The City of Seven Seraphs

Game Master Radiant Mercy

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"When we first saw the Radia, we were certain we had slipped from Shadow into the Heavens.

But what we found was far more precious and strange, the energies of Light and Dark balanced on a pin…

The axis upon which every Great Wheel turns and the craftsman which carved many of those selfsame wheels.

This was Hyraeatan, the City of Seven Seraphs, the Meeting Place of Light and Dark, the First and Last City.

We would soon discover how little we understood when we walked it's liminal streets past the denizens of a thousand worlds...”

- Forword written within the Codex of Infinite Planes

*Players do not have to have access to 'The City of Seven Seraphs' book to apply for or join this game. There is a wealth of information in the book and a large number of new races, archetypes, and other mechanical bits and bobs that players might benefit from if one is so inclined, but there is no overarching necessity for it.*

At long last, the Kickstarter for the City of Seven Seraphs has completed and I can post the campaign I have labored on since the alpha document's release!

In the City of Seven Seraphs, the city at the literal center of all realities, there exist individuals known as the Wardens. Whether adventurers, explorers, vagabonds, justicars, vigilantes, mercenaries, slaves, thrill-seekers, conscripts, or those with a death wish, one's past and reasons for joining the Wardens matters little. What does matter is the work that the Wardens do. They protect the city of Hyraeatan, undergo quests for august planar personages, stop planar threats, and work to chart the infinite expanses of the various multiverses. The PCs are all part of a cell of Wardens, traditionally composed of six individuals to mirror the original six heroes of the city, who work with a seventh that functions as a handler and agent of sorts. It is in this frame that the campaign is originally set, with PCs functioning as planar adventurers of sorts.

PCs can be from nearly any world imaginable. Other settings with a "planar hub" are not excluded from this because of what would be an overlapping theme. Think of the larger multiverse like the inner workings of a clock. There is a central gear that turns smaller gears, which turn even smaller gears. That central gear is Hyraeatan and the Tree of Forever. Other planar hubs like Sigil or Axis are like spokes in the cogs turned by that central gear, with each of that cog's teeth being planes. There are usually constants and variables in each Great Wheel. There are always six elemental planes, there is usually a figure named Asmodeus who rules and is imprisoned within a plane of torment, there is always a planar city touted as the 'center of the multiverse', et cetera.

This recruitment page will not feature any of the lore of the city unless players inquire about particular facets of it. That will have it's own dedicated section in the Campaign Info tab. There should be a wealth of summarized information for players to draw on when creating characters. That said, here are the character creation rules.

Character Creation Rules

Level: Pseudogestalt level 12, Mythic Tier 1. Pseudogestalt functions as gestalt in most respects, but players combine skill points per level from each of their classes and choose one side of their gestalt to gain stats from (BAB, saves, HD size, et cetera).

Ability Scores: 40-point buy. No score can be below 08 before racial modifiers and, with racial modifiers, can be no lower than 4. No score can be higher than 30 after all modifiers are in place at this stage in the game.

Content: Races and classes can be selected from any official Paizo publication. The following list of 3PP content is also permissible. The sole exception both of these is anything that grants Leadership or the equivalent since Leadership is banned. If there is something here that you do not see that is homebrew, like Dark Sun or Eberron's Pathfinder conversions, you may request their inclusion.

Alignment: Players can be of any alignment. No matter your alignment, always be respectful to other players and mindful of consequences. There is the assumption that every character will refrain from excessively disruptive behavior like lighting helpless street urchins on fire for laughs, trying to attack one of the Seven Seraphs, engaging in anything resembling PvP, and such. Those who engage in those will draw the attention of a spirit known as the Ruined One, who is drawn to the scent of certain types of souls and spirits them away for torment and consumption. Lesser infractions will just get you an in-character warning as your character spots the nightmarish creature. Greater transgressions that I feel threaten to completely disrupt the game or those who repeatedly cause lesser problems after it's first manifestation will have it manifest and drag the PC away to a fate worse than death.

- Automatic Bonus Progression: PCs will be using the Automatic Bonus Progression guidelines. Players who gain access to Animal Companions, Eidolons, Familiars, and Mounts will have their companion receive 1/2 of the character's level in ABP bonuses as well. For the purposes of companions, their hide counts as armor and their natural weapons count as weapons for the purposes of enhancements.

- Feats: Characters get a feat a level instead of every other level. Elephant in the Room feat tax rules are going to be used. Leadership is banned.

- Gold and Gear: 54,000 GP. You also gain a free outfit of your choice.

- Traits: Two Traits. You can take a Drawback for another, but only if it hinders your character.

- Telesma and Pulse Points: Your character, by virtue of being exceptional, was allowed to find one of the Telesma. Telesma are sentient crystals or gems made of pure Source energy. You gain one free Pulse Feat in addition to your Telesma. Ignore the book's fluff on these things, since they are tied to the Source, which is the literal source of all creation within the setting. Download the free Suzerain Continuum book for more information on Telesma and Pulse Points.

- Hero Points: You gain three non-replenishing Hero Points.

- Companions: Animal Companions, Familiars, and Mounts each gain a respective archetype from their type for free. Once their master reaches Mythic Tier 3, they will also gain a Simple Mythic Template.

3PP Permissible Content by Publisher:

0One Games: Urban Adventures: The Great City Player's Guide

AAW Games: Underworld Races and Classes

Aetheric Dreams: Nights of the Crusades

Alluria Publishing: Anything from the Cerulean Seas, Remarkable Races, and Remarkable Races Submerged lines. Races from Cerulean Seas and the Remarkable Races Submerged lines do not have pressure sensitivity or buoyancy, following normal Pathfinder rules for aquatic adventuring. If you choose an aquatic race, you will need to make accommodations in your build or purchases to account for a campaign that primarily takes place out of the water.

Amora Games: Liber Influxus Communis

Dias Ex Machina: Amethyst Renaissance 2.0

Dread Fox Games: Any of the class books from them.

Dreamscarred Press: Any of the Akhashic, Bloodforge, Path of War, and Psionics books.

Drop Dead Studios: Any Spheres books, plus The Artisan, Rogue Glory, the Alraune race from The Player's Guide to Skybourne, the Vauntguard, and the Wardancer.

EN Publishing: ZEITGEIST Adventure Path: Player's Guide Extended Edition

Epidimic Books: Any race from the Oathbound books.

Everyman Gaming: Everything but Microsized Adventures and Ultimate Charisma.

Fat Goblin Games: Anything from the Classes and Vathak series.

Flaming Crab Games: Advanced Archetypes I and Advanced Archetypes II

Flying Pincushion Games: Any of the 'Into the Breach' line except for Forgotten Classes and The Magus 2nd Wave.

Frog God Games: Anything from the Into the Northlands, Lost Lands, Razor Coast, The Lost Lands, Tome of Horrors (races only), and the terrain (Dead Man's Chest, Dunes of Desolation, Mountains of Madness, et cetera) lines.

Green Ronin: Anything from the Freeport books.

ICOSA Entertainment: Pure Steam Campaign Setting and Westbound

Interjection Games: Anything from the Strange Magic and Antipodism lines.

John Wick Presents: Any of the options from the two Wicked Fantasy books.

Jon Brazer Enterprises: Book of Heroic Races Compendium, Book of Heroic Races: Reapers, and Shadowsfall: Shadow Plane Player's Companion

Kobold Press: Anything from Kobold Press.

Kyoudai Games: Any of the Thunderscape races or classes.

Legendary Games: Any of the races, classes, or mythic paths.

Little Red Goblin Games: All Alternate Paths, Racial Guides, and Heroes of the East books, The Detective Handbook, En Garde!, The Forsworn Alternate Class, Godhand, Gunner Base Class, The Judge, The Medjay, Unexpected Hybrids: Techadin, Gonzo, Gonzo II, Heroes of the Waves: A Polynesian Sourcebook, The Primal Host, Tome of Ethical Necromancy, and 'Dragon, Tiger, Ox: Wuxia/Wushu Sourcebook'.

Lost Spheres Publishing: Pretty much anything.

Louis Porter Jr. Design: Anything from the Neoexodus and Obsidian Apocalypse books.

Misfit Studios: Anything from the Strange Brew books.

Paizo Fans United: Most races and archetypes are permissible.

Rogue Genius Games/Super Genius Games: Any classes are permissible.

Rite Publishing: Any race and class is permissible.

Samurai Sheepdog: Anything from The Book of Many Things line, including kickstarter-only content.

Sasquatch Game Studios: Primeval Thule Campaign Setting

Savage Mojo: Suzerain Continuum

Silver Crescent Publishing: Realms of Twilight Campaign Setting

Skirmisher Publishing: The Noble Wild: An Animal Player's Handbook for Fantasy Roleplaying Games

Storm Bunny Studios: Anything from the Rhune books.

TPK Games: Any of the Classes or Races books.

Zenith Games: Seven Bizarre Races

Zombie Sky Press: Pretty much anything from The Fairy Ring, It Came From the Stars!, and Tattlebox books, plus Mysteries of the Dead Side: Sacred Necromancer.

Character Information

- Appearance: Describe how your character looks.

- Personality: Describe your character's personality. How do they behave? Do they have a moral code and, if so, what is it?

- Background: Do a Ten-Minute Background on your character. This should be sufficient for the bare minimum background.

Shout outs to those who helped me with this campaign or whose work helped to build it:
- Lost Spheres Publishing for their amazing setting that brought back the wonders of planar adventuring.

- Savage Mojo for converting the Suzerain Continuum books to Pathfinder, since some of the rules from their free rules book are being used in the game.

- All of the 3PP listed under the permissible content spoiler, since they all have made material that I enjoy.

The_Paladin for helping me come up with mechanics that come into play later and for suggesting other things to me.

Michael Ian Torno for his work with the Elephant in the Room Feat Tax system.

Archon Valeris, whose work in buffing companions gained through classes was partially used in this game.

Paizo for creating Pathfinder from the ashes of D&D 3.5 in the first place.

Damn, this sounds amazing.

The only thing not on there that I might wanna use is the Inkantations book by Purple Duck Games/AAW. I can share the contents if you don't have it. But yeah. This sounds super cool.

@JonGarrett: I have that and would allow most of what's in that book. It's too late to edit it in now, but I also don't mind anything from Purple Duck Game's Porphyra line.

I've backed nearly 50 kickstarters, and there's only been a handful that I have been *truly* excited and hyped for.

Co7S is absolutely one of those games, so seeing a game for this go live the *day* the PDF dropped is *awesome*!!

Now that I have got the recruitment up, I will post the setting summary, general city layout, and timeline later.

@Monkeygod: If I'm being honest, I could have dropped it sooner. I wanted to wait until the book was officially out though so I could make sure there were no big changes and so people that wanted to get the book could do so and have time to look over it before creating a character.

Curious, any idea how long you plan on keeping recruitment active for?

@Monkeygod: Good question! I believe a month would suffice. I had originally planned on the recruitment being two weeks, but decided that was not long enough for people to build such a complex character and have a decent backstory to boot.

Finally! A planar game that seems to get going!

I've never played Planescape or any other planar setting, and have always been told they totally rock. Sadly, here in the forums these games seem to have a very short suration, if they even manage to start. Luckily, here comes another challenger!

Now, I don't have access to that book you mention either, but I guess any information that's truly essential you'll post here.

So, while I start thinking about a nice background and begin putting numbers together, a pair of questions:

1- How are you handling Mythic abilities that don't function with alternate 3PP rules? Example: Many 3PP (Akashic, Spheres...) casters don't have "spells", so what would they do with their Archmage abilities that let them cast without expending slots, etc?

2- Let me see if I understood the Pseudogestalt. You pick one class, and gain everything from that class. Then you pick another class, and add its skill points to those given by the first class, but nothing else. Is that right? If so, why don't just give everyone some extra skill points? The way it is, it's like playing a single class and adding 8 skill points per level for being a Rogue, isn't it?

Thank you for your understanding and for starting this seemingly huge endeavour.

Skimmed through the Suzerain pdf, could we take Planar feats? They seems fitting(didn't really read them over much. Tis late and I'm off to bed shortly)

Dark Archive

As one of the folks who worked on Co7S, I am definitely intrigued by this adventure.

I am relatively new to forum-based games, however. Will this be play-by-post? Over some online chat? How are we handling this?

@Jereru: I've seen the Pseudogestalt ruleset before; you get all the class features from both sides, but you don't combine HD, BAB, amd Saves. Essentially, if you're a Fighter/Rogue, for instance, you can either have 3/4 BAB, good reflex, and d8HD, or 1/1 BAB, good fort, and d10HD.

The major benefit for game balance being if you went, say, Paladin for good Fort/Will and Swashbuckler for good reflex, all three of your saves would advance faster than normal, because you take the best of each level. That's silly.

@GM: If we have a Pulse feat does that mean we also have the Pulse pool that makes the things work? What about the other Demigod features?

How do you feel about templates, and custom races?

Ah, now I get it. So I'd have to choose between either's stats, but I'd have both Sneak Attack and Weapon Training. That's cool.

I have a character which got selected for an 11th level game, which never started. I'd have to add a bit too the background to explain what's he doing here, and implement the pseudogestalt on his crunch. He's a ranged Warpriest, and has a fluff focus on a specific gemstone related to the sun, which would fit with the crystal the pcs are given.

Imma work on it.

Looks awesome! I'd been excited for this recruitment and I'm glad it's finally up.

Dark Archive

Hard dot. Was interested before and I'm definitely more interested now.

There is a lot of new stuff to learn for me (Setting wise)

I've never heard of City of Seven Seraphs or the Planar setting. Because of this, I don't feel like I could really set a backstory for my character that would help me get into the game. Do you know of a players guide I could look at or something that isn't the whole book to at least try and understand the world to build a character?

I just wanted to say I liked your recruitment post and I like the idea of this game a lot. I would very much like to apply for this!

(Does anyone know if this stuff is on herolabs ? or an addon for it?)

Ictoo wrote:

There is a lot of new stuff to learn for me (Setting wise)

I've never heard of City of Seven Seraphs or the Planar setting. Because of this, I don't feel like I could really set a backstory for my character that would help me get into the game. Do you know of a players guide I could look at or something that isn't the whole book to at least try and understand the world to build a character?

I just wanted to say I liked your recruitment post and I like the idea of this game a lot. I would very much like to apply for this!

(Does anyone know if this stuff is on herolabs ? or an addon for it?)

There's no player's guide that I know of, and I don't think it's got a hero lab addon.

That said, I believe Radiant Mercy will be writing up some info to add to the campaign tab.

However, due to the very nature of Hyraeatan, you could be a new arrival to the city, from any other setting you desire. Ie, you could come from Golarion, Faerun, Eberron, etc.

Haven't figured out exactly what classes I want to use yet, but I'm going to be rolling up some kind of a Veryx. Maybe something with DSP Psionics, maybe with Spheres of Power, maybe just using the Shadow Weaver, still to be determined. Three are so many exciting options.

I'm about to go type up the setting information that people will need to get a feel for the city. It should only be a few paragraphs of summary, but hopefully it will help.

If I do not bold names when replying, assume that I am on my phone or are otherwise pressed for time.

@Jereru: 1. Nothing to do really. Akhashic is a whole different ballgame than what is covered by the Archmage Path. There are some mythic paths out there that do cover akhashic material though.

2. I see you already got an answer, but just letting you know that I saw the question.

@Monkeygod: You may take the Planar Feats from the Suzerain Continuum book.

No templates or custom races. My experiences with custom races has been rocky and templates are far too varied in power-to-CR to really account for.

@CoeusFreeze: Interesting that this drew the attention of one of those involved on the project!

To answer your question, the game will be play-by-post. The only other types of games that I run are face-to-face.

@Josh.Ingle: You have a Pulse Pool, but are not considered a Demigod yet. I say yet because there is a neat element in City of Seven Seraphs known as Ascension.

@Simeon: You were in the DMC interest check, right? I thought I recognized your avatar and screen name.


@Ictoo: There is no player's guide, but I am going to be adding some setting information into the campaign information tab in the next few minutes.

There is no Hero's Lab extension for all of what I have in place. I can't answer to whether there is for some of it because I don't use it personally, but I am sure there is no place for a lot of the houserules that I made.

@YoricksRequiem: Veryx are spicy indeed. All of the new races are great though. Sagely spider people, inevitable-kin bearing kyton taint, magical fungus people, psychic jellyfish, shadow fey, and redeemed fiends encased in an organic mineral.

Dark Archive

Interest thoroughly intensified.

Currently thinking of going with a Dwarf Adamant Guardian Sentinel/Mender Vitalist. He intends to not die when he is killed, and never intends to allow anyone else under his ward to die, either. Probably won't be as adept an in-combat healer as most Vitalists, if only because manifesting in melee range is generally a bad plan.

I've got a general character all planned out, as he'll be basically a much higher-level and gestalt version of a character I played many years ago. I've already started the character building and there is a LOT of stuff to work on!

I think I'm gonna take the chance to go for the odd, and try for a Heir Apparent / Rajah to make an...interesting support character. Although they'll have a little bite to there bark too (Riven Darts is a fun Veil).

Loose story at the moment is that they're a bastard from a noble house who has managed to keep themselves in contention despite there low rank. Thinking of going Changeling for race, although maybe something odder like a Nephilim might be fun.

Tinkering with an idea. Planning an Atomic Adept/Something, with something for the poison effects.

There are two spoilers in campaign information with some useful information about the setting. One is a massive wall of text that serves as the summary of important parts about the city's history. It may not look short, but it was several pages pared down into that. The other is a short summary of each district. I will add a few more tomorrow.

@Seranov: So a spin on the traditional Dwarven Defender? Sounds interesting.

@JobGarrett: That's certainly a combination I haven't seen before. I'm interested in seeing where you take that concept.

@Rednal: Are you looking for suggestions? I have a few ideas, depending on what your ultimate goal is for the character and the theme you want. Assuming I am not overstepping with my offer, that is.

Seranov wrote:

Interest thoroughly intensified.

Currently thinking of going with a Dwarf Adamant Guardian Sentinel/Mender Vitalist. He intends to not die when he is killed, and never intends to allow anyone else under his ward to die, either. Probably won't be as adept an in-combat healer as most Vitalists, if only because manifesting in melee range is generally a bad plan.

I've got a general character all planned out, as he'll be basically a much higher-level and gestalt version of a character I played many years ago. I've already started the character building and there is a LOT of stuff to work on!

I've tried a similar thing in another game, but pairing Sentinel with a Spheres Incanter specialised in the Life Sphere. Basically, he puts everything in his delayed damage pool and heals it on his turn as a swift. I have yet to test it in combat, thou :P But I expect good results.

As for myself, I'm set on the Warpriest and might be pairing it with Paladin or Ranger. Spheres Paladin looks good, for example, but IDK. He'll be an Aasimar, descended from a Solar, and as such he'll have Daylight shenanigans. Mostly fluff, but cool fluff. With Angelic Wings, he'll actually resemble a Solar with his bow.

Hmm... Rough idea that I think might work but I'm not sure: Technician/Bladewalker Armiger switch hitter?

How do things that add enhancement bonuses work in conjunction with ABP? Would an Armiger have one +4 weapon and the rest at +2, or would all of his weapons be +2? What about a technician: could they augment, say, DEX with an improved suit and STR with ABP, or is any enhancement granting item not kosher?

The high concept is "All the custom weapons".

Dark Archive

Avatar of the Source wrote:
@Seranov: So a spin on the traditional Dwarven Defender? Sounds interesting.

Yeah, I really like the idea of a guy who is literally tough as nails and wants to make sure his whole group is tough as nails, too.

That said, in the interest of full disclosure, I was considering using SoM's special attack actions, the DSP feat Seize the Opportunity, and Mythic Vital Strike. If this combination is too much, please let me know. I will gladly drop either the former or the latter feat, possibly both. But since they're all on the table, I figure it didn't hurt to ask!

Also, I planned on taking a Psicrystal to make use of Psicrystal Containment. Can my Psicrystal also be my Telestra? I figure having a pair of fancy magic-y gems is kind of wierd, but I also suppose they can be my good conscience and my bad conscience, too. Something worth thinking about!

Jereru wrote:
I've tried a similar thing in another game, but pairing Sentinel with a Spheres Incanter specialised in the Life Sphere. Basically, he puts everything in his delayed damage pool and heals it on his turn as a swift. I have yet to test it in combat, thou :P But I expect good results.

Yeah, I figure being stupid hard to kill AND being able to heal myself/my party on top of that will make the group way more durable. It'll also mean Radiant can pull out all the stops against us!

So, in my theorycrafting, I've found something hilarious. The Star Scraper talent changes your base range increment to 1 mile for the attack it gives. Improved Rifling, Railgun, and the Limitless Range champion ability multiply that by a total of (If we're sane-ish and use linear like normal instead of multiplicative) 10.

Advanced firearms target touch within 5 range increments.

You can make a touch attack, just one, with a range of 50 miles. You are the artillery.

Get to level 15 and learn Phasic Shot and you can do it through solid objects.

Armiger Bladewalker doesn't have a range limit, either, so you can teleport to it.

I have a character concept that I’d like to run by the GM due to its sheer goofiness. His name is Boxcar Joe. He’s a brawler/ unchained rogue with the Hobo archetype from Pure Steam: Westbound. Essentially, a hobo who accidentally wound up in Hyraeatan and made himself comfortable. I’m definitely willing to make something else if it’s too out there, but I figured I’d ask.

Seranov wrote:

That said, in the interest of full disclosure, I was considering using SoM's special attack actions, the DSP feat Seize the Opportunity, and Mythic Vital Strike. If this combination is too much, please let me know.

*Awkward nod* It, uh, it would probably be too much even for this game. We're talking potentially six or seven Mythic Vital Strike'd special attack actions per turn with that combo. I'm not sure any other character could come anywhere remotely close to keeping up with what a well-built character using that could do to enemies.

Dark Archive

Rednal wrote:
Seranov wrote:

That said, in the interest of full disclosure, I was considering using SoM's special attack actions, the DSP feat Seize the Opportunity, and Mythic Vital Strike. If this combination is too much, please let me know.

*Awkward nod* It, uh, it would probably be too much even for this game. We're talking potentially six or seven Mythic Vital Strike'd special attack actions per turn with that combo. I'm not sure any other character could come anywhere remotely close to keeping up with what a well-built character using that could do to enemies.

I figured I would ask before I go full crazy with it. It's easy enough to drop Seize the Opportunity and pick up something else that won't make my nigh-unkillable party-healing dwarven defender also kill anything that gets close. Like I said, I wanted to be upfront about this so it didn't surprise anyone, and I'm totally 100% fine with not using the combo. But what's the fun in building characters if you don't look for silly stuff that absolutely shouldn't be allowed to work? ;)

I am also tempted to grab Dual Path as my first Mythic Feat in order to go Champion/Overmind and get neat abilities for both my martial and manifester sides, and just grab Mythic Vital Strike at 3rd Tier. Significantly less damage, but more versatile, I think.

All right, here's my submission! Eirian is an Atomic Adept (Gonzo II) / Incanter (Spheres of Power) with the Genius mythic path. Socially, she's a scholar/tutor/translator who works with the Bookbinders in the city. Magically, she's a bit more complex. As an Incanter, she's fairly normal - mostly healing and self-protection, plus Warp and a few tricks. Overall, good at keeping others alive since she can treat a wide variety of ailments or even do not-terrible group healing in combat. As an Atomic Adept, she hurls nuclear blasts of power (or occasionally shoots cones) pretty much whenever she feels like it, plus a sword she can use up close. Her normal attacks are safe for her to use, but while she's got a small list of at-will atomic spells, they have a growing chance to make her explode when she uses them. (Fortunately, she's the only one hurt by that. XD But they're pretty risky if she's low on health.)

Also, here's her appearance.

Crunch (Eirian):

Female human atomic adept 12/incanter 12/Genius 1
CG Medium humanoid (human, shapechanger)
Init +11; Senses Perception +18
AC 30, touch 20, flat-footed 25 (+5 armor, +3 deflection, +5 Dex, +2 enhancement, +2 natural, +3 shield)
hp 147 (12d8+51)
Fort +15, Ref +12, Will +11
Defensive Abilities hard to kill; Immune poison
Weaknesses magical signs, protected soul
Speed 30 ft.
Melee touch attack +14 (1d8+6 negative)
Ranged +2 ranged touch attack +16 (12d6 radiation)
Special Attacks mythic power (5/day, surge +1d6)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th; concentration +13)
. . At will・absorb radiation (l3), arcane delay (l3), atomic fire (l4), atomic immolation (l2), cherenkov radiation (l1), confusion (DC 15), corrosive touch[UM], daylight, hazard shield (l3), radiation golem (l4), radiation magnet (l2), radiation sponge (l4), stinking cloud (DC 14), summon slag (l2), transfer radiation (l3), wall of nausea[ACG]
. . 19/day・nuclear strike (12d6 radiation/170 ft)
Str 14, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 24, Wis 14, Cha 12
Base Atk +9; CMB +14; CMD 29
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Cantrips, Combat Casting[M], Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Deny The Reaper, Elemental Spell[APG], Extra Magic Talent, Extra Magic Talent, Greater Spell Penetration, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Armor, Iron Will, Maximize Spell, Mind Limb, Piercing Spell[UM], Power Attack, Precise Shot, Quicken Spell, Spell Focus (necromancy), Spell Penetration, Thanatopic Spell[UM], Transformation, Treat Injury
Traits reactionary, seeker
Skills Acrobatics +10, Appraise +14, Bluff +3, Climb +10, Craft (bookbinding) +18, Diplomacy +7, Disable Device +14, Escape Artist +10, Fly +10, Handle Animal +3, Heal +12, Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +15, Knowledge (engineering) +15, Knowledge (geography) +15, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (local) +15, Knowledge (nature) +15, Knowledge (nobility) +15, Knowledge (planes) +15, Knowledge (religion) +16, Linguistics +20, Perception +18, Ride +6, Sense Motive +10, Sleight of Hand +6, Spellcraft +18, Stealth +10, Survival +10, Swim +5, Use Magic Device +5
Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Common, Daemonic, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Ignan, Infernal, Protean, Sylvan, Terran; perfect polyglot
SQ armored magic, atomic talent: atomic tinkering (+3), atomic talent: enriched spell, atomic talent: enrichment, atomic talent: plutonium vent, atomic talent: sword of the atom (1d8+6), atomic talent: tactical nuclear strike, atomic talents, barrier, break enchantment, breathless, casting, cure, deflection, divided mind, divine, extradimensional storage, finesse weapon attack attribute, gamma radiation, greater healing, greater restore, group teleport, invigorate, mass healing, perfect polyglot, perfect solution, plane manipulator, pulse, radiation, radiation damage, ranged healing, read magic, repel evil/good/law/chaos, restore, restore soul, resuscitate, revitalize (Fast Healing 4), rules changes, seer (pulse), self-renewal, spells, telekinesis, teleport, tinker supplies, unseeing teleport, weapon and armor proficiency, witness the city
Other Gear ranged touch attack, touch attack, bag of holding iii, periapt of proof against poison, masterwork bookbinding tools, masterwork thieves' tools, scholar's outfit, telesma crystal, 19,445 gp
Special Abilities
Absorb Radiation (L3, At will) (Ex)
Agile Maneuvers Use DEX instead of STR for CMB
Arcane Delay (L3, At will) (Ex)
Atomic Fire (L4, At will) (Ex)
Atomic Immolation (L2, At will) (Ex)
Atomic Talent: Atomic Tinkering (+3) (Su) The atomic adept may, as a swift action, spend 1 use of his nuclear blast class feature (or suffer an amount of rads equal to his level if he has no uses of this class feature remaining) to add a magic weapon special ability to the blade conjured by
Atomic Talent: Enriched Spell (Su) The atomic adept gains a metamagic feat that he meets the prerequisites for as a bonus feat. He may apply any one metamagic feat he knows to his nuclear strike class feature by expending one additional use of his nuclear strike class feature (or by s
Atomic Talent: Enrichment (Sp) The atomic adept’s nuclear blast deals 1d6 points of damage per level, instead of 1d6 per 2 levels. Any creature reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by this spell is entirely disintegrated, leaving behind only a trace of fine glowing dust that emits 1
Atomic Talent: Plutonium Vent (Ex) The atomic adept may spend an additional use of his nuclear strike class feature (or suffer an additional amount of rads equal to twice his level if he has no uses of this ability left) to fire his nuclear strike as a 30ft cone instead of a ray. This
Atomic Talent: Sword of the Atom (1d8+6) (Sp) The atomic adept can, as a move action conjure a beam of white-hot atomic energy, which lasts for 1 minute per atomic adept level. Attacks with the blade are melee touch attacks. The blade deals 1d8 points of negative energy damage that does not heal
Atomic Talent: Tactical Nuclear Strike (Sp) The range of the atomic adepts nuclear blast class feature doubles. In addition he may spend 1 additional use of his nuclear blast class feature to outline foes struck with his blast as if by a faerie fire spell, using his atomic adept level as his c
Atomic Talents (Ex) Starting at 2nd level and every even level thereafter, the atomic adept gains an atomic talent.
Cantrips You can create a variety of small magical effects
Casting (CL 12, MSB +12, MSD 23, Concentration +19, DC 23) You can cast sphere effects.
Cherenkov Radiation (L1, At will) (Ex)
Combat Casting [Mythic] +8 to Concentration checks to cast while on the defensive. Do not lose spell or slot when you fail a conc. check. Ranged spells cast defensively do not provoke AoO.
Combat Expertise +/-3 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Deadly Aim -3/+6 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Deny the Reaper First aid as move action, no pen to treat deadly wounds without Healer Kit.
Divination: Divine You can divine magical auras
Divination: Read Magic You can read and decipher magical writing
Divination: Witness the City (+6 Appraise) Divine to learn information about a city as if you had spent 1d4 hours speaking with locals
Elemental Spell (Electricity) You can cast a spell with half or all its damage type replaced with this feat's damage type.
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute The “light weapons” category has been renamed to “finesse weapons.” Characters can choose to use either their dexterity bonus or their strength bonus to hit with these weapons, no feat required. “Finesse” is also now a weapon attribute li
Gamma Radiation (Ex) At 9th level, the atomic adept’s radiation pierces through thicker armor. Only a combined armor and shield bonus of 9 or greater or a natural armor bonus of 10 or greater reduce rads by half if cast by an atomic adept of 9th level or higher. This a
Hard to Kill (Ex) Automatically stabilize when dying, and only die at neg Con x 2.
Hazard Shield (L3, At will) (Ex)
Immunity to Poison You are immune to poison.
Life: Break Enchantment Remove magical effects with your restore ability
Life: Cure 2d8+48 (DC 23) Heal a target
Life: Greater Healing (3) Your cure heals 1 additional HP per caster level
Life: Greater Restore Restore heals ability damage and removes some conditions that it would otherwise lessen
Life: Invigorate (Up to 12 temp HP) Grant up to 12 temporary HP to an injured target
Life: Mass Healing Your cure can affect multiple targets
Life: Ranged Healing Your cure, invigorate, and restore abilities have a range of Close rather than Touch.
Life: Restore Heal a target's ability damage and remove negative conditions
Life: Restore Soul Cure heals +1d8 HP, and restore cures ability drain and negative levels
Life: Resuscitate Cure or invigorate creatures who died within the last round
Life: Revitalize (Fast Healing 4) Cure can grant the target Fast Healing instead of healing normally
Life: Self-Renewal You can cure or restore yourself as a swift action
Magical Signs Your use of magic is obvious to all observers
Maximize Spell All variable effects of a spell are maximized. +3 Levels.
Mind Limb Gain an additional arm made of telekinetic force
Nuclear Strike (12d6 radiation/170 ft, 19/day) (Sp) As a standard action an atomic adept can let loose a ray of atomic energy to vaporize a target within 30 feet (+ 5 feet per atomic adept level after 1st level). A nuclear strike inflicts 1d6 radiation damage at 1st level - this damage increases by an
Perfect Polyglot (Ex, Sp) Attempts to read your thoughts fail unless creature knows all languages you know.
Perfect Solution (Ex) 1 MP: ally ally to reroll a save using your Int mod instead of normal mod for the save.
Piercing Spell Affected spell treats creatures with SR as having an SR of 5 lower
Power Attack -3/+6 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Protected Soul You cannot target other creatures with your aegis, only yourself.
Protection: Armored Magic (+5 armor or +3 shield) You can put an aegis on a target that grants them an armor or shield bonus to AC
Protection: Barrier You can create a ward that absorbs damage
Protection: Breathless You may create an aegis that allows a creature to survive without air
Protection: Deflection +3 You can put an aegis on a creature to grant it a deflection bonus to AC
Protection: Repel Evil/Good/Law/Chaos (DC 23) You may create a ward that repels creatures of one end of the alignment spectrum
Pulse (11/day) (Ex) Pulse, also called the Source of All Things, is everywhere and in everyone. Suzerain introduces a new type of feat, called a Pulse feat, that uses this life force to function. Only demigods have access to a Pulse pool - they are the sole beings in po
Quicken Spell Cast a spell as a swift action. +4 Levels.
Radiation (Ex) The atomic adept uses a new mechanic known as radiation. Whenever they cast a spell or use a class feature that causes radiation damage it inflicts “rads” on both the target of the ability and the caster, although typically the caster receives a
Radiation Damage (Ex) Attacks that deal damage due to radiation deal negative energy damage that does not heal undead. It may be referred to as radiation damage, though this is simply shorthand to state that it is negative energy damage with those specific qualities. For
Radiation Golem (L4, At will) (Ex)
Radiation Magnet (L2, At will) (Ex)
Radiation Sponge (L4, At will) (Ex)
Rules Changes By all metrics, Pathfinder is the most satisfying pen-and-paper game I’ve ever played. The class balance feels good, the math isn’t overwhelming, and the community support is outstanding. However, it suffers from one syndrome that haunts the crea
Seer (Pulse) (Ex) You can see outlines of ethereal and incorporeal creatures, thereby negating any associated miss chance. By spending 1 Pulse, you can treat a natural 1 as a roll of 2.
Spell Focus (Necromancy) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC.
Spells (Ex) An atomic adept casts arcane spells drawn from the atomic adept’s spell list. An atomic adept can cast any spell he knows without preparing it ahead of time and he knows all spells an atomic adept of his level has access to.

An atomic adept can ca
Summon Slag (L2, At will) (Ex)
Surge (1d6) (Su) Use 1 power to increase any d20 roll by the listed amount.
Telekinesis: Divided Mind (13 targets) Lift multiple objects at once
Telekinesis: Telekinesis (Large, Speed 30 ft, DC 23) You can move objects and creatures with your mind, with several applications
Thanatopic Spell Spell pierces protection from death effects & can affect undead. +2 Level.
Tinker Supplies Certain path abilities require having technological and mechanical parts on hand.
Transfer Radiation (L3, At will) (Ex)
Transformation (Animalistic Transformation) (Su) You can assume a single alternate form from the Alteration sphere
Treat Injury When you treat deadly wounds, you may spend 1 SP to remove a condition
Warp: Extradimensional Storage You gain a permanent extradimensional space that may hold non-living material
Warp: Group Teleport (6 extra targets) Teleport multiple creatures
Warp: Plane Manipulator (DC 23) Block teleportation and interplanar travel within an area, or banish an extraplanar creature
Warp: Teleport You can teleport yourself as a standard action
Warp: Unseeing Teleport Teleport without line of sight
Weapon and Armor Proficiency (Ex) The atomic adept is proficient with all simple weapons and with all armor (heavy, light, and medium) but not with any shields. An atomic adept does not suffer arcane spell failure chance in light armor. An incanter is proficient with all simple weapons.

Fluff (Eirian):

"She's a good girl, but careful about standing too close whenever she's casting her solar magic. Sometimes she explodes."


Eirian is a scholar of the Bookbinders parity and an occasional Warden, well-studied in nearly every subject and with an intellect well into the genius range. While not a member of the organization's leadership, she's certainly well-known to the group and can often be found spending time in their hidden archives. Rather than being aloof, however, she's fairly friendly and personable as long as people aren't causing too much trouble for others. That said, her love of books (and willingness to be a tutor for some of the city's privileged elite) disguises a girl who's rather more complex than she appears at first glance.

Socially, she's one of the best linguists in the Bookbinders, though the prevalence of translation magic means this isn't as amazing as it sounds like at first. That said, she's fluent in many planar languages and as such can communicate with a huge majority of the city's residents. Since she has no need for translation magic most of the time, she often participates in meetings that want a generally-neutral interpreter.

Eirian's magical powers are split into two major categories. As an Atomic Adept, she is frighteningly proficient at hurling destructive bolts of energy at targets or transforming it into a blade. She also has a variety of dangerous radioactive powers that can poison foes when she puts her mind to it..... and the dangerous nature of her atomic spells is not mere hyperbole. There's always a chance that she will quite literally explode when using these powers, hurting herself instead of her enemies. This seems to be the tradeoff for the way she can use her spells more often than many other casters. That said, her two weapon forms - ranged nuclear strikes and the sword of the atom - don't have the same risk of detonation, and she's quite proficient with both of them. The radiation damage of her attacks is similar enough to negative energy that most creatures treat it the same, but it harms undead rather than healing them.

Eirian also possesses some more regular magic, learned from the spherecasting traditions as an Incanter. These help make her an excellent healer, a not-terrible diviner, a protector, and a teleporter. She also has a few other useful traits, including minor telekinesis and the ability to see the outlines of ethereal and incorporeal entities. To some extent, she prefers this magic because it doesn't have a small chance of exploding her. Despite her best efforts, all of her spherecasting spells are somewhat shiny when being cast - a lingering effect from her more innate nuclear powers.

On Warden missions, Eirian is usually chosen for her offensive and restorative abilities. Notably, she's capable of curing most ailments people can suffer (and quite capable of healing an entire team of Wardens at once), which helps to ensure that they survive their mission. She also hurls her (noticeably accurate) nuclear blasts for offense, occasionally augmenting them with metamagic to help overcome an enemy's defenses. She often uses Thanatopic Spell when fighting undead to help bypass any negative energy resistance, or uses Elemental Spell to completely convert her spell into electricity damage when Thanatopic Spell isn't enough. Most of her metamagic goes onto her Nuclear Strike (her main attack), which is uniquely capable of using Metamagic thanks to her Enriched Spell Atomic Talent. She generally avoids using it on her other atomic spells because that significantly increases the chance of exploding (always a bad thing), and often avoids using metamagic on her spherecasting because it's pretty expensive and she prefers to save spells for healing.

Eirian does not wear armor, preferring to remain light and mobile while allowing her magic to protect her. She generally relies on others to provide things like food and bedding for excursions, but she's willing to use her Extradimensional Storage and Bag of Holding to help carry things.

I should have my character finished tomorrow, just need to get home to check my work against the actual books and not my phone's tiny screen, pick the non-core talents and feats, and buy gear, then type it all up in something readable.

I would like to ask: is there any way for someone who's using the divination sphere to get distance, direction, and elevation on a distant target? Because if someone else can be my spotter, we can have fun.

Oh I'll throw my hat into this.

Curious, will the entirety of the game take place *solely* within Hyraeatan or will be able to visit other worlds/settings?

Color me quite interested. I'll start working on a submission. Avatar, I wanted to make sure of something, for the 3PP material you have listed, are archetypes kosher as well? Rogue Genius has some UnMonk archetypes that I dig.

While I'm asking, there is a feat from Rite publishing In the Company of Lurkers. Just wanted to have your approval on it.

Racial Exemplar (General)
Prerequisites: Appropriate Race
Benefits: You gain an additional alternate racial trait
or two alternate racial traits that would normally replace
up to two racial traits. You cannot select ability
adjustment racial traits with this feat.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times.

Apologies if I missed this as well, but; crafting gear for reduced cost? Yay or nay?

Also forgot something I wanted to ask;
There used to be a Trait from the Latern Lodge that gave Exotic Weapon Proficiency. Is that kosher?

I am incredibly interested in this... I will probably try to do some kind of two-weapon fighting martial character with a 6th level spell progression. Going to avoid Inquisitor and Bloodrager, since I did something similar to that for a 5th level Paizo only PbP submission... I might try to delve deep into 3PP stuff for this. I'll take a day or two to read through the content I can find on wiki's and get back with a more fleshed out concept!

Just curious,

Aside from Radiant and I, has anybody else picked up the City of 7 Seraphs PDF? (got mine as a Kickstarter backer)

Can’t say that I have.


I have!

And my character is almost done, just need to write up some backstory / personality stuff. The crunch took a while with so many options available.

Can't say I have as well, gonna be a stranger in a strange for this game. Also I've narrowed it down to an Oracle/aberrant aegis.

Also I'm pretty sure I'm going straight UnMonk on one side, so let me roll HP;

HP: 11d10 ⇒ (10, 4, 8, 10, 5, 9, 3, 5, 10, 5, 4) = 73

I'm also up for some shared backstories if anyone is interested. I'm planning on my character coming from a reality that's sort of inspired by works like Jade Empire and Avatar: The Last Airbender.

My vague plan at the moment is UnMonk on one side and Crossblooded Empyreal/Draconic Sorceror into Dragon Disciple on the other side. Really key into the Dragon philosophy of martial arts with the character.

Just posted on Paizo! City of 7 Seraphs

Fyi, there's 14 Parities, not 4. That's a mistake that apparently has yet to be fixed, lol.

Also, while $24.99 might be a bit steep for a PDF, it's 636 pages, with *BADASS* full color art!!

I have not bought the PDF, but am going to look at the website and maybe get it tonight.

A couple quick questions: I've never played with ABP before. Is the default assumption that +5 weapons are the maximum and any special abilities like Keen come out of that, and gold-based special abilities like glamered do not exist?

This one is more for Radiant Mercy; there are a couple of things I've run across in the past (Mark of the Grinning Skull and Cavalier Order of Vengeance are the particular ones) which increase the penalty for being shaken. Both are worded for demoralizing the enemy via Intimidation. I am looking at the Harbinger, which gets the ability Black Prophecy at 12th level. This ability causes any creatures claimed by him to be shaken. Would either of the above rules elements interact with that? EDIT: Psychically Agressive from the Telesma would also be such an ability, I think.

Would the Harbinger's Omenwalk teleportation qualify for Dimensional Agility and the like?

Dark Archive

I'm pretty sure you can still get special abilities on weapons and armor with ABP, you just can't buy Enhancement bonuses (which you get straight from ABP). So Glammered or Keen is just fine, you simply add the cost to the item you are buying.

I have not (and basically can not) bought the PDF, because money is tight this month. It does sound interesting, though, so maybe in the future.

From the SRD: "Any weapon, armor, or shield special abilities on attuned items count against a character’s enhancement bonus from attunement. "

However, I have also seen this blog post floating around that does allow for adding bonuses via capacity and bonus, but with much more complicated math.

I didn't back the Kickstarter, but I bought it through DTRPG for the Spheres of Power Wiki and I plan to upload as much content as possible starting in a bit less than two weeks from now. That'll generally include classes, races, et cetera.

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