About KriztaHuman Ranger
Weapons: Flail
Goblin Bow
Goblin Arrows (6) (tipped with a thick black substance)
XP: Total Gained 1183 / Total Remaining 3 --120 from character creation
Species: Human
40 (+4) Weapon Skill [melee] (+7 XP)
Wounds = 18 [3 Strength bonus +8 (2X Toughness bonus) +3 (Willpower bonus) +4 (Hardy)
+Animal Care* -- | Int
+ = Skills from Species or Career
Craftsman (Printing) (Species (random)) [You have true creative talent. Add the associated Trade Skill to any Career you enter. If the Trade Skill is already in your Career, you may instead purchase the Skill for 5 XP fewer per Advance.] --Maybe scribe, and my personal goal is literacy for the masses so that they can read scripture?-- Doomed (Species) [At the age of 10, a Priest of Morr called a Doomsayer took you aside to foretell your death in an incense-laden, coming-of-age ritual called the Dooming. In conjunction with your GM, come up with a suitable Dooming. Should your character die in a fashion that matches your Dooming, your next character gains a bonus of half the total XP your dead character accrued during play.] Hardy (Species--random)[You gain a permanent addition to your Wounds, equal to your Toughness Bonus. If your Toughness Bonus should increase, then the number of Wounds Hardy provides also increases.] Implacable (Career--xp) [It takes a lot to finish you off. You can ignore the Wound loss from a Bleeding Condition. Each level in this Talent lets you ignore the Wound loss from an extra Bleeding Condition.] Read/Write (Career--free)[You are one of the rare literate individuals in the Old World. You are assumed to be able to read and write (if appropriate) all of the Languages you can speak.] Savvy (Species) [You gain a permanent +5 bonus to your starting Intelligence Characteristic (this does not count towards your Advances).] Suave (Career--xp) [You gain a permanent +5 bonus to your starting Fellowship Characteristic (this does not count towards your Advances).] Very Resilient (Species--random) [You gain a permanent +5 bonus to your starting Toughness Characteristic (this does not count towards your Advances).] Trappings:
Amulets (2) [4 pennies] (for her parents, waiting to have them engraved if she can)
Money (12 pennies in a shilling, 20 shillings in a crown)
Individual Short-Term: Just to get enough money to be able to buy some new clothes and get regular hot meals. (done) New goal: Try to track down Elvyra's kidnappers (the ones who hired the guys we killed) Individual Long-Term: Literacy for all, though she doesn't know if that is Sigmar's will or her own... so she has tried to make it more his through the idea of teaching from scripture and educating people in the gospel. Group Short-Term: ? sell cargo
10 Questions:
Where are you from? Originally, Altdorf. What is your family like? My father is a cartographer and my mother a scholar/librarian. They run a small printshop/bookstore there, near the university. What was your childhood like? It was good... fairly normal up until my dooming, but even after that, good. My parents made my life blissful... much better than I can ever do on my own. Why did you leave home? To save them from me. Who are your friends? I don't have a lot of close friends, but I suppose my parents are my best friends and everyone who loves and believes in Sigmar is a friend on some level. They pray with me and support my mission, and that would be hard to do for someone you hated. I try to give back through inspiration and prophecy, explaining about the end times and what the scriptures actually say about that. I know a lot of flagellants kind of scare people into helping them, thinking that they need that impetus to bolster their faith... and maybe they do, but, perhaps because of my own weakness, I prefer to teach them the prophecies so they can decide for themselves, and learn how to manage their own lives through Sigmar's example. What is your greatest desire? I guess my greatest desire is to feel pure and worthy, but I don't know that I will ever feel that. Perhaps also to feel loved, which I do from afar from my parents and in a generic way from Sigmar, but... I know it is selfish to want more than that, and I can't really look for more than friendship because of my own failings. What are your best and worst memories? One of my best memories is when I was sixteen and my parents were appalled at who I had chosen to be, but after all the drama, they still loved and accepted me, and worked to help me with what I had chosen rather than continuing to try to get me to be something else. ... I have no idea if I was right or they were in the first place, honestly, but it taught me so much about ... unconditional love, I guess. That they wanted me and loved me, no matter what I did or chose, even if they thought it was insane. My worst memory is my Dooming, and realizing for the first time how weak and selfish I am, and that I was destined to harm others. I have to fight that tendency every day. What are your religious beliefs? Well, I believe in Sigmar of course, although I still admire other gods as well. I'm not sure if that is bad or disloyal. I think that Shallya and Verena are my favorites of the others. That juxtaposition between justice and mercy, you know? ... Sigmar is the one who guides me where I need to go, and though it is hard and I feel unworthy, I feel like I make contact sometimes, when I am able to transcend my own selfishness. To whom, or what, are you loyal? Family, and Sigmar, though family comes first, and perhaps that is the core of my failing. Why are you adventuring? Because I can't settle down, and this is a more interesting way of wandering than being a flagellant... again, though, it might be selfish to want this instead. Background:
Up until age 10, Krizta was fairly happy. Her parents were well educated and she had many opportunities. Her father was a scout-cartographer and her mother a scholar-librarian when they met on the staff of Altdorf University, and when they got enough money from his scouting and her lecturing they opened up a bookshop, specializing in map books, even investing in a printing press to make it easier to manufacture the maps and manuscripts that they produced and took on commission. Krizta naturally learned this trade at a young age, and has quite a talent for it. At 10 years old, her unusual Dooming predicted that she and her household would die when she lost faith. Krizta didn't just believe this, but knew deep in her soul that it was true... that she would destroy her parents and ruin everything she loved, and that her fate was sealed because of her own failings. Her parents told her that prophecies like that could be interpreted many different ways, and that it probably wasn't anything that would happen soon, and maybe even not at all, because they knew she loved Sigmar. Unfortunately, that didn't change Krizta's certainty that she was sure to destroy anyone she lived with. From that point on, she still worked hard at her lessons, and still did all that she could for her parents, but a lot of joy went out of her. She threw herself into religious study, doing everything to try to figure out what faith was, and how to get it, and keep it. Some days or weeks her life almost seemed normal again as she grew and went to school and learned more, but the realization always came back, and she sharply reminded herself that in order to save her parents, she must leave them. She saw a flagellant one day when she was 16, beating himself in the street, and she went up and questioned him about faith, and he explained that this was his faith, ridding himself of sin and unworthy emotions so that he could go forward in Sigmar's service. She asked if she could try, and he gave her a flail. Krizta had thought that she needed to become financially able to support herself in order to leave and make her parents safe, but once she talked to him and the others in his group, she thought that she could leave home without having to earn all that money after all, and she went home to tell her parents her idea. When she came home bloody, and her mother learned why, they had a long talk in which Krizta explained that it was a cathartic experience, and not crazy, and she was doing it for them. It helped remind her of her faith, and it was supremely superior to getting them killed. ... After her parents railed and cried and argued and she wouldn't back down, they resorted to teaching her how to clean and care for her wounds so that they wouldn't get infected, and persuaded her not to go off with the group of flagellants she had met, but rather stay and finish college first, which she did, but she continued to ritually beat herself, meet regularly with flagellants who came through town, and never backed down from her plan to leave home as soon as she finished college. Her parents tried many things during this time, trying to come up with other options that would not expose their daughter to so much danger. They even suggested a nunnery, but Krizta was worried that "household" might encompass all of her fellow nuns, and she would be endangering more people, not less. In her mind, the drifting life of a flagellent was the way to avoid her doom, for someone without a home has no household, and she wouldn't be endangering anyone. After college, she left as she said she would, travelling for a time with a group of flagellants, but then splitting off when she felt called a different way, trying to learn to trust her spiritual instincts more. She has been living without money for long enough that she knows how to get along, but not long enough that she doesn't miss regular showers, regular meals, and fresh, clean clothes. She hasn't ever let any relationship get serious, because she knows that she is liable to kill anyone that she decided to make a home with, but she enjoys making friends, and still loves her family and writes to them regularly, whenever she can beg writing supplies (usually from the local temple), sending her letters with whoever is willing to carry them and hoping they arrive safely. Krizta is interested in the idea of traveling with non-flagellants, for, while she doesn't plan on ceasing the practice because of how it makes her feel clean and closer to who she should be, she is very interested (though perhaps guilty about it) in traveling in more comfort and not having to be dirty and hungry all the time in order to remain on the move and without a "household." Her long-term ambition is literacy for all, though she doesn't know if that is Sigmar's will or her own... so she has tried to make it more his through the idea of teaching from scripture and educating people in the gospel. She is sure that if it is his will, he will open the way for her to move those ideas forward. Her short term goal is just to get enough money to be able to buy some new clothes and get regular hot meals. She thinks that it might be a selfish desire, but if things work out that way, then she feels like Sigmar is blessing her and she will be grateful. Notes:
Possible careers for Krizta to move to: scout, hunter (within ranger), then priest or scholar (academics), depending on whether she does or does not lose her faith, but not sure yet, storywise. Charm is used for begging: [A successful Test will scrounge Fellowship Bonus × SL brass pennies per hour from passers-by, with the Difficulty modified by the pitch chosen for begging, and how much sympathy your appearance can elicit. If you score no SL, but still pass the Skill Test, you only manage to scrounge a single pfennig.