Ythiel |

Hi Paffies! I'm willing to join that team, and help you fighting book-eating lions or whatever that may be!
*waves at Ythiel*
To play a Core PFS game you just need to create a first level character using only the Core rulebook (so only the basic races, classes, spells, feats and equipment)
Yeah, I got it! Thanks!
*waves back*
Just one question though: do we have to use Traits?

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Here's the fluff:
Born in a small village of the River Kingdoms, young Erica always showed a keen interest in sports, dreaming to become a mighty knight or a renowned athlete and training daily to develop her musculature until no other kid was interested into challenging her to a fight anymore. Yet her dream of joining in the yearly shin-kicking competition -the only activity held by the village as a form of sport- was crushed when she was not allowed to compete against men*.
(*The supreme form of entertainment known as shin-kicking was indeed considered as too refined and sophisticated an art to be rightfully appreciated by the fair sex -and indeed, most women of the village thought they had better things to do than participating in a game consisting of getting properly plastered before beating one of their equally drunk “mates” to unconsciousness**)
(** Though the ‘getting drunk’ part is not by any means an official rule, the villagers, thinking that it made the game ‘funnier to watch’, quickly made it one.)
Since her talents would never be able to flourish in such a narrow-minded environment, Erica decided to seek the training of the most renowned (and feared) fighters around: the secluded nuns of the Fiercely Virginal Order of Blessed Exoneration. Erica converted to the faith of Iomedae, and although she never managed to learn how to cast a proper healing spell, her martial prowess did not go unnoticed. Not only was she unusually strong for a girl her age, but even armour-plated, she moved with a rare grace. Her quickness destabilized most of her opponents, and earned the praised of her mentors, persuaded that, with a few years of practice, the young aspirant would make a fearful fighter. Following a particularly tough match during which Erica managed to knock-out her opponent with a particularly bold and wicked shield-slam, she officially joined the blessed ranks of Iomedae’s fighters as Sister Bashing Enemies Over The Head With A Blunt Object.*
(* “Bobbie” for short, as it was admittedly too long a name to call when you were in a hurry)
However, the longer Erica stayed in the convent, the more she became weary of it. She saw little point in staying inside, in the middle of prayers and self-flagellation, when there were so many buggers to slam outside. At almost thirty, the high walls of the Virginal Order seemed more like a prison than a necessity. After several painful months of silence during which life at the convent remained unchanging and boring, she finally asked Reverend Mother Breaking Lewd Fingers In Open Spaces And Public Transports to spread the word of Iomedae outside, by carrying religious missions in glory of the Fiercely Virginal Order. Although very reluctant at first (for desertions were not treated lightly), the Reverend Mother finally saw the advantages of developing their fame past the River Kingdoms, and Erica was allowed to become join the ranks Silver Crusade in the name of the Iomedean clergy, and it is with some relief that Erica left the convent for her first mission.*
(*To her great displeasure, she was deemed too inexperienced to be sent to the battlefield, and was assigned to a strange library instead. Though disappointed, she refused to fall victim to the rookie mistake of underestimating a situation, and stays focused on her training. Hopefully something exciting will happen. )
Appearance and Personality
Though her faith in Iomedae has never shaken, and she still retains her vow of chastity, she has come to be increasingly at odds with some of the Fiercely Virginal Order’s beliefs. Since she has joined the Pathfinder Society, she was indeed put in contact with more moderate branches of the clergy and was astonished, for instance, to discover that men were allowed to become clerics. It took some time, but her views on the subject are no longer as extremist as they used to be, and she now accepts to collaborate with anyone that prove themselves worthy of her trust. She still firmly believed that worshippers of Iomedae should actively help women to defend themselves -as they are too often the first victims of any conflict.
Besides her interest in tactics, bodybuilding and the most sensible parts of human anatomy to hit to incapacitate an enemy permanently, she likes to read and has a penchant for architecture that she is too embarrassed to talk about.