DM Vayelan |

Huntsmaster bite vs Valere: 1d20 + 13 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 13 + 2 = 23
Huntsmaster claw vs Valere: 1d20 + 14 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 14 + 2 = 34
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Huntsmaster claw vs Valere: 1d20 + 14 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 14 + 2 = 21
Valere Fort vs Paralysis: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24
Corpse Cat bite vs Kain: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17
Corpse Cat claw vs Kain: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31
Confirm Crit?: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14
Damage: 1d2 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Corpse Cat claw vs Kain: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17
Ghoul Creeper bow shot vs Nikolai: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Kain's first lance thrust deals a potent blow to the ghoul huntsmaster, but the undead foe evades the second thrust, and he also blocks Valere's beak with his sturdy bow.
The huntsmaster tosses aside his bow and decides to tear into the Valere with tooth and claw, ready to diversify his palate by sampling griffin meat. Valere just manages to brush aside the ghoul's jaws and one of his claws, but the other claw manages to pierce his plumage.
Assuming a 34 hits Valere, the griffin takes 6 damage. Valere makes his save against paralysis, though.
The huntsmaster's undead cat companion lunges for Kain's ankles, managing to scratch beneath the greaves of his plate armor.
A non-confirmed Nat 20 deals 3 damage to Kain.
Up on the roof, the other ghoul picks his bow back up with a hiss and snaps off a shot at Nikolai, but the scholar is better prepared this time and dodges the arrow whistling towards him.
The party is up.

Bashuk Cinderhand |

Bashuk frowns as the ghoul ducks her fiery missile. "What? No, that's not right..." Shaping another javelin of fire, the half-orc grasps it and takes aim again. "Let's try this again."
Ranged Touch: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 8 + 1 = 14 Damage: 3d6 + 2 ⇒ (2, 5, 6) + 2 = 15 Hope that's enough!

Valda Aslougsdottir |
Realizing she is unable to do anything about the undead on the roof, Valda begins to move around Kain. Moving as quickly as the plate armor permits, Valda decides to deal with the undead cat, before attacking the 'huntsman.' As she moves past Kain, she cuts right and chops at the feline.
Bless, move 20 ft. Attack: + 1 greatsword
attack: 1d20 + 5 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 5 + 1 + 1 = 19 for damage: 2d6 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (2, 2) + 6 + 1 = 11
For you all
Bless: 6th/10 rds +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects.

DM Vayelan |

Bashuk's blast leaves the ghoul archer's torso scorched and blackened, although the creature still stands.
Valda moves into position and delivers a slash that hews the undead cat's tail and much of its flank, and the creature hisses and yowls with its hoarse, desiccated voice at her.
Kain, Nikolai, and Valeska can still act.

Nikolai Lukresh |

Nikolai dodges out of the way of the crossbow bolt, his hand that was covered with a layer of bark deflecting it to the side. Leaving the ranged combat to the skill of Bashuk and her power, he draws his rapier again and moves into close combat, he runs up behind the gigantic Kain and produces another syringe that he jabs into the man's calf. It would be as if a second skin had slothed off of the man, shimmering in purples and blues, before disappearing before his eyes.
"This will protect you! Go all out!" Nikolai shouts out as he takes a moment to study the movement of the undead feline. With his blade in hand, he prepares to engage the hunter's pet.
Nikolai will cast Shield on Kain, granting a +4 Shield bonus for 5 minutes (50 Rounds). He will use Studied Combat as a swift action on the Undead Cat.

Valeska Talanova |

Valeska moves back towards the roof-runner... drawing a second starknife and throwing it as Ariel slams into the undead.
atk roof ghoul starknife, bless: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 7 + 1 = 13
dmg roof ghoul starknife: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
atk roof ghoul slam, bless: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 6 + 1 = 23
dmg roof ghoul slam: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

DM Vayelan |

Kain attack w/ Thorn: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 11 + 2 = 21
Damage: 2d6 + 14 + 6 ⇒ (4, 1) + 14 + 6 = 25
Kain attack w/ Thorn: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 6 + 2 = 20
Damage: 2d6 + 14 + 6 ⇒ (6, 1) + 14 + 6 = 27
Kain delivers two more strong thrusts with Thorn that nearly rip the ghoul huntsmaster's torso apart, leaving the creature truly dead upon the ground.
Valere's beak pries the undead cat from his master's enlarged leg, and the griffin leaves the creature similarly broken.
The ghoul upon the roof attempts to flee, but with the party now able to focus their fire upon a single target, the last of this undead hunting party does not get very far before also being destroyed.
The fog-shrouded village is quiet and still once again, but after this encounter with some of the foul creatures that caused Clover's Crossing to become a ghost town, the atmosphere is anything but peaceful. At least, for the time being, you are free to continue your exploration and investigation of the town hall.

Valda Aslougsdottir |
Nikolai, third round Valda's life link would have healed you to full hit points
As the combat comes to and end, Valda breaths a sigh of relief. Resting her greatsword on her shoulder, she looks around at the countess and her advisors. The threat passed she clears her throat and speaks in common, "It appears to be just the general and myself still injured." Her eyes wander to the charlatan, "And Evets." She waves the 'doctor' over. "Come near Evets, I have a wand that will help. Drawing out her wand, she begins to tap Kain, herself and then Evets.
Seeing that most of the wounds were healed, she gestures towards the basement door, "Shall we continue investigating the townhall?" Stepping over the bodies of the dead, she heads to the steps that she had approached earlier.
Valda will use her clw wand. she is down 17 now 2, Kain was down 26 now 2, how many did Evets lose?
clw: Kain: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
clw: Kain: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
clw: Kain: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
clw: Kain: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
clw: Valda: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
clw: Valda: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
clw: Valda: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
clw: Evets: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

Bashuk Cinderhand |

"I'd like to check this building. Those ghouls were dangerous, but I doubt they could clear a village. Even accounting for some people who were eaten instead of turned, where is everyone?"
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

Valeska Talanova |

As Valda takes care of the others, Valeska bid farewell to the Air Elemental. It makes some whispering wind sounds and cyclones away, vanishing.
The countess seems to have mixed feelings about the departure.
The bites and scratches... How bad is it? Anyone looking pale? She jokes, but it's clear she's asking if there is a risk of infection and the passage from life to... undeath.
I'll need to retrieve my knife. She mentions the starknife she'd thrown up at the roof-runner.

DM Vayelan |

The sheen of Valeska's starknife contrasts sharply with the dark wooden shingles, making it clear where the weapon has become stuck upon the roof, near the broken dormer window.
Now that the adrenaline of battle begins to fade, you can better take stock of the cellar that the ghouls used as a lair. This is not a good thing, for the smell within leaves even those of you not wounded by the undead feeling quite sick.
The stone-lined cellar was apparently used as a repository or museum of sorts, storing curios and artifacts from the village's history. In particular, Valeska recognizes a number of items celebrating the Varisian settlers who founded the village, way back when. Unfortunately, the artistic scarves, texts, clothes, and other cultural items have been heaped and defiled by the ghouls to form their nest.
Although the artifacts are in a very deplorable state, using skills such as Knowledge or Lore may make it possible to piece together information from them that provides some interesting insight into the village's history.
Exploring the upper floors may also provide clues about potential survivors.

Valda Aslougsdottir |
'The knife.' Looking up to the roof of the building, Valda notices the broken dormer window. Pointing to it with her greatsword. "It looks like the Ghoul exited the building through the window. We can do the same." As she continues walking towards the building, "That will let us inspect the other floors for any potential survivors."
As she enters the basement, she 'tisks' at the artifacts heaped in a pile, like one would at a child's messy room. "Terrible way to treat a community's history." She smirks at her own comment. "Not that ghouls would care." She continues moving towards the steps. "Hopefully there will be survivors who can help us identify and organize this mess."
Keeping a keen eye out and her sword at the ready, Valda begins to climb the step going to the upper level.
perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Arden Kain Brandt |

I will continue mounted once we leave the building. Its best if I am not caught like that again.
Kain turns to Valeska. I am not certain, but I think that these undead do not infect others with bites. Though, I am sure our professor would know better. He turns to Nikolai.

Nikolai Lukresh |

"Well, that was certainly something." Nikolai said softly, sheathing his rapier away and turning towards the others. There were questions to answer and discoveries to be made within the darkness of the town hall before them.
Kn: Religion (Ghoul Infections & Disease): 1d20 + 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (20) + (2) + 9 = 31
Being a student in Ustalav meant that, inevitably, one would need to speak about the undead. It was ingrained in their history, in their very being, and it could not be ignored. The Whispering Tyrant had ruled this land for a long time and its mark could not be ignored. Nikolai, an explorer, archeologist, and scholar, had extensive knowledge on the undead and shared it with the others.
Entering into the basement, the investigator covers his mouth and coughs softly at the stink that permeated through here. The ghouls had ruined so much, so much that could've potentially been saved. Looking for the least damaged pieces, Nikolai studied the nest.
Kn: History: 1d20 + 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (11) + (1) + 9 = 21
Kn: Local: 1d20 + 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (11) + (2) + 9 = 22

DM Vayelan |

Thus, he knows that the disease is, indeed, transmitted via the bite of ghouls, ghasts, and lacedons. Although there are other, more esoteric methods (such as necromancy, engaging in cannibalism, or consuming the flesh of a ghoul), these infected bites are the most common source of newly risen ghouls.
However, being bitten by a ghoul is not a guaranteed death (or undeath) sentence. Individuals with resilient bodies can fight off the disease like any other before it progresses to a terminal state.
Ghoul Fever stats. Once infected, every 24 hours you make a new DC 13 Fortitude Save to avoid disease progression. After two consecutive successful saves, your body fights off the disease naturally and you are cured.
In addition to providing his insight about ghoul fever, Nikolai is also able to piece together the surprisingly long history of Clover's Crossing from the images and text woven into the scraps of artistic Varisian scarves that have been heaped into the ghouls' nest. This is supplemented by other texts and relics mixed in from the town hall's ravaged museum.
The village's origin stretches back to the Age of Enthronement, during the golden age of the Kingdom of Ustalav, following the nation's creation when the disparate Varisian settlements were united by Soividia Ustav. The original village was actually founded by members of previously divided Varisian clans.
Unfortunately, the next significant event in the village's history was when it was used as a rallying point for Ustalav's armies staging their desperate (and ultimately doomed) fight against the Whispering Tyrant. During the war against the lich, and even during the nation's enslavement under the Whispering Tyrant, catacombs were dug out beneath the church and its yard to inter the residents who died during this dark age.
The most fascinating detail is that - according to some of these old Varisian records - Prince Adamondais Virholt, son of Ardurras Virholt, the Last King of Ustalav, is one of the doomed defenders of Ustalav who was interred within the catacombs beneath Clover's Crossing.

Valda Aslougsdottir |
Listening carefully as Nikolai explained what he learned, Valda nodded her head. "It would be good to find the tomb of the prince. Ustalav's history is important and should be remembered." She gestures towards the town, "Once we have restored the village a monument would be appropriate.'
Turning back towards the task at hand she gestures toward the stairs, asking "General Kain, Do and your griffin want point?"

Nikolai Lukresh |

"That it would. Finding these relics would certainly give the Countess unparalleled influence even in royal matters, potentially, let alone the more practical benefits of finding Prince Adamondais." Nikolai said, frowning a little bit as he looked over their wounds. "Later, I would suggest that you allow me to look over your wounds in detail. Ghoul Fever is no joking matter and can be quite dangerous."

Bashuk Cinderhand |

GM, do we find anything of interest anywhere in the house other than the cellar?
"Hopefully this prince has stayed in his crypt, it might look bad if we have to re-kill him," Bashuk says skeptically. "Should we press on to the town hall?"

DM Vayelan |

GM, do we find anything of interest anywhere in the house other than the cellar?
I'm glad you asked...
Valeska climbs the stairs from the cellar, up into the hall proper. She ascends further, to the upper story to access the roof and retrieve her starknife. In the broken window, hanging from a splintered beam, she sees the magic amulet that Valda spotted from the ground. Up close, you see that it consists of a thin, coiled length of silver that contains either the tooth or horn fragment from some manner of beast like a spiral-shaped cage.
As you eventually discover, this is an Amulet of Natural Armor +1
On the attic-like second story, you also see a message carved into the wood of the sharply angled wall.
You aren't sure when this was carved or whether they made it.

Valeska Talanova |

Valeska comes back down, handing the amulet to Valda.
There is a message carved into the wall upstairs... Valeska recites the message from memory.
Not sure what to make of it.
Sense Motive, message: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12

Nikolai Lukresh |

Nikolai will listen to what was written as Valeska recites it, his brow furrowed slightly as he considers what they had described.
"Well, there is the potential for a miracle but...there seems to be no residual evidence and we have no witnesses. It is also that, potentially..." Nikolai's words died for a moment as he thought it over, closing his eyes as he considered the possibilities.
"Well...uh...t-there is the possibility that...with this being the...uh...supposed resting place of a prince that magical items from the Golden Age of Ustalav could be here, back when it was a kingdom and before the cruel reign of the Whispering Tyrant." As he spoke, his words grew faster and faster. A true relic.
"I would suggest we investigate the catacombs. See if the rumors are true. Perhaps their miracle has a magical origin?"

DM Vayelan |

Picking through the town hall, you do find evidence that it served as refuge for at least a dozen people. Abandoned dolls, discarded, soiled clothes, and other bits of detritus make it clear that not only were children among the survivors, but some of them may have not have even been a year old yet. The condition of these clues suggests that this likely unfolded several months ago, so you can only hope that they have found some semblance of a new life in Tamrivena by now.
Your historical knowledge also informs you that Ardurras Virholt, besides being a prince of Ustalav, was a Pharasmin bishop and that he carried the sacred mace Raven's Head into battle against the legions of the Whispering Tyrant. The bishop-prince and the artifact were long believed to have been lost to the undead horde, but if his remains were actually recovered and interred during the chaos of the unholy war, then a legendary weapon may lie somewhere beneath your feet.

Arden Kain Brandt |

Certainly, the past few escapades have not been to my strengths. What is one more. Kain smirks to Nikolai when he asks about searching the catacombs.
And yes, I'll take point while we are outside. Also, thank you for correcting my information. Undead are not my specialty. That is more so beasts and orcs. At least insofar as the latter's military tactics are concerned.

Valda Aslougsdottir |
Accepting the amulet from Valeska, she holds it up and looks at it. "A very fine amulet, it's magic will make one's skin seem stronger to turn a blade." She holds it out to the group, "Who would like to wear it?"
As the conversation turns back to the prince, she chimes in, "the prince was a Pharasmin bishop as well as a nobleman, it would be a great honor to find him."
Nodding in agreement with Kain, she prepared to follow the group back to the chasm to begin their descent into the catacombs.

DM Vayelan |

At best, the ruling council of Tamrivena sees Countess Valeska and the rest of the party as rivals; at worst, they see you as enemies. The fertile farmlands of Canterwall, considered the breadbasket of Ustalav, were seized from their control and handed to you, resulting in a loss of territory, resources, and influence. Beyond this, the Palatine council is also dismayed to see those lands returned to hereditary noble rule after having spent the past five decades under citizens' rule.
Despite these tensions, if the survivors of Clover's Crossing made it across the river and northward into Tamrivena's territory, they likely would have been provided sanctuary.
The day has worn on as you've investigated Clover's Crossing and battled the ghouls. Thus, as you pick your way back to the village green and the chasm, you find the fog shrouding the landscape being thinned by the light of the sun as it climbs higher in the sky. You can now see the waters of the Vistear River hemming in the northern edge of the empty village, serving as part of the border between the counties of Canterwall and Tamrivena.
The hideous sinkhole again lays open at your feet, the bones of the old church still littering its bottom.
Thankfully, you don't see any ghouls crawling out of the catacomb tunnels exposed along the sides of the chasm like a macabre honeycomb. Although no more undead come out to meet you, there is no telling what lurks beyond the reach of daylight.

Valda Aslougsdottir |
Gesturing towards the river Valda answers the countess as best she can. As if reciting from memory, "The large town of Tamrivena was formerly the county capital of Canterwall. When Prince Aduard split the county in two, granting the southern half to you, the town became the capital of the re-minted County of Tamrivena. From the town of the same name, Tamrivena is still ruled by the Palatine council that once governed Canterwall. At best, the ruling council of Tamrivena sees us as rivals; at worst, enemies. The fertile farmlands of Canterwall, considered the breadbasket of Ustalav, was seized from their control, resulting in a loss of territory, resources, and influence. Beyond this, the Palatine council is also dismayed to see those lands returned to hereditary noble rule after having spent the past five decades under citizens' rule." She shrugs and continues, "Despite these tensions, if the survivors of Clover's Crossing made it across the river and northward into Tamrivena's territory, they likely would have been provided sanctuary."
As they neared the sinkhole, Valda paused, setting her greatsword down and taking off her pack. As she drew a length of rope and Traveler’s Any-Tool she began tying one end of the rope to the tool. "I guess were going to need to climb down?"

DM Vayelan |

With the rope properly secured, you toss the loose end down the chasm. The rough, uneven walls of the sinkhole provide plentiful hand and footholds, making the climb down an easy affair.
You find that the exposed catacomb tunnels are layered into three levels, so the next decision is where to start.

Valda Aslougsdottir |
Having found a stunted tree to tie the rope to, Valda returned her tool to her pack. Nodding in agreement with the countess and Bashuk, "Top Down." She began tying knots in the rope about every two foot. When she realized Evets was looking at her suspiciously, she smiles and adds, "I'm making sure you'll be able to climb down the rope."
Once the rope hand the knotted hand holds she tossed it over the edge, asking. "Who's going first?"
Actually I'm making sure Valda can climb down the rope, but don't tell Evets.

Valeska Talanova |

I'll go... Valeska takes hold of the rope. Sasha is better at climbing...
At the next ledge down, Valeska looks around, ready to summon assistance.
Climb DC 0, knotted rope with wall: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (5) + 0 = 5
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
Sticks the landing... Supah-stah!

Bashuk Cinderhand |

With a shrug, Bashuk steps off the ledge and out into thin air, passing the countess on her plummet down. As the ground rushes up to meet her a blast of flame from her hands and and feet arrests her momentum enough for a safe landing.
Bashuk is showing off a little bit, using her Jets of Flame ability to safely descend.

Nikolai Lukresh |

Sorry! Work was very busy this week.
"I'm coming! Yes. Patience is a virtue. Yes." Nikolai muttered, taking his time on the rope. He moved inch by inch, looking down to try and make sure he did not fall to his death. Such an end of a studious mind would be a terrible waste. Arriving on the first layer, he would lower his owl-themed goggles down and watch as the dim light brightened all around him.

DM Vayelan |

With Valda's rope secured to the stunted tree, the party accesses the uppermost level of the broken-open catacombs. Silverwing stays above ground to keep watch and protect Doctor Evets.
Your feet fall upon ancient flagstones first laid down innumerable generations ago. The passage is surprisingly wide, although this is counterbalanced by a low ceiling. If Kain or Valda were much taller, they would have to hunch their shoulders to avoid scraping their heads upon the tiles above.
About a dozen or so yards ahead, the passage is blocked by a collapse. A surviving passage stretches off to the right.
I've updated the encounter map. The brownish squares represent areas that have collapsed.

DM Vayelan |

A long hallway, a comfortable ten feet wide, stretches eastward. A curving side passage, lined with burial niches, buttresses the main hallway upon the south. Although cobwebs cloud the nooks and corners of the passages, you notice that the thick layers of dust have been frequently, and recently, disturbed by movement.
What is the light situation for the party? Who will be taking point?

Valda Aslougsdottir |
Having lowered herself down the rope, Valda quickly draws her two handed sword staying close to the countess. Nodding as Kain begins to move down the passageway, Valda shifted the girp on her Greatsword, holding it in a low guard so as to not drag the tip on the ceiling. As they moved down the long hallway, she stops behind the General.
Pausing a moment, she casts 'detect magic' then describes what she see's ahead. "There is an intersection ahead. It appears someone has destroyed the shrine." She gestures towards the curving passageway to the right. "Should we make sure nothing is hiding just out of sight?"
Detect magic

Nikolai Lukresh |

Nikolai walks with his rapier in hand, settled in a defensive pose as he steps further ahead. Looking over the shoulders of the others, he clears his throat.
"I am for exploring the various passageways. We must eliminate the ghoul infestation before it can replenish itself. These nests can be quite tricky..."

Bashuk Cinderhand |

"Leave no stone unturned and all that. I don't want anything mean and hungry catching us from behind." Bashuk has doused her flames, trusting to her darkvision instead as the group creeps down the tunnel.
Let's just sweep the current hall and then go right one room at a time. If we hit a fork let's start with the leftmost tunnel first just to have a standing process.

Valda Aslougsdottir |
Not sure what everyone thought they should do, Valda points towards the path that seemed to loop around to the right and rejoin the main path, as she turns and speaks to Nikolai. "I'll swing down this hall, Nikolai you come to the front and help the General keep an eye out."
She points to where the 'loop' appears to rejoin the tunnel. "When I come out there I post behind the countess and keep a rear guard." Nodding she moves to investigate the short tunnel.
Moving alone to the short tunnel, will put Val there, if nothing happens, I'll move her to the back of the group. Is everyone going to move their icons or can I move us together in the order?

DM Vayelan |

Valda Will Save vs Haunt: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32
Nikolai Perception vs Traps: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (10) + 15 = 25
You train your divine senses upon your surroundings. Something awful happened here. Perhaps survivors from the church collapse climbed out of the rubble and sought shelter here, only to be set upon by the ghouls. You strongly suspect this passage is possessed of a haunting, but your resolute will protects you from its effects.
It seems that the old shrine was shattered by a hunk of stone that fell from the ceiling above, as evidenced by the piece of debris that is quite different in color and carving from those of the broken shrine.
You might be able to rig up some kind of makeshift structural support to prevent further collapse. Otherwise, the party will have to step carefully lest the reverberations of your steps cause heavy chunks of stone to fall upon your heads.

Nikolai Lukresh |

"Very interesting. The shrine was destroyed by the collapsing stone. See the difference in hue? The stability here is compromised; it could collapse underneath our feet at any point." Nikolai cautiously steps closer, cataloguing all the places they had traveled through today and trying to put together a solution to reinforce what integrity that still remained.
Kn: Engineering: 1d20 + 9 + 1d6 ⇒ (16) + 9 + (4) = 29
"I think I have an idea. Good marshal, I may need your strength to help me here."
Would it be a Disable Device roll? Or would the Kn: Engineering be enough?