woman saying clearly

You men better run. I'm here for my sister, but if you stand in the way, then Sigmar's wrath be upon you for all time. I will kill you as painfully as possible, praising his name.

Despite her threatening speech, she isn't planning on hitting anything at the moment. She plans to reach the woman before striking out at either of the men. Only when she has her secure, and a chance to get between her and the men will she strike. Her goal is to save the woman first and foremost, but of course she is absolutely sincere in being willing to kill anything that gets in the way of that goal.

This has been edited to reflect the correct distance that Krizta can Charge in Round 2

Situation at end of Round 1

Landolf is only a yard or two behind Adelaida and the man that had been running (Kidnapper 1 from now on). He's easily close enough to engage the man in Round 2 but is actually too close to be able to charge. As always, with his fast weapon Landolf can decide when in the Round he wants to act.

Adelaida is face to face with Kidnapper 1 but is not yet Engaged as no Melee attacks have taken place yet. Adelaida has a Slow weapon so will act after Kidnapper 1.

Ruprecht is now at point blank range with his crossbow being within 10 yards of Kidnapper 1. That gives him a +40 to his attack roll. He acts after the kidnappers.

Krizta is in the hayloft and is NOT within the running distance of the two men, Kidnappers 2 and 3 (note: this is a change from what I typed a moment ago when I said climbing the ladder was a second Round action for Krizta).

Valghaz is also in the hayloft but is not fast enough to be able to charge Kidnapper 2 and 3 in Round 2. He can either use a ranged weapon or move closer so that he can attack in Round 3.

Landolf needs to decide if he wants to attack before or after Kidnapper 1. Everyone else acts after Kidnapper 1. If Landolf acts before Kidnapper 1, use the first Dodge roll in the spoiler for his defense.

Adelaida needs to roll a defense roll and also an attack roll. See the spoiler for the kidnapper's rolls.

Ruprecht needs to roll a ranged attack roll and compare with the Kidnapper's Crossbow Dodge roll in the spoiler (being at Point Blank range means the target can try to Dodge the ranged attack).

Kidnappers Dice Rolls:
Only the man on the ground floor (Kidnaper 1) can roll this round as the other men are surprised. Kidnapper 1 will attack Adelaida judging her to be the greater threat.
Kidnapper 1 Attack (35): 1d100 ⇒ 10Success with SL +2. The man's dagger does +6 damage if it hits plus the SL difference minus Adelaida's armor and toughness bonus.
1st Kidnapper 1 Dodge (40): 1d100 ⇒ 59Failure SL -1
2nd Kidnapper 1 Dodge (40): 1d100 ⇒ 81Failure SL -4
3rd Kidnapper 1 Dodge of the Crossbow (40): 1d100 ⇒ 73Failure SL -3

Valghaz Ironhammer wrote:

Move 3 (dwarf) is 12 yards, or 36 feet for charging. Move 4 (human) is 16 yards, or 48 feet for charging. So neither Valghaz, or Kirzta, can make it into combat this round.

Valghaz moved forward, knowing that the men were too far away for him to get to them just yet. With pick in hands he yelled to them "Surrender now and ye'll live! Raise a weapon and we give nay promises."

[dice=Intimidate 51]1d100 SL1

Thanks for pointing out that Krizta is too far away to Charge. That's correct, I had done the math wrong in my head.

Kidnappers 2 and 3 still are completely surprised by this turn of events so do nothing but stare in stunned confusion as Valghaz yells his threat.

Krizta wrote:

Krizta raises her flail and charges forward towards the woman saying clearly

You men better run. I'm here for my sister, but if you stand in the way, then Sigmar's wrath be upon you for all time. I will kill you as painfully as possible, praising his name.

Despite her threatening speech, she isn't planning on hitting anything at the moment. She plans to reach the woman before striking out at either of the men. Only when she has her secure, and a chance to get between her and the men will she strike. Her goal is to save the woman first and foremost, but of course she is absolutely sincere in being willing to kill anything that gets in the way of that goal.

Krizta closes the distance on Kidnappers 2 and 3 as well as their prisoner. The two men are flabbergasted by the situation and simply gape at Krizta as she closes on them.

Dwarven Knight [CAMPAIGN COMPLETE] Damage (0) Wounds (20) Fate (4) Fortune (2/3) Resilience (2) Resolve (2/2) Corruption (0) Head (2) Legs, Arms, Body (3) Move (3) WS: 60 (70 2handed) BS: 24 STR: 51 T: 50 (60 endurance) Init: 30 Ag: 25 Dex: 38 Int: 32 WP: 53 (63 cool) Fel: 21 (40 charm +10 dawi)

"Valghaz moved forward..." He doesn't have any real missile weapons and has very low BS. Getting into combat is almost always the best move for him. Round 1 he moved forward while yelling at them. Turn 2 he charges

Hearing the sounds of combat breaking out, Valghaz looked at the two stunned kidnappers and broke into a charge. "I SAID SURRENDER!" He bellowed as he came in, pick raised. He brought it up and around, swinging it at the man's chest. Part of him reasoned that it would easiest all around to not have any prisoners to take back to town, and if there was fighting happening elsewhere then it would just slow them down securing both the man and the woman. Better to have them both as harmless corpses. But what happened really came down to how they reacted.

Hit Kidnapper 2 WS 65 + 10 charge for 75: 1d100 ⇒ 16 SL 6, body

SL 6 + 5 (weapon) + 5 (str) + 1 (resolute) + 1 (mighty blow) = 18 wounds before T and armor.

Female Human Ranger Bounty Hunter (Thief-taker) | Wounds 18/18 | Fate 2/2 | Fortune 2/2 | Resilience 4/4 | Resolve 3/4 | Status: Brass 0 | WS 41 / BS 29 / Str 35 / T 45 / Ini 33 / Ag 28 / Dex 27 / Int 33 / Will 30 / Fel 26 | Movement 4 | Corruption = 1

Krizta moves forward, placing herself between the woman and the men (Scooting the chair the woman is bound to back if needed).

Why are you still here? she asks them.

In Sigmar's name, if you wish to live, surrender quickly. Down on your knees before Sigmar, and thank him for the pain that reminds you of your sins.

Since they don't seem immediately threatening to the woman, she looks around to see if they have weapons nearby, and if so, she kicks the weapons out of the loft and down to the barn floor.

(Of course, if either of them come at her, or try to get at the woman again, she will strike, but that doesn't seem to be happening yet, so she is just trying to neutralize the threat.)

Landolf Gersun von Ubersreik | Male Reiklander Noble| Wounds 13/13 | Fortune 6/8 | Fate 5/5 | Resolve/Resilience 2/2 | Armor: Head 1 / Body 3 / Arms 3 / Legs 1 | Corruption: 4

Knowing his chances of subduing his opponent by grappling or threatening them were poor, Landolf moved in to attack the suspicious man.

Landolf is acting first & Pulling his Blows, so no critical hits (sad Impale sounds).
Melee (Fencing) 50: 1d100 ⇒ 4 - success with +5 SL vs the enemy Dodge of -1 SL. Hit location is Right Arm. Landolf does +4 Weapon +3 Strength Bonus +6 SL = 13 Wounds before Toughness & armor and gains +1 Advantage

Landolf Engaged him before he could take his stated action. That would make his stated action more hazardous than it would otherwise be. In case Aubster wants to change it:

Stuff for Aubster:
Melee (Fencing) 50 +10 Advantage: 1d100 ⇒ 25 - success with +4 SL should deflect the man's attack and give Landolf a total of +2 Advantage

Female Human Female Warrior Priest Wounds 15/15 Fate 5 Resilience 3 Fortune 5/5 WS 52 BS 36 ST 35 TG 45 INi 34 Ag31 DEX 33 Int31 Will 41 Fel 40

Attack 62: 1d100 ⇒ 56 SL +1/Damaging 6, location body, +6 weapon, +3 ST: 15 damage
Defense 62: 1d100 ⇒ 10 SL +5, Toughness 4, armor Chain shirt (Body 2)

The man's attack would have probably wounded a lesser warrior.
But he fights Adelaida.
She deflects the blow with her warhammer with ease, and then strikes, aiming at the man's midsection.
The power of her blow surprises her, the weapon is slow but carries way more impact than her usual sword

By Sigmar's will, you will repent from your sins!

Damaging: A Damaging weapon can use the higher score from either the units die or the SL to determine the Damage caused from a successful hit. For example, if you roll 34 in your attack Test and the target number was 52 you can choose to use the SL, which in this case is 2, or the units die result, which is 4

Valghaz Ironhammer wrote:

"Valghaz moved forward..." He doesn't have any real missile weapons and has very low BS. Getting into combat is almost always the best move for him. Round 1 he moved forward while yelling at them. Turn 2 he charges

Hearing the sounds of combat breaking out, Valghaz looked at the two stunned kidnappers and broke into a charge. "I SAID SURRENDER!" He bellowed as he came in, pick raised. He brought it up and around, swinging it at the man's chest. Part of him reasoned that it would easiest all around to not have any prisoners to take back to town, and if there was fighting happening elsewhere then it would just slow them down securing both the man and the woman. Better to have them both as harmless corpses. But what happened really came down to how they reacted.

[dice=Hit Kidnapper 2 WS 65 + 10 charge for 75]1d100 SL 6, body

SL 6 + 5 (weapon) + 5 (str) + 1 (resolute) + 1 (mighty blow) = 18 wounds before T and armor.

Before the surprised men could even arm themselves, Valghaz barreled into them swinging his trusty miner’s pick. Whatever fight one of the kidnappers might have made was quickly rendered moot when Valghaz’s attack shattered his sternum and crushed his heart. The dead man’s body was flung back 10 feet from the powerful dwarf’s mighty blow.

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Krizta wrote:

Krizta moves forward, placing herself between the woman and the men (Scooting the chair the woman is bound to back if needed).

Why are you still here? she asks them.

In Sigmar's name, if you wish to live, surrender quickly. Down on your knees before Sigmar, and thank him for the pain that reminds you of your sins.

Since they don't seem immediately threatening to the woman, she looks around to see if they have weapons nearby, and if so, she kicks the weapons out of the loft and down to the barn floor.

(Of course, if either of them come at her, or try to get at the woman again, she will strike, but that doesn't seem to be happening yet, so she is just trying to neutralize the threat.)

As Krizta moves to protect the woman and Valghaz crushes one of the kidnappers, the kidnap victim gains a measure of revenge by kicking out with her bound feet. Her feet slam into Kidnapper 3 who comically windmills his arms for a moment and then falls backwards from the hayloft. You all hear a sickening thunk as the unfortunate kidnapper manages to land on an upturned pitchfork. The tines of the pitchfork protrude out the chest of the man. Blood begins to pour out of the holes made by the pitchfork quickly soaking the bits of straw and the dirt around the body.

Adelaida Lehner wrote:

[dice=Attack 62]1d100 SL +1/Damaging 6, location body, +6 weapon, +3 ST: 15 damage

[dice=Defense 62]1d100 SL +5, Toughness 4, armor Chain shirt (Body 2)

The man's attack would have probably wounded a lesser warrior.
But he fights Adelaida.
She deflects the blow with her warhammer with ease, and then strikes, aiming at the man's midsection.
The power of her blow surprises her, the weapon is slow but carries way more impact than her usual sword

By Sigmar's will, you will repent from your sins!

Damaging: A Damaging weapon can use the higher score from either the units die or the SL to determine the Damage caused from a successful hit. For example, if you roll 34 in your attack Test and the target number was 52 you can choose to use the SL, which in this case is 2, or the units die result, which is 4

The kidnapper kept his feet after Landolf’s attack though he obviously was sorely hurt but is completely overwhelmed by Adelaida who uses her Warhammer to strike down the man. Even though the Warhammer is a normal weapon, Adelaida gets the feeling that it somehow approved of her action in the defense of the weak.

Dwarven Knight [CAMPAIGN COMPLETE] Damage (0) Wounds (20) Fate (4) Fortune (2/3) Resilience (2) Resolve (2/2) Corruption (0) Head (2) Legs, Arms, Body (3) Move (3) WS: 60 (70 2handed) BS: 24 STR: 51 T: 50 (60 endurance) Init: 30 Ag: 25 Dex: 38 Int: 32 WP: 53 (63 cool) Fel: 21 (40 charm +10 dawi)

Valghaz took a deep breath and then looked down at the man who was impaled on the pitchfork below. It had only taken a few seconds, but the kidnappers all appeared to be dead. It was not the first time that he reflected that the situation could easily have been reversed if they were not the ones who got the drop.

"Everyone alright?" He called out. "Krizta's with the girl! Safe and sound!"

Female Human Ranger Bounty Hunter (Thief-taker) | Wounds 18/18 | Fate 2/2 | Fortune 2/2 | Resilience 4/4 | Resolve 3/4 | Status: Brass 0 | WS 41 / BS 29 / Str 35 / T 45 / Ini 33 / Ag 28 / Dex 27 / Int 33 / Will 30 / Fel 26 | Movement 4 | Corruption = 1

Krizta ungags and unties the former captive, explaining that the priest of Sigmar had sent them to her aid.

Please allow us to escort you back to the temple. ... Do you know why they took you?

After freeing the woman, Krizta retrieves any belongings that the kidnappers had in the loft and returns to the barn floor, unashamedly rifling through the pockets of the dead, and mourning the loss of the bloodstained shirt pierced by the pitchfork. It looked to have been a nice shirt... but it was unlikely she could get the blood out of it.

Landolf Gersun von Ubersreik | Male Reiklander Noble| Wounds 13/13 | Fortune 6/8 | Fate 5/5 | Resolve/Resilience 2/2 | Armor: Head 1 / Body 3 / Arms 3 / Legs 1 | Corruption: 4

Landolf was Pulling his Blows but I'm not sure whether Adelaida meant to. Can we tell if the kidnapper we took down was still alive?

Landolf looked at the downed man warily. He hadn't appeared to be a mutant or turned into a daemon yet...

"We got our man out there," Landolf called back to Valghaz. "Did you find her?"

If possible, Landolf will try to keep the man he and Adelaida downed stable. The Sigmarites or the local Watch would have questionsi for him. I don't see a 'Keep him from dying without giving him Wounds back' usage for Heal so I'll hold off on rolling the skill for now.

Female Human Female Warrior Priest Wounds 15/15 Fate 5 Resilience 3 Fortune 5/5 WS 52 BS 36 ST 35 TG 45 INi 34 Ag31 DEX 33 Int31 Will 41 Fel 40

Criminal scum who have no regard for the laws of the Empire withdraw themselves from Sigmar's protection and mercy he awards to respectful citizens.. But I wish we would have been able to catch one alive so we could interogate him. Now we ended the effects, but what about the cause? I'm not used yet to the practise of the warhammer in battle, it's a much more powerful weapon than I thought. I should be more cautious in the future. Sorry, Landolf.

Adelaida show no remorse about probably killing a criminal in combat, but apologise to the noble for the recklesness of her actions.

Landolf Gersun von Ubersreik | Male Reiklander Noble| Wounds 13/13 | Fortune 6/8 | Fate 5/5 | Resolve/Resilience 2/2 | Armor: Head 1 / Body 3 / Arms 3 / Legs 1 | Corruption: 4

Landolf nodded, accepting Adelaida's apology. "At least this case seems straightforward. Maybe it won't be twisted around on us this time." He started searching through the man's pockets. Maybe they could still find something to explain this.

Still not 100% that the guy is dead. All Pulling your Blows does mechanically is prevent critical hits so he'd get a roll normally. Aubster could just decide the blow killed him too of course.

Krizta wrote:

Krizta ungags and unties the former captive, explaining that the priest of Sigmar had sent them to her aid.

Please allow us to escort you back to the temple. ... Do you know why they took you?

After freeing the woman, Krizta retrieves any belongings that the kidnappers had in the loft and returns to the barn floor, unashamedly rifling through the pockets of the dead, and mourning the loss of the bloodstained shirt pierced by the pitchfork. It looked to have been a nice shirt... but it was unlikely she could get the blood out of it.

The bound woman rubs her wrists and ankles once she’s been untied trying to get the blood flowing again. She’s a little wobbly when she stands but quickly gets her balance. She then gives a little bow to Krizta and Valghaz.

”Thank you! Thank you so much Chosen of Sigmar and Herr Dwarf. I am Elvyra Kleinestun and I owe you a debt of gratitude.” She carefully leans over the side of the hayloft and spots the man she kicked impaled on a pitchfork. She spits on the corpse. ”Good riddance to bad rubbish as my Gran used to say.”

Elvyra considers Krizta’s question, ”They were working for someone in Altdorf who wanted me to to come to the capital and do something but I refused. The next morning they came to my house and took me. Is Liza alright? I didn’t see her when these louts grabbed me.”

Successful Challenging (+0) Intuition Skill Test:
You get the sense that Elvyra is not telling the entire story about the kidnappers but you also sense that she’s not going to ever tell you the rest of the story.

Looting of the bodies yields three Daggers, two pairs of Knuckledusters, 3 sets of bloody clothing and a total of 10 shillings.

Darkest Doomed wrote:

Landolf was Pulling his Blows but I'm not sure whether Adelaida meant to. Can we tell if the kidnapper we took down was still alive?

Landolf looked at the downed man warily. He hadn't appeared to be a mutant or turned into a daemon yet...

"We got our man out there," Landolf called back to Valghaz. "Did you find her?"

If possible, Landolf will try to keep the man he and Adelaida downed stable. The Sigmarites or the local Watch would have questionsi for him. I don't see a 'Keep him from dying without giving him Wounds back' usage for Heal so I'll hold off on rolling the skill for now.

The kidnapper you attacked is extremely dead. He was down to 2 wounds when Adelaida hit him before Adelaida gave him 12 more wounds.

Female Human Ranger Bounty Hunter (Thief-taker) | Wounds 18/18 | Fate 2/2 | Fortune 2/2 | Resilience 4/4 | Resolve 3/4 | Status: Brass 0 | WS 41 / BS 29 / Str 35 / T 45 / Ini 33 / Ag 28 / Dex 27 / Int 33 / Will 30 / Fel 26 | Movement 4 | Corruption = 1

Intuition (33+5=38): 1d100 ⇒ 39

Darn. So close.

Good to meet you, Elvyra. What did they ask you to do? ... I'm afraid that we haven't seen Liza. We ran into a lead about these fellows before we made it to your home to look around. Is Liza someone who lives with you? If so, we can go there now to check on her if you like, and report to the temple later.

... Do you have any idea who in Altdorf they were referring to? That might help us follow up and make sure this doesn't happen again. If they were so insistent, I am worried they will just send someone else after you.

Female Human Female Warrior Priest Wounds 15/15 Fate 5 Resilience 3 Fortune 5/5 WS 52 BS 36 ST 35 TG 45 INi 34 Ag31 DEX 33 Int31 Will 41 Fel 40

Intuition 34: 1d100 ⇒ 62

Adelaida listens to the abducted woman story, then Kritza's sound questions.

Feeling a little bad about the man she so recently slaughtered, she does her best to give him the last rites, or at least pray for his lost soul.

Dwarven Knight [CAMPAIGN COMPLETE] Damage (0) Wounds (20) Fate (4) Fortune (2/3) Resilience (2) Resolve (2/2) Corruption (0) Head (2) Legs, Arms, Body (3) Move (3) WS: 60 (70 2handed) BS: 24 STR: 51 T: 50 (60 endurance) Init: 30 Ag: 25 Dex: 38 Int: 32 WP: 53 (63 cool) Fel: 21 (40 charm +10 dawi)

Intuition: 1d100 ⇒ 72

Completely blind to the possibility that the woman was intentionally holding anything back. While looting the corpses, he looked up and said:

Charm: 1d100 ⇒ 11

"Aye, as the lass said, anythin' ye can tell us would be right helpful. Also, did ye know these boyos at all? I know that the one who got hammered had a city accent, but it seems odd that they'd go so far out of the city. Plenty of people there that they could have taken off the street if they needed a stranger." He mused.

Female Human Ranger Bounty Hunter (Thief-taker) | Wounds 18/18 | Fate 2/2 | Fortune 2/2 | Resilience 4/4 | Resolve 3/4 | Status: Brass 0 | WS 41 / BS 29 / Str 35 / T 45 / Ini 33 / Ag 28 / Dex 27 / Int 33 / Will 30 / Fel 26 | Movement 4 | Corruption = 1

Unless anyone else objects, Krizta bundles up the clothing to take with her, to launder it and salvage what she can. She wants to get some clothes to use besides the tattered robes she's been wearing. She also takes one dagger, figuring it's always handy to have something around she can use as a knife.

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