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No, it doesn't. If we were at a meatspace table I'd loan you one of the four I have.

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Tothek is dazed, and has a golembane scarab, a cloak of resistance on, a magic longbow in hand, and an efficient quiver and normal quiver strapped to his back. He also wears an adventurer’s sash with an assortment of potions and vials plus a MW backpack.

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I’m I’m dazed already, do I need to make another will save?

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Sometimes character choices for rp reasons aren't the most mechanically superior in the end.
If I was wielding a scimitar like most magi, those would have been crit threats, but the Aldori dueling sword is a base 19-20 crit weapon.
Which sort of sucks right now because I doubt I'm doing much damage between DR and resistances. I really need to those crits for a big hit. I can spend two arcane pool to increase my crit multiplier to x3.
That would mean 3d8+33 weapon damage, 1d6+2d10 cold damage from the icy burst and 2d6+24 nonlethal cold damage from frostbite.


I’m I’m dazed already, do I need to make another will save?
Yes I'm afraid. You run the risk to reset the effect to a higher duration...


If I was wielding a scimitar like most magi
Scimitars are not finessable so you'd need Dervish Dance feat (how do people take scimitars so often with Slashing Grace then? scimitars being not finessable? is Slashing Grace for STR 14 DEX 18 type PCs then?)

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Stealing my AOMF is just mean =P
Easily stolen items:
Amulet of Mighty Fists +2
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (35 charges) (on belt)
Potion of Lesser Restoration (in pouch on belt)
Cloak of Resistance +3
More Secured Items:
Belt of Physical Might +4 (Str/Dex)
Bracers of Armor +5
Monk's Robe
Periapt of Inspired Wisdom +6
That should be correct. My implanted Ioun Stone and rings should not be stealable I think.

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Favian Aldori wrote:If I was wielding a scimitar like most magiScimitars are not finessable so you'd need Dervish Dance feat (how do people take scimitars so often with Slashing Grace then? scimitars being not finessable? is Slashing Grace for STR 14 DEX 18 type PCs then?)
I think most of them take dervish dance.


Yeah Rand, if you would have posted your choices I would have gone for that sweet wand of cure light wounds as he was out of toothpicks. :P


Those are sweet hits too guys... 3 hits from Rand and two humongous ones by Thrag! debuffs and buffs from Lilly/Favian are no jokes either... - 4 to hit is a drag!

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Favian, you’re welcome to my oil of bless weapon. Just pull it from the sash.

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I have one of my own, but it didn't seem like it was worth spending a round applying it.
Plus he may be powerful enough that good alone may not be sufficient. It might be good and cold iron or heck he has mythic abilities, so it might be good and epic.

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@Favian, that was in response to your comment about criticals. Automatically confirming is similar to having a wider crit range.

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Stealable items are circlet, headband, intensify roof and many wands.

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@Favian, that was in response to your comment about criticals. Automatically confirming is similar to having a wider crit range.
Most of the time I confirm my crits on anything but a 1. I currently have a +12 to critical confirmation rolls.

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I can tell you that magic, lawful, bludgeoning, cold iron, or silver in any combination doesn't pass his DR.
Also, part of me now wants to put called on my AOMF, just to have GMs scratch their head at how that would work =D

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My highest level toon opts for a +5 whip to bypass everything except epic. I might add Vicious. It would be thematic for him and get him past epic.
Thrag chooses to hit so hard that most DR is just an inconvenience.

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@Thrag - That’s why a Tothek has clustered shot, so I can likewise just pound through DR. Now I just need a counter to daze...

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Always making your save is a great counter.

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@Rand - we can’t all be monks...I suppose I could retrain 2 ranger levels as Divine Hunter Paladin. I’d have even fewer skills but better saves...


Don't listen to Rand. He's preening like a peacock now that he's high level, but he's not talking about all the 'flurry of misses' he endured from level 1 to 10... :)

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It was really bad pre Pathfinder Unchained, since I was a chained monk (although to be a fair I was a martial artist, so it was less right than it could have been).
It's why my str is so high (and I've had to withstand a horde of people asking me why I invested so heavily in it).

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Monks -should- have high strength. If you want to be useful to a party, you need to do damage and take damage. It’s Muay thai as the model.
The super high AC types usually do neither, and smart opponents will ignore them.

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obviously, I agree =)


I requested some info from Thrag and will move the action fwd as soon as I get it; the result of the demon's actions are dependent on Thrag's answer. Thank you all for your patience.

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You should want mythic power attack.

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the power attack damage from mythic power attack gets insane if you crit alot.
Personally, my favorite mythic feat is mythic combat reflexes.

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True, true, but Thrag isn't a crit build. He does have a minor in VS, though. MVS multiplies your damage mods by the number of dice rolled. For Thrag that 33 x 9 = 297 + 9d6 base and 37 x 12 = 444 + 12d6 if he's enlarged. Enough to one shot almost anything.

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I think you're calcing that incorrectly. When it says the number of weapon dice, it means (using a longsword as an example) the number of d8s you're rolling, so for greater vital strike it would count 3d8 and you would add in your stats and whatnot. As I read it it basically let's you swing your vital strike as if you hit number of times.
I will admit, though, that it's written ambiguously...

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So, does anyone want a heart? That seems like the best place to start...

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Rand, I swing an Impact Lucerne Hammer. It started at 1d12. Then Impact makes effectively large. The base dice ia 3d6, VS 6d6, and IVS 9D6.

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That one minute of no penalties is kinda nice.
The GM didn't appear to be using his mythic Improved Initiative too heavily... which is probably good. Extra standard actions can really mess you up!
Mythic Improved Initiative doesnt do this, it just lets you treat your roll as if you got a 20 which we are fortunate our GM did not use. If it did this fight would be utterly murderous. The hard mode version is especially dangerous.
On mythic vital strike I also agree with Rand. Even with the sensible version it is still nuts. There is an enemy in a PFS scenario who has it and mythic power attack and I have killed seeker PC's from full health running him.

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One quick question, do the temporary HP go away? I still have a few left.

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Just moving this here, to try to remember not to clutter up the gameplay thread... am terrible at that!
@Everyone else: Deskari is completely ignoring you. This is his offer. You are free to step up and take the offer, which seems to re-enable telepathic dialog for those who draw nearer, (Thrag, Favian and Tothek so far) but your musings and questions at this point seem to fall on deaf ears. His offer is plain and simple, but you have free will and can do whatever you want... also, there are many players in this game with module knowledge, and I'm looking for a bit of roleplay here, as this is a pivotal moment, especially for the players who have never played or run this before. Play your characters and see where the chips fall!
Trying to! Have neither played, nor run this before... but there are a lot of similarities to some of the season 4 choices here... and Teriq had to make a lot of those... which he regretted. Just hard to Role play in a vacuum... so waiting from some input, if not from the GM (in the form of knowledge checks or sense motive rolls, or the like), then perhaps one of the other PC's... Lilly might know more about such things (ie: has much better knowledge skills), and the others might have some more newfound personal insights.


No further hints shall be given. Your character must make a choice. It sounds like he has rejected the Demon Lord's offer. Is this final?
And if you think this is roleplay in a vacuum, I don't know what to tell you. Read the thread again.

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Sounds like no one else wants to take the heart, so assuming that's the case, go ahead and make me a demon lord or whatever.