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Male Human Vindictive Bastard 8| HP 73/79| Init +1, Perception +8 | AC 23/12/22 (+1 Dex, +1 Deflection, +1 Natural, +1 Attune) Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +11|
Use /Day:
| Smite 3/3| Demoralize 1/1 | Solo Tactics 6/6 | Pearl 1st 3/3 | Bane 4/5 | Spells: Liberating Command, Litany of Duty, Paladin's Sacrifice, ironskin
Condition: Aura of Courage, Aura of Resolve

Still thinking of leaving the Fated, seeking Atonement and becoming a Grey Paladin. Seems simpler without being lawful stupid :)

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Any time you feel like Conor no longer believes in the Fated's philosophy just let me know.

Schrodinger's Catgirl Oracle 11 | Init +4 | AC 25 T16 FF21 | HP 74/80 | Fort +8 Ref +10, Will +11 (+2 disease, mind affecting) | Perception+14 DV, SiD | Spells: 5: 5/5 4: 6/7, 3: 6/7 2: 6/7, 1:8/8
Conor the Wanderer wrote:
Still thinking of leaving the Fated, seeking Atonement and becoming a Grey Paladin. Seems simpler without being lawful stupid :)

That doesn't mean you're getting that money back.

CN Male Peri-blooded Aasimar | Necromancer 11 | HP 79/79 | AC 18, TCH 15, FF 15; SR 16 | CMB 6, CMD 21 | Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +9 | Init +7, Perc +10; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 48/48(S/CI) | Conditions: Deathwatch (CL1); haste for 2 combats

Yay! XD
That reminds me, did I add sufficient thought bubbles about Nik's defection from the dustmen?
Becoming Lu's whipping boy sounds like fun xD

Male Human Vindictive Bastard 8| HP 73/79| Init +1, Perception +8 | AC 23/12/22 (+1 Dex, +1 Deflection, +1 Natural, +1 Attune) Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +11|
Use /Day:
| Smite 3/3| Demoralize 1/1 | Solo Tactics 6/6 | Pearl 1st 3/3 | Bane 4/5 | Spells: Liberating Command, Litany of Duty, Paladin's Sacrifice, ironskin
Condition: Aura of Courage, Aura of Resolve
Rinika wrote:
Conor the Wanderer wrote:
Still thinking of leaving the Fated, seeking Atonement and becoming a Grey Paladin. Seems simpler without being lawful stupid :)
That doesn't mean you're getting that money back.

If he goes all goody two shoes paladin (even gray) he would be less likely to ask for it back than he is now. You're good ;). Buy yourself something shiny.

Male Human Vindictive Bastard 8| HP 73/79| Init +1, Perception +8 | AC 23/12/22 (+1 Dex, +1 Deflection, +1 Natural, +1 Attune) Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +11|
Use /Day:
| Smite 3/3| Demoralize 1/1 | Solo Tactics 6/6 | Pearl 1st 3/3 | Bane 4/5 | Spells: Liberating Command, Litany of Duty, Paladin's Sacrifice, ironskin
Condition: Aura of Courage, Aura of Resolve

We tried simple torches here already ya? I feel like they didn't work or did we never actually try?

CN Male Peri-blooded Aasimar | Necromancer 11 | HP 79/79 | AC 18, TCH 15, FF 15; SR 16 | CMB 6, CMD 21 | Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +9 | Init +7, Perc +10; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 48/48(S/CI) | Conditions: Deathwatch (CL1); haste for 2 combats

Only Nik saw the torch blow out relatively quickly. I'd guess one minute instead of the usual 1 hour. Maybe faster xD

Conor the Wanderer wrote:
if it's pitch black I'd wager Conor is holding Rinika's tail again :). Or just floating along hoping not to get lost...

Speaking of holding tails, wasn't Rinika grossed out by the possibility of Nik holding her tail? xD

Nik has to become a lot cooler to earn her approval xD

Schrodinger's Catgirl Oracle 11 | Init +4 | AC 25 T16 FF21 | HP 74/80 | Fort +8 Ref +10, Will +11 (+2 disease, mind affecting) | Perception+14 DV, SiD | Spells: 5: 5/5 4: 6/7, 3: 6/7 2: 6/7, 1:8/8
Nikrir Leldro wrote:
Speaking of holding tails, wasn't Rinika grossed out by the possibility of Nik holding her tail? xD


Nik has to become a lot cooler to earn her approval xD

Yep. Or just, y'know, try not being so creepy?


CN Male Peri-blooded Aasimar | Necromancer 11 | HP 79/79 | AC 18, TCH 15, FF 15; SR 16 | CMB 6, CMD 21 | Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +9 | Init +7, Perc +10; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 48/48(S/CI) | Conditions: Deathwatch (CL1); haste for 2 combats

buuuut shaaaaaamblerrrrrrrrrrs!


I guess being interested in her spot might be a turn-off xD

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Schrodinger's Catgirl Oracle 11 | Init +4 | AC 25 T16 FF21 | HP 74/80 | Fort +8 Ref +10, Will +11 (+2 disease, mind affecting) | Perception+14 DV, SiD | Spells: 5: 5/5 4: 6/7, 3: 6/7 2: 6/7, 1:8/8

Well, there's interested, and then there's "hey can I poke around in there?"

CN Male Peri-blooded Aasimar | Necromancer 11 | HP 79/79 | AC 18, TCH 15, FF 15; SR 16 | CMB 6, CMD 21 | Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +9 | Init +7, Perc +10; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 48/48(S/CI) | Conditions: Deathwatch (CL1); haste for 2 combats

hahahaha, fair point

CN Male Peri-blooded Aasimar | Necromancer 11 | HP 79/79 | AC 18, TCH 15, FF 15; SR 16 | CMB 6, CMD 21 | Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +9 | Init +7, Perc +10; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 48/48(S/CI) | Conditions: Deathwatch (CL1); haste for 2 combats

knowing Nik's luck, each individual piece of paper will cast Enervation on the person who picks it up...

CN Male Peri-blooded Aasimar | Necromancer 11 | HP 79/79 | AC 18, TCH 15, FF 15; SR 16 | CMB 6, CMD 21 | Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +9 | Init +7, Perc +10; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 48/48(S/CI) | Conditions: Deathwatch (CL1); haste for 2 combats

hopefully that alien presence is our prisoner

Also: hopefully it isn't that illithid god thing. It might want to eat our brains or something T_T

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Male Human Vindictive Bastard 8| HP 73/79| Init +1, Perception +8 | AC 23/12/22 (+1 Dex, +1 Deflection, +1 Natural, +1 Attune) Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +11|
Use /Day:
| Smite 3/3| Demoralize 1/1 | Solo Tactics 6/6 | Pearl 1st 3/3 | Bane 4/5 | Spells: Liberating Command, Litany of Duty, Paladin's Sacrifice, ironskin
Condition: Aura of Courage, Aura of Resolve

Conor should be safe there, eating his brain would just give the thing indigestion, or make it hungrier.

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CN Male Peri-blooded Aasimar | Necromancer 11 | HP 79/79 | AC 18, TCH 15, FF 15; SR 16 | CMB 6, CMD 21 | Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +9 | Init +7, Perc +10; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 48/48(S/CI) | Conditions: Deathwatch (CL1); haste for 2 combats
Rinika wrote:
Rinika touches one of its noodley appendages.

Noodley appendages

CN Male Peri-blooded Aasimar | Necromancer 11 | HP 79/79 | AC 18, TCH 15, FF 15; SR 16 | CMB 6, CMD 21 | Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +9 | Init +7, Perc +10; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 48/48(S/CI) | Conditions: Deathwatch (CL1); haste for 2 combats

Should I hope for it to attack? Or become our team mascot...?
Too bad we can't talk with it. Maybe Rinika will grab Tongues? Or Nik can, I suppose...

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CG M Bariaur│Cav 10 Brwl 1│HP 103/103│AC 22 (+2 w/shield), FF 20 (+2 w/shield), Touch 13│CMD 33│F12 R10 W7│Init 2│Per 16 DV│Speed 80'│Conditions:
Fleet Standard:
Allies within 60' gain +10' land speed (enh) and +1 dodge bonus to AC during any round in which they moved at least 10'
Challenge 3/4; Tactician 3/3; Martial Flexibility 4/4

If there continue to be parallels with Rinika, I think it's safe to say it'll follow us back to Sigil, join the Doomguards, and frequent taverns.

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Hey everyone I have a player from my Strange Aeons game who doesn't quite fit into that game so they decided to leave it. I offered them a seat here but I wanted to clear it with everyone first. It would bring our player count to 7.

They wanted to wait to leave that game until it was narratively convenient so it may be another month or maybe two before they'd come over.

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Lunk and familiar Savi, for those wanting to look at the character they already made for the game.

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NG Helianthrope Warpriest 5 Magus 2 | Status: Aligned Weapon, Arcane enchanted
AC 21 (T 16, FF 16) | CMD 22 | Init +5 | Speed 30ft | F +10, R +8, W +12 | Perc +13, SM +7 (Darlvision)
HP 27/45 | Fervor 3/5 | Arcane Pool 1/2 | PoP I 1/2 | SW 4/5

If he brings beer, sure!

CG Male Half Elf: Eldritch Guardian 2, Magical Child 7 | 76/76♥️ | 22AC~15t~19ff | Fort+10~Ref+11~Will+8 /+1v.Fey/+1v.Fear/+2v.Enchant | CMD:24 | Perc+13/17.LL | Init+2 | 1st:5/5, 2nd:4/4, 3rd:1/1, SongBird:1/1, HeyListen:1/1

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CN Male Peri-blooded Aasimar | Necromancer 11 | HP 79/79 | AC 18, TCH 15, FF 15; SR 16 | CMB 6, CMD 21 | Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +9 | Init +7, Perc +10; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 48/48(S/CI) | Conditions: Deathwatch (CL1); haste for 2 combats

wait, we can put emojis in here?
regarding Lunk, if I cast Tongues on him, can he talk? It says that it gives the target the ability to speak etc.
It also says you can't use it to talk to someone who doesn't speak, but if you cast it on the not-speaker, that would give the not-speaker the ability to speak... right? xD

Oh, and since I'm now thinking about it: What if I cast Tongues on Rinika's new pet: Cuddles? xD

Either way, I'm pretty sure it'll be fine for Lunk to join us xD

CG Tiny Female Fairy Prankster | 38/42♥️ | (26)22AC~16t~(22)18ff | DR5/ColdIron, SR13 | Fort+9~Ref+10~Will+8 | Perc+13 | Init+7 | Invisibility:3/3, Repartée(2d4):3/3, SlapStick:1/1 | Feat: Improved Dirty Trick

Well, not for lack of trying. In the preview, that now-completely-blank Lunk post had a beer emoji. His prankster fairy must have drank it.
Or she pranked me, because I can’t see the beer and I’m the one who typed it!

But anyway, here is Savi, so if I join you will gain not one, but two completely original characters created by my imagination.

Savi will do all the talking for this pair and very little of the fighting.

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CG M Bariaur│Cav 10 Brwl 1│HP 103/103│AC 22 (+2 w/shield), FF 20 (+2 w/shield), Touch 13│CMD 33│F12 R10 W7│Init 2│Per 16 DV│Speed 80'│Conditions:
Fleet Standard:
Allies within 60' gain +10' land speed (enh) and +1 dodge bonus to AC during any round in which they moved at least 10'
Challenge 3/4; Tactician 3/3; Martial Flexibility 4/4

Lol... I knew that name reference right away. Sounds fun!

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Male Human Vindictive Bastard 8| HP 73/79| Init +1, Perception +8 | AC 23/12/22 (+1 Dex, +1 Deflection, +1 Natural, +1 Attune) Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +11|
Use /Day:
| Smite 3/3| Demoralize 1/1 | Solo Tactics 6/6 | Pearl 1st 3/3 | Bane 4/5 | Spells: Liberating Command, Litany of Duty, Paladin's Sacrifice, ironskin
Condition: Aura of Courage, Aura of Resolve

The more the merrier!

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Male Human Vindictive Bastard 8| HP 73/79| Init +1, Perception +8 | AC 23/12/22 (+1 Dex, +1 Deflection, +1 Natural, +1 Attune) Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +11|
Use /Day:
| Smite 3/3| Demoralize 1/1 | Solo Tactics 6/6 | Pearl 1st 3/3 | Bane 4/5 | Spells: Liberating Command, Litany of Duty, Paladin's Sacrifice, ironskin
Condition: Aura of Courage, Aura of Resolve
DM_Delmoth wrote:
Any time you feel like Conor no longer believes in the Fated's philosophy just let me know.

The character isn't there yet, the player is getting a little annoyed at jumping through hoops and trying to keep Conor both a nice guy and a heartless mercenary at the same time :)

CG Tiny Female Fairy Prankster | 38/42♥️ | (26)22AC~16t~(22)18ff | DR5/ColdIron, SR13 | Fort+9~Ref+10~Will+8 | Perc+13 | Init+7 | Invisibility:3/3, Repartée(2d4):3/3, SlapStick:1/1 | Feat: Improved Dirty Trick
Jek Tal'dor wrote:
Lol... I knew that name reference right away. Sounds fun!

Hey, listen. Lunk is a totally original character just like his dad, Super-Fiery Marco.

CG Male Half Elf: Eldritch Guardian 2, Magical Child 7 | 76/76♥️ | 22AC~15t~19ff | Fort+10~Ref+11~Will+8 /+1v.Fey/+1v.Fear/+2v.Enchant | CMD:24 | Perc+13/17.LL | Init+2 | 1st:5/5, 2nd:4/4, 3rd:1/1, SongBird:1/1, HeyListen:1/1
Nikrir Leldro wrote:

regarding Lunk, if I cast Tongues on him, can he talk? It says that it gives the target the ability to speak etc.

Huh. Seems the answer is yes, far as I can tell. Would the caster choose the language?

I intend to have Savi do the talking, but 1000 of my misspent funds went to Whispering Gloves in case Lunk has something to say.

By the way, thank you for such an enthusiastic welcome!

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CG F Bariaur Shaman 7 | HP 42/42 | AC 18 T 10 FF 18 | F +3 R +3 W +8 (+2 vs spells) | Init +0 Perc +8 Darkvision 60 ft. Channels: 2/3 Healing Hex: Bedu, Conor

I'm a newcomer here myself still, but I'm fine adding one more.

CG Male Half Elf: Eldritch Guardian 2, Magical Child 7 | 76/76♥️ | 22AC~15t~19ff | Fort+10~Ref+11~Will+8 /+1v.Fey/+1v.Fear/+2v.Enchant | CMD:24 | Perc+13/17.LL | Init+2 | 1st:5/5, 2nd:4/4, 3rd:1/1, SongBird:1/1, HeyListen:1/1

So after the fifth welcome, I decided to reconsider my feat choices. The Teamwork feat I stumbled upon is perfect for a guy with a feat-sharing fairy on his shoulder!

Lv.1R Exotic Weapon: Katana
Lv.1 Daisho Expertise
Lv.3 Quick Draw
Lv.4 Power Attack
Lv.5 Imp Familiar: Sprite
Lv.6 Lunge
Lv.7 Blades Above and Below

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CN Male Peri-blooded Aasimar | Necromancer 11 | HP 79/79 | AC 18, TCH 15, FF 15; SR 16 | CMB 6, CMD 21 | Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +9 | Init +7, Perc +10; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 48/48(S/CI) | Conditions: Deathwatch (CL1); haste for 2 combats
"Savi" wrote:
Jek Tal'dor wrote:
Lol... I knew that name reference right away. Sounds fun!
Hey, listen. Lunk is a totally original character just like his dad, Super-Fiery Marco.

As long as Savi doesn't start saying "hey listen" every 2 seconds, we'll be fine.

CG Tiny Female Fairy Prankster | 38/42♥️ | (26)22AC~16t~(22)18ff | DR5/ColdIron, SR13 | Fort+9~Ref+10~Will+8 | Perc+13 | Init+7 | Invisibility:3/3, Repartée(2d4):3/3, SlapStick:1/1 | Feat: Improved Dirty Trick

Got that all outta my system in the backstory.

Male Human Vindictive Bastard 8| HP 73/79| Init +1, Perception +8 | AC 23/12/22 (+1 Dex, +1 Deflection, +1 Natural, +1 Attune) Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +11|
Use /Day:
| Smite 3/3| Demoralize 1/1 | Solo Tactics 6/6 | Pearl 1st 3/3 | Bane 4/5 | Spells: Liberating Command, Litany of Duty, Paladin's Sacrifice, ironskin
Condition: Aura of Courage, Aura of Resolve

Wow Daisho Expertise is sick. I should have gotten that for Vaascht.

CG Tiny Female Fairy Prankster | 38/42♥️ | (26)22AC~16t~(22)18ff | DR5/ColdIron, SR13 | Fort+9~Ref+10~Will+8 | Perc+13 | Init+7 | Invisibility:3/3, Repartée(2d4):3/3, SlapStick:1/1 | Feat: Improved Dirty Trick

The challenge of choosing feats was to act is if Savi is my main character. I had spring attack at first, which would allow the fairy to fly and poke. But Lunk had no use for that, and so began the second challenge of not giving Lunk any useless feats. (Or skills. He’ll take Aerial Roll at Lv.10 to make Fly worth the trouble.)

Anyway Daisho Expertise was the only Weapon Finesse feat that was still useful to STR-based Lunk.

Male Human Vindictive Bastard 8| HP 73/79| Init +1, Perception +8 | AC 23/12/22 (+1 Dex, +1 Deflection, +1 Natural, +1 Attune) Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +11|
Use /Day:
| Smite 3/3| Demoralize 1/1 | Solo Tactics 6/6 | Pearl 1st 3/3 | Bane 4/5 | Spells: Liberating Command, Litany of Duty, Paladin's Sacrifice, ironskin
Condition: Aura of Courage, Aura of Resolve

Screams for him to have a greensteel katana, 3d8 is a pretty sweet base for a 18-20.

CG Male Half Elf: Eldritch Guardian 2, Magical Child 7 | 76/76♥️ | 22AC~15t~19ff | Fort+10~Ref+11~Will+8 /+1v.Fey/+1v.Fear/+2v.Enchant | CMD:24 | Perc+13/17.LL | Init+2 | 1st:5/5, 2nd:4/4, 3rd:1/1, SongBird:1/1, HeyListen:1/1
Conor the Wanderer wrote:
Screams for him to have a greensteel katana, 3d8 is a pretty sweet base for a 18-20.

Do you have a link to that? (Asks Clearly-Not-Link)

I failed to find this greensteel while sitting in the parking lot awaiting my COVID vaccine. I’m happy to re-do items if such a thing is in my price range.

Male Human Vindictive Bastard 8| HP 73/79| Init +1, Perception +8 | AC 23/12/22 (+1 Dex, +1 Deflection, +1 Natural, +1 Attune) Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +11|
Use /Day:
| Smite 3/3| Demoralize 1/1 | Solo Tactics 6/6 | Pearl 1st 3/3 | Bane 4/5 | Spells: Liberating Command, Litany of Duty, Paladin's Sacrifice, ironskin
Condition: Aura of Courage, Aura of Resolve
"Lunk" wrote:
Conor the Wanderer wrote:
Screams for him to have a greensteel katana, 3d8 is a pretty sweet base for a 18-20.

Do you have a link to that? (Asks Clearly-Not-Link)

I failed to find this greensteel while sitting in the parking lot awaiting my COVID vaccine. I’m happy to re-do items if such a thing is in my price range.

Not Pathfinder, from planescape/this campaign


Male Human Vindictive Bastard 8| HP 73/79| Init +1, Perception +8 | AC 23/12/22 (+1 Dex, +1 Deflection, +1 Natural, +1 Attune) Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +11|
Use /Day:
| Smite 3/3| Demoralize 1/1 | Solo Tactics 6/6 | Pearl 1st 3/3 | Bane 4/5 | Spells: Liberating Command, Litany of Duty, Paladin's Sacrifice, ironskin
Condition: Aura of Courage, Aura of Resolve

Also I once again forgot that the Katana is only 1d8 in Pathfinder.

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CN Male Peri-blooded Aasimar | Necromancer 11 | HP 79/79 | AC 18, TCH 15, FF 15; SR 16 | CMB 6, CMD 21 | Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +9 | Init +7, Perc +10; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 48/48(S/CI) | Conditions: Deathwatch (CL1); haste for 2 combats

it's also listed in a tab at the end of our treasure tracker :3
thanks again for the treasure tracker, Jek ^^

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Lunk and Savi would not have access to greensteel to start since I was planning on having them fresh out of a portal when I introduce them. It would be available once they join and the party can hook them up with a supplier.

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Keep in mind that greensteel is associated with Baator (The Nine Hells to the clueless). And people who know that will make assumptions about people carrying greensteel weaponry or armor, for better or worse. Not that Lunk and Savi would know that.

CG Male Half Elf: Eldritch Guardian 2, Magical Child 7 | 76/76♥️ | 22AC~15t~19ff | Fort+10~Ref+11~Will+8 /+1v.Fey/+1v.Fear/+2v.Enchant | CMD:24 | Perc+13/17.LL | Init+2 | 1st:5/5, 2nd:4/4, 3rd:1/1, SongBird:1/1, HeyListen:1/1
Conor the Wanderer wrote:
Also I once again forgot that the Katana is only 1d8 in Pathfinder.

1d10 with the Daisho feat.

And 1d4 for Savi’s diminutive sized agile katana.

CG Tiny Female Fairy Prankster | 38/42♥️ | (26)22AC~16t~(22)18ff | DR5/ColdIron, SR13 | Fort+9~Ref+10~Will+8 | Perc+13 | Init+7 | Invisibility:3/3, Repartée(2d4):3/3, SlapStick:1/1 | Feat: Improved Dirty Trick
DM_Delmoth wrote:
Lunk and Savi would not have access to greensteel to start since I was planning on having them fresh out of a portal when I introduce them. It would be available once they join and the party can hook them up with a supplier.

I’ll be clueless IC and OoC.

Oh… and broke. (IC)

Male Human Vindictive Bastard 8| HP 73/79| Init +1, Perception +8 | AC 23/12/22 (+1 Dex, +1 Deflection, +1 Natural, +1 Attune) Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +11|
Use /Day:
| Smite 3/3| Demoralize 1/1 | Solo Tactics 6/6 | Pearl 1st 3/3 | Bane 4/5 | Spells: Liberating Command, Litany of Duty, Paladin's Sacrifice, ironskin
Condition: Aura of Courage, Aura of Resolve

Pssh, with this group who'd look past the shamblers and Jek toting barrels full of stinking corpses to worry about what kind of sword ya got? :)

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To be fair you've only really wigwagged with jaded bashers and undeath positive cutters. And those deaders are kept minty fresh by Nik.

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I know its my turn in combat, I'm just being lazy.

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CG Tiny Female Fairy Prankster | 38/42♥️ | (26)22AC~16t~(22)18ff | DR5/ColdIron, SR13 | Fort+9~Ref+10~Will+8 | Perc+13 | Init+7 | Invisibility:3/3, Repartée(2d4):3/3, SlapStick:1/1 | Feat: Improved Dirty Trick

Added image to profile above the backstories.

For those who haven’t checked the profiles or seen the image on Discord, I’ll post the image here…


…and the backstories if you haven’t read ’em yet, and want to.

The Hero of Tim:
DISCLAIMER: I'm half Italian. Just... remember that. Please.

Tim the Enchanter fell in a well. Lunk threw him a rope. Tim did not die. He lived and married Princess Celda.

Lunk was bummed out. Three summers passed. Lunk was still bummed out. He sat on a tree stump. It made him uncomfortable. The thoughts going through his head made him uncomfortable.

Tim and Celda were taking Tim Jr. for a walk. "Yo, Lunk!" Tim Sr. called out cheerfully.

Lunk wanted to tell Tim to f$!* his mother, but he was mute. So he just waved.

Crickets were annoying, he thought, hours later.

Lumbering footsteps shook the earth. A twelve-foot tall moustached human approached.

"Lunk. It's-a me, Daddy-o." Of course it was Super-Fiery Marco, Lunk’s red mage dad. Marco dispelled his otherwise constant enlargement. Kyow, kyow, kyow. "Let me give-a you some-a paternal advice.

"Here we are, on-a the First-a World. I coulda won-a the Princess' heart, but... when I serenaded out-a from under yon window, a leshy maid thanked-a me, but said-a the Princess was in another castle. And then she got-a back-a to sweeping the floors.

"My brother, your Uncle Luca. He traveled from world-a to world, and it was-a not until the eighth-a world he met-a the girl of his-a dreams. She was-a the very Princess for-a whom I sang-a my song of-a love to a leshy sweeping the fargin-a floor.

"Ah! But-a then after stewing a couple-a years, slaying the monkey, and slaying the dragon, and slaying the monster from-a the night-a-mare, and winning trophies in a variety of sports... I met-a Samanthus Aranna. She is my knight in-a shining armor. And she is-a your mother!

"Like-a you, she does-a not say a fargin word, and if I could-a get one-a you to practice the ocarina, we might-a be a merry-a band!"

Now Lunk feels even more like s!*% for giving up on music. Puppets are my art. You will never understand me, dad.

"Of course-a I understand-a you son! What's-a matter-you! I'm a fargin mind-a-reader!

"So, I know what you are-a thinking. And-a you're right! Go out-a into the world-a like Uncle Luca. But do not-a sleep with the fishes, like Uncle Luca. His affair with the mermaids ruined his-a marraige. He could-a had a happy-a life!'

The Sprite at the End of the Tunnel:
DISCLAIMER: I'm an insensitive asshoIe.

Lunk approached his mother. Now that he was an adult, and she was an unaging elf, she looked like a girl his age. If not for her 400 years of wisdom, she could pass for a big sister. Someday, she would pass for a little sister.

He signed to his mother, What did you want to tell me, Mama?

Samanthus signed she loved him. And Lunk loved her too, but suspected there was more she wanted to say.

So she did.

Before you were born, a little winged woman came to me. She did not introduce herself. I called her S-A-X, named for my initials and her height of ten inches tall. That, and she played a tiny saxophone.

Anyway, Sax gave me a power that only the fey of the First World could channel. She gave me the power to become one with living metal.

Lunk had seen his mother in her full armor. The shimmering green visor and her right gauntlet did not match the gold and the bronze, yet... there was something very special about it.

I am the son of a Green Faith paladin! If I had friends, they would all check out my mom and I would punch their noses. I am lucky nobody likes me.

Samanthus was not a mind-reader like her husband, but she felt the loneliness of her awkward boy. She signaled him to follow.

That was easy until she turned to a very small metallic rock and rolled into a tunnel.

How am I supposed to get in there?

Lunk's dad heard this thought and cast a lightning bolt, which made him a foot-and-a-half tall.

F&%@ you, dad.

"Language-a, son."

Lunk followed his mother into the tiny tunnel.

At the end of the tunnel, Samanthus kissed her son goodbye. It's weird getting kissed by your mom when she's a metal rock and you're shrunken knee-high. After Mom rolled away, Lunk grew back. His head protruded through the mossy forest floor.

There before him, basking in the few sunbeams to penetrate the lush green canopy, was a katana made of the shiny green metal! Living Steel! It was thrust into a tree stump!

Lunk pulled the katana from the stump and sat down. A high voice called out, "Hey!" When he didn't respond verbally, the voice said "Listen!" And when it was clear from his face that he was listening, the voice said "Oh."

A fairy came down from a high branch. Her name was Savi because she was six inches tall, unlike her relatively gigantic mother, Sax.

"Yeah! Your mom and my mom were BFFs! When your dad knocked her up, she said to your mom, gimme a drop o' the newborn’s blood and a glass o' milk. She made this!"

The fairy then willed a vial of red liquid bigger than herself to hover into Lunk's waiting hand. He held it overhead triumphantly.

I have obtained a potion of Cure Light Wounds. F&#* yes!

"Language-a, son!" his dad shouted from the tunnel before swearing himself. "Fargin-a turtles!" He kicked a snapping turtle for biting his toe and decided to head back home before his mythic reduce person spell wore off.

As for Savi, she never did explain that the Katana of Living Steel was a hand-me-down from Lunk's maternal ancestors. All she knew was that Lunk needed a fey protector, and who better than Savi?

She hitched a ride on his shoulder and yelled in his ear, "Let's blow this popsicle stand!"

And blow it, they did...

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CN Male Peri-blooded Aasimar | Necromancer 11 | HP 79/79 | AC 18, TCH 15, FF 15; SR 16 | CMB 6, CMD 21 | Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +9 | Init +7, Perc +10; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 48/48(S/CI) | Conditions: Deathwatch (CL1); haste for 2 combats
Rinika wrote:
DM_Delmoth wrote:
Rinika grasps the parasol from the woman, the canopy looks like it’s made from some red liquid that is constantly flowing, the rips appear to be actual ribs. It has a certain heft to it that suggests its usefulness in combat. Vampiric combat umbrella.
I am speechless.

Same, bro.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
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Nikrir Leldro wrote:
Rinika wrote:
DM_Delmoth wrote:
Rinika grasps the parasol from the woman, the canopy looks like it’s made from some red liquid that is constantly flowing, the ribs appear to be actual ribs. It has a certain heft to it that suggests its usefulness in combat. Vampiric combat umbrella.
I am speechless.

Same, bro.



1 person marked this as a favorite.
CN Male Peri-blooded Aasimar | Necromancer 11 | HP 79/79 | AC 18, TCH 15, FF 15; SR 16 | CMB 6, CMD 21 | Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +9 | Init +7, Perc +10; Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Spells etc | ammo 48/48(S/CI) | Conditions: Deathwatch (CL1); haste for 2 combats
DM_Delmoth wrote:
Nikrir Leldro wrote:
Rinika wrote:
DM_Delmoth wrote:
Rinika grasps the parasol from the woman, the canopy looks like it’s made from some red liquid that is constantly flowing, the ribs appear to be actual ribs. It has a certain heft to it that suggests its usefulness in combat. Vampiric combat umbrella.
I am speechless.

Same, bro.



e-hugs xD

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