Into The Veils of Mist

Game Master TheDragonMistress

A super cool homebrew setting with high level characters, who doesn't like that?

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Male l Dwarf l Druid 5 l HP 43/43 l AC:20 Touch:13 Flat:17 l Fort 7 Ref 3 Will 8 (+2 v PSN, Spells, Spell Like) l Init 3 l
0- Level (4/Day) 1- Level (4=3+1/Day) 2- Level (3=2+1/Day) 3- Level (2=1+1/Day)
Fly:6, Handle Animal:5, Heal 13, Geography:7, Nature:8, Perception:18(20), Spellcraft:8, Survival:15, Swim:6.

Never heard anything back and its been two weeks since the last GM gameplay post. I don’t want to sounds negative, but I think we have been ghosted.

Morrim Oakendale wrote:
Never heard anything back and its been two weeks since the last GM gameplay post. I don’t want to sounds negative, but I think we have been ghosted.

IM so sorry I didn't ghost! I broke my computer and my job killed me basically. I responded Im sorry about being so slow.

- INACTIVE - (GM abandoned game)

It's okay. You told us you would be slow until August or so; this was just a little slower than what you said at first. :-)

Thanks for posting again. Please give us a post or two a week and I think we can get by.

Sorry to hear about your computer and your job! If it helps, posting from a phone is not too hard at all.

Male l Dwarf l Druid 5 l HP 43/43 l AC:20 Touch:13 Flat:17 l Fort 7 Ref 3 Will 8 (+2 v PSN, Spells, Spell Like) l Init 3 l
0- Level (4/Day) 1- Level (4=3+1/Day) 2- Level (3=2+1/Day) 3- Level (2=1+1/Day)
Fly:6, Handle Animal:5, Heal 13, Geography:7, Nature:8, Perception:18(20), Spellcraft:8, Survival:15, Swim:6.

Hey guys. I am sorry I have been out right now. I am at a camp with the youth and the internet is really hit or miss. I might not be able to really post until Saturday until I get back. Sorry for the delay guys. Thats bad on my end.

Hello guys, sorry for my absence, I've been so busy I completely forgot. My posts should be less inactive from now on.

- INACTIVE - (GM abandoned game)

Cool, I am looking forward to more from this game!

I am on vacation this week. I will be keeping up with my games off and on via RSS, but please do not hold anything up waiting for me. There should be botting instructions in my profile. Do not hesitate to use them to move things forward.

- INACTIVE - (GM abandoned game)

I am back from vacation!

Still looking forward to a post from the GM!

- INACTIVE - (GM abandoned game)

Are you planning to post soon, GM? Is there a timeframe for when you'll be posting more often? Do you need to give us some way to contact you? Do you need help getting notifications when we post?

- INACTIVE - (GM abandoned game)


- INACTIVE - (GM abandoned game)

I'm going to stop tracking this campaign. PM me if the GM ever comes back.

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