Nikrir Leldro/Aasimar/Wizard (Undead Master)
Faction: Ex-Dustmen
100 word concept (why they're in Sigil, the City of Doors):
While running away from a lynch mob of Sarenrae worshippers (with a few proper crusaders mixed in), Nikrir found himself on another plane unexpectedly. He must've accidentally opened an obscure portal somehow. He doesn't know how to get back, but that suits him just fine as he is afraid of going back anyway.
A 3x3:
3 friends
(1) Jek Tal'dor the courier and cavalier. He helped Nik to make several important deliveries involving undead patrons.
(2) A shaitan named Rimtut. He is a jeweler, and rather friendly for a shaitan. He was the first guy Nikrir met after stumbling into Sigil.
(3++) Tiefling twins, a boy and girl, named Masis and Mivas Emem. They're both thieves and they... resell misplaced merchandise together at a little hole in the wall they call the Emem emporium, a small alley/shop in the Hive Ward.
3 contacts
(1) Shemeshka the Marauder. Occasionally Nik has tried to get extra corpses through less official channels, and ended up delivering a few unintelligent undead slaves for her...
(2) Alluvius Ruskin, the owner of the semi-famous Tivvum's Antiquities. Nice enough old lady, sometimes has nice things for the necromancer in need.
(3) An ifrit called Tafut. An explorer that occasionally has a need for additional manpower and he doesn't mind zombie help.
3 rivals
(1) Mhasha Zakk the taxidermist. Nik once got a client of the dustmen almost accidentally stuffed after a misunderstanding with her. Nik, at least, still holds a grudge.
(2) Feye of the Society of Sensation was the first member of any faction that Nik met. Let's just say their philosophies clashed and an 'insulting' comment she made about Dustmen is part of how he decided to join.
(3) A fellow member of the Dustmen: Selveaemmignus Laendrolsiar the most pretentious elf with the most pretentious name; she's also two-faced. Nik understood Elven before meeting her and she made some off-color remarks in said language in front of him before pretending to be friendly.
Fear: Any symbols of Sarenrae. After getting nearly lynched, Nikrir has... an aversion to everything Sarenrae xD
Optional: maybe secrets? maybe not? mostly secretly became an incantifier
Initiative +8; Perception +11; Darkvision 60'
AC 18, touch 15 flat-footed 15 (+3 dex +1 natural armor +2 armor +2 deflection)
hp 86
Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +10
Resist acid 7, cold 7, electricity 7; SR 17
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Cold Iron Dagger +7/+2 (1d4+1/19-20)
Ranged +2 Darkwood Heavy Crossbow +12 (1d10+2/19-20) [range increment: 120']
Supernatural Abilities
. (1 at a time)Corpse Companion
. 12 rounds/dayLife Sight (20' range blindsight (to detect and differentiate between living and undead creatures only))
. 10/dayPower Over Undead (30' burst; DC 20 will)
Str 13, Dex 18, Con 12, int 25, Wis 8, Cha 14
Base Atk +6; CMB +7; CMD 23
languages: Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Ignan, Infernal, Necril, Sign Language (Lunk's), Sylvan, Terran
Traits: Resilient (combat): Gain a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saves.
Unscathed (magic): Each type of energy resistance you have (if any) increases by 2 points.
Member of the Incantifers (ex-sigil-faction): SR 5+HD. If a spell fails to beat Incantifer SR, she heals 1d4 hp per spell level. She lose the ability to be healed at all, other than absorbing magic. Incantifers can also absorb a scroll, potion or wand charge as a standard action to be healed. Incantifers no longer need to eat breathe or sleep. Absorbing magic while fully healed reduces an Incantifer's age by 1 week/ spell level.
Feats: Toughness (1st): +3 hp or +1 hp per hit dice
Command Undead (1st (bonus necromancer)): control undead whose hit dice do not exceed your own
Improved Channel (1st (bonus undead master)): +2 to Power Over Undead DC
Improved Initiative (3rd): +4 initiative
Yuelral's Blessing (5th): +1 CL and DC for wizard/druid spells, use any gems (of sufficient gp value) for any material component
Scribe Scroll (7th): doodle on all the vellum!
Opposition Research (9th): cast illusion spells with only 1 slot instead of 2!
Craft Wand (11th): make the sticks sparkle!
Skills (background skills have an asterisk after the name)
7 Acrobatics (4 Dex, +3 ranks)
22 Appraise* (7 Int, +12 ranks, +3 class skill)
2 Bluff (2 Cha)
1 Climb (1 Str)
22 Craft (Sewing)* (7 Int, +12 ranks, +3 class skill)
12 Diplomacy (2 Cha, +12 ranks, -2 Necropolitan)
2 Disguise (2 Cha)
4 Escape Artist (4 Dex)
18 Fly (4 Dex, +1 ranks, +3 class skill, +4 good maneuverability, +6 Fly spell bonus)