
Valghaz Ironhammer's page

1,161 posts. Alias of Grumbaki.


Damage (0) Wounds (20) Fate (4) Fortune (2/3) Resilience (2) Resolve (2/2) Corruption (0) Head (2) Legs, Arms, Body (3) Move (3)


WS: 60 (70 2handed) BS: 24 STR: 51 T: 50 (60 endurance) Init: 30 Ag: 25 Dex: 38 Int: 32 WP: 53 (63 cool) Fel: 21 (40 charm +10 dawi)




Khazalid, Reikspell

About Valghaz Ironhammer

Combat with Pick:

WS: 70
Damage: SL + SB (5) + Strike Mighty Blow (1) + Weapon (5) - TB - Armor


5 Advances: Melee (basic) Lore (Geology), Lore (Metallurgy), Endurance, Intuition, Lore (Local), Melee (Two-handed), Outdoor Survival, Perception, Swim, Cool
3 Advances: Language (Khazalid), Lore (Dwarfs), Trade (Smelting)

Art (Dex) = 38
Athletics (AG) +5 = 26
Bribery (FEL) = 21
Charm (FEL) +19 = 40
Charm Animal (WP) = 53
Climb (STR) = 50
Cool (WP) +10 = 63
Consume Alcohol (T) = 50
Dodge (AG) = 25
Drive (AG) +10 = 35
Endurance (T) +10 = 60
Entertain (FEL) = 21
Gamble (INT) = 32
Gossip (FEL) = 21
Haggle (FEL) = 21
Intimate (STR) = 51
Intuition (I) +5 = 35
Leadership (FEL) = 21
Melee (Basic) (WS) +5 = 65
Melee (Two Handed) (WS) +10 = 70
Navigation (I) = 25
Outdoor Survival (INT) +5 = 37
Perception (I) +5 = 30
Ride (AG) = 25
Row (STR) = 50
Stealth (AG) = 25
Swim (STR) + 5 = 55

Language Reikspell (INT) +5 = 37
Language Khazalid (INT) +5 = 37
Lore (Dwarfs) (INT) +5 = 37
Lore (Metallurgy) (INT) +5 = 37
Lore (Geology) INT +5 = 37
Lore (Local) INT +5 = 37
Trade (Smelting) DEX +3 = 41
Trade (Explosives) DEX + 10 = 48
Heal INT + 9 = 41


Strike Mighty Blow: +1 damage

Magic Resistance (max 1: You are resistant to magic. You must Oppose any incoming spell with your Willpower, just as if you were a spellcaster using Language (Magick) to dispel (see page 237). Further, you may never learn the Arcane Magic, Bless, Invoke, Petty Magic, or Witch! Talents)

Night Vision


Resolute (You launch into attacks with grim determination. Add your level of Resolute to your Strength Bonus when you Charge.)

Sturdy (You have a brawny physique, or are very used to carrying things. Increase the number of Encumbrance Points you can carry by your Sturdy level x 2.)

Tenacious (You never give up, no matter how impossible your travails appear. You can double the length of time successful Endurance Tests allow you to endure a hardship. This includes enduring prolonged riding, exposure, rituals, and similar adversities.)

Very Strong


Combat Gear
Two Handed Pick, Dagger, Leather Jerkin, Leggings, skullcap, Miner's candle helmet (1AP, holds a canlde), Mail Coat (2 AP arms, body), Mail Chaussers (2 AP legs), Shield, fire bomb

Personal Gear
Charcoal Stick, Crude Map (A good mining location up in the Grey Mountains, good as it probably has good gold but of course it's a problem that Greenskins are all over that area), Pan, Spade, Clothing, Pouch, Sling Bag containing Rations (1 day), healing drought, 10 bandages, a comb, handful of candles, explosives trade tools, order of the stone wall amulet

6 gold 1 silver 1 brass penny

Morr Rose: whenever you are near undead of any type and have the Black Rose with you it will get warm (warmer as you get closer) to remind you that Morr Protects. Your Cool Skill check against Fear or other Psychology Conditions becomes Easy (+40). If you touch the undead with the Rose, it will cause 1d8 of damage that bypasses all protections (toughness, armour, etc.)

Weapon Qualities
Pick: SB+5

Damaging: A Damaging weapon can use the higher score from either the units die or the SL to determine the Damage caused from a successful hit. For example, if you roll 34 in your attack Test and the target number was 52 you can choose to use the SL, which in this case is 2, or the units die result, which is 4. An Undamaging weapon can never also be Damaging (Undamaging takes precedent).

Impale: Impale weapons can kill with a single clean blow. Impale weapons cause a Critical Hit on any number divisible by 10 (i.e.: 10, 20, 30, etc.) as well as on doubles (i.e.: 11, 22, 33) rolled equal or under an appropriate Test in combat.

Slow: Always goes last when combat starts


5 characteristic increases at beginning: +1 Str, +1 T, +3 WP

Character Creation 75
Roleplaying & Fun Award 35 xp
Saving tenement residents 25 xp
Stopping the Teufel Terror (a troll) 70 xp
Medicine for kids 25xp
Stopping war of vengeance II 25xp
Vampire 50xp
Spittlefield 25xp
Short Term 1 50xp
points for uncovering the reasons for the riot 10xp
points for driving back the Shifting Grasp 30xp
points for saving Maurer’s Life 50xp
points for securing freedom from the Watch 25xp
Short Term Ambition 50xp
Short Term Party Ambition 50xp
Good time! 75xp
Rescuing the man from a beating outside the Bridge House Inn in Ubersreik 25xp
Stopping the thugs from damaging the coach and stampeding the cattle in the Fleshmarket 25xp
Surviving the fight with the drunken highwayman 15xp
Help you gave the regiment (Valghaz healing the doctor, Markus finding the evil idol, Landolf delivering the message and Adelaida for cheering up the men) 40xp
Defeating the Goblins 50xp
Had fun 20xp
Defeated Rolf Hurtsis 10xp
Defeated mutants 20xp
Inheritance letter found 10xp
Raised no suspicions with the Road Wardens 5xp
Made cool group name 5xp
Foreshadowing 5xp
Song identified 5xp
Second song 5xp
25 XP for good role-playing everyone
25 XP if you had a good time adventuring in Altdorf
5 XP for foiling the baggage thief
10 XP for everyone befriending Josef
5 XP for being smart enough not to attack the nobles
5 XP for dealing with Max
10 XP for leaving Altdorf in the Berebeli
50 XP good time
30 XP for stopping summoning ritual
50 XP for banishing demons
50 XP short term goal
10 XP 2000 posts

10 XP if you had fun playing in the sewers
5 XP for finding poor Gottri
5 XP for finding the Warpstone
5 XP for find the goblin pelvis
20 XP for banishing the Herald of Tzeentch.
50xp short term goal Gotri's remains
50xp short term goal Letter home record Grudge

25 XP if you had fun
5 points for discovering the Hidden Temple beneath the Steinhäger Offices
5 points for each location where useful information is gained (you all figure out the locations you got the info from)
5 points for receiving a holy vision
30 points for going to the Golden Trout with Magirius.
200 points + 1 Fate Point for preventing the ritual
50xp Short term party goal
40xp clues

10 XP if you had fun
40 XP for capturing the barge
50 XP for rescuing the pharmacist

25 XP if you had fun.
10 points for helping to complete the Signal Tower.
15 points for defeating the Ghoul.
25 points for defeating the zombies and recovering their keys.

500 XP long term ambition!

20 XP if Grissenwald was fun
25 XP for befriending the Dwarfs of Khazid Slumbol.
25 XP for saving the life of Durak Dimholt and rescuing Dumpling.
50 XP for defeating the Orc and Goblins in the house.

Total: 2365

+9 Str (10 total, 245xp)
+4 T (5 total, 100xp)
+8 WP (10 total, 140xp)
+9 Heal (110xp)
Miner (100xp)
+10 Trade Explosives (125)
+10 WS (275xp)
+5 Melee Two Handed (75xp) 10 total
+5 Cool (75xp) 10 total
Very Strong (100xp)
Strike Mighty Blow (100xp)
+5 Endurance (75xp) 10 total
Warrior Born (100xp)
+19 Charm (245xp)
+5 Athletics (50xp)
+5 Agility (125xp)
+5 Initiative (125xp)
+5 Dodge (50xp)

WS (+10) Str (+10) T (+5) Ag (+5) Initiative (+5) WP (+10) Heal (+9) Athletics (+5) Explosives (+10) Cool (+10) Two Handed (+10) Cool (+10) Charm (+19) Dodge (+5)

10 xp left

List of Allies:

Glavic Boarhand and his nephews Harvan and Dwargun Foambeard: assist other nephew Borgun Foambeard in running Borgun’s Brewery in the Dawihafen district

Heske Glazer: Glassblowing shop in Artisan’s district

Virton Caskward: Dwarven owner of the Mother Load tavern.

Count Boorman: ”Let me know when you are next in Altdorf and it will be my honor to introduce you to Vandrin Thorikson, direct descendant of the great Athranbor Thorikson and Dwarven ambassador for Karaz-a-Karak,” Boorman says in almost flawless Khazalid.

Book of Grudges:

Attacked in plaza by an irate Burgher Valghaz left the Burgher nearly dead

Called a goblin and attacked by Burgher’s nephewValghaz left the nephew nearly dead

Rudi Klumpenklug (Corrupt sergeant) Man exposed and fired from his position

Gershwin: Promised 20 gold to investigate lost carriages and ran away without paying
"”I owe you nothing!” Gershwin roars right back at Valghaz. ”You sir are a dwarf! You must understand contracts. My contract was with that dirty false priest Andreas. I had no contract with you. Andreas was paid 100 Gold Crowns to find proof of Hoch’s treachery but instead of delivering he absconded with my firm’s money. Your contract was with Andreas. Find him and collect your gold. Bring me his head and I will pay you 100 additional crowns.”"
* Sent letter home record grudge



The Ironhammer Clan is a tale of wealth, tragedy and perseverance (and of being mistaken for the much better known and currently far wealthier Ironhammers of Karak Azul). Originally of Ekrund, the clan trade was that of mining. Specifically, they dug out new tunnels, with their name coming from the iron hammers that hung from their belts which to create supports. That, and for their warpicks, which had a mining pick on one side of the head and a hammer on the other. For the clan, it was a name which encapsulated who they were.

When Ekrund fell, the clan was scattered. Many made their way to the Grey Mountains, where their trade was in high demand, even if the mountains were not nearly as rich as that which were lost. But still, they persevered. Many took up residence in Karak Norn, though a fair few went to Karak Azgaraz. And it was in the latter that Valghaz was born.

The mines of Karak Azgaraz have all but run dry. And while the king is eager to expand his holdings, that is a small consolation for those dwarves who struggle to make a living. Valghaz has only recently come of age. He is, in human terms, in his late teens. Barely an adult, even by generous reckoning. And he is near broke. Years digging in dry mines have left him with little hope for a future in his home. As such, he has left. And while human merchants might flock to Karak Azgaraz, lured by its wealth, he has made his way out of the mountains into the lands of men. He has heard that down in the low-lands, a man might earn a living free from orc marauders or skaven raiders. As such, owning naught but the clothes on his back, he has come to Ubersreik, hoping to find work. And maybe, hopefully, return home some day with enough coin to have made this gamble worth it.

Motivation and Ambition:

“I get your Motivation...Tradition (which is another great song from Fiddler). So when you do something in the best Tradition of the Dwarfs you regain Resolve.

1st Ambition: Earn social respect as seen back home and a steady source of income (Complete)

2nd Ambition: Complete a task so heroic that it would earn him fame within the order. That would, of course, be very Gm dependent on what constitutes such a heroic deed. But it would be something that goes beyond what is expected of a Templar. And given dwarven expectations are quite high, I'd think that this would be a fairly difficult task to accomplish

Order of the Stone Wall Career Path:

Becoming a squire

"As the city with the largest dwarven expatriate population in the Empire and given the close friendship between the Sigmar and the dwarven people, it's not surprising that the Temple of Grungni is a large and beautiful stone building built within shouting distance of the great temple complex to Sigmar. It is constructed out of black marble and there is a large stylized sculpture of Grungni made from gromril looming over the entrance. Around the building are exquisite carvings representing dwarven history.

Two silent dwarves dressed in shining chainmail and hefting large warpicks stand guard outside the main entrance to the temple. Normally they would greet any unfamiliar dwarf that comes to the temple but they ignore Valghaz (as if they were expecting him somehow) as he walks past them into the warmly lit entry of the temple. An ancient dwarf wearing the vestments of a cleric of Grungni is standing and waiting for Valghaz.

After a week of prayer and fasting the same ancient priest that first met you in the temple comes to the simple room that you've been using. He explains that normally a dwarf of Valghaz's background would not be selected as a templar for the father of the race. However, the rune-casters foresaw Valghaz's appearance and believe that he has a vital role to play to renew and strengthen the bonds between the dwarfs and the people of Sigmar. "You are to travel with a Warrior-Priest of Sigmar and work together to stop a grave threat the Sigmar's Empire. You will know the Warrior-Priest when you see her. The runes reveal that you must travel south on the mighty Reik and find our kinfolk that need aid. You'll know you're in the right spot when you locate the unfinished tower that threatens to never be finished.""

Prospector - Miner - Squire

Stone and Steel, p. 90
"Although templars may seem like a uniquely human concept, the cults of several Dwarf deities have warrior orders associated with them; most notable example of this is the relationship between the Slayers and the cult of Grimnir, but it is by no means the only one. The Dwarf Order of the Stone Wall is associated with the cult of Grungni, and its members see themselves as the ultimate guardians of the Dwarf race. Founded during the first coming of chaos (-4500 I.C.), the order embodies the virtues of steadfastness and determination, regardless of the odds. For advance scheme, career exits and trappings see the Templar advanced career, WFRP, page 106. However, in place of the ride-horse skill, templars of the Order of the Stone Wall substitute specialist weapon -flail and specialist weapon - two-handed weapon."

Squire - Silver 3
Stats: Str (10x), I (5x), Agi (5x)
Skills: Athletics (5x), Charm (19x), Heal (9x), Lore-Metallurgy (5x), Intuition (5x), two handed weapon (10x), Trade -Explosives (10x)
Talents: Etiquette, Sturdy (2x), Warrior Born (1x)
Trappings: Leather Jack, Mail Shirt, Trade Tools, Two-handed weapon, Shield

Knight - Silver 5
Stats: WS (10x)
Skills: Cool (10x), Dodge (10x), Endurance (10x), Intimidate (0x), Language-Battle, Melee-Any (10x)
Talents: Menacing, Seasoned Traveler, Shieldsman, Strike Mighty Blow (1x)
Trappings: Melee Weapon (any), Plate Armor and Helm

First Knight - Gold 2
Stats: WP (8x)
Skills: Consume Alcohol (0x), Leadership (0x), Lore-Warfare (0x), Charm (19x)
Talents: Fearless-any, Stout-Hearted, Unshakeable, Warleader
Trappings: Small unit of knights

Knight of the Inner Circle - Gold 4
Stats: Fel (0x)
Talents: Disarm, Inspiring, Iron Will, Strike to Injure
Trappings: Gromril Helm or weapon, Squire, Large unit of knights or several small units of knights