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The idea has merit. I would need to have more information on the campaign setting and character creation rules to decide whether it is for me or not though.

That said, I am a big fan of Changeling the Lost and, if this campaign has fey themes writ anywhere near as large, I might be interested in creating a character for it.

Going against an evil space empire, you say? I am pretty much always down to make a character for that sort of game!

@Yoricks Requiem: Sorry about not having posted here in a few days. Between working on potential plot elements involving every potential PC in my City of Seven Seraphs recruitment, playing Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, and having moved, I have not had time to work on my character idea. Do you know how long you will keep this thread opened?

Thank you both!

Dotting this thread for later.

@YoricksRequiem: How would you feel a flawed alchemical clone or simulacrum that somehow grew it's own soul and escaped it's creator would best be represented race-wise? My first thought is to reskin Android since that is similar enough.

How do you feel about the Fleshwraith or Godhand classes? You can't have an escaped clone without some element of body horror, even if it does belong to an otherwise attractive form.

@ElegantlyWasted: If you are looking for something non-Vancian that also has concepts like divine numerology built into it, the Gnostic is a really cool class. It can also be powerful if properly tooled. You would have to get it approved, of course, but it should fit your concept well.

I have lost two posts over as many weeks when posting from a phone. I know of certain text-saving programs for actual PCs, but nothing of any for phones. Does anyone have any suggestions?

@GM: A connection to Arianell and her family is what really matters when it comes down to his core character concept. They were the catalyst for his redemption. I am content with your suggestion of him being a close family friend.

Thugs exploding in strange energy? Color me interested. All this talk of weird energy and strange flowers is making me think of Bloodborne and in a good way. It may not turn out that way, but the leitmotifs and elements I am reading about are making me quite interested in exploring what this game has to offer.

I would imagine my character would not go around advertising his past profession, but neither would he lie to conceal the truth. To him, concealing his past would be anathema to who he is as a person and what he is trying to achieve. A sin cannot be purged if it is not laid bare and secrets only lead to painful reveals and feelings of betrayal down the road. As he would put it, "A life built on a lie is as false and fragile as the lie itself." He doesn't really like talking about his past, but he would rather do so and work through the problems of it than to let it fester until an inopportune moment and it ruins the peaceful life he has grown attached to. I imagine that there is probably at least one person that actively hates him around town, but he tries to be congenial towards them as well despite their misgivings about his past.

Oh and that phrase he used in the previous paragraph? I am using that as one of the quotes he learned from a book he found and either read or purchased from one of the traveling bookwagons you mention in the other campaign traits, depending on whether they rent like a library or sell like, well, a bookseller. He is quite fond of books, particularly books on philosophy, poetry, and theology. This might give him an interesting connection to another character who happens to select one of those traits since he would be a frequent patron/customer that is not unwilling to strike up conversation about the implications of a philosophy, the hidden meanings in a poem, or more esoteric allusions in a religious fable. He may be ropy and musclebound, but he has more cultured tastes than his appearance otherwise suggests.

Now that I am getting more involved in working on the character, I may alter his class choice, depending on what happens. Vanguard Slayer might actually be a better choice, when all is said and done but, again, I am exploring my options.

How do you feel about a character who was a former mercenary working for Molthune with the Alternative Memory trait?

The long and short of his character concept is that, after his battalion put a village to the torch, he could no longer stomach life as a mercenary. He eventually met a young girl, Arianell, who was being attacked by something (Wolves? Something campaign-specific?) and, in some desperate and subconscious bid for redemption, defended the child. The encounter left him on the verge of death, but he was led by the girl to her home, where his wounds were treated by her parent(s).

He has tried to live an honest life these past several years and is determined to leave the senseless bloodshed of his previous life behind. He has taken up a solid, if uninteresting, job as a simple craftsman. It doesn't pay what he is used to as a former mercenary, but it's a way that he can keep his conscience clean.

He views Arianell like a surrogate daughter of sorts (Possibly in truth if her mother was canonically single when he was brought to their home?) and her recent illness has cast something of a pall over the Archerfeast he normally looks forward to.

Build-wise, he's going to be crafted like a tank. Defensive combat is his forte and protecting his allies through area denial is going to be a big part of his game plan.

Roleplay-wise, he's going to be an amiable "everyman's man" who is as friendly as can be and almost always looks for a nonviolent route. He knows and is liked by most of the locals because he's always looking to help people out. His adherence to his newfound code of conduct and outlook on life are nearly sacrosanct. For Arianell and those who he has found acceptance with, however, he is willing to do whatever it takes to keep them safe, even if he does seek forgiveness with the gods for it later.

Edit: Do we have to use the flavor of archetypes? The Cavalier's Sister-in-Arms archetype fits the general theme I am going with. I can select something else if we have to use the fluff of the archetypes, but it never hurts to ask.

@Seranov: The only real problem with that backstory element is that most major worlds have already been mapped because of the Lattice. Your character would have to be from a very isolated plane for that to work.

@River of Sticks: Thank you for the kind words.

Pretty much any kind of teleportation works with the Dimensional Agility line in my games.

If an ability specifically functions when using Intimidate to demoralize, then other effects that grant comparable effects do not trigger the ability in question.

All of the Four Horsemen Mythic Archetypes are allowed except for Undying Hero. That one gives far too much at 1st tier to living characters.

I am going to be offline tomorrow, just so everyone knows. I am taking my mother so she can get a proper diagnosis on her TMJ and the ride is going to take almost an hour one-way, to say nothing about how long the waiting room will likely take.

@Josh.Ingle: In cases where a class ability also gives bonuses to weapons, it stacks with Automatic Bonus Progression. Same thing if PCs find a magic weapon in-game. There is still the cap of +10 total enhancement bonus on non-artifacts to consider though.

That is some interesting theory-crafting with that sniper build. The situations that it could be fully utilized would be scarce, but it is a very neat idea. The idea of a Warden perching atop one of the skyscraper-like buildings in Hyraeatan and picking off members of a gang of daemonic soul-snatchers while the party is engaged with them below is iconic.

Some divinations would be able to give bearings, I would say. Not those that give 'yes/no' answers, but the higher divinations that provide actual answers would.

@Seranov: It's clear that Seize the Opportunity was not designed to work with mythic, so I'm opting for a RAI ruling on that.

Your Psicrystal can also be your Telesma. Use whichever mental score array is higher when determining it's stats.

@Simeon: I don't see a problem with Boxcar Joe and the concept behind him. I used to play Planescape back in AD&D and am used to oddball characters because of that.

@Rednal: That picture really takes on a different meaning if you look at the snow as radioactive fallout. Was that the intention? Or just me looking too much into it? Regardless, it's a great concept and I like what you did with her.

@Monkeygod: Some of the campaign will take place in Hyraeatan, while other parts of it will take place on a variety of planes.

@Teiidae: I don't see a problem with Racial Exemplar. I will allow it.

@ElegantlyWasted: Personal pre-game crafting only.

Which trait gives Exotic Weapon Proficiency? I am not opposed to it, but I can't recall the trait. I never played PFS, so that could be why, given that you say it's a Lantern Lodge-exclusive.

No need to roll HP. I forgot to note it in the recruitment, but everyone is treated as rolling the maximum on their HP for every HD they have.

Since my pseudostalt rules are giving characters a much larger skill pool, they are not getting the extra points from the Background Skills subsystem. I would rule that they can take the specific skills from that subsystem themselves though if they want the fluff of having incredibly specific knowledge or what have you.

@River of Sticks: Dig as deeply into 3PP as you like. My list of pre-approved 3PP work should show that I am more amenable to it than most.

In this game, weapons can reach the full +10 total enhancement bonus, with the usual cap of +5 on straight bonuses. Artifacts can go higher, but those probably won't come into play for several more levels.

Enhancements that cost gold are kosher, you just need to subtract the gold as normal.

@Viondar: I understand. I wish you all the best as well!

@All: I have decided to go through with this campaign. It is going to be a few weeks, no more than four or five at most, before I can get it up because of another project that I have been working on since shortly after I joined. That particular game is nearing the recruitment phase.

@JonGarrett: One does wonder, no?

@Rednal: That seems like the kind of atypical character I would build. I approve! What is your other character idea, if I may ask?

@Rednal: Don't you mean that every Garcia Hotspur needs their Johnson? That was a Shadows of the Damned reference, yes!

@Seranov: That was the intention behind the Semi-Gestalt: make it fulfill more of the it's intended purpose of increasing versatility and remove some of it's ability to create characters without a weakness.

I think everyone likes playing cliche characters from time to time. I will admit to having a soft spot for redeemed characters as well.

@Simeon: I'm still in the planning phase, so probably a while. I created a test thread last night to try and get a handle on how it works here on Paizo and I'm planning on tinkering with how I can format information in the campaign section before I post a recruitment. I also have another project that I am working on that I want to finish first.

@JonGarrett: Those usually are fun characters to play as. I know I liked playing as Lady in Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition. It just felt considerably more epic to know that I beat enemies as a human being than as a half-devil powerhouse.

@Rednal: So the loli embodiment of a book of forbidden knowledge? :P

@Master Han Del of the Web: It's funny you should say that about Harmonixers on Shadow Hearts, given a campaign I have had on the backburner a while now that I have been planning on posting that lets players turn into monsters. Yes monsters, plural.

@Bloodpaw: True. If people want to just outright play good demons, then I will probably allow people to build one with Rite Publishing's 'In the Company of Fiends' material. That was one angle I didn't fully consider.

@Helix Missionary: Agreed with the Resident Evil 2 Remake.

I have ran enough high-powered games to know their pitfalls and what to avoid allowing. There are the more obvious things like Leadership and Sacred Geometry, which should be banned in almost every game. Then there are less obvious things which require more strategic workarounds. A GM has to always be wise enough to recognize broken interactions, brave enough to say "not at my table", and flexible enough to find ways to provide challenge against everything that exists right below broken.

@Jereru: I'm all for antihero types who are a darker shade of good, but outright evil types are going to be prohibited. If PCs want to fight fire with fire and use demonic magic against demons, that's all well and good. If they want to be callous hunters who show no mercy to demons, that's also good. But when PCs may as well be demons themselves in personality and goals, such as being willing to sacrifice innocents or wanting to kill demons and absorb their power in order to rise up as a demon lord and rule Hell, that's where I draw the line with this campaign. In the video games, Vergil is an example of where the line is drawn. Sure, he's all for killing demons, but only because he wants power. He doesn't care about innocents, his brother, or the world as a whole, just becoming stronger. *SPOILERS FOR DMC: DEVIL MAY CRY* Only in pre-DLC DMC: Devil May Cry does he have a halfway reasonable endgoal in that he wants to bring order to the world and plans to do so by crowning himself king of all creation. The game makes it pretty clear that he is the villain. A sympathetic one perhaps, but a villain nonetheless. I want players to be heroes in this game, whether anti or otherwise, not just allies of convenience who are really no better than the foes they fight.

@River of Sticks: I may allow a Sparda-type 'good demon' character, but it would have to be built with Rite Publishing's 'In the Company of Fiends'. I'm not sure if that's on the SRD yet. As for evil angels, probably not for the reasons listed in my reply to Jereru. Morally complex characters are fine, but something edging into evil territory on a consistent basis are not. In Devil May Cry, protagonists are always good despite whatever flaws and foibles they have. Dante, for instance, is a cocky womanizer with an ego the size of Texas, but he is still good at heart and it shows. Devil May Cry 3's Lady is vengeful, has a hairtrigger temper, and consistently pushes people away, but you see that she has a good heart as the story moves along. Plus in the setting I am creating, angels that fall become corrupted versions of themselves known as the Light-shorn that have an essence pretty similar to demons and usually join up with them in positions of power in Hell, assuming they don't become the "purge the world to remove the evil of mortal choice" types. A former Light-shorn that is seeking redemption may be a possibility, but it would need to be very well-written for me to consider it, moreso than a good demon in fact.

@Seranov: Semi-gestalt is just a term I use for my version of gestalt. You add together skill point pools (no Background Skills though) instead of picking the better option. You can't have perfect stats (Full BAB, all good saves, and d10/12 HD), meaning at least one has to be something below the best range. Power Point pools are not merged if you are psionic. That's really about it.

I put some lengthy points up about alignment and character types that might be problematic above.

@JonGarrett: Resident Evil 6 is one of those Final Fantasy 10/10-2 type deals for me. Resident Evil 6 is a good game, it's just a poor Resident Evil game, just like the Final Fantasy 10 games are good games, just mediocre Final Fantasy games. It's all about how the unique components of the series is presented in the games and how much flavor is preserved.

@Teiidae: That one is on my list to play since it has been rereleased on PS4. That was one of the few Capcom games that I never managed to play, along with whatever game Hagar is from.

So this is basically Tomb of Horrors as Danganronpa or vice versa? Interesting. How do you feel about a character who refuses to play the game as intended and tries to keep everyone from killing each other? It would probably put a huge target on his back, but the challenge, and potential payoff, might be worth it. I'm also something of a contrarian at times and this is one of them.

@BloodPaw: Quite sorry about missing your question. I don't recall what you are referring to. I remember the Demoniac prestige class had a demonic transformation in book 2, but don't remember a full fiend transformation elsewhere in book 3. I think there was something of the sort in the Book of the Damned final collection, but it required several rituals and actually turned someone into one of the bestiary demons permanently. While that might be cool, there is the problem of blending in when necessary and the question of whether the Order would allow a full-on demon to join. Both the revised Aasimar and Tiefling races have the Pass for Human trait.

@JonGarrett: I am a big Resident Evil fan as well. I like most games by Capcom, truth be told. Asura's Wrath, Dragon's Dogma, Dead Rising, Darkstalkers, Mega Man... you name it and I probably enjoy it.

Impressive work on the remake. I, sad to say, forgot a few things from the old game and spent an hour or so wandering to find puzzle piece that I missed, so I spent a good bit more time than I should have. Well, that and dodging Mr.X while trying to get that library puzzle solved.

Templates might be an option, but they would have to be very relevant to the setting's feel for me to allow them.

@Teiidae: Those would be some excellent games to remake, wouldn't they?

High level, or at least something 7th level or above, is almost always a given with me. I find it hard to get motivated for low level games these days.

What are those "Time of Horror" books you speak of? I couldn't find any by searching online. I have a huge library of books I have bought over the years and have never heard of those. If you mean Tome of Horrors, I have all of those from 3.5 and Pathfinder.

@Jereru: Knowledge of DMC isn't necessary, but those who have played will definitely understand the vibe that I am going for.

@Slyness: Feel free to lurk and, if you have any suggestions for things you might want to see in the game, don't hesitate to ask for them. This is still very much in the drawing board phase and not much is really set, including the game itself, although that seems more likely the more I post.

Test campaign gameplay.

Test campaign discussion.

Not an actual game. Testing the campaign creation and linking system.

@Rednal: I allow almost everything on the Spheres wiki on principal. I'm not sure if I would go with outright replacing existing options, but players would be able to choose from the things you mention if they want.

@Rednal and Simeon: Agreed. I have no interest in running low level games anymore. I even boost my APs to around fifth level and adjust them to fit the new level meta. I certainly wouldn't do a mad concept like this a disservice by making it first level.

@Gramork: That cutscene brings back memories from the olden days of gaming. A memeworthy classic if I do say so myself.

@Rednal: Are you referring to the manga/anime/PS2 game Demonbane? If so, then your reach goes back quite a ways and I offer you kudos for that great, if obscure, trip down memory lane.

What third party support would you suggest and for what purpose are they being suggested?

@Seranov and Simeon: If I decide to run this game, it's going to only use tropes from Devil May Cry, so you two never having played shouldn't really be a problem.

@JonGarrett: A Resident Evil fan as well? Have you played the new Resident Evil 2 Remake? I thought it was great and the amount of Mr.X memes has been quite fun to browse through.

@Everyone else: Thanks for the interest! Does anyone have any suggestions or things they want to see in this type of game if I choose to run it? Now, I don't think we can quite top the new motorcycle that turns into chainsaw swords that Dante seems to get in the new Devil May Cry 5, but we can still get some cool stuff.

I've been looking through my library to find things for the campaign and I forgot just how many fiend supplements I have. I plan on digging into the old Green Ronin 'Book of Fiends' and revising some of that content for use within the game. Razorwire Golems, Soulsniffers, and various archfiends are all too cool to pass up as potential adversaries for players to face.

Hello! First off, let me just say that I am a huge Devil May Cry fan. I have owned every single game up to this point and have always found the idea of slaying demons in style within a modern setting to be a pretty amazing concept. It goes without saying that I have been looking forward to Devil May Cry 5 and that every day brings me that much closer to the ecstatic, demonslaying carnage I do so love.

I got around to thinking not too long ago about how popular the demonslaying genre is in general. Just look at some of the most popular things within the video game and tabletop RPG community: Diablo, Devil May Cry, Wrath of the Righteous, Shin Megami Tensei, and Doom. That led to this thought: since Wrath of the Righteous was so popular upon release and has stayed a player and GM favorite alike, would a Devil May Cry-inspired game be something that people were interested in? I don't mean something set in the specific universe of Devil May Cry, I mean something that borrows from the tropes and spirit of the setting: the modern setting, the demonslaying, human(ish) protagonists, high octane combat, cool plot twists, a modern punk/baroque/gothic blend of aesthetics, and over-the-top story elements.

I have only started piecing together something resembling a concept for the game, but I have big plans for going forward if people are interested. I'll list most of the non-spoiler content below so people can get an idea on the campaign and see if it would interest them. This is just me spit-balling ideas at this point, so keep that in mind.

- The setting is a modern world with select areas that adhere to the ancient ways. Just look at the Devil May Cry games to get an idea of what I am talking about. The ancient island castle from Devil May Cry 1 that had some modern additions to it, the ancient village and modern city in Devil May Cry 2, the modern city that had a freaking demon tower arise in the middle of it in Devil May Cry 3, the town of redeemed demon-worshipping cultists in Devil May Cry 4, and the obvious real world mirror city of DMC: Devil May Cry. One adventure in the campaign might have PCs hunting down demons in a major modern city or venturing out into antiquated villages and towns that seem lost in time to hunt for mystic relics to aid them in their crusade against the forces of darkness.

- Alignment and fiend/celestial types would be homogenized. There would only be Good and Evil. You're either on the right side or not, regardless of your exact attitude. All celestial beings would be collectively known as 'angels' (scholarly types in-setting call them the Malakhim), while all fiendish beings would be known as 'demons'. There is still a mechanical family separation in demon types (Demon, devil, kyton, et cetera), but they are considered the same type of creature in the lore. Aasimar and tieflings are not considered either and are viewed by most outsiders as humans, although some humans that know of their heritage may consider them blessed or tainted, depending on their patron and personal views.

- I was thinking that there would be three races: Human, Aasimar, and Tiefling. All three races would be buffed to around 25 or 30 RP, with humans having more versatility and the planetouched having more power.

- True to the Devil May Cry games, powerful demons can be turned into weapons. The in-setting explanation for this is that sin has a real substance and weight to it (just like the real old world belief that a soul laden with evil is "heavy air" and sinks to Hell) and that the oldest and most powerful demons are so filled with it that their souls are semi-tangible things. There are certain NPCs in the game that can mold these souls into weapons that take after the demon's nature. A demon of ice and the moon might form a scythe with a blade of frozen moonlight that lets you create a moonlit mist that you dimension door through during a charge, while a demon of fire and rage might create twin revolvers that fire bullets of slag and hellfire that get more powerful, and eventually explosive, the more foes damage you.

- There is a faith in the setting known as the Empyrean Choir comprised of powerful angels (called Empyreans) that some mortals worship. It is disregarded in the modern, secular places in the campaign world, but embraced in more isolated or antiquated locales. This faith contains twenty-seven angelic 'patrons' that are believed to function as servants for the creator being and each functions like a Pathfinder deity does. In practice, the faith is modeled after the ancient Catholic Church but with several twists that make it not feel like a straight expy. If you are familiar with Devil May Cry 4, it's similar in many ways to the Order of the Sword, but it doesn't worship an arisen demon.

- Divine magic does not come directly from gods and prayer, but through ritual magic and strict adherence to certain lifestyles that enable one to harness the purity, or corruption, needed to access divine magic. Prayerbooks are replaced with sacred tomes or scrolls that are effectively a wizard's spell book for divine magic. The time that divine spellcasters use each day to regain their spells is spent pouring over the texts and performing whatever rituals are needed to sharpen their connection to their source of power.

- The supernatural is considered to be a myth in most of the campaign world. Angels have never been particularly intrusive in mortal affairs and few demons have been seen since the Great Seal was erected to seal away the demon world. Mages and priests alike, what few remained after the forming of the Great Seal, retreated from the spotlight and formed secretive cabals and sects, fearful of their ways being learned by those who might seek their power to break the seal. As time passed and generations passed with most having never seen a hint of the supernatural, people began to view those things as tools used by the people of older times to explain things that they did not understand and as metaphors used in an attempt to answer the deeper questions of life.

- There is a secret society known as 'The Order' that secretly defends mankind from the threat of demons and their minions. The Order is comprised of normal humans who have had a brush with the supernatural, those with the blood of angels or demons in their veins, practitioners of magic, and others who know about the true nature of the world and wish to safeguard those within it from supernatural threats. The Order, despite being founded by the Empyrean Choir and using it's trappings, is a more or less secular organization and will take anyone who wishes to fight the demons. There is even a branch specifically for former practitioners of demonic magic known as the Veiled Sect that, while kept under close observation, fights the demons with their own tactics and magic.

- Characters will receive an untyped AC bonus as they level based on their primary class to represent their ability to avoid attacks by dodging, parrying, and baiting their enemies. Consequently, armor in this game, apart from shields, will give DR instead of AC. The exact type of armor DR is based on the kind of armor players would wear. So you really don't have to wear clunky armor to be competitive as a melee character, but you can still choose to wear it for DR.

- Automatic Bonus Progression is the order of the day. Whether you're a peak human or someone with outsider blood, I like the idea of PCs who are not as dependent on a ton of gear.

@GM: I second BloodPaw's question. If I am not mistaken, this is the feat tax in question. The download is highlighted in blue in the second paragraph below the picture.

The rules add a great deal more variation in more martial oriented games by consolidating must-have feats or just outright including them automatically for all characters. I have never had an issue with the system as a player or GM.

If something is not clear about the rules, I would be happy to help clarify if it means that there is even a sliver of a chance they get incorporated into the game.

Greetings all! I'm a recent transplant here and was wanting to know how many non-SFS Starfinder GMs and players there are out there? If this is in the wrong section, I apologize, but recruitment seems the best place to put it due to it being where players and GMs congregate.

On a related note, has anyone here tried running or playing in a gestalt Starfinder game? They're really fun, but I have only found one or two since Starfinder came out. Depending on the game, I would practically leap at the chance to play in another one.

For those Starfinder GMs out there, are you cool with third-party content being use? I like vanilla Starfinder, I just like getting a nice view on how expansive my options are. I think I own about a third of all the third-party content for it and most of the rules are fairly balanced.

I'm thinking about making a former trainee for the Alkenstar militia who dropped out right before her acceptance ceremony due to one of the murdered scribes having been a friend of hers. Despite projecting a curt, icy, and thoroughly utilitarian demeanor, she is actually quite soft at heart with those who she gets close to and she took her friend's death hard. Hard enough to quit her dream job of serving her country proudly to discover the truth and bring the killer to justice.

As far as a build goes, I'm probably looking to make her a Vanguard Slayer built around group tactics, guerrilla warfare tactics, and just wading into combat when necessary. She will be able to stealth when necessary and, if the game goes to 10th level, I plan on taking Assassinate to give her the true commando feel.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Sorry if this is considered thread necromancy, but this idea is amazing! Would you do me the courtesy of sending me an invite to the new thread if you decide to run this? I know I'm a fresh face here, but I've got a Talented Bestiary that wants to be used. :)

Thomas Green wrote:
I made the order back on November 16th for several books on the Green Ronin blowout sale, and a single item is still showing Backorder... It is Bow & Blade: A Guidebook to Wood Elves (d20) , but on the actual product page (e.g. http://paizo.com/store/sale/greenRonin/v5748btpy7euk ), it doesn't show as being on backorder. Does anyone know the status of this book? I'd like to see my order prior to January. I want to order some more stuff, but I'm kind of afraid to at this point. Someone PLEASE ease my worried mind.

Now, one of the books I ordered that was listed as "Pending" shows as "Cancelled yesterday", and the price of the overall order has gone up... Can someone please tell me what's going on here? Please?