Cai'nan Blakros |

Question would be: would Cai’nan know the name readily enough to recognize it if you introduced yourself as such? I’m thinking he was estranged enough from his father that he likely didn’t ever hear it or pay it much mind. So...yeah...gonna say he doesn’t know the name off hand. Especially with no Ranks in K. nobility.

Jaya Farwynd |

I'll leave that one up to you. It sounds like the Pathfinders played up the betrayal of the order, so Farwynd certainly could be infamous...
It seems more like something that influences how your character will respond though, so I'll leave it up to you.

Aurealia Andosana |

I just realized...Cai’nan is the only Male in the group. Hahaha! The pressure is real...
Aurealia isn't a female or a male. Not that you would know that.

Kallie Silversun |

What a relief! I was afraid the whole campaign would be us all lost in the woods.

Cai'nan Blakros |

This struck me funny given a recent conversation some of us had on Roll20 recently.

Jaya Farwynd |

Trying to recalibrate Jaya's familiarity with the other scions - it seems like now she and Kallie overlapped in their apprenticeships with Eugeni and are already friendly, she clearly doesn't know Cai'nan as a Blakros, she doesn't seem to have met any of Shally's brood before this... Would she know Galatea? Or is there anyone else who spent substantial time in Sandpoint (or before that, Kaer Maga?)

Cosmic Dungeon Lord |

Here's my take on Jaya's familiarity with the other scions. Again, it's just my opinion given the current information I have.
Kallie - As you said, they most likely both studied under Eugeni around the same time. Given their overlapping academic interests (Thassilon, arcane magic, arcanist-style magic manipulation), I figured that they would be fairly friendly.
Cai'nan - Since he takes care to hide his heritage, you don't know that he's a Blakros. However, Jaya would certainly recognize that William Lightstaff was quite familiar with him.
Aurealia - Aurealia also studied under Eugeni, and Kallie is familiar with her, so Jaya most likely knows Aurealia to some degree and vice versa.
Croq - I would say that this could be Jaya's first time meeting Croq. However, you likely have heard about her from Aurealia, and Kallie knows her too.
Galatea - While I wrote that she didn't recognize Jaya, Kallie's weird aunt has also visited her niece a number of times over the years. It could just be that Gali doesn't recognize Jaya because she appeared much younger the last time they met.

Kallie Silversun |

Then Jaya would know this for having trained together under Eugeni: Kallie's top (human) half looks *very* different from when she started out. Before, she looked like a scrawny kid with an arm's length relationship with puberty. After a period of a few months where she went off to visit with her family, she now has the upper half of a knockout perfect '10' vision of beauty. That she fights by trying strange hair and clothing styles.
(And lemme tell you, trying to find a image that fits that description without showing bare breasts is *hard*)

Aurealia Andosana |

My background has me training with Eugeni at some point as well, which is why I've been acting like I knew Kallie and Jaya. I'm not sure how long I was there, but yeah.

Cosmic Dungeon Lord |

My background has me training with Eugeni at some point as well, which is why I've been acting like I knew Kallie and Jaya. I'm not sure how long I was there, but yeah.
Totally blanked on that, so I went back and edited my post accordingly. In short, to some degree, Jaya most likely knows Aurealia; Kallie definitely knows her, and Aurealia knows them both.

Jaya Farwynd |

Great, that all checks out - I ooc know that Aurealia is intersex, but was at least initially raised female, what pronouns would Jaya know to use as a friend?

Aurealia Andosana |

No one really knows that she is intersex except her, Shalelu, and probably Croquelle. She largely identifies with female gender norms, though on the tomboyish side. So for her it's not a big deal for her to act out a female sexual identity and have society take her as such. Basically she/her is fine.

DM Jelani |

Also, I never really described Aurealia's appearance because I was still thinking about it. Her face looks like her avatar here on the boards. Otherwise she's very tall. She's thin, with broad shoulders, and narrow hips. She's very wiry. Her breasts are small enough to never require support. She basically dresses like a gaudy boy who wears lots of feminine accessories and makeup (mainly eyeshadow and dark lipstick), she paints her long nails black.

Jaya Farwynd |

Oh, how recent is Kallie's development?

Kallie Silversun |

Long enough ago that she's no longer startled by her appearance in a mirror; I'd say roughly a year.

Jaya Farwynd |

Okay, she no longer frequently catches Jaya like actually staring then.

Aurealia Andosana |

I'll be out of town and away from my PC this weekend. Don't expect much posting from Aurealia until Monday evening at the earliest.

Croquelle Andosana |

CDL, I went to go take Power Attack off my sheet, and realized that the one in my profile wasn't the final build. Whoops! Not many changes, but I have it updated now.
Her feat is Skald's Vigor.

Jaya Farwynd |


Cai'nan Blakros |

Lurking again.

Jaya Farwynd |

Cool idea! I'm probably stretched about as far as I should be on campaigns though, so I'll bow out.

Cosmic Dungeon Lord |

@Cwethan and Stal: Could I get a general idea about what happened to Auronee after Cladissa's apotheosis? All I really know is that she moved to Kaer Maga and nowadays keeps her head down.
Cwethan, in your case, I'd like to know more about Jaya's relationship with her mother. I remember it being somewhere between "It's complicated." and "Surprisingly good." Given how well-adjusted Jaya is, it was likely the latter.

Cai'nan Blakros |

Just as a heads up, I will be leaving May 2nd to go pay homage at the House of Mouse and won’t be back home until May 12th, and then diving right back into work for a few days. Through those first 10 days, my posting may be slower than usual but I’ll still try to get a post in as able and needed.

Jaya Farwynd |

Ah, so Kaer Maga was actually pre-apotheosis. It's a sufficiently weird city that even in her monstrous form Auronee was still able to blend in. After the Apotheosis, Auronee's still staying away from Absalom, but still has a lot of connections to some of the farther flung lodges of the Society, as well as to some of the shadier parts of the world, even if she's turned away from the true dark.
Jaya and Auronee get along a lot better in theory than in practice, and muuch better ever since Jaya left. Auronee's not happy that Jaya figured out where the Rune of Wrath on her came from, and was lees happy when she went to Eugeni to try to learn more about the magic of Thassilon, but she feels like she's not really in a position to tell Jaya not to delve more deeply.
Especially since Auronee's guilty over being (directly or indirectly) the source of all of Jaya's weirdness, she lets her daughter get away with kind of a lot, more so after the events in the Starstone. The end result of all that is that they can go from pleasant to sandpaper at a moment's notice.

Cladissa d'Lavigne Velorryan |

That's a very deep vein to mine -- Auronee after the Test. What you have is a woman who never knew defeat for the longest time, had a bitter rival eventually surpass her which led for her to make a horrible choice that blew up in her face in an awful manner. Her cunning and ingenuity managed to turn the tables on her fate, but at the cusp of literal godhood she learned that she was actually the architect of misery for hundreds if not thousands of souls. And then when that reality came crashing down upon her, the most incredible thing happened: she was forgiven.
To her, the Starstone and divinity was within her grasp, but she was shown why she wasn't worthy. What's more, she was ultimately the architect of her worst enemy's ascension to godhood. Yet rather than be subject to divine vengeance, she was absolved of all her actions and allowed to live her life. What does one do with that? She's made whole, in both body and mind after that awful curse. But her reputation is in tatters, having betrayed the Society and almost everyone who held her in esteem.
What does she do? Where does she go from there?
I think the potential there is fascinating.

Cai'nan Blakros |

Lurkin at work

DM Jelani |

Sorry, I'm super slammed with the move still. We have no well yet (dug but not complete), a ton of dead guy stuff left to clean, etc. I'll be busy and limited to very little posting until things calm down more around here.
Feel free to DMPC Aurealia as necessary until then. I will try to get a post in tomorrow.

Cai'nan Blakros |

Hanging on Roll20 as Beach and the young one allows.

Cai'nan Blakros |

Lurking on Roll20 for a good long time tonight if anyone wants to chat!

Cai'nan Blakros |

Lurkin while workin

Cai'nan Blakros |

I think this is the one game we are all still actively checking. Jelani made us a Discord server! Everyone should join up!

Kallie Silversun |

CDL, I was hoping that the Sadist's Lash could actually do real damage. It seems odd and frankly ridiculous that a 22,000 gp magical weapon is less efficient than a 0-level spell. (Granted, I didn't catch that these critters were undead vermin; I thought they were flesh-and-blood versions.) Since I could've hit the thing with a disrupt undead and at least have done a point of damage, I wonder if it's truly game-breaking allowing me to do 3-5 points of damage if I successfully hit.

Cosmic Dungeon Lord |

By RAW, all whips deal nonlethal damage, and the undead are immune to nonlethal damage; you also need Whip Master to lethal damage with whips. However, I understand where you're coming from. How about we compromise and I give you a redo for last round's action?

Kallie Silversun |

Ugh. Two more feats so I can do a plinky bit of damage... Sadist's lash? More like Masochist's lash.
I guess I need a clarification now, since this has me really worried.
The way I interpreted the whip was that the bleed effect will happen even if I do no damage, so long as I hit the target. So, for example, I attack a dude in heavy plate mail (or even just padded armor -- sheesh whips are bad), even if the attack does no nonlethal damage, it'll still do bleed because the attack "hit." Then, since there's bleed "damage," then the Will save or take a penalty against Enchantment spells triggers.
Same deal when I use it to deliver touch Enchantment spells -- all I need is to hit their Touch AC, which would trigger the bleed and trigger the item's Will save.
HOWEVER, CDL, if your ruling is that the whip can't do damage to the enemy in armor, so therefore it can't do bleed damage either, then the whip is hot garbage and I would greatly appreciate being allowed to pick another legacy item. Since how many foes will we be encountering in the upcoming AP who will be fighting us naked?

Cosmic Dungeon Lord |

@Kallie: Your interpretation appears to be correct. As per the Wounding description, "A wounding weapon deals 1 point of bleed damage when it hits a creature."
So by RAW, you only need to hit a creature to get that bleed damage going. :)
Additionally, since bleed damage is still damage, by RAW, that would also trigger that -5 penalty.
tl;dr There might be some obscure clause buried somewhere that says otherwise, but for the purposes of this game, we will go with your interpretation since that seems to be RAW anyway.