Master list of Heralds?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Does anyone have, or can point me to, a master list of Heralds and the location of their stats, to date?

I'm mainly looking for the Herald's deity, and which sourcebook the Herald stats are in.

Has anyone compiled such a thing?

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The gods and their heralds were originally detailed in the backmatter of adventure path volumes; typically (but not always) the second and fifth volumes of each AP.

Stats for the heralds of the Core 20 deities are in Inner Sea Gods. This book reprinted/revised the earlier articles and updated any 3.5 stats to PFRPG. In case of discrepancies with earlier versions, Inner Sea Gods is definitive.

Other gods (and their heralds) have been detailed in the Bestaries of Adventure Paths in which their respective Deity articles appeared...

Ydersius: The Emperor of Scales (Pathfinder #42 Sanctum of the Serpent God)
Besmara: Kelpie's Wrath (Pathfinder #55 The Wormwood Mutiny)
Groetus: End's Voice (Pathfinder #64 Beyond the Doomsday Door)
Lissala: Kurshu the Undying (Pathfinder #65 Into the Nightmare Rift)
Milani: Courage Heart (Pathfinder #68 The Shackled Hut)
Szuriel (demigod: doesn't have a herald) (Pathfinder #71 Rasputin Must Die!)
Brigh: Latten Mechanism (Pathfinder #86 Lords of Rust)
Zyphus: Gravedragger (Pathfinder #89 Palace of Fallen Stars)

I may have missed one or more...

Thanks, Haladir!

(Hopefully you didn't miss any!) :P

I didn't realize that Inner Sea Gods had all the Herald stats for the core deities... Huh. That's convenient.

Scarab Sages

It also has a lesser servitor outsider for each god as well.

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