GM PDK The Rasping Rebirth (Tier 12-15) (Inactive)

Game Master Purple Dragon Knight

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Knowledge Checks

Hello everyone; I'll be away this weekend and will prepare my next post on Monday morning. Enjoy your weekend!

Liberty's Edge

CN Osirian Ranger 2/ Sorc 7/ EK 3/ Hp: 74/79 +19temp/ F:+8 R:+11 W: +7 / CMD: 27 / AC 24, flat 17, touch 13 / Init +5 / Perc. + 20 Speed 30’, Fly 60’ / Spells remaining 7 first, 2 second, 3 third, 3 fourth / Active Conditions: Mirror image, Life Bubble, Fly, False Life, pro. Evil, bull strength, gravity bow, Resist Acid 20, Endure Elements

@Teriq - You’re welcome to try my wand of gravity bow.

Scarab Sages

NG Elf Oracle 15

Heh. That's alright. It's not a necessary thing. I'll be fine(ish). =)

Sovereign Court

Neutral Human Magus 12 (Sheet) (Equipment) | HP: 76/87 | AC: 38 (29 T, 23 F) | CMD: 38 | F: 13, R: 15, W: 10 | Init: 18 | Perc: 13 | Speed 60, fly 90 (good) |
Tracked Resources:
Arcane Pool 5/14 | Lesser Extend Rod 0/3 | Pearl I 0/2 | Reroll 0/1 | Ablative Barrier 20/50 | Mythic Power 0/2
At the start of each round of combat, each character can attempt to manipulate the plane to attempt a power check by rolling 1d20 and adding a bonus equal the PC’s character level.

Since this is supposed to happen all at the beginning of each round, I assumed you would roll it for us (at least that's what I did when I ran this adventure.)

In fact, I think we were supposed to have a set of rolls before the start of round 1.

Apparently I missed the part where you told us to roll. I guess that's what happened when I posted late and only had time to skim through, but I think having you just roll it would be easier.

Of course Favian would try to contribute.

Knowledge Checks

Go ahead and roll it here if you want.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Neutral Human Magus 12 (Sheet) (Equipment) | HP: 76/87 | AC: 38 (29 T, 23 F) | CMD: 38 | F: 13, R: 15, W: 10 | Init: 18 | Perc: 13 | Speed 60, fly 90 (good) |
Tracked Resources:
Arcane Pool 5/14 | Lesser Extend Rod 0/3 | Pearl I 0/2 | Reroll 0/1 | Ablative Barrier 20/50 | Mythic Power 0/2

level: 1d20 + 12 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 12 + 5 = 26

See, he really did try it just didn't do anything :)

Knowledge Checks

Tothek: please edit your latest gameplay post to say which Abyssal effect you vote for. You got 2 successes btw. I misread the rules for that slightly: I don't need to tally the bad guy points: they produce an effect if you only score 1-3 pts; both side produce an effect on a count of 4; and only the heroes produce an effect if you score 5 or higher.

Liberty's Edge

CN Osirian Ranger 2/ Sorc 7/ EK 3/ Hp: 74/79 +19temp/ F:+8 R:+11 W: +7 / CMD: 27 / AC 24, flat 17, touch 13 / Init +5 / Perc. + 20 Speed 30’, Fly 60’ / Spells remaining 7 first, 2 second, 3 third, 3 fourth / Active Conditions: Mirror image, Life Bubble, Fly, False Life, pro. Evil, bull strength, gravity bow, Resist Acid 20, Endure Elements

Sorry, I was interrupted mid-post by students.

Knowledge Checks
Tothek wrote:
Sorry, I was interrupted mid-post by students.

Cursed students! :)

Ref. Blessed Weapon: Individual arrows or bolts can be transmuted, but affected projectile weapons (such as bows) don’t confer the benefit to the projectiles they shoot.

Not that it really matters since you're using clustered shot...

Scarab Sages

NG Elf Oracle 15

Just some planar manipulation discussion...

Do we need to nuke the cultists? They seem harmless enough at the moment.

Since they're land bound, no need to blast them, either drop them in fissures, or perhaps we can manipulate the plane to rise up and encase them in rock, or get them swallowed up by abyssal trees, or something... that would get them out of the action too no? And be fun to describe. =)

But I still hope we can meteor swarm the demons. Always find it fun to burn demons with fire! Though now that they're all balled around Favian, I suppose we have to be careful about AoE stuff.


Someone make a Knowledge (planes) roll on these guys, so we know if they can even be affected by some of those effects! #NotIt

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male CN Fighter 14 | HP 157/157 | AC 33 T 16 FF 29 | CMB +17, CMD 36 | F: +15, R: +11, W: +13 | Init: +4 | Perc: +17, SM: +17 [/ooc] | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Blur

Woot! Big booms are why you brought Thrag along.

The Exchange

”Rand” | Male LG Medium Human Unchained Monk 13 | Mythic Power Uses: 4 (4) | HP 4 (134) | AC 39; T 20; FF 33; +4 dodge bonus to AC vs. Koth | CMD 47 | F +14 R +17 W +17; +2 vs. Enchantments | Init +12 | Perc +24; Darkvision 60' | Speed 70 ft | Ki Pool: 10 (13) | Active Conditions: Barkskin; Shaken; Immune to Electricity and Poison, Resist 10 Acid, Cold, Fire

It wasn't for his hygene #gottem!


Scarab Sages

NG Elf Oracle 15

40' radius? that's pretty big!

Just drop them both in the same spot, to get all 3 vrocks (twice) (and possibly the cultists?), and ignore KV... who will take no damage anyway, given his resistances.

That makes things simpler.

Knowledge Checks

Can't due to Favian's location. Also, you total dmg from both balls before applying Resistances, which would doubly suck for Favian, even if he has some kind of resistance...

Scarab Sages

NG Elf Oracle 15

Sure you can.

I put the single template, where it hits all three, missing Favian.

Knowledge Checks

Nice! that's better! :)

I'll wait for Rand to confirm location and then move on the action in a few hours.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NG Elf Oracle 15

Favian didn't need eyebrows anyway. =)

The Exchange

”Rand” | Male LG Medium Human Unchained Monk 13 | Mythic Power Uses: 4 (4) | HP 4 (134) | AC 39; T 20; FF 33; +4 dodge bonus to AC vs. Koth | CMD 47 | F +14 R +17 W +17; +2 vs. Enchantments | Init +12 | Perc +24; Darkvision 60' | Speed 70 ft | Ki Pool: 10 (13) | Active Conditions: Barkskin; Shaken; Immune to Electricity and Poison, Resist 10 Acid, Cold, Fire

I figure it's better to put some damage on all enemies, as opposed to a more on 3 people.

Scarab Sages

NG Elf Oracle 15

From Lilly's knowledge roll... Koth-Vaul has Resist Fire 30.

The meteors do 6d6 fire damage.

(ie: You are not doing any damage to Koth-Vaul. 8P)

Hitting all three vrocks twice would work out better.

But, ya, that's mostly OOC meta knowledge. =) So blow up the whole battlefield if you will!

Knowledge Checks

The whole battlefield is a burnt out wasteland now. Carry on. :)

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NG Elf Oracle 15
GM PDK wrote:
@Favian: what's the +12 to confirm crit? thx!

Hmm... +4 for critical focus feat, +6 (int) for kensai level 9... the last 2... umm... not sure... but really, its all moot... as mentioned, he has bless weapon on his sword... which means it not only bypasses DR/Good, but also automatically confirms crits vs evil critters.

Liberty's Edge

CN Osirian Ranger 2/ Sorc 7/ EK 3/ Hp: 74/79 +19temp/ F:+8 R:+11 W: +7 / CMD: 27 / AC 24, flat 17, touch 13 / Init +5 / Perc. + 20 Speed 30’, Fly 60’ / Spells remaining 7 first, 2 second, 3 third, 3 fourth / Active Conditions: Mirror image, Life Bubble, Fly, False Life, pro. Evil, bull strength, gravity bow, Resist Acid 20, Endure Elements

We cleared out the minions, so....yay?

Scarab Sages

NG Elf Oracle 15

Look at Rand... hanging in there with only 3 hps.

Doom or glory! =)

Grand Lodge

Male CN Fighter 14 | HP 157/157 | AC 33 T 16 FF 29 | CMB +17, CMD 36 | F: +15, R: +11, W: +13 | Init: +4 | Perc: +17, SM: +17 [/ooc] | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Blur

My daughter is headed to the hospital. I'll try to update tonight, but it might not be until tomorrow.

The Exchange

”Rand” | Male LG Medium Human Unchained Monk 13 | Mythic Power Uses: 4 (4) | HP 4 (134) | AC 39; T 20; FF 33; +4 dodge bonus to AC vs. Koth | CMD 47 | F +14 R +17 W +17; +2 vs. Enchantments | Init +12 | Perc +24; Darkvision 60' | Speed 70 ft | Ki Pool: 10 (13) | Active Conditions: Barkskin; Shaken; Immune to Electricity and Poison, Resist 10 Acid, Cold, Fire

Hope everything is okay.

Liberty's Edge

CN Osirian Ranger 2/ Sorc 7/ EK 3/ Hp: 74/79 +19temp/ F:+8 R:+11 W: +7 / CMD: 27 / AC 24, flat 17, touch 13 / Init +5 / Perc. + 20 Speed 30’, Fly 60’ / Spells remaining 7 first, 2 second, 3 third, 3 fourth / Active Conditions: Mirror image, Life Bubble, Fly, False Life, pro. Evil, bull strength, gravity bow, Resist Acid 20, Endure Elements

Best wishes!

Knowledge Checks

Hopefully everything went well! we can wait!

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male CN Fighter 14 | HP 157/157 | AC 33 T 16 FF 29 | CMB +17, CMD 36 | F: +15, R: +11, W: +13 | Init: +4 | Perc: +17, SM: +17 [/ooc] | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Blur

Came back pretty good, just a minor infection

The Exchange

”Rand” | Male LG Medium Human Unchained Monk 13 | Mythic Power Uses: 4 (4) | HP 4 (134) | AC 39; T 20; FF 33; +4 dodge bonus to AC vs. Koth | CMD 47 | F +14 R +17 W +17; +2 vs. Enchantments | Init +12 | Perc +24; Darkvision 60' | Speed 70 ft | Ki Pool: 10 (13) | Active Conditions: Barkskin; Shaken; Immune to Electricity and Poison, Resist 10 Acid, Cold, Fire

Great to hear!

Scarab Sages

NG Elf Oracle 15

guess KV can do that evasion thing more than once... 8P

Sucks to be the competition...

Knowledge Checks

yeah... can sink a Mythic power point once each round for this... was saving it for Thrag this time... :P

I know it's obvious now, but at this point in the fight guys, if you can hit Mythic AND Good, I wouldn't recommend Power Attacking or Deadly Aiming...

Sovereign Court

Neutral Human Magus 12 (Sheet) (Equipment) | HP: 76/87 | AC: 38 (29 T, 23 F) | CMD: 38 | F: 13, R: 15, W: 10 | Init: 18 | Perc: 13 | Speed 60, fly 90 (good) |
Tracked Resources:
Arcane Pool 5/14 | Lesser Extend Rod 0/3 | Pearl I 0/2 | Reroll 0/1 | Ablative Barrier 20/50 | Mythic Power 0/2

The map is not editable right now.

Knowledge Checks

Map link reset.

Liberty's Edge

CN Osirian Ranger 2/ Sorc 7/ EK 3/ Hp: 74/79 +19temp/ F:+8 R:+11 W: +7 / CMD: 27 / AC 24, flat 17, touch 13 / Init +5 / Perc. + 20 Speed 30’, Fly 60’ / Spells remaining 7 first, 2 second, 3 third, 3 fourth / Active Conditions: Mirror image, Life Bubble, Fly, False Life, pro. Evil, bull strength, gravity bow, Resist Acid 20, Endure Elements


How many move actions does Tothek need to line up the cultists for a lightning bolt? Rules are vague on calculating distance in three dimensions.

He’s currently flying 60’. So, I’m seeing double move for positioning, and mythic power for the extra standard action to cast?

Sovereign Court

Neutral Human Magus 12 (Sheet) (Equipment) | HP: 76/87 | AC: 38 (29 T, 23 F) | CMD: 38 | F: 13, R: 15, W: 10 | Init: 18 | Perc: 13 | Speed 60, fly 90 (good) |
Tracked Resources:
Arcane Pool 5/14 | Lesser Extend Rod 0/3 | Pearl I 0/2 | Reroll 0/1 | Ablative Barrier 20/50 | Mythic Power 0/2

I did the best I could, but probably not enough to save Rand.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Neutral Human Magus 12 (Sheet) (Equipment) | HP: 76/87 | AC: 38 (29 T, 23 F) | CMD: 38 | F: 13, R: 15, W: 10 | Init: 18 | Perc: 13 | Speed 60, fly 90 (good) |
Tracked Resources:
Arcane Pool 5/14 | Lesser Extend Rod 0/3 | Pearl I 0/2 | Reroll 0/1 | Ablative Barrier 20/50 | Mythic Power 0/2

Shield Master (Su) - At 5th level, whenever a protector or its master takes hit point damage, as long as the protector and its master are touching, its master can split the damage evenly between them as if under the effects of shield other.

This replaces deliver touch spells and speak with animals of its kind.

I really don't have anywhere to put him away. He basically sits on my shoulder the whole time. The one exception was the first fight where I was dimension-doored away into the big beetle's mouth. Chose not to have him brought along there.

Knowledge Checks

@Tothek: please explain this 10d10+10 dmg power you just used and provide me the reference, i.e. class, ability name etc.

Scarab Sages

NG Elf Oracle 15

Trying to figure out where Thrag is (health-wise)...
Looks like he was at -30, then took 150? so at -180.. of 147 ... which puts him at 34 below zero? (death is very cold)

I could try to save one of them... but can't do two. 8P
And there's a limit to how far below before it won't help.

Scarab Sages

NG Elf Oracle 15

Oh wait.. nm... I had one more post to read =)

Scarab Sages

NG Elf Oracle 15

GM, is the tearing off of Rand's head just descriptive prose? Or is his head removed? Can't breath of life him back from decapitation =)

And is Lilly up now too? Since the vrocks are out of the picture?

Knowledge Checks

Yeah it's... descriptive. Very... descriptive. Like when the GM tells your PC: you cut the goblin in half. Koth'Vaul does not have vorpal teeth. Are you planning to cast breath of life on him?

Knowledge Checks
Teriq Ashfall wrote:
And is Lilly up now too? Since the vrocks are out of the picture?

Not yet, as there is an effect to resolve on the Vrock's turn.

Scarab Sages

NG Elf Oracle 15

I'm between a infernal rock and a demonic hard place.

I could breath of life him, I think... but then He's likely to cap them again, and me to boot (since I'd have to get closer to do it).

Or I try to finish him now, before he has a chance to go again, or his followers have a chance to chant something that heals him or something, since he seems to be in bad shape.

Ah.. dilemmas!

Knowledge Checks

Until you decide to breath of life him or not, his head was bitten off. Do you always try to guilt GMs like this? :)

Knowledge Checks

Also, I'm waiting on Tothek's reply to resolve his actions as this could have scenario/chronicles ramifications. After I'm clear on how he dealt 10d10+10 dmg on the cultists I'll proceed with Teriq's post.

@Tothek: I'm trying to understand your last post- could you please move Tothek on the map to where he went, and explain what spell or ability or magic item you used? until then I have to put this game on pause. Thank you!

Liberty's Edge

CN Osirian Ranger 2/ Sorc 7/ EK 3/ Hp: 74/79 +19temp/ F:+8 R:+11 W: +7 / CMD: 27 / AC 24, flat 17, touch 13 / Init +5 / Perc. + 20 Speed 30’, Fly 60’ / Spells remaining 7 first, 2 second, 3 third, 3 fourth / Active Conditions: Mirror image, Life Bubble, Fly, False Life, pro. Evil, bull strength, gravity bow, Resist Acid 20, Endure Elements

I cast the spell ‘lightning bolt’. Because I am a draconic sorcerer and because I have a shocking robe, I do more damage than usual.

Moving now.

Scarab Sages

NG Elf Oracle 15

shouldn't it be d6's, not d10's?

Knowledge Checks

How does it make d6 lightning bolts into d10 lightning bolts? how does it grant +10 to dmg?

Liberty's Edge

CN Osirian Ranger 2/ Sorc 7/ EK 3/ Hp: 74/79 +19temp/ F:+8 R:+11 W: +7 / CMD: 27 / AC 24, flat 17, touch 13 / Init +5 / Perc. + 20 Speed 30’, Fly 60’ / Spells remaining 7 first, 2 second, 3 third, 3 fourth / Active Conditions: Mirror image, Life Bubble, Fly, False Life, pro. Evil, bull strength, gravity bow, Resist Acid 20, Endure Elements

It shouldn't. It should be 10d6+10. That's what I thought I typed.

If you're both asking, I must have botched it. Lemme reroll now.

The funny thing is, I looked at that, and my only thought was "I never do this much damage, that's awesome."

Knowledge Checks

::looking at the map::


Geez what's your flying speed Tothek?

I don't think you add +10 either: just roll 10d6 please. Thx.

Once you provide your flying speed, I'll tell you how many cultists you catch with that lightning bolt and make the line effect determination myself. It won't catch all cultists, to be clear. Maybe one or two at most.

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