Legacies: Return of the Runelords

Game Master Cosmic Dream Lord

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Return of the Runelords Loot Tracker

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@Aurealia: I believe we're still waiting for your action.

@Jaya: Now that Galatea has stepped out of the way, what spell did you intend to cast?

Reference Image HP 47/47 , Buffs: | AC 24, t 11, ff 22 | F+6, R+3, W+8, | Perception +12, Initiative +3

Again I direct y’all to my earlier discussion post about Discord. Everyone has joined up except Stalwart and CDL.


If any of you wanted to heal up via potions and such, you would have had the time.

HP: 115/115 (141/141) | AC 24 (23), t 13 (12), ff 123(22) | F +15 (+18), Ref +8, Will +10 (+16); +1 to save when adjacent to sis | Per +16, Init +7

Awww, why would we need to? I'm sure the worst is behind us at this point.


Reference Image HP 47/47 , Buffs: | AC 24, t 11, ff 22 | F+6, R+3, W+8, | Perception +12, Initiative +3

Been a hectic stretch for me lately. Had some life things crop up that have kept me occupied, and picked up a second job to try and help out with some financial strains I’ve been having. If I’m a bit more silent than usual, please don’t take it as a lack of interest.

I will continue posting as I can, but anything involving heavy mechanics posts may be slower than usual from me. If it comes down to it, this is my official authorization for the DM to take an action on my behalf to keep things moving rather than risk slowing the game because of me.

Arcane Reservoir 7/14 | Empower Rod 2/3 | Admixture 10/10 Mostly Human Emberkin Blood Arcanist 12 | HP 62/62 | AC 14(18), T 12 (20), FF 13(21) CMD 16 | Fort +10 Ref +10, Will +13 | Init +4 | Perc +12 | SM +12 | Spells Remaining: level 1 8/11, level 2 5/6, level 3 5/6, Level 4 5/6, Level 5 2/6, Level 6 3/3

Irl of course comes first. Hope things calm down a bit on the homefront soon though!

Congratulations on completing the Prologue. As I've indicated elsewhere, the PCs have Leveled Up and will start Chapter 1 at Level 3.

Reference Image HP 47/47 , Buffs: | AC 24, t 11, ff 22 | F+6, R+3, W+8, | Perception +12, Initiative +3

+7 HP (5 HP, 1 Con, 1 Favored)
+1 BAB
+1 Reflex
+1 Second Level Spell Base Slot
Trackless Step
Feat: Augment Summoning
Perception +1
Knowledge (Nature) +1
Survival +2
*Handle Animal* +1
*Knowledge (Geography)* +1

+2 Natural Armor
+1 Str/Dex
+1 Trick (Perform)

HP: 115/115 (141/141) | AC 24 (23), t 13 (12), ff 123(22) | F +15 (+18), Ref +8, Will +10 (+16); +1 to save when adjacent to sis | Per +16, Init +7

BTW, anyone who wants to put a background rank in Perform is welcome to join the band!

Reference Image HP 47/47 , Buffs: | AC 24, t 11, ff 22 | F+6, R+3, W+8, | Perception +12, Initiative +3

Lol Cai’nan is not artistically inclined.

HP: 115/115 (141/141) | AC 24 (23), t 13 (12), ff 123(22) | F +15 (+18), Ref +8, Will +10 (+16); +1 to save when adjacent to sis | Per +16, Init +7

Well, Krodha's welcome anytime!

@Stal: Could I get a description of Auronee's physical appearance? For the life of me, I can't find anything describing what she looks like in terms of physical features. I seem to remember her being a gorgeous blonde, but that's about it.

HP: 113/113 | Hero 3/3 |
AC 30, T 15, FF 26; Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +14; Init +4; Per +25, darkvision, scent
Active buffs: reference image

That's kind of as far as I've ever gotten with her description. I used words like effervescent, and effortless beauty, making even the dirt and grime of a dungeon crawl look good (like she's got a Hollywood makeup team with her to make sure she always looks good and she matches the lighting.

But beyond that, her body is lithe and athletic, with perfect proportions. At her height of her power, she also possessed an easy confidence and magnetic charm that bordered on the supernatural.

HP: 115/115 (141/141) | AC 24 (23), t 13 (12), ff 123(22) | F +15 (+18), Ref +8, Will +10 (+16); +1 to save when adjacent to sis | Per +16, Init +7

Croq is levelled up now.

If it wasn't clear from her concert, her new Rage Power is Lesser Spirit Totem, which means that anyone who chooses to partake of her raging song gets a little angry spirit that swirls around them, attacking an adjacent foe of their choice each round.

Feat: extra performance
Spell known: feather fall...unless someone wants to suggest something else? I like the flavor idea of things like Ear-Piercing Scream...but her DCs will never be very exciting.

...and few skill ranks.

So I see this little side venture with Jaya wrapping up soon. I know that Croq and Cai'nan appear all leveled up. What about everyone else?

Arcane Reservoir 7/14 | Empower Rod 2/3 | Admixture 10/10 Mostly Human Emberkin Blood Arcanist 12 | HP 62/62 | AC 14(18), T 12 (20), FF 13(21) CMD 16 | Fort +10 Ref +10, Will +13 | Init +4 | Perc +12 | SM +12 | Spells Remaining: level 1 8/11, level 2 5/6, level 3 5/6, Level 4 5/6, Level 5 2/6, Level 6 3/3

I should double check my math and pick my two spells, but aside from that Jaya's good to go :-)

Oh, and since Nightmare's about a DC 25 to identify just by looking at someone experiencing it, I'm assuming that at some point Jaya took 20 in her mom's library to learn about the spell and how it works.

HP: 81/98 (111/128) // Arcane points (9/11), Rage (6/6) // Huge+Shield: AC 28 (29), t 11 (12), ff 28 Norm: AC 20 (21), t 15 (16), ff 17 // Fort +14 (+17), Ref +11, Will +11 (+17) Current spells: ext. bull's, good hope, shield, haste, monstrous phisique II, Perception +20 (+22 at night) Perception check to hear a creature can’t see exceeds DC by 10 can pinpoint

As stated in Discord, I leveled already as well.

Looks like we're all ready to go then. I'll move the story forward some time soon.

Feel free to continue your Day 2 Night RPing and go into detail about your Day 3 Morning.

I will update tomorrow, most likely in the evening. I'm quite busy today and tomorrow morning/afternoon.

HP: 115/115 (141/141) | AC 24 (23), t 13 (12), ff 123(22) | F +15 (+18), Ref +8, Will +10 (+16); +1 to save when adjacent to sis | Per +16, Init +7

Can't post now but I'll start a Raging Song. Feel free to count it in your posts.

HP: 115/115 (141/141) | AC 24 (23), t 13 (12), ff 123(22) | F +15 (+18), Ref +8, Will +10 (+16); +1 to save when adjacent to sis | Per +16, Init +7

Effects of Raging Song
Everyone who takes the raging song gets:
+2 morale bonus to STR & CON,
+1 morale bonus to Will,
-1 to AC,
Allies other than the skald cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.

Also, you're orbited by a spirit fragment of Roderick's family that attacks the adjacent foe of your choice (+4 to hit, 1d4+2 negative energy damage). You decided which foe it attacks. The spirits are an effect, not creatures so they don't flank and can't be buffed.

Arcane Reservoir 7/14 | Empower Rod 2/3 | Admixture 10/10 Mostly Human Emberkin Blood Arcanist 12 | HP 62/62 | AC 14(18), T 12 (20), FF 13(21) CMD 16 | Fort +10 Ref +10, Will +13 | Init +4 | Perc +12 | SM +12 | Spells Remaining: level 1 8/11, level 2 5/6, level 3 5/6, Level 4 5/6, Level 5 2/6, Level 6 3/3

Acid Splash @ Purple: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Acid Damage: 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Okay, well, I'm copying and pasting what I'm writing in Gameplay and getting a very different response here. Weird. :-/

The nameplates for the bosses should be visible now. If not, please let me know.

@Jaya: I believe that Grease was also your last spell.

-1 Grease

-1 Grease

-1 Burning Hands

-1 Magic Missile

-1 Magic Missile

-1 Grease

-1 Grease

-1 Burning Hands

-1 Mage Armor

-1 Magic Missile

HP: 115/115 (141/141) | AC 24 (23), t 13 (12), ff 123(22) | F +15 (+18), Ref +8, Will +10 (+16); +1 to save when adjacent to sis | Per +16, Init +7

Hey gang it's SHOPPING TIME!!!

Who wants what from the loot? Before we finalize anything:

1) lets see how wants what. If multiple folks want something, speak up and we'll figure it out....Like, maybe have a drumming contest to see who gets it! ;-)

2) what do we want to keep as group gear?

3) as a reminder, we're allowing folks to "buy" loot at 1/2 price, and then we'll see the rest and divvy up cash.


Croq is interested in: the Ioun Stone, scale mail +1, the Cloak +1

Aurelia has expressed interest in: the Ring +1, Eyes of the Eagle, and the Amulet of Nat Armor +1

Cai'nan is all about the Benjamins. (No loot for him.)

Kallie has expressed interest in the Rod. will just take cash too.

Jaya...presumably would like that Rod?

...BTW, Jaya, if you're around, most of us are chatting on Discord at the moment.

HP: 81/98 (111/128) // Arcane points (9/11), Rage (6/6) // Huge+Shield: AC 28 (29), t 11 (12), ff 28 Norm: AC 20 (21), t 15 (16), ff 17 // Fort +14 (+17), Ref +11, Will +11 (+17) Current spells: ext. bull's, good hope, shield, haste, monstrous phisique II, Perception +20 (+22 at night) Perception check to hear a creature can’t see exceeds DC by 10 can pinpoint

1) Correct.

2) Don't care

Reference image Buffs: mage armor, tears2wine HP: 69/69; AC 23, t 13, ff 21; Saves: F +6, R +6, W +11; CMD 19 (23 vs trip); Reservoir 8/15; Perception +17

(No, the rod should go to Jaya. I just commented that it'd be nice to be used with touch of idiocy. I'll just take cash, and see if I can afford a headband of intellect.

HP: 115/115 (141/141) | AC 24 (23), t 13 (12), ff 123(22) | F +15 (+18), Ref +8, Will +10 (+16); +1 to save when adjacent to sis | Per +16, Init +7

For (2) Group Gear, I'm happy to just keep any consumables we find for whoever to use

At minimum, I suggest we keep:
- All healing potions and scrolls (from now til forever)
- Scroll of Daylight
- Scroll of Dispel Magic
- Scroll of Fireball
- Scroll of Glitterdust
- Scroll of Lightning Bolt
- Scroll of Shatter
- Potion of Air Bubble
- Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
- Potion of Fly

Oh! And of course I think the Bag o Holding should be group gear too.

HP: 81/98 (111/128) // Arcane points (9/11), Rage (6/6) // Huge+Shield: AC 28 (29), t 11 (12), ff 28 Norm: AC 20 (21), t 15 (16), ff 17 // Fort +14 (+17), Ref +11, Will +11 (+17) Current spells: ext. bull's, good hope, shield, haste, monstrous phisique II, Perception +20 (+22 at night) Perception check to hear a creature can’t see exceeds DC by 10 can pinpoint

Unless Jaya wants to buy the ring or amulet, Croq agreed to let me take them.

What say you, Jaya?

Arcane Reservoir 7/14 | Empower Rod 2/3 | Admixture 10/10 Mostly Human Emberkin Blood Arcanist 12 | HP 62/62 | AC 14(18), T 12 (20), FF 13(21) CMD 16 | Fort +10 Ref +10, Will +13 | Init +4 | Perc +12 | SM +12 | Spells Remaining: level 1 8/11, level 2 5/6, level 3 5/6, Level 4 5/6, Level 5 2/6, Level 6 3/3

I want the rod... a lot :-D

I'll happily pass on the ring and amulet. I'll want them later on in my career, but broadly speaking, just want to not get stabbed in the first place :-x

I'd also be a fan of keeping the antitoxins and the smokesticks, since they're both cheap and occasional lifesavers.

Female Half-Elf Reclusive Lunar Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 12 | HP: 90/90| AC: 24, Touch: 15, FF: 19 | CMD 16 | Fort: +9, Reflex: +13, Will: +10 (+2 vs. enchantment; +7 vs. charm/compulsion) | Init: +10 | Perception: +10 | Buffs:

@Jaya: Since I really like the final share per person (7,995.00 gp each) and many of the others have purchased gear based on that amount, I'll have Galatea buy those items.

Arcane Reservoir 7/14 | Empower Rod 2/3 | Admixture 10/10 Mostly Human Emberkin Blood Arcanist 12 | HP 62/62 | AC 14(18), T 12 (20), FF 13(21) CMD 16 | Fort +10 Ref +10, Will +13 | Init +4 | Perc +12 | SM +12 | Spells Remaining: level 1 8/11, level 2 5/6, level 3 5/6, Level 4 5/6, Level 5 2/6, Level 6 3/3

Oh for Jaya to be in that room. And to know Cai'nan is a Blakros-Constantin :-p

Hey gang, I wanted to give you a heads up about some upcoming travel of mine:

I'll be taking my wife and daughter to Costa Rica for her 50th birthday! We travel Nov 9-23 (and I'm stretched a bit thin prepping between now & then).

I don't know what my internet will be like while I'm out of the country, but please forgive if my posts are less frequent (or terser)...and please feel free to bot if needed.

Have fun, that should be a good trip!

Arcane Reservoir 7/14 | Empower Rod 2/3 | Admixture 10/10 Mostly Human Emberkin Blood Arcanist 12 | HP 62/62 | AC 14(18), T 12 (20), FF 13(21) CMD 16 | Fort +10 Ref +10, Will +13 | Init +4 | Perc +12 | SM +12 | Spells Remaining: level 1 8/11, level 2 5/6, level 3 5/6, Level 4 5/6, Level 5 2/6, Level 6 3/3

Since we're walking into evasion/invisibility central, Jaya will prep Glitterdust instead of Burning Arc today

Reference Image HP 47/47 , Buffs: | AC 24, t 11, ff 22 | F+6, R+3, W+8, | Perception +12, Initiative +3

Level 5 Cai’nan:

+7 HP
+2 Level 3 Spell Slots
Natural Spell Feat
Skills: Perception, Diplomacy, Knowledge (Nature), Survival, Stealth, Handle Animal, Knowledge (Geography)

Reference Image HP 47/47 , Buffs: | AC 24, t 11, ff 22 | F+6, R+3, W+8, | Perception +12, Initiative +3

Consolidated Loot List, Pre-Identifications...

Magical Halberd
Magical Chainmail
Iron Unholy Symbol (2.5 gold)
Spell Component Pouch (2.5 gold)
Magic Pearl
Crystal Decanter (200 gp)
Food Table (??? Keep!?!?)
Magical Mithral Dagger
Wand of Some Sort (demon lair)
Pearl Necklace (120 gp)
Locked Wooden Box
14x (3 Potions)
14x Masterwork Ranseurs (2,170 gold)
14x Magical Studded Leather Armor
14x Thieve’s Tools (210 gold)
420 gold

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Arcane Reservoir 7/14 | Empower Rod 2/3 | Admixture 10/10 Mostly Human Emberkin Blood Arcanist 12 | HP 62/62 | AC 14(18), T 12 (20), FF 13(21) CMD 16 | Fort +10 Ref +10, Will +13 | Init +4 | Perc +12 | SM +12 | Spells Remaining: level 1 8/11, level 2 5/6, level 3 5/6, Level 4 5/6, Level 5 2/6, Level 6 3/3
"Kallie?" Galatea says gently. "Is everything okay? I, uh, suddenly had a gut feeling and wanted to see if..."

"gut feeling" = "was invisibly listening at your door" right?


HP: 115/115 (141/141) | AC 24 (23), t 13 (12), ff 123(22) | F +15 (+18), Ref +8, Will +10 (+16); +1 to save when adjacent to sis | Per +16, Init +7

FYI to folks, Croq has Spell Kenning now. As a Fated Champion, she sucks at damage dealing spells, but can cast Divination spells at 1 level lower than usual, meaning she can cast any 3rd lvl Div spell on the Wiz, Clr, or Brd lists, using a L2 slot (1/day).

Good to know in general...and maybe helpful with the Wormhole.

Some options I've noted:
(1) Augury
(2) Akashic Communion (1 min/lvl, know chk w +10 bonus / 3 lvls)
(2) Blood Biography
(2) Harrowing (Bard 3; 1 day/lvl; 9 cards; bonus and penalties)
(2) Scrying (Divination, Bard 3)
(2) Clairvoyance/Clairaudience (Divination 3)
(2) Threefold Sight (Bard 3; 3 min; 3xd20 and take middle)

HP: 115/115 (141/141) | AC 24 (23), t 13 (12), ff 123(22) | F +15 (+18), Ref +8, Will +10 (+16); +1 to save when adjacent to sis | Per +16, Init +7

Jaya & "Wendy"'s conversation is reminding me of one of my favorite SF novels, The Fifth Head of Cerberus by Gene Wolfe, which plays with cloning, colonialism, and a variety of other topics.

. . .

I wonder if any of the PCs would know that Wendy / Windy were nicknames that Sabrina used for Auronee?

Arcane Reservoir 7/14 | Empower Rod 2/3 | Admixture 10/10 Mostly Human Emberkin Blood Arcanist 12 | HP 62/62 | AC 14(18), T 12 (20), FF 13(21) CMD 16 | Fort +10 Ref +10, Will +13 | Init +4 | Perc +12 | SM +12 | Spells Remaining: level 1 8/11, level 2 5/6, level 3 5/6, Level 4 5/6, Level 5 2/6, Level 6 3/3

I can't imagine that Jaya would :-/

Arcane Reservoir 7/14 | Empower Rod 2/3 | Admixture 10/10 Mostly Human Emberkin Blood Arcanist 12 | HP 62/62 | AC 14(18), T 12 (20), FF 13(21) CMD 16 | Fort +10 Ref +10, Will +13 | Init +4 | Perc +12 | SM +12 | Spells Remaining: level 1 8/11, level 2 5/6, level 3 5/6, Level 4 5/6, Level 5 2/6, Level 6 3/3

(here and around btw - Jaya's just enjoying her fish for now)

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HP: 115/115 (141/141) | AC 24 (23), t 13 (12), ff 123(22) | F +15 (+18), Ref +8, Will +10 (+16); +1 to save when adjacent to sis | Per +16, Init +7

It WAS quite good fish.

And it goes well with sea shanties!

Arcane Reservoir 7/14 | Empower Rod 2/3 | Admixture 10/10 Mostly Human Emberkin Blood Arcanist 12 | HP 62/62 | AC 14(18), T 12 (20), FF 13(21) CMD 16 | Fort +10 Ref +10, Will +13 | Init +4 | Perc +12 | SM +12 | Spells Remaining: level 1 8/11, level 2 5/6, level 3 5/6, Level 4 5/6, Level 5 2/6, Level 6 3/3

Oh, did Cai'nan head straight home after his expedition in the Mwangi Expanse? I thought that was when he was thought to be dead - am I conflating things?

Reference Image HP 47/47 , Buffs: | AC 24, t 11, ff 22 | F+6, R+3, W+8, | Perception +12, Initiative +3

After he escaped the Mwangi Expanse and was found, he did in fact make his way home for a time. There was a brief, BRIEF moment of happiness from all parties involved, but eventually Argor and Cai’nan again just ceased seeing eye to eye and Cai’nan left once again.

Arcane Reservoir 7/14 | Empower Rod 2/3 | Admixture 10/10 Mostly Human Emberkin Blood Arcanist 12 | HP 62/62 | AC 14(18), T 12 (20), FF 13(21) CMD 16 | Fort +10 Ref +10, Will +13 | Init +4 | Perc +12 | SM +12 | Spells Remaining: level 1 8/11, level 2 5/6, level 3 5/6, Level 4 5/6, Level 5 2/6, Level 6 3/3

Not totally done for Jaya, but I think I found a fun enough little item for her :-)

I'll go with a Ring of Energy Shroud (fire), and I'll get the rest of her shopping list up soon too.

HP: 115/115 (141/141) | AC 24 (23), t 13 (12), ff 123(22) | F +15 (+18), Ref +8, Will +10 (+16); +1 to save when adjacent to sis | Per +16, Init +7

Is there someone with the Council who can send a Sending to Ryli? That seems like our next step.

Then--unless that leads to new options--I vote we head to meet our guide, and then go to Hollow Mountain.

Arcane Reservoir 7/14 | Empower Rod 2/3 | Admixture 10/10 Mostly Human Emberkin Blood Arcanist 12 | HP 62/62 | AC 14(18), T 12 (20), FF 13(21) CMD 16 | Fort +10 Ref +10, Will +13 | Init +4 | Perc +12 | SM +12 | Spells Remaining: level 1 8/11, level 2 5/6, level 3 5/6, Level 4 5/6, Level 5 2/6, Level 6 3/3

Honestly, we don't even particularly need to be here for the Sending. Kallie might want to talk to her mom, but otherwise we don't possess any specific information that she'd need. And after all, if it's a reasonable means of contact, then they can reach out to us en route too :-)

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