
Z'XSPXRZ, Unspeakable Associate's page

48 posts. Alias of KaeYoss.


Conan the Grammarian wrote:
Z'XSPXRZ, Unspeakable Associate wrote:
Your limited point of view just brags with your close-mindedness, human.

Rrarrr! That should be "closed-mindedness"! As written, you're saying his mindedness is close. Close to what? Rrarrr!

Close to non-existent. This is the perfect example. Your ridiculous attempt at communication, this "language". It is even less relevant than your kind, but you seem to place great importance in it.

That would crack us up if humour wasn't irrelevant, too.

Ah well, in a billion years, nobody will even remember your race.

Nemitri wrote:
I just hope that the new monsters have more pronounceable names.

Your limited point of view just brags with your close-mindedness, human.

captain yesterday wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
I the reaction to the snippets of superscience stuff they do is mostly positive then I think you will see that Numeria AP.
I think we all know what we have to do: Find out who speaks out against it and send terminators to kill their parents.

i am not a fan of robots and aliens in my fantasy.

i didn't buy dungeons of golarion because of the robots, and find the alien technology in "wake of the watcher" barely tolerable (curse you greg a. vaughn for being such a great adventure writer!(not really:). i prefer numeria and alkenstar as vague as possible.

We shall contact the mi-go and inform them of your particular opinion. We are sure they will be quite enthusiastic about harvesting your brain to find the reasons for these aversions.

James Jacobs wrote:
Aretas wrote:
Nice analysis from the material. Any imput from Paizo?


We know what the aboleths are up to, but the stars are not yet right for us to reveal that hidden truth.

Oh, come on, dinosaur-worshipping individual. You know as well as we do that time is but a passageway, the beginning of the end - an end that never was. Time - but a curve in space.

When you see the stars as right, they were actually right long ago back where they actually are. You see the light they sent out, which then travelled the gulf of the Dark Tapestry for aeons to arrive at your position in space at your position in time. But the reflection is not the thing itself.

You as someone who assumes the likeness of a creature that has been extinct for a long time (though still not as long as the starlight you're looking at has travelled) should be aware of that universal truth.

So when you say the stars are right, we say you just see them as right in what you call the future while actually they have been right long ago - in the opposite direction on the axis of time.

What we are saying is that it's past time (to borrow one of the quaint idioms you creatures of time and space are so fond of) to tell your fellow individuals about the Aboleths and their plans.

Anguish wrote:

Great. Anyone who hangs around with males with this feat have to eat fecal-matter-encrusted magical eggs to get any benefit. Pass.

Might as well make magical ear-wax or booger potions.

I get what the original poster is trying to do. Funny. Now please stop.

We fail to see what the agitation is about. Those limited mortal beings seem to have a very sophisticated and complicated system around their bodily secretions - some are abhorrent, while others are desirable. And with some, there seem to be conflicting social dynamics. They use them for waste disposal, pleasure, procreation, to convey meaning, and sometimes they use other species' secretions for nutrition.

It is our assumption that is is one of many ways they use to distract themselves from the cold, hard fact that their carefully constructed "reality" is but a lie, a mere shell to try and shut out what lies Beyond.

KaeYoss wrote:

You can always change that if you want to go Ravenloft or Call of Cthulhu on your players and erode their sanity with unspeakable horrors.

We do not care if those self-glorified cultists can restore a mind we drove insane. They can do that a few times per day at most (and they need to be powerful to do that). We can destroy minds for hundreds of hours in the same time.

We endorse this demand!

Far too long have those who are not bound by the small-minded restrictions of body and mind those mewling humanoids call "natural" been marginalised!

The stars are right for chthonian and unspeakable terrors will be the focus of one of these paths.

Of course, such an undertaking might not be feasible from your point of view, since in such a case, all humanoids will die screaming, which might not appeal to your warped sense of "happy ending".

So far, the limitless entities that feature so prominently in your restricted nightmares only had cameo appearances, to merely turn insane instead of completely shattering and consuming the minds of brief mortals:

Warning, only read on if you do not value your sanity. Plus, there's spoilers for some APs:

  • The Rise of the Runelords AP had several appearances of Mythos creatures, and a few of the more satisfying outcomes of this venture result in the liberation of a close personal friend of mine, who will then be able to indulge in his favourite pastime: Obliterating worlds.

  • Serpent's Skull, with its snakemen with delusions of adequacy, features a number of mindtakers, known as intellect devourers to some.

  • There are others, but their roles are even smaller, being allowed to merely induce some minor phobias.
  • We are of the opinion that the intellect devourers and aboleths would make for excellent main villains for a whole AP. Dark intrigue and suspicion would pervade such tales, and madness, too. We find these concepts pleasing!

    Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

    KaeYoss wrote:
    Did you know that I rape tentacle monsters?
    I try to suppress the memory, but yes. Yes, I know. See the above.

    It puts words in your mouth, associate KaeYoss. Shall we punish it for you, or do you have time.

    We shall bring the Implements.

    Freehold DM wrote:
    Z'XSPXRZ, Unspeakable Associate wrote:

    You mortals and your trivial morals and sexual orientations are so weird.

    And trivial.

    That, we think, is the comforting part: In a couple of million years, an aeon on the outside, you'll be gone again (sooner if we get real hungry and go on a sun-eating-spree again), and we'll listen to some jumped-up cockroaches reprimanding each other for discriminating headless ones or hating each other because someone thinks antennae are attractive.

    Aaaand this one made me fall over laughing.

    That's good, is it? We always get this laughing and crying stuff confused. It's not helping that sometimes you brief mortals do both at once.

    You mortals and your trivial morals and sexual orientations are so weird.

    And trivial.

    That, we think, is the comforting part: In a couple of million years, an aeon on the outside, you'll be gone again (sooner if we get real hungry and go on a sun-eating-spree again), and we'll listen to some jumped-up cockroaches reprimanding each other for discriminating headless ones or hating each other because someone thinks antennae are attractive.

    Andrew R wrote:
    Charisma is not apearance or squid heads are hot.Seriously, what has a higher averege cha than a mind flayer?

    You are just trapped in your small-minded, humanoid brain with its preconceptions of beauty. Real beauty can only be achieved if you ignore all barriers.

    We are the pinnacle of beauty.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Freehold DM wrote:
    How the hell did I miss this thread?!?!??!!

    You were not supposed to come here before. As your belief wasn't fervent enough, it was not yet your turn to be eaten. Others were more pious, and thus were eaten first.

    The Wraith wrote:
    Z'XSPXRZ, Unspeakable Associate wrote:
    The Wraith wrote:
    KaeYoss wrote:

    But I see your mariliths and rais you entwined shoggies!

    O_o Yeach, I'll pass on that !!!

    ... I would risk to see the hand only if it were a single Shoggoth entwined with - quoting yourself from another post -

    ** spoiler omitted **

    Your post was about tentacles and people who love them... I think Shoggies are ok, no ;) ?

    (maybe a little too much 'Golarion Hentai', though XD ...)

    We like your ideas and would like to consume your brain to obtain them all.
    Nah, I'm a wraith and incorporeal after all - not tasty at all...

    Well, in that case:

    We like your ideas and would like to consume your essence to obtain them all.

    We're omnivores. (The real thing, not the "we eat everything, as long as it is flesh or plant" cop-outs).

    The Wraith wrote:
    KaeYoss wrote:

    But I see your mariliths and rais you entwined shoggies!

    O_o Yeach, I'll pass on that !!!

    ... I would risk to see the hand only if it were a single Shoggoth entwined with - quoting yourself from another post -

    ** spoiler omitted **

    Your post was about tentacles and people who love them... I think Shoggies are ok, no ;) ?

    (maybe a little too much 'Golarion Hentai', though XD ...)

    We like your ideas and would like to consume your brain to obtain them all.

    Dear ask a Shoanti,

    I always suspected that your letters are fake. That is, until I met a young Tien schoolgirl...

    KaeYoss wrote:
    Shuriken Nekogami wrote:
    i'd like to see a female tian-min "child" iconic dressed in a black kimono, probably with the appearance of a 12ish year old girl. probably as an alternate iconic rogue or ninja. little girls can adventure too. we'd have not only a tian for diversity, but another female for the women's empowerment crowd, and a child for the preteen players to identify with. we'd also lure a few more anime geeks. just don't put any abberations in the same image.
    No aberrations? No chance. This game is too small to have 12ish-year-old heroines and tentacly-endowed critters in different locations.


    ulgulanoth wrote:
    surely there must be more weird names from rakashas, oni, aboleths, other abberations no?

    Weirdness is in the eye of the beholder. And your name is ridiculous! Vocals are a crutch.

    Evil Lincoln wrote:
    Denizens of Leng, though they need a shorthand name.

    That IS their shorthand name. Their real name takes 10.000 years to speak, and that only if you speak it with 7 mouths at once.

    KaeYoss wrote:
    Moorluck wrote:
    KaeYoss agreed with me? I think a peice of my soul just died. ;D

    So I got something out of it, too. Yay!

    I can feed the my Unspeakable Associates with the rotting carcass of that piece of your soul.

    Yum yum yum!

    Cardinal Biggles wrote:
    Ftang Ftang Ole biskut barel

    We shall enjoy feasting on your soul.

    baron arem heshvaun wrote:
    Mikaze wrote:
    Down with Brat-Queen Abrigail btw
    Those exact words were spoken 9.9 seconds before this scene occured.

    It's Andoran's fault for being too goody-two-shoes to summon terrors from beyond time and space to do their bidding. Their enemies were not too wussy to do it.

    The Eidolons, they come when you call them, and become like you.... until you find out you've become like them.

    This talk about meek, limited creatures of time and space tires us.

    They all pale in comparison to The Infinite. Not much is known about the Infinite, except that is name is an understatement, for its number of tentacles way surpase infinity. As does each tentacles reach. A mere shadow of its touch is in every tentacle's touch.

    Fear it.

    CourtFool wrote:

    Poofs from his den of puppy love.

    Did someone say, 'tentacles'?

    Our tentacles sense was tinkling, too.

    But this dry discussion about pathetic sea creatures is getting us nowhere. Break out the young females and the schoolgirl uniforms.

    Shuriken Nekogami wrote:

    does ebbies spiked tentacles of forced intrusion count? if i keep using scrolls of it on myself?

    Those are just mindless spell effects. The encounter must be backed by an inscrutable mind from Beyond.

    Shuriken Nekogami wrote:
    KaeYoss wrote:
    Susan Draconis wrote:
    What would the AberrationLoved feat look like?

    Prerequisites: Japanese Schoolgirl (though elves could qualify with their large eyes), must have had close enconters of the 4th kind with aberrations.

    Benefits: You can call upon 1d6+2 heroes of level d100 with huge swords or.... unconventional fighting styles to save you.

    Tell her not to be such a crybaby. It could be worse. It could be Ebby's Spiked Tentacles of Forced Intrusion

    awesome feat. i automatically qualify.

    Note that the "close encounters of the 4th kind" prerequisite wears off with time, so you're in danger of losing that feat if you don't keep in touch.

    If you are about to expire, we can help you! You just have to scream.

    stuart haffenden wrote:
    In RotRL we learn a little about Leng, but where is it in relation to the Planes?

    Spatial directions are irrelevant. They're even more irrelevant if you consider we're talking about Leng.

    Leng is right sch'mwo'zza the Abyss, if you must know.

    DM_Blake wrote:

    I would eat Cthulhu.

    You don't stand a chance. Your soul will make his tummy happy!

    Your thoughts are so straighforward from where we stand!

    KaeYoss wrote:

    Maybe *you* don't know. Because *you* didn't have one of your Associates pick apart his brain to divine his intentions....

    Some of what's in there scares us.

    Never ask us to do this again!

    Snorter wrote:

    Sorry to butt in, but I just thought you'd all appreciate this:

    Erotic Octopuses

    Please carry on.

    We are quite photogenic, aren't we? And this shows that we don't limit ourselves to Asian females.

    Some of us don't limit themseves to females at all.

    Love always finds a way. Especially if it has probing tentacles stronger than a dragon.

    We shall participate in this endeavour. We still do not understand why we don't just meld all our mindmatter, form a collective, and instantly exchange all information we want to share.

    KaeYoss wrote:


    Anyway, it's a mercy killing, really. A creature of order. Totally against nature. It can't have felt comfortable here.

    Putting it out of its misery was the right thing to do.

    Interesting. If we ever get an alignment, we'll make sure it will be one of those other ones. Kaos. Is that right?

    We're still not sure what this is all about. Anyone care to explain to us, again, how those concepts of good and evil are any different? The way we see it, they're both made-up concepts to boost one's feelings. Something about "us" and "them", right?

    You finite creatures are weird. Although, for some reason, some of you are interesting for some reason when they wear what you call "school uniform".

    That's the main reason we haven't eaten your planet yet, really.

    KaeYoss wrote:
    Montalve wrote:

    now... we just need some traits for Iomedae :D

    I have one:

    Tentacle Lover (Iomedae) Your duties as a priestess of the Inheritor have brought you into frequent contact with tentacled Things From Beyond Space And Time, and you've grown to enjoy their company. You are immune to fear effects based on appearance (i.e. "shocking true form" stuff) and gain a +2 bonus to grapple (/CMB) checks made to initiate or maintain a grapple. On the other hand, you gain a -2 penalty to grapple (/CMB) and escape artist made to escape a grapple.


    We has them.

    Moorluck wrote:
    Even demons are hard pressed to out do drow in malicious intint. ;p

    Silly creature of time and space, we're not mere demons. But you will pay for what you did to out daughter's doll!

    KaeYoss wrote:
    Moorluck wrote:
    *handing a mace over*
    *snaps his fingers*

    *seize and devour the mace*

    We hoped it was of those chemical maces. They tickle your mouth/proboscis/beak/whatever you use to ingest food.

    yoda8myhead wrote:
    Gary's gonna get angry when he sees that you're bypassing his smurfs. He'll unleash the PostMonster upon you.

    Bring it on. We eat monsters for breakfast

    Jordan Fenix wrote:
    thankes... but you know... I always wanted to try this spell from the BoXM... *cast Godspeed and run fast for her life*

    Silly mortal creature, distance means nothing to us, us to whom the spell you call "interplanetary teleport" is a skill not even worth mentioning!

    Z'XSPXRZ, Unspeakable Associate wrote:

    Not really relevant, because we ate the government. Prepare for the "not having a virgin chained to a rock" tax being introduced.

    Behold our horrible shapechanging abilities.

    Smurf Cleaver wrote:
    what the government is doing.

    Not really relevant, because we ate the government. Prepare for the "not having a virgin chained to a rock" tax being introduced.

    Jarod Darkblade wrote:

    As spokesperson of the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune, I have an announcement.

    Due to a rash of food thefts commited by a number of landbound pirates, we have as of this morning stopped all deliveries of food to the populace. It is the only way we can fight those lawless food thieves. I'm sure we have your understanding and support.

    We suspect this might lead to famine, but since Unspeakable Entities like us do not eat in the sense you mere creatures of space and time would understand, we see nothing wrong with this, and we decided not to comment on your cruel ways. It is simply not our way.

    Good luck and bon appetit!

    KaeYoss wrote:
    That Which Is Slithering Towards You.

    We have many names.

    Greetings, taxable creatures of time and space. Unspeakable Associates, Inc. does now in tax collection.

    Look what we found. It visually fits the description given us for the humanoid creature we're looking for, except it doesn't have that colourful outer skin on it at the moment, and it doesn't scream when we wriggle our curiously-shaped tentacles around.

    We think it's broken. We think we have a spare soul we could put into it. It's not from its own species, but it's from this dimension and aeon, so it should work out fine, no? Want us to fix it?

    Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

    It makes me think of attempts like Lovecraft's to narrate "the impossible" look of outsiders.

    How inefficient. Here, look.

    Drops Veil of Utter Disbelief and lets Mairkurion (tm) gaze at it in all its otherdimensional splendour

    Yes, yes, I think sanity points grow back. (To everyone else: I'm lying to put him at ease!)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Jordan Fenix wrote:
    err,.. ups?

    Greetings there, timebound one. We brought you gifts.

    We hope this schoolgirl uniform fits without too much squirming. It is ceremonial where we come from.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Greetings, mere creatures of time and space!