GM ShadowLord's Unused game (Inactive)

Game Master The Rising Phoenix

TG1 | GW | FF | RH | RoW


Female Tiefling Oracle (life) 4, Paladin 3| HP 73/73 | AC 19 T 10 FF 16 | Fort +10 Ref +5 Will +11 | Initiative +0 | Perc +9, darkvision 60' |Resist cold 5, elec 5, fire 5 | Spells 1st: 7/7, 2nd: 4/4 | Shatter 1/1 | Inspired 1/1 | Smite 1/1 | LoH 4/4 | Channel 4/4

... and it begins. ;)

HP: 141/141| AC: 32| F: +22, R: +22, W: +21 | Perception +21 Hero Points: 3/3| Focus 1/3 | Level 1: 4/4, Level 2: 4/4, Level 3: 3/4, Level 4: 2/4, Level 5: 2/4, Level 6: 1/4, Level 7: 1/4


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