Hakon 12789 |

Hakon - 1C: Going Back for More
CAG II Boon Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 20 Boons are good. Will choose Divine Intervention
Scenario Reward
Extra Deck Upgrade
Adventure Reward
Tier/XP 1.2->1.3
Spend 1 Hero Point for Skill Feat (Cha+1)
Hero Points (Prior + Gained - Used = Current)
Loot rolls
1st Choice Spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 704 Detect Thoughts
2nd Choice Blessing 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 992 Looking to Add Blessing of Bastet
3rd Choice Ally: 1d1000 ⇒ 961 Looking to Add Marianix Karn
Deck Upgrades
(May use Treasure Hunter reward pending what cards remain)
Banished Cards: None
Holes Filled: None
Removed: If Spell, Magic Weapon, If Blessing BotSpy, If Ally, Standard Bearer

Talitha of the Staff |

1) Talitha will spend a Hero Point on increasing her Charisma
2) Talitha's preferences:
Ally 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 358 Staffbearer
Spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 177 Fiery Weapon
Item 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 818 Anubis Staff
3) Booooons!
Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 4

Fumbus the Fulminant - Dinketry |

Droogami (Ally 1)
Tinker (Ally 1)
Standard Bearer (Ally 1)
Harrower (Ally 0)
Bat (Ally 0)
Frog (Ally 0)
Card Caster (Ally 0)
Teamster (Ally 0)
Pig (Ally 0)
Giant Slug (Ally 1)
Spiked Breastplate (Armor 0)
Erastil's Eye (Blessing 1)
Irori's Mastery (Blessing 1)
The Real Rabbit Prince (Blessing 1)
Calistria's Sting (Blessing 1)
The Tyrant (Blessing 1)
Gozreh's Growth (Blessing 1)
The Eclipse (Blessing 1)
Spellbook (Item 0)
Gem of Physical Prowess (Item 1)
Codex (Item 0)
Circlet of Mental Acuity (Item 2)
Gem of Mental Acuity (Item 1)
Charm Person (Spell 1)
Heat Metal (Spell 2)
Bloodscent (Spell 1)

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Nice! Hakon gets a boon!
boon for box runner?: 1d20 ⇒ 15 Not this time.
Remember, you get TWO deck upgrades this time!

Amiri the Mighty |

Hero point to be spent on Card Feat: 3rd ally.
con boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 15
Blessing 1 - BoCC replaces BotG
Ally B - Falconer added to deck.

Maznar the Steadfast |

Maznar will add +1 to Wisdom
Spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 169 Holy Stone
Animal 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 66 Wolverine
Blessing 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 682 Blessing of Milani
Boon Radley: 1d20 ⇒ 10

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Please let me know if you see any mistakes in this:
Fumbus - Item 1, Blessing 1, Skill feat
Maznar - Spell 1, Ally 1, Skill feat
Seoni - Item 1, Ally B, Skill feat
Amiri - Blessing 1, Ally B, Card feat
Talitha - Ally 1, Spell 1, Skill feat
Hakon - Spell 1, Blessing 1, Skill feat, Boon: Divine Intervention

Amiri the Mighty |

Amiri chooses Item 1 and uses it to upgrade Blue War paint to Rage Totem
Bonus Upgrade:
Weapon 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 937 Improvised Club.
Blessing 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 37 Gorum (Blessing 1)
Armor 1: 1d1 ⇒ 1 Heavy Iron shield
Hero Point is just a hero point.

EmpTyger |

The Development text is wrong- it's from Dragon's Demand, not Fangwood Thieves. Could we have the correct text?
If this is indeed the end of the adventure, I'll be advancing to Tier 2, and would like the Blessing 2 (of Abadar). Otherwise, I guess Weapon 1 (Frost Sling +1) or Weapon 0 (Allying Dart +1), but will defer to whoever else wants weapons.
Can't take Armor and don't want an Item 1, so forfeiting the bonus upgrade. Hero Point can't be spent.

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Sorry about that! Here's the correct Development text:
Having defeated the kobolds’ chieftain and her drake thrall and chased away the remnants of the tribe, you are able to turn up many of the items described as stolen by the residents of Oakheart, though some are a bit worse for wear. In addition, you find a small cache of magic items, hoarded by the chieftain for years and moved here dutifully by the kobolds when they settled the abandoned village. These items may serve the Pathfinder Society well, and should be cataloged at the Grand Lodge in Absalom... but the Society aren’t likely to notice if one or two of the less powerful items didn’t make it there, right? For now, you’ve earned some rest and a cup of tea back in the Ashfall Lodge. Venture-Captain Tolal will be happy to hear that you’ve handled the situation, and that the people of Nirmathas can continue to resettle relatively peacefully.

Talitha of the Staff |

Talitha has no armor slots so will take an Item 1 (and use it to get an Anubis Staff). She will also tier up to tier 2.
Talitha would love that Blessing 2 or will take a weapon otherwise.
Blessing 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 972
Weapon 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 799
Talitha will apply the bonus hero point to herself!

BR Zalarian |

Hakon will pick item 1 for quick change mask. Can't check completely but would be interested in weapon 1 or possibly blessing or something else.

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It's ambiguous whether it goes in the upgrade pool or it's something that's only avaialble to yourself. Let's say it goes in the upgrade pool In either case, you only get a total of two deck upgrades, so having them go in the pool is better for the group.

Hakon 12789 |

Hakon - 5B-1D: Snares, Scales and Snarls
Scenario Reward
Each character gets a new level 1 armor or item, and may choose a bonus deck upgrade.
Adventure Reward
Each character gets a hero point that cannot be spent on a feat.
Pathfinder Adventure Card Society players may assign this reward to any 1 of their characters.
Tier/XP 1.3->1.4
Hero Points (Prior + Gained - Used = Current)
Loot rolls
1st Choice Weapon 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 367 Captain's Cutlass
2nd Choice Item 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 574 Looking to Add Quick Change Mask
Deck Upgrades
Banished Cards: None
Holes Filled: None
Removed: If Weapon, Longspear, If Item Sage's Journal

Maznar the Steadfast |

1st Choice Armor 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 778 Wolfhide Armor
2nd Choice Weapon 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 69 Sickle + 1
Will use my hero point to upgrade power "Instead of the first exploration of your turn, you may bury a card that has the Divine trait to choose a character at your location and shuffle 1d4 (☐ +1) random cards from her discard pile into her deck."

ACG Bot |

Weapon 101
Armor 10
Item 1
Ally 0
Blessing 2
(Plus Item/Armor from each player)
Based on roll and order of priority (I also ignored rolls for armor/Items and moved choices up; Maznar rolled 778 for weapon for example), current choices look like the following:
Item Count: Need 4 items have 1 so 3 used from reward
Armor Count: Need 3 armors have 1 so 2 used from reward
1 Item/Armors remain
Deck Upgrades - Feats
Hakon Armor 1 / Item 1 (Lost on weapon roll so took armor 1) - No Feat
Maznar Weapon 1 (779) / Armor 1 - Power Feat
Talitha Blessing 2 / Item 1 - No Feat
Amiri Weapon 1(937) / Armor 1 - No Feat
Fumbus Item 1 / Item 2 - No Feat
Seoni Blessing 2 / Weapon 0 - No Feat
Valid deck upgrades remaining
Armor 0
Ally 0
Item/Armor 1

Hakon 12789 |

Deck Upgrades
"Spiked Breastplate#Core (Armor 1)
Quick Change Mask (Item 1)"
Banished Cards: None
Holes Filled: None
Removed: Sage's Journal, Tussah Silk Coat