Paradise GM |

Looking to get 4 players for a PbP Iron Gods Game supplementing with roll20 for maps.
Races allowed will be all core races as well as Aasimar, changling, orc and tiefling as they are common in Numeria. Androids are also allowed but will be limited to one in the party.
Classes will be all core and base classes plus unchained classes,Warpriest, brawler and Slayer. If you can make a good RP and in character argument why you would be a race or class from outside these options I am open to discussion.
-Background Skills System from Pathfinder Unchained
-2 Traits one must be a Campaign trait from the Players Guide the other can be any however I won't allow choices that are purely for mechanical benefit without also having character background/story matching it so don't choose reactionary just because you want better init.
-Average starting gold for your class.
-Archetypes, anything that makes sense to be in Numeria is generally fine but some of the obvious power combos or broken ones will not be allowed like Synthesist summoner or the crossblooded/tattooed sorcerer combo.
-Technology this campaign uses the tech guide. It is not necessary to be familiar with these rules as learning about tech is part of the story however the archetypes presented in this book are fair game as well as the archtype options from the newer Construct Handbook.
-Don't plan around having access to leadership or magical crafting. If they come up naturally or become required by the party we will adjust.
-Finally as the campaign adds ore strange technology and otherworldly things should a character die new options beyond these my be available.
Feel free to ask questions or submit your bid to join. If I missed anything let me know.

Paradise GM |

Ill toss my hat in the ring for either of these two concepts
1. Keth Longstrider 1st Half Orc Male Druid with Woolf his Wolf Animal Companion.
2. Kilain Gravendak Dwarf Male Cleric
How much detail would you like for the backstory?
As much or as little as you want to give ahead of time Cleric is always a good pick and druid has some fun possibilities in this ap with the druid spell options in the technology guide. That said being completely against tech could rub party members who use or love it the wrong way so a more I prefer nature and will spread it and if tech is being used to destroy or interfere with nature you will stop it.

Interesting Character |
1 what are the posting speed requirements?
2 what about arcanist? (I really dislike prep casting but like the swapping of spells known so I'm good if there are particular things you want avoided such as having both spell school and bloodline, and the ability to use the witch spell list will be nice if group is otherwise short on healing)
3 what about words of power (unrelated to spheres of power, wop is a paizo made option with more flexibility in things like area/targets and duration but lacks more advanced effects)
4 how well do you accept refluffing things? For example, I have a kitsune but winter wolfish instead of foxish.
5 creative options? for example, if I use the narrative environment and unusual tactics that require a judgement call rather then treating things like chess merely dressed up as fantasy. Once I used obscuring mist and silent image to trick the enemy into thinking their tower was burning rather than under attack, and another occasion my cleric used up all her power in one single blast of positive energy even if it killed her, and another occasion I used shape stone to topple a column on enemies.

TreasureFox |

I'm thinking of a starsoul sorcerer, kind of a free spirit type. I'm actually leaning towards an Elven character. A wanderer, stargazer, a bit spaced out.
My other idea is that of a gruff, rough, and tumble dwarf. Gunslinger with a blunderbuss, probably a gun tank. His family was affected by the fire going out. I definitely get the feeling that he's more of an action than words kind of character.
I should mention that I did play through book 2 of Iron Gods several years ago. I was a replacement player. I don't remember a whole lot, but I vaguely remember a location and a villain.

Sha'ir |

I'd like to play an Android who was taken in by Khonnir. I would take the robot slayer trait. My idea is to play it like the nameless one with memories being unlocked whenever they identify robots or tech.
I've had my heart set on playing a kineticist since Occult adventures came out. Is that something you'd consider?

chunky04 |
I’ve always wanted to play this one. My first concept would be the classic Barbarian, mistrustful of technology and magic, struggling to find his place as the world moves forward.
I have a skeleton of a build done, without going too far forward to allow it to adapt to different parties (obviously primary role of any Barbarian is going to be blunt instrument but they have some capability for secondary roles - could even adapt it to Bloodrager or Skald if necessary).
The other concept I would go for would be some sort of mad scientist type, obsessed with technology and maybe not always cognisant of the risks involved with it. This concept could be applied to a number of different classes depending on the party.

Paradise GM |

2 Arcanist my be amenable but the exploit system sometimes puts them above the power curve and I am more interested in fun and engaging gameplay than I am in power gaming
3 WoP is interesting but not right for this game as even among magic users tech starts to become a big thing in Numeria see the Technomacer Prestige class.
4 I am pretty flexible with fluff and enjoy story/rp over mechanics when possible. However I personally don't think a kitsune is a good fit for Iron Gods at least not in the early parts where there are already so many new items and creatures are being introduced to the party adding a magic fox person from halfway across the globe just seems out of place. However with proper backstory and maybe if a player were particularly secretive about their kitsune nature it could be ok.
5 I do this kind of stuff on a case by case basis and creative use of spells and options. Basically if it aids the story doesn't break the rules to the point that it makes other options useless and doesn't step on other players toes or steal their spotlight I let fun stuff happen.
Cool stuff so far want to hear a few more bids and give more people a chance before I make final decisions.

Grumbaki |

Would you allow the Blacksmith Class?
It would go well with Skymetal Smith
Would be fun to play a character who came to smith using skymetal, and who joins to rekindle the flame. The class would allow the smithing to be central to the character, rather than just being a background skill that never gets used.

Paradise GM |

Would you allow the Blacksmith Class?
It would go well with Skymetal Smith
Would be fun to play a character who came to smith using skymetal, and who joins to rekindle the flame. The class would allow the smithing to be central to the character, rather than just being a background skill that never gets used.
While flavor wise it seems interesting it relies on a lot of separate subsystems from spheres of power and Iron Gods already has a whole supplement book of its own in the Tech guide. If you could build the concept without that class or maybe try and convince me otherwise but it is a lot there to learn.
In fact a forgepriest(warpriest) or forgemaster(cleric) can both be great crafters and blacksmiths. While the Forgemaster is limited to dwarf forgepriest isn't and either would make good followers of Torag or Brigh whom are both worshiped in Numeria frequently.

chunky04 |
OK, some more detail:
Khaar the Barbarian is a little older as Barbarians go, maybe 30 (I figure that’s relatively old for a Barbarian). He’s a traditionalist, mistrustful of arcane magic and technology, doesn’t see why the old ways need to change. The type of personality I have in mind for him is the grizzled veteran cop (think Lethal Weapon Danny Glover) who’s seen it all and sees the past through rose coloured glasses. In game I’d look to play off this in a humourous way, starting out making disparaging comments about magic or tech compared to his trusty sword, and gradually over time (and especially as the spellcasters level) being forced to acknowledge its usefulness in a curmudgeonly way, all while not hesitating to be first into the breach and looking to keep his comrades safe.
I’m thinking his tribe was corrupted and/or maybe destroyed by the Technic League, resulting in his ouster, and he’s become semi nomadic and has been around Torch around the time the adventure begins. He still bears a grudge against the Technic League, and thinks he has a destiny to fight them.
Mechanically, apart from hitting things hard with a large weapon, he’s likely to handle the more nature based skills like Survival and Knowledge: Nature. As a secondary role, I could possibly get into Intimidation feats or Combat Reflexes etc for crowd control assistance.
For the mad scientist I’ll need to read up a bit more from the Iron Gods Players Guide to work out a bit more how he’d fit in around Torch. He’s a lot more open and less defined at this stage.

Sha'ir |

Here is my first level build. I haven't played a kineticist before but I doubt being overpowered will be an issue. I'm going to go with aether for my expanded element as well which is considered to be a sub-optimal choice. As to the need for rest, the only way to heal the nonlethal damage from burn is to get a full night's rest which we can flavour as the android letting their nanites recharge or something.
While the old wizard took in the newly ensouled android, their relationship is not a warm one. His daughter Val is resentful of her 'sibling' for monopolizing his attention. If Sron had emotions, they might feel resentment as well, Khonnir does not care for his adopted child so much as he feels a fascination toward a Numerian artifact that can talk. Still, a dysfunctional family is better than none at all.
Lately, Sron has found themself thinking about their origins and the circumstances of their birth. The Torch suddenly going out reads like an omen but of what? Is this a sign of bad things to come? Or could it be a harbinger revelation?

Grumbaki |

Question for the GM. You say orcs are allowed. A rare treat! But, just vanilla orcs? Or are other Paizo variants acceptable?
If you’d allow it, I’d like to put together a Greenskin Orc from Echo Wood, on the border of the River Kingdoms. Greenskin Orcs are known for opening up trade routes, and are known to hire themselves out to civilized masters. For my character, she would be an orc who came across an item which she believed to be magic, but was told to be ‘technic’, which would have been brought to the border of Numeria. Fascinated by it, she would seek out its source and had the burning desire to learn where it came from and where it was, she would have tracked it to Torch.
As a trait I would go with local ties, as the only reason she would be tolerated in town was that Khonnir Baine took her in. Their relationship would have evolved from being purely professional to being as close to friendship as they could get by the story’s start.
This would give her a tie in to the town and the story, as well as a guiding goal that would keep her moving forward with the party.
As a class I’ll go with trapper ranger. As it gives the party trapfinding, and fits the character well.
Sound reasonable?

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for backstories- Description
Keth is short for a 1/2 Orc and not as heavy. He has bright brown eyes that lean toward kindness when looking at an animal...and hard and flinty when looking at those unkind to the same. His hair is shaggy and unkempt. He has small tusks and his jaw looks more human than orc. He tries to downplay his orcish heritage by dressing in traditional hunters garb. Wearing black boots, and brown pants tucked into them. A White silk shirt with a black vest and a brown cloak top off his dress. He bears a spear in his hands while a pair of throwing axes are on his hip. A slightly heavier hand axe is on his right hip. and a battleaxe across his back. Not having the time to train properly with a bow, he carries a light crossbow for hunting.
Keth is out to learn of the outside world now. He's by nature curious and inquisitive about everything that he doesn't know...which is plenty. He is protective of the young and animals....for others its survival of the fittest. he has never seen a dwarf, gnome, or halfling; but he is familiar with elves..who frighten him with their aloofness. He despises Orcs and Goblinoids for their rapacious ways. He rubs his jaw when hes thinking and his laugh is loud and ready when humor is involved...he doesn't get subtle humor...but pretends to. His time with A local Shaman gave him a true love for learning and he eagerly studies nature.
Keth was born to a woodsman's wife, who died in childbirth on the outskirts of The woods of the Choking Tower In Southern Numeria. He was a half-Breed. Half Orc Half Human. His mother had kept the rape she had endured from her husband in the hopes that nothing would come of it. She had been ashamed of being defiled by an Orcish Brute. Keths father, a simple man, had tried to hide the resentment he felt that this half orc child had caused his wifes death, but it had taken a toll on their relationship. Keth had learned some woodcraft from his 'father', One Jebediah Grannich.
So Young Keth had been an outcast among the people of the neighboring communities and farmsteads. Growing up quite the loner. He took to Hunting as a way to not only make some quick coin, but also to prove his worth. When he was 17, fancying himself a 'Monster' Hunter he told his father he was leaving to find his place in a world that shunned him. He left to wander the Southern Numeria Wilds. Then a fateful day occurred where he ran into some Elves who had come north to explore the wonders of the starfall. They almost killed him, out of a quick reaction to what they saw as a threat....but a member of their group saw the fear in the half orc and spared his life...He took Keth to a local 'herbalist' who nursed Keth back to health. This local Herbalist, Joseph Varan, who lived in the nearby hills to near Torch, took Keth in and found the Half-Orc an eager student. He taught Keth some of the ways of the wild and the 'old ways', Things only the Druids of old might know. To protect himself, ward off evil, Keth took to adorning his body with runic tatoos that were taught to him. Keth lived there for a couple years, actually beginning to feel he belonged somewhere. He liked that feeling...to belong somewhere.
He earned the nickname Longstrider for his long strides that can take him away or into trouble quickly. Then the unspeakable happened, A about 6 months ago, some Thugs sacked the home of the Herbalist and left signs that they were from the rumored Technic League. as a message for those who failed to foolow their instructions regarding found technology, and killed the elder man. Keth, returning from a hunt found his mentor dead and followed their spoor to the city, where he lost it in the alleyways and sewers. He has since lived on the fringe of society in Torch, hunting and providing meat to the butchers of the city for his coin. He has followed up every rumor he can find for who the members of the Technic League were who performed this duty. His pursuit of vengeance has lead him to the doorstep of a realization that law and order come at a price and sometimes it must be paid for in blood.
On one such sojourn into the wild, hunting for locals he awoke to a young wolf standing at the edge of his campsite. Since that day, he and 'Wolf' have been constant companions. He has been working to train the feral animal and is having some luck.
Goal: Keth wants nothing more than to earn the respect of others, so that when he is seen he may feel welcome and not feared. Find himself a place to belong.

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Kilian- Kilain is a very straightforward Dwarf. He has a stubborn streak a mile wide and does not take kindly to anyone besmirching his or any other dwarven name. He is a dwarf among dwarves. But no firmer friend has there ever been. Get on his good side, and he will move mountains for you.
Among his trademarks is his use of a subvocal "Hurrrm" which can be a question, a swear word, a statement, a voice of displeasure, an epitaph, a battle cry and whatever else comes to mind. Kilain is a master of the understatement.
Kilain, 3rd born in House Gravendak, of Clan Quarrymaster of the Hammer Halls, in The Five Kings Mountains. As is normal, The First born carries the Family Name as heir, 2nd goes in the military and 3rd goes to the church. Kilain went to the church. He has been training in his prayers to The Soul Forger and follows the tenents of the Dwarven Faith as close as possible. He is eager to serve the church and awaits their first assignment.
The Church Elders through divination have determined that a time of great danger is coming to The world. They cannot tell from where this danger will come except theyeir portents talk of a falling star...the only thing that they see again and again is the name of a Town inNumeria, Torch. So Per their instructions He has journeyed from The Hammer Halls to Southern Numeria, to See what role he can play in forestalling this great danger....

Paradise GM |

Treasurefox and Sha'nir you two are both in I like what you guys have come up with.
I am liking a few others here but there are a few new dots. I want to give maybe until the end of tonight or tomorrow morning (US Est) to see what they got but I do have my eyes on some of you.
@Grumbaki if picked I think that would be fine but it really does kill your mental stats.
@Dread You are one of the ones I have my eye on either character could be fun. I don't like rape as a backstory element as it is a crutch for the halfbreed races and is almost never interesting story wise but if you think it is needed for character motivation keep it assuming you are chosen.

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Treasurefox and Sha'nir you two are both in I like what you guys have come up with.
I am liking a few others here but there are a few new dots. I want to give maybe until the end of tonight or tomorrow morning (US Est) to see what they got but I do have my eyes on some of you.
@Grumbaki if picked I think that would be fine but it really does kill your mental stats.
@Dread You are one of the ones I have my eye on either character could be fun. I don't like rape as a backstory element as it is a crutch for the halfbreed races and is almost never interesting story wise but if you think it is needed for character motivation keep it assuming you are chosen.
I could amend that back story ...i just 'liked the synergy of him being like a half breed who wasnt wanted. ...and hes trying to remake himself

Paradise GM |

Paradise GM wrote:I could amend that back story ...i just 'liked the synergy of him being like a half breed who wasnt wanted. ...and hes trying to remake himselfTreasurefox and Sha'nir you two are both in I like what you guys have come up with.
I am liking a few others here but there are a few new dots. I want to give maybe until the end of tonight or tomorrow morning (US Est) to see what they got but I do have my eyes on some of you.
@Grumbaki if picked I think that would be fine but it really does kill your mental stats.
@Dread You are one of the ones I have my eye on either character could be fun. I don't like rape as a backstory element as it is a crutch for the halfbreed races and is almost never interesting story wise but if you think it is needed for character motivation keep it assuming you are chosen.
Yup I get that, in my opinion tho it is a lazy way to achieve that and media over uses it. Rape is a terrible thing and I don't think it is something we should stive to use in our fantasy as something to overcome. Just my 2 cp tho.

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for backstories- Description
Keth is short for a 1/2 Orc and not as heavy. He has bright brown eyes that lean toward kindness when looking at an animal...and hard and flinty when looking at those unkind to the same. His hair is shaggy and unkempt. He has small tusks and his jaw looks more human than orc. He tries to downplay his orcish heritage by dressing in traditional hunters garb. Wearing black boots, and brown pants tucked into them. A White silk shirt with a black vest and a brown cloak top off his dress. He bears a spear in his hands while a pair of throwing axes are on his hip. A slightly heavier hand axe is on his right hip. and a battleaxe across his back. Not having the time to train properly with a bow, he carries a light crossbow for hunting.
Keth is out to learn of the outside world now. He's by nature curious and inquisitive about everything that he doesn't know...which is plenty. He is protective of the young and animals....for others its survival of the fittest. he has never seen a dwarf, gnome, or halfling; but he is familiar with elves..who frighten him with their aloofness. He despises Orcs and Goblinoids for their rapacious ways. He rubs his jaw when hes thinking and his laugh is loud and ready when humor is involved...he doesn't get subtle humor...but pretends to. His time with A local Shaman gave him a true love for learning and he eagerly studies nature.
Keth was born to a woodsman's wife, who died in childbirth on the outskirts of The woods of the Choking Tower In Southern Numeria. He was a half-Breed. Half Orc Half Human. His mother had kept the romance with a half-orc adventurer a secret. She had become enamored of the rough and tumble rogue and had a clandestine affair that left her with child. Keths father, a simple man, had tried to hide the resentment he felt that this half orc child had caused his wifes death, and he had double the shame that it wasnt his child anyway. it had taken a toll on their relationship. Keth had learned some woodcraft from his 'father', One Jebediah Grannich.
So Young Keth had been an outcast among the people of the neighboring communities and farmsteads. Growing up quite the loner. He took to Hunting as a way to not only make some quick coin, but also to prove his worth. When he was 17, fancying himself a 'Monster' Hunter he told his father he was leaving to find his place in a world that shunned him. He left to wander the Southern Numeria Wilds. Then a fateful day occurred where he ran into some Elves who had come north to explore the wonders of the starfall. They almost killed him, out of a quick reaction to what they saw as a threat....but a member of their group saw the fear in the half orc and spared his life...He took Keth to a local 'herbalist' who nursed Keth back to health. This local Herbalist, Joseph Varan, who lived in the nearby hills to near Torch, took Keth in and found the Half-Orc an eager student. He taught Keth some of the ways of the wild and the 'old ways', Things only the Druids of old might know. To protect himself, ward off evil, Keth took to adorning his body with runic tatoos that were taught to him. Keth lived there for a couple years, actually beginning to feel he belonged somewhere. He liked that feeling...to belong somewhere.
He earned the nickname Longstrider for his long strides that can take him away or into trouble quickly. Then the unspeakable happened, A about 6 months ago, some Thugs sacked the home of the Herbalist and left signs that they were from the rumored Technic League. as a message for those who failed to foolow their instructions regarding found technology, and killed the elder man. Keth, returning from a hunt found his mentor dead and followed their spoor to the city, where he lost it in the alleyways and sewers. He has since lived on the fringe of society in Torch, hunting and providing meat to the butchers of the city for his coin. He has followed up every rumor he can find for who the members of the Technic League were who performed this duty. His pursuit of vengeance has lead him to the doorstep of a realization that law and order come at a price and sometimes it must be paid for in blood.
On one such sojourn into the wild, hunting for locals he awoke to a young wolf standing at the edge of his campsite. Since that day, he and 'Wolf' have been constant companions. He has been working to train the feral animal and is having some luck.
Goal: Keth wants nothing more than to earn the respect of others, so that when he is seen he may feel welcome and not feared. Find himself a place to belong.
adjusted. I can work with that

Grumbaki |

I’m aware. But with ranger giving 6 skill points per level, she still gets 4 after intelligence. So her knowledge skills will be horrible, but that is manageable. Face skills being tanked is much harder to swallow. She will be trained in Intimidate, and if character progression calls for it may use extra Traits to add Diplomacy. All in all, it can be overcome.

chunky04 |
Ok, had a chance to read through the Iron Gods Player Guide again and that's helped me add some more detail.
Khaar is actually a follower of Desna, and he left his tribe when they started to consort with the Technic League and worship more esoteric deities. He started wandering the wastelands, relying on his own skills and knowledge to survive. Eventually, he saw a bright purple beacon in the sky, which he took as a sign from Desna, showing him where fate intended him to be. He followed the beacon for some time, eventually leading him to the town of Torch. He had been in town just long enough to get a lay of the land, finding out that this place too was in the thrall of the technic league, and about the forging of starmetal here (he sees starmetal as a divine gift from Desna), when the beacon went out. He has seen this as a sign that this is a sign that this is where the Technic League might falter, and has resolved to investigate.
Khaar the Barbarian is a little older as Barbarians go, maybe 30 (I figure that’s relatively old for a Barbarian). He’s a traditionalist, mistrustful of arcane magic and technology, doesn’t see why the old ways need to change. The type of personality I have in mind for him is the grizzled veteran cop (think Lethal Weapon Danny Glover) who’s seen it all and sees the past through rose coloured glasses. In game I’d look to play off this in a humourous way, starting out making disparaging comments about magic or tech compared to his trusty sword, and gradually over time (and especially as the spellcasters level) being forced to acknowledge its usefulness in a curmudgeonly way, all while not hesitating to be first into the breach and looking to keep his comrades safe.
I’m thinking his tribe was corrupted and/or maybe destroyed by the Technic League, resulting in his ouster, and he’s become semi nomadic and has been around Torch around the time the adventure begins. He still bears a grudge against the Technic League, and thinks he has a destiny to fight them.
Mechanically, apart from hitting things hard with a large weapon, he’s likely to handle the more nature based skills like Survival and Knowledge: Nature. As a secondary role, I could possibly get into Intimidation feats or Combat Reflexes etc for crowd control assistance.
For the mad scientist I’ll need to read up a bit more from the Iron Gods Players Guide to work out a bit more how he’d fit in around Torch. He’s a lot more open and less defined at this stage.
Irizzle Luckcrafter is an eccentric gnome who moved into the outskirts of Torch some time ago. He has been living as a hermit, only coming into town to pick up supplies he isn't able to get for himself, and to use the beacon flame to forge starmetal for his latest and greatest creation! None of which have actually worked thus far, but he swears the next one will be the one. During these visits to town, he has struck upa friendship with Khonnir Bane, who was not dismissive of his attempts at genius, and who he sees as somewhat of a kindred spirit.
Speaking of that next one, Irizzle had actually come into to forge his latest creation when the fire went out. Furthermore, when he went to talk to his friend Khonnir about it, he discovered he had disappeared! Clearly this is a job for Irrizle Luckcrafter!
Irizzle is an irrepressibly positive soul, convinced that he is destined to accomplish great things. He jointly follows Brigh, who gives him his desire for invention and innovation, and Desna, who has blessed with the good fortune to survive his very trial and error experimentation process!
I haven't actually selected a class for Irizzle as yet, as there are a fair few that could work within the concept, which means I could happily adapt to different roles within the party.

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For almost a year I've been toying with the idea of making a different character than I'm used to, someone with a really low intelligence and since you are allowing orcs, this might be the game for it.
Perhaps I'm late to the party and since this recruitment is moving really fast, I won't risk finishing his sheet and background completely simply because in a couple hours this recruitment might have already ended, so here is the main idea for him:
Sgrack (which means 'white maggot' in orc) is an albino orc who have been mistreat his whole life. Due to his rare and unusual appearance, his father wanted to kill him and he only survived because his mother begged for his life, even if both him and his mother were considered cursed afterwards. He never knew his 'true name' for at the age of 2 his mother was killed during an attack from a neighboring orc tribe and since then Sgrack was tossed in a hole were the rest of the orcs used to dispose waste and shit.
Against all odds, Sgrack survived by eating whatever he managed to scavenge, even if constantly diseased and wounded. The rest of the tribe let him live in that whole, actually making bets among themselves for how much longer the 'sgrack' would live. Poor nourishment coupled with an already deficient intellect turned Sgrack in a slow-witted creature, even considering orcish standards. He never knew any kindness, never learned how to speak and never socialized with anyone.
One day, however, Sgrack managed to climb his way out of the waste hole he knew for his 'home' and eventually left the orcs, wandering into the winds of Numeria, which he discovered to be even more dangerous than his previous home, even if he had no idea how to return to his tribe.
Sgrack eventually wandered into Torch, living as an outcast and beggar, being constantly driven off town and beaten almost to the death and only being allowed to remain in town after sheer determination and due to the fact that he never fought back. The first person in his life to show him some act of kindness was Khonnir, who instead of disposing his leftovers in the shit wagon he tossed them to Sgrack. One day, as fate decided, Sgrack was sleeping in an alley when Khonnir's daughter was assaulted by a couple of overeager men trying to take advantage of her. In retribution for Khonnir's kindness, Sgrack tried to help Val, giving her time to flee and taking a beating once more.
After the incident, Khonnir and Val started to give Sgrack some work, blankets and better leftovers, earning his eternal thanks in the process...
My plan for Sgrack is to be a fighter with the unbreakable archetype. His stats will be (Str 17, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 5) and I'm fully aware he will be some sort of one trick pony but instead of seeing this as a handicap, I'm seeing it as a challenge! He will be really though to kill and will be utterly loyal to anyone who shows him any form of kindness, even if not min/maxed at all...
Let me know if this concept looks interesting to you.

Paradise GM |

I am liking both chunky and longears. I want to give the goblin and pad300 a chance to make their pitch before making a final decision.
A lot of these concepts rely on Kohnirr which is fine for story but I would like to limit that background of Local ties to 1 or 2 party members and each would be connected in a different way i.e. one is an adopted child one is a friend or student or business partner.
@Grumbaki I like everything you have made but something inside of me is saying no. I do want to keep you in mind for maybe another game though will let you know.

Grumbaki |

I am liking both chunky and longears. I want to give the goblin and pad300 a chance to make their pitch before making a final decision.
A lot of these concepts rely on Kohnirr which is fine for story but I would like to limit that background of Local ties to 1 or 2 party members and each would be connected in a different way i.e. one is an adopted child one is a friend or student or business partner.
@Grumbaki I like everything you have made but something inside of me is saying no. I do want to keep you in mind for maybe another game though will let you know.
Understandable, and I’ll take that as a compliment.

Paradise GM |

Paradise GM wrote:I am liking both chunky and longears. I want to give the goblin and pad300 a chance to make their pitch before making a final decision.
A lot of these concepts rely on Kohnirr which is fine for story but I would like to limit that background of Local ties to 1 or 2 party members and each would be connected in a different way i.e. one is an adopted child one is a friend or student or business partner.
@Grumbaki I like everything you have made but something inside of me is saying no. I do want to keep you in mind for maybe another game though will let you know.
Understandable, and I’ll take that as a compliment.
For sure and no insult meant at all. I like what you have to offer it just doesn't want to slot in here :(

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I am liking both chunky and longears. I want to give the goblin and pad300 a chance to make their pitch before making a final decision.
A lot of these concepts rely on Kohnirr which is fine for story but I would like to limit that background of Local ties to 1 or 2 party members and each would be connected in a different way i.e. one is an adopted child one is a friend or student or business partner.
I'm glad to hear that!
In terms of campaign traits, I was thinking about Robot Slayer. My idea is that during the time he spent roaming the wild places of Numeria Sgrack had a couple encounters with these robots (even if he only run for his life). Actually this is the only trait that remotely makes any sense for him, since all others are aimed to smarter characters.
The part about him being tied to Khonnir was just an attempt to connect Sgrack to Torch. I could easily change it to another NPC of my own creation, one of yours (one that is relevant to the AP or not), or even another PC... anything could work.
I intend to take the following alternate racial traits: dayrunner, feral and squalid, all of which really fits Sgrack. Also intending to take Tusked as his second trait.

Interesting Character |
Wow, finally got to open the pdf. I don't know if I can survive a year on this iphone. I just started with it, and I'm already regretting it.
Anyway, I was thinking I could be reincarnated as a cat (or cursed to be such). Once just a caster, now a rogue/caster type. I know the old wizard because he helped me figure out adjusting spell components for a feline form. I've been working as a guide/scout/tracker (taking advantage if a cat's natural traits) to pay my way while I work with the wizard to get my magic casting back on track.