Priestess of Pharasma

Thanara Scarnetti's page

960 posts. Alias of Thron.


HP: 141/141| AC: 32| F: +22, R: +22, W: +21 | Perception +21


Hero Points: 3/3| Focus 1/3 | Level 1: 4/4, Level 2: 4/4, Level 3: 3/4, Level 4: 2/4, Level 5: 2/4, Level 6: 1/4, Level 7: 1/4

About Thanara Scarnetti

Thanara Scarnetti
Age: 19
Human, Sorceress 14
CG, medium, humanoid (human)
Perception: +21 = 2 Wis + 14 Level + 4 Expert + Item
HP: 141/141

AC: 32 = 10 + 1 Armor + 3 Dex + 4 Expert + 14 Level + 0 Item

F: +22 = 3 Con + 14 Level + 1 Item + 4 Expert
R: +22 = 3 Dex + 14 Level + 1 Item + 4 Expert
W: +21 = 2 Wis + 14 Level + 1 Item + 4 Expert

Armor Proficiencies:
Unarmored: E
Light: U
Medium: U
Heavy: U
Melee: +16

Range: +17

Spell Attack: +23

Weapon Proficiencies:
Simple: E
Martial: U
Advanced: U
Unarmed: T
Spells/Day (Focus 3/3)

Blood Magic*: Elemental energy surrounds you or a target. Either you gain a +1 status bonus to Intimidation checks for 1 round, or a target takes 1 damage per spell level. The damage is bludgeoning or fire, according to your elemental type (see below). If the spell already deals that type of damage, combine it with the spell’s initial damage before determining weaknesses and resistances.

Level 0: Produce Flame*, Electric Arc, Prestidigitation, Detect Magic, Dancing Lights, Guidance, Stabilize, Ghost Sound
Level 1: 4/4 (Burning Hands*, Mending, Feather Fall, Heal, Elemental Toss**)
Level 2: 4/4 (Resist Energy*, Flaming Sphere, Shocking Grasp, Endure Elements)
Level 3: 4/4 (Fireball*, Haste, Slow, Shatter, Elemental Motion**)
Level 4: 4/4 (Freedom of Movement*, Lightning Bolt, Charm, Stoneskin)
Level 5: 4/4 (Elemental Form*, Cone of Cold, Wall of Stone, Lightning Storm, Elemental Blast**)
Level 6: 4/4 (Chain Lightning*, Scintillating Safeguard, Baleful Polymorph, Wall of Fire)
Level 7: 4/4 (Energy Aegis*, Magnificent Mansion, Finger of Death, Sunburst)
Ability Scores: Str 10, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 20
Speed 30 ft
Class DC: 32
Acrobatics +22 = +3 Dex + 14 Level + 2 Trained + 1 Item
Arcana +16 = +0 Int + 14 Level + 2 Trained + Item
Athletics +16 = +0 Str + 14 Level + 2 Trained + Item
Crafting +16 = +0 Int + 14 Untrained + 2 Trained + Item
Deception +25 = +5 Cha + 14 Level + 6 Master + Item
Diplomacy +26 = +5 Cha + 14 Level + 6 Master + 1 Item
Intimidation +22 = +5 Cha+ 14 Level + 2 Trained+ Item
Lore (Genealogy) +16 = +0 Int + 14 Level + 2 Trained + Item
Medicine +16 = +2 Wis + 14 Untrained + Item
Nature +20 = +2 Wis + 14 Level + 4 Expert + Item
Occultism +14 = +0 Int + 14 Untrained + Item
Perform +23 = +5 Cha + 14 1Level +4 Expert + Item
Religion +16 = +2 Wis + 14 Untrained + Item
Society +19 = +0 Int + 14 Level + 4 Expert + Item
Stealth +20 = +3 Dex + 14 Level + 2 Trained + 1 Item
Survival +16 = +2 Wis + 14 Untrained + Item
Thievery +17 = +3 Dex + 14 Untrained + Item

Languages: Common (Taldane)
- Natural Ambition
- Natural Skill (Diplomacy, Deception)
- Natural Skill (Arcana, Stealth)
-Clever Improviser (you can attempt skill actions that normally require you to be trained, even if you are untrained.)
-Natural Skill (Acrobatics, Athletics)
-Incredible Improvisation
-Shory Aerialist (+2 Acrobatics to Fly, +5’ Speed when Flying)

Background (Noble)
- Trained Society Skill
- Trained Genealogy or Heraldry Lore

- Incredible Initiative
- Fleet
-Incredible Investiture

- Courtly Graces
- Group Impression
- Connections
-Assurance (Deception)
-Shameless Request
-Glad Hand
-Skill Training (Crafting)
-Bonded Animal

- Reach Spell
- Dangerous Sorcery (+ Spell Level Damage)
- Cantrip Expansion (Guidance/Stabilize)
-Advanced Bloodline
-Crossblooded Evolution
-Greater Bloodline
-Bloodline Focus
-Defensive Robes
-Magic Sense

- Dandy
- Distracting Flattery

Magic Items:
Gear: Dweomerveave Robe (+1 Armor Rune, +1 Resilient Rune), Major Staff of Evocation, Wand of Magic Missile, Cloak of Elvenkind, Boots of Elvenkind, Glasses of Sociability, Scroll of Acid Arrow

Money 1,525 gold, 17 silver, 10 copper

Bulk: 1
Max: 10
Carried: 6
Light: 5
Special Abilities 
Skilled (Arcana)

Ancestry: Human
Background: Noble
Bloodline: Air Elemental