
ACG Bot's page

69 posts. Alias of Zalarian.


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Botting Damiel
Out of Turn Updates: None

Turn - Hour: 25 - Prayer
Hour Rules: None
SOT: None
Give Card: None
Move: Stay at Twisting Passages
Attempt to move to Chambers
Intelligence Check DC 6+3=9: 1d10 + 0 ⇒ (4) + 0 = 4 No Success

Location Powers: You cannot move unless you succeed at an Intelligence or Knowledge 6+# check.

Ally 2 looks to be out of reach due to 2 hard checks..will end turn

Damiel ends their turn.

Damiel attempts to recover all cards in their Recovery pile.

Damiel resets their hand.
Random Roll: 1d5 ⇒ 4 Our Lord in Iron replaces open spot
Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Irori's Mastery, Heavy Crossbow, Good Omen, Our Lord in Iron, The Publican

Should be no number of players+1..other armor is
Reed Snake Armor

Reed Snake Armor:

MM Armor 3
Traits: Light Armor Magic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 10
Reveal this card to reduce Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire damage dealt to you by 3. Banish this card to reduce all damage dealt to you to 0. If proficient with light armors, bury it instead. If proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.

Alahazra autos the check against thunder lizard using volcanic storm, fire power, druid of the flame ,create mindscape (1d10+6+3d6+1d8+2+3+1d4) and then can use armor to reduce damage to 0.

Ogre was already defeated by Kess. The card that Zetha encountered is the following:

Flanking Attack (Known):

CotCT Barrier 1
Traits: Skirmish Veteran
To Defeat: None 0
Before acting, a random other character summons and encounters the danger; the difficulty to defeat is increased by #. Summon and encounter the danger; the difficulty to defeat is increased by #. Then banish this barrier; it is defeated.

Quinn, Kess, Mother Myrtle: 1d3 ⇒ 1 Quinn must encounter Dragon at +#


Story Bane
Type: Monster
Traits: Dragon Veteran
To Defeat: Combat 16+## OR Diplomacy 12+#
Roll 1d4. This monster gains the trait, is immune to, and all damage is: 1. Acid 3. Electricity 2. Cold 4. Fire Before acting, each local character must succeed at a Dexterity or Acrobatics 5+# check or suffer 1d4 damage and the scourge Wounded.

Quinn will discard The Empty Throne to ignore BYA
Random Roll: 1d4 ⇒ 4 Immune and breathes fire
Will reveal Shocking Saber and dancing dagger
Recharge Dancing dagger to use Knowledge+6 and recharge armor to add wis die d8 and discard The Carnival to bless
Acrobatics INT KNOW Combat Check DC 16+21=37: 1d10 + 6 + 2d8 + 6 + 1d4 + 1d8 + 1d10 ⇒ (7) + 6 + (7, 2) + 6 + (2) + (8) + (4) = 42
Monster Defeated

Zetha must then encounter so to keep consistent will assume she succeeds at BYA, fails the combat and banishes monster to avoid damage..I initially thought she could simply evade but if that is done then barrier is not defeated.

Quinn will recharge leech for minor heal
Random Roll: 1d4 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3
Quinn has all cards in their discard pile healed: (Fate-reader Lenses, The Empty Throne, The Carnival). Deck shuffled.

Drew from website
Blessing of Isis MM Blessing 3
Blessing of Thoth MM Blessing 1

Kess must encounter Zombie minion first...

Zombie Minions:

Story Bane
Type: Monster
Traits: Undead Zombie Veteran
To Defeat: Combat 9 THEN Combat 11+#
Immune to Mental and Poison. If undefeated, each local character suffers 1d4 Poison damage.

First one is automatic
Kess.Melee 1d10+3+3+1d12, Reveal Amulet of Furious Fists +2d6 and Quinn freely reveals Dancing Dagger

Kess Melee Combat Check DC 11+12=23: 1d10 + 6 + 1d12 + 2d6 + 1d4 ⇒ (4) + 6 + (7) + (6, 5) + (4) = 32 Success

Quinn takes 1d4 poison on Kess' turn
Poison damage: 1d4 ⇒ 1 will draw plate to reduce by 3 and display again after the encounter

Quinn removes frightened scourge and moves to Castle

Mother Myrtle performs guard check for Dragon encounter.

Danger?: 1d2 ⇒ 2 Red Mantis Assassin

Red Mantis Assassin:

Story Bane
Type: Monster
Traits: Assassin Human Red Mantis Veteran
To Defeat: Combat 10+##
Resistant to Attack and Fire. Before acting, succeed at a Wisdom or Perception 4+# check or the difficulty to defeat is increased by 1d6. If undefeated, suffer the scourge Wounded.

Will recharge Jasan Adriel to add 1d4 and Ruan to add 1d4

Wisdom Check DC 4+6=10: 1d12 + 4 + 2d4 ⇒ (8) + 4 + (4, 2) = 18 Success; heal 1 so will remove wounded scourge

For combat, will display Lyrune-quah to add 1d6 to all combat and fort checks using Bottled Lightning and recharging Magic Chainmail to add 1d4 along with Quinn's The Queen Mother
Bottled Lightning Craft Check DC 10+12+4+2=28: 1d12 + 6 + 3d8 + 1d6 + 1d4 + 1d12 ⇒ (1) + 6 + (7, 5, 7) + (1) + (1) + (2) = 30 Success; card is healed

Ahmotep is next with hour being Hourglass Card 2 Alase/Zalarian Blessing of Abadar and when examines next card it is Hourglass Card 3 Merisiel/MatsuKurisu Blessing of Maat (blessing 2).
Ahmoteps ends it by automatically succeeding to acquire blessing of Maat by using a blessing from Alahazra and fire snake and sapphire (recharging a staff if necessary). Then for close check, freely blesses with Alase Eclipse for 2d4 and if needed uses maat and power to succeed in acquiring the top card of hour deck.

Botting Harsk turn

Out of Turn Updates: None

Turn Order: Meliski, Reiko, Harsk, Seelah
if random character, using Self as #1

Turn: 13 - Blessing of Shelyn
May examine top card of local character; then you may exchange it for a card in my hand.

Give Card: None
2-5E: Shuffle a random card (Magic Full Plate) from discard into deck

Short Rest?:
For the rest of the Adventure Path, for your move step, you may shuffle a random card from your discard pile into your deck. Note this reward on your Chronicle sheet.

Move: Stay at Treacherous Cave

Location Powers: You must succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 6 check to either move or be moved to another location.


None Henchman 6
Type: Monster
Traits: Undead
To Defeat: Combat 24
The Baykok is immune to the Mental and Poison traits. Before you act, each other character must succeed at a Wisdom 9 check or that character may not play cards or use powers during this encounter. After you act, the Baykok deals 1d4 Ranged Combat damage to you. If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Will determine what resources using before attempting BYA check
Meliski will discard blessing of Thoth to bless twice for BYA..
Wisdom Check DC 9: 1d6 + 2d6 ⇒ (4) + (3, 1) = 8 Not quite
Will recharge Mirror armor to reroll a die for a check
Wisdom Check DC 9: 1d6 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 3 + 4 = 13 Success
Harsk will bury Flaming musket +2 and Meliski will recharge blessing of the samurai
Flaming Musket +2 Combat Check DC 24: 3d10 + 8 + 2d8 ⇒ (10, 5, 2) + 8 + (5, 8) = 38 Monster defeated; I am able to reduce BYA/AYA damage to 0

Will attempt to close...Meliski discards blessing of Gozreh to bless twice
Survival Check DC 7: 1d6 + 3 + 2d6 ⇒ (5) + 3 + (5, 2) = 15 Success

Treacherous Caves is closed

Reminder of Scenario changes:
Treat all monsters as if they have the Undead trait and the following additional power: “The monster is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.

Harsk ends his turn.

Harsk attempts to recover all cards in his Recovery pile.

Harsk resets his hand.


Harsk wrote:

Hand: Humanbane Crossbow +2, Breastplate of Fire Resistance, Monkey, Gem of Physical Prowess, Frost Longbow +1, Blessing of Abadar, Hatchetbird,

Deck: 15 Discard: 1 Buried: 1
Current Location: Treacherous Cave

Available Support: 2 Card(s) are available for Remote Combat support (1d4+1), 0 (maybe 1) Blessing(s) are available
Other: Please bot me if I need to Guard my location!

Deck, Discard, Buried:

Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Legionnaire Chaplain, Masterwork Tools, Bombardier Bow, Longbow +1, Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Flaming Longbow +2, Blessing of Angradd, Magic Full Plate, Archer's Bracers, Blessing of Milani (1), Shock Bullets, Ophidian Armor, Blessing of Cayden Cailean, Blessing of Milani (2)
Discard Pile: Blessing of Gozreh,
Buried Pile: Flaming Musket +2,

Skills and Powers:
Strength d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
Dexterity d10 ☑ +1 ☑ +2 ☑ +3
- Ranged: Dexterity +3
Constitution d10 ☑ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
- Forititude: Constitution +2
Intelligence d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Wisdom d6 ☑ +1 ☑ +2 ☐ +3
- Perception: Wisdom +1
- Survival: Wisdom +1
Charisma d4 ☐ +1

Favored Card: Weapon
Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6 ☑ 7
Light Armor, Weapons
When you would discard a weapon that has the Ranged trait for its power, recharge it instead.
At the ([ ] start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top ([ ] or bottom) card of your location deck.
You may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X]+1) to a combat check by a character at another location.
[X] When you move during your move step, you may examine the top card of your new location deck ([ ]and shuffle it into that deck).
[X] When a monster deals damage to you before ([X] or after) you act, reduce that damage to 0.
[ ] When you would put a barrier faceup on top of a location deck, you may shuffle it facedown into the deck ([ ] or put it facedown on the bottom of the deck) instead.
[ ] You gain the skill Divine: Wisdom +1.
[spoiler=Welcome to Pathfinder Reward]
Society Initiate: At the end of a scenario, if your character is dead, you may cross this reward off; your character is no longer dead. If you have a role card, you may instead cross this reward off to gain a card feat.

Grand Lodge Faction Reward:

[X] [X] Society Agent: You may check an unchecked box that precedes this reward to automatically succeed at your check to temporarily close a location.
You may use this reward up to 2 additional times if you fulfill the following requirements. When you fulfill the requirement, check the box that precedes it; when you use the reward, cross that line off.
[X] Acquire an ally that lists Diplomacy in its check to acquire.
[X] Close a location on the first turn of a scenario.

Season of Tapestry’s Tides Rewards:

Unconventional Firepower: You may add one weapon that has the Firearm trait and one item that has the Ammunition trait from the Gunslinger Class Deck to your box. These cards must have an adventure deck number equal to or lower than your current tier. Each time you advance a tier, you may exchange one of these cards with another card of the same type from the Gunslinger Class Deck, following the same restrictions.

Sea Legs: When you would fail a combat check against a bane that has the Aquatic trait, you may cross out this reward to reroll the dice and add 1d6; take the new result.


Status Link
Most Recent BR Refresh
Current Hour = Current Turn - 1
Notes for Harsk: reroll used
Notes for Seelah: Reroll used
Notes for Meliski: reroll used
Random Card(s) Used: Spells 1-5 from first (need to define procedure for this going forward)
Additional Info 1: Treat all monsters as if they have the Undead trait and the following additional power: “The monster is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
Additional Info 2: Use ACG site (link above)
Reiko - Location #1: Desecrated Vault 1-7 remain // Baykok (shuffled in)
Location #2: Heptaric Locus CLOSED
Meliski - Location #3: Ravenous Crypts of Gluttony 1-8 remain // 1=Ogre
Harsk - Location #4: Treacherous Cave CLOSED
Location #5: Catacombs of Wrath CLOSED
Seelah - Location #6: Vault of Greed CLOSED

Kess recharges ally to add d4+5 to acrobatics
Random Roll: 1d6 + 1d4 + 8 ⇒ (5) + (2) + 8 = 15 success

Kess Combat roll: 1d10 + 2 + 3 + 1d12 + 2d6 + 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 + 3 + (11) + (3, 5) + (3) + 2 = 36 success

Ukuja needs to discard a random card first..will roll a d6 and if 6 consider dire collar.
random card: 1d6 ⇒ 4 light crossbow should be discarded as well for random card

Mavaro needed to examine some cards during his eot
Random Roll: 1d6 ⇒ 5 Dye Market
Random Roll: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 4 cards
Dye Market Card 1: Filter Hood - Banished
Dye Market Card 2: Smoke Stick - Banished
Dye Market Card 3: Aghash - TRIGGER - Sandstorm replaces a blessing in hourglass
Dye Market Card 4: Meehr Zet - Athnul has option to save

1 person marked this as a favorite.

One of the players in one PBP game loved to write a short novel just about each turn and so each of them were enjoyable to read. He would also do separate posts usually and some of this turns would have 3 or 4 posts as he switched between Aric and the Red Raven...this is only an example of two of his posts.

Aric and Red Raven
More Aric and Red Raven

Out of Turn Updates: None

Turn - Hour: 14 - Benefaction
Hour Rules: None
SOT: Turn into Red Raven; swap out psychic detective for Magistrate
Give Card: None
Move: stay put
Location Powers: None

Aric looks at the others and then with an exasparated look shouts "Enough Talking! Lady Andaisin does not act like any lady I know and the local magistrate has a list of transgressions she has done!" Aric ducks around the corner pulling out a very large pistol along with some sort of cloth back which those who are familiar with the noble would correctly theorize to be the mask of the Red Raven. The Red Raven strides in front of Lady Andaisin and fires at her point blank

Forgo free explore and discard magistrate to explore adding d6 to checks against human card

Explore: Alley Card 1 (Lady Andaisin)

Lady Andaisin:

Story Bane 2
Type: Monster
To Defeat:
Combat 16
Before acting, succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 9 check or bury the top 1d4+1 cards of your deck.
After acting, suffer the scourge Wounded.

Will recharge quick-change mask to use stealth for BYA and Ramexes will discard benefaction to bless plus magistrate

Dexterity Fortitude Check DC 9: 2d10 + 4 + 1d6 ⇒ (9, 10) + 4 + (6) = 29 Success

Will discard Hand cannon for combat check along with achaekek blessing and magistrate

Combat Dexterity Check DC 16: 3d10 + 2 + 2d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 8) + 2 + (4, 1) + (1) = 24 Success
1-2 bury,5+shuffle: 1d12 ⇒ 1 weapon is buried

The man's eyes tear at the crumpled corpse for a mere moment before standing up tall, tossing the weapon onto the body and saying, ""It is done.""

Botting Harsk

Out of Turn Updates: None

Turn - Hour: 9 - Blessing of Sarenrae
Hour Rules: None
SOT: None
Give Card: None

2-5E: Shuffle a random card (Blessing of Milani) from discard into deck

Short Rest?:
For the rest of the Adventure Path, for your move step, you may shuffle a random card from your discard pile into your deck. Note this reward on your Chronicle sheet.

Move: Stay at Treacherous Cave

Location Powers: You must succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 6 check to either move or be moved to another location.
Explore: Wand of Shield

Wand of Shield:

RotR Item 1
Traits: Arcane Magic Wand
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane 7
Bury this card to reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2. Succeed at an Arcane 8 check to recharge this card instead of burying it.

Will banish wand of shield and discard blessing of gozreh to explore
Encounter: Corroded Lock
Corroded Lock:

RotR Barrier 6
Traits: Lock
To Defeat: Dexterity Disable 15 OR Combat 30
If defeated, examine the top card of the location deck, then put it on either the top or bottom of the deck.

No way tools can do a 30...
Will reveal and recharge Bombardier bow and recharge deathbane crossbow, longbow+1, masterwork thieves tools to add 4d4; Meliski will recharge blessing of samurai to add a die; Pennon adds 1

Bow Combat Check DC 30: 1d10 + 6 + 1d8 + 1 + 4d4 + 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 6 + (3) + 1 + (2, 1, 4, 2) + (5) + 1 = 26 Not Quite
Bow Combat Check DC 30 PAIZO REROLL: 1d10 + 6 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 6 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 5 + 1 = 30 Lock is busted--spiked chain is attached to lock..will recharge

Harsk ends their turn examining top card of his location - Baykok .

Harsk attempts to recover all cards in their Recovery pile.

Harsk resets their hand.


Harsk wrote:

Hand: Humanbane Crossbow +2, Breastplate of Fire Resistance, Monkey, Flaming Musket +2, Frost Longbow +1, Blessing of Abadar, Hatchetbird,

Deck: 15 Discard: 2 Buried: 0
Current Location: Treacherous Cave

Available Support: 2 Card(s) are available for Remote Combat support (1d4+1), 0 (maybe 1) Blessing(s) are available
Other: Please bot me if I need to Guard my location!

Deck, Discard, Buried:

Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Blessing of Milani (1), Blessing of Milani (2), Archer's Bracers, Flaming Longbow +2, Ophidian Armor, Shock Bullets, Gem of Physical Prowess, Blessing of Angradd, Legionnaire Chaplain, Blessing of Cayden Cailean
Recharged: Bombardier Bow, Longbow +1, Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Masterwork Tools,
Discard Pile: Blessing of Gozreh, Magic Full Plate,
Buried Pile:

Skills and Powers:
Strength d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
Dexterity d10 ☑ +1 ☑ +2 ☑ +3
- Ranged: Dexterity +3
Constitution d10 ☑ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
- Forititude: Constitution +2
Intelligence d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Wisdom d6 ☑ +1 ☑ +2 ☐ +3
- Perception: Wisdom +1
- Survival: Wisdom +1
Charisma d4 ☐ +1

Favored Card: Weapon
Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6 ☑ 7
Light Armor, Weapons
When you would discard a weapon that has the Ranged trait for its power, recharge it instead.
At the ([ ] start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top ([ ] or bottom) card of your location deck.
You may recharge a card to add 1d4 ([X]+1) to a combat check by a character at another location.
[X] When you move during your move step, you may examine the top card of your new location deck ([ ]and shuffle it into that deck).
[X] When a monster deals damage to you before ([X] or after) you act, reduce that damage to 0.
[ ] When you would put a barrier faceup on top of a location deck, you may shuffle it facedown into the deck ([ ] or put it facedown on the bottom of the deck) instead.
[ ] You gain the skill Divine: Wisdom +1.
[spoiler=Welcome to Pathfinder Reward]
Society Initiate: At the end of a scenario, if your character is dead, you may cross this reward off; your character is no longer dead. If you have a role card, you may instead cross this reward off to gain a card feat.

Grand Lodge Faction Reward:

[X] [X] Society Agent: You may check an unchecked box that precedes this reward to automatically succeed at your check to temporarily close a location.
You may use this reward up to 2 additional times if you fulfill the following requirements. When you fulfill the requirement, check the box that precedes it; when you use the reward, cross that line off.
[X] Acquire an ally that lists Diplomacy in its check to acquire.
[X] Close a location on the first turn of a scenario.

Season of Tapestry’s Tides Rewards:

Unconventional Firepower: You may add one weapon that has the Firearm trait and one item that has the Ammunition trait from the Gunslinger Class Deck to your box. These cards must have an adventure deck number equal to or lower than your current tier. Each time you advance a tier, you may exchange one of these cards with another card of the same type from the Gunslinger Class Deck, following the same restrictions.

Sea Legs: When you would fail a combat check against a bane that has the Aquatic trait, you may cross out this reward to reroll the dice and add 1d6; take the new result.


Status Link
Most Recent BR Refresh
Current Hour = Current Turn - 1
Notes for Harsk: reroll used
Notes for Seelah: Reroll used
Notes for Meliski: reroll used
Random Card(s) Used: Spells 1-5 from first (need to define procedure for this going forward)
Additional Info 1: Treat all monsters as if they have the Undead trait and the following additional power: “The monster is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
Additional Info 2: Use ACG site (link above)
Meliski - Location #1: Desecrated Vault 1-9 remain
Seelah - Location #2: Heptaric Locus CLOSED
Location #3: Ravenous Crypts of Gluttony 1-10 remain
Harsk - Location #4: Treacherous Cave 1-4 remain // 1=Baykok 4=spiked chain
Reiko - Location #5: Catacombs of Wrath CLOSED
Location #6: Vault of Greed 1-10 remain // 10=Token of Remembrance

Botting Valeros

Out of Turn Updates: None

Turn - Hour: 13 - Rovagug's Destruction
Hour Rules: On your check, you may banish a random blessing from your discards to bless.
SOT: None
Give Card: None
Move: Stay at Ossuary
Location Powers: On your check, blessings add 1d4 instead of the normal die, except Pharasma or Urgathoa blessings.

Will display Kikko Armor

Explore: Ossuary Card 1: Henchman Proxy A3


Core Story Bane 1
Type: Monster
Traits: Cultist Human Veteran
To Defeat: Combat 10+## OR Diplomacy 8+#
If undefeated, examine the top # cards of the hourglass; if any are blessings, shuffle them into your discards.

Reveal Mace and Maznar reveals crow and recharge blessing of samurai for a d4
Strength Check DC 10+2+2=14: 1d10 + 3 + 1d8 + 1d4 + 1d4 ⇒ (1) + 3 + (2) + (1) + (4) = 11 Not Quite
Strength Check DC 10+2+2=14 PAIZO reroll: 1d10 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 3 + 2 + 1 + 4 = 20 Success
Now attempt to close each person here must encounter Ancient Skeleton (Valeros, Hakon, Maznar, Ramexes

Ancient Skeleton:
Ancient Skeleton
Story Bane Monster 1



Immune to Cold, Mental, and Poison. Vulnerable to Bludgeoning.
Before acting, either recharge a Divine card or suffer 1 Combat damage.

Good chance he won't succeed but hand can be mostly empty..will discard Night Watch for 1 combat damage and reload mace to add d6 along with animal from Maznar
Strength Check DC 11+2+2=15: 1d10 + 3 + 1d8 + 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + 3 + (5) + (1) + (1) = 15 Success

Valeros has no buried cards to exchange for WPC and will move to graveyard to guard that location
Valeros ends their turn.

Valeros attempts to recover all cards in their Recovery pile.

Valeros resets their hand.


Valeros wrote:

Hand: Mace#CORE, Longspear#CORE, Blessing of Gorum, Chain Mail#CORE (1),

Displayed: Kikko Armor,
Deck: 9 Discard: 2 Buried: 0
Current Location: Ossuary

Hero Points: 2
Available Support: 1 Card(s)s are available for Local Combat support 1d6, 1 Blessing is available.
Movement: Barracks
Other: Please bot me if I need to Guard my location!

Deck, Discard, Buried:

Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Naginata, Shock Glaive +1, Crowbar#CORE, Squire, Banner, Blessing of Cayden Cailean, Chain Mail#CORE (2), Greatclub
Recharged: Blessing of the Samurai,
Discard Pile: Retriever, Night Watch,
Buried Pile:

Skills and Powers:
Strength d10 ☑ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3 ☐ +4
- Melee: Strength +2
Dexterity d8 ☐ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
- Ranged: Dexterity +1
Constitution d8 ☐ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
- Forititude: Constitution +2
Intelligence d4 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Wisdom d6 ☐ +1
Charisma d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
- Diplomacy: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Sword Weapon
Hand Size: 4 ☐ 5
Armor, Weapon
On a local combat (□ or your Diplomacy) check, you may reload or recharge a weapon or an armor to add 1d4 ([X]1d6).
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a weapon or an armor from your hand or discards.
You may avenge by discarding (□ or recharging) a card.


Current Location: Graveyard
Acquired: None
Banished: all cards at Ossuary
Examined: None
Random Card(s) Used: None
Displayed: None
Other Player(s) Resources Used: None
Actions needed by other Player(s): Hakon, Maznar, and Ramexes need to encounter Ancient Skeleton

GM Kulko wrote:
Well zetha seems to be fun, but I have two games with him running already so a bit of variety would be welcome.

All good; I decided to go with Alase even before seeing this likely for the same reason.

Hello there...I am looking to play one of the summoners with Adventurer packs and at the moment considering either Zetha or Alase.

Out of Turn Updates: None

Turn - Hour: 9 - Blessings Deck Card 1 (Turn 9 TColMaster) The Theater
Hour Rules: At the start of your turn, examine the top card of your location; you may encounter it.
Examine and Encounter: Manor Card 1: Mirror Image

Mirror Image:

Spell 1


Display. While displayed:
• When you suffer damage, roll 1d4.
On any result other than 1, reduce the damage to 0.
• At the end of the turn, banish.
If proficient, discard this card; you may succeed at an Arcane 11 check to recharge it instead.

Arcane Check DC 9: 1d12 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13 Success - goes into auction pile

SOT: None
Give Card: None
Move: Stay at Manor
Danger check: 1d12 ⇒ 1
Random Roll: 1d6 ⇒ 3 3-Homunculus


Story Bane Monster 1


Immune to Mental and Poison.
Before acting, choose a card type and examine the top card of your location. If no examined card is of that type, the difficulty to defeat is increased by 4.
If undefeated, suffer the scourge Exhausted.

if 1-3 choose Bane: 1d7 ⇒ 2 Choose Bane - but it turns out to be Korvosan Guard so harder to defeat
Will send wand of force missile to recovery and discard orison to bless

Arcane Check DC 10+4=14: 1d12 + 3 + 1d12 ⇒ (12) + 3 + (12) = 27 Success

Location Powers: At the start of your turn, you may recharge an item or a spell to draw a card.
Explore: Manor Card 2: Korvosan Guard

Korvosan Guard:

Ally 0


When a local character suffers damage, recharge to reduce it by 1.
Discard to explore. This exploration, when you suffer damage, reduce it by 1.

Diplomacy Check DC 6: 1d12 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 Success and goes to auction pile

Will discard the Courtesan to explore using cha die on checks
Explore: Manor Card 3: Crowbar


Item 0


On your Strength non-combat check or your check to defeat a Lock or Obstacle barrier, reveal to add 1d8; you may additionally recharge to add another 1d8.

Using Cha die for Str: 1d12 ⇒ 4 Sucess goes into pile

Seoni ends their turn.

Seoni attempts to recover all cards in their Recovery pile - Will choose to bury wand of force missile

Seoni resets their hand.


Seoni wrote:

Hand: Light Crossbow (Core), Knock, Immolate, The Snakebite, Sage, Riding Allosarus,

Deck: 6 Discard: 3 Buried: 1
Hero Points: 0
Available Support: Blessings and Spells are available for use.
Movement: Move me to any non-occupied location if my location closes. If none available, move where needed.
Other: Hi I'm Seoni! Please bot me if I need to Guard my location!

Deck, Discard, Buried:

Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Detect Magic, Force Missile (Core), Wand of Acid Burst, Good Omen, Elixir of Healing
Recharged: Acadamae Student,
Discard Pile: Troubadour, Orison, The Courtesan,
Buried Pile: Wand of Force Missile,

Skills and Powers:
Strength d4 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Dexterity d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
Constitution d6 ☐ +1
Intelligence d8 ☐ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
Knowlege:Intelligence +1
Wisdom d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Charisma d12 ☑ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3 ☐ +4
Arcane: Charisma +2
Diplomacy: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7
For your combat check, you may discard a card (☐ or recharge a spell) to use Arcane + 2d4 plus the card's level and add the Attack, Force, and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
On your check to recharge an Arcane spell ([x] or an Arcane item), you automatically succeed. (☐ You may instead shuffle it into your deck.)


Acquired: See Below
Banished: None
Examined: None
Random Card(s) Used: None
Displayed: Manor Card 1: Mirror Image and Manor Card 2: Korvosan Guard
Manor Card 3: Crowbar near scenario

Other Player(s) Resources Used: None
Actions needed by other Player(s): None

Using our scenario spreadsheet... for Lexicon of the planes locations

rerolling duplicates and locations in use (rolling 2 extra: 1d62 ⇒ 281d62 ⇒ 121d62 ⇒ 151d62 ⇒ 31d62 ⇒ 16

All damage dealt to you is Electricity damage.
You may bury a card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Undead trait.
If a bane you encounter has the Construct trait, the difficulty is increased by 1d6.

Botting a turn for Seoni

Out of Turn Updates: Started at Chambers

Turn - Hour: 4 - Sarenrae’s Light
Hour Rules: When you heal, you may heal an additional card.
SOT: None
Give Card: None
Move: Chambers -> Manor
Scenario check: 1d12 ⇒ 9 No dangers yet
Location Powers: At the start of your turn, you may recharge an item or a spell to draw a card.
Explore: Manor Card 1: Fire Bolt

Will recharge ACADAMAE STUDENT to add d4
Arcane Check DC 8: 1d12 + 3 + 1d4 ⇒ (2) + 3 + (4) = 9 Success - spell goes in auction pile

Fire Bolt:

Spell 1


For your combat check, banish to use Arcane + 2d6. If you have a role card, you may add another 1d6.
If proficient, discard this card; you may succeed at an Arcane 10 check to recharge it instead.

Will discard Troubadour to explore
Explore: Manor Card 2: Half-plate


Armor 0
Heavy Armor


Display. While displayed:
• When you suffer Combat damage, you may draw this card to reduce it by 2.
• If proficient, when you suffer any damage, you may bury to reduce it to 0; you may succeed at a Fortitude 6 check to recharge instead.

Constitution Check DC 7: 1d6 + 0 ⇒ (4) + 0 = 4 No Success

Seoni ends their turn.

Seoni attempts to recover all cards in their Recovery pile.

Seoni resets their hand.


Seoni(TMP) wrote:

Hand: Knock, Immolate, Orison, The Courtesan, Wand of Force Missile, Light Crossbow (Core),

Deck: 8 Discard: 2 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 0
Available Support: Blessings and Spells are available for use.
Movement: Move me to any non-occupied location if my location closes. If none available, move where needed.
Other: Hi I'm Seoni! Please bot me if I need to Guard my location!

Deck, Discard, Buried:

Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Force Missile (Core), Wand of Acid Burst, Sage, Riding Allosarus, Good Omen, The Snakebite, Detect Magic, Elixir of Healing
Discard Pile: Acadamae Student, Troubadour,
Buried Pile:

Skills and Powers:
Strength d4 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Dexterity d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
Constitution d6 ☐ +1
Intelligence d8 ☐ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
Knowlege:Intelligence +1
Wisdom d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Charisma d12 ☑ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3 ☐ +4
Arcane: Charisma +2
Diplomacy: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7
For your combat check, you may discard a card (☐ or recharge a spell) to use Arcane + 2d4 plus the card's level and add the Attack, Force, and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
On your check to recharge an Arcane spell ([x] or an Arcane item), you automatically succeed. (☐ You may instead shuffle it into your deck.)


Current Location: Manor
Acquired: see displayed
Banished: Manor Card 2: Half-Plate
Examined: None
Random Card(s) Used: None
Displayed: Manor Card 1: Fire Bolt
Other Player(s) Resources Used: None
Actions needed by other Player(s): None

Final deck upgrade disposition:
Mavaro Armor 0, Radovan Weapon 1, Amiri Armor 1, Grazzle Item 1

Valeros turn
Out of Turn Updates: Given Frost Longspear from Ezren

Turn - Hour: 13 - The Wanderer
Hour Rules: When a local character fails to acquire a boon, you may bury a card to encounter it.
SOT: None
Give Card: None
Move: Ruin -> Forest
Location Powers: When you defeat a monster, you may discard a card to explore.

Explore: Forest Card 1 (Henchman Proxy A1): Henchman Proxy A1

Will recharge longspear for Before acting and reveal Frost longspear, banner adds 1 and hakon uses strength spell, finally reload naginate for a d6
Melee Strength Check DC 9+2+2=13: 1d10 + 3 + 1d8 + 1d4 + 1 + 3 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + 3 + (2) + (1) + 1 + 3 + (1) = 12 Not Quite
Melee Strength Check DC 9+2+2=13 PAIZO reroll: 1d10 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 3 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 1 = 14 Success
A marker is added to the villain


Core Story Bane 0
Traits: Bandit Human
To Defeat: Combat 9+## OR Banish A Random Boon OR Charisma Diplomacy 9
Before acting, recharge a card. If undefeated or evaded, bury the bottom card of your deck.

Encounter Random Danger: 1d6 ⇒ 4 Goblin Maurauder
Fortitude Check DC 4+2=6: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 No Success
Random Roll: 1d4 ⇒ 11d4 ⇒ 2 Suffer 2 combat damage recharging kikko armor

Will reveal frost longspear and then reload it to add d6, banner adds 1 and strength spell adds 3
Melee Strength Check DC 9+2+2=13: 1d10 + 3 + 1d8 + 1d4 + 1d6 + 1 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 + (1) + (2) + (5) + 1 + 3 = 25 Success

Goblin Marauder:

Core Story Bane 1
Traits: Check To Defeat Type Monster Combat Goblin Veteran
To Defeat: Combat 9+##
Before acting, succeed at a Dexterity, Constitution, Acrobatics, or Fortitude 4+# check. If you fail, roll 1d4: 1. Suffer 1d4 Ranged Combat damage. 2. Suffer 2 Fire damage. 3. Suffer the scourge Poisoned. 4. Bury a card.

Forest is closed
Valeros and Hakon move to Ruin

Valeros ends their turn.

Valeros resets their hand.


Valeros wrote:

Hand: Naginata, Greatclub, Crowbar#CORE, Frost Longspear,

Displayed: Banner,
Deck: 9 Discard: 5 Buried: 0

Available Support: 1 Card(s)s are available for Local Combat support 1d6, 1 Blessing is available.
Other: Please bot me if I need to Guard my location!

Deck, Discard, Buried:

Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Blessing of Gorum, Chain Mail#CORE (1), Blessing of Cayden Cailean, Mace#CORE, Chain Mail#CORE (2), Shock Glaive +1
Recharged: Retriever, Longspear#CORE, Kikko Armor,
Discard Pile: Crowbar#CORE (2), Night Watch, Quartermaster, Prayer, Blessing of the Samurai,
Buried Pile:

Skills and Powers:
Strength d10 ☑ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3 ☐ +4
- Melee: Strength +2
Dexterity d8 ☐ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
- Ranged: Dexterity +1
Constitution d8 ☐ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
- Forititude: Constitution +2
Intelligence d4 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Wisdom d6 ☐ +1
Charisma d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
- Diplomacy: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Sword Weapon
Hand Size: 4 ☐ 5
Armor, Weapon
On a local combat (□ or your Diplomacy) check, you may reload or recharge a weapon or an armor to add 1d4 ([X]1d6).
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a weapon or an armor from your hand or discards.
You may avenge by discarding (□ or recharging) a card.


Status Link
Most Recent BR Refresh
Current Blessing = Current Turn - Last BR Update(13)
Notes for Hakon: 2 HP and reroll used
Notes for Valeros: reroll used
Notes for Lirianne: Ezren used blessing of calistria; Lirianne is exhausted
Notes for Aric: Ezren used Achaekek and harrow deck
Additional Info 1: Banner is Displayed +1 for Combat checks ; On your turn, if you suffer a scourge you didn’t already have a marker for, a random other character that doesn’t have a marker for it also suffers it. Treat the story banes Bandit and Bandit Leader as if the check to defeat also lists "OR Charisma Diplomacy 9"
Additional Info 2: When the Bandit is defeated with a combat check, mark the Bandit Leader with a bandit marker. The difficulty of checks to defeat the Bandit Leader is increased by its number of bandit markers (maximum equal to the number of characters (6)). When the Bandit is defeated without a combat check, you may bury a boon to summon and encounter a non-Animal ally then remove a bandit marker from the Bandit Leader.
Location #1: Base 1-2 remain

Location #3: Ravine 1-11 remain
Aric, Valeros, Hakon - Location #5: Ruin 1-8 remain

Maznar, Lirianne, Swamp - Location #7: Swamp 1-6 remain
Location #8: River 1-11 remain // 1=Villain
Location #9: Trail 1-11 remain

Out of Turn Updates: Adowyn Must encounter Pairaka on Mnenoset's turn - will recharge Volcanic Storm to evade. At the end of Mavaro's turn, will have Nyctessa bury wand of flying to move to garden of symmetry..(due to improper turn, will forgo examines granted)

Mavaro ends his turn. If Five-Pointed Sun is not occupied, add a random monster.
Examine cards of location..if 1 barrier examined, may attempt to close

Cards to examine at location: 2d4 ⇒ (1, 3) = 4 examine 4 cards
Great Library of Tephu Card 5: Sand Elemental
Great Library of Tephu Card 6: Ghawwa TRIGGER
Random character encounters Pairaka using player order - Nyctessa, Athnul, Raz, Mavaro, Adowyn: 1d5 ⇒ 4 Mavaro must encounter

Since Create Mindscape was top card will use knowledge for divine with chronicler and spellbook

Knowledge Check for Divine DC 9: 1d8 + 4 + 1d6 + 1d4 ⇒ (1) + 4 + (2) + (1) = 8 Not quite
Knowledge Check for Divine DC 9 with Paizo reroll: 1d8 + 4 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 4 + 2 + 1 = 14 Success
After acting, get a scourge
Random Scourge: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8 Curse of the Sphinx.
Since monster defeated will remove curse of the sphinx scourge


None Henchman 2
Type: Monster
Traits: Curse Outsider Trigger
To Defeat: Combat 13 OR Divine 9
When you examine this card, shuffle the top card of the blessings deck into your location deck. The Pairaka is immune to the Fire and Poison traits. If the check to defeat has the Acid or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die. After you act, suffer a scourge. If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

2 more cards to examine..
Great Library of Tephu Card 7: Holy Light
Great Library of Tephu Card 8: Holy Word Trap TRIGGER

no cold, mummy cards in hand and then encounter
Since Create Mindscape is still top card will use knowledge for divine

Knowledge Check DC 11: 1d8 + 4 + 1d6 + 1d4 ⇒ (4) + 4 + (5) + (2) = 15 Success

Holy Word Trap:

Barrier 5
To Defeat:
Divine 11
OR Intelligence
Perception 13
When you examine this card, discard all cards that have the Cold, Mummy, or Undead trait, then encounter this card.
If undefeated, each character at your location is dealt 1d4 Fire damage, then shuffle a barrier from the box into your location deck.

Since only one barrier examined, can attempt to close.
Knowledge Check DC 6: 1d8 + 4 + 1d6 + 1d4 ⇒ (1) + 4 + (4) + (4) = 13 Auto Success
Libary of Tephu closed
Acquire Knock spell on closing

Based on how written, Call spirit should be displayed before eot. However, if Mavaro displayed near end of his turn it would be discarded since that is not what he wanted (or made sense to do since didn't use all turn) then need to discard a few cards in order to draw create mindscape and then display both at Adowyn's SOT. Will discard Monstrous Physique and Knock spell for reset and display create mindscape and call spirit at Five Pointed Sun.


Mavaro wrote:

Hand: The Missing Eye, Spellbook, Chronicler, Sign of the Rider, Sign of the Bridge, Binder's Tome,

Top Card: Pyrokinesis Displayed:
Deck: 9 Discard: 9 Buried: 0
Current Location: #7: Chisisek's Tomb
Hero Points: 5
Tier.XP: 5.2
Reroll Avail: Yes
Available Support: Blessings (Signs): Use as needed (Elements if can recharge)
Monstrous Physique: Buff Str, Dex, reduce damage, and move
Other: Boon: freely play a blessing (1/3) PLEASE USE!

Deck, Discard, Buried:

Reloaded: Pyrokinesis,
Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Restorative Touch (Core), Sign of the Stranger, Sign of the Lantern Bearer, Sign of the Patriarch, Wand of Flying, Bird Feather Tokens, Blessing of the Elements, Kinetic Blast
Discard Pile: Cleric of Nethys, Blessing of Abadar, Tarworks Master, Wayfinder, Object Reading, Armor of the Sands, Blessing of the Ancients, Monstrous Physique, Knock,
Buried Pile:

Skills and Powers:
Strength d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Dexterity d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Constitution d8 ☐ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
Intelligence d8 ☑ +1 ☑ +2 ☑ +3
Knowledge: Intelligence +1
Wisdom d8 ☑ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2

Skills equal to Knowledge (from top card):

Favored Card: Your Choice (Weapon)
Hand Size: 6 ☑ 7 ☑ 8
Arcane | Divine | Light Armors | ☐ Heavy Armor | Weapons
Play with the top card of your deck faceup. You gain all skills that could be used to acquire that card equal to your Knowledge skill. (☐ You may also add any of the card's traits to your checks.)
You may discard (☑ or recharge) a card to search your deck for a card and set it aside; shuffle your deck, then put that card on top.
☐ On you check against a bane that has the Outsider or Undead trait, add 1d6 (☐ 2d6).
☑ When you would recharge or discard the weapon The Missing Eye, you may reveal it instead.
☐ When you play the weapon The Missing Eye on your combat check, you may add 1d6 (☐ 2d6); if you do, you are dealt 1 Mental damage that may not be reduced.
☑ When you defeat a monster (☐ or acquire a blessing), you may recharge a random card that has the Sign trait from your discard pile or banish a card that has the Curse or Haunt trait displayed next to a character's deck.


Status Link
Most Recent BR Refresh
Current Blessing = Blessings Deck Card X where X = ?Current Turn - BR Refresh Turn (6)
Notes for Adowyn: Hero point used; reroll used
Notes for Nyctessa: Curse of Daybane, Wand of flying is buried
Notes for Athnul: given ring of stony flesh
Notes for Mavaro: used reroll
Additional Info 1: unreduced Acid, Elect, Fire dmg=Curse of Sphinx
Additional Info 2: Examine 2d4 cards at end of turn; attempt close if only 1 barrier examined
Raz - Five-Pointed Sun random (1-2,a) remain // a=Earth Ossumental(Great Library of Tephu #2), Call Spirit: +1d4,+1d6 Perception; Create Mindscape: +1d4 int, wis, cha
Mnesoset - Garden of Symmetry CLOSED

Adowyn, Nyctessa - Altar of Riddles CLOSED 2-5,7-11 remain
Chisisek's Tomb CLOSED 7-11 remain //
Mavaro - Great Library of Tephu CLOSED

Botting Reiko's turn

Out of Turn Updates: near end of Meliski's turn will bury sacred candle to draw blessing of Gozreh

Turn - Hour: 7 - Hourglass Card 6 Reiko/eddiephlash Blessing of Iomedae
Hour Rules: None
SOT: None
Give Card: None
Move: Stay at Courtyard
Location Powers: Before your combat check, each character at this location must succeed at a Dexterity or Acrobatics 8 check or be dealt 1d4 Combat damage.
Explore: Courtyard Card 3: Magic Full Plate

Constitution Check DC 6: 1d6 + 0 ⇒ (4) + 0 = 4 No Success

Courtyard Card 3:
Magic Full Plate
Armor 3
Heavy Armor
To Acquire:
Fortitude 6
Recharge this card to reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 4.
Banish this card to reduce all damage dealt to you to 0; if you are proficient with heavy armors, bury this card instead.
If you are proficient with heavy armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.

Will discard Wayfinder to examine Courtyard Card 4: Spiny Shield and choose to shuffle and then explore
Random Courtyard Card: 1d7 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 Courtyard Card 7: Longsword +2

Reiko Strength Check DC 10: 1d6 ⇒ 6 No Success - banished

Longsword +2:

Weapon 3
To Acquire:
Melee 10
For your combat check, reveal this card to roll your Strength or Melee die + 1d8+2; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d6. If you aren't proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.

Will discard Blessing of Gozreh to explore again
Random Courtyard Card: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 Courtyard Card 5: Wand of Shield

Intelligence Check DC 6: 1d6 + 0 ⇒ (4) + 0 = 4 No Success - Banished

Wand of Shield:

Item 1
To Acquire:
Arcane 7
Bury this card to reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2.
Succeed at an Arcane 8 check to recharge this card instead of burying it.

Reiko ends their turn.

Reiko attempts to recover all cards in their Recovery pile.

Reiko resets their hand; can't make check and hand size is now 5.

Reiko wrote:

Hand: Venomous Fighting Fan +1, Embalming Fluid, Steal Soul, Materialize, Bo Urgathoa,

Displayed: Master Cartman,
Deck: 8 Discard: 5 Buried: 2
Notes: Local Weapon/Armor/Item acquisitions can be turned into heals. Cartman can be used to pass an acquired card to another character. Materialize let's me BAMF in to take your bane encounter with +3.

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Dexterity d10 [x] +1 [x] +2 [x] +3 [ ] +4
Acrobatics: Dexterity + 3
Ranged: Dexterity + 2
Stealth: Dexterity + 3
Constitution d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Intelligence d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Charisma d8 [x] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3

Favored Card: Card that has the poison trait or weapon
Hand Size: 7
Proficient with: Light Armors, Weapons, Poison
If you are the only character at your location, you may reveal a card that has the Poison trait or recharge a card to add 1d6 ([x] or your Charisma skill) and the Poison trait to your combat check ([x] or your Acrobatics or Stealth check) ([x] or your check to defeat a barrier or close a location).
You may evade your encounter. ([ ] Then you may either examine the top card of your location deck or move.)
[x] When a character at your location acquires a weapon, an armor, or an item, ([ ] or any boon), she may banish it to shuffle a random card from her discard pile into her deck.

Hero Points: 3

Status Link
Most Recent BR Refresh
Current Hour = Current Turn - 1
Notes for Seelah: Used mat reroll and spent a Hero Point
Additional Info 1: when reset and hand size is 3+, DC 9 Con/Fort/Arcane/Divine or -1 hand size

Reiko - Location #1: Courtyard (random 4,6,8-10) remain // 4=spiny shield
Seelah - Location #2: Festering Maze of Sloth CLOSED
Meliski - Location #3: Thassilonian Library CLOSED
Location #4: Academy CLOSED
Harsk - Location #5: Prison 3,2, 4-10 remain // 3=Alu-Demon Sister, 4=Pyromaniac Mage

For Valeros' turn, Wolf Pack requires a check during the before acting step. Requirement is local so can be self instead of Ezren
Before Acting Wolf Pack - Combat DC 11 drop lowest d8: 1d10 + 2d8 + 3 - 5 ⇒ (6) + (8, 5) + 3 - 5 = 17 Defeated

wrapping up Valeros turn. Will banish prayer to examine next card and can explore.
Examine Villain and will choose not to explore


Valeros wrote:

Hand: Naginata, Blessing of the Samurai, Kikko Armor, Retriever,

Deck: 10 Discard: 3 Buried: 0
// Valeros has the following scourges marked:
While Marked:
You cannot evade or move.

When your location is closed, remove this scourge.

Available Support: 0 Card(s)s are available for Local Combat support 1d6, 1 Blessing is available.
Other: Please bot me if I need to Guard my location!

Deck, Discard, Buried:

Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Greatclub, Chain Mail#CORE (1), Chain Mail#CORE (2), Crowbar#CORE, Shock Glaive +1, Blessing of Gorum, Longspear#CORE, Blessing of Cayden Cailean, Banner, Mace#CORE
Discard Pile: Crowbar#CORE (2), Night Watch, Quartermaster,
Buried Pile:

Skills and Powers:
Strength d10 ☑ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3 ☐ +4
- Melee: Strenght +2
Dexterity d8 ☐ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
- Ranged: Dexterity +1
Constitution d8 ☐ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
- Forititude: Constitution +2
Intelligence d4 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Wisdom d6 ☐ +1
Charisma d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
- Diplomacy: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Sword Weapon
Hand Size: 4 ☐ 5
Armor, Weapon
On a local combat (□ or your Diplomacy) check, you may reload or recharge a weapon or an armor to add 1d4 ([X]1d6).
At the end of your turn, you may recharge a weapon or an armor from your hand or discards.
You may avenge by discarding (□ or recharging) a card.


Ezren's turn indicated fox was recharged from Hakon's turn..not sure what that is about since fox wasn't used and as I understand it fox is one of Ezren's confiscated cards

Ezren Wisdom Check DC 4 from Valeros turn: 1d8 + 1d4 ⇒ (8) + (4) = 12 Success

Botting Nyctessa's guard check..using spellbook and Mavaro's create mindscape and Mavaro's blessing Sign of the Pack.

Nyctessa Knowledge Check DC 10: 1d10 + 3 + 1d4 + 1d4 + 1d10 ⇒ (3) + 3 + (1) + (4) + (10) = 21 Success

Botting Valeros checks for cultist and guard check. Cultist is # due to bane power from Ezren's turn; since have armor and check doesn't need to succeed will roll normal. Banner adds 1

Strength combat Check DC 10+1+1+1=13: 1d10 + 3 + 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 3 + (1) + 1 = 10 Not quite
Strength combat Check DC 10+1+1+1=13 PAIZO reroll: 5 + 3 + 1d8 + 1 ⇒ 5 + 3 + (5) + 1 = 14 success

During Maznar's turn, must encounter blessing for guard recharging quartermaster. Hour is Harrow so 1 is added.
Dexterity Check DC 3: 1d6 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + (1) + 1 = 3 Auto Success


Blessing 0
When this is the hour: No effect.
To Acquire:
Divine 3
On any check, discard to bless.
Discard to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore.

Reading room is guarded

SOT for chamber for Arueshalae has been done..Alahazra is teleported to Teleportation chamber.

botting Heggal's check revealing ally...Ukuja recharges blessing green faith for a die
Wisdom Check DC 8+4=12: 1d8 + 1d4 + 2 + 1d8 ⇒ (7) + (4) + 2 + (7) = 20 Success

Story Bane Barrier 0



If undefeated, suffer 1d4 Combat damage, then succeed at a Strength 5+# check or suffer the scourge Entangled.

Continuing Nyctessa's turn. Will choose not to close location.

Nyctessa ends their turn.

Nyctessa attempts to recover all cards in their Recovery pile.
Arcane Check DC 12 with spellbook: 1d10 + 4 + 1d4 ⇒ (7) + 4 + (4) = 15 Success

Nyctessa resets their hand.
Curse of Poisoning recharges random card (Hungry Ghost Monk).


Nyctessa (temp) wrote:

Hand: Hungering Staff, Acid Rain, Cloudburst, Spellbook, Glyphbane Gloves, Blessing of Sivanah,

Deck: 11 Discard: 5 Buried: 0
Current Location: Altar of Riddles
Hero Points: 3
Dice Re-Roll Used for 3-4C?: N

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Dexterity d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Constitution d4 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Intelligence d10 ☑ +1 ☑ +2 ☑ +3 ☑ +4
Arcane: Intelligence +2
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d8 ☐ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
Charisma d8 ☐ +1 ☐ +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size: 7
• When you would defeat a monster and would banish it, you may draw it instead, then you may shuffle into your deck a random card from your discard pile.
• You may banish an ally, a monster, or a card that has the Corrupted trait to add 1d4 or a number of d4s equal to the banished card's adventure deck number to your check to defeat a monster.
• Once per turn, if you are required to remove cards from your deck and you don't have enough, you do not die.
• If your check is against a card that has the Undead trait, add 1d8.


Status Link
Most Recent BR Refresh
Current Blessing = Blessings Deck Card X where X = Current Turn - BR Refresh Turn (9)
Notes for Nyctessa: Poisoned
Notes for Raz: Use Hand of honest man
Additional Info 1: Acid, fire can cause scourge
Additional Info 2: closing before runes = bury random card
Athnul - Location #1: Altar of Riddles CLOSED
Mavaro, Nyctessa - Location #2: Precious Mine 5-9 remain // Jistkan Rune Displayed
Urgraz - Location #3: Silver Forge 2-10 remain
Location #4: Quarry CLOSED //
Raz - Location #5: Scorched Ruins CLOSED
Location #6: Scorched Obelisk 1-11 remain //
Location #7: Stonework Passages 1-11 remain

Performing Nyctessa's turn

Turn - Hour: 11 - Hourglass Card 2 Olenjack/ajpopp Blessing of the Elements
Hour Rules: None
SOT: None
Give Card: None
Move: Altar of Riddles -> Precious Mine
Location Powers: The difficulty to defeat banes that have Construct trait is increased by 1d6.
Explore: Precious Mine Card 3 (Glyphbane Gloves)

reveal Spellbook
Arcane Check DC 7: 1d10 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (1) + 5 + (3) = 9 Auto Success

Glyphbane Gloves:

Item 2
To Acquire:
Divine 7
Recharge this card to add 2 dice to your check against a barrier that has the Arcane or Magic trait.

Will discard blessing of pharasma to explore again
Explore: Precious Mine Card 4: Warrior Dolls
Construct Difficulty: 1d6 ⇒ 4 Dc=10+4+4+4=22/24

Will use Fire and Ice which adds an additional die

Arcane Check DC 22/24: 1d12 + 4 + 2d8 + 3 + 1d12 ⇒ (12) + 4 + (5, 5) + 3 + (8) = 37 Success

Warrior Dolls:

Henchman 1
Type: Monster
To Defeat:
Combat 10
The Warrior Dolls are immune to the Mental and Poison traits. The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the current scenario's adventure deck number. If the check to defeat has the Fire trait, add 1 die.
If you do not defeat the Warrior Dolls by at least 2, shuffle a random barrier from the box into a random open location deck.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Closing here is a bit difficult, will consult group

Discard blessing of abadar and use find traps
Alrueshalae Ranged check DC12: 5d8 + 5 ⇒ (8, 2, 3, 3, 4) + 5 = 25 Parley is defeated

Jirelle already successfully did close check using blessing of Gozreh from Meliski

Since Adowyn dealt with the first check of the swarms, Mavaro has only one to do each. Reveal Missing eye twice

Knowledge Check DC 8/10: 1d8 + 4 + 1d8 + 1 + 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 + (8) + 1 + (6) + 4 = 30 Auto Success; will remove curse of poisoning from self

Knowledge Check DC 8/10: 1d8 + 4 + 1d8 + 1 + 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 + (1) + 1 + (1) + 4 = 14 Auto Success; will recharge random sign card (Sign of the Lantern Bearer)

Ubashki Swarm:

Monster 1
To Defeat:
Combat 8
THEN Combat 8
When you examine this card, succeed at a Stealth 6 check or each character at your location summons and encounters an Ubashki Swarm.
The Ubashki Swarm is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If the Ubashki Swarm is not defeated by at least 2 on both checks, succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 7 check or bury 1 card.

since spell allows encounter rather than explore, will then cast Locate Object
Encounter: Earthworks Card 3: Stone Weasel

Knowledge Check DC 6: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11 Success

Stone Weasel:

Ally C
To Acquire:
Survival 6
Recharge this card to reduce Cold, Electricity, or Fire damage dealt to you by 1.
Discard this card to explore your location. Add 1d4 to your checks to acquire items during this exploration.

Earthworks is now shuffled

Mavaro recharges restorative touch to put Object Reading on top and shuffle

Mavaro ends their turn.
Random location to examine bottom card: 1d5 ⇒ 1 Garden of Symmetry Card 10: Elemental Mastery (Spell 3) is now on top of blessing of pharasma

Mavaro attempts to recover all cards in his Recovery pile.
Locate Object: Divine 8: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10 -> Locate Object recharged .

Mavaro resets their hand.


Mavaro wrote:

Hand: The Missing Eye, Stone Weasel, Object Reading, Pyrokinesis, Call Spirit, Blessing of the Elements, Spellbook,

Top Card: Displayed:
Deck: 12 Discard: 1 Buried: 0
Current Location: #6: Shifting Dunes
Hero Points: 5
Tier.XP: 4.2
Reroll: Yes
Available Support: Blessings (Signs): Use as needed (Blessing of the Elements if can recharge)

Other: Boon: freely play a blessing (1/3) PLEASE USE!

Deck, Discard, Buried:

Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Armor of the Sands, Sign of the Lantern Bearer, Create Mindscape, Restorative Touch (Core), Binder's Tome, Wayfinder, Sign of the Stranger, Chronicler, Planchette, Sign of the Pack, Sign of the Rider
Recharged: Locate Object,
Discard Pile: Cleric of Nethys,
Buried Pile:

Skills and Powers:
Strength d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Dexterity d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Constitution d8 ☐ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
Intelligence d8 ☑ +1 ☑ +2 ☑ +3
Knowledge: Intelligence +1
Wisdom d8 ☐ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2

Skills equal to Knowledge (from top card):

Favored Card: Your Choice (Weapon)
Hand Size: 6 ☑ 7 ☐ 8
Arcane | Divine | Light Armors | ☐ Heavy Armor | Weapons
Play with the top card of your deck faceup. You gain all skills that could be used to acquire that card equal to your Knowledge skill. (☐ You may also add any of the card's traits to your checks.)
You may discard (☑ or recharge) a card to search your deck for a card and set it aside; shuffle your deck, then put that card on top.
☐ On you check against a bane that has the Outsider or Undead trait, add 1d6 (☐ 2d6).
☑ When you would recharge or discard the weapon The Missing Eye, you may reveal it instead.
☐ When you play the weapon The Missing Eye on your combat check, you may add 1d6 (☐ 2d6); if you do, you are dealt 1 Mental damage that may not be reduced.
☑ When you defeat a monster (☐ or acquire a blessing), you may recharge a random card that has the Sign trait from your discard pile or banish a card that has the Curse or Haunt trait displayed next to a character's deck.


Botting Mavaro's turn

Out of Turn Updates: None

Turn - Hour: 4 - Blessing of Thoth
Hour Rules: None
SOT: None
Give Card: None
Move: Garden of Symmetry -> Thornscrub
Location Powers: Banes that have the Poison trait may not be evaded.
Explore: Thornscrub Card 1: Girtablilu

I did not examine so no stealth/difficulty increase. Also do not have any cards with attack trait in hand
Will recharge Create Mindscape to shuffle deck and reload Blessing of the Elements. Will then reveal the missing eye and recharge reveal to add d6 and cold; will also discard sign of the lantern bearer to add a die

Knowledge Check DC 19: 1d8 + 4 + 1d8 + 1 + 1d6 + 4 + 1d8 ⇒ (4) + 4 + (5) + 1 + (3) + 4 + (7) = 28 Success; Will then banish Nyctessa's ravenous scourge


Henchman 4
Type: Monster
To Defeat:
Combat 19
When you examine this card, succeed at a Stealth 7 check; otherwise, encounter it and add 3 to the difficulty to defeat.
Before you act, if you have a card in your hand that has the Attack trait, you are dealt 1d4 Poison damage.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Will then close by taking a point of poison damage discarding cleric of Nethys and getting curse of poisoning

Will then recharge wayfinder to move to Scorched Obelisk and examine 2 cards
Earthworks Card 1 (Telekinesis Trap)
Earthworks Card 2:Ubashki Swarm TRIGGER

By it's wording, it looks like Mavaro encounters swarm twice (1st summoned and 2nd actual card..pausing for Adowyn/Urgraz to deal with hers first

Ubashki Swarm:

Monster 1
To Defeat:
Combat 8
THEN Combat 8
When you examine this card, succeed at a Stealth 6 check or each character at your location summons and encounters an Ubashki Swarm.
The Ubashki Swarm is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If the Ubashki Swarm is not defeated by at least 2 on both checks, succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 7 check or bury 1 card.

Botting Heggal's turn

Out of Turn Updates: None

Turn: 8 - Hourglass Card 1 Heggal/kuey The Lucky Drunk

After your exploration, you may move to a random location.
SOT: None
Give Card: None
Move: Stay at Chambers
Location Powers: None
Explore: Chambers Card 2: Henchman Proxy A4 - Rakshasa
Will reveal Evangelist for card power and character power
Dexterity Check DC 6: 1d6 + 1d4 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + (3) + 2 + 1 = 8 Success

Botting Dex/cha checks
Aric will use cockroach coat and Varian will recharge Ambrosia for urban assistance
Aric Acrobatics Check Untrained DC 6: 1d4 + 1d4 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + (3) + (1) + 1 = 6 Success

Varian Acrobatics Check DC 6: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8 Success

Will reveal Evangelist twice and cat o nine tails; Varian reveals Binder's tome. Varian recharges Toxic cloud for urban assistance
Combat Check DC 16: 1d8 + 4 + 3d4 + 1d4 + 3 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 4 + (4, 1, 4) + (2) + 3 + (3) + 1 = 24 Success; rerolling a 4 won't matter

Story Bane Monster 3



Resistant to Attack. Vulnerable to Piercing.
Before acting, each local character must succeed at a Dexterity or Acrobatics 6 check or suffer 1d4-1 Electricity damage.
After the roll, if the check was not blessed, reroll 1 die with the highest value.

Will attempt to close by doing dex 5+# check; Varian recharges spellbook for urban assistance; reveal Evangelist twice and finally discarding Angradd to bless

Dexterity Check DC 5+3=8: 1d6 + 1d4 + 1 + 1 + 1d4 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + (3) + 1 + 1 + (2) + 2 + (1) = 14 Auto Success

Everyone moves to Barracks

Varian will discard Rodrick to draw Harrow deck to hand

Heggal ends their turn.

Heggal attempts to recover all cards in their Recovery pile.

Heggal resets their hand discarding Aqueous Orb and Cat o Nine Tails.

Acquired: None
Banished: None
Examined: None
Random Card(s) Used: None
Displayed: None
Other Player(s) Resources Used: None
Actions needed by other Player(s): None


Heggal (Life of the Party) wrote:

Hand: Katana +1, Ruan Mirukova, Evangelist, Dwarven War Shield, Standard Bearer, Surgeon,

Displayed: Kikko Armor,
Deck: 8 Discard: 4 Buried: 0
Current Location: #2: Glade
Hero Points: 2
Tier.XP : 3.2
Reroll: No
Available Support: Blessings: Use as needed; Ruan Mirukova: +1d4 & Magic to local check; heal 1 if succeed; Evangelist: recharge for +1d4 to local check
Movement: If current location closes: #6: Chambers

Deck, Discard, Buried:

Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Blessing of Cayden Cailean, Banner, Retainer, Lookout, Portable Ram, Augury
Recharged: Fireblade, Blessing of the Samurai,
Discard Pile: The Inquisitor, Blessing of Angradd, Aqueous Orb, Cat-o'-Nine-Tails,
Buried Pile:

Skills and Powers:
Strength d8 ☑ +1 ☑ +2 ☐ +3
Melee: Strength +2
Dexterity d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Constitution d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
Intelligence d4 ☐ +1
Wisdom d8 ☐ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
Divine: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 ☐ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
Diplomacy: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Ally
Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6 ☐ 7 ☐ 8
Light Armors | Heavy Armors | ☐ Weapons
Instead of your first exploration on a turn, you may reveal an ally to choose a character at your location. Shuffle 1d4+1 (☐+2) random cards from her discard pile into her deck, then discard the ally you revealed.
You may reveal an ally that lists Diplomacy in its check to acquire to add 1d4 (☑+1)(☑+2) (☐+3) to your check.
☐ At the start of your turn, you may discard 1 ally then add 1 weapon (☐ or card) from your discard pile to your hand.
☐ When you play Blessing of Cayden Cailean, you may recharge it (☐ or shuffle it into your deck) instead of discarding it.


Status Link
Most Recent BR Refresh
Current Blessing = Blessings Deck Card X where X = Current Turn - BR Refresh Turn (4)
Notes for Ukuja: Cure used on Varian (requires recovery check)
Additional Info 1: Only 1 location can be guarded; if villain escapes shuffle in monsters instead of blessings

Ukuja, Aric, Heggal, Varian - Location #4: Barracks 1,3,2,4-10 remain // 1=Spiked Volley, 2=Armor, 3=Prayer

Location #7: Base 1 remain // 1=Thousand Bones


Hourglass Cards/Turn Order:
Hourglass Card 1 Adowyn/Zalarian:
Hourglass Card 1 Adowyn/Zalarian



Villain B

Type: Barrier





To Defeat:


When you examine this card or discard it from the blessings deck, each character moves to a random location, then examines the top card of his location deck; if it is a boon, shuffle his location deck. Then banish this card.

"A 'weather phenomenon'? Weather comes from the sky_ This is the earth coming up to claim you_" –Tetisurah the gynosphinx

[b]Hourglass Card 2 Olenjack/ajpopp:
Hourglass Card 2 Olenjack/ajpopp

Blessing of Pharasma


Blessing C




To Acquire:



Divine 5

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Discard this card to add 2 dice to a check if a spell was played during that check.

Discard this card to explore your location.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hourglass Card 3 Athnul/Mhuirich:
Hourglass Card 3 Athnul/Mhuirich

Blessing of Abadar


Blessing C




To Acquire:


Disable 6

OR Divine 5

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Discard this card to add 2 dice to any check to defeat a barrier.

Discard this card to explore your location.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hourglass Card 4 Raz/MauveAvengr:
Hourglass Card 4 Raz/MauveAvengr



Villain B

Type: Barrier





To Defeat:


When you examine this card or discard it from the blessings deck, each character moves to a random location, then examines the top card of his location deck; if it is a boon, shuffle his location deck. Then banish this card.

"A 'weather phenomenon'? Weather comes from the sky_ This is the earth coming up to claim you_" –Tetisurah the gynosphinx

[b]Hourglass Card 5 Mavaro/kuey:
Hourglass Card 5 Mavaro/kuey

Blessing of Pharasma


Blessing B




To Acquire:



Divine 5

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Discard this card to add 2 dice to a check if a spell was played during that check.

Discard this card to explore your location.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hourglass Card 6 Adowyn/Zalarian:
Hourglass Card 6 Adowyn/Zalarian

Blessing of the Ancients


Blessing B




To Acquire:

Divine 3

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.

After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hourglass Card 7 Olenjack/ajpopp:
Hourglass Card 7 Olenjack/ajpopp

Blessing of the Elements


Blessing C



To Acquire:






Charisma 6

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.

Discard this card to explore your location.

Hourglass Card 8 Athnul/Mhuirich:
Hourglass Card 8 Athnul/Mhuirich

Sun Falcon


Monster 1




To Defeat:

Combat 11

The Sun Falcon is immune to the Fire trait. All damage dealt by the Sun Falcon is Fire damage. If the check to defeat the Sun Falcon has the Cold trait, add 1d8.

If defeated, shuffle the Sun Falcon into the blessings deck.

When this card is the top card of the blessings discard pile, banish it and draw a random blessing from the box.

Hourglass Card 9 Raz/MauveAvengr:
Hourglass Card 9 Raz/MauveAvengr

Blessing of Pharasma


Blessing B




To Acquire:



Divine 5

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Discard this card to add 2 dice to a check if a spell was played during that check.

Discard this card to explore your location.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hourglass Card 10 Mavaro/kuey:
Hourglass Card 10 Mavaro/kuey

Blessing of the Ancients


Blessing B




To Acquire:

Divine 3

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.

After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hourglass Card 11 Adowyn/Zalarian:
Hourglass Card 11 Adowyn/Zalarian

Blessing of the Elements


Blessing B



To Acquire:






Charisma 6

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.

Discard this card to explore your location.

Hourglass Card 12 Olenjack/ajpopp:
Hourglass Card 12 Olenjack/ajpopp



Villain B

Type: Barrier





To Defeat:


When you examine this card or discard it from the blessings deck, each character moves to a random location, then examines the top card of his location deck; if it is a boon, shuffle his location deck. Then banish this card.

"A 'weather phenomenon'? Weather comes from the sky_ This is the earth coming up to claim you_" –Tetisurah the gynosphinx

[b]Hourglass Card 13 Athnul/Mhuirich:
Hourglass Card 13 Athnul/Mhuirich



Villain B

Type: Barrier





To Defeat:


When you examine this card or discard it from the blessings deck, each character moves to a random location, then examines the top card of his location deck; if it is a boon, shuffle his location deck. Then banish this card.

"A 'weather phenomenon'? Weather comes from the sky_ This is the earth coming up to claim you_" –Tetisurah the gynosphinx

[b]Hourglass Card 14 Raz/MauveAvengr:
Hourglass Card 14 Raz/MauveAvengr

Blessing of Abadar


Blessing B




To Acquire:


Disable 6

OR Divine 5

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Discard this card to add 2 dice to any check to defeat a barrier.

Discard this card to explore your location.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hourglass Card 15 Mavaro/kuey:
Hourglass Card 15 Mavaro/kuey



Villain B

Type: Barrier





To Defeat:


When you examine this card or discard it from the blessings deck, each character moves to a random location, then examines the top card of his location deck; if it is a boon, shuffle his location deck. Then banish this card.

"A 'weather phenomenon'? Weather comes from the sky_ This is the earth coming up to claim you_" –Tetisurah the gynosphinx

[b]Hourglass Card 16 Adowyn/Zalarian:
Hourglass Card 16 Adowyn/Zalarian

Blessing of Nethys


Blessing B




To Acquire:


Perception 8

OR Divine 5

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Discard this card to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck and put them back in any order; then explore the location.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hourglass Card 17 Olenjack/ajpopp:
Hourglass Card 17 Olenjack/ajpopp

Blessing of Pharasma


Blessing B




To Acquire:



Divine 5

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Discard this card to add 2 dice to a check if a spell was played during that check.

Discard this card to explore your location.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hourglass Card 18 Athnul/Mhuirich:
Hourglass Card 18 Athnul/Mhuirich

Blessing of the Ancients


Blessing B




To Acquire:

Divine 3

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.

After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hourglass Card 19 Raz/MauveAvengr:
Hourglass Card 19 Raz/MauveAvengr

Blessing of Bastet


Blessing B





To Acquire:

Divine 6

OR Stealth


Craft 8

Recharge this card to allow a character at your location to reroll 1 die on his check, or bury it to reroll all the dice; that character takes the new result.

Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If it is a bane, encounter that bane and the bane may not be evaded; otherwise, you may encounter the card.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may search your deck for a non-blessing card that has the Gambling trait and draw it.

Hourglass Card 20 Mavaro/kuey:
Hourglass Card 20 Mavaro/kuey

Blessing of the Ancients


Blessing B




To Acquire:

Divine 3

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.

After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hourglass Card 21 Adowyn/Zalarian:
Hourglass Card 21 Adowyn/Zalarian

Blessing of the Elements


Blessing B



To Acquire:






Charisma 6

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.

Discard this card to explore your location.

Hourglass Card 22 Olenjack/ajpopp:
Hourglass Card 22 Olenjack/ajpopp

Blessing of the Elements


Blessing B



To Acquire:






Charisma 6

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.

Discard this card to explore your location.

Hourglass Card 23 Athnul/Mhuirich:
Hourglass Card 23 Athnul/Mhuirich

Blessing of Ra


Blessing B





To Acquire:

Divine 6

OR Strength

Melee 8

Discard this card to add 1 die and the Fire trait to any check.

Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Strength non-combat check or check that invokes the Fire trait.

Discard this card to explore your location.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hourglass Card 24 Raz/MauveAvengr:
Hourglass Card 24 Raz/MauveAvengr

Blessing of Maat


Blessing 2




To Acquire:

Divine 6

OR Constitution

Fortitude 10

Discard this card after any check is rolled to add or subtract up to 3 from the result.

Recharge this card to reduce damage dealt to you by 2.

Discard this card to exchange all dice that would be rolled on a non-combat check with d8s.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may discard any number of cards to allow a character at your location to recharge that same number of random cards from his discard pile.

Hourglass Card 25 Mavaro/kuey:
Hourglass Card 25 Mavaro/kuey

Blessing of Isis


Blessing 3





To Acquire:

Divine 7

OR Intelligence

Craft 11

Discard this card to add 1 die and the Acid trait to any check.

Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Intelligence check or check that invokes the Acid or Construct traits.

Discard this card to explore your location.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge a random card that has the Magic trait from your discard pile.

Hourglass Card 26 Adowyn/Zalarian:
Hourglass Card 26 Adowyn/Zalarian

Blessing of Thoth


Blessing 1





To Acquire:


Knowledge OR

OR Divine 10

Discard this card to add 1 die and the Cold trait to any check.

Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Wisdom non-combat check or check that invokes the Cold trait.

Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If the card has the Undead trait, you may explore your location.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hourglass Card 27 Olenjack/ajpopp:
Hourglass Card 27 Olenjack/ajpopp

Blessing of Bastet


Blessing B





To Acquire:

Divine 6

OR Stealth


Craft 8

Recharge this card to allow a character at your location to reroll 1 die on his check, or bury it to reroll all the dice; that character takes the new result.

Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If it is a bane, encounter that bane and the bane may not be evaded; otherwise, you may encounter the card.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may search your deck for a non-blessing card that has the Gambling trait and draw it.

Hourglass Card 28 Athnul/Mhuirich:
Hourglass Card 28 Athnul/Mhuirich

Blessing of the Elements


Blessing B



To Acquire:






Charisma 6

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.

Discard this card to explore your location.

Hourglass Card 29 Raz/MauveAvengr:
Hourglass Card 29 Raz/MauveAvengr

Blessing of Maat


Blessing 2




To Acquire:

Divine 6

OR Constitution

Fortitude 10

Discard this card after any check is rolled to add or subtract up to 3 from the result.

Recharge this card to reduce damage dealt to you by 2.

Discard this card to exchange all dice that would be rolled on a non-combat check with d8s.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may discard any number of cards to allow a character at your location to recharge that same number of random cards from his discard pile.

Hourglass Card 30 Mavaro/kuey:
Hourglass Card 30 Mavaro/kuey

Blessing of Thoth


Blessing 1





To Acquire:


Knowledge OR

OR Divine 10

Discard this card to add 1 die and the Cold trait to any check.

Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Wisdom non-combat check or check that invokes the Cold trait.

Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If the card has the Undead trait, you may explore your location.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hourglass Card 31 Adowyn/Zalarian:
Hourglass Card 31 Adowyn/Zalarian

Blessing of Wadjet


Blessing B




To Acquire:

Divine 5

OR Intelligence

Knowledge 7

Reveal this card to add 1d4 to your check to acquire a boon.

Discard this card to add 2d8 to any check to acquire a boon.

Discard this card to examine the top card of your location; then you may explore your location, adding 1 die to your checks to acquire a boon during that exploration.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, draw a card.

Hourglass Card 32 Olenjack/ajpopp:
Hourglass Card 32 Olenjack/ajpopp

Blessing of the Ancients


Blessing B




To Acquire:

Divine 3

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.

After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hourglass Card 33 Athnul/Mhuirich:
Hourglass Card 33 Athnul/Mhuirich

Blessing of Wadjet


Blessing B




To Acquire:

Divine 5

OR Intelligence

Knowledge 7

Reveal this card to add 1d4 to your check to acquire a boon.

Discard this card to add 2d8 to any check to acquire a boon.

Discard this card to examine the top card of your location; then you may explore your location, adding 1 die to your checks to acquire a boon during that exploration.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, draw a card.

Hourglass not working above...updated output to be usable...I think

Hourglass Cards/Turn Order:
Hourglass Card 1 Adowyn/Zalarian:
Hourglass Card 1 Adowyn/Zalarian



Villain B

Type: Barrier





To Defeat:


When you examine this card or discard it from the blessings deck, each character moves to a random location, then examines the top card of his location deck; if it is a boon, shuffle his location deck. Then banish this card.

"A 'weather phenomenon'? Weather comes from the sky_ This is the earth coming up to claim you_" –Tetisurah the gynosphinx

[b]Hourglass Card 2 Olenjack/ajpopp:
Hourglass Card 2 Olenjack/ajpopp

Blessing of Pharasma


Blessing C




To Acquire:



Divine 5

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Discard this card to add 2 dice to a check if a spell was played during that check.

Discard this card to explore your location.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hourglass Card 3 Athnul/Mhuirich:
Hourglass Card 3 Athnul/Mhuirich

Blessing of Abadar


Blessing C




To Acquire:


Disable 6

OR Divine 5

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Discard this card to add 2 dice to any check to defeat a barrier.

Discard this card to explore your location.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hourglass Card 4 Raz/MauveAvengr:
Hourglass Card 4 Raz/MauveAvengr



Villain B

Type: Barrier





To Defeat:


When you examine this card or discard it from the blessings deck, each character moves to a random location, then examines the top card of his location deck; if it is a boon, shuffle his location deck. Then banish this card.

"A 'weather phenomenon'? Weather comes from the sky_ This is the earth coming up to claim you_" –Tetisurah the gynosphinx

[b]Hourglass Card 5 Mavaro/kuey:
Hourglass Card 5 Mavaro/kuey

Blessing of Pharasma


Blessing B




To Acquire:



Divine 5

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Discard this card to add 2 dice to a check if a spell was played during that check.

Discard this card to explore your location.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hourglass Card 6 Adowyn/Zalarian:
Hourglass Card 6 Adowyn/Zalarian

Blessing of the Ancients


Blessing B




To Acquire:

Divine 3

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.

After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hourglass Card 7 Olenjack/ajpopp:
Hourglass Card 7 Olenjack/ajpopp

Blessing of the Elements


Blessing C



To Acquire:






Charisma 6

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.

Discard this card to explore your location.

Hourglass Card 8 Athnul/Mhuirich:
Hourglass Card 8 Athnul/Mhuirich

Sun Falcon


Monster 1




To Defeat:

Combat 11

The Sun Falcon is immune to the Fire trait. All damage dealt by the Sun Falcon is Fire damage. If the check to defeat the Sun Falcon has the Cold trait, add 1d8.

If defeated, shuffle the Sun Falcon into the blessings deck.

When this card is the top card of the blessings discard pile, banish it and draw a random blessing from the box.

Hourglass Card 9 Raz/MauveAvengr:
Hourglass Card 9 Raz/MauveAvengr

Blessing of Pharasma


Blessing B




To Acquire:



Divine 5

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Discard this card to add 2 dice to a check if a spell was played during that check.

Discard this card to explore your location.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hourglass Card 10 Mavaro/kuey:
Hourglass Card 10 Mavaro/kuey

Blessing of the Ancients


Blessing B




To Acquire:

Divine 3

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.

After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hourglass Card 11 Adowyn/Zalarian:
Hourglass Card 11 Adowyn/Zalarian

Blessing of the Elements


Blessing B



To Acquire:






Charisma 6

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.

Discard this card to explore your location.

Hourglass Card 12 Olenjack/ajpopp:
Hourglass Card 12 Olenjack/ajpopp



Villain B

Type: Barrier





To Defeat:


When you examine this card or discard it from the blessings deck, each character moves to a random location, then examines the top card of his location deck; if it is a boon, shuffle his location deck. Then banish this card.

"A 'weather phenomenon'? Weather comes from the sky_ This is the earth coming up to claim you_" –Tetisurah the gynosphinx

[b]Hourglass Card 13 Athnul/Mhuirich:
Hourglass Card 13 Athnul/Mhuirich



Villain B

Type: Barrier





To Defeat:


When you examine this card or discard it from the blessings deck, each character moves to a random location, then examines the top card of his location deck; if it is a boon, shuffle his location deck. Then banish this card.

"A 'weather phenomenon'? Weather comes from the sky_ This is the earth coming up to claim you_" –Tetisurah the gynosphinx

[b]Hourglass Card 14 Raz/MauveAvengr:
Hourglass Card 14 Raz/MauveAvengr

Blessing of Abadar


Blessing B




To Acquire:


Disable 6

OR Divine 5

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Discard this card to add 2 dice to any check to defeat a barrier.

Discard this card to explore your location.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hourglass Card 15 Mavaro/kuey:
Hourglass Card 15 Mavaro/kuey



Villain B

Type: Barrier





To Defeat:


When you examine this card or discard it from the blessings deck, each character moves to a random location, then examines the top card of his location deck; if it is a boon, shuffle his location deck. Then banish this card.

"A 'weather phenomenon'? Weather comes from the sky_ This is the earth coming up to claim you_" –Tetisurah the gynosphinx

[b]Hourglass Card 16 Adowyn/Zalarian:
Hourglass Card 16 Adowyn/Zalarian

Blessing of Nethys


Blessing B




To Acquire:


Perception 8

OR Divine 5

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Discard this card to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck and put them back in any order; then explore the location.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hourglass Card 17 Olenjack/ajpopp:
Hourglass Card 17 Olenjack/ajpopp

Blessing of Pharasma


Blessing B




To Acquire:



Divine 5

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Discard this card to add 2 dice to a check if a spell was played during that check.

Discard this card to explore your location.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hourglass Card 18 Athnul/Mhuirich:
Hourglass Card 18 Athnul/Mhuirich

Blessing of the Ancients


Blessing B




To Acquire:

Divine 3

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.

After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hourglass Card 19 Raz/MauveAvengr:
Hourglass Card 19 Raz/MauveAvengr

Blessing of Bastet


Blessing B





To Acquire:

Divine 6

OR Stealth


Craft 8

Recharge this card to allow a character at your location to reroll 1 die on his check, or bury it to reroll all the dice; that character takes the new result.

Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If it is a bane, encounter that bane and the bane may not be evaded; otherwise, you may encounter the card.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may search your deck for a non-blessing card that has the Gambling trait and draw it.

Hourglass Card 20 Mavaro/kuey:
Hourglass Card 20 Mavaro/kuey

Blessing of the Ancients


Blessing B




To Acquire:

Divine 3

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.

After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hourglass Card 21 Adowyn/Zalarian:
Hourglass Card 21 Adowyn/Zalarian

Blessing of the Elements


Blessing B



To Acquire:






Charisma 6

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.

Discard this card to explore your location.

Hourglass Card 22 Olenjack/ajpopp:
Hourglass Card 22 Olenjack/ajpopp

Blessing of the Elements


Blessing B



To Acquire:






Charisma 6

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.

Discard this card to explore your location.

Hourglass Card 23 Athnul/Mhuirich:
Hourglass Card 23 Athnul/Mhuirich

Blessing of Ra


Blessing B





To Acquire:

Divine 6

OR Strength

Melee 8

Discard this card to add 1 die and the Fire trait to any check.

Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Strength non-combat check or check that invokes the Fire trait.

Discard this card to explore your location.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hourglass Card 24 Raz/MauveAvengr:
Hourglass Card 24 Raz/MauveAvengr

Blessing of Maat


Blessing 2




To Acquire:

Divine 6

OR Constitution

Fortitude 10

Discard this card after any check is rolled to add or subtract up to 3 from the result.

Recharge this card to reduce damage dealt to you by 2.

Discard this card to exchange all dice that would be rolled on a non-combat check with d8s.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may discard any number of cards to allow a character at your location to recharge that same number of random cards from his discard pile.

Hourglass Card 25 Mavaro/kuey:
Hourglass Card 25 Mavaro/kuey

Blessing of Isis


Blessing 3





To Acquire:

Divine 7

OR Intelligence

Craft 11

Discard this card to add 1 die and the Acid trait to any check.

Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Intelligence check or check that invokes the Acid or Construct traits.

Discard this card to explore your location.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge a random card that has the Magic trait from your discard pile.

Hourglass Card 26 Adowyn/Zalarian:
Hourglass Card 26 Adowyn/Zalarian

Blessing of Thoth


Blessing 1





To Acquire:


Knowledge OR

OR Divine 10

Discard this card to add 1 die and the Cold trait to any check.

Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Wisdom non-combat check or check that invokes the Cold trait.

Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If the card has the Undead trait, you may explore your location.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hourglass Card 27 Olenjack/ajpopp:
Hourglass Card 27 Olenjack/ajpopp

Blessing of Bastet


Blessing B





To Acquire:

Divine 6

OR Stealth


Craft 8

Recharge this card to allow a character at your location to reroll 1 die on his check, or bury it to reroll all the dice; that character takes the new result.

Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If it is a bane, encounter that bane and the bane may not be evaded; otherwise, you may encounter the card.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may search your deck for a non-blessing card that has the Gambling trait and draw it.

Hourglass Card 28 Athnul/Mhuirich:
Hourglass Card 28 Athnul/Mhuirich

Blessing of the Elements


Blessing B



To Acquire:






Charisma 6

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Recharge this card to add 1 die to any check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.

Discard this card to explore your location.

Hourglass Card 29 Raz/MauveAvengr:
Hourglass Card 29 Raz/MauveAvengr

Blessing of Maat


Blessing 2




To Acquire:

Divine 6

OR Constitution

Fortitude 10

Discard this card after any check is rolled to add or subtract up to 3 from the result.

Recharge this card to reduce damage dealt to you by 2.

Discard this card to exchange all dice that would be rolled on a non-combat check with d8s.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may discard any number of cards to allow a character at your location to recharge that same number of random cards from his discard pile.

Hourglass Card 30 Mavaro/kuey:
Hourglass Card 30 Mavaro/kuey

Blessing of Thoth


Blessing 1





To Acquire:


Knowledge OR

OR Divine 10

Discard this card to add 1 die and the Cold trait to any check.

Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Wisdom non-combat check or check that invokes the Cold trait.

Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If the card has the Undead trait, you may explore your location.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hourglass Card 31 Adowyn/Zalarian:
Hourglass Card 31 Adowyn/Zalarian

Blessing of Wadjet


Blessing B




To Acquire:

Divine 5

OR Intelligence

Knowledge 7

Reveal this card to add 1d4 to your check to acquire a boon.

Discard this card to add 2d8 to any check to acquire a boon.

Discard this card to examine the top card of your location; then you may explore your location, adding 1 die to your checks to acquire a boon during that exploration.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, draw a card.

Hourglass Card 32 Olenjack/ajpopp:
Hourglass Card 32 Olenjack/ajpopp

Blessing of the Ancients


Blessing B




To Acquire:

Divine 3

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Discard this card to examine the top card of your location, then you may explore your location.

After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hourglass Card 33 Athnul/Mhuirich:
Hourglass Card 33 Athnul/Mhuirich

Blessing of Wadjet


Blessing B




To Acquire:

Divine 5

OR Intelligence

Knowledge 7

Reveal this card to add 1d4 to your check to acquire a boon.

Discard this card to add 2d8 to any check to acquire a boon.

Discard this card to examine the top card of your location; then you may explore your location, adding 1 die to your checks to acquire a boon during that exploration.

After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, draw a card.

Sandstorm requires everyone to examine their location:
Nyctessa - Windswept Chasm Card 1: Blessing of Ra - Location is shuffled
Raz - Towering Obelisk Card 1: Fiery Glare - Location is shuffled
Athnul - Shifting Dunes Card 1: Inevitable Trap TRIGGER
Athnul encounters and attempts to defeat with wisdom

Wisdom Check DC 13: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12 No Success
Athnul and Adowyn must encounter Blightwing...Athnul evades by revealing blessing and Adowyn evades by recharging Major cure. Inevitable trap is banished
Adowyn - Shifting Dunes Card 2: Sandstorm Roc
Mavaro - Volcanic Vents Card 1: Geniekin TRIGGER
Mavaro must encounter elemental monster - Random Monster #2

Burning Child:

Monster 3
To Defeat:
Combat 16
OR Charisma 10
The Burning Child is immune to the Fire, Mental, and Poison traits.
If the check to defeat the Burning Child has the Cold trait, add 1d8.
If defeated with a combat check, shuffle the Burning Child into a random other open location. If defeated with a Charisma check, you are dealt 1d4 Fire damage.

Status Link
Most Recent BR Refresh
Current Blessing = Blessings Deck Card X where X = Current Turn - BR Refresh Turn (1)
Notes for Mavaro: Must encounter burning child
Random Card(s) Used: Monster 1-2
Additional Info 1: When you are dealt Electricity damage, if that damage is not reduced by at least 1, suffer the scourge Curse of Fevered Dreams.
Additional Info 2: Treat the henchman Fire Spirit as the henchman Sandstorm Roc. When the Lightning Storm would move to a closed location or be banished, display it at a random open location instead.
Howling Sands 1-10 remain // Lightning Storm
Athnul, Adowyn - Shifting Dunes 2-10 remain // 2=Sandstorm Roc
Raz - Towering Obelisk (random 1-10) remain // 1=fiery glare
Nyctessa - Windswept Chasm (random 1-10) remain // 1=Blessing of Ra
Mavaro - Volcanic Vents 1-10 remain // 1=geniekin
Sulfur Pits 1-10 remain
Tarworks 1-10 remain

Out of Turn Updates: Heggal hasn't specified where to move to. Defaulting him to move to shrine for now.
Received a blessing of the Elements from Ukuja

Turn Order: Ukuja, Varian, Heggal, Aric

Turn - Hour: 4- Blessings Deck Card 2 Varian/Zalarian
Calistria's Sting

Hour Rules: May avenge by discarding a card

SOT: None
Give Card: None
Move: Stay at shrine
Explore: Shrine Card 1: The Queen Mother

Knowledge Check DC 4+2=6: 1d12 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11 Success

The Queen Mother:

Blessing 1
Suit: Stars
When this is the hour: Your Knowledge check is blessed. To Acquire:
Knowledge 4+#
On any check, discard to bless; after the roll, for each boon played that has a level lower than #, add 1.
Discard to explore. This exploration, on all checks against Veteran cards, subtract 2; on all checks when you play a Veteran boon, add 2.

Will discard The Queen Mother to explore

Explore: Shrine Card 2: Elemental Treaty

Arcane Check DC 4: 1d12 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12 Auto Success

Elemental Treaty:

Spell 1
Magic To Acquire:
Divine 4
Display at your location. While displayed:
* When characters at this location suffer Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison damage, reduce it by 1.
* When this location is closed, banish.
If proficient, discard this card; you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 6 check to recharge it instead.

Will Banish Zellara's Harrow Deck to examine the top 3 cards of any location and return them in the following order:
Shrine Card 3: Imps and House Drakes
Shrine Card 4: Mob of Undead
Shrine Card 5: Ingratiating Minion

"This shrine appears to be in a state of serious disrepair"
Will discard BotG to explore

Arcane Check DC 6: 1d12 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12 Success

Imps and House Drakes:

Barrier 0
To Defeat:
Combat 10
OR Arcane
Survival 6
On your check to defeat, each local character may recharge any number of allies and/or reveal any number of Devil or Dragon allies; for each of these, add 1d4.
If undefeated, suffer the scourge Poisoned.

Will discard Blessing of the spellbound to explore
Explore: Shrine Card 4: Mob of Undead

Mob of Undead:

Barrier 1
To Defeat:
None 0
Summon and encounter a random Undead story bane, then a random character at each other occupied location summons and encounters it.
If all summoned banes are defeated, this barrier is defeated; otherwise, it is undefeated.

Random Undead Story Bane: 1d6 ⇒ 1 Ancient Skeleton

Will shuffle Radovan to reduce damage from 1 to 0.

Will put Force Missile into recovery and recharge card for urban support
Arcane Combat Check DC 11+2+2=15: 1d12 + 3 + 2d4 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 3 + (2, 3) + (4) + 1 = 17 Success

Heggal and Ukuja need to encounter and defeat Ancient Skeleton

Ancient Skeleton:
Ancient Skeleton
Story Bane Monster 1



Immune to Cold, Mental, and Poison. Vulnerable to Bludgeoning.
Before acting, either recharge a Divine card or suffer 1 Combat damage.

Pausing turn

Lirianne actually succeeded getting Mist Horn due to how the Carnival blessing works...1 on d8 becomes 8 so total is 8+2+1=11
Lirianne would need to decide to either display horn, discard horn, or discard a different card since she did not draw one. One possible suggestion is discarding the one shot alchemist fire attack to save the one shot defense..which we could regret if we happen to find a troll :)

Ezren recharges magical child to add magic trait to Valeros combat; shadow is defeated

I understand Deck Upgrades and the like as follows:

Name - Deck Upgrade / Feat(s) / Tier.XP
Ukuja Ally 1 / Skill Feat / 2.1
Varian Ally 2 / Power Feat / 2.1
Heggal Ally 1 / Card Feat (Ally) / 2.1
Quinn Ally 2 / Card Feat (Ally) / 2.1
Aric Weapon 2 / none / 2.4

Randomly determining which location was incorrectly done giving more weight to last position so rerolling.
Random Roll: 1d6 ⇒ 5 Shuffled back into itself
Since Raz closed it, best way to handle is if a 12 or 13 is rolled then the card she encountered was actually Forbidden Text

Random Roll: 1d13 ⇒ 5 Not 12 or 13, which means the Forbidden text should be shuffled with other henchman into Alchemical Library when it was closed since one card is just as random as another

Weapon 0002
Armor 1
Spell 0
Item 01100011
Ally 1122
Blessing 00

Acquired Cards:

Cut-Throat Grok (Ally 1)
Carver (Ally B)
Master-at-Arms (Ally B)
Ambrose "Fishguts" Kroop (Ally 1)

Buckler (Armor B)

Potion of Fortitude (Item B)
Helpful Haversack (Item 1)

Phantasmal Minion (Spell B)

Boarding Axe (Weapon B)

Slight adjustment for Alley:
Varian, Heggal - Alley (random 5,7-10),4,2 remain // 2=troll, 4=Reefclaw

Heggal's Turn
Out of Turn Updates: None
Turn Order: Varian, Heggal, Quinn, Aric, Reta, Ukuja

Turn - Hour: 2- The Midwife
Hour Rules: At the start of your turn, summon and encounter a monster.
"Very auspicious hour indeed"

SOT: Encounter random monster - Swamp Oooze. Reveal Scourge and Retainer

Cat of Nine Tails Combat Check DC 9: 3d4 + 1d8 + 3 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3, 3, 2) + (6) + 3 + (3) + 1 = 21 Monster defeated

Swamp Ooze:

Monster 1
To Defeat:
Combat 9
Immune to Cold, Fire, Mental, and Poison.
After acting, each local character either recharges an armor or suffers 1 Acid damage.

The ooze strikes his shield and sizzling can be heard
Recharge Heavy Wooden Shield

Give Card: None
Move: River -> Alley

Will cast Augury for Monsters and put them on the bottom in the following order:
Starknife (shuffled)
Alley Card 4: Reefclaw
Alley Card 2: Troll

Random Alley card except for 2,3,4: 1d7 ⇒ 3 Alley Card 6: Helpful Haversack revealing ally

Dexterity Check DC 6: 1d6 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + (1) + 1 = 6 Success

Helpful Haversack :

Item 1
Magic To Acquire:
Intelligence 6
At the start of your turn, reveal to examine the top card of your deck, then reload or recharge it; you may discard a card to draw it instead.

Discard Blessing of Samurai to explore

Random Alley card except for 2,3,4,6: 1d6 ⇒ 1 Alley Card 1: Starknife revealing ally

Melee Check DC 6: 1d10 + 3 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 3 + (4) + 1 = 18 Auto Success

Starknife :

Weapon 0
Ranged To Acquire:
Ranged 6
For your combat check, reveal to use Strength, Dexterity, Acrobatics, Melee, or Ranged + 1d4.
On a local combat check, freely recharge to add 1d4. You may use this power even if you have previously revealed this card on this check.

Heggal ends his turn.

Heggal attempts to recover all cards in his Recovery pile.
Augury: Divine 8: 1d8 + 2 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 2 + (1) + 1 = 6 -> Augury discarded.

Heggal resets his hand.


Heggal wrote:

Hand: The Survivor, Helpful Haversack, Retainer, Starknife, Cat-o'-Nine-Tails,

Deck: 12 Discard: 2 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 2
XP (Tier): 0 (2)
Reroll Used: No

Deck, Discard, Buried:

Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Blessing of the Samurai 2, Portable Ram, Blessing of the Samurai, Lookout, Kikko Armor, Sage, Katana +1, Inflict, Fireblade, Standard Bearer, Banner
Recharged: Heavy Wooden Shield,
Discard Pile: Blessing of the Samurai 3, Augury,
Buried Pile:

Skills and Powers:
Strength d8 ☑ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
Melee: Strength +2
Dexterity d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Constitution d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
Intelligence d4 ☐ +1
Wisdom d8 ☐ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
Divine: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 ☐ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
Diplomacy: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Ally
Hand Size: 5 ☐ 6
Light Armors | Heavy Armors | ☐ Weapons
Instead of your first exploration on a turn, you may reveal an ally to choose a character at your location. Shuffle 1d4+1 (☐+2) random cards from her discard pile into her deck, then discard the ally you revealed.
You may reveal an ally that lists Diplomacy in its check to acquire to add 1d4 (☑+1) to your check.


Status Link
Most Recent BR Refresh
Current Blessing = Blessings Deck Card X where X = Current Turn - BR Refresh Turn (1)
Notes for Ukuja: Recharge BotGF for Varian
Random Card(s) Used: Monster 1 (Heggal) Monster 2(Varian)

Twisting Passages 1-10 remain
River 1-10 remain
Quinn - Docks 1-10 remain
Aric - Cave 1-10 remain
Varian, Heggal - Alley (random 5-10),4,2 remain // 2=troll, 4=Reefclaw
Ukuja - Base 1-5 remain

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